Lead-acid starter batteries - Part 6: Batteries for micro-cycle applications

This document is applicable to lead-acid batteries with a nominal voltage of 12 V, used primarily as power source for the starting of internal combustion engines (ICE), lighting and also for auxiliary equipment of ICE vehicles. These batteries are commonly called “starter batteries”. Batteries with a nominal voltage of 6 V are also included in the scope of this document. All referenced voltages need to be divided by two for 6 V batteries. The batteries under the scope of this document are used for micro-cycle applications in vehicles which can also be called Start-Stop (or Stop-Start, idling-stop system, micro-hybrid or idle-stop-and-go) applications. In cars with this special capability, the internal combustion engine is switched off during a complete vehicle stop, during idling with low speed or during idling without the need of supporting the vehicle movement by the internal combustion engine. During the phases in which the engine is switched off, most of the electric and electronic components of the car need to be supplied by the battery without support of the alternator. In addition, in most cases an additional regenerative braking (recuperation or regeneration of braking energy) function is installed. The batteries under these applications are stressed in a completely different way compared to classical starter batteries. Aside of these additional properties, those batteries need to crank the ICE and support the lighting and also auxiliary functions in a standard operating mode with support of the alternator when the internal combustion engine is switched on. All batteries under this scope need to fulfil basic functions, which are tested under application of EN 50342-1:2015. This document is applicable to batteries for the following purposes: — Lead-acid batteries of the dimensions according to EN 50342-2 for vehicles with the capability to automatically switch off the ICE during vehicle operation either in standstill or moving (“Start-Stop”); — Lead-acid batteries of the dimensions according to EN 50342-2 for vehicles with Start-Stop applications with the capability to recover braking energy or energy from other sources. This document is not applicable to batteries for purposes other than mentioned above, but it is applicable to EFB delivered in dry-charged conditions according to EN 50342-1:2015, Clause 7. NOTE The applicability of this document also for batteries according to EN 50342-4 is under consideration.

Blei-Akkumulatoren-Starterbatterien - Teil 6 : Batterien für Mikrozyklen-Anwendungen

Batteries d'accumulateurs de démarrage au plomb - Partie 6: Batteries pour applications micro-cycles

Le présent document s’applique aux batteries d’accumulateurs au plomb d’une tension nominale de 12 V utilisées principalement comme sources d’alimentation pour le démarrage des moteurs à combustion interne, ainsi que pour l’éclairage et les installations auxiliaires des véhicules équipés de moteur à combustion interne. En langage courant, ce type de batteries d’accumulateurs est appelé "batterie de démarrage". Les batteries d’une tension nominale de 6 V relèvent également du domaine d’application du présent document. Pour les batteries de 6 V, il est nécessaire de diviser par deux toutes les tensions spécifiées. Les batteries relevant du domaine d’application du présent document sont utilisées sur des véhicules "microhybridés" intégrant un système de type Start-Stop et/ou un système de récupération d’énergie dans lesquels la batterie est soumise à des sollicitations de type "microcyclage". Sur ces automobiles possédant cette capacité particulière, le moteur à combustion interne est coupé à l’arrêt complet du véhicule, au ralenti à faible vitesse ou au ralenti lorsqu’il n’est pas nécessaire que le moteur à combustion interne assure le déplacement du véhicule. Lors des phases au cours desquelles le moteur est coupé, il est nécessaire que la plupart des composants électriques et électroniques de l’automobile soient alimentés par la batterie sans le soutien de l’alternateur. De plus, dans la plupart des cas, une fonction supplémentaire de freinage par récupération (récupération ou régénération de l’énergie de freinage) est installée. Dans ces applications, les batteries sont soumises à des contraintes tout à fait différentes de celles qui s’exercent sur les batteries de démarrage de type classique. Outre ces propriétés supplémentaires, il est nécessaire que ces batteries assurent le démarrage du moteur à combustion interne et l’éclairage, ainsi que les fonctions auxiliaires associées à un mode de fonctionnement normal, avec le soutien de l’alternateur quand le moteur à combustion interne est en marche. Il est nécessaire que toutes les batteries relevant de ce domaine d’application assurent des fonctions de base qui sont soumises à essai en application de l’EN 50342-1:2015. Le présent document s’applique aux batteries destinées aux applications suivantes: — batteries au plomb de dimensions conformes à l’EN 50342-2 pour les véhicules capables de couper automatiquement le moteur à combustion interne pendant le fonctionnement du véhicule, qu’il soit immobile ou en mouvement ("Start-Stop"); — batteries au plomb de dimensions conformes à l’EN 50342-2 pour les véhicules destinés aux applications Start-Stop et capables de récupérer l’énergie de freinage ou l’énergie provenant d’autres sources. Le présent document ne s’applique pas aux batteries destinées à des applications autres que celles mentionnées ci-dessus, mais s’applique aux batteries chargées liquides améliorées (EFB, Enhanced Flooded Battery) livrées en chargé sec, conformément à l’Article 7 de l’EN 503421:2015. NOTE La possibilité que le présent document s’applique aussi aux batteries conformes à l’EN 50342-4 est à l’étude.

Svinčeno-kislinske zaganjalne baterije - 6. del: Baterije za mikrociklične aplikacije

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Svinčeno-kislinske zaganjalne baterije - 6. del: Baterije za mikrociklične aplikacije
Lead-acid starter batteries - Part 6: Batteries for micro-cycle applications
Blei-Akkumulatoren-Starterbatterien - Teil 6 : Batterien für Mikrozyklen-Anwendungen
Batteries d'accumulateurs de démarrage au plomb - Partie 6: Batteries pour applications
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: prEN 50342-6:2024
29.220.20 Kislinski sekundarni členi in Acid secondary cells and
baterije batteries
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

prEN 50342-6
March 2024
ICS 29.220.20 EN 50342-6:2015/A1:2018
English Version
Lead-acid starter batteries - Part 6: Batteries for micro-cycle
Batteries d'accumulateurs de démarrage au plomb - Partie Blei-Akkumulatoren-Starterbatterien - Teil 6 : Batterien für
6: Batteries pour applications micro-cycles Mikrozyklen-Anwendungen
This draft European Standard is submitted to CENELEC members for enquiry.
Deadline for CENELEC: 2024-05-24.

It has been drawn up by CLC/TC 21X.

If this draft becomes a European Standard, CENELEC members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which
stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration.

This draft European Standard was established by CENELEC in three official versions (English, French, German).
A version in any other language made by translation under the responsibility of a CENELEC member into its own language and notified to
the CEN-CENELEC Management Centre has the same status as the official versions.

CENELEC members are the national electrotechnical committees of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, the Czech Republic,
Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the
Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Republic of North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland,
Türkiye and the United Kingdom.

Recipients of this draft are invited to submit, with their comments, notification of any relevant patent rights of which they are aware and to
provide supporting documentation.

Warning : This document is not a European Standard. It is distributed for review and comments. It is subject to change without notice and
shall not be referred to as a European Standard.

European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization
Comité Européen de Normalisation Electrotechnique
Europäisches Komitee für Elektrotechnische Normung
CEN-CENELEC Management Centre: Rue de la Science 23, B-1040 Brussels
© 2024 CENELEC All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved worldwide for CENELEC Members.
Project: 78200 Ref. No. prEN 50342-6:2024 E

prEN 50342-6:2024 (E)
1 Contents Page
2 European foreword . 4
3 1 Scope . 5
4 2 Normative references . 5
5 3 Terms and definitions . 5
6 4 General . 5
7 4.1 Designation of starter batteries . 5
8 4.2 Condition on delivery . 5
9 5 General requirements — Identification and labelling . 5
10 6 General test conditions . 6
11 6.1 Characteristics and abbreviations . 6
12 6.1.1 Nominal capacity C . 6
13 6.1.2 Cranking current I . 6
14 6.2 Syntax of test descriptions . 6
15 6.3 Requirements for measuring equipment capability . 8
16 6.3.1 Equipment requirements for the micro-hybrid test MHT (8.2) . 8
17 6.3.2 Equipment requirements for the dynamic charge acceptance test DCA (8.3) . 9
18 6.3.3 Water bath . 9
19 6.3.4 Equipment for other tests, measuring instruments . 9
20 6.4 Sampling of batteries . 9
21 7 Test sequence . 9
22 8 Inspections and test procedures . 11
23 8.1 Charging of batteries. 11
24 8.2 Micro-hybrid test (MHT) . 11
25 8.2.1 Purpose . 11
26 8.2.2 Procedure . 11
27 8.2.3 Data evaluation . 13
28 8.3 Dynamic charge acceptance test (DCA). 14
29 8.3.1 Purpose . 14
30 8.3.2 Procedure . 14
31 8.4 Endurance in cycle test with 17,5 % depth of discharge (DoD) . 18
32 8.4.1 Purpose . 18
33 8.4.2 Procedure . 18
34 8.5 Endurance in cycle test with 50 % depth of discharge (DoD) at 40 °C and preceded deep
35 discharge . 19
36 8.5.1 Purpose . 19
37 8.5.2 Procedure . 19
38 8.5.3 Deep discharge part . 20
39 8.5.4 Rest time . 20
40 8.5.5 Cycling part . 20
41 9 Requirements and battery performance levels . 21
42 9.1 General . 21
prEN 50342-6:2024 (E)
43 9.2 Tests to be passed (no performance differentiation) . 21
44 9.3 Tests determining the DCA performance level . 22
45 9.4 Tests determining the micro-cycle performance level . 22
46 Annex A (normative) Flow charts of DCA test procedure, 8.3 . 24
47 Annex B (normative) Marking / Labelling of batteries . 28
48 Bibliography . 29
49 Tables
50 Table 1 — Test steps . 6
51 Table 2 — Description of columns . 7
52 Table 3 — Acronyms and symbols . 8
53 Table 4 — Equipment requirements for the micro-hybrid test MHT . 8
54 Table 5 — Equipment requirements for the dynamic charge acceptance test DCA . 9
55 Table 6 — Test sequence . 10
56 Table 7 — Test sequence MHT V2 . 11
57 Table 8 — DCA – Pre-cycling . 15
58 Table 9 — DCA – Charge Acceptance qDCA procedure . 15
59 Table 10 — DCA – The DCA procedure. 16
60 Table 11 — DCA – The DCR part . 17
61 Table 12 — Endurance 17,5 % DoD – Cycling units . 19
62 Table 13 — Endurance 50 % DoD – Deep discharge part. 20
63 Table 14 — Endurance 50 % DoD – Cycling part . 21
64 Table 15 — Requirements of tests to be passed . 22
65 Table 16 — Requirements levels DCA performance . 22
66 Table 17 — Requirements of tests determining the micro-cycle performance level M1…M3 . 22
67 Figures
68 Figure 1 — Subphases of the DCRss part . 18
69 Figure B.1 — Optional Start-Stop logo . 28
prEN 50342-6:2024 (E)
70 European foreword
71 This document (prEN 50342-6:2024) has been prepared by CLC/TC 21X “Secondary cells and batteries”.
72 This document is currently submitted to the Enquiry.
73 The following dates are proposed:
• latest date by which the existence of this (doa) dor + 6 months
document has to be announced at national
• latest date by which this document has to be (dop) dor + 12 months
implemented at national level by publication of
an identical national standard or by
• latest date by which the national standards (dow) dor + 36 months
conflicting with this document have to be (to be confirmed or
withdrawn modified when voting)
74 This document will supersede EN 50342-6:2015 and all of its amendments and corrigenda (if any).
75 TC21X working group 3 has been agreed to implement an improved version of Micro-hybrid test (MHT). This
76 test replaces the version of EN 50342-6:2015.
77 prEN 50342-6:2024 includes the following significant technical changes with respect to EN 50342-6:2015:
78 — Change of test temperature from 25 °C to 40 °C for entire test procedure including initials, cycling and
79 check-up
80 — Change from 100 cycles to 200 cycles each test block
81 — Change of rest time between blocks from 12 h to 3 h
82 — Change of total number of cycles from 8000 to 16000
83 — a new performance level “D” for dynamic charge acceptance (DCA) with two steps has been introduced
84 and some minor errors have been corrected.
85 EN 50342, Lead-acid starter batteries, is currently composed of the following parts:
86 — Part 1: General requirements and methods of test [currently at Formal Vote stage];
87 — Part 2: Dimensions of batteries and marking of terminals;
88 — Part 3: Terminal system for batteries with 36 V nominal voltage;
89 — Part 4: Dimensions of batteries for heavy vehicles;
90 — Part 5: Properties of battery housings and handles;
91 — Part 6: Batteries for Micro-Cycle Applications [the present document];
92 — Part 7: General requirements and methods of tests for motorcycle batteries [currently at Formal Vote
93 stage].
As amended by EN 50342-6:2015/A1:2018.
prEN 50342-6:2024 (E)
94 1 Scope
95 This document is applicable to lead-acid batteries with a nominal voltage of 12 V, use

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