Information technology - Generic coding of moving pictures and associated audio information - Part 2: Video

This Recommendation | International Standard specifies the coded representation of picture information for digital
storage media and digital video communication and specifies the decoding process. The representation supports constant
bit rate transmission, variable bit rate transmission, random access, channel hopping, scalable decoding, bitstream
editing, as well as special functions such as fast forward playback, fast reverse playback, slow motion, pause and still
pictures. This Recommendation | International Standard is forward compatible with ISO/IEC 11172-2 and upward or
downward compatible with EDTV, HDTV, SDTV formats.
This Recommendation | International Standard is primarily applicable to digital storage media, video broadcast and
communication. The storage media may be directly connected to the decoder, or via communications means such as
busses, LANs, or telecommunications links.

Technologies de l'information - Codage générique des images animées et du son associé - Partie 2: Données vidéo

Informacijska tehnologija - Splošno kodiranje gibljivih slik in pripadajočih avdio informacij - 2. del: Video

To priporočilo | mednarodni standard določa kodirano upodobitev slikovnih informacij za digitalne medije za shranjevanje in digitalno video komunikacijo ter določa postopke dekodiranja. Upodobitev podpira prenos s stalno bitno hitrostjo, prenos s spremenljivo bitno hitrostjo, naključni dostop, kanalske skoke, prilagodljivo dekodiranje, urejanje bitnih tokov ter posebne funkcije, kot so predvajanje hitro naprej, predvajanje hitro nazaj, počasni posnetek, prekinitev in mirujoče slike. To priporočilo | mednarodni standard je naprej združljiv s standardom ISO/IEC 11172-2 in naraščujoče ali
padajoče združljiv s formati EDTV, HDTV, SDTV.
To priporočilo | mednarodni standard se uporablja predvsem za digitalne medije za shranjevanje ter video oddajanje in komunikacijo. Medij za shranjevanje je lahko z dekodirnikom povezan neposredno ali prek komunikacijskih sredstev, kot so vodila, lokalna omrežja (LAN) ali telekomunikacijske povezave.

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Technical Committee
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6060 - National Implementation/Publication (Adopted Project)
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STANDARD 13818-2
Third edition

Information technology — Generic coding
of moving pictures and associated audio
information —
Part 2:
Technologies de l'information — Codage générique des images
animées et du son associé —
Partie 2: Données vidéo

Reference number
ISO/IEC 13818-2:2013(E)
ISO/IEC 2013

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ISO/IEC 13818-2:2013(E)


©  ISO/IEC 2013
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means,
electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from either ISO at the address below or
ISO's member body in the country of the requester.
ISO copyright office
Case postale 56  CH-1211 Geneva 20
Tel. + 41 22 749 01 11
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Published in Switzerland

ii © ISO/IEC 2013 – All rights reserved

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ISO/IEC 13818-2:2013(E)
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) and IEC (the International Electrotechnical
Commission) form the specialized system for worldwide standardization. National bodies that are members of
ISO or IEC participate in the development of International Standards through technical committees
established by the respective organization to deal with particular fields of technical activity. ISO and IEC
technical committees collaborate in fields of mutual interest. Other international organizations, governmental
and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO and IEC, also take part in the work. In the field of information
technology, ISO and IEC have established a joint technical committee, ISO/IEC JTC 1.
International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.
The main task of the joint technical committee is to prepare International Standards. Draft International
Standards adopted by the joint technical committee are circulated to national bodies for voting. Publication as
an International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the national bodies casting a vote.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent
rights. ISO and IEC shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
ISO/IEC 13818-2 was prepared by Joint Technical Committee ISO/IEC JTC 1, Information technology,
Subcommittee SC 29, Coding of audio, picture, multimedia and hypermedia information, in collaboration with
ITU-T. The identical text is published as ITU-T Rec. H.262 (2012).
This third edition cancels and replaces the second edition (ISO/IEC 13818-2:2000), which has been
technically revised. It also incorporates the Amendments ISO/IEC 13818-2:2000/Amd.1:2001, ISO/IEC 13818-
2:2000/Amd.2:2007 and ISO/IEC 13818-2:2000/Amd.3:2010, and the Technical Corrigenda ISO/IEC 13818-
2:2000/Cor.1:2002 and ISO/IEC 13818-2:2000/Cor.2:2007.
ISO/IEC 13818 consists of the following parts, under the general title Information technology — Generic
coding of moving pictures and associated audio information:
 Part 1: Systems
 Part 2: Video
 Part 3: Audio
 Part 4: Conformance testing
 Part 5: Software simulation
 Part 6: Extensions for DSM-CC
 Part 7: Advanced Audio Coding (AAC)
 Part 9: Extension for real time interface for systems decoders
 Part 10: Conformance extensions for Digital Storage Media Command and Control (DSM-CC)
 Part 11: IPMP on MPEG-2 systems

© ISO/IEC 2013 – All rights reserved iii

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Introduction vi
1 Scope 1
2 Normative references 1
3 Definitions 1
4 Abbreviations and symbols 7
4.1 Arithmetic operators 7
4.2 Logical operators 8
4.3 Relational operators 8
4.4 Bitwise operators 8
4.5 Assignment 8
4.6 Mnemonics 8
4.7 Constants 8
5 Conventions 9
5.1 Method of describing bitstream syntax 9
5.2 Definition of functions 9
5.3 Reserved, forbidden and marker_bit 10
5.4 Arithmetic precision 10
6 Video bitstream syntax and semantics 10
6.1 Structure of coded video data 10
6.2 Video bitstream syntax 20
6.3 Video bitstream semantics 38
7 The video decoding process 68
7.1 Higher syntactic structures 69
7.2 Variable length decoding 69
7.3 Inverse scan 72
7.4 Inverse quantization 73
7.5 Inverse DCT 77
7.6 Motion compensation 77
7.7 Spatial scalability 91
7.8 SNR scalability 100
7.9 Temporal scalability 107
7.10 Data partitioning 110
7.11 Hybrid scalability 111
7.12 Output of the decoding process 112
8 Profiles and levels 115
8.1 ISO/IEC 11172-2 compatibility 117
8.2 Relationship between defined profiles 117
8.3 Relationship between defined levels 119
8.4 Scalable layers 119
8.5 Parameter values for defined profiles, levels and layers 122
8.6 Compatibility requirements on decoders 124
9 Registration of copyright identifiers 126
9.1 General 126
9.2 Implementation of a Registration Authority (RA) 126
Annex A Inverse discrete cosine transform 128
Annex B Variable length code tables 129
B.1 Macroblock addressing 129
B.2 Macroblock type 130
B.3 Macroblock pattern 135
B.4 Motion vectors 136
iv Rec. ITU-T H.262 (02/2012)

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B.5 DCT coefficients 137
Annex C Video buffering verifier 146
Annex D Frame packing arrangement signalling for stereoscopic 3D content 151
Annex E Profile and level restrictions 155
E.1 Syntax element restrictions in profiles 155
E.2 Permissible layer combinations 167
Annex F Features supported by the algorithm 189
F.1 Overview 189
F.2 Video formats 189
F.3 Picture quality 190
F.4 Data rate control 190
F.5 Low delay mode 190
F.6 Random access/channel hopping 191
F.7 Scalability 191
F.8 Compatibility 197
F.9 Differences between this Specification and ISO/IEC 11172-2 197
F.10 Complexity 199
F.11 Editing encoded bitstreams 200
F.12 Trick modes 200
F.13 Error resilience 201
F.14 Concatenated sequences 208
Annex G Registration procedure 209
G.1 Procedure for the request of a Registered Identifier (RID) 209
G.2 Responsibilities of the Registration Authority 209
G.3 Responsibilities of parties requesting an RID 209
G.4 Appeal procedure for denied applications 210
Annex H Registration application form 211
H.1 Contact information of organization requesting a Registered Identifier (RID) 211
H.2 Statement of an intention to apply the assigned RID 211
H.3 Date of intended implementation of the RID 211
H.4 Authorized representative 211
H.5 For official use only of the Registration Authority 211
Annex I Registration authority – diagram of administration structure 212
Annex J 4:2:2 Profile test results 213
J.1 Introduction 213
J.2 Test sequences 213
J.3 Test procedures 214
J.4 Subjective assessment 214
J.5 Test results 215
Annex K The impact of practices for non-progressive sequence bitstreams in consideration of progressive-scan
display 218
K.1 Progressive and non-progressive encoding 218
K.2 Video source timing information syntax 218
K.3 Content generation practices 218
K.4 Post-encoding editing of the progressive frame flag in video bitstreams 221
K.5 Post-processing for systems with progressive scan displays 221
K.6 Use of capture timecode information 221
Annex L Bibliography 224

 Rec. ITU-T H.262 (02/2012) v

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Intro. 1 Purpose
This Part of this Recommendation | International Standard was developed in response to the growing need for a generic
coding method of moving pictures and of associated sound for various applications such as digital storage media,
television broadcasting and communication. The use of this Specification means that motion video can be manipulated as
a form of computer data and can be stored on various storage media, transmitted and received over existing and future
networks and distributed on existing and future broadcasting channels.
Intro. 2 Application
The applications of this Specification cover, but are not limited to, such areas as listed below:
BSS Broadcasting Satellite Service (to the home)
CATV Cable TV Distribution on optical networks, copper, etc.
CDAD Cable Digital Audio Distribution
DSB Digital Sound Broadcasting (terrestrial and satellite broadcasting)
DTTB Digital Terrestrial Television Broadcasting
EC Electronic Cinema
ENG Electronic News Gathering (including SNG, Satellite News Gathering)
FSS Fixed Satellite Service (e.g. to head ends)
HTT Home Television Theatre
IPC Interpersonal Communications (videoconferencing, videophone, etc.)
ISM Interactive Storage Media (optical disks, etc.)
MMM Multimedia Mailing
NCA News and Current Affairs
NDB Networked Database Services (via ATM, etc.)
RVS Remote Video Surveillance
SSM Serial Storage Media (digital VTR, etc.)
Intro. 3 Profiles and levels
This Specification is intended to be generic in the sense that it serves a wide range of applications, bit rates, resolutions,
qualities and services. Applications should cover, among other things, digital storage media, television broadcasting and
communications. In the course of creating this Specification, various requirements from typical applications have been
considered, necessary algorithmic elements have been developed, and they have been integrated into a single syntax.
Hence, this Specification will facilitate the bitstream interchange among different applications.
Considering the practicality of implementing the full syntax of this Specification, however, a limited number of subsets
of the syntax are also stipulated by means of "profile" and "level". These and other related terms are formally defined in
clause 3.
A "profile" is a defined subset of the entire bitstream syntax that is defined by this Specification. Within the bounds
imposed by the syntax of a given profile it is still possible to require a very large variation in the performance of
encoders and decoders depending upon the values taken by parameters in the bitstream. For instance, it is possible to
14 14
specify frame sizes as large as (approximately) 2 samples wide by 2 lines high. It is currently neither practical nor
economic to implement a decoder capable of dealing with all possible frame sizes.
In order to deal with this problem, "levels" are defined within each profile. A level is a defined set of constraints imposed
on parameters in the bitstream. These constraints may be simple limits on numbers. Alternatively they may take the form
of constraints on arithmetic combinations of the parameters (e.g. frame width multiplied by frame height multiplied by
frame rate).
Bitstreams complying with this Specification use a common syntax. In order to achieve a subset of the complete syntax,
flags and parameters are included in the bitstream that signal the presence or otherwise of syntactic elements that occur
later in the bitstream. In order to specify constraints on the syntax (and hence define a profile), it is thus only necessary
to constrain the values of these flags and parameters that specify the presence of later syntactic elements.
vi Rec. ITU-T H.262 (02/2012)

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Intro. 4 The scalable and the non-scalable syntax
The full syntax can be divided into two major categories: One is the non-scalable syntax, which is structured as a super
set of the syntax defined in ISO/IEC 11172-2. The main feature of the non-scalable syntax is the extra compression tools
for interlaced video signals. The second is the scalable syntax, the key property of which is to enable the reconstruction
of useful video from pieces of a total bitstream. This is achieved by structuring the total bitstream in two or more layers,
starting from a standalone base layer and adding a number of enhancement layers. The base layer can use the non-
scalable syntax, or in some situations conform to the ISO/IEC 11172-2 syntax.
Intro. 4.1 Overview of the non-scalable syntax
The coded representation defined in the non-scalable syntax achieves a high compression ratio while preserving good
image quality. The algorithm is not lossless as the exact sample values are not preserved during coding. Obtaining good
image quality at the bit rates of interest demands very high compression, which is not achievable with intra picture
coding alone. The need for random access, however, is best satisfied with pure intra picture coding. The choice of the
techniques is based on the need to balance a high image quality and compression ratio with the requirement to make
random access to the coded bitstream.
A number of techniques are used to achieve high compression. The algorithm first uses block-based motion
compensation to reduce the temporal redundancy. Motion compensation is used both for causal prediction of the current
picture from a previous picture, and for non-causal, interpolative prediction from past and future pictures. Motion vectors
are defined for each 16-sample by 16-line region of the picture. The prediction error, is further compressed using the
Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) to remove spatial correlation before it is quantized in an irreversible process that
discards the less important information. Finally, the motion vectors are combined with the quantized DCT information,
and encoded using variable length codes.
Intro. 4.1.1 Temporal processing
Because of the conflicting requirements of random access and highly efficient compression, three main picture types are
defined. Intra-coded pictures (I-pictures) are coded without reference to other pictures. They provide access points to the
coded sequence where decoding can begin, but are coded with only moderate compression. Predictive coded pictures (P-
pictures) are coded more efficiently using motion compensated prediction from a past intra or predictive coded picture
and are generally used as a reference for further prediction. Bidirectionally-predictive coded pictures (B-pictures)
provide the highest degree of compression but require both past and future reference pictures for motion compensation.
Bidirectionally-predictive coded pictures are never used as references for prediction (except in the case that the resulting
picture is used as a reference in a spatially scalable enhancement layer). The organization of the three picture types in a
sequence is very flexible. The choice is left to the encoder and will depend on the requirements of the application. Figure
Intro. 1 illustrates an example of the relationship among the three different picture types.

Figure Intro.1 – Example of temporal picture structure
Intro. 4.1.2 Coding interlaced video
Each frame of interlaced video consists of two fields which are separated by one field-period. The Specification allows
either the frame to be encoded as picture or the two fields to be encoded as two pictures. Frame encoding or field
encoding can be adaptively selected on a frame-by-frame basis. Frame encoding is typically preferred when the video
scene contains significant detail with limited motion. Field encoding, in which the second field can be predicted from the
first, works better when there is fast movement.
 Rec. ITU-T H.262 (02/2012) vii

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Intro. 4.1.3 Motion representation – Macroblocks
As in ISO/IEC 11172-2, the choice of 16 by 16 macroblocks for the motion-compensation unit is a result of the trade-off
between the coding gain provided by using motion information and the overhead needed to represent it. Each
macroblock can be temporally predicted in one of a number of different ways. For example, in frame encoding, the
prediction from the previous reference frame can itself be either frame-based or field-based. Depending on the type of
the macroblock, motion vector information and other side information is encoded with the compressed prediction error in
each macroblock. The motion vectors are encoded differentially with respect to the last encoded motion vectors using
variable length codes. The maximum length of the motion vectors that may be represented can be programmed, on a
picture-by-picture basis, so that the most demanding applications can be met without compromising the performance of
the system in more normal situations.
It is the responsibility of the encoder to calculate appropriate motion vectors. This Specification does not specify how
this should be done.
Intro. 4.1.4 Spatial redundancy reduction
Both source pictures and prediction errors have high spatial redundancy. This Specification uses a block-based DCT
method with visually weighted quantization and run-length coding. After motion compensated prediction or
interpolation, the resulting prediction error is split into 8 by 8 blocks. These are transformed into the DCT domain where
they are weighted before being quantized. After quantization many of the DCT coefficients are zero in value and so
two-dimensional run-length and variable length coding is used to encode the remaining DCT coefficients efficiently.
Intro. 4.1.5 Chrominance formats
In addition to the 4:2:0 format supported in ISO/IEC 11172-2 this Specification supports 4:2:2 and 4:4:4 chrominance
Intro. 4.2 Scalable extensions
The scalability tools in this Specification are designed to support applications beyond that supported by single layer
video. Among the noteworthy applications areas addressed are video telecommunications, video on Asynchronous
Transfer Mode (ATM) networks, interworking of video standards, video service hierarchies with multiple spatial,
temporal and quality resolutions, HDTV with embedded TV, systems allowing migration to higher temporal resolution
HDTV, etc. Although a simple solution to scalable video is the simulcast technique which is based on
transmission/storage of multiple independently coded reproductions of video, a more efficient alternative is scalable
video coding, in which the bandwidth allocated to a given reproduction of video can be partially re-utilized in coding of
the next reproduction of video. In scalable video coding, it is assumed that given a coded bitstream, decoders of various
complexities can decode and display appropriate reproductions of coded video. A scalable video encoder is likely to have
increased complexity when compared to a single layer encoder. However, this Recommendation | International Standard
provides several different forms of scalabilities that address non-overlapping applications with corresponding
complexities. The basic scalability tools offered are:
– data partitioning;
– SNR scalability;
– spatial scalability; and
– temporal scalability.
Moreover, combinations of these basic scalability tools are also supported and are referred to as hybrid scalability. In the
case of basic scalability, two layers of video referred to as the lower layer and the enhancement layer are allowed,
whereas in hybrid scalability up to three layers are supported. Tables Intro. 1 to Intro. 3 provide a few example
applications of various scalabilities.
Table Intro. 1 – Applications of SNR scalability
Lower layer Enhancement layer Application
Recommendation Same resolution and format as Two quality service for Standard TV (SDTV)
ITU-R BT.601 lower layer
High Definition Same resolution and format as Two quality service for HDTV
lower layer
4:2:0 high definition 4:2:2 chroma simulcast Video production / distribution

viii Rec. ITU-T H.262 (02/2012)

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Table Intro. 2 – Applications of spatial scalability
Base Enhancement Application
Progressive (30 Hz) Progressive (30 Hz) Compatibility or scalability CIF/SCIF
Interlace (30 Hz) Interlace (30 Hz) HDTV/SDTV scalability
Progressive (30 Hz) Interlace (30 Hz) ISO/IEC 11172-2/compatibility with this Specification
Interlace (30 Hz) Progressive (60 Hz) Migration to high resolution progressive HDTV

Table Intro. 3 – Applications of temporal scalability
Base Enhancement Higher Application
Progressive (30 Hz) Progressive (30 Hz) Progressive (60 Hz) Migration to high resolution progressive
Interlace (30 Hz) Interlace (30 Hz) Progressive (60 Hz) Migration to high resolution progressive

Intro. 4.2.1 Spatial scalable extension
Spatial scalability is a tool intended for use in video applications involving telecommunications, interworking of video
standards, video database browsing, interworking of HDTV and TV, etc., i.e. video systems with the primary common
feature that a minimum of two layers of spatial resolution are necessary. Spatial scalability involves generating two
spatial resolution video layers from a single video source such that the lower layer is coded by itself to provide the basic
spatial resolution and the enhancement layer employs the spatially interpolated lower layer and carries the full spatial
resolution of the input video source. The lower and the enhancement layers may either both use the coding tools in this
Specification, or the ISO/IEC 11172-2 Standard for the lower layer and this Specification for the enhancement layer. The
latter case achieves a further advantage by facilitating interworking between video coding standards. Moreover, spatial
scalability offers flexibility in choice of video formats to be employed in each layer. An additional advantage of spatial
scalability is its ability to provide resilience to transmission errors as the more important data of the lower layer can be
sent over channel with better error performance, while the less critical enhancement layer data can be sent over a channel
with poor error performance.
Intro. 4.2.2 SNR scalable extension
SNR scalability is a tool intended for use in video applications involving telecommunications, video services with
multiple qualities, standard TV and HDTV, i.e. video systems with the primary common feature that a minimum of two
layers of video quality are necessary. SNR scalability involves generating two video layers of same spatial resolution but
different video qualities from a single video source such that the lower layer is coded by itself to provide the basic video
quality and the enhancement layer is coded to enhance the lower layer. The enhancement layer when added back to the
lower layer regenerates a higher quality reproduction of the input video. The lower and the enhancement layers may
either use this Specification or ISO/IEC 11172-2 Standard for the lower layer and this Specification for the enhancement
layer. An additional advantage of SNR scalability is its ability to provide high degree of resilience to transmission errors
as the more important data of the lower layer can be sent over channel with better error performance, while the less
critical enhancement layer data can be sent over a channel with poor error performance.
Intro. 4.2.3 Temporal scalable extension
Temporal scalability is a tool intended for use in a range of diverse video applications from telecommunications
to HDTV for which migration to higher temporal resolution systems from that of lower temporal resolution systems may
be necessary. In many cases, the lower temporal resolution video systems may be either the existing systems or the less
expensive early generation systems, with the motivation of introducing more sophisticated systems gradually. Temporal
scalability involves partitioning of video frames into layers, whereas the lower layer is coded by itself to provide the
basic temporal rate and the enhancement layer is coded with temporal prediction with respect to the lower layer, these
layers when decoded and temporal multiplexed to yield full temporal resolution of the video source. The lower temporal
resolution systems may only decode the lower layer to provide basic temporal resolution, whereas more sophisticated
systems of the future may decode both layers and provide high temporal resolution video while maintaining interworking
with earlier generation systems. An additional advantage of temporal scalability is its ability to provide resilience to
transmission errors as the more important data of the lower layer can be sent over channel with better error performance,
while the less critical enhancement layer can be sent over a channel with poor error performance.
 Rec. ITU-T H.262 (02/2012) ix

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Intro. 4.2.4 Data partitioning extension
Data partitioning is a tool intended for use when two channels are available for transmission and/or storage of a
video bitstream, as may be the case in ATM networks, terrestrial broadcast, magnetic media, etc. The bitstream is
partitioned between these channels such that more critical parts of the bitstream (such as headers, motion vectors, low
frequency DCT coefficients) are transmitted in the channel with the better error performance, and less critical data (such
as higher frequency DCT coefficients) is transmitted in the channel with poor error performance. Thus, degradation to
channel errors are minimized since the critical parts of a bitstream are better protected. Data from neither channel may be
decoded on a decoder that is not intended for decoding data partitioned bitstreams.

x Rec. ITU-T H.262 (02/2012)

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ISO/IEC 13818-2:2013 (E)
Information technology – Generic coding of moving
pictures and associated audio information: Video
1 Scope
This Recommendation | International Standard specifies the coded representation of picture information for digital
storage media and digital video communication and specifies the decoding process. The representation supports constant
bit rate transmission, variable bit rate transmission, random access, channel hopping, scalable decoding, bitstream
editing, as well as special functions such as fast forward playback, fast reverse playback, slow motion, pause and still
pictures. This Recommendation | International Standard is forward compatible with ISO/IEC 11172-2 and upward or
downward compatible with EDTV, HDTV, SDTV formats.
This Recommendation | International Standard is primarily applicable to digital storage media, video broadcast and
communication. The storage media may be directly connected to the decoder, or via communications means such as
busses, LANs, or telecommunications links.
2 Normative references
The following Recommendations and International Standards contain provisions which, through reference in this text,
constitute provisions of this Recommendation | International Standard. At the time of publication, the editions indicated
were valid. All Recommendations and Standards are subject to revision, and parties to agreements based on this
Recommendation | International Standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent
edition of the Recommendations and Standards indicated below. Members of IEC and ISO maintain registers of currently
valid International Standards. The Telecommunication Standardization Bureau of ITU maintains a list of currently valid
ITU-T Recommendations.
– IEC 60461 (1986), Time and control code for video tape recorders.
– ISO/IEC 11172-2:1993, Information technology – Coding of moving pictures and associated audio for
digital storage media at up to about 1,5 Mbit/s – Part 2: Video.
– ISO/IEC 23002-1:2006, Information technology – MPEG video technologies – Part 1: Accuracy
requirements for implementation of integer-output 8x8 inverse discrete cosine transform.
– Recommendation ITU-R BT.470-6 (1998), Conventional television systems.
– Recommendation ITU-R BT.601-7 (2011), Studio encoding parameters of digital television for standard
4:3 and wide screen 16:9 aspect ratios.
– Recommendation ITU-T H.320 (2004), Narrow-band visual telephone systems and terminal equipment.
3 Definitions
For the purposes of this Recommendation | International Standard, the following definitions apply.
3.1 AC coefficient: Any DCT coefficient for which the frequency in one or both dimensions is non-zero.
3.2 big picture: A coded picture that would cause VBV buffer underflow as defined in C.7. Big pictures can only
occur in sequences where low_delay is equal to 1. "Skipped picture" is a term that is sometimes used to describe the
same concept.
3.3 B-field picture: A field structure B-picture.
3.4 B-frame picture: A frame structure B-picture.
3.5 B-picture; bidirectionally predictive-coded picture: A picture that is coded using motion compensated
prediction from past and/or future reference fields or frames.
3.6 backward compatibility: A newer coding standard is backward compatible with an older coding standard if
decoders designed to operate with the older coding standard are able to continue to operate by decoding all or part of a
bitstream produced according to the newer coding standard.
  Rec. ITU-T H.262 (02/2012) 1

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ISO/IEC 13818-2:2013 (E)
3.7 backward motion vector: A motion vector that is used for motion compensation from a reference frame or
reference field at a later time in display order.
3.8 backward prediction: Prediction from the future reference frame (field).
3.9 base layer: First, independently decodable layer of a scalable hierarchy.
3.10 bitstream; stream: An ordered series of bits that forms the coded representation of the data.
3.11 bit rate: The rate at which the coded bitstream is delivered from the storage medium to the input of a decoder.
3.12 block: An 8-row by 8-column matrix of samples, or 64 DCT coefficients (source, qu

SIST ISO/IEC 13818-2:2018
SIST ISO/IEC 13818-2:2005
SIST ISO/IEC 13818-2:2005/Amd 1:2010
SIST ISO/IEC 13818-2:2005/Amd 2:2010
SIST ISO/IEC 13818-2:2005/Amd 3:2010
Information technology - Generic coding of moving pictures and associated audio
information - Part 2: Video
Technologies de l'information - Codage générique des images animées et du son
associé - Partie 2: Données vidéo
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: ISO/IEC 13818-2:2013
35.040.40 Kodiranje avdio, video, Coding of audio, video,
multimedijskih in multimedia and hypermedia
hipermedijskih informacij information
SIST ISO/IEC 13818-2:2018 en,fr,de
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

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SIST ISO/IEC 13818-2:2018

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SIST ISO/IEC 13818-2:2018

STANDARD 13818-2
Third edition

Information technology — Generic coding
of moving pictures and associated audio
information —
Part 2:
Technologies de l'information — Codage générique des images
animées et du son associé —
Partie 2: Données vidéo

Reference number
ISO/IEC 13818-2:2013(E)
ISO/IEC 2013

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SIST ISO/IEC 13818-2:2018
ISO/IEC 13818-2:2013(E)


©  ISO/IEC 2013
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SIST ISO/IEC 13818-2:2018
ISO/IEC 13818-2:2013(E)
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) and IEC (the International Electrotechnical
Commission) form the specialized system for worldwide standardization. National bodies that are members of
ISO or IEC participate in the development of International Standards through technical committees
established by the respective organization to deal with particular fields of technical activity. ISO and IEC
technical committees collaborate in fields of mutual interest. Other international organizations, governmental
and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO and IEC, also take part in the work. In the field of information
technology, ISO and IEC have established a joint technical committee, ISO/IEC JTC 1.
International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.
The main task of the joint technical committee is to prepare International Standards. Draft International
Standards adopted by the joint technical committee are circulated to national bodies for voting. Publication as
an International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the national bodies casting a vote.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent
rights. ISO and IEC shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
ISO/IEC 13818-2 was prepared by Joint Technical Committee ISO/IEC JTC 1, Information technology,
Subcommittee SC 29, Coding of audio, picture, multimedia and hypermedia information, in collaboration with
ITU-T. The identical text is published as ITU-T Rec. H.262 (2012).
This third edition cancels and replaces the second edition (ISO/IEC 13818-2:2000), which has been
technically revised. It also incorporates the Amendments ISO/IEC 13818-2:2000/Amd.1:2001, ISO/IEC 13818-
2:2000/Amd.2:2007 and ISO/IEC 13818-2:2000/Amd.3:2010, and the Technical Corrigenda ISO/IEC 13818-
2:2000/Cor.1:2002 and ISO/IEC 13818-2:2000/Cor.2:2007.
ISO/IEC 13818 consists of the following parts, under the general title Information technology — Generic
coding of moving pictures and associated audio information:
 Part 1: Systems
 Part 2: Video
 Part 3: Audio
 Part 4: Conformance testing
 Part 5: Software simulation
 Part 6: Extensions for DSM-CC
 Part 7: Advanced Audio Coding (AAC)
 Part 9: Extension for real time interface for systems decoders
 Part 10: Conformance extensions for Digital Storage Media Command and Control (DSM-CC)
 Part 11: IPMP on MPEG-2 systems

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Introduction vi
1 Scope 1
2 Normative references 1
3 Definitions 1
4 Abbreviations and symbols 7
4.1 Arithmetic operators 7
4.2 Logical operators 8
4.3 Relational operators 8
4.4 Bitwise operators 8
4.5 Assignment 8
4.6 Mnemonics 8
4.7 Constants 8
5 Conventions 9
5.1 Method of describing bitstream syntax 9
5.2 Definition of functions 9
5.3 Reserved, forbidden and marker_bit 10
5.4 Arithmetic precision 10
6 Video bitstream syntax and semantics 10
6.1 Structure of coded video data 10
6.2 Video bitstream syntax 20
6.3 Video bitstream semantics 38
7 The video decoding process 68
7.1 Higher syntactic structures 69
7.2 Variable length decoding 69
7.3 Inverse scan 72
7.4 Inverse quantization 73
7.5 Inverse DCT 77
7.6 Motion compensation 77
7.7 Spatial scalability 91
7.8 SNR scalability 100
7.9 Temporal scalability 107
7.10 Data partitioning 110
7.11 Hybrid scalability 111
7.12 Output of the decoding process 112
8 Profiles and levels 115
8.1 ISO/IEC 11172-2 compatibility 117
8.2 Relationship between defined profiles 117
8.3 Relationship between defined levels 119
8.4 Scalable layers 119
8.5 Parameter values for defined profiles, levels and layers 122
8.6 Compatibility requirements on decoders 124
9 Registration of copyright identifiers 126
9.1 General 126
9.2 Implementation of a Registration Authority (RA) 126
Annex A Inverse discrete cosine transform 128
Annex B Variable length code tables 129
B.1 Macroblock addressing 129
B.2 Macroblock type 130
B.3 Macroblock pattern 135
B.4 Motion vectors 136
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B.5 DCT coefficients 137
Annex C Video buffering verifier 146
Annex D Frame packing arrangement signalling for stereoscopic 3D content 151
Annex E Profile and level restrictions 155
E.1 Syntax element restrictions in profiles 155
E.2 Permissible layer combinations 167
Annex F Features supported by the algorithm 189
F.1 Overview 189
F.2 Video formats 189
F.3 Picture quality 190
F.4 Data rate control 190
F.5 Low delay mode 190
F.6 Random access/channel hopping 191
F.7 Scalability 191
F.8 Compatibility 197
F.9 Differences between this Specification and ISO/IEC 11172-2 197
F.10 Complexity 199
F.11 Editing encoded bitstreams 200
F.12 Trick modes 200
F.13 Error resilience 201
F.14 Concatenated sequences 208
Annex G Registration procedure 209
G.1 Procedure for the request of a Registered Identifier (RID) 209
G.2 Responsibilities of the Registration Authority 209
G.3 Responsibilities of parties requesting an RID 209
G.4 Appeal procedure for denied applications 210
Annex H Registration application form 211
H.1 Contact information of organization requesting a Registered Identifier (RID) 211
H.2 Statement of an intention to apply the assigned RID 211
H.3 Date of intended implementation of the RID 211
H.4 Authorized representative 211
H.5 For official use only of the Registration Authority 211
Annex I Registration authority – diagram of administration structure 212
Annex J 4:2:2 Profile test results 213
J.1 Introduction 213
J.2 Test sequences 213
J.3 Test procedures 214
J.4 Subjective assessment 214
J.5 Test results 215
Annex K The impact of practices for non-progressive sequence bitstreams in consideration of progressive-scan
display 218
K.1 Progressive and non-progressive encoding 218
K.2 Video source timing information syntax 218
K.3 Content generation practices 218
K.4 Post-encoding editing of the progressive frame flag in video bitstreams 221
K.5 Post-processing for systems with progressive scan displays 221
K.6 Use of capture timecode information 221
Annex L Bibliography 224

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Intro. 1 Purpose
This Part of this Recommendation | International Standard was developed in response to the growing need for a generic
coding method of moving pictures and of associated sound for various applications such as digital storage media,
television broadcasting and communication. The use of this Specification means that motion video can be manipulated as
a form of computer data and can be stored on various storage media, transmitted and received over existing and future
networks and distributed on existing and future broadcasting channels.
Intro. 2 Application
The applications of this Specification cover, but are not limited to, such areas as listed below:
BSS Broadcasting Satellite Service (to the home)
CATV Cable TV Distribution on optical networks, copper, etc.
CDAD Cable Digital Audio Distribution
DSB Digital Sound Broadcasting (terrestrial and satellite broadcasting)
DTTB Digital Terrestrial Television Broadcasting
EC Electronic Cinema
ENG Electronic News Gathering (including SNG, Satellite News Gathering)
FSS Fixed Satellite Service (e.g. to head ends)
HTT Home Television Theatre
IPC Interpersonal Communications (videoconferencing, videophone, etc.)
ISM Interactive Storage Media (optical disks, etc.)
MMM Multimedia Mailing
NCA News and Current Affairs
NDB Networked Database Services (via ATM, etc.)
RVS Remote Video Surveillance
SSM Serial Storage Media (digital VTR, etc.)
Intro. 3 Profiles and levels
This Specification is intended to be generic in the sense that it serves a wide range of applications, bit rates, resolutions,
qualities and services. Applications should cover, among other things, digital storage media, television broadcasting and
communications. In the course of creating this Specification, various requirements from typical applications have been
considered, necessary algorithmic elements have been developed, and they have been integrated into a single syntax.
Hence, this Specification will facilitate the bitstream interchange among different applications.
Considering the practicality of implementing the full syntax of this Specification, however, a limited number of subsets
of the syntax are also stipulated by means of "profile" and "level". These and other related terms are formally defined in
clause 3.
A "profile" is a defined subset of the entire bitstream syntax that is defined by this Specification. Within the bounds
imposed by the syntax of a given profile it is still possible to require a very large variation in the performance of
encoders and decoders depending upon the values taken by parameters in the bitstream. For instance, it is possible to
14 14
specify frame sizes as large as (approximately) 2 samples wide by 2 lines high. It is currently neither practical nor
economic to implement a decoder capable of dealing with all possible frame sizes.
In order to deal with this problem, "levels" are defined within each profile. A level is a defined set of constraints imposed
on parameters in the bitstream. These constraints may be simple limits on numbers. Alternatively they may take the form
of constraints on arithmetic combinations of the parameters (e.g. frame width multiplied by frame height multiplied by
frame rate).
Bitstreams complying with this Specification use a common syntax. In order to achieve a subset of the complete syntax,
flags and parameters are included in the bitstream that signal the presence or otherwise of syntactic elements that occur
later in the bitstream. In order to specify constraints on the syntax (and hence define a profile), it is thus only necessary
to constrain the values of these flags and parameters that specify the presence of later syntactic elements.
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Intro. 4 The scalable and the non-scalable syntax
The full syntax can be divided into two major categories: One is the non-scalable syntax, which is structured as a super
set of the syntax defined in ISO/IEC 11172-2. The main feature of the non-scalable syntax is the extra compression tools
for interlaced video signals. The second is the scalable syntax, the key property of which is to enable the reconstruction
of useful video from pieces of a total bitstream. This is achieved by structuring the total bitstream in two or more layers,
starting from a standalone base layer and adding a number of enhancement layers. The base layer can use the non-
scalable syntax, or in some situations conform to the ISO/IEC 11172-2 syntax.
Intro. 4.1 Overview of the non-scalable syntax
The coded representation defined in the non-scalable syntax achieves a high compression ratio while preserving good
image quality. The algorithm is not lossless as the exact sample values are not preserved during coding. Obtaining good
image quality at the bit rates of interest demands very high compression, which is not achievable with intra picture
coding alone. The need for random access, however, is best satisfied with pure intra picture coding. The choice of the
techniques is based on the need to balance a high image quality and compression ratio with the requirement to make
random access to the coded bitstream.
A number of techniques are used to achieve high compression. The algorithm first uses block-based motion
compensation to reduce the temporal redundancy. Motion compensation is used both for causal prediction of the current
picture from a previous picture, and for non-causal, interpolative prediction from past and future pictures. Motion vectors
are defined for each 16-sample by 16-line region of the picture. The prediction error, is further compressed using the
Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) to remove spatial correlation before it is quantized in an irreversible process that
discards the less important information. Finally, the motion vectors are combined with the quantized DCT information,
and encoded using variable length codes.
Intro. 4.1.1 Temporal processing
Because of the conflicting requirements of random access and highly efficient compression, three main picture types are
defined. Intra-coded pictures (I-pictures) are coded without reference to other pictures. They provide access points to the
coded sequence where decoding can begin, but are coded with only moderate compression. Predictive coded pictures (P-
pictures) are coded more efficiently using motion compensated prediction from a past intra or predictive coded picture
and are generally used as a reference for further prediction. Bidirectionally-predictive coded pictures (B-pictures)
provide the highest degree of compression but require both past and future reference pictures for motion compensation.
Bidirectionally-predictive coded pictures are never used as references for prediction (except in the case that the resulting
picture is used as a reference in a spatially scalable enhancement layer). The organization of the three picture types in a
sequence is very flexible. The choice is left to the encoder and will depend on the requirements of the application. Figure
Intro. 1 illustrates an example of the relationship among the three different picture types.

Figure Intro.1 – Example of temporal picture structure
Intro. 4.1.2 Coding interlaced video
Each frame of interlaced video consists of two fields which are separated by one field-period. The Specification allows
either the frame to be encoded as picture or the two fields to be encoded as two pictures. Frame encoding or field
encoding can be adaptively selected on a frame-by-frame basis. Frame encoding is typically preferred when the video
scene contains significant detail with limited motion. Field encoding, in which the second field can be predicted from the
first, works better when there is fast movement.
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Intro. 4.1.3 Motion representation – Macroblocks
As in ISO/IEC 11172-2, the choice of 16 by 16 macroblocks for the motion-compensation unit is a result of the trade-off
between the coding gain provided by using motion information and the overhead needed to represent it. Each
macroblock can be temporally predicted in one of a number of different ways. For example, in frame encoding, the
prediction from the previous reference frame can itself be either frame-based or field-based. Depending on the type of
the macroblock, motion vector information and other side information is encoded with the compressed prediction error in
each macroblock. The motion vectors are encoded differentially with respect to the last encoded motion vectors using
variable length codes. The maximum length of the motion vectors that may be represented can be programmed, on a
picture-by-picture basis, so that the most demanding applications can be met without compromising the performance of
the system in more normal situations.
It is the responsibility of the encoder to calculate appropriate motion vectors. This Specification does not specify how
this should be done.
Intro. 4.1.4 Spatial redundancy reduction
Both source pictures and prediction errors have high spatial redundancy. This Specification uses a block-based DCT
method with visually weighted quantization and run-length coding. After motion compensated prediction or
interpolation, the resulting prediction error is split into 8 by 8 blocks. These are transformed into the DCT domain where
they are weighted before being quantized. After quantization many of the DCT coefficients are zero in value and so
two-dimensional run-length and variable length coding is used to encode the remaining DCT coefficients efficiently.
Intro. 4.1.5 Chrominance formats
In addition to the 4:2:0 format supported in ISO/IEC 11172-2 this Specification supports 4:2:2 and 4:4:4 chrominance
Intro. 4.2 Scalable extensions
The scalability tools in this Specification are designed to support applications beyond that supported by single layer
video. Among the noteworthy applications areas addressed are video telecommunications, video on Asynchronous
Transfer Mode (ATM) networks, interworking of video standards, video service hierarchies with multiple spatial,
temporal and quality resolutions, HDTV with embedded TV, systems allowing migration to higher temporal resolution
HDTV, etc. Although a simple solution to scalable video is the simulcast technique which is based on
transmission/storage of multiple independently coded reproductions of video, a more efficient alternative is scalable
video coding, in which the bandwidth allocated to a given reproduction of video can be partially re-utilized in coding of
the next reproduction of video. In scalable video coding, it is assumed that given a coded bitstream, decoders of various
complexities can decode and display appropriate reproductions of coded video. A scalable video encoder is likely to have
increased complexity when compared to a single layer encoder. However, this Recommendation | International Standard
provides several different forms of scalabilities that address non-overlapping applications with corresponding
complexities. The basic scalability tools offered are:
– data partitioning;
– SNR scalability;
– spatial scalability; and
– temporal scalability.
Moreover, combinations of these basic scalability tools are also supported and are referred to as hybrid scalability. In the
case of basic scalability, two layers of video referred to as the lower layer and the enhancement layer are allowed,
whereas in hybrid scalability up to three layers are supported. Tables Intro. 1 to Intro. 3 provide a few example
applications of various scalabilities.
Table Intro. 1 – Applications of SNR scalability
Lower layer Enhancement layer Application
Recommendation Same resolution and format as Two quality service for Standard TV (SDTV)
ITU-R BT.601 lower layer
High Definition Same resolution and format as Two quality service for HDTV
lower layer
4:2:0 high definition 4:2:2 chroma simulcast Video production / distribution

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Table Intro. 2 – Applications of spatial scalability
Base Enhancement Application
Progressive (30 Hz) Progressive (30 Hz) Compatibility or scalability CIF/SCIF
Interlace (30 Hz) Interlace (30 Hz) HDTV/SDTV scalability
Progressive (30 Hz) Interlace (30 Hz) ISO/IEC 11172-2/compatibility with this Specification
Interlace (30 Hz) Progressive (60 Hz) Migration to high resolution progressive HDTV

Table Intro. 3 – Applications of temporal scalability
Base Enhancement Higher Application
Progressive (30 Hz) Progressive (30 Hz) Progressive (60 Hz) Migration to high resolution progressive
Interlace (30 Hz) Interlace (30 Hz) Progressive (60 Hz) Migration to high resolution progressive

Intro. 4.2.1 Spatial scalable extension
Spatial scalability is a tool intended for use in video applications involving telecommunications, interworking of video
standards, video database browsing, interworking of HDTV and TV, etc., i.e. video systems with the primary common
feature that a minimum of two layers of spatial resolution are necessary. Spatial scalability involves generating two
spatial resolution video layers from a single video source such that the lower layer is coded by itself to provide the basic
spatial resolution and the enhancement layer employs the spatially interpolated lower layer and carries the full spatial
resolution of the input video source. The lower and the enhancement layers may either both use the coding tools in this
Specification, or the ISO/IEC 11172-2 Standard for the lower layer and this Specification for the enhancement layer. The
latter case achieves a further advantage by facilitating interworking between video coding standards. Moreover, spatial
scalability offers flexibility in choice of video formats to be employed in each layer. An additional advantage of spatial
scalability is its ability to provide resilience to transmission errors as the more important data of the lower layer can be
sent over channel with better error performance, while the less critical enhancement layer data can be sent over a channel
with poor error performance.
Intro. 4.2.2 SNR scalable extension
SNR scalability is a tool intended for use in video applications involving telecommunications, video services with
multiple qualities, standard TV and HDTV, i.e. video systems with the primary common feature that a minimum of two
layers of video quality are necessary. SNR scalability involves generating two video layers of same spatial resolution but
different video qualities from a single video source such that the lower layer is coded by itself to provide the basic video
quality and the enhancement layer is coded to enhance the lower layer. The enhancement layer when added back to the
lower layer regenerates a higher quality reproduction of the input video. The lower and the enhancement layers may
either use this Specification or ISO/IEC 11172-2 Standard for the lower layer and this Specification for the enhancement
layer. An additional advantage of SNR scalability is its ability to provide high degree of resilience to transmission errors
as the more important data of the lower layer can be sent over channel with better error performance, while the less
critical enhancement layer data can be sent over a channel with poor error performance.
Intro. 4.2.3 Temporal scalable extension
Temporal scalability is a tool intended for use in a range of diverse video applications from telecommunications
to HDTV for which migration to higher temporal resolution systems from that of lower temporal resolution systems may
be necessary. In many cases, the lower temporal resolution video systems may be either the existing systems or the less
expensive early generation systems, with the motivation of introducing more sophisticated systems gradually. Temporal
scalability involves partitioning of video frames into layers, whereas the lower layer is coded by itself to provide the
basic temporal rate and the enhancement layer is coded with temporal prediction with respect to the lower layer, these
layers when decoded and temporal multiplexed to yield full temporal resolution of the video source. The lower temporal
resolution systems may only decode the lower layer to provide basic temporal resolution, whereas more sophisticated
systems of the future may decode both layers and provide high temporal resolution video while maintaining interworking
with earlier generation systems. An additional advantage of temporal scalability is its ability to provide resilience to
transmission errors as the more important data of the lower layer can be sent over channel with better error performance,
while the less critical enhancement layer can be sent over a channel with poor error performance.
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Intro. 4.2.4 Data partitioning extension
Data partitioning is a tool intended for use when two channels are available for transmission and/or storage of a
video bitstream, as may be the case in ATM networks, terrestrial broadcast, magnetic media, etc. The bitstream is
partitioned between these channels such that more critical parts of the bitstream (such as headers, motion vectors, low
frequency DCT coefficients) are transmitted in the channel with the better error performance, and less critical data (such
as higher frequency DCT coefficients) is transmitted in the channel with poor error performance. Thus, degradation to
channel errors are minimized since the critical parts of a bitstream are better protected. Data from neither channel may be
decoded on a decoder that is not intended for decoding data partitioned bitstreams.

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  ISO/IEC 13818-2:2013 (E)
Information technology – Generic coding of moving
pictures and associated audio information: Video
1 Scope
This Recommendation | International Standard specifies the coded representation of picture information for digital
storage media and digital video communication and specifies the decoding process. The representation supports constant
bit rate transmission, variable bit rate transmission, random access, channel hopping, scalable decoding, bitstream
editing, as well as special functions such as fast forward playback, fast reverse playback, slow motion, pause and still
pictures. This Recommendation | International Standard is forward compatible with ISO/IEC 11172-2 and upward or
downward compatible with EDTV, HDTV, SDTV formats.
This Recommendation | International Standard is primarily applicable to digital storage media, video broadcast and
communication. The storage media may be directly connected to the decoder, or via communications means such as
busses, LANs, or telecommunications links.
2 Normative references
The following Recommendations and International Standards contain provisions which, through reference in this text,
constitute provisions of this Recommendation | International Standard. At the time of publication, the editions indicated
were valid. All Recommendations and Standards are subject to revision, and parties to agreements based on this
Recommendation | International Standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent
edition of the Recommendations and Standards indicated below. Members of IEC and ISO maintain registers of currently
valid International Standards. The Telecommunication Standardization Bureau of ITU maintains a list of currently valid
ITU-T Recommendations.
– IEC 60461 (1986), Time and control code for video tape recorders.
– ISO/IEC 11172-2:1993, Information technology – Coding of moving pictures and associated audio for
digital storage media at up to about 1,5 Mbit/s – Part 2: Video.
– ISO/IEC 23002-1:2006, Information technology – MPEG video technologies – Part 1: Accuracy
requirements for implementation of integer-output 8x8 inverse discrete cosine transform.
– Recommendation ITU-R BT.470-6 (1998), Conventional television systems.
– Recommendation ITU-R BT.601-7 (2011), Studio encoding parameters of digital television for standard
4:3 and wide screen 16:9 aspect ratios.
– Recommendation ITU-T H.320 (2004), Narrow-band visual telephone systems and terminal equipment.
3 Definitions
For the purposes of this Recommendation | International Standard, the following definitions apply.
3.1 AC coefficient: Any DCT coefficient for which the frequency in one or both dimensions is non-zero.
3.2 big picture: A coded picture that would cause VBV buffer underflow as defined in C.7. Big pictures can only
occur in sequences where low_delay is equal to 1. "Skipped picture

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