CEN/TC 165/WG 1 - General requirements for pipes
To establish standards on general requirements for components used in discharge pipes, drains and sewers which are operated without or with positive or negative pressure, inside or outside buildings. These components are pipes, fittings, manholes, pipe connections and joints.
General requirements for pipes
To establish standards on general requirements for components used in discharge pipes, drains and sewers which are operated without or with positive or negative pressure, inside or outside buildings. These components are pipes, fittings, manholes, pipe connections and joints.
General Information
This document specifies general requirements to be respected in product standards for components such as pipes, fittings, inspection chambers and manholes with their respective joints intended for use in drains and sewers inside and outside buildings which operate as gravity systems allowing for a maximum pressure of 40 kPa.
It also specifies general requirements for components used in hydraulically and pneumatically pressurized pipes, drains and sewers.
NOTE 1 Where the term “inside buildings” is used in the context of components fixed inside buildings, it also includes pipes and fittings fixed on external surfaces of buildings.
NOTE 2 This document is not a product standard and therefore not intended for the direct evaluation of products.
This document covers components to be used in conveying in a satisfactory manner:
— domestic wastewater;
— rainwater and surface water;
— other wastewater acceptable for discharge into the system.
This document is applicable to components of circular and other cross sections.
This document is equally applicable to components which are factory-made and to those constructed on site, where applicable.
NOTE 3 This document does not apply to components used for trenchless construction according to EN 14457 and for components used for renovation of drains and sewers according to EN 13380.
This document does not supersede the functional requirements of a complete system as defined in EN 752.
- Standard30 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This European Standard specifies the performance requirements for flexible couplings and adaptors and bushes for use with pipes and fittings in drain and sewer systems, usually operated under gravity and periodic hydraulic surcharge, both above and below ground inside or outside buildings and intended to connect pipes for:
- repair of damaged pipelines;
- connecting pipes of different materials and/or diameters;
- jointing short/cut lengths of pipe;
- jointing specific pipe systems;
- jointing post-inserted preformed junctions.
Typically a coupling consists of a moulded or extruded flexible sleeve with two clamping bands with or without a shear band. The clamping bands enable the sleeve to form a seal with the pipes to be jointed. The shear band gives resistance to shear forces. Connections may be made between pipes which cannot be satisfactorily jointed by a coupling alone, of dissimilar sizes or material, by using an appropriate bush or bushes with the coupling or by using an appropriate adaptor.
- Standard16 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This European Standard specifies the materials and dimensions for metal banded flexible couplings and adaptors and bushes for use with pipes and fittings in drain and sewer systems, usually operated under gravity and periodic hydraulic surcharge, both above and below ground inside or outside buildings and intended to connect pipes for:
- repair of damaged pipelines;
- connecting pipes of different materials and/or diameters;
- jointing short/cut lengths of pipe;
- jointing specific pipe systems;
- jointing post-inserted preformed junctions.
The coupling consists of a moulded or extruded rubber sleeve with two stainless steel clamping bands with or without a stainless steel shear band. The clamping bands enable the sleeve to form a seal with the pipes to be joined. The shear band gives resistance to shear forces. Connections may be made between pipes which cannot be satisfactorily joined by a coupling alone, of dissimilar sizes or material, by using an appropriate bush or bushes with the coupling or by using an appropriate adaptor.
- Standard31 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This document specifies a test method for the resistance to high pressure clean water jetting of pipes, fittings and joints used for drains and sewers.
This test method is also applicable to components for renovation and replacement of drains and sewers.
- Technical report14 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This European Standard specifies general requirements for pipes and their joints intended for use in drains and sewers which are installed using trenchless construction methods "pipe jacking", "microtunnelling" and "pilot jacking" as defined in EN 12889 as gravity systems, according to EN 476 where any pressure to occur is a maximum of 40 kPa or operated under pressure according to EN 773 where pressure can be more than
40 kPa.
This European Standard provides the general basis for the preparation or revision of product standards. It is not applicable for the evaluation of products and construction techniques.
It is applicable as a reference for drawing up a product specification, if there is no product standard available.
This European Standard applies to components to be used in domestic waste water, rainwater and surface water and other waste waters (e.g. industrial waste water) that will not damage the components.
- Standard16 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This European Standard specifies general requirements and general test methods for components such as pipes and fittings with their respective joints, manholes, inspection chambers and materials such as mortar and chemicals all intended to be used for repair and renovation of drain and sewer systems which operate as gravity systems where any pressure likely to occur is a maximum of 40 kPa and which are generally buried.
- Standard16 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This document applies for the implementation of environmental aspects in product standards and system standards in the field of wastewater engineering. It provides a structure on how to identify and consider environmental aspects and potential environmental impacts of products and systems in the field of wastewater engineering throughout their life cycle.
NOTE Standards that are produced make environmental declarations voluntary where there are no national regulations. This is carried out by including for "No Performance Declared".
This Technical Report gives guidance on how this life cycle should be considered in accordance with EN 15804.
The stages of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) are given in Annex A.
- Technical report15 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This European Standard specifies general requirements for components inside and outside buildings (see EN 12056-1) such as pipes, fittings and manholes with their respective joints intended for use in discharge pipes, drains and sewers which operate as gravity systems allowing for a maximum pressure of 40 kPa.
It also specifies general requirements for components used in hydraulically and pneumatically pressurised discharge pipes, drains and sewers.
It provides basic specifications to be respected in material related product standards for these applications.
It is not applicable for the direct evaluation of products. It is applicable as a reference for drawing up a product specification, if there is no product standard available.
NOTE Where the term "inside buildings" is used in the context of components fixed inside buildings, it also includes discharge pipes and fittings fixed on external surfaces of buildings.
This European Standard covers components to be used in conveying in a satisfactory manner:
- domestic wastewater;
- rainwater and surface water; and
- other waste waters acceptable for discharge into the system (e.g. industrial wastewater).
This European standard applies to components of circular and other cross sections.
This European Standard applies equally to components which are factory-made and to those constructed on site, where applicable.
This European Standard does not apply to components used for trenchless construction according to EN 14457 and for components used for renovation of drains and sewers according to EN 13380.
- Standard26 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This document gives a survey of European Standards available in the field of rehabilitation of drain and sewer systems.
- Technical report14 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This European Standard specifies general requirements for components for use in hydraulically pressurized discharge pipes, drains and sewers. This European Standard provides the general basis for the preparation or revision of product standards. Some of its provisions may need modification when drafting harmonized European Standards. It is not applicable for evaluation of products.
- Standard13 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This standard specifies general requirements for components for use in pneumatically pressurized discharge pipes, drains and sewers. This European Standard provides the general basis for the preparation or revision of product standards. Some of the provisions may need modifications when drafting harmonized European Standards. It is not applicable for the evaluation of products.
- Standard14 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This European standard specifies general requirements for components such as pipes, fitting, and manholes with their respective joints intended for use in discharge pipes, drains and sewers which operate as gravity systems where any pressure likely to occur is a maximum of 40 kPa. This European standard providesthe general basis for the preparation or revision of product standards. It is not applicable for the evaluation of products.
- Standard14 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day