SIST ISO 4046-1:2004
(Main)Paper, board, pulps and related terms -- Vocabulary -- Part 1: Alphabetical index
Paper, board, pulps and related terms -- Vocabulary -- Part 1: Alphabetical index
ISO 4046-1:2002 is an alphabetical index of English and French terms which are defined in the ISO 4046 series of standards, which document the terminology of paper, board, pulp and related terms.
Papier, carton, pâtes et termes connexes -- Vocabulaire -- Partie 1: Index alphabétique
L'ISO 4046-1:2002 est un index alphabétique des termes anglais et français définis dans la série de normes ISO 4046 qui documente la terminologie du papier, du carton, des pâtes et des termes connexes.
Papir, karton, lepenka, vlaknine in izdelki iz teh materialov – Slovar – 1. del: Abecedni seznam
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
First edition
Première édition
Paper, board, pulps and related terms —
Vocabulary —
Part 1:
Alphabetical index
Papier, carton, pâtes et termes connexes —
Vocabulaire —
Partie 1:
Index alphabétique
Reference number
Numéro de référence
ISO 4046-1:2002(E/F)
ISO 2002
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ISO 4046-1:2002(E/F)
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ISO 4046-1:2002(E/F)
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (ISO
member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical
committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has
the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in
liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical
Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.
International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 3.
The main task of technical committees is to prepare International Standards. Draft International Standards adopted
by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an International
Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this part of ISO 4046 may be the subject of patent
rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
ISO 4046-1 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 6, Paper, board and pulps.
ISO 4046-1, ISO 4046-2, ISO 4046-3, ISO 4046-4 and ISO 4046-5 cancel and replace ISO 4046:1978. Many new
terms have been defined in this new series of standards since ISO 4046:1978 was published. However, the
ISO 4046 series is not intended to be a comprehensive list of all terms related to paper, board and pulps. It
includes definitions of relevant terms which can be found in ISO standards prepared by ISO Technical
Committee 6, as well as other definitions which, in the opinion of Working Group 6, needed to be standardized.
ISO 4046 consists of the following parts under the general title Paper, board, pulps and related terms —
Part 1: Alphabetical index
Part 2: Pulping terminology
Part 3: Paper-making terminology
Part 4: Paper and board grades and converted products
Part 5: Properties of pulp, paper and board
© ISO 2002 – All rights reserved/Tous droits réservés iii
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ISO 4046-1:2002(E/F)
L'ISO (Organisation internationale de normalisation) est une fédération mondiale d'organismes nationaux de
normalisation (comités membres de l'ISO). L'élaboration des Normes internationales est en général confiée aux
comités techniques de l'ISO. Chaque comité membre intéressé par une étude a le droit de faire partie du comité
technique créé à cet effet. Les organisations internationales, gouvernementales et non gouvernementales, en
liaison avec l'ISO, participent également aux travaux. L'ISO collabore étroitement avec la Commission
électrotechnique internationale (CEI) en ce qui concerne la normalisation électrotechnique.
Les Normes internationales sont rédigées conformément aux règles données dans les Directives ISO/CEI, Partie 3.
La tâche principale des comités techniques est d'élaborer les Normes internationales. Les projets de Normes
internationales adoptés par les comités techniques sont soumis aux comités membres pour vote. Leur publication
comme Normes internationales requiert l'approbation de 75 % au moins des comités membres votants.
L’attention est appelée sur le fait que certains des éléments de la présente partie de l'ISO 4046 peuvent faire l’objet
de droits de propriété intellectuelle ou de droits analogues. L’ISO ne saurait être tenue pour responsable de ne pas
avoir identifié de tels droits de propriété et averti de leur existence.
L'ISO 4046-1 a été élaboré par le comité technique ISO/TC 6, Papiers, cartons et pâtes.
L'ISO 4046-1, l'ISO 4046-2, l'ISO 4046-3, l'ISO 4046-4 et l'ISO 4046-5 annulent et remplacent l'ISO 4046:1978. De
nombreux nouveaux termes ont été définis dans cette nouvelle série de normes depuis la publication de
l'ISO 4046:1978. Cependant, la série de normes ISO 4046 ne constitue pas une liste complète des termes relatifs
aux papiers, cartons et pâtes. Elle inclut les définitions de termes qui se trouvent dans les normes ISO préparées
par le comité technique 6 de l’ISO, ainsi que celles d’autres termes qui, selon le groupe de travail 6, devaient être
L'ISO 4046 comprend les parties suivantes, présentées sous le titre général Papier, carton, pâtes et termes
connexes — Vocabulaire:
Partie 1: Index alphabétique
Partie 2: Terminologie de la fabrication de la pâte
Partie 3: Terminologie de la fabrication du papier
Partie 4: Catégories et produits transformés de papier et de carton
Partie 5: Propriétés de la pâte, du papier et du carton
iv © ISO 2002 – All rights reserved/Tous droits réservés
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ISO 4046-1:2002(E/F)
Entry items in this part of ISO 4046 are numbered X.Y, where “X” indicates that the term is located in ISO 4046-X,
and “Y” is the entry number in that part. For example, the term numbered 2.23 is the 23rd term found in
ISO 4046-2.
This part of ISO 4046 was prepared by Working Group 6 of Technical Committee 6 (ISO/TC 6/WG 6). This Working
Group is concerned with terminology related to paper, board and pulps.
© ISO 2002 – All rights reserved/Tous droits réservés v
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ISO 4046-1:2002(E/F)
Les articles de la présente partie de l'ISO 4046 sont numérotés X.Y, où «X» indique que l’article fait partie de la
norme ISO 4046-X, et «Y» est le numéro de l’article de cette partie. Par exemple, le terme numéroté 2.23 est le
23 terme de l'ISO 4046-2.
La présente partie de l'ISO 4046 a été préparée par le groupe de travail 6 du comité technique 6 (ISO/TC 6/WG 6).
Ce groupe de travail s'intéresse à la terminologie relative aux papiers, cartons et pâtes.
vi © ISO 2002 – All rights reserved/Tous droits réservés
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ISO 4046-1:2002(E/F)
Paper, board, pulps and related Papier, carton, pâtes et termes
terms — Vocabulary — connexes — Vocabulaire —
Part 1: Partie 1:
Alphabetical index Index alphabétique
1 Scope 2 Domaine d'application
This part of ISO 4046 is an alphabetical index of La présente partie de l'ISO 4046 est un index
English and French terms which are defined in the alphabétique des termes anglais et français définis
ISO 4046 series of standards, which document the dans la série de normes ISO 4046, qui documente la
terminology of paper, board, pulp and related terms. terminologie du papier, du carton, des pâtes et des
termes connexes.
© ISO 2002 – All rights reserved/Tous droits réservés 1
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ISO 4046-1:2002(E/F)
English alphabetical index
bleaching 2.9
blister 3.14
blotting paper 4.17
absorbency 5.1
blow 3.15
accept 3.1
blue reflectance factor 5.18
accepted stock 3.2
board 3.16
acid sizing 3.3
board for forming 4.18
acid-free paper 4.1
body paper or board 4.13, 4.19
acid-insoluble ash 5.2
bond paper 4.20
additive 3.4
bookbinding board 4.21
ageing 5.3
breaker 3.17
air permeance 5.4
breaker beater 3.17, 3.18
air-dry mass 2.1
breaking length 5.19
air-dry pulp 2.2
break-through of grease 5.20
air-drying 3.7
brightness 5.21
air-jet coating 3.5, 3.6
brightness (deprecated) 5.39
air-knife coated paper or board 4.2
broke 3.19
air-knife coating 3.6
brown mechanical pulp 2.10
alkali reserve 5.5
brown mechanical pulp board 4.22
alkali resistance 5.6
brown mixed pulp board 4.23
alkali solubility 5.7
brush coating 3.20
alkaline sizing 3.8
brush-coated paper 4.24
all-rag paper 4.3
bubble-coated paper 4.25
alum 3.9
bulk 5.22
ammunition cartridge 4.4
bulking thickness 5.23
angle cutting 3.10
burst index 5.24
anti-rust paper 4.5
bursting strength 5.25
anti-tarnish paper 4.6
apparent bulk density 5.8
apparent sheet density 5.9
archival paper 4.7
art paper 4.8
asbestos board 4.9
calender 3.21
ash content 5.10, 5.95
calender-bowl paper 4.26, 4.27
ashless paper 4.10
calendered paper or board 4.28
authorized laboratory 5.11
calendering 3.22
calender-roll paper 4.27
caliper 5.26, 5.119
capacitor tissue paper 4.29
capillary rise 5.27
carbon paper 4.30
bagasse pulp 2.3
carbonized form 4.31
bamboo pulp 2.4
carbonizing base paper 4.32
banknote paper 4.11
carbonless copy paper 4.33
base paper for diazotype 4.12
carbonless copy-paper forms 4.34
base paper or board 4.13
carton board 4.35, 4.75
BCTMP 2.5, 2.7
cast-coated paper or board 4.36
beater 3.11
caustic carbonate semi-chemical pulp 2.11
beating 3.12
CD 3.23, 3.35
bending angle 5.12
cellulose wadding 4.37
bending length 5.13
chemical pulp 2.12
bending stiffness 5.14
chemical recovery 2.13
bible paper 4.14
chemi-mechanical pulp 2.14
black 5.15
chemi-thermomechanical pulp 2.15
black body 5.16
chip refining 2.16
black liquor 2.6
chipboard 4.38
blackening 5.17
chlorine consumption of pulp 5.28
blade coating 3.13
cigarette paper 4.39
blade-coated paper 4.15
clay slip 3.24
bleached chemi-thermomechanical pulp 2.7
cloth-centred paper or board 4.40
bleached lined folding boxboard 4.16
cloth-lined paper or board 4.41
bleached pulp 2.8
2 © ISO 2002 – All rights reserved/Tous droits réservés
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ISO 4046-1:2002(E/F)
CMP 2.14, 2.17 double fold 5.44
coated folding boxboard 4.42 double-wall corrugated fibreboard 4.57
coated paper 4.43 drainability 5.45
coating 3.25 drawing paper (opaque) 4.58
coating colour 3.26, 3.27 dry broke 3.46
coating slip 3.27 dry crêping 3.47
Cobb value 5.29, 5.126 dry matter content 5.46
cockle 5.30 dry pulp 2.27
cockle finish 3.28 dry solids content 5.46, 5.47
cockle-finished paper 4.44 duplex paper or board 4.59
cold-soda pulp 2.18 duplicating stencil base paper 4.60
colour stripping 2.19 durability 5.48
competent technical group 5.31 dusting 5.49, 5.74
composition 3.29
compression index 5.32
compressive strength 5.33
condenser paper 4.29, 4.45 E
conditioning of paper or board 5.34
constant mass 5.35 edge cutters 3.48
contrary 2.20
edgewise compression strength (short span) 5.50
contrary (1) 3.30 edgewise crush resistance 5.51
contrary (2) 3.31
electrical insulating paper or board 4.61
converting 3.32 embossed paper or board 4.62
cooking 2.21
emulsion-coated paper 4.63
copy paper 4.46 envelope paper 4.64
correspondence envelope 4.47
esparto pulp 2.28
correspondence pocket 4.47, 4.48 explosion pulping 2.29
corrugated fibreboard 4.49
extrusion coating 3.49
corrugating medium 4.50, 4.73 extrusion-coated paper 4.65
corrugating paper or board 4.51, 4.74
couch 3.33
crêpe paper 4.52
crêping 3.34 F
cross-direction 3.35
crushing (1) 3.36 facing 4.66
crushing (2) 3.37 felt board 4.67
CTMP 2.15, 2.22 felt mark 5.52
curl 5.36 felt side 3.50, 3.141
curtain coating 3.38 fibre coarseness 5.53
curtain-coated paper 4.53 fibre composition 3.51
cutting 3.39 fibre furnish analysis 5.54
cylinder machine 3.40, 3.147 fibrillation 3.52
filler 3.53
filter paper 4.68
finish 5.55
fire-resistant paper or board 4.69
flat crush resistance 5.56
flatness 5.57
deckle board 3.41
flong 4.70
deckle frame 3.42
fluffing 5.58, 5.74
deckle of suction box 3.43
fluorescent whitening 3.54
deckle strap 3.44
flute 4.71
degree of non-combustibility 5.37
flute 3.55
degree of non-flammability 5.38
fluted paper 4.72
de-inking 2.23
fluting medium 4.73
diffuse blue reflectance factor 5.39
fluting paper or board 4.74
dimensional change after immersion in water 5.40
fold number 5.59
dimensional stability 5.41
folding boxboard 4.75
dip coating 3.45
folding endurance 5.60
dip-coated paper 4.54
formation 3.56
direct-contact base paper or board 4.55
fourdrinier former 3.57
directional blue reflectance factor 5.42
fourdrinier machine 3.58
dirt 2.24
fourdrinier table 3.57, 3.59
discoloration 5.43
fourdrinier wire part 3.57, 3.60
disintegration of a pulp sample 2.25
free stock 3.61
dissolving pulp 2.26
freeness value 5.61
double-faced corrugated fibreboard 4.56, 4.167
© ISO 2002 – All rights reserved/Tous droits réservés 3
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ISO 4046-1:2002(E/F)
freesheet paper or board 4.76, 4.212
friction glazing 3.62
friction-glazed paper or board 4.77
Kappa number of pulp 5.71
friction-glazing calender 3.63
kenaf pulp 2.36
fully bleached pulp 2.30
kinetic coefficient of friction 5.72
furnish 3.64
kraft faced liner 4.92
furnish layer 3.65
kraft liner 4.93
kraft paper 4.94
kraft pulp 2.37
glassine 4.78
glazed millboard 4.79
glazing 3.66
laid lines 3.75
gloss 5.62
laid paper 4.95
grammage 5.63
leather pulp 2.38
gravure coating 3.67
leatherfibre board 4.96
gravure-coated paper 4.80
ledger paper 4.97
greaseproof paper 4.82
length of a reel or roll 3.76
grease-resistant paper and board 4.81
lettercard 4.98
gross mass 2.31
lightweight coated paper 4.99
groundwood pulp 2.32
lightweight paper 4.100
guillotine trimming 3.68
limiting viscosity number 5.73
guillotining 3.69
lined chipboard 4.101
gumming 3.70
liner (1) 4.102
GWP 2.32, 2.33
liner (2) 4.103
liner (3) 4.104
liner (4) 4.105
liner ply 4.104, 4.106
linerboard 4.105
linting 5.74
hardwood pulp 2.34
liquid-packaging board 4.107
heavy crêpe 4.83
loading 3.53, 3.77
hollander 3.11, 3.71
look-through 5.75
hot-melt coated paper 4.84
lot 5.76
hot-melt coating 3.72
luminous reflectance factor 5.77
hygroexpansivity 5.64
LWC paper 4.99, 4.108
hygro-instability 5.65
hygro-stability 5.66
machine deckle 3.78
machine direction 3.79
illustrated lettercard 4.85
machine fill 3.80
illustrated postcard 4.86
machine stack 3.81
imitation art paper 4.87
machine-finished paper or board 4.109
impurity 3.31, 3.73
machine-glazed paper or board 4.110
index card 4.88
map paper 4.111
insulating paper or board 4.89
marking press 3.82
intermittent board machine 3.74
maturing 3.83
intrinsic reflectance factor 5.67
maximum deckle 3.84
invoiced mass 2.35
maximum trimmed machine width 3.85
IR1 5.68
MD 3.79, 3.86
IR2 5.69
mechanical pulp 2.39
IR3 5.70
mechanical pulp board 4.112
ISO brightness 5.39
mechanical woodpulp paper or board 4.113
ISO reference standard of level 1 5.68
MF paper or board 4.109, 4.114
ISO reference standard of level 2 5.69
MG paper or board 4.110, 4.115
ISO reference standard of level 3 5.70
micro-crêping 3.87
ivory board 4.90
middle of board 3.88
millboard 4.116
mixed straw paper or board 4.117
modulus of elasticity 5.78
moisture content 5.79
jacquard paper or board 4.91
moulded pulp products 4.118
4 © ISO 2002 – All rights reserved/Tous droits réservés
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ISO 4046-1:2002(E/F)
multicopy business form 4.119 plate-glazing calender 3.100
multilayer paper or board 4.120 ply 3.101
multi-layer paper or board 4.122 postcard 4.144
multiplex paper or board 4.121, 4.122 poster paper 4.145
multi-ply paper or board 4.122 pressboard 4.146
presspahn 4.147
presspaper 4.148
pressurized groundwood pulp 2.45
printability 5.89
printing opacity 5.80, 5.90
neutral sizing 3.89
pulp 2.46
neutral sulfite pulp 2.40
pulp cleaning 2.47
neutral sulfite semi-chemical pulp 2.41
pulper 2.48
newsprint 4.123
non-contact base paper or board 4.124
non-rust paper 4.125
non-tarnish paper 4.126 Q
NSSC pulp 2.41, 2.42
quire 3.102
offcut 3.90
off-machine crêping 3.91 rag paper 4.149
offset lithographic paper 4.127 rag pulp 2.49
offshade 3.92 ream 3.103
one-side coloured paper or board 4.128 recovered paper 4.150
on-machine crêping 3.93 recto 4.151
opacity 5.80 recyclable paper 4.152
opaque circular 4.129 recycled linerboard 4.153
optical brightening (deprecated) 3.54 recycled paper 4.154, 4.155
organically bound chlorine 5.81 recycled-content paper 4.155
outturn sheet 3.94 recycling collection rate 5.91
oven-dry mass 5.82 recycling utilization rate 5.92
reel 3.104
reeling 3.105
reel-up 3.106
refiner 3.107
refiner mechanical pulp 2.50
paper 3.95
refining 3.108
paper backing 5.80
reflectance factor 5.93
paper for conductor insulation 4.130
reinforced paper or board 4.156
paper for laminated insulators 4.131
reinforced union paper 4.157
paper for punched cards 4.132, 4.181
relative water absorption 5.94
paper for textile paper tubes 4.133
release paper 4.158
paper or board in the flat 3.96
reprocessing 3.109
paper or board without finish 4.134
residue on ignition 5.95
paperboard 3.16, 3.97
resistance to bending 5.96
paper-making pulp 2.43
resistance to water penetration 5.97
pasted board 4.135
riffler 3.110, 3.115
pasted ivory board 4.136
ring crush resistance 5.98
pasted lined board 4.137
RMP 2.50, 2.51
pasted paper 4.138
roll 3.111
pasting 3.98
roll coating 3.112
perfect reflecting diffuser 5.83
roll-coated paper 4.159
permanence of paper 5.84
roughness 5.99
permanent paper 4.139
rubber mark 3.113
permeability 5.85, 5.86
runnability 3.114
permeance 5.86
PGW 2.44, 2.45
photocopying paper 4.46, 4.140
photographic base paper 4.141 S
picking 5.87
picking velocity 5.88 safety paper 4.160
plaster liner board 4.142 saleable mass 2.52
plate glazing 3.99 sample 5.100
plate-glazed paper or board 4.143 sand table 3.115
© ISO 2002 – All rights reserved/Tous droits réservés 5
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ISO 4046-1:2002(E/F)
saturating paper 4.161 supercalendering 3.138
SC paper 4.162, 4.179 surface application 3.139
screen 3.116 surface-sized paper 4.180
screening 2.53
security paper 4.163
selected at random 5.101
semi-bleached pulp 2.54
semi-chemical pulp 2.55
tabulating-card paper 4.181
separating paper 4.158, 4.164
tarred brown paper 4.182
sheet 3.117
tear index 5.112
shive 2.56
tearing resistance 5.113
shoe board 4.165
tensile energy absorption 5.114
show-through (of grease) 5.102
tensile energy absorption index 5.115
side-run 3.118
tensile index 5.116
sieving (deprecated) 2.53
tensile strength 5.117
sifting (deprecated) 2.53
test liner 4.183
simulated watermark 3.119
test piece 5.118
single sheet thickness 5.103
theoretical commercial dryness 2.65
single-face corrugated fibreboard 4.166
thermal-sensitive paper 4.184
single-wall corrugated fibreboard 4.167
thermomechanical pulp 2.66
size 5.104
thickness 5.119
size press 3.120
thickness calender 3.140
sized paper 4.168
three-layer paper or board 4.185, 4.186
size-press coated paper 4.169
three-ply paper or board 4.186
size-press coating 3.121
tissue paper 4.187
sizing 3.122
TMP 2.66, 2.67
slip 3.123
toilet paper 4.188
slitting 3.124
top side 3.141
slow stock 3.125, 3.155
total chlorine 5.120
slushing 3.126
transformer board 4.147, 4.189
smoothing press 3.127
translucent drawing paper 4.190
smoothing roll coating 3.128
trimmed size 5.121
smoothness 5.105
trimmings 3.142
soda pulp 2.57
triple-wall corrugated fibreboard 4.191
soda/chlorine pulp 2.58
triplex paper or board 4.192
soft calendered paper 4.170
twin-wire machine 3.143
soft calendering 3.129
twin-wire paper or board 4.193
soft-nip calendering 3.129, 3.130
two-layer paper or board 4.194, 4.195
softwood pulp 2.59
two-ply paper or board 4.195
solid board 4.171
two-sided coloured paper or board 4.196
solid fibreboard 4.172
two-sidedness 5.122
solvent pulping 2.60
typewriting paper 4.197
solvent-coated paper 4.173
specimen 5.106
specular gloss 5.107
spinning paper 4.174
spirit-duplicator copy paper 4.175
ultra-lightweight coated paper 4.198
splice 3.131
ULWC paper 4.198, 4.199
splicing 3.132
unbleached pulp 2.68
squaring 3.133
under side 3.144, 3.159
standardizing laboratory 5.108
underliner 3.145
static coefficient of friction 5.109
union paper 4.200
stencil-duplicator copy paper 4.176
unit 5.123
stickies 2.61
unsized paper 4.201
stiffness 5.110
untrimmed machine width 3.146
stock 3.134
untrimmed size 5.124
stock cleaning 3.135
stock preparation 3.136
strawpaper or straw board 4.177
strawpulp 2.62
stretch at break 5.111
suitcase board 4.178
vat machine 3.147
sulfate pulp 2.63
vegetable parchment 4.202
sulfite pulp 2.64
veined paper or board 4.203
supercalender 3.137
verso 4.204
supercalendered paper 4.179
vessel picking 5.125
6 © ISO 2002 – All rights reserved/Tous droits réservés
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ISO 4046-1:2002(E/F)
wallpaper base 4.205
washer 3.148
waste paper 4.206
water absorption 5.126
water absorptiveness 5.126
water vapour transmission rate 5.127
water-finished paper or board 4.207
waterleaf paper 4.208
watermark 3.149
water-soluble chlorides 5.128
water-soluble sulfates 5.129
wave 5.130
waviness 5.130, 5.131
waxed paper or board 4.209
web 3.150
weight factor 5.132
wet broke 3.151
wet crêpe 4.83
wet crêping 3.152
wet lap machine 3.74, 3.153
wet press 3.154
wet pulp 2.69
wet stock 3.155
wet-strength retention 5.133
wet tensile strength 5.134
wet-strength paper 4.210
white (1) 5.135
white (2) 5.136
white (3) 5.137
whiteness 5.138
width of a reel or roll of paper or board 3.156
wild look-through 5.139
winding 3.105, 3.157
wire mould 3.158
wire side 3.159
wiremark 5.140
wood-containing paper or board 4.113, 4.211
woodfree paper or board 4.212
woodpulp 2.70
wove paper 4.213
wrapping paper 4.214
wrapping tissue 4.215
xerographic paper 4.46, 4.216
yellowing 5.141
z-direction 5.142
zero-span 5.143
zero-span tensile index 5.143
zero-span tensile strength 5.145
© ISO 2002 – All rights reserved/Tous droits réservés 7
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ISO 4046-1:2002(E/F)
Index alphabétique français
carton couché pour boîtes pliantes 4.42
carton d’emballage pour liquides 4.107
carton d'amiante 4.9
absorption d’eau 5.126
carton de bois 4.112
accepté 3.1
carton de bois brun 4.22
à-côté de coupe 3.90
carton de pâte brune mixte 4.23
à-côté de fabrication 3.118
carton de plaque de parement de plâtre 4.142
additif 3.4
carton dur 4.79
allongement à la rupture par traction 5.111
carton feutre 4.67
angle de flexion 5.12
carton gris 4.38
à-plat 5.57
carton gris mixte 4.101
aptitude à l’impression 5.89
carton homogène 4.171
aptitude à l'égouttage 5.45
carton ondulé 4.49
aptitude au passage sur machine 3.114
carton ondulé double cannelure 4.57
arrachage 5.87
carton ondulé double face 4.56
arrachage de vaisseaux 5.125
carton ondulé simple cannelure 4.167
ascension capillaire 5.27
carton ondulé simple face 4.166
carton ondulé triple cannelure 4.191
carton pour boîtes pliantes 4.75
carton pour chaussures 4.165
carton pour emboutissage 4.18
bande 3.150
carton pour flan de clicherie 4.70
blanc (1) 5.135
carton pour reliure 4.21
blanc (2) 5.136
carton pour valises 4.178
blanc (3) 5.137
carton recouvert par contrecollage 4.137
blancheur 5.138
cassés de fabrication 3.19
blanchiment 2.9
cassés de fabrication humides 3.151
blanchiment optique (rejeté) 3.54
cassés de fabrication secs 3.46
blanchiment par agents fluo
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.Papir, karton, lepenka, vlaknine in izdelki iz teh materialov – Slovar – 1. del: Abecedni seznamPapier, carton, pâtes et termes connexes -- Vocabulaire -- Partie 1: Index alphabétiquePaper, board, pulps and related terms -- Vocabulary -- Part 1: Alphabetical index85.060Papir, karton in lepenkaPaper and board85.040VlakninePulps01.040.85Tehnologija papirja (Slovarji)Paper technology (Vocabularies)ICS:Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z:ISO 4046-1:2002SIST ISO 4046-1:2004en,fr01-marec-2004SIST ISO 4046-1:2004SLOVENSKI
SIST ISO 4046-1:2004
Reference numberNuméro de référenceISO 4046-1:2002(E/F)© ISO 2002
INTERNATIONAL STANDARD NORME INTERNATIONALEISO4046-1First editionPremière édition2002-10-01Paper, board, pulps and related terms — Vocabulary — Part 1: Alphabetical index Papier, carton, pâtes et termes connexes —Vocabulaire — Partie 1: Index alphabétique
SIST ISO 4046-1:2004
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ISO 2002 The reproduction of the terms and definitions contained in this International Standard is permitted in teaching manuals, instruction booklets, technical publications and journals for strictly educational or implementation purposes. The conditions for such reproduction are: that no modifications are made to the terms and definitions; that such reproduction is not permitted for dictionaries or similar publications offered for sale; and that this International Standard is referenced as the source document. With the sole exceptions noted above, no other part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from either ISO at the address below or ISO's member body in the country of the requester. La reproduction des termes et des définitions contenus dans la présente Norme internationale est autorisée dans les manuels d'enseignement, les modes d'emploi, les publications et revues techniques destinés exclusivement à l'enseignement ou à la mise en application. Les conditions d'une telle reproduction sont les suivantes: aucune modification n'est apportée aux termes et définitions; la reproduction n'est pas autorisée dans des dictionnaires ou publications similaires destinés à la vente; la présente Norme internationale est citée comme document source. À la seule exception mentionnée ci-dessus, aucune partie de cette publication ne peut être reproduite ni utilisée sous quelque forme que ce soit et par aucun procédé, électronique ou mécanique, y compris la photocopie et les microfilms, sans l'accord écrit de l'ISO à l'adresse ci-après ou du comité membre de l'ISO dans le pays du demandeur. ISO copyright office Case postale 56 • CH-1211 Geneva 20 Tel.
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SIST ISO 4046-1:2004
ISO 4046-1:2002(E/F) © ISO 2002 – All rights reserved/Tous droits réservés
iii Foreword ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization. International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 3. The main task of technical committees is to prepare International Standards. Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote. Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this part of ISO 4046 may be the subject of patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. ISO 4046-1 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 6, Paper, board and pulps. ISO 4046-1, ISO 4046-2, ISO 4046-3, ISO 4046-4 and ISO 4046-5 cancel and replace ISO 4046:1978. Many new terms have been defined in this new series of standards since ISO 4046:1978 was published. However, the ISO 4046 series is not intended to be a comprehensive list of all terms related to paper, board and pulps. It includes definitions of relevant terms which can be found in ISO standards prepared by ISO Technical Committee 6, as well as other definitions which, in the opinion of Working Group 6, needed to be standardized. ISO 4046 consists of the following parts under the general title Paper, board, pulps and related terms — Vocabulary: Part 1: Alphabetical index Part 2: Pulping terminology Part 3: Paper-making terminology Part 4: Paper and board grades and converted products Part 5: Properties of pulp, paper and board SIST ISO 4046-1:2004
ISO 4046-1:2002(E/F) iv
© ISO 2002 – All rights reserved/Tous droits réservés Avant-propos L'ISO (Organisation internationale de normalisation) est une fédération mondiale d'organismes nationaux de normalisation (comités membres de l'ISO). L'élaboration des Normes internationales est en général confiée aux comités techniques de l'ISO. Chaque comité membre intéressé par une étude a le droit de faire partie du comité technique créé à cet effet. Les organisations internationales, gouvernementales et non gouvernementales, en liaison avec l'ISO, participent également aux travaux. L'ISO collabore étroitement avec la Commission électrotechnique internationale (CEI) en ce qui concerne la normalisation électrotechnique. Les Normes internationales sont rédigées conformément aux règles données dans les Directives ISO/CEI, Partie 3. La tâche principale des comités techniques est d'élaborer les Normes internationales. Les projets de Normes internationales adoptés par les comités techniques sont soumis aux comités membres pour vote. Leur publication comme Normes internationales requiert l'approbation de 75 % au moins des comités membres votants. L’attention est appelée sur le fait que certains des éléments de la présente partie de l'ISO 4046 peuvent faire l’objet de droits de propriété intellectuelle ou de droits analogues. L’ISO ne saurait être tenue pour responsable de ne pas avoir identifié de tels droits de propriété et averti de leur existence. L'ISO 4046-1 a été élaboré par le comité technique ISO/TC 6, Papiers, cartons et pâtes. L'ISO 4046-1, l'ISO 4046-2, l'ISO 4046-3, l'ISO 4046-4 et l'ISO 4046-5 annulent et remplacent l'ISO 4046:1978. De nombreux nouveaux termes ont été définis dans cette nouvelle série de normes depuis la publication de l'ISO 4046:1978. Cependant, la série de normes ISO 4046 ne constitue pas une liste complète des termes relatifs aux papiers, cartons et pâtes.
Elle inclut les définitions de termes qui se trouvent dans les normes ISO préparées par le comité technique 6 de l’ISO, ainsi que celles d’autres termes qui, selon le groupe de travail 6, devaient être normalisés. L'ISO 4046 comprend les parties suivantes, présentées sous le titre général Papier, carton, pâtes et termes connexes — Vocabulaire: Partie 1: Index alphabétique Partie 2: Terminologie de la fabrication de la pâte Partie 3: Terminologie de la fabrication du papier Partie 4: Catégories et produits transformés de papier et de carton Partie 5: Propriétés de la pâte, du papier et du carton SIST ISO 4046-1:2004
ISO 4046-1:2002(E/F) © ISO 2002 – All rights reserved/Tous droits réservés
v Introduction Entry items in this part of ISO 4046 are numbered X.Y, where “X” indicates that the term is located in ISO 4046-X, and “Y” is the entry number in that part. For example, the term numbered 2.23 is the 23rd term found in ISO 4046-2. This part of ISO 4046 was prepared by Working Group 6 of Technical Committee 6 (ISO/TC 6/WG 6). This Working Group is concerned with terminology related to paper, board and pulps. SIST ISO 4046-1:2004
ISO 4046-1:2002(E/F) vi
© ISO 2002 – All rights reserved/Tous droits réservés Introduction Les articles de la présente partie de l'ISO 4046 sont numérotés X.Y, où «X» indique que l’article fait partie de la norme ISO 4046-X, et «Y» est le numéro de l’article de cette partie. Par exemple, le terme numéroté 2.23 est le 23ème terme de l'ISO 4046-2. La présente partie de l'ISO 4046 a été préparée par le groupe de travail 6 du comité technique 6 (ISO/TC 6/WG 6). Ce groupe de travail s'intéresse à la terminologie relative aux papiers, cartons et pâtes.
SIST ISO 4046-1:2004
INTERNATIONAL STANDARD NORME INTERNATIONALE ISO 4046-1:2002(E/F) © ISO 2002 – All rights reserved/Tous droits réservés
1 Paper, board, pulps and related terms — Vocabulary — Part 1: Alphabetical index
Papier, carton, pâtes et termes connexes — Vocabulaire — Partie 1: Index alphabétique
1 Scope This part of ISO 4046 is an alphabetical index ofEnglish and French terms which are defined in theISO 4046 series of standards, which document theterminology of paper, board, pulp and related terms.
2 Domaine d'application La présente partie de l'ISO 4046 est un index alphabétique des termes anglais et français définis dans la série de normes ISO 4046, qui documente la terminologie du papier, du carton, des pâtes et des termes connexes.
SIST ISO 4046-1:2004
ISO 4046-1:2002(E/F) 2
© ISO 2002 – All rights reserved/Tous droits réservés English alphabetical index A absorbency
5.1 accept
3.1 accepted stock
3.2 acid sizing
3.3 acid-free paper
4.1 acid-insoluble ash
5.2 additive
3.4 ageing
5.3 air permeance
5.4 air-dry mass
2.1 air-dry pulp
2.2 air-drying
3.7 air-jet coating
3.5, 3.6 air-knife coated paper or board
4.2 air-knife coating
3.6 alkali reserve
5.5 alkali resistance
5.6 alkali solubility
5.7 alkaline sizing
3.8 all-rag paper
4.3 alum
3.9 ammunition cartridge
4.4 angle cutting
3.10 anti-rust paper
4.5 anti-tarnish paper
4.6 apparent bulk density
5.8 apparent sheet density
5.9 archival paper
4.7 art paper
4.8 asbestos board
4.9 ash content
5.10, 5.95 ashless paper
4.10 authorized laboratory
5.11 B bagasse pulp
2.3 bamboo pulp
2.4 banknote paper
4.11 base paper for diazotype
4.12 base paper or board
4.13 BCTMP
2.5, 2.7 beater
3.11 beating
3.12 bending angle
5.12 bending length
5.13 bending stiffness
5.14 bible paper
4.14 black
5.15 black body
5.16 black liquor
2.6 blackening
5.17 blade coating
3.13 blade-coated paper
4.15 bleached chemi-thermomechanical pulp
2.7 bleached lined folding boxboard
4.16 bleached pulp
2.8 bleaching
2.9 blister
3.14 blotting paper
4.17 blow
3.15 blue reflectance factor
5.18 board
3.16 board for forming
4.18 body paper or board
4.13, 4.19 bond paper
4.20 bookbinding board
4.21 breaker
3.17 breaker beater
3.17, 3.18 breaking length
5.19 break-through of grease
5.20 brightness
5.21 brightness (deprecated)
5.39 broke
3.19 brown mechanical pulp
2.10 brown mechanical pulp board
4.22 brown mixed pulp board
4.23 brush coating
3.20 brush-coated paper
4.24 bubble-coated paper
4.25 bulk
5.22 bulking thickness
5.23 burst index
5.24 bursting strength
5.25 C calender
3.21 calender-bowl paper
4.26, 4.27 calendered paper or board
4.28 calendering
3.22 calender-roll paper
4.27 caliper
5.26, 5.119 capacitor tissue paper
4.29 capillary rise
5.27 carbon paper
4.30 carbonized form
4.31 carbonizing base paper
4.32 carbonless copy paper
4.33 carbonless copy-paper forms
4.34 carton board
4.35, 4.75 cast-coated paper or board
4.36 caustic carbonate semi-chemical pulp
2.11 CD
3.23, 3.35 cellulose wadding
4.37 chemical pulp
2.12 chemical recovery
2.13 chemi-mechanical pulp
2.14 chemi-thermomechanical pulp
2.15 chip refining
2.16 chipboard
4.38 chlorine consumption of pulp
5.28 cigarette paper
4.39 clay slip
3.24 cloth-centred paper or board
4.40 cloth-lined paper or board
4.41 SIST ISO 4046-1:2004
ISO 4046-1:2002(E/F) © ISO 2002 – All rights reserved/Tous droits réservés
2.14, 2.17 coated folding boxboard
4.42 coated paper
4.43 coating
3.25 coating colour
3.26, 3.27 coating slip
3.27 Cobb value
5.29, 5.126 cockle
5.30 cockle finish
3.28 cockle-finished paper
4.44 cold-soda pulp
2.18 colour stripping
2.19 competent technical group
5.31 composition
3.29 compression index
5.32 compressive strength
5.33 condenser paper
4.29, 4.45 conditioning of paper or board
5.34 constant mass
5.35 contrary
2.20 contrary (1)
3.30 contrary (2)
3.31 converting
3.32 cooking
2.21 copy paper
4.46 correspondence envelope
4.47 correspondence pocket
4.47, 4.48 corrugated fibreboard
4.49 corrugating medium
4.50, 4.73 corrugating paper or board
4.51, 4.74 couch
3.33 crêpe paper
4.52 crêping
3.34 cross-direction
3.35 crushing (1)
3.36 crushing (2)
3.37 CTMP
2.15, 2.22 curl
5.36 curtain coating
3.38 curtain-coated paper
4.53 cutting
3.39 cylinder machine
3.40, 3.147 D deckle board
3.41 deckle frame
3.42 deckle of suction box
3.43 deckle strap
3.44 degree of non-combustibility
5.37 degree of non-flammability
5.38 de-inking
2.23 diffuse blue reflectance factor
5.39 dimensional change after immersion in water
5.40 dimensional stability
5.41 dip coating
3.45 dip-coated paper
4.54 direct-contact base paper or board
4.55 directional blue reflectance factor
5.42 dirt
2.24 discoloration
5.43 disintegration of a pulp sample
2.25 dissolving pulp
2.26 double-faced corrugated fibreboard
4.56, 4.167 double fold
5.44 double-wall corrugated fibreboard
4.57 drainability
5.45 drawing paper (opaque)
4.58 dry broke
3.46 dry crêping
3.47 dry matter content
5.46 dry pulp
2.27 dry solids content
5.46, 5.47 duplex paper or board
4.59 duplicating stencil base paper
4.60 durability
5.48 dusting
5.49, 5.74 E edge cutters
3.48 edgewise compression strength (short span)
5.50 edgewise crush resistance
5.51 electrical insulating paper or board
4.61 embossed paper or board
4.62 emulsion-coated paper
4.63 envelope paper
4.64 esparto pulp
2.28 explosion pulping
2.29 extrusion coating
3.49 extrusion-coated paper
4.65 F facing
4.66 felt board
4.67 felt mark
5.52 felt side
3.50, 3.141 fibre coarseness
5.53 fibre composition
3.51 fibre furnish analysis
5.54 fibrillation
3.52 filler
3.53 filter paper
4.68 finish
5.55 fire-resistant paper or board
4.69 flat crush resistance
5.56 flatness
5.57 flong
4.70 fluffing
5.58, 5.74 fluorescent whitening
3.54 flute
4.71 flute
3.55 fluted paper
4.72 fluting medium
4.73 fluting paper or board
4.74 fold number
5.59 folding boxboard
4.75 folding endurance
5.60 formation
3.56 fourdrinier former
3.57 fourdrinier machine
3.58 fourdrinier table
3.57, 3.59 fourdrinier wire part
3.57, 3.60 free stock
3.61 freeness value
5.61 SIST ISO 4046-1:2004
ISO 4046-1:2002(E/F) 4
© ISO 2002 – All rights reserved/Tous droits réservés freesheet paper or board
4.76, 4.212 friction glazing
3.62 friction-glazed paper or board
4.77 friction-glazing calender
3.63 fully bleached pulp
2.30 furnish
3.64 furnish layer
3.65 G glassine
4.78 glazed millboard
4.79 glazing
3.66 gloss
5.62 grammage
5.63 gravure coating
3.67 gravure-coated paper
4.80 greaseproof paper
4.82 grease-resistant paper and board
4.81 gross mass
2.31 groundwood pulp
2.32 guillotine trimming
3.68 guillotining
3.69 gumming
3.70 GWP
2.32, 2.33 H hardwood pulp
2.34 heavy crêpe
4.83 hollander
3.11, 3.71 hot-melt coated paper
4.84 hot-melt coating
3.72 hygroexpansivity
5.64 hygro-instability
5.65 hygro-stability
5.66 I illustrated lettercard
4.85 illustrated postcard
4.86 imitation art paper
4.87 impurity
3.31, 3.73 index card
4.88 insulating paper or board
4.89 intermittent board machine
3.74 intrinsic reflectance factor
5.67 invoiced mass
2.35 IR1
5.68 IR2
5.69 IR3
5.70 ISO brightness
5.39 ISO reference standard of level 1
5.68 ISO reference standard of level 2
5.69 ISO reference standard of level 3
5.70 ivory board
4.90 J jacquard paper or board
4.91 K Kappa number of pulp
5.71 kenaf pulp
2.36 kinetic coefficient of friction
5.72 kraft faced liner
4.92 kraft liner
4.93 kraft paper
4.94 kraft pulp
2.37 L laid lines
3.75 laid paper
4.95 leather pulp
2.38 leatherfibre board
4.96 ledger paper
4.97 length of a reel or roll
3.76 lettercard
4.98 lightweight coated paper
4.99 lightweight paper
4.100 limiting viscosity number
5.73 lined chipboard
4.101 liner (1)
4.102 liner (2)
4.103 liner (3)
4.104 liner (4)
4.105 liner ply
4.104, 4.106 linerboard
4.105 linting
5.74 liquid-packaging board
4.107 loading
3.53, 3.77 look-through
5.75 lot
5.76 luminous reflectance factor
5.77 LWC paper
4.99, 4.108 M machine deckle
3.78 machine direction
3.79 machine fill
3.80 machine stack
3.81 machine-finished paper or board
4.109 machine-glazed paper or board
4.110 map paper
4.111 marking press
3.82 maturing
3.83 maximum deckle
3.84 maximum trimmed machine width
3.85 MD
3.79, 3.86 mechanical pulp
2.39 mechanical pulp board
4.112 mechanical woodpulp paper or board
4.113 MF paper or board
4.109, 4.114 MG paper or board
4.110, 4.115 micro-crêping
3.87 middle of board
3.88 millboard
4.116 mixed straw paper or board
4.117 modulus of elasticity
5.78 moisture content
5.79 moulded pulp products
4.118 SIST ISO 4046-1:2004
ISO 4046-1:2002(E/F) © ISO 2002 – All rights reserved/Tous droits réservés
5 multicopy business form
4.119 multilayer paper or board
4.120 multi-layer paper or board
4.122 multiplex paper or board
4.121, 4.122 multi-ply paper or board
4.122 N neutral sizing
3.89 neutral sulfite pulp
2.40 neutral sulfite semi-chemical pulp
2.41 newsprint
4.123 non-contact base paper or board
4.124 non-rust paper
4.125 non-tarnish paper
4.126 NSSC pulp
2.41, 2.42 O offcut
3.90 off-machine crêping
3.91 offset lithographic paper
4.127 offshade
3.92 one-side coloured paper or board
4.128 on-machine crêping
3.93 opacity
5.80 opaque circular
4.129 optical brightening (deprecated)
3.54 organically bound chlorine
5.81 outturn sheet
3.94 oven-dry mass
5.82 P paper
3.95 paper backing
5.80 paper for conductor insulation
4.130 paper for laminated insulators
4.131 paper for punched cards
4.132, 4.181 paper for textile paper tubes
4.133 paper or board in the flat
3.96 paper or board without finish
4.134 paperboard
3.16, 3.97 paper-making pulp
2.43 pasted board
4.135 pasted ivory board
4.136 pasted lined board
4.137 pasted paper
4.138 pasting
3.98 perfect reflecting diffuser
5.83 permanence of paper
5.84 permanent paper
4.139 permeability
5.85, 5.86 permeance
5.86 PGW
2.44, 2.45 photocopying paper
4.46, 4.140 photographic base paper
4.141 picking
5.87 picking velocity
5.88 plaster liner board
4.142 plate glazing
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