Standard Guide for Small-Scale Environmental Chamber Determinations of Organic Emissions From Indoor Materials/Products

1.1 This guide provides guidance on determination of emissions of organic compounds from indoor materials and products using small-scale environmental test chambers.
1.2 This guide pertains to chambers that fully enclose a material specimen to be tested and does not address other emission chamber designs such as emission cells (see instead Practice D 7143).
1.3 As an ASTM standard, this guide describes options, but does not recommend specific courses of action. This guide is not a standard test method and must not be construed as such.
1.4 The use of small environmental test chambers to characterize the organic emissions of indoor materials and products is still evolving. Modifications and variations in equipment, testing procedures, and data analysis are made as the work in the area progresses. For several indoor materials, more detailed ASTM standards for emissions testing have now been developed. Where more detailed ASTM standard practices or methods exist, they supersede this guide and should be used in its place. Until the interested parties agree upon standard testing protocols, differences in approach will occur. This guide will continue to provide assistance by describing equipment and techniques suitable for determining organic emissions from indoor materials. Specific examples are provided to illustrate existing approaches; these examples are not intended to inhibit alternative approaches or techniques that will produce equivalent or superior results.
1.5 Small chambers have obvious limitations. Normally, only samples of larger materials (for example, carpet) are tested. Small chambers are not applicable for testing complete assemblages (for example, furniture). Small chambers are also inappropriate for testing combustion devices (for example, kerosene heaters) or activities (for example, use of aerosol spray products). For some products, small chamber testing may provide only a portion of the emission profile of interest. For example, the rate of emissions from the application of high solvent materials (for example, paints and waxes) via brushing, spraying, rolling, etc. are generally higher than the rate during the drying process. Small chamber testing can not be used to evaluate the application phase of the coating process. Large (or full-scale) chambers may be more appropriate for many of these applications. For guidance on full-scale chamber testing of emissions from indoor materials refer to Practice D 6670.
1.6 This guider does not provide specific guidance for the selection of sampling media or for the analysis of volatile organics. This information is provided in Practice D 6196.
1.7 The guide does not provide specific guidance for determining emissions of formaldehyde from pressed wood products, since large chamber testing methods for such emissions are well developed and widely used. For more information refer to Test Method E 1333. It is possible, however, that the guide could be used to support alternative testing methods.
1.8 This guide is applicable to the determination of emissions from products and materials that may be used indoors. The effects of the emissions (for example, toxicity) are not addressed and are beyond the scope of the guide. Guide D 6485 provides an example of the assessment of acute and irritant effects of VOC emissions for a given material. Specification of "target" organic species of concern is similarly beyond the scope of this guide. As guideline levels for specific indoor contaminants develop, so too will emission test protocols to provide relevant information. Emissions databases and material labeling schemes will also be expected to adjust to reflect the current state of knowledge.
1.9 Specifics related to the acquisition, handling, conditioning, preparation, and testing of individual test specimens may vary depending on particular study objectives. Guidelines for these aspects of emissions testing are provided here, specific direction is not mandated...

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ASTM D5116-06 - Standard Guide for Small-Scale Environmental Chamber Determinations of Organic Emissions From Indoor Materials/Products
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NOTICE: This standard has either been superseded and replaced by a new version or withdrawn.
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Designation: D5116 – 06
Standard Guide for
Small-Scale Environmental Chamber Determinations of
Organic Emissions from Indoor Materials/Products
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D5116; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision.Anumber in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.A
superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
1. Scope spraying, rolling, etc. are generally higher than the rate during
the drying process. Small chamber testing can not be used to
1.1 This guide provides guidance on determination of emis-
sions of organic compounds from indoor materials and prod-
full-scale) chambers may be more appropriate for many of
ucts using small-scale environmental test chambers.
these applications. For guidance on full-scale chamber testing
1.2 This guide pertains to chambers that fully enclose a
of emissions from indoor materials refer to Practice D6670.
material specimen to be tested and does not address other
1.6 This guider does not provide specific guidance for the
emission chamber designs such as emission cells (see instead
selection of sampling media or for the analysis of volatile
Practice D7143).
organics. This information is provided in Practice D6196.
1.3 As anASTM standard, this guide describes options, but
1.7 The guide does not provide specific guidance for deter-
does not recommend specific courses of action. This guide is
mining emissions of formaldehyde from pressed wood prod-
not a standard test method and must not be construed as such.
ucts, since large chamber testing methods for such emissions
1.4 The use of small environmental test chambers to char-
are well developed and widely used. For more information
refer to Test Method E1333. It is possible, however, that the
is still evolving. Modifications and variations in equipment,
guide could be used to support alternative testing methods.
testing procedures, and data analysis are made as the work in
1.8 This guide is applicable to the determination of emis-
sions from products and materials that may be used indoors.
ASTM standards for emissions testing have now been devel-
The effects of the emissions (for example, toxicity) are not
oped. Where more detailed ASTM standard practices or
methods exist, they supersede this guide and should be used in
provides an example of the assessment of acute and irritant
its place. Until the interested parties agree upon standard
“target” organic species of concern is similarly beyond the
will continue to provide assistance by describing equipment
scope of this guide. As guideline levels for specific indoor
and techniques suitable for determining organic emissions
contaminants develop, so too will emission test protocols to
from indoor materials. Specific examples are provided to
provide relevant information. Emissions databases and mate-
illustrate existing approaches; these examples are not intended
rial labeling schemes will also be expected to adjust to reflect
to inhibit alternative approaches or techniques that will pro-
the current state of knowledge.
duce equivalent or superior results.
1.9 Specifics related to the acquisition, handling, condition-
1.5 Small chambers have obvious limitations. Normally,
ing, preparation, and testing of individual test specimens may
only samples of larger materials (for example, carpet) are
vary depending on particular study objectives. Guidelines for
tested. Small chambers are not applicable for testing complete
these aspects of emissions testing are provided here, specific
assemblages (for example, furniture). Small chambers are also
direction is not mandated. The purpose of this guide is to
inappropriate for testing combustion devices (for example,
increase the awareness of the user to available techniques for
kerosene heaters) or activities (for example, use of aerosol
evaluating organic emissions from indoor materials/products
via small chamber testing, to identify the essential aspects of
provide only a portion of the emission profile of interest. For
emissions testing that must be controlled and documented, and
example, the rate of emissions from the application of high
therefore to provide information, which may lead to further
evaluation and standardization.
1.10 Within the context of the limitat

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