Specification for Molybdenum and Molybdenum Alloy Billets for Reforging (Withdrawn 1985)

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ASTM B385-74 - Specification for Molybdenum and Molybdenum Alloy Billets for Reforging (Withdrawn 1985)
English language
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m 900927b OOL3L28 7T7 m
Designation: B 385 - 74 American National Standard 21 79.5-1975
Approved Oct 7.1975
By American National Standards Institute
Standard Specification for
This Standard is issued under the fixed designation B 385; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year
of original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last
1. Scope 2.1.7 Marking (Section 14),
2.1.8 Workmanship and quality level re-
1.1 Materials-This specification covers
quirements (Section 9),
unalloyed molybdenum and molybdenum alloy
2.1.9 Certification and reports (Section l2),
billets as follows:
1. I. 1 Molybdenum 360-Unalloyed arc-cast
2. I. 10 Disposition of rejected material (Sec-
tion I i).
I. I .2 Molybdenum 361 -Unalloyed powder
metallurgy molybdenum.
3. Manufacture
1.1.3 Molybdenum Alloy 362-Arc-cast
3.1 The various molybdenum mill products
molybdenum-0.5 % titanium.
covered by this specification shall be formed
I. 1.4 Molybdenum Alloy 363-Arc-cast
with the conventional extrusion, forging, or
molybdenum-0.5 % titanium-0.1 7% zirconium
rolling equipment normally found in primary
(TZM) alloy.
ferrous and nonferrous plants. The ingot metal
1.1.5 Molybdenum Alloy 364-Powder met-
for Materials 360, 362, 363, and 365 is arc
allurgy molybdenum-0.5 % titanium-0.1 %
melted in furnaces of a type suitable for reac-
zirconium (TZM type) alloy.
tive, refractory metals, and for Materials 361
1.1.6 Molybdenum 365-Unalloyed arc-cast
and 364 it is consolidated by powder metallurgy
molybdenum, low carbon.
methods. '
1.2 Use-These billets are primarily in-
tended for further processing by forging to
4. Product Limitations
semifinished shapes.
4.1 Billets for reforging are greater than 3 ?h
NOTE-The values stated in U.S. customary units
in. (88.9 mm) in diameter or in equivalent
are to be regarded as the standard.
cross-sectional area. Reforging billet stock
2. Basis of Purchase
with a smaller cross-sectional area is consid-
or rod. As-sintered alloys 361 and
ered as bar
2.1 Orders for material under this specifica-
364 material, of any dimension, are classified
tion shall include the following information as
under reforging billets.
2.1.1 Material number and structure (Sec-
5. Metallurgical Structure
tions 1 and 5),
5.1 Billets of Materials 360, 362, 363, and
2.1.2 Product limitations (Section 4),
365 shall be furnished in the recrystallized
2.1.3 Restrictive chemistry (Tables 1 and 2),
2.1.4 Mechanical and physical requirements
'This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM
(Section 7 and Table 3),
Committee B-10 on Reactive and Refractory Metals and
2.1.5 Dimensions, weights, and tolerances
Current edition approved March 27. 1974. Published May
(Section 8),
1974. Originally published as B 385 - 62 T. Last previous
2. I .6 Finish and appearance (Section IO),
edition B 385 ~ 69.

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900927b OOL3L29 633 m
B 385
recrystallized condition shall not exceed the
condition as defined in 7.1.
values shown in Table 3.
5.2 Billets also can be furnished in the as-
7.2 Density:
worked or stress-relieved condition upon re-
7.2.1 Material 361-The density in the as-
quest of the purchaser.
sintered condition shall be at least 9.59 g/cm3
5.3 Billets of Materials 361 and 364 shall be
furnished in the as-sintered condition, as de- (Mg/mS), unless otherwise specified (theoreti-
fined in Section 7, unless requested otherwise cal density-10.20 g/cm3 (Mg/m3)).
7.2.2 Material 364-The density in the as-
by the purchaser.
sintered condition shall be at least 9.52 g/cm3
6. Chemical Requirements
( Mg/m3), unless otherwise specified (theoreti-
6. I The molybdenum and molybdenum alloy cal density-IO. 13 g/cm3 (Mg/m3)).
ingots and billets for conversion to finished
8. Dimensions, Weights, and Tolerances
products covered by this specification shall
conform to the requirements as to chemical 8.1 Uniformity of Diameter-Each billet
shall display a uniform section along the entire
composition specified in Table 1.
6.2 Check Analysis: length within A!& in. (1.59 mm) of the mean
6.2.1 Check analysis is an analysis made by diameter for Materials 360, 362, and 365 and
for Materials 361 and 364 with a turned
the purchaser or the manufacturer of the metal
after it has been processed into finished mill surface; for Materials 361 and 364 with an
as-sintered surface, the tolerance shall be A L/s
forms, and is either for the purpose of verifying
the composition of heat or lot or to determine in. (3.18 mm); for Material 363 the tolerance
variations in the composition within a heat or shall be +2 % of the mean diameter.
8.2 Billet to Billet Uniformity-The mean
diameter of Material 363 billet supplied sh

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