Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 1: General requirements

IEC 60335-1:2010 deals with the safety of electrical appliances for household and similar purposes, their rated voltage being not more than 250 V for single-phase appliances and 480 V for other appliances. Battery-operated appliances and other d.c. supplied appliances are within the scope of this standard. Appliances not intended for normal household use but which nevertheless may be a source of danger to the public, such as appliances intended to be used by laymen in shops, in light industry and on farms, are within the scope of this standard. Examples of such appliances are catering equipment, cleaning appliances for commercial use, and appliances for hairdressers. The principal changes in this edition as compared with the fourth edition are as follows: - updated the text of the standard to align with the most recent editions of the dated normative references; - modified the functional safety requirements using programmable electronic circuits including software validation requirements; - updated Clause 29 to cover insulation requirements subjected to high frequency voltages as in switch mode power supply circuits; - updated Subclause 30.2 to further align the pre-selection option with the end-product test option; - deleted some notes and converted many other notes to normative text; - clarified requirements for class III constructions. The attention of National Committees is drawn to the fact that equipment manufacturers and testing organizations may need a transitional period following publication of a new, amended or revised IEC publication in which to make products in accordance with the new requirements and to equip themselves for conducting new or revised tests. It is the recommendation of the committee that the content of this publication be adopted for implementation nationally not earlier than 12 months or later than 36 months from the date of publication. The contents of the corrigenda of July 2010 and April 2011 have been included in this copy.

Sicherheit elektrischer Geräte für den Hausgebrauch und ähnliche Zwecke - Teil 1: Allgemeine Anforderungen

Appareils électrodomestiques et analogues - Sécurité - Partie 1: Exigences générales

La CEI 60335-1:2010 traite de la sécurité des appareils électriques pour usages domestiques et analogues dont la tension assignée n'est pas supérieure à 250 V pour les appareils monophasés et à 480 V pour les autres appareils. Les appareils alimentés par batteries et les autres appareils alimentés en courant continu sont compris dans le domaine d'application de la présente norme. Les appareils non destinés à un usage domestique normal mais qui néanmoins peuvent constituer une source de danger pour le public, tels que les appareils destinés à être utilisés par des usagers non avertis dans des magasins, chez des artisans et dans des fermes, sont compris dans le domaine d'application de la présente norme. Comme exemples de tels appareils, on peut citer le matériel de restauration, les appareils de nettoyage à usage commercial et les appareils pour les coiffeurs. Les principales modifications de la présente édition par rapport à la quatrième édition sont les suivantes: - mise à jour du texte pour aligner la norme avec les éditions les plus récentes des références normatives datées; - modification des exigences de sécurité fonctionnelle utilisant des circuits électroniques programmables, y compris les exigences de validation des logiciels; - mise à jour de l'Article 29 pour couvrir les exigences de l'isolation soumise à des tensions à fréquence élevée comme, par exemple, dans les circuits d'alimentation à découpage; - mise à jour du Paragraphe 30.2 pour mieux aligner les options de présélection avec les options d'essai du produit fini; - suppression de quelques notes et conversion de plusieurs autres notes en texte normatif; - clarification des exigences pour les parties de la classe III. L'attention des Comités Nationaux est attirée sur le fait que les fabricants d'appareils et les organismes d'essai peuvent avoir besoin d'une période transitoire après la publication d'une nouvelle publication CEI, ou d'une publication amendée ou révisée, pour fabriquer des produits conformes aux nouvelles exigences et pour adapter leurs équipements aux nouveaux essais ou aux essais révisés. Le comité recommande que le contenu de cette publication soit entériné au niveau national au plus tôt 12 mois et au plus tard 36 mois après la date de publication. Le contenu des corrigenda de juillet 2010 et avril 2011 a été pris en considération dans cet exemplaire.

Gospodinjski in podobni električni aparati - Varnost - 1. del: Splošne zahteve (IEC 60335-1:2010, spremenjen)

Ta mednarodni standard obravnava varnost električnih aparatov za gospodinjstvo in podobne namene z nazivno napetostjo, ki ne presega 250 V za enofazne naprave in 480 V za druge naprave.

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EN 60335-1:2012
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Standards Content (Sample)

SIST EN 60335-1:2003
SIST EN 60335-1:2003/A1:2005
SIST EN 60335-1:2003/A11:2004
SIST EN 60335-1:2003/A12:2007
SIST EN 60335-1:2003/A13:2009
SIST EN 60335-1:2003/A14:2010
SIST EN 60335-1:2003/A15:2011
SIST EN 60335-1:2003/A2:2006
Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 1: General requirements
Sicherheit elektrischer Geräte für den Hausgebrauch und ähnliche Zwecke - Teil 1:
Allgemeine Anforderungen
Appareils électrodomestiques et analogues - Sécurité - Partie 1: Prescriptions générales
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: EN 60335-1:2012
13.120 Varnost na domu Domestic safety
97.030 (OHNWULþQLDSDUDWL]DGRPQD Domestic electrical
VSORãQR appliances in general
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

EN 60335-1
January 2012
ICS 13.120; 97.030 Supersedes EN 60335-1:2002 + corr. Jul.2009 + corr. May.2010 + A1:2004 + A2:2006 +
A11:2004 + A12:2006 + A13:2008 + A14:2010 + A15:2011 + corr. Jan.2007 + corr. Feb.2007

English version
Household and similar electrical appliances -
Safety -
Part 1: General requirements
(IEC 60335-1:2010, modified)
Appareils électrodomestiques et analogues -  Sicherheit elektrischer Geräte für den
Sécurité - Hausgebrauch und ähnliche Zwecke -
Partie 1: Exigences générales Teil 1: Allgemeine Anforderungen
(CEI 60335-1:2010, modifiée) (IEC 60335-1:2010, modifiziert)

This European Standard was approved by CENELEC on 2011-11-21. CENELEC members are bound to
comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this European
Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration.

Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national standards may be obtained on
application to the CEN-CENELEC Management Centre or to any CENELEC member.

This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other
language made by translation under the responsibility of a CENELEC member into its own language and
notified to the CEN-CENELEC Management Centre has the same status as the official versions.

CENELEC members are the national electrotechnical committees of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia,
Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland,
Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania,
Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and the United Kingdom.

European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization
Comité Européen de Normalisation Electrotechnique
Europäisches Komitee für Elektrotechnische Normung

Management Centre: Avenue Marnix 17, B - 1000 Brussels

© 2012 CENELEC - All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved worldwide for CENELEC members.
Ref. No. EN 60335-1:2012 E
This document (EN 60335-1:2012) consists of the text of IEC 60335-1:2010 prepared by IEC/TC 61 "Safety of
household and similar electrical appliances", together with the common modifications prepared by CLC/TC 61,
"Safety of household and similar electrical appliances".
The following dates are fixed:
(dop) 2012-11-21
• latest date by which this document has to be
at national level by publication of an identical
national standard or by endorsement
(dow) 2014-11-21
• latest date by which the national standards conflicting
with this document have to be withdrawn

This document supersedes EN 60335-1:2002 + corr. Jul.2009 + corr. May.2010 + A1:2004 + A2:2006 +
A11:2004 + A12:2006 + A13:2008 + A14:2010 + A15:2011 + corr. Jan.2007 + corr. Feb.2007.
Clauses, subclauses, notes, tables, figures and annexes which are additional to those in IEC 60335-1:2010
are prefixed “Z”.
This document has been prepared under a mandate given to CENELEC by the European Commission and
the European Free Trade Association, and supports essential requirements of EU Directive(s).
For the relationship with EU Directive(s) see informative Annex ZZ, which is an integral part of this document.
This part of EN 60335 is to be used in conjunction with the appropriate Part 2. The Parts 2 contain clauses to
supplement or modify the corresponding clauses in Part 1 to provide the relevant requirements for each type
of appliance.
NOTE 1  The following annexes contain provisions suitably modified from other IEC standards:
– Annex E Needle flame test EN 60695-11-5
– Annex F Capacitors EN 60384-14
– Annex G Safety isolating transformers EN 61558-1 and EN 61558-2-6
– Annex H Switches EN 61058-1
– Annex J Coated printed circuit boards EN 60664-3
– Annex N Proof tracking test EN 60112

NOTE 2  The following print types are used:
- requirements: in roman type;
- test specifications: in italic type;
- notes: in small roman type.
Words in bold in the text are defined in Clause 3. When a definition concerns an adjective, the adjective and associated
noun are also in bold.
Special national conditions causing a deviation from this European Standard are listed in Annex ZA.
National deviations from this European Standard are listed in Annex ZB.

- 3 - EN 60335-1:2012
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent
rights. CENELEC [and/or CEN] shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
Endorsement notice
The text of the International Standard IEC 60335-1:2010 was approved by CENELEC as a European
Standard with common modifications.

Add after NOTE 1 the following sentence:
For appliances not covered by a particular Part 2 of EN 60335 additional consideration may need to be given
to particular categories of likely users, including vulnerable people and children and to related specific risks
(e.g. access to live parts, or to hot surfaces or to moving parts) that may be covered by a particular Part 2
considered to be closest to the product under examination.

The principal objectives of the Low Voltage Directive, 2006/95/EC, are covered by this standard. The essential
safety requirements of the following directives, which can be applicable to some household and similar
appliances, have also been taken into account:
- 2006/42/EC – Machinery directive;
- 89/106/EEC – Construction products directive;
- 97/23/EC – Pressure equipment directive.
The Essential Health and Safety Requirements (EHSR) of the Directive 2006/42/EC are covered by Annex
ZE. The application of EN 60335-1 alone does not give presumption of conformity for a product. This is
achieved by complying with the requirements of EN 60335-1 and the relevant Part 2, when this Part 2 is also
listed in the OJ under the Directive.
1 Scope
Replace the scope with the following:
This European Standard deals with the safety of electrical appliances for household environment and
commercial purposes, their rated voltage being not more than 250 V for single-phase and 480 V for others..
NOTE 1 Battery-operated appliances and other d.c. supplied appliances are within the scope of this standard.
NOTE Z1 Examples of appliance for household environment are appliances for typical housekeeping functions used in
the household environment that may also be used by non expert users for typical housekeeping functions:
• in shops, offices and other similar working environments;
• in farm houses;
• by clients in hotels, motels and other residential type environments;
• in bed and breakfast type environments.
NOTE Z2 Household environment includes the dwelling and its associated buildings, the garden, etc.
Appliances and machines intended to be used by expert or trained users in shops, in light industry and on
farms, and appliances and machines which are declared to be for commercial use by lay persons are within
the scope of this standard.
Additional requirements for such appliances are given in Annex ZE.
NOTE 2 Text deleted.
- 5 - EN 60335-1:2012
NOTE Z3 Examples of such appliances and machines are catering equipment, cleaning machines for commercial use,
and appliances for hairdressers.
NOTE Z4 Criteria applied for the allocation of products covered by standards in the EN 60335 series under either the
Low Voltage Directive (LVD) or the Machinery Directive (MD) are given for information in Annex ZF.
This standard deals with the reasonably foreseeable hazards presented by appliances and machines that are
encountered by all persons.
However, in general, it does not take into account:
• children playing with the appliance;
• the use of the appliance by very young children;
• the use of the appliance by young children without supervision.
It is recognized that very vulnerable people may have needs beyond the level addressed in this standard.
NOTE 3 Attention is drawn to the fact that
– for appliances intended to be used in vehicles or on board ships or aircraft, additional requirements may be necessary;
– in many countries additional requirements are specified by the national health authorities, the national authorities
responsible for the protection of labour, the national water supply authorities and similar authorities.
NOTE 4 This standard does not apply to
– appliances intended exclusively for industrial purposes;
– appliances intended to be used in locations where special conditions prevail, such as the presence of a corrosive or
explosive atmosphere (dust, vapour or gas);
– audio, video and similar electronic apparatus (IEC 60065);
– appliances for medical purposes (IEC 60601);
– hand-held motor-operated electric tools (IEC 60745);
– personal computers and similar equipment (IEC 60950-1);
– transportable motor-operated electric tools (IEC 61029).
2 Normative references
Add the following reference:
IEC/TR 60083:2009, Plugs and socket-outlets for domestic and similar general use standardized in member
countries of IEC
Add the following references:
EN 50366:2003, Household and similar electrical appliances - Electromagnetic fields - Methods for evaluation
and measurement
CLC/TR 50417, Safety of household and similar electrical appliances – Interpretations related to European
Standards within the scope of CENELEC/TC 61

EN 62233, Measurement methods for electromagnetic fields of household appliances and similar apparatus
with regard to human exposure (IEC 62233)
Add the following references:
EN 41003, Particular safety requirements for equipment to be connected to telecommunication networks
and/or a cable distribution system
Remove the following reference :
IEC 62151, Safety of equipment electrically connected to a telecommunication network
3 Terms and definitions
3.1 Add as a first paragraph:
When the term “appliance” is used, it is intended to cover appliances and/or machines for household use and
appliances and/or machines for commercial use.
accessible part
Insert “and probe 18” after “test probe B”.
Add the following new definitions:
young persons comprising very young children, young children and older children
very young children
young persons aged from 0 up to and including 3 years
young children
young persons older than 3 years and younger than 8 years
older children
young persons aged from 8 years up to and including 14 years
vulnerable people
persons having reduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities (e.g. partially disabled, elderly having some
reduction in their physical and mental capabilities), or lack of experience and knowledge (e.g. older children)
very vulnerable people
persons having very extensive and complex disabilities
use of the appliance
all actions required to have the appliance perform its intended function, such as plugging in, switching on,
using, regulating, cleaning the appliance or performing user maintenance
NOTE Z1 Children are not expected to perform cleaning or user maintenance of the appliance, very young children are
not expected to use appliances, young children are not expected to use appliances safely unless continuous supervision is

- 7 - EN 60335-1:2012
given, older children and vulnerable people can use appliances safely after they have been given appropriate supervision
or instruction concerning use of the appliance.
NOTE Z2 Very vulnerable people are not expected to use appliances safely unless continuous supervision is given or
appliances are adapted accordingly with arrangements beyond the scope of this standard.
4 General requirement
Add at the end:
The interpretations included in CLC/TR 50417 shall be taken into consideration together with the relevant
requirements in the standards listed therein.
6 Classification
p 6.1 Delete “class 0” and “class 0I”.
7 Marking and instructions
7.1 Add:
The marking of rated voltage or rated voltage range, for appliances intended to be connected to the supply
mains, shall cover:
- 230 V for single-phase appliances;
- 400 V for multi-phase appliances.
7.10 Add the following before the compliance paragraph:
Devices used to start/stop operational functions of the appliance, if any, shall be distinguished from other
manual devices by means of shape, or size, or surface texture, or position, etc.
An indication that the device has been operated shall be given by:
• A tactile feedback or
• An audible and visual feedback.
NOTE Z1 The sound of the motor or sound of an actuator switching ON/OFF is regarded as audible feedback. The stopping of the
typical function (e.g. stopping of the vibration on the body of the appliance or of a part of it) is regarded as tactile means.
NOTE Z2 Devices used to start/stop operational functions mean devices that are operated by the user to start/stop the
intended function of the appliance.
A selector switch wit

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