Standard Specification for Chip Soap (Withdrawn 2000)

1.1 This specification covers chip soap suitable for washing, cleaning, and scouring purposes with soft water, when the presence of alkaline salts is not desirable.

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ASTM D496-74(1995) - Standard Specification for Chip Soap (Withdrawn 2000)
English language
2 pages
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Standards Content (Sample)

~~ Designation: 0 496 -74 (Reapproved 1995)
Standard Specification for
Chip Soap1
This SWIdard is issued UDder the rlXed designation 0 496: !be number immcdialdy followilll!be cIcsiIaaIion indic:aICS !be year of
orisinal adoption Of. in \be case of revision. the year of IasI -mOD. A, number ia parmlbaes iDdit21CS Ibc year oflllSl reappraru A
superscript epsilon (c) indicales an editorial change sina: the IasI reYUIOII or rcapprvval.
This sp«ijictJliOil has bmI apPrOY«i for US~ by agt'llCin ollh~ Dqturmml 0{ 1N{nuI10 rrp/IIa Typr I. Ckw 1 0{ 1'-$-1791. COIIJIIII
Ih~ DoD (nde.T 0/ SpmfictJlions and SUuu/Juds for 1M Sp«ifK J1NT 0{ ~ .midr htu bmI adoputJ b7 1M /Hparrmmz 0{ 1Hfnu~.
TABLE 1 ~R,,---
1. Scope
MaistunI end matI8r ~ at 105"C. InD. $ 10.0A
l.l This specification cover.; chip soap suitable for
Sum 01 he aIkIII. tOIII . iI.oUIIII in *DIDI. end IOCIiIm 8.0
washing, cleaning, and scouring purposes with soft water,
c:hIaride. mu. $
when the presence of alkaline salts is not desirable.
Free . CIIIaM1ed • HIOtt. mu. $ 0.2
Md8r ~ in waw. mu. $ 1.0
TII8r 0I1IIe IIa.I fatly .ads PI'IIIRd tram IIIe ICIIP. nin 39"C
2. Referenced Document
AnIIya'ous ICIIP COIIIInl. nino $ 85.0
A DeheriIs that yiIId _ 111m 10 $ ~ matI8r IIhII be I'IIjecI8d without
2.1 .-I.STM Standard:
IurIher felt.
D460 Test Methods for Sampling and Chemical Analysis
of Soaps and Soap Produas2
W = net weight of material to be paid for on 8 % moisture
and volatile matter basis.
3. Ordering Information
R = net weight of material as received, and
3.1 Chip soap is subject to a possible gain or loss of
L == percentage ofloss at IOS-C.
weight. depending on atmospheric or storage conditions. or
both. or on packaging, as a result of fluctuation in the 4. General Requiremeats
moisture content. Changes in the moisture content result in
4.1 Chip soap shall be a soap in chip form made from
a corresponding change in the percentage of total solids or
soda and fats or fatty acids, or both, without rosin. as free as
anhydrous soap content. or both.
possible from water and all substances other than true soap.
3.1.1 The material shall be purchased by net weight.
The soap sbalJ have a light uniform color, and be free from
provided the matter volatile at 105·C is neither above nor
disagreeable odor.
below 8 %.
S. Chemical Compositioa
3.1.2 Deliveries containing more than 10 % of matter
volatile at 105·C shall be rejected without further test. 5.1 Chip soap sball conform to the requirements as to
3.1.3 On deliveries containing less than 10 % of maner chemical composition prescribed in Table 1. The percentage
volatile a

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