This document specifies methods to be used for testing of air-to-air heat recovery components (HRC). The main purpose of the HRC is to exchange heat between exhaust air and supply air in order to save energy, which results in
—   preheat or heat, and/or
—   precool or cool
supply air in ventilation systems or air conditioning systems. Optionally HRC can exchange air humidity between exhaust and supply air. The HRC contains the heat exchangers and all necessary features and auxiliary devices for the exchange of sensible heat and (if available) air humidity between exhaust air and supply air. The HRC will be installed in casings or ducts. If fans are part of the test unit, the effect of the fan power on the measured values will be corrected.
This document specifies procedures and input criteria required for tests to determine the performance of a HRC at one or several test conditions, each of them with continuous and stationary air flows, air temperatures and humidities at both inlet sides. Three different test types are covered:
—   Test type A, Laboratory testing of HRC installed in test casings (A1) or a HRC sections (A2);
—   Test type B, Laboratory testing of HRC installed in non-residential ventilation units  in design configuration;
—   Test type C, on-site (field) testing of HRC in non-residential ventilation units (C1) or a HRC sections (C2) in operation configuration.
This document is applicable to recuperators, regenerators, and HRC with intermediary heat transfer medium.
This document prescribes test methods for determining:
1)   the temperature and humidity efficiency,
2)   the pressure drop of exhaust air and supply air sides,
3)   possible internal leakages; exhaust air transfer ratio (EATR) and outdoor air correction factor (OACF),
4)   external leakages and
5)   auxiliary energy used for the operation of the HRC.
HRC using heat pumps are not covered by this document.

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1.1   General
This document is one of a series dedicated to air-cooled heat exchangers.
-   forced convection air cooled refrigerant condensers as specified in EN 327;
-   forced convection unit air coolers for refrigeration as specified in EN 328;
-   air cooled liquid coolers "dry coolers" as specified in EN 1048.
This document provides information for assessing and presenting the acoustic emission characteristics of heat exchangers under stationary operating conditions.
This document is applicable to selfstanding forced convection air cooled refrigerant condensers and air cooled liquid coolers "dry coolers" and air coolers.
1.2   Size of source
The method specified in EN ISO 3744, EN ISO 3745, EN ISO 3746, EN ISO 9614 1, EN ISO 9614 2 and EN ISO 9614-3 is applicable to noise sources of any size. Limitations for the size of the source are given in 1.3 of EN ISO 3741:2010, EN ISO 3743 1:2010 and EN ISO 3743 2:2009.
1.3   Object
This document offers ways to determine the sound power level of units. Some of them are specifically adapted to provide results with low uncertainties, by using laboratory class or engineering class acoustic methods under highly controlled working conditions. Those results are suitable for certification, labeling and marking purposes.
This document is concerned with objective methods for determining sound power levels LW, expressed in decibels (dB) with reference to a sound power of one picowatt (1 pW), of airborne acoustical noise within the specified frequency range of interest and for prescribed operating conditions of the appliance to be measured:
-   A-weighted sound power level, LWA;
-   spectral sound power levels;
-   emission sound pressure level at workplace, LpA.

  • Standard
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This European Standard applies to non ducted forced convection air cooled refrigerant condensers/gas coolers with dry air side surface within which the refrigerant changes phases or is cooled. Its purpose is to establish uniform methods of performance assessment. It does not deal with evaluation of conformity.
This standardEuropean Standard does not apply to air cooled condensers/gas coolers, designed primarily for installation within the machinery compartment of packaged products or in factory-assembled condensing/gas cooling units.
This European Standard does not apply to condensers with an integral subcooling part.
This European Standard specifies methods to test and ascertain the following:
-   product identification;
-   standard capacity;
-   nominal air flow rate;
-   nominal fan power.
This standard does not cover technical safety aspects.

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This European Standard is applicable to non-ducted unit air coolers for refrigeration operating:
a)   with direct dry expansion of a refrigerant;
b)   with liquid overfeed by pump circulation of a refrigerant;
c)   with a liquid.
This standard specifies uniform methods of performance assessment to test and ascertain the following:
-                product identification;
-   standard capacity;
-   standard liquid pressure drop;
-   standard refrigerant pressure drop (for operation with liquid overfeed by pump circulation only);
-   nominal air flow rate;
-   nominal fan power.
It does not cover evaluation of conformity.
It is not applicable to air coolers for duct mounting or with natural air convection.
This standard does not cover technical safety aspects.

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This European Standard applies to remote forced convection air cooled liquid coolers, within which no change in the liquid phase occurs.
This European Standard does not apply to liquid coolers, designed primarily for installation within the machinery compartment of packaged products.
Its purpose is to establish uniform methods to test and ascertain the following:
-   Product identification;
-   Capacity;
-   Air flow rate;
-   Liquid side pressure drop;
-   Energy requirements.
This European Standard does not cover technical safety aspects.

  • Standard
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UAP of 4 months (TC Res 147/1998) (CC/001115)
2020-01-20: Originator of XML version: NEN (on behalf of NEN, ASI, DS, SFS, SIS, SN)

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  • Amendment
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This European Standard specifies requirements, test methods and acceptance tests for thermal performances pumping head verification of wet cooling towers and plume abatement for wet/dry cooling towers.
This European Standard is applicable to natural draught wet cooling towers (see in fan assisted natural draught cooling tower (see, wet/dry cooling towers (see and "Mechanical draught cooling towers", except series ones.
It specifies the test methods, the apparatus required, the limitation of errors and the method for results examination.
The acceptance testing covers the verification of the thermal performance data and pumping head of the cooling tower as specified in the contract between the supplier and the purchaser. If these tests are required then this should be recognized at the time of the contract, as additional fittings, and preparations for the test may be required.
Deviations from the rules laid down below as well as additions need special agreement between purchaser and supplier and should be documented.
This standard does not apply to mechanical draught series wet cooling towers which are dealt with in prEN 13741.
NOTE   Terms like "design", "values", "guarantee" and "acceptance" used in this standard should be understood in a technical but not in a legal or commercial sense.

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This European Standard specifies requirements, test method and acceptance tests for thermal performance of mechanical draught series cooling towers. This European Standard is applicable to series type wet cooling towers as defined in 3.1. The acceptance testing covers the verification of the thermal and hydraulic performance data of the cooling tower selected from the product line (see 3.1) and specified in the contract between the supplier and the purchaser.

  • Standard
    33 pages
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UAP of 4 months (TC Res 146c/1998) (CC/001115)
2020-01-20: Originator of XML version: NEN (on behalf of NEN, ASI, DS, SFS, SIS, SN)

  • Amendment
    6 pages
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UAP of 4 months (TC Res 146e/1998) (CC/001115)
2020-01-20: Originator of XML version: NEN (on behalf of NEN, ASI, DS, SFS, SIS, SN)

  • Amendment
    7 pages
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UAP of 4 months (TC Res 146d/1998) (CC/001115)
2020-01-20: Originator of XML version: NEN (on behalf of NEN, ASI, DS, SFS, SIS, SN)

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This European Standard gives guidance on the preparation of manufacturer's instructions for the installation, operation and maintenance of heat exchangers. Meeting the recommendations in this standard does not remove the manufacturers/installers responsibility to provide all necessary specific information to ensure the safe and efficient working of their equipment.

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    16 pages
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This European Standard applies to forced circulation air-cooling or air-heating coils operating:a) with an evaporating or condensing refrigerant;b) with a cooling or heating fluid;c) without fans. Operation with steam is not part of the standard.

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    30 pages
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This European Standard applies to series produced liquid coolers which operate with a (primary) refrigerant and its purpose is to establish uniform methods to test and ascertain the following: - Product identification - Capacity-Liquid flow rate-Liquid side pressure drop. This Standard does not cover technical safety aspects.

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This standard applies to series produced water to water heat exchangers, for district heating appliances and its purpose is to establish uniform methods to test and ascertain the following: - product identification; - performance characteristics; - pressure drop. This European standard does not cover technical safety aspects.

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This European Standard applies to series produced liquid cooled refrigerant condensers which operate with a (primary) refrigerant. Its purpose is to establish uniform methods to test and ascertain the following:- Product identification,Capacity,Liquid flow rate,Liquid side pressure drop. This Standard does not cover technical safety aspects.

  • Standard
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The scope of this European Standard is to establish heat exchanger terminology so that consistent terms are used. For the purposes of this European Standard a heat exchanger is a device, the main function of which is to transfer heat between two fluids, with physical separation by a wall. Heat exchange between a fluid and a solid material (in the case of ovens in particular) is therefore excluded.

  • Standard
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This European Standard specifies the methods and accuracy of measurement for temperature, pressure, fluid quality and massflow of different fluids and how to determine the pressure drops across a heat exchanger. Measurements are restricted to those necessary for establishing the performance of heat exchangers classified in prEN 247 using the fluids listed in prEN 247. This E.S. applies when reference by the various branch application standards. The specific application European Standards shall be the prime reference documents.

  • Standard
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This European Standard specifies general terms and calculations used in deter- mining performance of heat exchangers including related theory and general test procedure. This European Standard applies to heat exchangers classified according to the general arrangement of heat transfer specified by heat transfersurface types of 4.1 and 4.2 of prEN 247:1996. This European standard applies when referenced by the various branch applicationstandards. The specific application European standards shall be the prime reference documents.

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This standard specifies methods to be used for laboratory testing of air-to-air heat recovery devices or those recovering heat from flue gases of heating appliances in buildings (except process-process applications) to obtain rating data. It gives test requirements and procedures for performing such tests and specifies input criteria required for tests to verify performance data given by the manufacturer.
For the purposes of this standard, the term exhaust air may also be taken to mean the products of combustion.
This European Standard is applicable to the following categories of heat exchangers:
Category I       Recuperators
Category II      With intermediary heat transfer medium
Category IIa    - without phase-change
Category IIb    - with phase-change (heat pipe, ...)
Category III     Regenerators (containing accumulating mass)
Category IIIa   - non hygroscopic
Category IIIb   - hygroscopic
Heat recovery devices with exchangers and intermediary heat transfer medium without phase-change (category IIa) are to be tested as one unit including pump and pipe system between the coils.
This European Standard prescribes test methods for determining:
a) the external leakage;
b) the internal leakage of exhaust air to the supply-air within the device at a given pressure difference between air ducts, for recovery devices of categories I and II;
c) the carry-over of exhaust air to the supply air in recovery devices of category III;
d) the temperature and humidity ratios;
e) the pressure drop of exhaust-air and supply-air sides.

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This standard specifies methods for uniform assessment and the recording of: - the A-weighted sound power level; - the sound power spectrum; - a calculation method for an overall average sound pressure level at a given distance. Among these data, the sound power level is the only unambiguous characteristic. This standard is applicable to: - forced convection air cooled refrigerant condensers as specified in ENV 327; - air cooled liquid coolers "dry coolers" as specified in ENV 1048.

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This European Standard applies to room fan-coil units using hot or chilled water or water mixtures.  It applies to units designed for an air flow of not more than 0,7 m3/s and an external static pressure due to duct resistance of 65 Pa max. Air heating may be achieved by means of electrical resistance heaters.

  • Standard
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UAP of 4 months (TC Res 146b/1998) (CC/001115)

  • Amendment
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UAP of 4 months (TC Res 146a/1998) (CC/001115)

  • Amendment
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This European Standard applies to non ducted forced convection air cooled refrigerant condensers with dry air side surface within which the refrigerant changes phases. Its purpose is to establish uniform methods of performance assessment. It does not deal with evaluation of conformity. This European Standard does not apply to air cooled condensers, designed primarily for installation within the machinery compartment of packaged products or in factory-assembled condensing units.

  • Standard
    31 pages
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This European Standard is applicable to non-ducted unit air coolers for refrigeration operating:   a) with direct dry expansion of a refrigerant  b) with liquid overfeed by pump circulation of a refrigerant  c) with a liquid.

  • Standard
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This European Standard applies to remote forced convection air cooled liquid coolers, within which no change in the liquid phase occurs. This European Standard does not apply to liquid coolers, designed primarily for installation within the machinery compartment of packaged products.  Its purpose is to establish uniform methods to test and ascertain the following:-Product identification; Capacity;Air flow rate;Liquid side pressure drop;Energy requirements.  This European Standard does not cover technical safety aspects.

  • Standard
    18 pages
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