Management consultancy services

This European Standard gives guidelines for the effective delivery of management consultancy services.
This European Standard is applicable to all MCSPs: public and private companies, government entities, not-for-profit organizations and internal consultancy units, regardless of their ownership, structure, size or specialism.
This European Standard applies to any type of assignment for any type of client. It does not place any obligations on the client.
This European Standard provides recommendations for carrying out management consultancy services, including:
- legal and ethical matters (see Clause 4);
- management, communications and evaluation (see Clause 4);
- client relationships (see Clause 4);
- proposal and agreement (see Clause 5);
- planning and execution (see Clause 6);
- closure of the assignment (see Clause 7).
This European Standard is independent from other normative or regulatory documents, such as:
- provision of support to small businesses (see CEN/TS 99001);
- quality management systems (see EN ISO 9001:2008);
- public procurement (see Public Procurement Directive 2004/18/EC).
This European Standard does not impose upon or interfere with any contractual obligations or intellectual property rights. Also, it does not require or imply a need for third-party certification. It is not intended for certification, regulatory or contractual use, and it is not intended nor designed to be used as the basis for any personal or organizational qualification.
Any offer to certify, or claims to be certified, to this European Standard would be a misrepresentation of the intent and purpose and a misuse of this European Standard. As this European Standard does not contain requirements, any such certification would not be a demonstration of conformity with this European Standard.
It is not intended to provide a basis for legal actions, complaints, defences or other claims in any international, domestic or other proceeding, nor is it intended to be cited as evidence of the evolution of customary international law.


Diese Europäische Norm beinhaltet Leitlinien für eine effektive Bereitstellung von Unternehmensberatungsdienstleistungen.
Diese Europäische Norm ist auf alle Unternehmensberatungen anwendbar: öffentliche und private Gesellschaften, staatliche Einrichtungen, soziale/karitative Organisationen sowie firmeninterne Beratungseinheiten, unabhängig von der Gesellschaftsform, Struktur, Größe oder Spezialisierung.
Diese Europäische Norm gilt für jede Beauftragung, unabhängig vom Klienten. Sie beabsichtigt nicht, Klienten irgendwelche Verpflichtungen aufzuerlegen.
Diese Europäische Norm gibt Empfehlungen für Unternehmensberatungsdienstleistungen und umfasst Themen wie:
-   gesetzliche und ethische Problemstellungen (siehe Abschnitt 4);
-   Führung, Kommunikation und Bewertung (siehe Abschnitt 4);
-   Klientenbeziehungen (siehe Abschnitt 4);
-   Angebot und Vertrag (siehe Abschnitt 5);
-   Planung und Durchführung (siehe Abschnitt 6);
-   Abschluss des Auftrages (siehe Abschnitt 7).
Diese Europäische Norm ist unabhängig von anderen normativen Dokumenten oder Regelwerken, wie:
-   Unterstützungsbereitstellung für Kleinunternehmen (siehe CEN/TS 99001);
-   Qualitätsmanagementsysteme (siehe ISO 9001:2008);
-   öffentliche Beschaffung (siehe Richtlinie 2004/18/EG).
Diese Europäische Norm will sich nicht in vertragliche Verpflichtungen oder Urheberrechte einmischen. Gleichzeitig fordert sie nicht die Notwendigkeit der Zertifizierung durch eine dritte Partei. Sie ist für Zertifizierungszwecke, für die Nutzung in staatlichen Regelsetzungen oder Verträgen weder vorgesehen noch geeignet und soll auch nicht als Grundlage für eine persönliche oder unternehmensbezogene Bewertung dienen.
Zertifizierungsangebote oder Erklärungen, nach dieser Europäischen Norm zertifiziert zu sein, stellen eine Fehleinschätzung von Zielsetzung und Zweck sowie einen Missbrauch dieser Europäischen Norm dar. Weil diese Europäische Norm keine Anforderungen beschreibt, wäre jede derartige Zertifizierung keine Konformitätsaussage zu dieser Europäischen Norm.
Es ist weder beabsichtigt, eine Grundlage für rechtliche Aktivitäten, Beschwerden, Einreden oder andere Ansprüche für internationale, nationale oder sonstige Vorgänge zu liefern, noch ist es vorgesehen, als Hinweis auf die Entwicklung des internationalen Gewohnheitsrechtes zitiert zu werden.

Services de conseil en management

La présente Norme européenne donne des lignes directrices pour la fourniture efficace de services de conseil en
La présente Norme européenne est applicable à tous les prestataires de services de conseil en management
(PSCM) : entreprises publiques et privées, entités gouvernementales, organisations à but non lucratif et services
internes de conseils, quels que soient leurs propriétaires, leur structure, leur taille ou leur spécialisation.
La présente Norme européenne s'applique à tout type de missions et pour tout type de clients. Elle n'impose
aucune obligation au client.
La présente Norme européenne émet des recommandations pour la réalisation de services de conseil en
management, comprenant :
⎯ le droit et la déontologie (voir Article 4) ;
⎯ le management, la communication et l'évaluation (voir Article 4) ;
⎯ les relations avec le client (voir Article 4) ;
⎯ la proposition de mission et l'accord (voir Article 5) ;
⎯ la planification et l'exécution (voir Article 6) ;
⎯ la clôture de la mission (voir Article 7).
La présente Norme européenne est indépendante des autres documents normatifs ou réglementaires, comme :
⎯ la fourniture de services d'accompagnement et de conseil aux petites entreprises (voir CEN/TS 99001) ;
⎯ les systèmes de management de la qualité (voir EN ISO 9001:2008) ;
⎯ les marchés publics (voir la Directive sur les marchés publics 2004/18/CE).
La présente Norme n'impose pas d'obligations contractuelles ou de droits de propriété intellectuelle ; elle n'interfère
avec aucune obligation contractuelle, ni aucun droit de propriété intellectuelle. En outre, elle ne requiert, ni
n’implique une nécessité de certification par tierce partie. Elle n'a pas pour objet de servir à une certification ou de
répondre à des besoins réglementaires ou contractuels et elle n'est ni prévue, ni conçue pour servir de base à une
quelconque qualification personnelle ou organisationnelle.
Toute proposition de certification ou toute revendication de certification au nom de la présente Norme européenne
serait une présentation déformée de son intention et de son objectif et en constituerait une utilisation abusive.
Cette norme européenne ne comportant aucune obligation, une telle certification ne saurait représenter une preuve
de conformité à la présente Norme européenne.
Elle n'a pas pour objet de fournir une base à des actions en justice, des plaintes, des actions en défense ou autres
réclamations dans le cadre de poursuites judiciaires internationales, nationales ou autres, et n'a pas pour objet
d'être citée comme preuve d'une évolution du droit international coutumier.

Svetovalne storitve na področju vodenja

Ta evropski standard podaja smernice za učinkovito izvajanje svetovalnih storitev pri vodenju. Standard velja za vse izvajalce svetovalnih storitev pri vodenju: javna in zasebna podjetja, vladne subjekte, neprofitne organizacije in notranje svetovalne enote, ne glede na lastništvo, strukturo, velikost ali specializacijo. Standard velja za vse vrste nalog pri kateri koli stranki. Lahko je koristen za stranke, a jim ne nalaga nobenih obveznosti. Standard podaja priporočila za svetovalne naloge na področju vodenja, vključno s tipičnimi vprašanji, kot so: - pravna in etična vprašanja; - vodenje, komunikacija in vrednotenje; - odnosi s strankami; - predlog in dogovor o nalogi; - načrtovanje in izvedba; - zaključek naloge. Ta standard ni odvisen od drugih standardov, kot so: - Zagotavljanje podpore malim podjetjem (glej CEN TS 99001). - Sistemi vodenja kakovosti (glej ISO 9001:2008) – javno naročanje (glej Direktivo 2004/18/ES o javnem naročanju).

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2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.UnternehmensberatungsdienstleistungenServices de conseils en managementManagement consultancy services03.080.20Storitve za podjetjaServices for companiesICS:Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z:EN 16114:2011SIST EN 16114:2011en,de01-november-2011SIST EN 16114:2011SLOVENSKI
EN 16114
September 2011 ICS 03.080.20 English Version
Management consultancy services
Services de conseil en management
Unternehmensberatungsdienstleistungen This European Standard was approved by CEN on 13 August 2011.
CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration. Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national standards may be obtained on application to the CEN-CENELEC Management Centre or to any CEN member.
This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language made by translation under the responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the CEN-CENELEC Management Centre has the same status as the official versions.
CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom.
Management Centre:
Avenue Marnix 17,
B-1000 Brussels © 2011 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved worldwide for CEN national Members. Ref. No. EN 16114:2011: ESIST EN 16114:2011

Contents Page Foreword .4Introduction .51Scope .62Normative references .63Terms and definitions .74Principles .94.1General .94.2Policies . 104.2.1Regulatory framework . 104.2.2Communication . 114.2.3Ethics . 114.2.4Corporate Social Responsibility . 114.2.5Capability . 114.2.6Quality . 114.2.7Guarantees . 114.2.8Health and safety . 114.3Ongoing evaluation and improvement . 115Offering . 125.1General . 125.2Purpose . 125.3Input . 125.4Outcome . 135.5Contents . 135.5.1General . 135.5.2Context . 135.5.3Services and deliverables . 135.5.4Approach and work plan . 145.5.5Roles and responsibilities . 145.5.6Terms and conditions . 156Execution . 156.1General . 156.2Purpose . 156.3Input . 156.4Outcome . 156.5Contents . 166.5.1General . 166.5.2Refining the agreed work plan . 166.5.3Implementing the work plan . 166.5.4Assignment management and monitoring . 166.5.5Approvals and acceptance . 187Closure . 187.1General . 187.2Purpose . 187.3Input . 187.4Outcome . 187.5Content . 197.5.1Legal and contractual matters . 197.5.2Final evaluation and improvement. 19SIST EN 16114:2011

Examples of ethical guidelines for MCSPs . 21Annex B (informative)
Examples of values for MCSPs . 22Annex C (informative)
Examples of content of a corporate social responsibility statement . 23Annex D (informative)
Examples of evaluation criteria . 24Bibliography . 25 SIST EN 16114:2011

Foreword This document (EN 16114:2011) has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 381 “Project Committee - Management consultancy services”, the secretariat of which is held by UNI. This European Standard shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of an identical text or by endorsement, at the latest by March 2012, and conflicting national standards shall be withdrawn at the latest by March 2012. Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent rights. CEN [and/or CENELEC] shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. According to the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organizations of the following countries are bound to implement this European Standard: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.
Management consultancy services make a substantial contribution to the European economy. To promote and develop a single market for management consultancy services, the industry and its stakeholders have created this service standard.
The aim of this standard is to improve transparency and understanding between clients and management consultancy service providers (hereinafter referred to as MCSPs). This should lead to better results from consultancy projects and reduce barriers to cross-border trade in management consultancy services.
Successful application of the standard should enable MCSPs to provide better value for clients and reduce risk in management consultancy assignments. By improving the quality, professionalism and interoperability of management consultancy, this standard is intended to enhance the effectiveness of the European management consulting industry and accelerate the development of the profession.
This standard is based on good practice from the management consultancy industry in Europe. It includes recommendations to improve the specification, execution, acceptance and closure of management consultancy services, based on research and the experience of a wide range of MCSPs and their clients.
This standard takes the form of an easy-to-understand guidance document, written from the perspective of the service provider. It applies to all MCSPs, whatever their size or specialism, but does not place requirements or obligations on individuals. Innovation and differentiation are important parts of an MCSP’s value proposition. The standard focuses only on the outputs and outcomes; MCSPs are free to use their own methods and approaches. In summary, the guiding principles of this Standard are that it: a) is written as guidance; b) does not require certification; c) focuses on MCSPs, not on clients; d) focuses on MCSPs, not individual internal resources; e) is applicable to all MCSPs; f) is based on outcomes;
g) protects innovation and differentiation; h) emphasises importance of understanding clients needs; i) is easy to understand. SIST EN 16114:2011

1 Scope This European Standard gives guidelines for the effective delivery of management consultancy services. This European Standard is applicable to all MCSPs: public and private companies, government entities, not-for-profit organizations and internal consultancy units, regardless of their ownership, structure, size or specialism. This European Standard applies to any type of assignment for any type of client. It does not place any obligations on the client. This European Standard provides recommendations for carrying out management consultancy services, including:
 legal and ethical matters (see Clause 4);  management, communications and evaluation (see Clause 4);  client relationships (see Clause 4);  proposal and agreement (see Clause 5);  planning and execution (see Clause 6);  closure

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