ISO/IEC 29341-4-10:2011
(Main)Information technology - UPnP Device Architecture - Part 4-10: Audio Video Device Control Protocol - Level 2 - Audio Video Transport Service
Information technology - UPnP Device Architecture - Part 4-10: Audio Video Device Control Protocol - Level 2 - Audio Video Transport Service
ISO/IEC 29341-4-10:2011(E) Describes the service type which enables control over the transport of audio and video streams. The service type defines a common model for A/V transport control suitable for a generic user interface. It can be used to control a wide variety of disc, tape and solid-state based media devices such as CD players, VCRs and MP3 players. A minimal implementation of this service can be used to control tuners. This service definition is compliant with the UPnP Device Architecture version 1.0. This International Standard replaces ISO/IEC 29341-4-10, first edition, published in 2008, and constitutes a technical revision.
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
ISO/IEC 29341-4-10
Edition 2.0 2011-09
Information technology – UPnP device architecture –
Part 4-10: Audio Video Device Control Protocol – Level 2 – Audio Video
Transport Service
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ISO/IEC 29341-4-10
Edition 2.0 2011-09
Information technology – UPnP device architecture –
Part 4-10: Audio Video Device Control Protocol – Level 2 – Audio Video
Transport Service
ICS 35.200 ISBN 978-2-88912-680-4
29341-4-10 © ISO/IEC:2011(E)
1 Overview and Scope . 6
1.1 Introduction . 6
1.2 Notation . 6
1.2.1 Data Types . 6
1.2.2 Strings Embedded in Other Strings . 7
1.2.3 Extended Backus-Naur Form . 7
1.3 Derived Data Types . 8
1.3.1 Comma Separated Value (CSV) Lists . 8
1.4 Management of XML Namespaces in Standardized DCPs . 9
1.4.1 Namespace Prefix Requirements . 12
1.4.2 Namespace Names, Namespace Versioning and Schema Versioning . 13
1.4.3 Namespace Usage Examples . 15
1.5 Vendor-defined Extensions . 16
1.5.1 Vendor-defined Action Names . 16
1.5.2 Vendor-defined State Variable Names . 16
1.5.3 Vendor-defined XML Elements and attributes . 16
1.5.4 Vendor-defined Property Names . 16
1.6 References . 16
2 Service Modeling Definitions . 20
2.1 ServiceType . 20
2.2 State Variables . 21
2.2.1 TransportState . 25
2.2.2 TransportStatus . 26
2.2.3 CurrentMediaCategory . 26
2.2.4 PlaybackStorageMedium . 26
2.2.5 RecordStorageMedium . 26
2.2.6 PossiblePlaybackStorageMedia . 27
2.2.7 PossibleRecordStorageMedia . 27
2.2.8 CurrentPlayMode . 27
2.2.9 TransportPlaySpeed . 27
2.2.10 RecordMediumWriteStatus . 27
2.2.11 CurrentRecordQualityMode . 27
2.2.12 PossibleRecordQualityModes . 27
2.2.13 NumberOfTracks . 28
2.2.14 CurrentTrack . 28
2.2.15 CurrentTrackDuration . 28
2.2.16 CurrentMediaDuration . 29
2.2.17 CurrentTrackMetaData . 29
2.2.18 CurrentTrackURI . 29
2.2.19 AVTransportURI . 29
2.2.20 AVTransportURIMetaData . 29
2.2.21 NextAVTransportURI . 29
2.2.22 NextAVTransportURIMetaData . 30
2.2.23 RelativeTimePosition . 30
2.2.24 AbsoluteTimePosition . 30
XXXX © IEC:2010 — 2 — 29341-4-10 29341-4-10 © ISO/IEC:2011(E)© ISO/IEC:2011(E)
2.2.25 RelativeCounterPosition . 30
2.2.26 AbsoluteCounterPosition . 31
2.2.27 CurrentTransportActions . 31
2.2.28 LastChange . 31
2.2.29 DRMState . 31
2.2.30 A_ARG_TYPE_SeekMode . 32
2.2.31 A_ARG_TYPE_SeekTarget . 32
2.2.32 A_ARG_TYPE_InstanceID . 33
2.2.33 A_ARG_TYPE_DeviceUDN . 33
2.2.34 A_ARG_TYPE_ServiceType . 33
2.2.35 A_ARG_TYPE_ServiceID . 33
2.2.36 A_ARG_TYPE_StateVariableValuePairs . 33
2.2.37 A_ARG_TYPE_StateVariableList . 34
2.3 Eventing and Moderation . 35
2.3.1 Event Model. 35
2.4 Actions . 37
2.4.1 SetAVTransportURI() . 37
2.4.2 SetNextAVTransportURI() . 39
2.4.3 GetMediaInfo() . 40
2.4.4 GetMediaInfo_Ext() . 41
2.4.5 GetTransportInfo() . 42
2.4.6 GetPositionInfo() . 42
2.4.7 GetDeviceCapabilities() . 43
2.4.8 GetTransportSettings() . 43
2.4.9 Stop() . 44
2.4.10 Play() . 45
2.4.11 Pause() . 46
2.4.12 Record() . 47
2.4.13 Seek() . 48
2.4.14 Next() . 50
2.4.15 Previous() . 51
2.4.16 SetPlayMode() . 52
2.4.17 SetRecordQualityMode() . 53
2.4.18 GetCurrentTransportActions() . 53
2.4.19 GetDRMState() . 54
2.4.20 GetStateVariables() . 55
2.4.21 SetStateVariables() . 55
2.4.22 Common Error Codes . 56
2.5 Theory of Operation . 58
2.5.1 TransportState Contro l . 58
2.5.2 Transport Settings . 60
2.5.3 Navigation . 60
2.5.4 AVTransportURI Concept . 60
2.5.5 AVTransport Abstraction . 61
2.5.6 Supporting Multiple Virtual Transports . 63
2.5.7 Playlist Playback . 64
3 XML Service Description . 65
4 Test . . 78
Annex A (normative) SetAVTransportURI() Protocol Specifics . 79
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A.1 Application to HTTP Streaming . 79
A.1.1 AVTransportURI Definition . 79
A.1.2 Control Point Behavior for SetAVTransportURI() . 79
A.1.3 Implementation of SetAVTransportURI() . 79
A.1.4 Cleanup . 79
A.2 Application to RTSP/RTP/UDP Streaming . 79
A.2.1 AVTransportURI Definition . 79
A.2.2 Control Point behavior for SetAVTransportURI() . 80
A.2.3 Implementation of SetAVTransportURI() . 80
A.2.4 Cleanup . 80
A.2.5 Implementation of T
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