Skis — Terms and definitions

Defines terms for the specification of important characteristics of alpine and cross-country skis (XC-skis). An annex gives the equivalent terms in German (only the terms and definitions given in the official languages can be considered as ISO-terms and definitions).

Skis — Termes et définitions

Skis - Terms and definitions

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ISO 6289:1985
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- Terms and definitions
- 1985-11-01
First edition
- Termes et definitions
Premiere Edition - 1985-11-01
- Tepnmtibl H 0npeAenetiwi
l’lepeoe wdawe - 1985-11-01
Ref. NoJRef. no :
UDC/CDUlYAK 685.363.2 : 001.4 ISO 6289-1985 (E/F/R)
CCbUlKa No: MC0 6289-1985 (AMP)
Skis, materiel de sport, ski,
- Descriptors : Sports equipment, vocabulary. / Descripteurs : vocabulaire. /AecKpmTopbi : o6opyAosawe
- I
Es Price based on 42 pages/Prix base sur 42 pages/uetia paccw-raHa Ha 42 CTp

---------------------- Page: 1 ----------------------
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national
Standards bodies (ISO member bedies). The work of preparing International Standards is nor-
mally carried out through ISO technical committees. Esch member body interested in a subject
for which a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on that
committee. International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with
ISO, also take patt in the work.
Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member
bodies for approval before their acceptance as International Standards by the ISO Council. They
are approved in accordance with ISO procedures requiring at least 75 % approval by the member
bodies voting.
International Standard ISO 6289 was
red by Tee hnical Committee ISO/TC 83, Sports and
recreational equipmen t.
Users should note that all International Standards undergo revision from time to time and that
any reference made herein to any other International Standard implies its latest edition, unless
otherwise stated.
L’ISO (Organisation internationale de normalisation) est une federation mondiale d’organismes
nationaux de normalisation (comites membres de I’ISO). L’elaboration des Normes inter-
nationales est confiee aux comites techniques de I’ISO. Chaque comite membre interesse par une
etude a Ie droit de faire Partie du comite technique cr& a cet effet. Les organisations inter-
nationales, gouvernementales et non gouvernementales, en liaison avec I’ISO participent egale-
ment aux travaux.
Les projets de Normes internationales adoptes par les comites techniques sont soumis aux comi-
tes membres pour approbation, avant leur acceptation comme Normes internationales par Ie
Conseil de I’ISO. Les Normes internationales sont approuvees conformement aux procedures de
I’ISO qui requierent I’approbation de 75 % au moins des comites membres votants.
La Norme internationale ISO 6289 a etc ela boree par Ie comite technique ISO/TC 83, Mathiel de
sports et d’activiths de plein
L’attention des utilisateurs est attiree sur Ie fait que toutes les Normes internationales sont de
temps en temps soumises a revision et que toute reference faite a une autre Norme internationale
dans Ie present document implique qu’il s’agit, sauf indication contraire, de Ia derniere Edition.
MC0 (Me>KAyHapOAHaR OpraHW3aqW no CTaHAapTw3aqWl) 96meTm sceMupHor31 c@?,4epaqueti
HaqMOHaJlbHblX OpraHWaqUlti I-l0 CTaH,4apTW3al$Akl (YOMMTeTOB-WeHOB HCO). fleflTeflbHOCTb 00
pa3pa6OWe Me~AyHapOAHblX CTaHAapTO6 rlpOBOAI/1TCS TeXHM’-leCYMMM YOMmTeTaMkl MCO. Ka>K-
Ablti YOMMTeT-WleH, 3WlHTeJIeCO6aHHblti 6 AWITWlbHOCTQl, ,4ns KOTOpOti 6bin CO3QaH TeXHM-
W?CYMti YOMMTeT, MMWT rlpa60 6blTb npe,4CTa6JleHHblM 6 3TOM YOMMTeTe. Mex,4yHaQO,4Hble npa-
BMTWlbCTBeHHble M HWlpa6MTeJlbCTBeHHble OPraHM3aqMM, UlMelO~Ue C6fW’l C MCO, TaWKe 17pL/1-
HMMaIOT ylracTuIe 6 pa6oTax.
npOeYTbl k&?>K,qyHapO,qHblX CTaH,4apTO6, I1PMHRTble TeXHM’4fZCKMMM YOMMTeTaMM, paCCbIWlOTC9
YOMMreraM-~neHaM Ha oAo6peHMe nepe,q MX y-rsep>rc,qeHueM CoseroM HC0 6 kaqecr6e Mex,qy-
HapOAHblX CTZiH,4apTO6. OHM 0,406pwo~c~ 6 COOTBeTCTBMM C nOps,qGIMQI pa6o-r MCO, TpeGyIOqMMM
OAO6ipeHUls rl0 MeHbUEti MepE! 75 % YOMMTeTOB-qJleHO6, nPMHMMZlIOlljMX yWCTUe 6 f-OJlOCOBaHMM
Me>K,4yHapo,4Hblti CTaHAapT MC0 6289 6bln paßpa60Taf-I TeXHWeCWM KoMuTeToM VlCOTTK
Cnopmustfoe u mypucmwecitoe 060pydosaffue.
nOnb3ylO~MMCSl Me>K,4yHapO,4HblMM CTaHAapTaMM HeO6XO,4MMO 0pMHMMaTb60 BHMMaHL’le, ‘iT0
603 MWKAyHapOAHble CTaH,4aQTbl tlO,~BePraIOTCS 6peM9 OT 6peMeHVl riepeCMOTpy M nO3TOMY
mo6aq CcbnKa Ha KaltoM-nu6o h/k>K,qyHapO,qHbIti CTaH,qapT 6 HZiCTONl@M ,4OKyMeHTe ripe,qnOJ-Ia-
raeT er0 oocne,qHee w3,4aHue, r 0 International
Organkation for Standardkation, 1985 0
0 Organisation internationale de normalisation, 1985 l
@ Mex~yHapofiHa~ Opraw4saqm no CTan~aprmaqbfbt, 1985 m
Printed in Switzerland / Imprime en Suisse/MsqaHo B lll~e!Aqap~~

---------------------- Page: 2 ----------------------
Introduction .
Scope and field of application .
............................................................. 2
1 Generalterms
2 Terms relating to design features . 6
3 Terms and Symbols relating to geometry of ski .
4 Terms and Symbols for physical properties . 17
5 Terms relating to the binding mounting area . 19
6 Terms relating to ski Performance. .
English alphabetical index .
French alphabetical index. .
Russian alphabetical index .
Terms and definitions in German . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
German alphabetical index. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

---------------------- Page: 3 ----------------------
lntroduction . 1
Objet et domaine d’application .
References . 2
1 Terminologie generale . 3
2 Termes relatifs a Ia construction . 6
3 Termes et Symboles relatifs a Ia geometrie du ski . 11
4 Termes et Symboles relatifs aux proprietes physiques . 17
5 Termes relatifs a Ia zone de montage de Ia fixation . 19
6 Termes relatifs au comportement du ski . 20
Index alphabetique anglais . 24
Index alphabetique francais .
Index alphabetique russe .
Termes et definitions en allemand. . 30
Index alphabetique allemand .

---------------------- Page: 4 ----------------------
06lbeKT M 06naCTb flfWlMeHeHWl
.......................................... 1
CCblJlKM .
................................................ 3
........................... 6
3 -kPMMHbl M 0603HaYeHMFl, OTHOCR~lAeCfl K EOMeTpWl Fl blWtl
............... 11
......... 17
5 -kPMMHbl, OTHOCfi~MeCFl K YWCTKY MOHTama K~erifleHWl
.................. 19
6 TepMMHbl,OTHOCfl~MWlKpa6O‘lMMXapaKTep~CT~KaM.rlbl~~.
&mmcwti ancpasmiblti yKa3aTenb
..................................... 24
cbpatiqy3cKwti an@asm-im yKasaTenb
PyccK~Man~aeMTHblMyIta3aTenb .m. .
TePMMHbl M Onpe#WleHWI Ha HeMeqKOM R3blKe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
HehneqwM anc@asMTH bi M yKa3aTen b . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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ISO 62894985 (E/F/R)
MC0 6289-1985 (A/cP/P)
Skis - Terms - Termes JlblXM
Skis - TePMHHbl
and definitions et definitions
H onpe~enetwm
lntroduction lntroduction
L’expansion mondiale de Ia pratique du ski BcewipHoe pacnpocrpat-ietiue n biworo
The worldwide expansion of the Sport
et I’importance des recents developpe- CnOpTa M BaxHOCTb HOBblX pa3pa60TOK 6
of skiing and the importante of new
06naCTM TeXHMKVl n blxHMKO6 Vl KOHCTpyK-
developments in the field of skiing ments dans Ie domaine de Ia technique du
qMM nbl)i< Ilpvi6envi K HeO6XOQUMOCTM
techniques and in ski designs have led ski et de Ia conception des Skis, ont fait
to increasing demand to improve inter- naitre un besoin Croissant d’ameliorer les ynycluleHMfl Me)KflyHapOp(HblX C6fI3eti 6 06-
nacw nbmworo cnopTa. B pe3ynbTaTe
national communications within the ski- communications internationales a I’inte-
rieur de Ia communaute du ski. Pour y 3TOr0 TeXHUYeCKUM KOMMTeTOM k!co/
ing community. As a result a number of
International Standards have been pre- repondre, un certain nombre de Normes TK 83 6binM pa3pa6oTaHbi Me>i Hble CTaHJJapTbl l-l0 nblxaM, C aKTM6HblM
pared by ISO/TC 83 with active par- internationales ont et6 elaborees par
ticipation of all interested countries. I’ISO/TC 83 avec Ia participation active de yqaCTVleM BCeX CTpaH, 3aMHTepeCOBaHHblX
6 pa36klTMM nblmHOf-0 CnOpTa.
tous les pays interesses.
During the preparation of these lnter-
national Standards, it became obvious Au cours de Ia preparation de ces Normes B XOlqe nO~rOTO6Kkl 3TMX CTaHAapTO6
CTana 0’4e6Pl,4HOlil HeO6XO,qvlMOCTb C03Aa-
that for better international communi- internationales, il est apparu a l’evidence
que, pour une meilleure communication HW o6tqeti Teprwwonorvw Ha aHrnMVI-
cation a common terminology was
needed in English, French and Russian. internationale, une terminologie commune CKOM, C@paH4Y3CKOM VI pyCCKOM R3blKaX,
C qenbl0 ynyWleHkIfl Me~~yHapO~HblX CBfI-
Therefore, it was decided to prepare etait necessaire en anglais, francais et
these trilingual terms and definitions russe. C’est pourquoi il a et6 decide d’eta- 3etX nO3TOMy 6binO npMHRT0 pewewe
Ony6nklKO6aTb HaCTOFIqldl fVle>i which relate to International Standards blir Ia presente Norme internationale qui
Hbll?l CTaHRapT, KOTOpblti CO&epWAT KaK
on skis already pubiished, in addition to contient tous les termes techniques ren-
new terms for product specifications. In contres dans les Normes internationales BCe TeXHMqeCKMe TepMMHbl, I-lpVlMeHfle-
Mble 6 Me>i<,LJyHapOGHbIX CTaHAapTaX n0
spite of traditional national differentes, relatives aux skis deja publiees, en plus des
nouveaux termes relatifs aux specifications nbPKaM, yxe Oily6nklKO6aHHblX, TaK M HO-
it was possible to define all important
terms equivalently in three languages. des produits. En depit de differentes tradi- Bble TepMVlHbl I-l0 CIle~VlC@lKa~ldRM nblx.
t-kCMOTpFI Ha Tpa~ML&lOHHble Fl3blKOBble
Thus, to reduce the risk of misunder- tionnelles au niveau national, il a et6 possi-
ble de definir de facon equivalente tous les pasnwm, 6bino 603~om~o onpefienmb
standings in future product specifi-
BCe rna6Hble TepMMHbl OplVlHaKO60 Ha TpeX
cations where terms are meaningful in termes importants dans chacune des trois
F13blKaX. AnFl TOTO rTO6bl yMeHbUll4Tb PUCK
only one language, interpretations are langues. Afin de reduire Ie risque de malen-
HenOHMMaHMfl 6 6yhy!.qeM, KOrAa TepMMHbl
provided in the other languages. tendus dans de futures specifications de
MMeKIT 3HaLleHMFI nMUlb 6 OAHOM F13blKe,
produits, lorsque des termes n’ont un sens
In Order to improve communications que dans une langue, des interpretations oGecnew6aeTcn nepeso Ha Rsa flpywx
within the skiing community it is highly sont donnees dans les deux autres langues.
recommended that all experts involved
in technical publications use these En vue d’ameliorer Ia communication 3 AnR ynyw.ueHuw 06qeHMn 6 cpelqe nbl2tHw
KOB peKOMeH)JyeTCfl BCeM 3KCnepTaM,
terms based on the commonly agreed I’interieur de Ia communaute du ski, il est
definitions. donc vivement recommande que chaque flpUHklMatOi.QMM ylraCTl4e 6 pa3pa60TKe TeX-
HMVeCKMX nOnb306aTbCFl
expert concerne par les publications techni- JJOKyMeHTOB,
iqaHHOti TepMQlHOnOWleti, OCHO6aHHOti Ha
ques utilise ces termes bases sur des defini-
06iqenpwimbix 0npeAeneHmx.
tions adoptees en commun.
06lbeKT H 06naCTb
Scope and fie I Objet et domaine
of application d’application npnMeHeH HFI ’
Standard defines La presente Norme internationale definit HaCTOfltquti Me>KflyHapOfiH blti CTaHAapT
This International
Oßpe~enFleT TepMMHbl, HeO6XO,qMMble ,qnfl
terms for the specification of important des termes pour Ia specification des carac-
characteristics of alpine and cross- teristiques importantes des skis alpins et Cl-le~kl@lKa~Wl rna6HblX XapaKTepMCTklK
t-OpHblX 1/1 CilOpT~6HO-6erO6blX nblIK.
country skis (XC-Skis). des skis de fond (Skis XC).

---------------------- Page: 7 ----------------------
ISO 62894985 (E/F/R)
MC0 62894985 (A/@/P)
Ces dkfinitions visent a une meilleure har- 3TM OnpeQeneHW4 Ony6WlKO6aHbl C
These definitions are intended to pro-
monisation de Ia terminologie dans les spe- qenbto nooqpeHm rapMoHt43aqw
vide better uniformity of terminology in
cifications des produits. TepwHonow4 no nblxaw
product specifications.
NOTE - En Supplement aux termes utilises - e ~OnonHeHvle K TepMMHaM.
NOTE - In addition to terms used in
dans les trois langues officielles de I’ISO Ony6flMKOI3aHHblM Ha TpeX OC@lL(l/laFlbHblX R3bl-
the three official ISO languages (English,
(anglais, francais et russe), Ia presente Norme Kax MC0 (aHmMWCKOM, c#JpaHqyacKoM M pyCCKOM)
French and Russian), this International Stan-
internationale donne dans I’annexe les termes HaCTORlQMIii MexAyHapOflHblti CTaHAapT AaeT
dard gives the equivalent terms in German in
Äquivalents et leurs definitions en allemand; ils 8 npWlOmeHMkl 3KBMBafleHTHble TepMMHbl M MX
the annex; these have been included at the
ont et6 inclus 3 Ia demande du comite technique Onpe,4efleHWI Ha HeMeqKOM F13blKe; OHM 6binu
request of Technical Committee ISO/TC 83,
ISO/TC 83, et sont publies sous Ia responsabi- BKnlOOeHbl n0 npocb6e TeXHM~eCKOrO KOMMTe-
and are published under the responsibility of
Ta MCO/TK 83 M ony6mKosaHbl no& oTBeTcTBeH-
lit6 des comites membres de I’Autriche (ON) et
the member bodies for Austria (ON) and
de I’Allemagne, R.F. (DIN). Cependant, seuls les HoCTb KOMMTeTOB-WeHOB ABCTPMM (OH) M @eQe-
Germany, F.R. (DIN). However, only the
termes et definitions donnes dans les langues paTm3Hoti PecnyGnuKu repMaHid4 (AMH). OQqHa-
terms and definitions given in the official
KO, JlMulb TepMMHbl M onpeAeneHm, OnytjntiKO-
off icielles peuvent etre consideres comme
languages tan be considered as ISO terms
termes et definitions ISO. BaHHble Ha OC#Wll@laflbHblX R3blKaX MCO; MOryT
and definitions.
CqMTaTbCfl KaK TepMMHbl M OnpefleJleHWl MCO.
References Refhences CCbll’lKkl *
ISO 5355, Ski boots for adults - lnter- ISO 5355, Chaussures de skipour adultes - MC0 5355, 60mutiuu ZOpHOJlblXHbIe dnfl
faces for ski bindings for downhill ski- Zone de jonction pour fixations de Skis 53pOCllblX - f7osepxHocmu conpuKocHo-
alpins. 5eHuH c KpenneHuflMu nblx c?nH cuopo-
cmHo20 cnycKa.
ISO 5962, Alpine Skis - Determination ISO 5962, Skis alpins - Determination des
of the elastic properties. caracterisques elas tiques. VlCO 5902, nb/XU 2opHble - Onpedene-
Hue ynpyzocmu.
ISO 5977, Chaussures de ski pour enfants -
ISO 5977, Ski boots for children - ln-
tetfaces for ski bindings for downhill Zones de jonction pour fixations de Skis MC0 5977, 60muHuu 2OpHOllblXHble dem-
skiing. alpins. cuue - n05epxHocmu conpuuocH05eHu~
c upennew.wndu nbix dnfl cuopocmHo20
ISO 6003, Alpine Skis - Determination ISO 6003, Skis alpins - Determination de cnycua.
of mass and polar moment of inertia - Ia masse et du moment d’inertie polaire -
Methode de mesure en laboratoire. MC0 6003, nb/XU 2OpHb/e - Onpedene-
Laboratory measurement method.
HUe MaCCbl U MOMeHma UHepyUU - na60-
ISO 6004, Skis alpins - Vis de fixa tion de pamopHbiü Memos u3MepeHufl.
ISO 6004, Alpine Skis - Ski binding
screws - Requiremen ts. Skis - Specifica tions.
VlCO 6004, nb/XU tOpHb/e - KpenexHbie
I SO 6265, Ski alpins - Determination de Ia 5UHmbl - Tpe6osaHuR.
ISO 6265, Alpine Skis - Determination
of deformation load and breaking load. Charge de deformation et de Ia Charge de
rup ture. MC0 6265, nblXU tOpHb/e - Chpedene-
Hue aecpopMupytoqeü u paspywatoweü
ISO 6266, Alpine Skis - Determination
of fatigue indexes - Cyclic loading ISO 6266, Skis alpins - Determination des HaZpy30u.
indices de fatigue - Essai en flexion alter-
tes t.
nee. 1/1CO 6266, nblXU 2opHbie - Onpeaene-
ISO 6267, Alpine Skis -. Measurement Hue nouasameneti ycmanocmu npu yuunu-
ISO 6267, Skis alpins - Mesurage des Yecuux Hazpysuax.
of bending vibra tions.
vibra tions en flexion.
ble - MsMepeHue
ISO 6959, Cross-Country ski boots with MC0 6267 nb/XU 2OpH
three pin holes - ISO 6959, Chaussures de ski de fond avec U32U6Hblx uone6aHuü.
Dimensions, in terface
and design. trois trous d’arret - Dimensions, zone de
jonction et conception. MC0 6959, 6omutfuu dnH cnopmußHo-6e-
205blx nblx c mpeh4fl 0msepcmuRMu dn/r
ISO 7138, Cross-Country Skis - Deter-
ISO 7138, Skis de fond - Determination wmbipeü - PasMepbl, no5epxHocmu co-
mination of mass and location of
de Ia masse et de l’emplacement du Point npUuOCHO5eHU~ u uoHcmpyuyuJ7.
balance poin t.
MC0 7138, nb/XU cnopmusHo-6ero5bre -
ISO 7140, Cross-Country Skis - Deter-
mination of dynamic pen(ormance - ISO 7140, Skis de fond - Determination OnpedeneHue Maccbi u nonoxeHu# QeH-
Laboratory measurement method. des performances dynamiques - Methode mpa mflxecmu.
de mesurage en laboratoire.
MC0 7140, nblXU cnopmusHo-6ezosbie -
OnpedeneHue duHaMuuecuux xapaume-
pucmuu - I7a6opamopHb~ü Memod u3Me-

---------------------- Page: 8 ----------------------
ISO 62894985 (E/F/R)
MC0 6289-1985 (A/WP)
ISO 7264, Cross-coun try Skis - Dimen- ISO 7264, Skis de fond - Dimensions de la MC0 7264, nb1XI.l CnOpmUßtiO-6e208ble -
zone de montage pour /es fixations avec
sions of the binding mounting area for PasMepbl yvacmrta ycmaHo8w xecmwx
e trier. rcpennewü.
toe Clip bindings.
ISO 7265, Skis de fond - Zone de mon- 1/1co 7265, .nblXU CnOpmUßHO-6e208 ble -
ISO 7265, Cross-country Skis - Bind-
Yvacmorc ycmaHo8w qoenneHuü - Cuna
ing moun ting area - Sta tic screw tage de Ia fixa tion - Resistance a l’arra-
chemen t statique des vis - Specifica tions ydepxarius 8uHma npu cmamucmwe-
reten tion s trength - Requiremen ts and
et methode d’essai. cwx Hatpy.3rtax - Tpe608aHufl u Memod bl
test method.
ISO 7793, Skis de fond - Zone de mon-
ISO 7793, Cross-Country Skis - Bind-
ßesistance au foirage MC0 7793, .flb/XU CnO,pmU8HO-6eZO8 ble -
ing moun ting area - Stripping torque - tage de Ia fixation -
des vis - Specifications et methode Y4acmorc ycmar-rosrtu rcpenneHuü - /@ov-
Requiremen ts and test me thod.
d’essai. HOCmb Ha Cpbl8 pe.36661 - Tpe608aHug U
Memod bl ucnbimaHu4.
ISO 7794, Cross-Country Skis - Ski
ISO 7794, Skis de fond - Vis de fixation -
binding screws - Requiremen ts.
Specifica tions. Mc0 7794, flblXU CnO,OmU8HO-6e208ble -
K,rieneXHble BUHmbl - Tpe608aHufl.
ISO 7797, Cross-coun try Skis - Deter-
ISO 7797, Skis de fond - Determination
mination of breaking load and deflec-
L/Ico 7797, .nblXU CnO,flmU8HO-6e2O8ble -
tion at break with quasistatic load. de Ia Charge de rup ture et de Ia de forma tion
a Ia rupture saus Charge quasi-statique. OnpedeneHue pa.3pywaloqeü Hazpy.3w u
npotu6a npu u.3noMe npu Y8a.3ucmamwe-
ISO 7798, Cross-Country Skis - Deter-
ISO 7798, Skis de fond - Determination wo ü Ha 2pysKe.
mination of fatigue indexes - Cyclic
loading tes t. des indices de fatigue - Essai en flexion
alternee. MC0 7798, .nblXU CnOpmusHO-6eZOß ble -
ISO 8364, Alpine Skis and bindings - OnpedeneHue noKa.3ameneü ycmanocmu
npu ywwuvecwx Hatpysrtax.
Binding mounting area - Require- ISO 8364, Skis et fixations de ski alpin -
ments and test methods. Zone de montage de Ia fixation - Exigen-
ces de tenues et methodes d’essai. MC0 8364, l7blxu 2opHbie u K,oenneHus
ZOpHO-J7blXHble -
YqacmoK ycmaHo8w
yoenneHuü - OnpedeneHu4, mpe608aHus
u nßemod bl ucnb/maHuü.
WMMEYAHklE - MeX,qyHapO,qH ble CTaH,qEip-
Tbl, ~MT~~O8~HHble f3 YEILleCTBe CCblrlOY, oriy6nw
YOBaHbl TOt-lbYO Ha t3HI-Jlkl~CYOM M @pZlH~y3CYOM
Terminologie genbale 06qaq TepMHHOJlO~blf4
1 General terms
1 .l ski : Sliding skid of narrow width JlblXH: nOflOr3b9 &Jlfl CYOflbXeWVl, l.UMPM-
skis : Patins utilises pour glisser, de largeur
in relation to its length, with the front
relativement petite par rapport a Ia lon- Ha ko-ropbtx rurana no cpasHeHr4to c aqnr4Hoti
end turned up in a radius to ride over M nepe,qwri tcoHeq YoTopbtx 3arriyT c
gueur, dont I’extremite avant est recourbee
obstacles. Its primary use is as a sport- qenbto 6onee nerkoro npeo,qoneHus npe-
vers Ie haut pour faciliter Ie franchissement
ing and recreation device but it also
des obstacles. Le ski est utilise tout d’abord mTcnw1I/1, npMMer-1fieMbte 8 napHoM colre-
serves other purposes. TariMM ,qns cnop-ra, oqqblxa ti ,qpywx qe-
pour Ia pratique du Sport et pour les loisirs
mais sert egalement a d’autres buts.
lt is to be understood that in this Inter-
national Standard the term “Ski” is used
II est entendu que, dans Ia presente Norme flo,q rlbtxaw~ B HacToqew Mex,qyr-rapo,q-
to refer to the different types of Snow
Ho44 CTaqqapTe 0o,qpasy~eeaaTc9 6ce-
internationale, Ie terme «Ski» concerne
toutes les formes de ski de neige. t303Moww bie sapvrawbi weror3btx fl bw.
NOTE - In the English language the term
NOTE - En anglais, on utilise quelquefois «Ski I-lPMMEc-IAHLlE - 6 ~HVlMtiCYOM 93blYe TePMMH
“Snow Ski” is sometimes used as a general
n blw “
de neige» pour designer tous les skis utilises en ,,wer06 ble I/1HOI-,4Zi flpMMeH9IOTC9 YaY
term for all skis used in alpine and Nordic
ski alpin et en ski nordique. 06up1M TepMVlH ,4ns BCeY IlblX rOpHOHOp,qtwe-
skiing .
moro TMt?YEi
ll n’existe pas de terme similaire en allemand et
A similar term does not exist in German and
en f rancais. nO,qO6Hblti TepMuH He CyqecTsyeT HM 8 HeMeq-
YOM, HM SO C@fEiH~yXKOfVl 93blYaY

---------------------- Page: 9 ----------------------
ISO 62894985 (E/F/R)
MC0 62894985 (A/@/P)
TOPH bie n blXH : flblXM IlpVlMeHFieMble AJlR
skis alpins: Skis utilises pour descendre
1.2 alpine ski : A snow ski used for
des pentes sous I’action de Ia pesanteur. Le
sliding down slopes as a result of
HOCTM npl4 L’lCnOfl b305aHMM CMn bl TRrOTe-
skieur se dirige et regle sa vitesse en combi-
gravitational forte. The control of direc-
HUR. PerynupoeaHue HanpasneHufl M cKo-
nant les deplacements longitudinaux et
tion and Speed is accomplished through
pOCTVl OCy~eCT5fl~eTCfi C nOMOU1,btO KOM-
combined motion in the longitudinal
6QlHVlpO5aHHOrO CKOflbXeHVlfl J’lblXM 5 npO-
and lateral directions of the ski.
gon bHoM t4 nonepeqHoM HanpasneHwx.
Les bords de Ia face de glissement sont
generalement revetus de materiaux durs et
In Order to transmit the steering forces,
Anfl nepeflaw 6oKo5blx Hanpaenfltotqi4x
resistants a I’usure afin de bien transmettre
the edges of the running surface are
ycnnmti, KPOMKM 6ero5ol/l no5epxHocTw
les efforts de direction.
generally equipped with hard and wear-
IlpePlMy~eCT5eHHO apM1/1pylOTCF1 rlpOYHbl-
resistant materials.
1.2.1 mountaineering ski : Alpine ski de montagne: Ski alpin concu pour yKOpO’4eHH ble TOpH ble nblXH : iIOpH ble n bl-
ski designed for the ascent and descent les montees et les descentes en montagne. xu, npefiHa3HaqeHHble Aqnfi socxox~eH~f4
II est habituellement utilise avec des fixa- M cnycKa rop. 06blrHO MCnonb3ytoTCFi c
of mountains. Usually with so-called
touring bindings which allow heel lift in tions qui permettent de lever Ie talon pen- TaK Ha3blBaeMblMVl TypUCTCKMMM Kpenne-
dant Ia montee. (Normalement ce ski est HM~MM, ~TO n035onfieT noaHflTb nflTKy npu
the ascent Phase. (Normally, the ski is
light, short, and wide.) leger, tourt et large.) 5OCXOXAeHMM. (fl blXM 06blqHO nerWle, KO-
pOTKUle M WlpOKPle.)
patinette pour glacier : Ski utilise pour les
1.2.2 snowfield slider : Ski used for nblXM JJnfl KaTaHHfl I’lO ~WlblHHOMy CHery:
sliding down snowfields. Generally its descentes de glacier. Sa longueur n’excede flblXl4, npVlMeHrieMble AJlfI KaTaHMfl fl0 3a-
length does not exceed twice the length pas en general deux fois Ia longueur de Ia CHeXeHHblM flOnfIM. MX AnPlHa 06bNHO He
of the boot. chaussure. npe5blUlae-r AnlrlHbl nOflOUl5bl 6OTMHKM 5
flsa pasa.
1.2.3 downhill ski : Alpine ski in- ski de descente: Ski alpin utilise pour les
n bim Am CK0p0CT~or0 cnycKa : ropH ble
tended for downhill competitions in competitions de descente a grande vitesse n blXM, o6ecnewsatowr/le ,qocTuxeHue
which high Speeds are attained accord-
suivant les regles de Ia FIS. 5blcoKoti CKOPOCTM npti copesHosaHw4x
ing to the FIS rules.
no c~opoc~~oMy cnycKy cornacH0 npasw
naM FIS.
1.2.4 Slalom ski : Alpine ski intended ski de Slalom: Ski alpin utilise pour les nblm plnil cnanoma : r0pHble n blxu Anfl
for Slalom competitions according to competitions de Slalom suivant les regles copesHosaHi4M no cnanoMy cornacH0 npa-
the FIS Slalom racing rules. de Ia FIS. 5unaM FIS no cnanohny.
1.2.5 giant Slalom ski : Alpine ski in- ski de Slalom geant: Ski alpin utilise pour nblmb4 qnfl rwaHTcKor0 cnanowia : ropHble
tended for giant Slalom competitions
les competitions de Slalom geant suivant nblXM ,lJnfl COpe5HO5aHVlti l-l0 rMraHTCKOMy
according to the FIS giant Slalom rules.
les regles de Ia FIS. cnanoMy cornacHo npa5unaM FIS no rH-
raHTCKOMy CnanOMy.
1.2.6 freestyle ski : Alpine ski in-
ski de freestyle: Ski alpin utilise pour les nblXbl AIlfI @HrypHOrO KaTaHHfl: rOpHble
tended to be used in freestyle competi- competitions de freestyle, suivant les regles
nblXM &nfl COpeBHOBaHl4ti n0 @MrypHOMy
tions according to the regulations of
des associations de freestyle. KaraHMto Ha nblxax cornacH0 npasurnahn
freestyle associations.
AccouuauuM C@IrypHOrO KaTaHlAFI Ha nbl-
1.2.7 ballet ski : Freestyle ski in- ski de ballet: Ski de freestyle utilise pour nblXbl AJlfl nblXHOH aKpo6aTHKH: @Wyp-
tended for ballet and acrobatic ballet les figures de ballet et les figures acrobati- H ble n blXM Anfl TaHqe5 M aKpO6aTWleCKUX
type manceuvres. Easy turning and ques de ballet. Son aptitude a tourner et a 3neMeHTO5. JlerKoe M 6blCTpOe CKOn bxe-
skidding capabilities are key character- deraper sont ses caracteristiques specifi- Hue fi5nReTcfi MX rna5Hoti xapaKTepucTw
istics. ques. KOti.
1.2.8 ski pour adulte : Ski utilise par des adultes
adult’s ski : Ski intended to be nblm4 Am sspocnblx: Ilblxti AnfI ntoAeti,
used by adult persons who weigh more dont Ie poids est superieur a 45 kg. LieM 6ec 6onee 45 Kr.
than 45 kg.
1.2.9 junior ski : Ski intended to be ski pour adolescent: Ski utilise par des IlOlqpOCTKO~ ble n blXH : fl blXM p(nfi ntoAeti,
used by persons who weigh 30 to 45 kg. personnes dont Ie poids est compris entre cleti 5ec 0~ 30 40 45 Kr.
30 et 45 kg.

---------------------- Page: 10 ----------------------
ISO 62894985 (E/F/R)
UICO 62894985 (A/@/P)
AeTcKble n b1m.H : JlbixM Aqnfi ntoAeti, qeti
ski pour enfant: Ski utilise par des per-
children’s ski : Ski intended to
5ec MeHee 30 Kr.
sonnes dont Ie poids est inferieur a 30 kg.
be used by persons who weigh less
than 30 kg.
CnOpTMeHO-6erOs ble n blwl : fl blxvl, npefl-
ski de fond: Ski concu pour Ia pratique
1.3 Cross-country ski; XC-ski : Snow
Ha3tiaCletiHble Anfl nepefl5uxeHufl no pas-
sur terrain plat ou vallonne.
ski designed for skiing over flat and hilly
HMHHoW u nepecereHHoti MecTHocTu.
n bl>Kbl :
ski de fond de competition: Ski de fond rOHOrlH ble CnopTlA5Ho-6ero5 ble
1.3.1 cross-country racing ski :
nbixti, npeAHa3Halrewbie Anfi TpeHmpo-
Cross-country ski designed for use in concu pour I’utilisation en competition.
L’accent est mis sur Ia Iegerete du ski, en BOK VI COpeBHOBaH@llil n0 pa5HMHHOti M lle-
Cross-country competition. Design em-
phasis is placed on light weight in addi- sus de Ia facilite de glissement sur pistes peceqeHHoW MecTHocTu Ha cneqManbH0
noflroro5neHHoti nbixHe. 0~14 metoT He-
tion to gliding ease in weil-prepared bien preparees.
6Onbwyto Maccy M 06na)qaioT XO~OUIMM
CKOn bXeHL’leM.
ski de fond «Light Tauring» : Ski de fond
1.3.2 light touring ski : Cross- nporynor(H ble TypHcTcKbde n blxw : Cnop-
concu pour skier sur pistes et hors pistes TMBHO-6erOBble n blxu, npefiHa3HaWHHble
country ski designed for skiing in tracks

SIST ISO 6289:1995
Skis - Terms and definitions
Skis -- Terms and definitions
Skis -- Termes et définitions
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: ISO 6289:1985
01.040.97 Oprema za dom in trgovino. Domestic and commercial
Razvedrilo. Šport (Slovarji) equipment. Entertainment.
Sports (Vocabularies)
97.220.20 Oprema za zimske športe Winter sports equipment
SIST ISO 6289:1995 en
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

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SIST ISO 6289:1995

---------------------- Page: 2 ----------------------

SIST ISO 6289:1995
- Terms and definitions
- 1985-11-01
First edition
- Termes et definitions
Premiere Edition - 1985-11-01
- Tepnmtibl H 0npeAenetiwi
l’lepeoe wdawe - 1985-11-01
Ref. NoJRef. no :
UDC/CDUlYAK 685.363.2 : 001.4 ISO 6289-1985 (E/F/R)
CCbUlKa No: MC0 6289-1985 (AMP)
Skis, materiel de sport, ski,
- Descriptors : Sports equipment, vocabulary. / Descripteurs : vocabulaire. /AecKpmTopbi : o6opyAosawe
- I
Es Price based on 42 pages/Prix base sur 42 pages/uetia paccw-raHa Ha 42 CTp

---------------------- Page: 3 ----------------------

SIST ISO 6289:1995
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national
Standards bodies (ISO member bedies). The work of preparing International Standards is nor-
mally carried out through ISO technical committees. Esch member body interested in a subject
for which a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on that
committee. International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with
ISO, also take patt in the work.
Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member
bodies for approval before their acceptance as International Standards by the ISO Council. They
are approved in accordance with ISO procedures requiring at least 75 % approval by the member
bodies voting.
International Standard ISO 6289 was
red by Tee hnical Committee ISO/TC 83, Sports and
recreational equipmen t.
Users should note that all International Standards undergo revision from time to time and that
any reference made herein to any other International Standard implies its latest edition, unless
otherwise stated.
L’ISO (Organisation internationale de normalisation) est une federation mondiale d’organismes
nationaux de normalisation (comites membres de I’ISO). L’elaboration des Normes inter-
nationales est confiee aux comites techniques de I’ISO. Chaque comite membre interesse par une
etude a Ie droit de faire Partie du comite technique cr& a cet effet. Les organisations inter-
nationales, gouvernementales et non gouvernementales, en liaison avec I’ISO participent egale-
ment aux travaux.
Les projets de Normes internationales adoptes par les comites techniques sont soumis aux comi-
tes membres pour approbation, avant leur acceptation comme Normes internationales par Ie
Conseil de I’ISO. Les Normes internationales sont approuvees conformement aux procedures de
I’ISO qui requierent I’approbation de 75 % au moins des comites membres votants.
La Norme internationale ISO 6289 a etc ela boree par Ie comite technique ISO/TC 83, Mathiel de
sports et d’activiths de plein
L’attention des utilisateurs est attiree sur Ie fait que toutes les Normes internationales sont de
temps en temps soumises a revision et que toute reference faite a une autre Norme internationale
dans Ie present document implique qu’il s’agit, sauf indication contraire, de Ia derniere Edition.
MC0 (Me>KAyHapOAHaR OpraHW3aqW no CTaHAapTw3aqWl) 96meTm sceMupHor31 c@?,4epaqueti
HaqMOHaJlbHblX OpraHWaqUlti I-l0 CTaH,4apTW3al$Akl (YOMMTeTOB-WeHOB HCO). fleflTeflbHOCTb 00
pa3pa6OWe Me~AyHapOAHblX CTaHAapTO6 rlpOBOAI/1TCS TeXHM’-leCYMMM YOMmTeTaMkl MCO. Ka>K-
Ablti YOMMTeT-WleH, 3WlHTeJIeCO6aHHblti 6 AWITWlbHOCTQl, ,4ns KOTOpOti 6bin CO3QaH TeXHM-
W?CYMti YOMMTeT, MMWT rlpa60 6blTb npe,4CTa6JleHHblM 6 3TOM YOMMTeTe. Mex,4yHaQO,4Hble npa-
BMTWlbCTBeHHble M HWlpa6MTeJlbCTBeHHble OPraHM3aqMM, UlMelO~Ue C6fW’l C MCO, TaWKe 17pL/1-
HMMaIOT ylracTuIe 6 pa6oTax.
npOeYTbl k&?>K,qyHapO,qHblX CTaH,4apTO6, I1PMHRTble TeXHM’4fZCKMMM YOMMTeTaMM, paCCbIWlOTC9
YOMMreraM-~neHaM Ha oAo6peHMe nepe,q MX y-rsep>rc,qeHueM CoseroM HC0 6 kaqecr6e Mex,qy-
HapOAHblX CTZiH,4apTO6. OHM 0,406pwo~c~ 6 COOTBeTCTBMM C nOps,qGIMQI pa6o-r MCO, TpeGyIOqMMM
OAO6ipeHUls rl0 MeHbUEti MepE! 75 % YOMMTeTOB-qJleHO6, nPMHMMZlIOlljMX yWCTUe 6 f-OJlOCOBaHMM
Me>K,4yHapo,4Hblti CTaHAapT MC0 6289 6bln paßpa60Taf-I TeXHWeCWM KoMuTeToM VlCOTTK
Cnopmustfoe u mypucmwecitoe 060pydosaffue.
nOnb3ylO~MMCSl Me>K,4yHapO,4HblMM CTaHAapTaMM HeO6XO,4MMO 0pMHMMaTb60 BHMMaHL’le, ‘iT0
603 MWKAyHapOAHble CTaH,4aQTbl tlO,~BePraIOTCS 6peM9 OT 6peMeHVl riepeCMOTpy M nO3TOMY
mo6aq CcbnKa Ha KaltoM-nu6o h/k>K,qyHapO,qHbIti CTaH,qapT 6 HZiCTONl@M ,4OKyMeHTe ripe,qnOJ-Ia-
raeT er0 oocne,qHee w3,4aHue, r 0 International
Organkation for Standardkation, 1985 0
0 Organisation internationale de normalisation, 1985 l
@ Mex~yHapofiHa~ Opraw4saqm no CTan~aprmaqbfbt, 1985 m
Printed in Switzerland / Imprime en Suisse/MsqaHo B lll~e!Aqap~~

---------------------- Page: 4 ----------------------

SIST ISO 6289:1995
Introduction .
Scope and field of application .
............................................................. 2
1 Generalterms
2 Terms relating to design features . 6
3 Terms and Symbols relating to geometry of ski .
4 Terms and Symbols for physical properties . 17
5 Terms relating to the binding mounting area . 19
6 Terms relating to ski Performance. .
English alphabetical index .
French alphabetical index. .
Russian alphabetical index .
Terms and definitions in German . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
German alphabetical index. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

---------------------- Page: 5 ----------------------

SIST ISO 6289:1995
lntroduction . 1
Objet et domaine d’application .
References . 2
1 Terminologie generale . 3
2 Termes relatifs a Ia construction . 6
3 Termes et Symboles relatifs a Ia geometrie du ski . 11
4 Termes et Symboles relatifs aux proprietes physiques . 17
5 Termes relatifs a Ia zone de montage de Ia fixation . 19
6 Termes relatifs au comportement du ski . 20
Index alphabetique anglais . 24
Index alphabetique francais .
Index alphabetique russe .
Termes et definitions en allemand. . 30
Index alphabetique allemand .

---------------------- Page: 6 ----------------------

SIST ISO 6289:1995
06lbeKT M 06naCTb flfWlMeHeHWl
.......................................... 1
CCblJlKM .
................................................ 3
........................... 6
3 -kPMMHbl M 0603HaYeHMFl, OTHOCR~lAeCfl K EOMeTpWl Fl blWtl
............... 11
......... 17
5 -kPMMHbl, OTHOCfi~MeCFl K YWCTKY MOHTama K~erifleHWl
.................. 19
6 TepMMHbl,OTHOCfl~MWlKpa6O‘lMMXapaKTep~CT~KaM.rlbl~~.
&mmcwti ancpasmiblti yKa3aTenb
..................................... 24
cbpatiqy3cKwti an@asm-im yKasaTenb
PyccK~Man~aeMTHblMyIta3aTenb .m. .
TePMMHbl M Onpe#WleHWI Ha HeMeqKOM R3blKe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
HehneqwM anc@asMTH bi M yKa3aTen b . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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SIST ISO 6289:1995
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SIST ISO 6289:1995
ISO 62894985 (E/F/R)
MC0 6289-1985 (A/cP/P)
Skis - Terms - Termes JlblXM
Skis - TePMHHbl
and definitions et definitions
H onpe~enetwm
lntroduction lntroduction
L’expansion mondiale de Ia pratique du ski BcewipHoe pacnpocrpat-ietiue n biworo
The worldwide expansion of the Sport
et I’importance des recents developpe- CnOpTa M BaxHOCTb HOBblX pa3pa60TOK 6
of skiing and the importante of new
06naCTM TeXHMKVl n blxHMKO6 Vl KOHCTpyK-
developments in the field of skiing ments dans Ie domaine de Ia technique du
qMM nbl)i< Ilpvi6envi K HeO6XOQUMOCTM
techniques and in ski designs have led ski et de Ia conception des Skis, ont fait
to increasing demand to improve inter- naitre un besoin Croissant d’ameliorer les ynycluleHMfl Me)KflyHapOp(HblX C6fI3eti 6 06-
nacw nbmworo cnopTa. B pe3ynbTaTe
national communications within the ski- communications internationales a I’inte-
rieur de Ia communaute du ski. Pour y 3TOr0 TeXHUYeCKUM KOMMTeTOM k!co/
ing community. As a result a number of
International Standards have been pre- repondre, un certain nombre de Normes TK 83 6binM pa3pa6oTaHbi Me>i Hble CTaHJJapTbl l-l0 nblxaM, C aKTM6HblM
pared by ISO/TC 83 with active par- internationales ont et6 elaborees par
ticipation of all interested countries. I’ISO/TC 83 avec Ia participation active de yqaCTVleM BCeX CTpaH, 3aMHTepeCOBaHHblX
6 pa36klTMM nblmHOf-0 CnOpTa.
tous les pays interesses.
During the preparation of these lnter-
national Standards, it became obvious Au cours de Ia preparation de ces Normes B XOlqe nO~rOTO6Kkl 3TMX CTaHAapTO6
CTana 0’4e6Pl,4HOlil HeO6XO,qvlMOCTb C03Aa-
that for better international communi- internationales, il est apparu a l’evidence
que, pour une meilleure communication HW o6tqeti Teprwwonorvw Ha aHrnMVI-
cation a common terminology was
needed in English, French and Russian. internationale, une terminologie commune CKOM, C@paH4Y3CKOM VI pyCCKOM R3blKaX,
C qenbl0 ynyWleHkIfl Me~~yHapO~HblX CBfI-
Therefore, it was decided to prepare etait necessaire en anglais, francais et
these trilingual terms and definitions russe. C’est pourquoi il a et6 decide d’eta- 3etX nO3TOMy 6binO npMHRT0 pewewe
Ony6nklKO6aTb HaCTOFIqldl fVle>i which relate to International Standards blir Ia presente Norme internationale qui
Hbll?l CTaHRapT, KOTOpblti CO&epWAT KaK
on skis already pubiished, in addition to contient tous les termes techniques ren-
new terms for product specifications. In contres dans les Normes internationales BCe TeXHMqeCKMe TepMMHbl, I-lpVlMeHfle-
Mble 6 Me>i<,LJyHapOGHbIX CTaHAapTaX n0
spite of traditional national differentes, relatives aux skis deja publiees, en plus des
nouveaux termes relatifs aux specifications nbPKaM, yxe Oily6nklKO6aHHblX, TaK M HO-
it was possible to define all important
terms equivalently in three languages. des produits. En depit de differentes tradi- Bble TepMVlHbl I-l0 CIle~VlC@lKa~ldRM nblx.
t-kCMOTpFI Ha Tpa~ML&lOHHble Fl3blKOBble
Thus, to reduce the risk of misunder- tionnelles au niveau national, il a et6 possi-
ble de definir de facon equivalente tous les pasnwm, 6bino 603~om~o onpefienmb
standings in future product specifi-
BCe rna6Hble TepMMHbl OplVlHaKO60 Ha TpeX
cations where terms are meaningful in termes importants dans chacune des trois
F13blKaX. AnFl TOTO rTO6bl yMeHbUll4Tb PUCK
only one language, interpretations are langues. Afin de reduire Ie risque de malen-
HenOHMMaHMfl 6 6yhy!.qeM, KOrAa TepMMHbl
provided in the other languages. tendus dans de futures specifications de
MMeKIT 3HaLleHMFI nMUlb 6 OAHOM F13blKe,
produits, lorsque des termes n’ont un sens
In Order to improve communications que dans une langue, des interpretations oGecnew6aeTcn nepeso Ha Rsa flpywx
within the skiing community it is highly sont donnees dans les deux autres langues.
recommended that all experts involved
in technical publications use these En vue d’ameliorer Ia communication 3 AnR ynyw.ueHuw 06qeHMn 6 cpelqe nbl2tHw
KOB peKOMeH)JyeTCfl BCeM 3KCnepTaM,
terms based on the commonly agreed I’interieur de Ia communaute du ski, il est
definitions. donc vivement recommande que chaque flpUHklMatOi.QMM ylraCTl4e 6 pa3pa60TKe TeX-
HMVeCKMX nOnb306aTbCFl
expert concerne par les publications techni- JJOKyMeHTOB,
iqaHHOti TepMQlHOnOWleti, OCHO6aHHOti Ha
ques utilise ces termes bases sur des defini-
06iqenpwimbix 0npeAeneHmx.
tions adoptees en commun.
06lbeKT H 06naCTb
Scope and fie I Objet et domaine
of application d’application npnMeHeH HFI ’
Standard defines La presente Norme internationale definit HaCTOfltquti Me>KflyHapOfiH blti CTaHAapT
This International
Oßpe~enFleT TepMMHbl, HeO6XO,qMMble ,qnfl
terms for the specification of important des termes pour Ia specification des carac-
characteristics of alpine and cross- teristiques importantes des skis alpins et Cl-le~kl@lKa~Wl rna6HblX XapaKTepMCTklK
t-OpHblX 1/1 CilOpT~6HO-6erO6blX nblIK.
country skis (XC-Skis). des skis de fond (Skis XC).

---------------------- Page: 9 ----------------------

SIST ISO 6289:1995
ISO 62894985 (E/F/R)
MC0 62894985 (A/@/P)
Ces dkfinitions visent a une meilleure har- 3TM OnpeQeneHW4 Ony6WlKO6aHbl C
These definitions are intended to pro-
monisation de Ia terminologie dans les spe- qenbto nooqpeHm rapMoHt43aqw
vide better uniformity of terminology in
cifications des produits. TepwHonow4 no nblxaw
product specifications.
NOTE - En Supplement aux termes utilises - e ~OnonHeHvle K TepMMHaM.
NOTE - In addition to terms used in
dans les trois langues officielles de I’ISO Ony6flMKOI3aHHblM Ha TpeX OC@lL(l/laFlbHblX R3bl-
the three official ISO languages (English,
(anglais, francais et russe), Ia presente Norme Kax MC0 (aHmMWCKOM, c#JpaHqyacKoM M pyCCKOM)
French and Russian), this International Stan-
internationale donne dans I’annexe les termes HaCTORlQMIii MexAyHapOflHblti CTaHAapT AaeT
dard gives the equivalent terms in German in
Äquivalents et leurs definitions en allemand; ils 8 npWlOmeHMkl 3KBMBafleHTHble TepMMHbl M MX
the annex; these have been included at the
ont et6 inclus 3 Ia demande du comite technique Onpe,4efleHWI Ha HeMeqKOM F13blKe; OHM 6binu
request of Technical Committee ISO/TC 83,
ISO/TC 83, et sont publies sous Ia responsabi- BKnlOOeHbl n0 npocb6e TeXHM~eCKOrO KOMMTe-
and are published under the responsibility of
Ta MCO/TK 83 M ony6mKosaHbl no& oTBeTcTBeH-
lit6 des comites membres de I’Autriche (ON) et
the member bodies for Austria (ON) and
de I’Allemagne, R.F. (DIN). Cependant, seuls les HoCTb KOMMTeTOB-WeHOB ABCTPMM (OH) M @eQe-
Germany, F.R. (DIN). However, only the
termes et definitions donnes dans les langues paTm3Hoti PecnyGnuKu repMaHid4 (AMH). OQqHa-
terms and definitions given in the official
KO, JlMulb TepMMHbl M onpeAeneHm, OnytjntiKO-
off icielles peuvent etre consideres comme
languages tan be considered as ISO terms
termes et definitions ISO. BaHHble Ha OC#Wll@laflbHblX R3blKaX MCO; MOryT
and definitions.
CqMTaTbCfl KaK TepMMHbl M OnpefleJleHWl MCO.
References Refhences CCbll’lKkl *
ISO 5355, Ski boots for adults - lnter- ISO 5355, Chaussures de skipour adultes - MC0 5355, 60mutiuu ZOpHOJlblXHbIe dnfl
faces for ski bindings for downhill ski- Zone de jonction pour fixations de Skis 53pOCllblX - f7osepxHocmu conpuKocHo-
alpins. 5eHuH c KpenneHuflMu nblx c?nH cuopo-
cmHo20 cnycKa.
ISO 5962, Alpine Skis - Determination ISO 5962, Skis alpins - Determination des
of the elastic properties. caracterisques elas tiques. VlCO 5902, nb/XU 2opHble - Onpedene-
Hue ynpyzocmu.
ISO 5977, Chaussures de ski pour enfants -
ISO 5977, Ski boots for children - ln-
tetfaces for ski bindings for downhill Zones de jonction pour fixations de Skis MC0 5977, 60muHuu 2OpHOllblXHble dem-
skiing. alpins. cuue - n05epxHocmu conpuuocH05eHu~
c upennew.wndu nbix dnfl cuopocmHo20
ISO 6003, Alpine Skis - Determination ISO 6003, Skis alpins - Determination de cnycua.
of mass and polar moment of inertia - Ia masse et du moment d’inertie polaire -
Methode de mesure en laboratoire. MC0 6003, nb/XU 2OpHb/e - Onpedene-
Laboratory measurement method.
HUe MaCCbl U MOMeHma UHepyUU - na60-
ISO 6004, Skis alpins - Vis de fixa tion de pamopHbiü Memos u3MepeHufl.
ISO 6004, Alpine Skis - Ski binding
screws - Requiremen ts. Skis - Specifica tions.
VlCO 6004, nb/XU tOpHb/e - KpenexHbie
I SO 6265, Ski alpins - Determination de Ia 5UHmbl - Tpe6osaHuR.
ISO 6265, Alpine Skis - Determination
of deformation load and breaking load. Charge de deformation et de Ia Charge de
rup ture. MC0 6265, nblXU tOpHb/e - Chpedene-
Hue aecpopMupytoqeü u paspywatoweü
ISO 6266, Alpine Skis - Determination
of fatigue indexes - Cyclic loading ISO 6266, Skis alpins - Determination des HaZpy30u.
indices de fatigue - Essai en flexion alter-
tes t.
nee. 1/1CO 6266, nblXU 2opHbie - Onpeaene-
ISO 6267, Alpine Skis -. Measurement Hue nouasameneti ycmanocmu npu yuunu-
ISO 6267, Skis alpins - Mesurage des Yecuux Hazpysuax.
of bending vibra tions.
vibra tions en flexion.
ble - MsMepeHue
ISO 6959, Cross-Country ski boots with MC0 6267 nb/XU 2OpH
three pin holes - ISO 6959, Chaussures de ski de fond avec U32U6Hblx uone6aHuü.
Dimensions, in terface
and design. trois trous d’arret - Dimensions, zone de
jonction et conception. MC0 6959, 6omutfuu dnH cnopmußHo-6e-
205blx nblx c mpeh4fl 0msepcmuRMu dn/r
ISO 7138, Cross-Country Skis - Deter-
ISO 7138, Skis de fond - Determination wmbipeü - PasMepbl, no5epxHocmu co-
mination of mass and location of
de Ia masse et de l’emplacement du Point npUuOCHO5eHU~ u uoHcmpyuyuJ7.
balance poin t.
MC0 7138, nb/XU cnopmusHo-6ero5bre -
ISO 7140, Cross-Country Skis - Deter-
mination of dynamic pen(ormance - ISO 7140, Skis de fond - Determination OnpedeneHue Maccbi u nonoxeHu# QeH-
Laboratory measurement method. des performances dynamiques - Methode mpa mflxecmu.
de mesurage en laboratoire.
MC0 7140, nblXU cnopmusHo-6ezosbie -
OnpedeneHue duHaMuuecuux xapaume-
pucmuu - I7a6opamopHb~ü Memod u3Me-

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SIST ISO 6289:1995
ISO 62894985 (E/F/R)
MC0 6289-1985 (A/WP)
ISO 7264, Cross-coun try Skis - Dimen- ISO 7264, Skis de fond - Dimensions de la MC0 7264, nb1XI.l CnOpmUßtiO-6e208ble -
zone de montage pour /es fixations avec
sions of the binding mounting area for PasMepbl yvacmrta ycmaHo8w xecmwx
e trier. rcpennewü.
toe Clip bindings.
ISO 7265, Skis de fond - Zone de mon- 1/1co 7265, .nblXU CnOpmUßHO-6e208 ble -
ISO 7265, Cross-country Skis - Bind-
Yvacmorc ycmaHo8w qoenneHuü - Cuna
ing moun ting area - Sta tic screw tage de Ia fixa tion - Resistance a l’arra-
chemen t statique des vis - Specifica tions ydepxarius 8uHma npu cmamucmwe-
reten tion s trength - Requiremen ts and
et methode d’essai. cwx Hatpy.3rtax - Tpe608aHufl u Memod bl
test method.
ISO 7793, Skis de fond - Zone de mon-
ISO 7793, Cross-Country Skis - Bind-
ßesistance au foirage MC0 7793, .flb/XU CnO,pmU8HO-6eZO8 ble -
ing moun ting area - Stripping torque - tage de Ia fixation -
des vis - Specifications et methode Y4acmorc ycmar-rosrtu rcpenneHuü - /@ov-
Requiremen ts and test me thod.
d’essai. HOCmb Ha Cpbl8 pe.36661 - Tpe608aHug U
Memod bl ucnbimaHu4.
ISO 7794, Cross-Country Skis - Ski
ISO 7794, Skis de fond - Vis de fixation -
binding screws - Requiremen ts.
Specifica tions. Mc0 7794, flblXU CnO,OmU8HO-6e208ble -
K,rieneXHble BUHmbl - Tpe608aHufl.
ISO 7797, Cross-coun try Skis - Deter-
ISO 7797, Skis de fond - Determination
mination of breaking load and deflec-
L/Ico 7797, .nblXU CnO,flmU8HO-6e2O8ble -
tion at break with quasistatic load. de Ia Charge de rup ture et de Ia de forma tion
a Ia rupture saus Charge quasi-statique. OnpedeneHue pa.3pywaloqeü Hazpy.3w u
npotu6a npu u.3noMe npu Y8a.3ucmamwe-
ISO 7798, Cross-Country Skis - Deter-
ISO 7798, Skis de fond - Determination wo ü Ha 2pysKe.
mination of fatigue indexes - Cyclic
loading tes t. des indices de fatigue - Essai en flexion
alternee. MC0 7798, .nblXU CnOpmusHO-6eZOß ble -
ISO 8364, Alpine Skis and bindings - OnpedeneHue noKa.3ameneü ycmanocmu
npu ywwuvecwx Hatpysrtax.
Binding mounting area - Require- ISO 8364, Skis et fixations de ski alpin -
ments and test methods. Zone de montage de Ia fixation - Exigen-
ces de tenues et methodes d’essai. MC0 8364, l7blxu 2opHbie u K,oenneHus
ZOpHO-J7blXHble -
YqacmoK ycmaHo8w
yoenneHuü - OnpedeneHu4, mpe608aHus
u nßemod bl ucnb/maHuü.
WMMEYAHklE - MeX,qyHapO,qH ble CTaH,qEip-
Tbl, ~MT~~O8~HHble f3 YEILleCTBe CCblrlOY, oriy6nw
YOBaHbl TOt-lbYO Ha t3HI-Jlkl~CYOM M @pZlH~y3CYOM
Terminologie genbale 06qaq TepMHHOJlO~blf4
1 General terms
1 .l ski : Sliding skid of narrow width JlblXH: nOflOr3b9 &Jlfl CYOflbXeWVl, l.UMPM-
skis : Patins utilises pour glisser, de largeur
in relation to its length, with the front
relativement petite par rapport a Ia lon- Ha ko-ropbtx rurana no cpasHeHr4to c aqnr4Hoti
end turned up in a radius to ride over M nepe,qwri tcoHeq YoTopbtx 3arriyT c
gueur, dont I’extremite avant est recourbee
obstacles. Its primary use is as a sport- qenbto 6onee nerkoro npeo,qoneHus npe-
vers Ie haut pour faciliter Ie franchissement
ing and recreation device but it also
des obstacles. Le ski est utilise tout d’abord mTcnw1I/1, npMMer-1fieMbte 8 napHoM colre-
serves other purposes. TariMM ,qns cnop-ra, oqqblxa ti ,qpywx qe-
pour Ia pratique du Sport et pour les loisirs
mais sert egalement a d’autres buts.
lt is to be understood that in this Inter-
national Standard the term “Ski” is used
II est entendu que, dans Ia presente Norme flo,q rlbtxaw~ B HacToqew Mex,qyr-rapo,q-
to refer to the different types of Snow
Ho44 CTaqqapTe 0o,qpasy~eeaaTc9 6ce-
internationale, Ie terme «Ski» concerne
toutes les formes de ski de neige. t303Moww bie sapvrawbi weror3btx fl bw.
NOTE - In the English language the term
NOTE - En anglais, on utilise quelquefois «Ski I-lPMMEc-IAHLlE - 6 ~HVlMtiCYOM 93blYe TePMMH
“Snow Ski” is sometimes used as a general
n blw “
de neige» pour designer tous les skis utilises en ,,wer06 ble I/1HOI-,4Zi flpMMeH9IOTC9 YaY
term for all skis used in alpine and Nordic
ski alpin et en ski nordique. 06up1M TepMVlH ,4ns BCeY IlblX rOpHOHOp,qtwe-
skiing .
moro TMt?YEi
ll n’existe pas de terme similaire en allemand et
A similar term does not exist in German and
en f rancais. nO,qO6Hblti TepMuH He CyqecTsyeT HM 8 HeMeq-
YOM, HM SO C@fEiH~yXKOfVl 93blYaY

---------------------- Page: 11 ----------------------

SIST ISO 6289:1995
ISO 62894985 (E/F/R)
MC0 62894985 (A/@/P)
TOPH bie n blXH : flblXM IlpVlMeHFieMble AJlR
skis alpins: Skis utilises pour descendre
1.2 alpine ski : A snow ski used for
des pentes sous I’action de Ia pesanteur. Le
sliding down slopes as a result of
HOCTM npl4 L’lCnOfl b305aHMM CMn bl TRrOTe-
skieur se dirige et regle sa vitesse en combi-
gravitational forte. The control of direc-
HUR. PerynupoeaHue HanpasneHufl M cKo-
nant les deplacements longitudinaux et
tion and Speed is accomplished through
pOCTVl OCy~eCT5fl~eTCfi C nOMOU1,btO KOM-
combined motion in the longitudinal
6QlHVlpO5aHHOrO CKOflbXeHVlfl J’lblXM 5 npO-
and lateral directions of the ski.
gon bHoM t4 nonepeqHoM HanpasneHwx.
Les bords de Ia face de glissement sont
generalement revetus de materiaux durs et
In Order to transmit the steering forces,
Anfl nepeflaw 6oKo5blx Hanpaenfltotqi4x
resistants a I’usure afin de bien transmettre
the edges of the running surface are
ycnnmti, KPOMKM 6ero5ol/l no5epxHocTw
les efforts de direction.
generally equipped with hard and wear-
IlpePlMy~eCT5eHHO apM1/1pylOTCF1 rlpOYHbl-
resistant materials.
1.2.1 mountaineering ski : Alpine ski de montagne: Ski alpin concu pour yKOpO’4eHH ble TOpH ble nblXH : iIOpH ble n bl-
ski designed for the ascent and descent les montees et les descentes en montagne. xu, npefiHa3HaqeHHble Aqnfi socxox~eH~f4
II est habituellement utilise avec des fixa- M cnycKa rop. 06blrHO MCnonb3ytoTCFi c
of mountains. Usually with so-called
touring bindings which allow heel lift in tions qui permettent de lever Ie talon pen- TaK Ha3blBaeMblMVl TypUCTCKMMM Kpenne-
dant Ia montee. (Normalement ce ski est HM~MM, ~TO n035onfieT noaHflTb nflTKy npu
the ascent Phase. (Normally, the ski is
light, short, and wide.) leger, tourt et large.) 5OCXOXAeHMM. (fl blXM 06blqHO nerWle, KO-
pOTKUle M WlpOKPle.)
patinette pour glacier : Ski utilise pour les
1.2.2 snowfield slider : Ski used for nblXM JJnfl KaTaHHfl I’lO ~WlblHHOMy CHery:
sliding down snowfields. Generally its descentes de glacier. Sa longueur n’excede flblXl4, npVlMeHrieMble AJlfI KaTaHMfl fl0 3a-
length does not exceed twice the length pas en general deux fois Ia longueur de Ia CHeXeHHblM flOnfIM. MX AnPlHa 06bNHO He
of the boot. chaussure. npe5blUlae-r AnlrlHbl nOflOUl5bl 6OTMHKM 5
flsa pasa.
1.2.3 downhill ski : Alpine ski in- ski de descente: Ski alpin utilise pour les
n bim Am CK0p0CT~or0 cnycKa : ropH ble
tended for downhill competitions in competitions de descente a grande vitesse n blXM, o6ecnewsatowr/le ,qocTuxeHue
which high Speeds are attained accord-
suivant les regles de Ia FIS. 5blcoKoti CKOPOCTM npti copesHosaHw4x
ing to the FIS rules.
no c~opoc~~oMy cnycKy cornacH0 npasw
naM FIS.
1.2.4 Slalom ski : Alpine ski intended ski de Slalom: Ski alpin utilise pour les nblm plnil cnanoma : r0pHble n blxu Anfl
for Slalom competitions according to competitions de Slalom suivant les regles copesHosaHi4M no cnanoMy cornacH0 npa-
the FIS Slalom racing rules. de Ia FIS. 5unaM FIS no cnanohny.
1.2.5 giant Slalom ski : Alpine ski in- ski de Slalom geant: Ski alpin utilise pour nblmb4 qnfl rwaHTcKor0 cnanowia : ropHble
tended for giant Slalom competitions
les competitions de Slalom geant suivant nblXM ,lJnfl COpe5HO5aHVlti l-l0 rMraHTCKOMy
according to the FIS giant Slalom rules.
les regles de Ia FIS. cnanoMy cornacHo npa5unaM FIS no rH-
raHTCKOMy CnanOMy.
1.2.6 freestyle ski : Alpine ski in-
ski de freestyle: Ski alpin utilise pour les nblXbl AIlfI @HrypHOrO KaTaHHfl: rOpHble
tended to be used in freestyle competi- competitions de freestyle, suivant les regles
nblXM &nfl COpeBHOBaHl4ti n0 @MrypHOMy
tions according to the regulations of
des associations de freestyle. KaraHMto Ha nblxax cornacH0 npasurnahn
freestyle associations.
AccouuauuM C@IrypHOrO KaTaHlAFI Ha nbl-
1.2.7 ballet ski : Freestyle ski in- ski de ballet: Ski de freestyle utilise pour nblXbl AJlfl nblXHOH aKpo6aTHKH: @Wyp-
tended for ballet and acrobatic ballet les figures de ballet et les figures acrobati- H ble n blXM Anfl TaHqe5 M aKpO6aTWleCKUX
type manceuvres. Easy turning and ques de ballet. Son aptitude a tourner et a 3neMeHTO5. JlerKoe M 6blCTpOe CKOn bxe-
skidding capabilities are key character- deraper sont ses caracteristiques specifi- Hue fi5nReTcfi MX rna5Hoti xapaKTepucTw
istics. ques. KOti.
1.2.8 ski pour adulte : Ski utilise par des adultes
adult’s ski : Ski intended to be nblm4 Am sspocnblx: Ilblxti AnfI ntoAeti,
used by adult persons who weigh more dont Ie poids est superieur a 45 kg. LieM 6ec 6onee 45 Kr.
than 45 kg.
1.2.9 junior ski : Ski intended to be ski pour adolescent: Ski utilise par des IlOlqpOCTKO~ ble n blXH : fl blXM p(nfi ntoAeti,
used by persons who weigh 30 to 45 kg. personnes dont Ie poids est compris entre cleti 5ec 0~ 30 40 45 Kr.
30 et 45 kg.

---------------------- Page: 12 ----------------------

SIST ISO 6289:1995
ISO 62894985 (E/F/R)
UICO 62894985 (A/@/P)
AeTcKble n b1m.H : JlbixM Aqnfi ntoAeti, qeti
ski pour enfant: Ski utilise par des per-
children’s ski : Ski intended to
5ec MeHee 30 Kr.
sonnes dont Ie poids est inferieur a 30 kg.
be used by persons who weigh less
than 30 kg.
CnOpTMeHO-6erOs ble n blwl : fl blxvl, npefl-
ski de fond: Ski concu pour Ia pratique
1.3 Cross-country ski; XC-ski : Snow
Ha3tiaCletiHble Anfl nepefl5uxeHufl no pas-
sur terrain plat ou vallonne.
ski designed for skiing over flat and hilly
HMHHoW u nepecereHHoti MecTHocTu.

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