Standard Test Method for Radiographic Examination of Metallic Castings

The requirements expressed in this test method are intended to control the quality of the radiographic images, to produce satisfactory and consistent results, and are not intended for controlling the acceptability or quality of materials or products.
1.1 This test method provides a uniform procedure for radiographic examination of metallic castings using radiographic film as the recording medium.
1.2 Due to the many complex geometries and part configurations inherent with cast products, it is necessary to recognize potential limitations associated with obtaining complete radiographic coverage on castings. Radiography of areas where geometry or part configuration does not allow achievement of complete coverage with practical radiographic methods shall be subject to mutual agreements between purchaser and supplier. The use of alternative nondestructive methods for areas that are not conducive to practical radiography shall also be specifically agreed upon between purchaser and supplier.
1.3 The radiographic method is highly sensitive to volumetric discontinuities that displace a detectable volume of cast material. Discontinuities that do not displace an appreciable volume of material, however, such as cracks or other planar-type indications, may not be detected with radiography unless the radiation beam is coincidentally aligned with the planar orientation of the discontinuity. In view of this limitation, it may be considered appropriate to use the radiographic method in conjunction with additional nondestructive methods that maintain reliable detection capabilities for these types of discontinuities. The use of additional methods shall be specifically agreed upon between the purchaser and supplier.
1.4 The radiographic techniques stated herein provide adequate assurance for defect detectability; however, it is recognized that, for special applications, specific techniques using more or less stringent requirements may be required than those specified. In these cases, the use of alternate radiographic techniques shall be as agreed upon between purchaser and supplier (also see Section 5).
1.5 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regarded as standard.
1.6  This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.

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NOTICE: This standard has either been superseded and replaced by a new version or withdrawn.
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Designation: E1030 − 05(Reapproved 2011)
Standard Test Method for
Radiographic Examination of Metallic Castings
This standard is issued under the fixed designation E1030; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
1. Scope 1.6 This standard does not purport to address all of the
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the
1.1 This test method provides a uniform procedure for
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-
radiographic examination of metallic castings using radio-
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-
graphic film as the recording medium.
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.
1.2 Due to the many complex geometries and part configu-
rations inherent with cast products, it is necessary to recognize
2. Referenced Documents
potential limitations associated with obtaining complete radio-
2.1 ASTM Standards:
graphic coverage on castings. Radiography of areas where
E94 Guide for Radiographic Examination
geometry or part configuration does not allow achievement of
E155 Reference Radiographs for Inspection of Aluminum
complete coverage with practical radiographic methods shall
and Magnesium Castings
be subject to mutual agreements between purchaser and
E186 Reference Radiographs for Heavy-Walled (2 to 4 ⁄2-in.
supplier. The use of alternative nondestructive methods for
(50.8 to 114-mm)) Steel Castings
areas that are not conducive to practical radiography shall also
E192 Reference Radiographs of Investment Steel Castings
be specifically agreed upon between purchaser and supplier.
for Aerospace Applications
1.3 The radiographic method is highly sensitive to volumet-
E272 Reference Radiographs for High-Strength Copper-
ric discontinuities that displace a detectable volume of cast
Base and Nickel-Copper Alloy Castings
material. Discontinuities that do not displace an appreciable
E280 Reference Radiographs for Heavy-Walled (4 ⁄2 to 12-
volume of material, however, such as cracks or other planar-
in. (114 to 305-mm)) Steel Castings
type indications, may not be detected with radiography unless
E310 Reference Radiographs for Tin Bronze Castings
the radiation beam is coincidentally aligned with the planar
E446 Reference Radiographs for Steel Castings Up to 2 in.
orientation of the discontinuity. In view of this limitation, it
(50.8 mm) in Thickness
may be considered appropriate to use the radiographic method
E505 Reference Radiographs for Inspection of Aluminum
in conjunction with additional nondestructive methods that
and Magnesium Die Castings
maintain reliable detection capabilities for these types of
E543 Specification for Agencies Performing Nondestructive
discontinuities. The use of additional methods shall be specifi-
cally agreed upon between the purchaser and supplier.
E689 Reference Radiographs for Ductile Iron Castings
E747 Practice for Design, Manufacture and Material Group-
1.4 The radiographic techniques stated herein provide ad-
ing Classification of Wire Image Quality Indicators (IQI)
equate assurance for defect detectability; however, it is recog-
Used for Radiology
nized that, for special applications, specific techniques using
E802 Reference Radiographs for Gray Iron Castings Up to
more or less stringent requirements may be required than those
4 ⁄2 in. (114 mm) in Thickness
specified. In these cases, the use of alternate radiographic
E999 Guide for Controlling the Quality of Industrial Radio-
techniques shall be as agreed upon between purchaser and
graphic Film Processing
supplier (also see Section 5).
E1025 Practice for Design, Manufacture, and Material
1.5 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regarded
Grouping Classification of Hole-Type Image Quality In-
as standard.
dicators (IQI) Used for Radiology
E1079 Practice for Calibration of Transmission Densitom-
This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee E07 on
Nondestructive Testing and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee E07.01 on
Radiology (X and Gamma) Method.
Current edition approved Jan. 1, 2011. Published March 2011. Originally
approved in 1984. Last previous edition approved in 2005 as E1030 - 05. DOI: For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or
10.1520/E1030-05R11. contact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTM
For ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code applications see related Test Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on
Method SE-1030 in Section II of that Code. the ASTM website.
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States
E1030 − 05 (2011)
E1254 Guide for Storage of Radiographs and Unexposed 5.1.6 Records—Record retention (see 12.1) shall be speci-
Industrial Radiographic Films fied.
E1316 Terminology for Nondestructive Examinations
6. Apparatus
E1320 Reference Radiographs for Titanium Castings
E1815 Test Method for Classification of Film Systems for
6.1 Radiation Sources:
Industrial Radiography
6.1.1 X Radiation Sources—Selection of appropriate X-ray
2.2 ASNT/ANSI Standards: voltage and current levels is dependent upon variables regard-
SNT-TC-1A Recommended Practice for Personnel Qualifi- ing the specimen being examined (material type and thickness)
cation and Certification in Nondestructive Testing and economically permissible exposure time.The suitability of
CP-189 Qualification and Certification of Nondestructive these X-ray parameters shall be demonstrated by attainment of
Testing Personnel
other requirements stipulated herein. Guide E94 contains
2.3 Other Standards:
provisions concerning exposure calculations and charts for the
NAS 410 National Aerospace Standard Certification and
use of X-ray sources.
Qualification of Nondestructive Test Personnel
6.1.2 Gamma Radiation Sources—Isotope sources, when
CEN 444 Non-Destructive Testing-General Principles for
used, shall be capable of demonstrating the required radio-
graphic sensitivity.
ISO 5579 Non-Destructive Testing-Radiographic Examina-
6.2 Film Holders and Cassettes—Film holders and cassettes
tion of Metallic Materials by X-and Gamma-rays—Basic
shall be light-tight and shall be handled properly to reduce the
likelihood that they may be damaged. They may be flexible
vinyl, plastic, or any durable material; or, they may be made
3. Terminology
from metallic materials. In the event that light leaks into the
3.1 Definitions—For definitions of terms used in this test film holder and produces images on the film extending into the
method, see Terminology E1316.
area of interest, the film shall be rejected. If the film holder
exhibits light leaks, it shall be repaired before reuse or
4. Significance and Use
discarded. Film holders and cassettes should be routinely
examined to minimize the likelihood of light leaks.
4.1 The requirements expressed in this test method are
intended to control the quality of the radiographic images, to
6.3 Intensifying Screens:
produce satisfactory and consistent results, and are not in-
6.3.1 Lead-Foil Screens:
tended for controlling the acceptability or quality of materials Intensifying screens of the lead-foil type are gener-
or products.
be of the same approximate area dimensions as the film being
5. Basis of Application
used and they shall be in direct contact with the film during
5.1 The following items shall be agreed upon by the
purchaser and supplier: Unless otherwise specified in the purchaser-supplier
5.1.1 Nondestructive Testing Agency Evaluation—If speci-
agreement or within the footnotes below Table 1, the lead foil
screens in this table shall be used.
agencies shall be qualified and evaluated in accordance with Sheetlead,withorwithoutbacking,usedforscreens
should be visually examined for dust, dirt, oxidation, cracking
specified in the contractual agreement.
or creasing, foreign material or other condition that could
5.1.2 Personnel Qualification—NDT personnel shall be
render undesirable nonrelevant images on the film.
qualified in accordance with a nationally recognized NDT 6.3.2 Fluorescent, Fluorometallic, or Other Metallic
personnel qualification practice or standard such as ANSI/
ASNT CP-189, SNT-TC-1A, NAS 410, or a similar document. Fluorescent,fluorometallic,orothermetallicscreens
The practice or standard used and its applicable revision shall
may be used. However, they must be capable of demonstrating
be specified in the contractual agreement between the using
the required penetrameter (IQI) sensitivity. Fluorescent or
fluorometallic screens may cause limitations in image quality
5.1.3 Apparatus—General requirements (see 6.1 through
(see Test Method E94, Appendix X1.)
6.9) shall be specified. Screen Care—All screens should be handled care-
5.1.4 Requirements—General requirements (see 8.1, 8.2,
fully to avoid dents, scratches, grease, or dirt on active
8.5, and 8.7.4) shall be specified.
surfaces. Screens that render false indications on radiographs
5.1.5 ProcedureRequirements(see9.1,9.1.1,9.3,9.7.4,and
shall be discarded or reworked to eliminate the artifact.
9.7.7) shall be specified.
6.3.3 Other Screens—European Standard CEN 444 contains
similar provisions for intensifying screens as this test method.
International users of these type screens who prefer the use of
Available from the American Society for Nondestructive Testing, (ASNT),
CEN 444 or ISO 5579 for their particular applications should
1711 Arlingate Plaza, P.O. Box 28518, Columbus, OH 43228.
specify such alternate provisions within separate contractual
Available from Aerospace Industries Association of America, Inc., 1250 Eye
Street NW, Washington, DC 20005. arrangements from this test method.
E1030 − 05 (2011)
TABLE 1 Lead Foil Screens
keV Range Front Screen Back Screen Minimum
0 to 150 keV 0.000 to 0.001 in. (0 to 0.025 mm) 0.005 in. (0.127 mm)
150 to 200 keV; Ir 192, Se-75 0.000 to 0.005 in. (0 to 0.127 mm) 0.005 in. (0.127 mm)
200 keV to 2 MeV; Co60 0.005 to 0.010 in. (0.126 to 0.254 mm) 0.010 in. (0.254 mm)
2 to 4 MeV 0.010 to 0.020 in. (0.254 to 0.508 mm) 0.010 in. (0.254 mm)
4 to 10 MeV 0.010 to 0.030 in. (0.254 to 0.762 mm) 0.010 in. (0.254 mm)
10 to 25 MeV 0.010 to 0.050 in. (0.254 to 1.27 mm) 0.010 in. (0.254 mm)
The lead screen thickness listed for the various voltage ranges are recommended thicknesses and not required thicknesses. Other thicknesses and materials may be
used provided the required radiographic quality level, contrast, and density are achieved.
provided the contrast, density, radiographic quality level, and backscatter requirements are achieved. Additional intermediate lead screens may be used for reduction of
scattered radiation at higher energies.
No back screen is required provided the backscatter requirements of 9.5 are met.
6.4 Filters—Filters shall be used whenever the contrast 8. Requirements
reductions caused by low-energy scattered radiation or the
8.1 Procedure Requirement—Unless otherwise specified by
extent of undercut and edge burn-off occurring on production
the applicable job order or contract, radiographic examination
radiographs is of significant magnitude so as to cause failure to
shall be performed in accordance with a written procedure.
meet the quality level or radiographic coverage requirements
Specific requirements regarding the preparation and approval
stipulated by the job order or contract (see Guide E94).
of written procedures shall be dictated by a purchaser and
6.5 Masking—Masking material may be used, as necessary,
supplier agreement. The procedure details should include at
to help reduce image degradation due to undercutting (see
least those items stipulated in Appendix X1. In addition, a
Guide E94).
radiographic standard shooting sketch (RSS), Fig. X1.1, shall
be prepared similar to that shown in Appendix X1 and shall be
6.6 Penetrameters (IQI)—Unless otherwise specified by the
available for review during interpretation of the film.
applicable job order or contract, only those penetrameters that
comply with the design and identification requirements speci-
8.2 Radiographic Coverage—Unless otherwise specified by
fied in Practice E747 or Practice E1025 shall be used.
a purchaser and supplier agreement, the extent of radiographic
coverage shall be the maximum practical volume of the
6.7 Shims and Separate Blocks—Shims or separate blocks
casting. Areas that require radiography shall be designated as
made of the same or radiographically similar materials (as
illustrated in Figs. X1.2 and X1.3 of Appendix X1. When the
defined in Method E1025) may be used to facilitate penetram-
eter positioning. There is no restriction on shim or separate
impractical, these areas shall be so designated on drawings or
block thickness provided the penetrameter and area-of-interest
sketches that accompany the radiographs. Examples of casting
density tolerance requirements of are met.
geometries and configurations that may be considered imprac-
6.8 Radiographic Location and Identification Markers—
tical to radiograph are illustrated in Appendix X2.
Lead numbers and letters are used to designate the part number
8.3 Radiographic Film Quality—All radiographs shall be
and location number. The size and thickness of the markers
free of mechanical, chemical, handling-related, or other blem-
shall depend on the ability of the radiographic technique to
ishes which could mask or be confused with the image of any
image the markers on the radiograph. As a general rule,
discontinuity in the area of interest on the radiograph. If any
markers ⁄16-in. (1.58-mm) thick will suffice for most low-
doubt exists as to the true nature of an indication exhibited by
energy (less than 1 MeV) X-ray and Iridium-192 radiography;
the film, the radiograph shall be retaken or rejected.
for higher-energy radiography it may be necessary to use
markers that are ⁄8-in. (3.17-mm) or more thick.
8.4 Radiographic Quality Level—The applic

This document is not an ASTM standard and is intended only to provide the user of an ASTM standard an indication of what changes have been made to the previous version. Because
it may not be technically possible to adequately depict all changes accurately, ASTM recommends that users consult prior editions as appropriate. In all cases only the current version
of the standard as published by ASTM is to be considered the official document.
Designation:E1030–05 Designation:E1030–05 (Reapproved 2011)
Standard Test Method for
Radiographic Examination of Metallic Castings
This standard is issued under the fixed designation E1030; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
1. Scope
1.1 This test method provides a uniform procedure for radiographic examination of metallic castings using radiographic film
as the recording medium.
1.2 Due to the many complex geometries and part configurations inherent with cast products, it is necessary to recognize
potential limitations associated with obtaining complete radiographic coverage on castings. Radiography of areas where geometry
or part configuration does not allow achievement of complete coverage with practical radiographic methods shall be subject to
mutual agreements between purchaser and supplier.The use of alternative nondestructive methods for areas that are not conducive
to practical radiography shall also be specifically agreed upon between purchaser and supplier.
1.3 The radiographic method is highly sensitive to volumetric discontinuities that displace a detectable volume of cast material.
Discontinuities that do not displace an appreciable volume of material, however, such as cracks or other planar-type indications,
may not be detected with radiography unless the radiation beam is coincidentally aligned with the planar orientation of the
discontinuity. In view of this limitation, it may be considered appropriate to use the radiographic method in conjunction with
additional nondestructive methods that maintain reliable detection capabilities for these types of discontinuities. The use of
additional methods shall be specifically agreed upon between the purchaser and supplier.
1.4 Theradiographictechniquesstatedhereinprovideadequateassurancefordefectdetectability;however,itisrecognizedthat,
cases, the use of alternate radiographic techniques shall be as agreed upon between purchaser and supplier (also see Section 5).
1.5 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regarded as standard.
1.6 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility
of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory
limitations prior to use.
2. Referenced Documents
2.1 ASTM Standards:
E94 Guide for Radiographic Examination
E155 Reference Radiographs for Inspection of Aluminum and Magnesium Castings
E186 Reference Radiographs for Heavy-Walled (2 to 412-in. (50.8 to 114-mm)) Steel Castings
E192 Reference Radiographs of Investment Steel Castings for Aerospace Applications
E272 Reference Radiographs for High-Strength Copper-Base and Nickel-Copper Alloy Castings
E280 Reference Radiographs for Heavy-Walled (412 to 12-in. (114 to 305-mm)) Steel Castings
E310 Reference Radiographs for Tin Bronze Castings
E446 Reference Radiographs for Steel Castings Up to 2 in. (50.8 mm) in Thickness
E505 Reference Radiographs for Inspection of Aluminum and Magnesium Die Castings
E543 Specification for Agencies Performing Nondestructive Testing
E689 Reference Radiographs for Ductile Iron Castings
E747 Practice for Design, Manufacture and Material Grouping Classification of Wire Image Quality Indicators (IQI) Used for
E802 Reference Radiographs for Gray Iron Castings Up to 412 in. (114 mm) in Thickness
E999 Guide for Controlling the Quality of Industrial Radiographic Film Processing
This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee E07 on Nondestructive Testing and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee E07.01 on Radiology
(X and Gamma) Method.
Current edition approved Dec.Jan. 1, 2005.2011. Published February 2006.March 2011. Originally approved in 1984. Last previous edition approved in 20002005 as
E1030 - 005. DOI: 10.1520/E1030-05R11.
For ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code applications see related Test Method SE-1030 in Section II of that Code.
For referencedASTM standards, visit theASTM website,, or contactASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTM Standards
volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on the ASTM website.
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
E1030–05 (2011)
E1025 Practice for Design, Manufacture, and Material Grouping Classification of Hole-Type Image Quality Indicators (IQI)
Used for Radiology
E1079 Practice for Calibration of Transmission Densitometers
E1254 Guide for Storage of Radiographs and Unexposed Industrial Radiographic Films
E1316 Terminology for Nondestructive Examinations
E1320 Reference Radiographs for Titanium Castings
E1815 Test Method for Classification of Film Systems for Industrial Radiography
2.2 ASNT/ANSI Standards:
SNT-TC-1A Recommended Practice for Personnel Qualification and Certification in Nondestructive Testing
CP-189 Qualification and Certification of Nondestructive Testing Personnel
2.3 Other Standards:
NAS 410 National Aerospace Standard Certification and Qualification of Nondestructive Test Personnel
CEN 444 Non-Destructive Testing-General Principles for Radiographic Examination of Metallic Materials by X-and Gamma-
ISO 5579 Non-Destructive Testing-Radiographic Examination of Metallic Materials by X-and Gamma-rays—Basic Rules
3. Terminology
3.1 Definitions—For definitions of terms used in this test method, see Terminology E1316.
4. Significance and Use
4.1 The requirements expressed in this test method are intended to control the quality of the radiographic images, to produce
satisfactory and consistent results, and are not intended for controlling the acceptability or quality of materials or products.
5. Basis of Application
5.1 The following items shall be agreed upon by the purchaser and supplier:
5.1.1 Nondestructive Testing Agency Evaluation—If specified in the contractual agreement, nondestructive testing (NDT)
agencies shall be qualified and evaluated in accordance with Practice E543. The applicable version of Practice E543 shall be
specified in the contractual agreement.
5.1.2 Personnel Qualification—NDT personnel shall be qualified in accordance with a nationally recognized NDT personnel
qualification practice or standard such as ANSI/ASNT CP-189, SNT-TC-1A, NAS 410, or a similar document. The practice or
TABLE 1 Lead Foil Screens
keV Range Front Screen Back Screen Minimum
0 to 150 keV 0.000 to 0.001 in. [0 to 0.025 mm] 0.005 in. [0.127 mm]
0 to 150 keV 0.000 to 0.001 in. (0 to 0.025 mm) 0.005 in. (0.127 mm)
150 to 200 keV; Ir 192, Se-75 0.000 to 0.005 in. [0 to 0.127 mm] 0.005 in. [0.127 mm]
150 to 200 keV; Ir 192, Se-75 0.000 to 0.005 in. (0 to 0.127 mm) 0.005 in. (0.127 mm)
200 keV to 2 MeV; Co60 0.005 to 0.010 in. [0.126 to 0.254 mm] 0.010 in. [0.254 mm]
200 keV to 2 MeV; Co60 0.005 to 0.010 in. (0.126 to 0.254 mm) 0.010 in. (0.254 mm)
2to4MeV 0.010 to 0.020 in. [0.254 to 0.508 mm] 0.010 in. [0.254 mm]
2to4MeV 0.010 to 0.020 in. (0.254 to 0.508 mm) 0.010 in. (0.254 mm)
4to10MeV 0.010 to 0.030 in. [0.254 to 0.762 mm] 0.010 in. [0.254 mm]
4to10MeV 0.010 to 0.030 in. (0.254 to 0.762 mm) 0.010 in. (0.254 mm)
10 to 25 MeV 0.010 to 0.050 in. [0.254 to 1.27 mm] 0.010 in. [0.254 mm]
10 to 25 MeV 0.010 to 0.050 in. (0.254 to 1.27 mm) 0.010 in. (0.254 mm)
The lead screen thickness listed for the various voltage ranges are recommended thicknesses and not required thicknesses. Other thicknesses and materials may be
used provided the required radiographic quality level, contrast, and density are achieved.
Prepacked film with lead screens may be used from 80 to 150 keV. No lead screens are recommended below 80 keV. Prepacked film may be used at higher energy
of scattered radiation at higher energies.
No back screen is required provided the backscatter requirements of 9.5 are met.
standard used and its applicable revision shall be specified in the contractual agreement between the using parties.
5.1.3 Apparatus—General requirements (see 6.1 through 6.9) shall be specified.
5.1.4 Requirements—General requirements (see 8.1, 8.2, 8.5, and 8.7.4) shall be specified.
5.1.5 Procedure Requirements (see 9.1, 9.1.1, 9.3, 9.7.4, and 9.7.7) shall be specified.
5.1.6 Records—Record retention (see 12.1) shall be specified.
Available from the American Society for Nondestructive Testing, (ASNT), 1711 Arlingate Plaza, P.O. Box 28518, Columbus, OH 43228.
Available from Aerospace Industries Association of America, Inc., 1250 Eye Street NW, Washington, DC 20005.
E1030–05 (2011)
6. Apparatus
6.1 Radiation Sources:
6.1.1 X Radiation Sources—Selection of appropriate X-ray voltage and current levels is dependent upon variables regarding the
parameters shall be demonstrated by attainment of required penetrameter (IQI) sensitivity and compliance with all other
requirements stipulated herein. Guide E94 contains provisions concerning exposure calculations and charts for the use of X-ray
6.1.2 Gamma Radiation Sources—Isotope sources, when used, shall be capable of demonstrating the required radiographic
6.2 Film Holders and Cassettes—Film holders and cassettes shall be light-tight and shall be handled properly to reduce the
likelihood that they may be damaged. They may be flexible vinyl, plastic, or any durable material; or, they may be made from
metallic materials. In the event that light leaks into the film holder and produces images on the film extending into the area of
interest, the film shall be rejected. If the film holder exhibits light leaks, it shall be repaired before reuse or discarded. Film holders
and cassettes should be routinely examined to minimize the likelihood of light leaks.
6.3 Intensifying Screens:
6.3.1 Lead-Foil Screens: Intensifying screens of the lead-foil type are generally used for all production radiography. Lead-foil screens shall be
of the same approximate area dimensions as the film being used and they shall be in direct contact with the film during exposure. Unless otherwise specified in the purchaser-supplier agreement or within the footnotes below Table 1, the lead foil
screens in this table shall be used. Sheet lead, with or without backing, used for screens should be visually examined for dust, dirt, oxidation, cracking or
creasing, foreign material or other condition that could render undesirable nonrelevant images on the film.
6.3.2 Fluorescent, Fluorometallic, or Other Metallic Screens: Fluorescent, fluorometallic, or other metallic screens may be used. However, they must be capable of demonstrating the
required penetrameter (IQI) sensitivity. Fluorescent or fluorometallic screens may cause limitations in image quality (see Test
Method E94, Appendix X1.) Screen Care—All screens should be handled carefully to avoid dents, scratches, grease, or dirt on active surfaces.
Screens that render false indications on radiographs shall be discarded or reworked to eliminate the artifact.
6.3.3 Other Screens—European Standard CEN 444 contains similar provisions for intensifying screens as this test method.
InternationalusersofthesetypescreenswhoprefertheuseofCEN 444orISO 5579fortheirparticularapplicationsshouldspecify
such alternate provisions within separate contractual arrangements from this test method.
6.4 Filters—Filters shall be used whenever the contrast reductions caused by low-energy scattered radiation or the extent of
undercut and edge burn-off occurring on production radiographs is of significant magnitude so as to cause failure to meet the
quality level or radiographic coverage requirements stipulated by the job order or contract (see Guide E94).
6.5 Masking—Masking material may be used, as necessary, to help reduce image degradation due to undercutting (see Guide
6.6 Penetrameters (IQI)—Unless otherwise specified by the applicable job order or contract, only those penetrameters that
comply with the design and identification requirements specified in Practice E747 or Practice E1025 shall be used.
6.7 Shims and Separate Blocks—Shims or separate blocks made of the same or radiographically similar materials (as defined
in Method E1025) may be used to facilitate penetrameter positioning. There is no restriction on shim or separate block thickness
provided the penetrameter and area-of-interest density tolerance requirements of are met.
6.8 Radiographic Location and Identification Markers—Lead numbers and letters are used to designate the part number and
location number. The size and thickness of the markers shall depend on the ability of the radiographic technique to image the
markersontheradiograph.Asageneralrule,markers ⁄16-in.[1.58-mm](1.58-mm)thickwillsufficeformostlow-energy(lessthan
1 MeV) X-ray and Iridium-192 radiography; for higher-energy radiography it may be necessary to use markers that are ⁄8-in.
[3.17-mm](3.17-mm) or more thick.
6.9 Radiographic Density Measurement Apparatus—Either a transmission densitometer or a step-wedge comparison film shall
be used for judging film density requirements. Step wedge comparison films or densitometer calibration, or both, shall be verified
by comparison with a calibrated step-wedge film traceable to the National Institute of Standards and Technology. Densitometers
shall be calibrated in accordance with Practice E1079.
7. Reagents and Materials
7.1 Film Systems—Only film systems having cognizant engineering organization (CEO) approval or meeting the requirements
of Test Method E1815 shall be used to meet the requirements of this test method.
8. Requirements
8.1 Procedure Requirement—Unless otherwise specified by the applicable job order or contract, radiographic examination shall
be performed in accordance with a written procedure. Specific requirements regarding the preparation and

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