ASD-STAN/D 7/WG 1 - LOTAR Long Term Archiving and Retrieval of Digital Technical Product Data
LOTAR Long Term Archiving and Retrieval of Digital Technical Product Data
General Information
This document defines the structure and content for the long-term preservation of digital product and technical data. EN 9300 is broken into a series of separate standard parts to make the standard applicable for different business requirements and extensible for further long-term archiving formats.
The following outlines the total scope of this document:
- for the purpose of this document, structure, and content of EN 9300 standard parts are detailed.
- Standard16 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
1.1 Introduction
This document defines the requirements for the long-term digital preservation of the presentation of Product and Manufacturing Information (PMI) with their possible links to the 3D explicit shape and geometry of CAD assembly structure. The goal is to preserve this 3D information, without loss, with respect to the geometry produced by the original CAD system, following the principles laid down in EN 9300 003 “Fundamentals and Concepts”.
This will allow the retrieval of the assembly structure including the placement information.
This standard extends EN 9300-115 “Explicit CAD Assembly Structure” by including assembly level PMI.
PMI for the assembly structure can be recorded in the same file as the geometry, can be in a nested assembly structure or the PMI will be contained in its own separate file (Side-Car).
The PMI elements shall be presented on the graphic level only (i.e. polyline, tessellated).
1.2 Out of scope
The following is outside the scope:
- The archiving of assembly Form Features.
- Semantic PMI representation is out of scope for this document.
- The geometry defined at assembly level is out of scope for this document.
(This document covers PMI at the assembly level only.)
- Standard24 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
1.1 Introduction
This document defines the requirements for the long term digital preservation of the presentation of Product and Manufacturing Information (PMI) with their possible links to the 3D explicit shape and geometry of single CAD parts. The goal is to preserve this 3D information with respect to the geometry and related PMI produced by the original CAD system, following the principles laid down in EN 9300 003 “Fundamentals and Concepts”.
The requirements of EN 9300 110 “CAD mechanical 3D explicit geometry information” about the preservation of the 3D explicit shape shall apply within this document.
The meaning of terms "Presentation" and "Representation", defined in the EN 9300 100 “Common concepts for Long term archiving and retrieval of CAD 3D mechanical information” is required to understand this EN 9300 document.
1.2 In scope
The following outlines the total scope of this document:
- the Presentation of 3D geometrical dimension and tolerance, and 3D annotation attributes;
- their possible semantic links with 3D Geometric shape;
- User Defined Attributes: that are assigned to 3D geometric entities or at the part level.
For the purpose of this document, the semantic definition is at the level that supports associative “Cross-highlighting”, to illustrate the portion of the geometry to which a PMI element applies.
In this version, the technology used to preserve this 3D information is based on polyline and tessellated presentation. Polyline presentation is a conversion to lines and curves of all 3D annotations by the STEP interfaces of the CAD system, including validation properties. Tessellated presentation is a conversion to tessellated curves and tessellated faces. The main use cases are the Certification and Product Liability of static information, however, re-use is also possible after the deletion of previous PMI and creation of new PMI (refer to clause 3 for definition).
1.3 Out of scope
The following is outside the scope:
- machine-interpretable PMI “Representation”;
- how to preserve additional information:
- - property rights;
- -form features;
- -machining features;
- CAD Assemblies.
- Standard26 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
1.1 Introduction
This document defines the requirements for the long term digital preservation of the Semantic Representation of Product and Manufacturing Information (PMI) with their possible links to the 3D explicit shape and geometry of single CAD parts. The goal is to preserve this 3D information, without loss, with respect to the geometry produced by the original CAD system, following the principles laid down in EN 9300 003 “Fundamentals and Concepts”.
The requirements of EN 9300 110 concerning the preservation of the 3D explicit shape shall apply within this Part.
The term “semantic representation” is defined in Clause 3 “Terms, definitions and abbreviations”.
1.2 In scope
The following outlines the total scope of EN 9300 121:
- machine-interpretable PMI “Semantic Representation” (Refer to clause 3 for definition);
- the association of the above with 3D geometric shapes;
- the possible association of the above with Presentation of 3D Product and Manufacturing Information (PMI), and 3D annotations as defined in EN 9300 120.
In EN 9300 121, the technology used to preserve this 3D information is based on semantic representation. The main use cases are Certification, Product Liability and Design re-use.
For the purpose of this document, the semantic definition is at the level that supports associative “Cross-highlighting” for the purpose of human readability.
1.3 Out of scope
The following is outside the scope:
- PMI presentation (defined in EN 9300 120);
- User defined attributes that are assigned to 3D geometric entities or at the part level. The archiving of the UDA is defined in EN 9300 120.
- How to preserve additional information:
- - property rights;
- - form features;
- - CAD Assemblies.
- The semantics of special Notes outside the scope of PMI: ITAR/EAR, proprietary, and title block information, etc.
- Standard18 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
1.1 Introduction
This European Standard defines common fundamental concepts for Long Term Archiving and Retrieval of CAD mechanical information for elementary parts and assemblies. It details the "fundamentals and concepts" of EN 9300-003 in the specific context of Long Term Archiving of CAD mechanical models.
CAD mechanical information is divided into assembly structure and geometrical information, both including explicit and implicit geometrical representation, Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing with Form Features.
The EN 9300-1XX family is organized as a sequence of parts, each building on the previous in a consistent way, each adding a level of complexity in the CAD data model. This includes the detailing of relationships between the essential information for the different types of CAD information covered by the EN 9300-1XX family.
As technology matures additional parts will be released in order to support new requirements within the aerospace community.
1.2 In scope
The present part describes:
- the fundamentals and concepts for Long Term Archiving and Retrieval of CAD 3D mechanical information;
- the document structure of the EN 9300-1XX family, and the links between all these parts;
- the qualification methods for long term preservation of archived CAD mechanical information; more specially, principles for the CAD validation properties and for verification of the quality of the CAD archived file;
- specifications for the preservation planning of archived CAD information;
- specific functions for administration and monitoring of CAD archived mechanical models;
- the definition of Archive Information Packages for CAD data.
1.3 Out of Scope
The following are out of scope for this part:
- Long Term Archiving of CAD 2D drawings;
- other CAD business disciplines, such as piping, tubing, electrical harnesses, composite, sheet metal design, kinematics.
This version does not include:
- fundamental and concepts for parts EN 9300-120 version 2, EN 9300-125, 1 EN 9300-130.
- Standard58 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
EN 9300-010 provides an overview description for the recommended processes for archiving of 3D product data, e.g. 3D CAD and PDM data. The processes are described in EN 9300-011 to EN 9300-016.
- Standard19 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
1.1 Introduction
This document defines the requirements on a digital archive to preserve for the long term the 3D explicit geometry of single CAD parts. The goal is to preserve the 3D information without loss with respect to the geometry produced by the original CAD system, following the principles laid down in EN 9300-003 "Fundamentals and Concepts" including the use of an open data format.
1.2 In scope
The following is in scope of this part of EN 9300:
- business specification for long term archiving and retrieval of CAD 3D explicit geometry (see Clause 5);
- essential information of CAD 3D explicit geometry (solids, curves, surfaces, and points) to be preserved (see Clause 6);
- data structures detailing the main fundamentals and concepts of CAD 3D explicit geometry (see Clause 7);
- verification rules to check CAD 3D explicit geometry for consistency and data quality (see Clause 8);
- validation rules to be stored with the CAD 3D explicit geometry in the archive to check essential characteristics after retrieval (see Clause 9).
NOTE This includes the geometrical external shape resulting from CAD disciplines 3D entities (e.g., 3D Structural components, 3D Tubing, 3D electrical harness, 3D composite, etc.).
1.3 Out of scope
The following is outside the scope of this part of EN 9300:
- the formal definition of validation and verification rules to check 3D explicit geometry for consistency and data quality using a machine-readable syntax;
- implicit or parametric geometry;
- Geometric Dimensioning & Tolerancing (GD&T), Product & Manufacturing Information (PMI);
- assembly structures;
- presentation of explicit geometry.
- Standard42 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This document is a part of the EN 9300 Series. This document addresses requirements for the long term archiving of digital product information, applicable to the international aerospace industry.
Data shall be available to meet regulatory, legal, contractual and business requirements.
Initially, this document sums up the main business requirements for long term archiving of digital product data. Although these requirements are not in themselves normative, when making data available over an extended period, it is a fundamental principle that the contextual data needed to interpret the data is also available.
This document uses the OAIS reference model to provide comparability with other approaches to keeping information available. However, OAIS is a standard reference model for comparison, not a standard for implementation. Consequently, this document defines requirements for processes (and associated technologies) intended to make data available for the life of a product, and does so in terms of the OAIS model.
In dealing with traditional media, the differences between substantial change and unimportant “surface” change are generally self-evident. For example, the yellowing of paper over time, or the encrustation of a gravestone with lichen do not lose the information contained, whereas the loss of pages of a document, or the erosion of the stone do so, and archiving focusses on the preservation of the medium. For digital product data, the medium is unimportant, but the content can be corrupted. The subject of the (many) remaining parts of this standard is the identification of the information that shall be uncorrupted if digital product data is to be usable in the future, and the consequent refinement of processes and procedures to insure this.
This document addresses, archiving of digital product data required for product definition, such as in three dimensional representations a tolerances, material properties, manufacturing data, etc. specification call-outs, product structure and configuration control data, etc. Other parts of the EN 9300 standards will cover more specifically the long term archiving of, for example, composites, electrical systems, product analyses and product simulation information.
This document also addresses managing the evolution of technologies required to ensure the availability and usability of the data for the required archiving period.
This document is not intended to incorporate company specific requirements and does not dictate specific organizational structures within a company. This document does not specify a design or an implementation of an archive system. Actual implementations may distribute responsibilities or break out functionality differently.
This document assumes that all requirements for configuration management of the product data are in place and therefore are not specifically described in this document.
If an organization chooses to implement requirements beyond those outlined in this requirements document, those additional requirements shall not conflict or negatively impact the requirements contained in this document.
This document establishes legal and other business requirements for processes intended to preserve digital data. Data needs to be stored and maintained so that data is retrievable and usable for the required archiving period. In addition, for some business requirements, data needs to be authentically preserved and accessed.
This standard is intended to allow for different implementations based on a company’s specific business environment.
- Standard31 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
2.1 PDM data in EN 9300 context
In most modern industrial environments, product data is maintained and managed using product data management (PDM) systems. In general, these systems:
- Manage the use of the primary technical data contained, for example, in CAD models and documents;
- Allow organization of primary technical data into structures to represent the relevant products;
- Support definition and maintenance processes for products.
Within the EN 9300 context, several domain specific parts address LTA&R for the primary technical data (e.g. CAD, CAx, Documents) as generated by the relevant technical "authoring" systems. The EN 9300 2xx series provides information for LTA&R of product management data for the relevant documents, structures and processes.
NOTE The terms "PDM data" and "product management data" are synonymous.
This is illustrated in the Figure below.
Figure 1 - PDM Data and Primary Technical Data
2.2 Objectives and scope of application
This part covers long term archiving (LTA&R) for product management data and relevant process related information (e.g. product structure requirements). Regarding process related information, only the process results are considered in scope as these have stable and static characteristics. The workflow used to create the information is not in scope. The resulting information, e.g. change authorization document, approvals/signatures, CAD models, attribute data, are in scope.
Product management data closely reflects the local business and data handling processes of each company. Therefore, an open standard can define only a common generic subset of the overall requirements. Other data that are only of local relevance or dependent on the local application environment are defined by local procedures. For each application environment, the complete set of standards, methods, and procedures related to the archived product management data shall be defined and documented by open standards, industry standards, or company standards and procedures. It is strongly recommended to use open standards whenever possible to ease data exchange, sharing, archiving, and ability to audit.
Three main objectives for LTA&R of product management data are:
- enable the proper retrieval of archived primary technical data when performing queries relative to product structure, relationships, effectivity, status, etc.;
- preserving the links between primary technical data and the associated product management data;
- providing all relevant properties of primary technical data as contained within the associated product management data.
2.2.1 Architecture Definition
The product management data and the primary technical data may be managed in different environments (e.g. a database system for the product management data and a file system for the primary technical data with a reference in the database to the unique identifier and location for the file). In many cases, the primary technical data are held by the primary generating systems (e.g. CAD, systems engineering tool set) attached to a PDM backbone architecture.
The relationship between product management data and primary technical data is typically established by referencing mechanisms. The referencing mechanisms and the systems managing them shall be taken into account when archiving.
This can be done by describing the complete architecture of systems involved in the management of the relevant information and by defining common system requirements and procedures, such as synchronization, applied quality level, security requirements, and auditing. The overall capability of the architecture requires all systems within the architecture to comply with the common requirements.
The complete architecture definition shall comply with requirements defined in the applicable EN 9300 common process parts.
2.2.2 Archival of frequently changing PDM data
- Standard48 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This document defines the common terms, abbreviations and references used through the EN 9300 series of standard parts.
- Standard23 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
EN 9300-005 describes the fundamentals and concepts of authentication and verification of the integrity of digital documents and their content during the archiving and retrieval processes. The Data Domain Parts EN 9300-x00 will specify qualification measures for the content of the document. The fundamentals given in this document cover the requirements, methods and recommendations for their implementation within an archiving system.
- Standard18 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This document provides an overview description for the recommended processes for archiving of model based product data, e.g. 3D CAD and PDM data. The detailed processes are described in additional process parts of the EN 9300 series
- Draft11 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
1.1 In Scope
From EN 9300-210, from Clause 8 and above, the scope includes:
- Management Information;
- Product Design;
- Change Management;
- Documents;
- Application of PDM-specific metadata (see EN 9300-21);
- Definition of PDM-specific metadata for Archive Information Packages (AIP).
Common Meta Data archive package requirements defined in EN 9300-21.
A visual representation of the scope of this document can be seen in Figure 1.
[Figure 1 - Scope of EN 9300-210 As Designed]
[Table 1 - EN 9300 Part 200 series]
1.2 Out of scope
This document does not attempt to describe how to create an OAIS/LOTAR information package. Nor does it address common issues in the archive domain, such as: snapshot vs. incremental archival methods (which are determined as part of the implementation of an archive system), or package-to-package linkages (Meta Data WG) or how to identify metadata for an archival package (Meta Data WG). For integration of PDM metadata with other domain and common metadata, see EN 9300-21.
- Draft36 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This document specifies the fundamentals and concepts for the long-term preservation of digital product and technical data. EN 9300 is a series of separate standard parts that elucidate various regulatory and business requirements, applicable domain specific methodologies and are extensible for future long-term archiving formats and data management practices.
EN 9300-003 will focus on the fundamentals and concepts of long-term archival and retrieval of digital product and technical data.
- Draft28 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
1.1 Introduction
This document defines common fundamental concepts for long term archiving and retrieval of mechanical CAD information for elementary parts and assemblies. It details the "fundamentals and concepts" of EN 9300-003:2012 in the specific context of long-term archiving of CAD mechanical models.
Mechanical CAD information is divided into assembly structure and geometrical information, both including explicit and implicit geometrical representation, geometric dimensioning and tolerancing with form features.
The EN 9300-1XX family is organized as a sequence of parts, each building on the previous ones in a consistent way, each adding a level of complexity in the CAD data model. This includes the detailing of relationships between the essential information for the different types of CAD information covered by the EN 9300-1XX family.
As technology matures, additional parts will be released in order to support new requirements within the aerospace community.
1.2 In scope
The present part describes:
- the fundamentals and concepts for long-term archiving and retrieval of 3D mechanical CAD information;
- the document structure of the EN 9300-1XX family, and the links between all these parts;
- the qualification methods for long-term preservation of archived mechanical CAD information; more specially, principles for the CAD validation properties and for verification of the quality of the CAD archived file;
- specifications for the preservation planning of archived CAD information;
- specific functions for administration and monitoring of CAD archived mechanical models;
- the definition of archive information packages for CAD data.
1.3 Out of scope
The following are out of scope for this part:
- long-term archiving of CAD 2D drawings;
- other CAD specialization disciplines, such as electrical harnesses, composite.
- Draft49 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This document defines the common terms, abbreviations and references used throughout the EN 9300 series of standard parts.
- Draft40 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day