ISO 5063:1978
(Main)Atomizing oil burners of the monobloc type — Testing
Atomizing oil burners of the monobloc type — Testing
Brûleurs à combustible liquide à pulvérisation de type monobloc — Essais
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Atomizing oil burners of the monobloc type - Testing
BrOleurs a combustible liquide 2 pulvkisation de type monobloc - Essais
First edition - 1978-11-15
Ref. No. ISO 5063-1978 (E)
UDC 662.941.2
determination of content, definitions.
liquid fuels, tests, performante tests, exhaust gases,
Descriptors : pulverization burners,
Price based on 17 pages
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ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation
of national Standards institutes (ISO member bodies). The work of developing
International Standards is carried out through ISO technical committees. Every
member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been set
up has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations,
governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work.
Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated
’ to the member bodies for approval before their acceptance as International
Standards by the ISO Council.
International Standard ISO 5063 was developed by Technical Committee
ISO/TC 109, Oil burners and associated equipment, and was circulated to the
member bodies in May 1977.
lt has been approved by the member bodies of the following countries :
Germany, F.R. Spain
Czechoslovakia Italy
Mexico United Kingdom
Egypt, Arab Rep. of
South Africa, Rep. of Yugoslavia
The member bodies of the following countries expressed disapproval of the
document on technicat grounds :
0 International Organkation for Standardization, 1978 l
Printed in Switzerland
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Atomizing oil burners of the monobloc type - Testing
1 SCOPE AND FIELD OF APPLICATION the type of control,
1 .l the type of ignition procedure;
This International Standard specifies testing procedures
in the Iaboratory for atomizing oil burners of the monobloc
the means of supplying combustion air;
type. l)
the level of combustion rate.
In general, the tests are made in the combustion chambers
defined in 6.3. However, in certain specific cases, they may
be made in an appliance in use, in the particular case of
3.1 Atomhing processes
tests on site.
The main atomizing processes include the following :
These testing procedures do not apply to burners forming
part of an assembly boiIer/heat-exchanger constituting a
packaged boiler, because in this case the whole assembly
3.1.1 Mechanical a tomiza tion b y pressurized liquid fuel
would be the subject of tests.
Atomization obtained by release of previously pressurized
fuel through a nozzle to form a film which then breaks up
1.2 This International Standard applies to atomizing oil
into droplets.
burners of the monobloc type as such, generally intended
for space-heating appliances and hence releasing energy in
combustion chambers at comparatively low temperatures.
3.1.2 Blast atomization
A burner of the monobloc type is an assembly of compo-
Atomization obtained by the impact of the stream of fuel
nents allowing the supply and atomization of the fuel, the
with a stream of air, steam or other fluid. Burners using this
monitoring of the flame, and the adjustment of Operation.
atomizing process also include, in particular :
The components of the assembly are fixed one to another
or assembled on the same frame or in the same housing.
burners in which the fuel is pre-mixed with the
These components include a fuel pump, an atomizing
atomizing fluid;
device, a combustion air fan, an ignition device, a flame
burners in which atomization is obtained by the fuel
monitoring device and a burner motor. The assembly is
impacting a stream of air, steam or other fluid at the exit
catalogued in this way by the manufacturer.
from a rotary member.
This International Standard does not apply to burners with
natura1 draught since these are generally an integral part of
a heat generator.
3.2 Types of fuel-metering control
The burners covered by this International Standard
2 REFERENCE incorporate one of the following types of metering
ISO 3544, Atomizing oil burners of the monobloc type -
Safety times and safety, control and monitoring devices.
3.2.1 Automatic control
A type of control in which the fuel metering is automatically
varied by appliances put into Operation by components
Atomizing oil burners are classified according to :
sensing the temperature or pressure variations of the
the atomizing process; controlled medium.
i) An International Standard referring to on-site testing for appliances in use may be prepared later.
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ISO 5063-1978 (E)
3.2.2 Semi-au tomatic con trol 3.3.2 Automatic ingition provided b y liquid or
gaseous fuel
A type of control in which the fuel metering is varied as in
A System in which the fuel is ignited by a small liquid or
the automatic control type and for which ignition is always
manual. Shut-off may be carried out manually. gaseous fuel burner known as a Pilot burner and which
may be operated continuously or discontinuously.
atic or automatic controls may be
3.2.3 These semi-autom In the former instance, the Pilot bu rner
may be Opera
of the
following types : manual ly Prior to operati ng the burne r for the first time.
If operated discontinuously, the Pilot burner is put in “ON-OFF” CONTROL
Service automatically be a special device which is usually
electrical, and the following two Systems may be
A type of control in which the burner is alternately
distinguished :
completely shut off (the ignition device itself, however,
may be designed to remain “On”) or operates at a constant IGNITION BY PROVED PILOT BURNER
fuel rate.
A System which admits no main fuel flow unless the
burner is proved. “HIGH-LOW”CONTROL presence of flame on the pi lot
A type of control permitting only two rates of flow. IGNITION BY UNPROVED PILOT BURNER
A System in which admission of the main fuel is not “STEPPED” CONTROL
prevented by the absence of a flame on th e Pilot burn er.
A type of control in which the fuel-metering components
may dwell at a number of positions between those
3.4 Means of supplying combustion air provided by
providing the highest and the lowest fuel rate.
mechanical means
In this instance, the combustion air is supplied to the “CONTINUOUSLY ADJUSTABLE”CONTROL
combustion chamber by either a forced or induced draft
System or by both Systems.
A type of control in which the fuel-metering components
may dwell in any Position between those providing the
highest and the Iowest rate of flow, the flow rate of the 3.5 Level of combustion rate
for these different positions,
combustion air remaining,
The combustion rate is the ratio of heat input rate given to
more or less proportional to the corresponding flow rate
the burner, expressed in kilowattsl) to the volume of the
of the fuel.
combustion chamber, expressed in cubic metres.
3.3 Type of ignition procedure 4 DEFINITIONS
The bu rners covered by this I nternation al Standard be 4.1 atomizing oil burner : A burner for liquid fuel, in
equipped with one of the following types of igniti on
which ignition of the fuel is preceded by a preparatory
System : Phase in which division of the fuel into small droplets
occurs, in Order to facilitate mixing with combustion air.
Au toma tic ignition performed e fec tricalf y
4.1.1 automatic oil burner : An oil burner equipped with
A System in which the ignition necessarily involves the sole
automatic working flame monitoring, control and
use of electrical energy. The following two Systems are
regulating devices, so that the inition of the flame, the
distinguished :
flame monitoring as weil as the Start and the shut-off of the
oil burner and, possibly, the regulation of the amounts of
the fuel and the combustion air take place without inter- PROVEN SPARK IGNITION
vention of operating personnel.
,A System which admits no fuel flow unless the p resence of
the spark
is proved.
4.1.2 semi-automatic oil burner : An oil burner equipped
with automatic ignition, flame monitoring control and
regulating devices, and, possibly, automatic devices for UNPROVED SPARK INGITION
regulating the amount of fuel and combustion air on which
in which
A System the admission of the fuel is not each ignition for putting the burner into Service is carried
p reven ted b ly the abse nee of the spark. out manually.
1) 1 Mcai&h = 1,163 kW
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ISO 50634978 (E)
The Oil burner is monitored and switched off by flame 4.3 Combustion chamber
detectors (and, when available, from limiting devices)
4.3.1 pressure or vacuum in combustion chamber : The
during starting and during Operation. The burner output
effective pressure or vacuum in the combustion chamber.
(Oil throughput) may be automatically or manually
regulated during Operation.
Pressures or vacua are expressed in Pascals (Pa) or in
millibars (mbar)?) ’
The switching off of the burner may be achieved manually;
in this case the re-ignition, which constitutes a new Start,
4.3.2 depth of the combustion chamber : The distance
is manual.
between the end of the nozzle and the movable wall of the
combustion chamber (see 6.3).
4.2 Operating characteristics
4.2.1 fuel rate per hour : The amount of fuel consumed
4.4 Contents of gaseous combustion products
in 1 h by the burner at a constant rate.
4.4.1 CO, content : The ratio of the volume of carbon
dioxide (CO,) contained in the dry gaseous products of maximum fuel rate per hour : The amount of fuel
combustion to the total volume of the products, expressed
actually consumed in 1 h by the burner at the maximum
as a percentage.
rate indicated by the manufacturer.
4.4.2 0, content : The ratio of the volume of the Oxygen minimum fuel rate per hour : The amount of fuel
(0,) contained in the dry gaseous products of combustion
actually consumed in 1 h by the burner at the minimum
to the total volume of the products, expressed as a
rate indicated by the manufacturer.
percentage. mean fuel rate per hour : The amount of fuel
4.4.3 CO content : The ratio of the volume of the carbon
actually consumed in 1 h by the burner at the mean rate,
monoxide (CO) contained in the dry gaseous products of
i.e. the halved value of the summed maximum and
combustion to the total volume of the products, expressed
minimum rates.
as a percentage. intermediate fuel rate per hour (only for burners
4.5 excess air in dry flue gases : The amount of air intro-
with stepped control of continuously adjustable control) :
duced over and above that needed for pet-fect combustion
The amount of fuel actually consumed in 1 h by the burner
(i.e. that strictly needed to ensure complete combustion of
at a rate corresponding to the maximum rate less one-third
the fuel). The excess air refers to that within the
of the differente between the maximum and minimum
combustion chamber and is expressed as a percentage of
rates of the burners.
the volume of theoretical air.
Fuel rates are expressed in kilograms per hour (kg/h).
4.6 smoke number : A number permitting the evaluation
of the degree of smoke by means of a conventional shade nominal ranges of rate per hour :
scale (Bacharach scale - see annex).
“On-Off” control : The rangeI) of maximum fuel
rates given by the manufacturer.
“high-low” or gradual : The ranges’) of maximum
and minimum fuel rates given by manufactwrer.
5.1 Permitted values of the smoke number
4.2.2 heat input rate : The amount of heat, in relation to
The smoke number shall be recorded for each heat input
time, which is liberated by the burner at a given heat input
rate, and shall be in accordance with the following values
rate (fuel rate per hour x net calorific value of the fuel).
on the grey scale (see the annex) when the tests are carried
out in the combustion chambers defined in 6.3 : maximum nominal heat input rate : The maximum
< for liquid fuels of class 1:
heat input rate indicated by the manufacturer.
< 3 for liquid fuels of classes II and I II; minimum nominal heat input rate : The minimum
<4 for liquid fuels of class IV.
heat input rate indicated by the manufacturer.
(the limit for class IV is adopted provisionally until a
Heat input rates are expressed in Watts (W). more suitable quantitative method is available).
1) Within a range, the different values of fuel rates are obtained by various means such as by changing the nozzle or by varying the pressure, etc.
1 mbar= 100 N/mm* = 0,l kPa
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ISO 50634978 (E)
The classes of liquid fuels are specified in 6.7.1. The chief purpose of these tests being to ascertain the
conformity of the burners to the operating requirements
When the tests are carried out on an appliance in use, these
laid down, it is necessary to carry out a thermal test (heat
values may be reduced by one Point.
balance) to verify the heat input rates claimed by the
manufacturer and the conformity of the burner to the
No significant yellow staining on the back of the test Paper,
requirements of clause 5.
indicating the presence of unburnt liquid, shall be allowed;
a yellow tint is, however, permitted.
To this end, the fuel rates per hour as defined by the
characteristics of the burner are determined and stated
5.2 Maximum CO content
with a tolerante of + IO %.
The CO content of the flue gases shall be less than or equal
lt shall be checked that there is no phenomenon of
to 0,l % (WV) for all fuel rates and all classes of fuel.
pulsation at the start-up of the burner. This is done by
variations in the combustion
recording the pressure
5.3 Excess air chamber from the instant when admission of fuel to the
burner is signalled.
When testing the maximum fuel rate per hour, the excess
air should not be greater than the value shown on the The various components of the burner whose characteristics
appended curve in terms of the fuel rate (see figure 1). are to be tested (motors, transformers, Pumps, filters,
nozzles, etc.) are the subject of specific tests*).
5.3.1 On-Off controlled burners should be tested at both
For safety reasons, fans shall be protected to prevent foreign
mean and minimum fuel rates with excess air not greater
objects coming into contact with the impeller blades.
than the value shown on the curve for the relevant fuel
rate? in different directions
The device for adjusting the air flow
shall have a locking device.
5.3.2 When testing high-low-controlled burners at the
Additionally, the Performance of the equipment during the
minimum fuel rate per hour, the excess air shall not be
test runs shall be observed. Using the control equipment,
greater than 60 %.
the burner shall be operated and shut off ten times conse-
cutively. The periods of Operation and shut-down shall be
Another test should also be carried out at the mean fuel
of 2 min duration. In principle, these observations are made
rate with excess air not greater than the value shown on the
for each combination, nozzle-combustion head.
curve for the relevant fuel rate.
lt shall be verified in particular that :
5.33 When testing stepped control burners at the
minimum fuel rate per hour, the excess air shall not be - there is no undue heating of the electric System;
greater than 70 %.
there are no leaks in the fuel circuit;
A test should also be carried out at an intermediate fuel
there is no fouling of the ignition devices, nozzles,
rate with excess air 20 % greater than the value shown on
air ducts or mixers or of the flame detectors, which
figure 1.
might endanger the reliability or the efficiency of the
control Systems.
Checks shall be made to ensure that the Operation of the
control System is consistent with the correct functioning
6.1 Purpose and general principle of test runs
of the burner.
The purpose of the tests it to ascertain the conformity of
the burners to the design and operating characteristics
6.2 Testing procedure
defined in this International Standard. As a general rule,
these tests are carried out in the combustion chambers Testing should be performed in a test Iaboratory.
defined in 6.3. However, in certain specific cases, they may
be carried out on an appliance in use.
6.3 Test laboratory
NOTE - An example of a case when tests could be carried out on
Testing should be carried out in a test facility so equipped
an appliance in use would occur if the geometry of the appliance
as to enable the test procedures described below to be
differred greatly from the geometry of the test combustion
chamber. carried out. -’
The burner shall be tested with all the ancillaries needed The test f aci I ity shall be equipped wi th com bustion
for its Operation. cham bers of circul r section (see exampl e in figure 2
1) The different values of fuel rates are obtained by various means such as by changing the nozzle or by varying the pressure, etc.
2) In preparation.
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ISO 50634978 (E)
Esch combustion chamber is defined by its internal dia- - Gaseous products of combustion : The CO, and 0,
meter (0,280 m - 0,400 m - 0,500 m - 0,600 m - content of the dry combustion gases shall be measured
and recorded in percentage with instruments providing
0,800 m) and by its depth; the ratio depth/diameter shall
an accuracy of + 0,2 in absolute value.
be not greater than 5.
The CO content shall be determined by micro-determi-
The depth is adjustable by means of a movable wall which
nation, and it should be possible to detect a content of
tan be displaced longitudinally in the combustion chamber.
This movable wall is fitted with a baffle which al lows a 5 Parts in 100 000 with an accuracy of + 2 Parts in
100 000.
variable pressure drop to be provided at the outlet of the
combustion chamber. This device permits the adjustment
- Temperature of gaseous products of combustion : to
of the pressure in the combustion chamber.
+ 5 “C. lt shall be possible to detect a Change in tempe-
rature of + 1 “C.
All the Walls, except the front, are cooled.
- Fuel sampling for analysis purposes : The sampling
A heat exchanger permits cooling of the products of
is intended to check the conformity of the fuel to the
combustion before they enter the metering section shown
specifications given in 6.7.1.
in figure 3 without direct contact between the gases and
the cooling fluid.
- Time : to + 1 %.
The combustion chamber is equipped with gas-tight
Observation ports to allow visual inspection of the flame. lt
0 Brûleurs combustible liquide à pulvérisation de type
monoblo - Essais
Atomizing oit burn rs of the monobloc type - Testing
Première édition i - 1978-1 1-15
CDU 662.941.2
Réf. no : IS0 5063-11
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L'ISO (Organisation internationale de normalisation) est une fédération mondiale
d'organismes nationaux de normalisation (comités membres de 1'60). L'élaboration
des Normes internationales est confiée aux comités techniques de I'ISO. Chaque
comité membre intéressé par une étude a le droit de faire partie du comité technique
correspondant. Les organisations internationales, gouvernementales et non
gouvernementales. en liaison avec I'ISO, participent également aux travaux.
Les projets de Normes internationales adoptés par les comités techniques sont
soumis aux comites membres pour approbation, avant leur acceptation comme
Normes internationales par le Conseil de I'ISO.
La Norme internationale IS0 5063 a été élaborée par le comité technique
ISO/TC 109, Brûleurs à combustible liquide et leur équipement, et a été soumise
aux comités membres en mai 1977.
Les comités membres des pays suivants l'ont approuvée :
Afrique du Sud, Rép. d' Espagne Royaume-Uni
Allemagne, R.F. France Tchécoslovaquie
Italie Turquie
Égypte, Rép. arabe d' Mexique Yougoslavie
Les comités membres des pays suivants l'ont désapprouvée pour des raisons
techniques :
O Organisation internationale de normalisation, 1978 0
Imprimé en Suisse
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\b I
Publié 1979-11-15
Brûleurs à com b ustible liquide à pulvérisation de type monobloc - Essais
Page 11
Figure 1 : À remi ?r par nouvelle figure ci-jointe.
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Y 104
Excès d'air, %
FIGURE 1 - Relation débit thermique/excès d'air
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'8 (FI
Brûleurs à combustible liquide à pulvérisation de type
de type monobloc - Temps de sécurité et disi tifs de
sécurité, de commande et de régulation.
ces essais sont effectués dans les i sont
Les brûleurs à combustible liquide à pulvérisi
chambres de CO on définies en 6.3. Toutefois, dans classés suivant :
certains cas parti , ils peuvent être faits sur un appareil
- le type de pulvérisation;
- le mode de réglage;
- le mode d'allumage;
- le mode d'apport de l'air de combustion;
- le niveau de taux de combustion.
à pulvérisation du type 3.1 Types de pulvérisation
tels, destinés en général à I'équipe-
On distingue, entre autres, les types de pu isation
auffage des locaux et débitant, de
suivants :
bres de combustion à température
3.1 .I Pulvérisation mécanique par pression du Iic
Pulvérisation obtenue par détente par l'action d' jicleur,
du combustible préalablement mis sous pres pour
former un film qui se disperse en gouttelettes.
ombustible, un dispositif de pulvéri-
3.1.2 Pulvérisation par fluide auxiliaire
d'air de combustion, un dispositif
La pulvérisation est obtenue par rencontre de I tine de
combustible avec un courant d'air, de vapeur O e tout
autre fluide. Sont également inclus dans ce type c *ûleurs
notamment :
internationale ne s'applique pas aux
- les brûleurs à émulsion dans lesquels on proc
le à un
'air par tirage naturel, ceuxci faisant
brassage préalable du combustible avec le fl de de
ntégrante d'un générateur de chaleur.
- les brûleurs à coupelle rotative dans lesquels
risation est obtenue par la rencontre du combus >le à la
sortie d'une coupelle en rotation avec un coura : d'air,
IS0 3544, Brûleu à combustibles liquides à pulvérisation de vapeur ou de tout autre fluide.
1) Une Norme intern tionale concernant les essais in situ sur appareil d'utilisation pourra être préparée ultérieurement.
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IS0 5063-1978 (FI
3.2 Mode de réglage du débit de combustible provoquée par l'emploi exclusif d'énergie électrique. On
distingue les deux systèmes suivants :
Les brûleurs couverts par la présente Norme internationale
ont l'un des modes de réglage suivants : ALLUMAGE PAR ÉTINCELLE CONTRÔLÉE
Système qui ne permet pas la libération du combustible
3.2.1 Réglage automatique
tant que la présence de l'étincelle n'est pas assurée.
Mode de réglage dans lequel le débit de combustible est
modifié automatiquement au moyen d'appareils mis en ALLUMAGE PAR ÉTINCELLE NON
fonctionnement par un organe détecteur de variation de
température ou de pression de l'élément contrôlé.
Système dans lequel l'admission du combustible n'est pas
empêchée par l'absence d'étincelle.
3.2.2 Réglage semi-automatique
Mode de réglage dans lequel le débit de combustible est
3.3.2 Allumage automatique aux combustibles liquides
modifié comme dans le mode de réglage automatique et
ou gazeux
pour lequel l'allumage est toujours manuel, l'arrêt pouvant
se faire manuellement.
Système dans lequel l'inflammation du combustible est
assurée par un petit brûleur à combustible liquide ou
3.2.3 Ces réglages semi-automatiques ou automatiques gazeux nommé brûleur d'allumage; ces brûleurs d'allumage
peuvent être des types suivants : peuvent être permanents ou intermittents.
Dans le cas d'un brûleur d'allumage permanent, sa mise en
3.23.1 PAR «TOUT ou RIEN))
fonction peut être réalisée manuellement avant la première
mise en marche du brûleur.
Cas particulier de réglage dans lequel le brûleur comporte
des alternances d'arrêt total (l'allumeur lui-même cependant
Dans le cas d'un brûleur d'allumage intermittent, sa mise en
peut être conçu pour rester en fonctionnement) et de
fonction est réalisée automatiquement au moyen d'un
fonctionnement à débit constant.
dispositif spécial, généralement électrique et les deux
systèmes suivants peuvent être distingués :
Cas particulier de réglage comportant seulement deux
régimes de débit.
Système qui ne permet pas la libération du combustible ((PROGRESSIF PAR PALIERS))
principal tant que la présence de la flamme du brûleur
d'allumage n'est pas assurée.
Cas particulier de réglage dans lequel les organes de réglage
du débit de combustible peuvent se stabiliser en un certain ALLUMAGE PAR BRÛLEUR D'ALLUMAGE
nombre de positions intermédiaires entre les positions
extrêmes correspondant au minimum et au maximum de
Système dans lequel l'admission du combustible principal
n'est pas empêchée par l'absence de la flamme du brûleur ((PR O G R E SS I F c O N T IN U ))
Cas particulier de réglage dans lequel les organes de réglage
du débit de combustible peuvent se stabiliser en toute
3.4 Mode d'apport de l'air de combustion -
position comprise entre les positions extrêmes correspon-
Apport d'air par des dispositifs mécaniques
dant au minimum et au maximum de débit, le débit d'air
comburant restant, pour ces différentes positions, sensible-
Dans ce cas, l'alimentation en air comburant de la chambre
ment proportionnel au débit de combustible correspondant.
de combustion est assurée par des dispositifs mécaniques
aspirants ou refoulants, ou encore par les deux.
3.3 Mode d'allumage
Les brûleurs couverts par la présente Norme internationale
peuvent avoir un des modes d'allumage suivants :
3.5 Niveau de taux de combustion
Le taux de combustion est le rapport du débit thermique
3.3.1 Allumage automatique électrique
fourni au brûleur exprimé en kilowattsl) au volume de la
Système dans lequel l'inflammation du combustible est chambre de combustion exprimé en mètres cubes.
1) 1 McallT/h = 1,163 kW
---------------------- Page: 6 ----------------------
nbustible liquide à pulvérisation : Brûleur
4.1 brûleur à CI plages nominales des débits horaires :
iquide dans lequel l'inflammation du
à combustible
combustible est dcédée d'une phase de préparation qui
- réglage par ((tout ou riens : Piage')
consiste à réduii le combustible en fines gouttelettes, en
mélange à l'air comburant.
vue de favoriser 1
- réglage par «tout ou peu)), ou progressi
4.1.1 brûleur ai omatique à combustible liquide : Brûleur
tible indiqués par le constructeur.
équipé de disF sitifs automatiques de contrôle de la
flamme, de cow iande et de régulation de telle sorte que
l'allumage de la lamme, le contrôle de la flamme, la mise
en marche et 'arrêt du brûleur, éventuellement la
régulation des di its de combustible et d'air comburant, se
fassent sans inter mtion d'un personnel de conduite.
4.1.2 brûleur 9 ni-automatique à combustible liquide :
Brûleur équipé I dispositifs automatiques d'allumage, de
0 contrôle de fla mes, de commande et de régulation,
éventuellement I une régulation des débits de combustible
que minimal indique par le constructeur.
et d'air combur; t, pour lesquels chaque allumage de mise
en service du bri Dur est fait manuellement. Le brûleur est
Les débits thermiques s'expriment en watts (W).
surveillé et arrêi aussi bien au démarrage que pendant le
fonctionnement ar des détecteurs de flammes et, dans la
:ent par des limiteurs. Le débit du brûleur
mesure où ils ex
4.3 Chambre de combustion
peut être réglé I ndant le fonctionnement, soit automati-
quement soit ma Jellement.
L'arrêt du brûlei peut se faire manuellement; dans ce cas,
la chambre de combustion.
constitue une nouvelle mise en service
le réallumage qi
est manuel.
4.2 Caractéristii es de fonctionnement
4.2.1 débit hor *e : Masse de combustible effectivement
brûlé durant 1 I Ide fonctionnement du brûleur à débit
la chambre de combustion (voir 6.3).
urant 1 h de fonctionnement du
dits pro
Questions, Comments and Discussion
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