Standard Terminology Relating to Forensic Psychophysiology

1.1 This is a compilation of terms and corresponding definitions used in forensic psychophysiology. Legal and scientific terms that generally are understood or defined adequately in other readily available sources may not be included.
1.2 A definition is a single sentence with additional information included in notes. It is reviewed every five years, and the year of the last review or revision is appended.
1.3 Definitions identical to those published by another standards organization or ASTM committee are identified with the abbreviation of the name of the organization or the identifying document and ASTM committee; for example, ASME is the American Society of Mechanical Engineering.
1.4 Definitions of terms specific to a particular field are identified with an abbreviation.

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ASTM E2035-01 - Standard Terminology Relating to Forensic Psychophysiology
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Designation: E 2035 – 01
Standard Terminology Relating to
Forensic Psychophysiology
This standard is issued under the fixed designation E 2035; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
1. Scope the evaluation criteria used by the examiner concluded that
the examinee was not being completely truthful to the
1.1 This is a compilation of terms and corresponding
relevant issue. Deception indicated corresponds to the term
definitions used in forensic psychophysiology. Legal or scien-
“Significant Physiological Responses,” or SPR.
tific terms that generally are understood or defined adequately
forensic psychophysiology, n—the scientific discipline deal-
in other readily available sources may not be included.
ing with the relationship and applications of PDD tests
1.2 A definition is a single sentence with additional infor-
within the legal system. It encompasses the academic disci-
mation included in notes. It is reviewed every five years, and
pline that provides the student, the practitioner, and the
the year of the last review or revision is appended.
researcher with the theoretical and applied psychological,
1.3 Definitions identical to those published by another
physiological, and psychophysiological fundamentals for a
standards organization or ASTM committee are identified with
thorough understanding of PDD tests, and the skills and
the abbreviation of the name of the organization or the
qualifications for conducting PDD examinations. The modi-
identifying document and ASTM committee; for example,
fier “forensic” delineates and delimits this discipline from
ASME is the American Society of Mechanical Engineering.
the broader discipline of psychophysiology.
1.4 Definitions of terms specific to a particular field are
irrelevant question, n—An irrelevant question is designed to
identified with an abbreviation.
be a non-emotion provoking question. Also referred to as
2. Significance and Use “norms” or “neutral questions.”
no deception indicated (NDI), n—no deception indicated is a
2.1 These terms have particular application to the scientific
conventional term for a PDD outcome. A decision of NDI
discipline of forensic psychophysiology. In addition, a heirar-
means that the physiological data are stable and interpretable
chy of sources of definitions are used in the development of
and that the evaluation criteria used by the examiner
this terminology. The heirarchy is as follows: Websters’s New
concluded that the examinee was being completely truthful
World Dictionary, Third College Edition; technical dictionar-
to the relevant issue. No deception indicated corresponds to
ies; and, the Compilation of ASTM Standard Definitions. The
the term “No Significant Physiological Responses,” or NSR.
subcommittee developed a suitable definition after all of the
relevent question, n—a question that pertains directly to the
sources in the heirarchy are found wanting.
matter under investigation or to the issue(s) for which the
3. Terminology
examinee is being tested.
PDD examination, n—a process that encompasses all activi-
3.1 Terms and Definitions:
ties that take place between a PDD examiner and an
cardiovascular tracing, n—a display of physiological patterns
examinee during a specific series of interactions. These
of the subject’s relative blood volume and pulse rate. The
interactions may include the pretest interview, the use of the
cardiograph component records this activity.
polygraph to collect physiological data from the examinee
electrodermal tracing, n—the display of physiological pat-
while presenting a series of tests, the test data analysis phase,
terns of either skin resistance or skin conductance obtained
which may be supplemented in a post-test interview phase.
through exosomatic recording with a galvanograph compo-
psychophysiological veracity (PV) examination, n—see
definition of PDD
deception indicated (DI), n—deception indicated is a conven-
PDD examiner, n—someone who has successfully completed
tional term for a PDD outcome. A decision of DI means that
formal education and accredited training in conducting PDD
the physiological data are stable and interpretable and that
examinations and, if appropriate, is certified or licensed by
their agency or state to conduct such examinations.
This terminology standard is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee E52
physiology, n—the branch of biology dealing with the func-
on Forensic Psychophysiology and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee
tions and vital processes of living organisms or their parts
E52.06 on Terminology.
and organs.
Current edition appr

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