Standard Test Methods for Nonrigid Vinyl Chloride Polymer Tubing Used for Electrical Insulation

These test methods include most of the test methods that are considered important to characterize nonrigid vinyl chloride polymer tubing. While they were developed initially for this type of extruded tubing, their use is not limited to this type of tubing.
Variations in these test methods or alternate contemporary methods may be used to determine the values for the properties in this standard provided such methods ensure quality levels and measurement accuracy equal to or better than those prescribed herein. It is the responsibility of the organizations using alternate test methods to be able to demonstrate this condition. In cases of dispute, the test methods specified herein shall be used.
Note 2—Provision for alternate methods is necessary because of (1) the desire to simplify procedures for specific applications without altering the result, and (2) the desire to eliminate redundant testing and use data generated during manufacturing process control, including that generated under Statistical Process Control (SPC) conditions, using equipment and methods other than those specified herein. An example would be the use of laser micrometers or optical comparators to measure dimensions.
1.1 These test methods cover the testing of general-purpose (Grade A), low-temperature (Grade B), and high-temperature (Grade C) nonrigid vinyl chloride polymer tubing, or its copolymers with other materials, for use as electrical insulation. For the purpose of these test methods nonrigid tubing shall be tubing having an initial elongation in excess of 100 % at break.Note 1
These test methods are similar but not identical to those in IEC 60684-2.
1.2 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regarded as the standard, except temperature, which shall be stated in degrees Celsius. Values in parentheses are for information only.
1.3 The procedures appear in the following sections:
This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use. For specific hazard statements, see Section .
1.4 This is a fire-test-response standard. The test procedure described measures the resistance of the tubing to ignition or the spread of flame after ignition when tested under the specified conditions.
1.5 This standard is used to measure and describe the response of materials, products, or assemblies to heat and flame under controlled conditions, but does not by itself incorporate all factors required for fire hazard or fire risk assessment of the materials, products, or assemblies under actual fire conditions.
1.6 The effect of elevated temperature is indicated by the changes in ultimate elongation and weight caused by exposure of the tubing to elevated temperatures for a specified time under controlled conditions of air circulation.

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NOTICE: This standard has either been superseded and replaced by a new version or withdrawn.
Contact ASTM International ( for the latest information
An American National Standard
Designation:D876–00 (Reapproved 2007)
Standard Test Methods for
Nonrigid Vinyl Chloride Polymer Tubing Used for Electrical
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D876; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense.
´ NOTE—Footnote 5 was deleted and the fire caveat in 15.2 was revised to meet Form and Style requirements editorially in
February 2007.
1. Scope 1.4 This standard does not purport to address all of the
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the
1.1 These test methods cover the testing of general-purpose
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-
(Grade A), low-temperature (Grade B), and high-temperature
2 priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-
(Grade C) nonrigid vinyl chloride polymer tubing, or its
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use. For specific hazard
copolymers with other materials, for use as electrical insula-
statements, see Section 3.
tion. For the purpose of these test methods nonrigid tubing
shall be tubing having an initial elongation in excess of 100 %
2. Referenced Documents
at break.
2.1 ASTM Standards:
NOTE 1—These test methods are similar but not identical to those in
D149 Test Method for Dielectric Breakdown Voltage and
IEC 60684–2.
Dielectric Strength of Solid Electrical Insulating Materials
1.2 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regarded
at Commercial Power Frequencies
as the standard, except temperature, which shall be stated in
D257 Test Methods for DC Resistance or Conductance of
Insulating Materials
1.3 The procedures appear in the following sections:
D374 Test Methods for Thickness of Solid Electrical Insu-
ASTM Reference lation
Procedure Section Standard
D412 Test Methods for Vulcanized Rubber and Thermo-
Brittleness Temperature 43-45 D746
plastic Elastomers—Tension
Corrosion Tests 74-85 D1000
Dielectric Breakdown Voltage at High Humidity 65-73 E104 D471 Test Method for Rubber Property—Effect of Liquids
Dielectric Breakdown Voltage 58-64 D149
D746 Test Method for Brittleness Temperature of Plastics
Dimensional Tests 8-14 D374
and Elastomers by Impact
Effect of Elevated Temperatures 25-36 D412
Flammability Test 15-21 D1000 Test Methods for Pressure-Sensitive Adhesive-
Oil Resistance Test 35-42 D471
Coated Tapes Used for Electrical and Electronic Applica-
Penetration Test 46-51
Sampling 6
Strain Relief Test 68-73
D1711 Terminology Relating to Electrical Insulation
Tension Test 22-24 D412
D5032 Practice for Maintaining Constant Relative Humid-
Test Conditions 7
ity by Means of Aqueous Glycerin Solutions
Volume Resistivity 52-57 D257
E104 Practice for Maintaining Constant Relative Humidity
by Means of Aqueous Solutions
E176 Terminology of Fire Standards
These test methods are under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D09 on
2.2 IEC Standards:
Electrical and Electronic Insulating Materials and are the direct responsibility of
Subcommittee D09.07 on Flexible and Rigid Insulating Materials.
Current edition approved Feb. 15, 2007. Published July 2007. Originally For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or
approved in 1946. Last previous edition approved in 2000 as D876 – 00. DOI: contact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTM
10.1520/D0876-00R07E01. Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on
Test methods applicable to Grade B will be specified at a later date. the ASTM website.
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
D876–00 (2007)
60684–2 Flexible insulating sleeving, Part 2, Methods of an induced charge during the test or retaining a charge even
test after disconnection of the voltage source. Thoroughly instruct
all operators as to the correct procedures for performing tests
3. Terminology
safely. When making high voltage tests, particularly in com-
3.1 Definitions: pressed gas or in oil, it is possible for the energy released at
3.1.1 For definitions pertaining to electrical insulation, refer
to Terminology D1711. of the test chamber. Design test equipment, test chambers, and
3.1.2 For definitions pertaining to fire standards, refer to
test specimens so as to minimize the possibility of such
Terminology E176. occurrences, and to eliminate the possibility of personal injury.
3.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:
If the potential for fire exists, have fire suppression equipment
3.2.1 brittleness temperature, n—that temperature at which available.
50 % of the specimens fail when the specified number are
6. Sampling
tested, using the apparatus and conditions specified.
3.2.2 corrosive effect, n—under the prescribed conditions,
6.1 Select a sufficient number of pieces of tubing in such a
the percentage change in electrical resistance of a fine copper manner as to be representative of the shipment.
wire in contact with the tubing.
6.2 Cutthenumberofspecimensrequiredforthepurposeof
3.2.3 resistance to penetration, n—that property of tubing tests from the pieces selected in accordance with 6.1, taking
indicated by its resistance to high local pressures, as deter-
care to select material that is free from obvious defects.
mined by the temperature at which a steel ball punctures the
7. Test Conditions
tubing under the conditions of loading and temperature rise
specified in these test methods.
7.1 Unless otherwise specified in these test methods, con-
3.2.4 wall thickness, n—anaveragevaluedeterminedasone
duct tests at atmospheric pressure and at a temperature of 23 6
half of the difference between the inside and outside diameters
2°C(73 6 4 °F). Room temperature, as stated in these test
of the tubing measured by the test method prescribed herein. methods, shall be within this temperature range.
4. Significance and Use
4.1 Thesetestmethodsincludemostofthetestmethodsthat
8. Significance and Use
are considered important to characterize nonrigid vinyl chlo-
8.1 The inside diameter and wall thickness are of impor-
ride polymer tubing. While they were developed initially for
tance as a measure of dimensional uniformity. They also
this type of extruded tubing, their use is not limited to this type
provide important data for design purposes, and are used in the
of tubing.
calculation of certain physical and electrical properties of the
4.2 Variations in these test methods or alternate contempo-
rary methods may be used to determine the values for the
properties in this standard provided such methods ensure
9. Apparatus
9.1 Tapered-Steel Gages—Use chromium-plated gages suit-
those prescribed herein. It is the responsibility of the organi-
able for covering the range of tubing sizes shown in Table 1.
zations using alternate test methods to be able to demonstrate
The gages shall have a uniform taper of 0.010 in./1 in. (0.010
this condition. In cases of dispute, the test methods specified
mm/mm) of length, and shall be graduated with circular
herein shall be used.
NOTE 2—Provision for alternate methods is necessary because of (1)
shall then represent a uniform increase in diameter of 0.005
the desire to simplify procedures for specific applications without altering
in./0.5 in. (0.010 mm/mm) of length.
the result, and (2) the desire to eliminate redundant testing and use data
9.2 Micrometers—Use machinist’s type micrometers suit-
generated during manufacturing process control, including that generated
under Statistical Process Control (SPC) conditions, using equipment and able for covering the range of tubing sizes shown in Table 1.
methods other than those specified herein. An example would be the use
9.3 Steel Scale—A steel scale graduated in 0.01 in. (0.25
of laser micrometers or optical comparators to measure dimensions.
5. Hazards
10. Test Specimens
5.1 Lethal voltages are a potential hazard during the
10.1 Cut a 1-in. (25-mm) specimen free of kinks from the
performance of this test. It is essential that the test apparatus,
sample. Perform this operation perpendicular to the longitudi-
and all associated equipment electrically connected to it, be
nal axis of the tubing specimen, giving a specimen 1 in. in
properly designed and installed for safe operation. Solidly
length having cleanly cut square ends.
ground all electrically conductive parts which it is possible for
a person to contact during the test. Provide means for use at
11. Procedure for Measuring Inside Diameter
the completion of any test to ground any parts which were at
11.1 Select a gage that will fit part way into the tubular
high voltage during the test or have the potential for acquiring
gage until there is no visible air space between the end of the
specimen and the gage anywhere on the circumference. Con-
Available from American National Standards Institute, 11 W. 42nd St., New
York, NY 10036. siderthispointonthegagetheinsidediameterofthespecimen.
D876–00 (2007)
TABLE 1 Tubing Sizes
micrometer. Slowly move the micrometer spindle onto the
Inside Diameter, in. surface of the tube until the first definite increase in the
resistance to rotation of the specimen is encountered. The
Max Min Nominal
micrometer reading at this time is the outside diameter of the
2 in. 2.070 2.000 .
1 ⁄4 in. 1.812 1.750 . specimen.
1 ⁄2 in. 1.550 1.500 .
1 ⁄4 in. 1.290 1.250 .
13. Report
1 in. 1.036 1.000 . 13.1 Report the following information:
⁄8 in. 0.911 0.875 .
13.1.1 Inside diameter of the specimen to the nearest 0.001
⁄4 in. 0.786 0.750 .
in. (0.025 mm),
⁄8 in. 0.655 0.625 .
13.1.2 All readings on outside diameter of the specimen to
⁄2 in. 0.524 0.500 .
the nearest 0.001 in.,
⁄16 in. 0.462 0.438 .
13.1.3 Average outside diameter, and
⁄8 in. 0.399 0.375 .
⁄16 in. 0.334 0.3125 .
13.1.4 Average wall thickness.
No. 0 0.347 0.325 0.330
14. Precision and Bias
No. 1 0.311 0.289 0.294
No. 2 0.278 0.258 0.263
14.1 The precision of this test method has not been deter-
No. 3 0.249 0.229 0.234
mined due to inadequate voluntary participation and funding
No. 4 0.224 0.204 0.208
needed to conduct the round-robin testing.Astatement of bias
No. 5 0.198 0.182 0.186
is unavailable in view of the lack of a standard reference
No. 6 0.178 0.162 0.166
material for this property.
No. 7 0.158 0.144 0.148
No. 8 0.141 0.129 0.133
No. 9 0.124 0.114 0.118
No. 10 0.112 0.102 0.106
15. Scope
No. 11 0.101 0.091 0.095
15.1 Thisisafire-test-responsestandard.Thetestprocedure
No. 12 0.089 0.081 0.085
No. 14 0.072 0.064 0.066
described measures the resistance of the tubing to ignition or
No. 16 0.061 0.051 0.053
the spread of flame after ignition when tested under the
No. 18 0.049 0.040 0.042
specified conditions.
No. 20 0.039 0.032 0.034
15.2 This standard is used to measure and describe the
NOTE—One inch equals 25.4 mm.
response of materials, products, or assemblies to heat and
flame under controlled conditions, but does not by itself
NOTE 3—When the tubing specimen tends to stick, the gage may be
incorporate all factors required for fire hazard or fire risk
when water is used as a lubricant on the gage, great caution should be assessment of the materials, products, or assemblies under
exercised to make certain that the specimen is not forced on the gage,
actual fire conditions.
thereby stretching the specimen.
16. Significance and Use
11.2 Determine the diameter at the point of contact between
the specimen and gage by referring to the nearest visible 16.1 This test may be employed to compare tubing made
from different compounds provided that specimens with the
graduation.With the steel scale, measure any distance between
the edge of the specimen and the nearest graduation. Each 0.1 same dimensions are used, but it is not necessarily a measure
of the flammability of the compound.
in. (2.5 mm) on the length of the gage represents an increase of
0.001 in. (0.025 mm) in diameter. Since the diameter at the
17. Apparatus
nearest graduation is known, obtain the inside diameter of the
specimen by interpolation and report to the nearest 0.001 in. 17.1 Sheet Metal Enclosure—A three-walled sheet metal
12. Procedure for Measuring Outside Diameter
in. (740 mm) high, open at the top. It shall be equipped with
12.1 With the specimen located on the tapered gage as two parallel horizontal metal rods 16 in. (410 mm) apart, so
described in 11.1, make three outside diameter measurements situated that a wire stretched perpendicularly across each rod
approximately 120° apart and adjacent to the edge of each shall be at a 70° angle with the horizontal. The lower rod shall
specimen. Make the measurements in accordance with Test be approximately 2 in. (50 mm) from the rear wall.
MethodsD374usingApparatusB,andobservingthefollowing 17.2 Bare Steel Wire—Alength of bare steel wire, approxi-
additional details: mately 0.029 in. (0.74 mm) in diameter, shall be used for
12.1.1 Support the micrometer to allow both hands to be supporting the specimens during the test.
free for manipulation. 17.3 Burner—Aburnerwitha ⁄8-in.(9.5-mm)nominalbore
12.1.2 Measure the outside diameter adjacent to, but not on and suitable for the gas supplied. The tube of the burner shall
or over the cut edge, and beapproximately3 ⁄2in.(90mm)longabovetheprimaryinlet.
12.1.3 Rotate the tubular specimen, which is on the tapered It shall be mounted upon a positioning mechanism similar to
mandrel, so that the rotation is an oscillating motion with the that shown in Fig. 1. As shown in the figure, a pivoted
outside surface of the tube just touching the fixed anvil of the positioner which forms an extension of the center line of the
D876–00 (2007)
Metric Equivalents
1 1
in. 1 ⁄2 3 ⁄2 8
mm 38.1 88.9 203.2
FIG. 1 Positioning Mechanism for Burner
burner barrel is attached to the barrel of the burner so as to 19. Procedure
locate the exact point of impingement of the inner c

This document is not anASTM standard and is intended only to provide the user of anASTM standard an indication of what changes have been made to the previous version. Because
it may not be technically possible to adequately depict all changes accurately, ASTM recommends that users consult prior editions as appropriate. In all cases only the current version
of the standard as published by ASTM is to be considered the official document.
An American National Standard
Designation:D876–00 Designation:D876–00 (Reapproved 2007)
Standard Test Methods for
Nonrigid Vinyl Chloride Polymer Tubing Used for Electrical
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 876; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense.
´ NOTE—Footnote 5 was deleted and the fire caveat in 15.2 was revised to meet Form and Style requirements editorially in
February 2007.
1. Scope
1.1 These test methods cover the testing of general-purpose (Grade A), low-temperature (Grade B), and high-temperature
(Grade C) nonrigid vinyl chloride polymer tubing, or its copolymers with other materials, for use as electrical insulation. For the
purpose of these test methods nonrigid tubing shall be tubing having an initial elongation in excess of 100 % at break.
NOTE 1—These test methods are similar but not identical to those in IEC 60684–2.
1.2 Thevaluesstatedininch-poundunitsaretoberegardedasthestandard,excepttemperature,whichshallbestatedindegrees
Celsius. Values in parentheses are for information only.
1.3 The procedures appear in the following sections:
ASTM Reference
Procedure Section Standard
Brittleness Temperature 43-45 D 746
Corrosion Tests 74-85 D 1000
Dielectric Breakdown Voltage at High Humidity 65-73 E 104
Dielectric Breakdown Voltage 58-64 D 149
Dimensional Tests 8-14 D 374
Effect of Elevated Temperatures 25-36 D 412
Flammability Test 15-21
Oil Resistance Test 35-42 D 471
Penetration Test 46-51
Sampling 6
Strain Relief Test 68-73
Tension Test 22-24 D 412
Test Conditions 7
Volume Resistivity 52-57 D 257
1.4 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility
of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory
limitations prior to use. For specific hazard statements, see Section 3.
2. Referenced Documents
2.1 ASTM Standards:
D 149 Test Method for Dielectric Breakdown Voltage and Dielectric Strength of Solid Electrical Insulating Materials at
Commercial Power Frequencies
D 257 Test Methods for D-CDC Resistance or Conductance of Insulating Materials
D 374 Test Methods for Thickness of Solid Electrical Insulation
D 412 Test Methods for Vulcanized Rubber and Thermoplastic Rubbers and Thermostatic Elastomers—Tension Test Methods
for Vulcanized Rubber and Thermoplastic ElastomersTension
D09.07 on Flexible and Rigid Insulating Materials.
Current edition approved Apr. 10, 2000. Published July 2000. Originally published as D876–46 T. Last previous edition D876–95a.
Current edition approved Feb. 15, 2007. Published July 2007. Originally approved in 1946. Last previous edition approved in 2000 as D 876 – 00.
Test methods applicable to Grade B will be specified at a later date.
For referencedASTM standards, visit theASTM website,, or contactASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTM Standards
, Vol 10.01.volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on the ASTM website.
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
D876–00 (2007)
D 471 Test Method for Rubber Property—Effect of Liquids
D 746 Test Method for Brittleness Temperature of Plastics and Elastomers by Impact
D 1000 Test Methods for Pressure-Sensitive Adhesive–-Coated Tapes Used for Electrical and Electronic Applications
D 1711 Terminology Relating to Electrical Insulation
D 5032 PracticeforMaintainingConstantRelativeHumiditybyMeansofGlycerinSolutionsPracticeforMaintainingConstant
Relative Humidity by Means of Aqueous Glycerin Solutions
E 104 Practice for Maintaining Constant Relative Humidity by Means of Aqueous Solutions
E 176 Terminology of Fire Standards
2.2 IEC Standards:
60684–2 Flexible insulating sleeving, Part 2, Methods of test
3. Terminology
3.1 Definitions:
3.1.1 For definitions pertaining to electrical insulation, refer to Terminology D 1711.
3.1.2 For definitions pertaining to fire standards, refer to Terminology E 176.
3.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:
3.2.1 brittleness temperature, n—that temperature at which 50 % of the specimens fail when the specified number are tested,
using the apparatus and conditions specified.
3.2.2 corrosive effect, n—under the prescribed conditions, the percentage change in electrical resistance of a fine copper wire
in contact with the tubing.
3.2.3 resistance to penetration, n—that property of tubing indicated by its resistance to high local pressures, as determined by
the temperature at which a steel ball punctures the tubing under the conditions of loading and temperature rise specified in these
test methods.
3.2.4 wall thickness, n—an average value determined as one half of the difference between the inside and outside diameters of
the tubing measured by the test method prescribed herein.
4. Significance and Use
4.1 These test methods include most of the test methods that are considered important to characterize nonrigid vinyl chloride
polymer tubing. While they were developed initially for this type of extruded tubing, their use is not limited to this type of tubing.
4.2 Variations in these test methods or alternate contemporary methods may be used to determine the values for the properties
in this standard provided such methods ensure quality levels and measurement accuracy equal to or better than those prescribed
herein. It is the responsibility of the organizations using alternate test methods to be able to demonstrate this condition. In cases
of dispute, the test methods specified herein shall be used.
NOTE 2—Provision for alternate methods is necessary because of (1) the desire to simplify procedures for specific applications without altering the
result, and (2) the desire to eliminate redundant testing and use data generated during manufacturing process control, including that generated under
Statistical Process Control (SPC) conditions, using equipment and methods other than those specified herein. An example would be the use of laser
micrometers or optical comparators to measure dimensions.
5. Hazards
5.1 Lethal voltages are a potential hazard during the performance of this test. It is essential that the test apparatus, and all
associated equipment electrically connected to it, be properly designed and installed for safe operation. Solidly ground all
electrically conductive parts which it is possible for a person to contact during the test. Provide means for use at the completion
of any test to ground any parts which were at high voltage during the test or have the potential for acquiring an induced charge
during the test or retaining a charge even after disconnection of the voltage source. Thoroughly instruct all operators as to the
correct procedures for performing tests safely. When making high voltage tests, particularly in compressed gas or in oil, it is
possible for the energy released at breakdown to be suffıcient to result in fire, explosion, or rupture of the test chamber. Design
test equipment, test chambers, and test specimens so as to minimize the possibility of such occurrences, and to eliminate the
possibility of personal injury. If the potential for fire exists, have fire suppression equipment available.
6. Sampling
6.1 Select a sufficient number of pieces of tubing in such a manner as to be representative of the shipment.
6.2 Cut the number of specimens required for the purpose of tests from the pieces selected in accordance with 6.1, taking care
to select material that is free from obvious defects.
7. Test Conditions
7.1 Unless otherwise specified in these test methods, conduct tests at atmospheric pressure and at a temperature of 23 62°C
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 09.01.
Available from American National Standards Institute, 11 W. 42nd St., New York, NY 10036.
D876–00 (2007)
(73 6 4 °F). Room temperature, as stated in these test methods, shall be within this temperature range.
8. Significance and Use
8.1 The inside diameter and wall thickness are of importance as a measure of dimensional uniformity. They also provide
important data for design purposes, and are used in the calculation of certain physical and electrical properties of the tubing.
9. Apparatus
9.1 Tapered-Steel Gages—Use chromium-plated gages suitable for covering the range of tubing sizes shown in Table 1. The
gages shall have a uniform taper of 0.010 in./1 in. (0.010 mm/mm) of length, and shall be graduated with circular lathe-cut rings
every 0.5 in. (13 mm) of length. The graduations shall then represent a uniform increase in diameter of 0.005 in./0.5 in. (0.010
mm/mm) of length.
9.2 Micrometers—Use machinist’s type micrometers suitable for covering the range of tubing sizes shown in Table 1.
9.3 Steel Scale—A steel scale graduated in 0.01 in. (0.25 mm).
10. Test Specimens
10.1 Cut a 1-in. (25-mm) specimen free of kinks from the sample. Perform this operation perpendicular to the longitudinal axis
of the tubing specimen, giving a specimen 1 in. in length having cleanly cut square ends.
11. Procedure for Measuring Inside Diameter
11.1 Select a gage that will fit part way into the tubular specimen. Slip the specimen, without forcing (Note 3), over the gage
on the gage the inside diameter of the specimen.
NOTE 3—When the tubing specimen tends to stick, the gage may be dipped in water to facilitate slipping the specimen over the gage. However, when
water is used as a lubricant on the gage, great caution should be exercised to make certain that the specimen is not forced on the gage, thereby stretching
the specimen.
TABLE 1 Tubing Sizes
Inside Diameter, in.
Max Min Nominal
2 in. 2.070 2.000 .
1 ⁄4 in. 1.812 1.750 .
1 ⁄2 in. 1.550 1.500 .
1 ⁄4 in. 1.290 1.250 .
1 in. 1.036 1.000 .
⁄8 in. 0.911 0.875 .
⁄4 in. 0.786 0.750 .
⁄8 in. 0.655 0.625 .
⁄2 in. 0.524 0.500 .
⁄16 in. 0.462 0.438 .
⁄8 in. 0.399 0.375 .
⁄16 in. 0.334 0.3125 .
No. 0 0.347 0.325 0.330
No. 1 0.311 0.289 0.294
No. 2 0.278 0.258 0.263
No. 3 0.249 0.229 0.234
No. 4 0.224 0.204 0.208
No. 5 0.198 0.182 0.186
No. 6 0.178 0.162 0.166
No. 7 0.158 0.144 0.148
No. 8 0.141 0.129 0.133
No. 9 0.124 0.114 0.118
No. 10 0.112 0.102 0.106
No. 11 0.101 0.091 0.095
No. 12 0.089 0.081 0.085
No. 14 0.072 0.064 0.066
No. 16 0.061 0.051 0.053
No. 18 0.049 0.040 0.042
No. 20 0.039 0.032 0.034
NOTE—One inch equals 25.4 mm.
D876–00 (2007)
11.2 Determinethediameteratthepointofcontactbetweenthespecimenandgagebyreferringtothenearestvisiblegraduation.
With the steel scale, measure any distance between the edge of the specimen and the nearest graduation. Each 0.1 in. (2.5 mm)
on the length of the gage represents an increase of 0.001 in. (0.025 mm) in diameter. Since the diameter at the nearest graduation
is known, obtain the inside diameter of the specimen by interpolation and report to the nearest 0.001 in.
12. Procedure for Measuring Outside Diameter
12.1 With the specimen located on the tapered gage as described in 11.1, make three outside diameter measurements
approximately 120° apart and adjacent to the edge of each specimen. Make the measurements in accordance with Test Methods
D 374 using Apparatus B, and observing the following additional details:
12.1.1 Support the micrometer to allow both hands to be free for manipulation.
12.1.2 Measure the outside diameter adjacent to, but not on or over the cut edge, and
12.1.3 Rotatethetubularspecimen,whichisonthetaperedmandrel,sothattherotationisanoscillatingmotionwiththeoutside
surface of the tube just touching the fixed anvil of the micrometer. Slowly move the micrometer spindle onto the surface of the
tube until the first definite increase in the resistance to rotation of the specimen is encountered.The micrometer reading at this time
is the outside diameter of the specimen.
13. Report
13.1 Report the following information:
13.1.1 Inside diameter of the specimen to the nearest 0.001 in. (0.025 mm),
13.1.2 All readings on outside diameter of the specimen to the nearest 0.001 in.,
13.1.3 Average outside diameter, and
13.1.4 Average wall thickness.
14. Precision and Bias
14.1 The precision of this test method has not been determined due to inadequate voluntary participation and funding needed
to conduct the round-robin testing. A statement of bias is unavailable in view of the lack of a standard reference material for this
15. Scope
15.1 This is a fire-test-response standard. The test procedure described measures the resistance of the tubing to ignition or the
spread of flame after ignition when tested under the specified conditions.
15.2This standard should be used to measure and describe the response of materials, products, or assemblies to heat and flame
under controlled conditions and should not be used to describe or appraise the fire-hazard or fire-risk of materials, products, or
assemblies under actual fire conditions. However, results of this test may be used as elements of a fire-hazard assessment or a
fire-risk assessment which takes into account all of the factors which are pertinent to an assessment of the fire hazard or fire risk
of a particular end use.
15.2 This standard is used to measure and describe the response of materials, products, or assemblies to heat and flame under
controlled conditions, but does not by itself incorporate all factors required for fire hazard or fire risk assessment of the materials,
products, or assemblies under actual fire conditions.
16. Significance and Use
16.1 This test may be employed to compare tubing made from different compounds provided that specimens with the same
dimensions are used, but it is not necessarily a measure of the flammability of the compound.
17. Appar

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