Ventilation in hospitals - Coherent hierarchic structure and common terms and definitions for a standard related to ventilation in hospitals

This Technical Specification sets out the framework and structure for the standard related to ventilation in hospitals. It gives the requirements for the drafting of the parts of the standard, including preliminary terms and definitions.
The standard for ventilation in hospitals is intended for all healthcare premises where healthcare services are delivered. It is applicable for healthcare services located in a hospital, clinic or other premises. This includes general and specific risk areas, within healthcare and provides defined levels of air quality/cleanliness for classification of these areas. The standard addresses the minimum requirements for ventilation systems. It specifies the design, installation, operation, qualification process and maintenance of the ventilation systems.
The standard describes the following hygienic issues related to the ventilation system:
a)   air quality (e.g. cleanliness levels, temperature, humidity, air quantity);
b)   the protection of patients, staff and visitors against harmful agents;
c)   reducing the growth of microorganisms (e.g. clean-ability, accessibility, wet surfaces, accumulation of particles);
d)   control of the airflow direction (e.g. tightness of systems and constructions, pressure difference).
The standard describes a structured approaches for all phases from design up to and including maintenance and requalification and gives minimum requirements for the ventilation systems:
a)   minimum user requirement specification (URS);
b)   functional design requirements (FD);
c)   requirements for components in the detailed design (DD).
This standard is intended for healthcare ventilation system project managers, designers, construction and commissioning engineers, estates managers and operations/facilities managers.

Krankenhauslüftung — Kohärente hierarchische Struktur und gemeinsame Begriffe für die Normung in Bezug auf Lüftung in Krankenhäusern

Die vorliegende Technische Spezifikation legt den Rahmen und die Struktur für die Norm hinsichtlich der Lüftung in Krankenhäusern fest. Sie spezifiziert die Anforderungen für die Ausarbeitung der Teile der Norm, einschließlich vorläufiger Begriffe.
Die Norm für Lüftung in Krankenhäusern ist für alle Einrichtungen für das Gesundheitswesen vorgesehen, in denen Gesundheitsleistungen erbracht werden. Sie gilt für alle medizinischen Dienste, die sich in Krankenhäusern, klinischen oder sonstigen Einrichtungen befinden. Sie umfasst allgemeine und spezielle Risikobereiche innerhalb des Gesundheitswesens und bietet festgelegte Maße für die Luftqualität/-reinheit für die Klassifikation dieser Bereiche. Die Norm behandelt die Mindestanforderungen für Lüftungsanlagen. Sie legt den Design-, Installations-, Betriebs- und Qualifizierungsprozess sowie die Instandhaltung der Lüftungsanlagen fest.
Die Norm beschreibt die folgenden hygienischen Aspekte in Bezug auf die Lüftungsanlage:
a)   Luftqualität (z. B. Reinheitsgrade, Temperatur, Feuchte, Luftmenge);
b)   Schutz von Patienten, Personal und Besuchern vor Schadstoffen;
c)   Reduzierung des Wachstums von Mikroorganismen (z. B. Reinigungsfähigkeit, Zugänglichkeit, nasse Oberflächen, Ansammlung von Partikeln);
d)   Steuerung der Richtung des Luftstroms (z. B. Dichtheit von Systemen und Konstruktionen, Druckdifferenz).
Die Norm beschreibt einen strukturierten Ansatz für alle Phasen von Design bis einschließlich Instandhaltung und Requalifizierung und legt die Mindestanforderungen für die Lüftungsanlagen dar:
a)   Mindest-Kundenspezifikation (en: user requirement specification; URS);
b)   Anforderungen an das funktionelle Design (en: functional design; FD);
c)   Anforderungen an Komponenten im detaillierten Design (en: detailed design; DD).
Die vorliegende Norm ist für Projektmanager für Lüftungssysteme im Gesundheitswesen sowie für Design-, Bau- und Inbetriebnahme-Ingenieure, Gebäude-Manager und Betriebsleiter/Facility-Manager vorgesehen.

Ventilation des hôpitaux - Structure hiérarchique cohérente et termes et définitions usuels pour une norme relatives à la ventilation dans les hôpitaux

Prezračevanje bolnišnic - Usklajena nivojska struktura, skupni pojmi in definicije za standard za prezračevanje v bolnišnicah

Ta tehnična specifikacija določa strukturo standarda, ki se nanaša na prezračevanje bolnišnic. Podaja zahteve za izdelavo delov standarda, vključno s splošnimi izrazi in opredelitvami. Standard za prezračevanje bolnišnic je namenjen vsem zdravstvenim objektom, ki zagotavljajo zdravstvene storitve. Uporablja se tudi za zdravstvene storitve v bolnišnicah, klinikah in drugih objektih. Vključuje splošna in posebna območja tveganja ter podaja opredelitve stopenj kakovosti/čistosti zraka za razvrščanje teh območij. Standard določa minimalne zahteve za prezračevalne sisteme. Določa postopke za načrtovanje, namestitev, upravljanje, izvedbo kvalifikacijskega postopka in vzdrževanje prezračevalnih sistemov.

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Technical specification
TS CEN/TS 16244:2018
English language
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Standards Content (Sample)

Ventilation for hospitals - Coherent hierarchic structure and common terms and
definitions for a standard related to ventilation in hospitals
Krankenhauslüftung - Coherent hierarchische Struktur und gemeinsame Begriffe für die
Normung in Bezug auf Lüftung in Krankenhäusern
Ventilation des hôpitaux - Structure hiérarchique cohérente et termes et définitions
usuels pour une norme relatives à la ventilation dans les hôpitaux
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: CEN/TS 16244:2018
11.140 Oprema bolnišnic Hospital equipment
91.140.30 3UH]UDþHYDOQLLQNOLPDWVNL Ventilation and air-
VLVWHPL conditioning systems
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

CEN/TS 16244
April 2018
ICS 91.040.10; 91.140.30
English Version
Ventilation in hospitals - Coherent hierarchic structure and
common terms and definitions for a standard related to
ventilation in hospitals
Ventilation des hôpitaux - Structure hiérarchique Krankenhauslüftung - Coherent hierarchische Struktur
cohérente et termes et définitions usuels pour une und gemeinsame Begriffe für die Normung in Bezug auf
norme relatives à la ventilation dans les hôpitaux Lüftung in Krankenhäusern
This Technical Specification (CEN/TS) was approved by CEN on 10 December 2017 for provisional application.

The period of validity of this CEN/TS is limited initially to three years. After two years the members of CEN will be requested to
submit their comments, particularly on the question whether the CEN/TS can be converted into a European Standard.

CEN members are required to announce the existence of this CEN/TS in the same way as for an EN and to make the CEN/TS
available promptly at national level in an appropriate form. It is permissible to keep conflicting national standards in force (in
parallel to the CEN/TS) until the final decision about the possible conversion of the CEN/TS into an EN is reached.

CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia,
Finland, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania,
Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland,
Turkey and United Kingdom.


CEN-CENELEC Management Centre: Rue de la Science 23, B-1040 Brussels
© 2018 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved Ref. No. CEN/TS 16244:2018 E
worldwide for CEN national Members.

Contents Page
European foreword . 3
Introduction . 4
1 Scope . 6
2 Normative references . 6
3 Terms and definitions . 6
4 Abbreviated terms for ventilation in hospitals . 13
5 Structure of the standard for Ventilation in Hospitals . 14
6 Design phase . 19
7 Construction phase. 22
8 Verification phase . 23
9 Operation and maintenance phase. 24
10 Test method . 25
Annex A (informative) Background information on the V-model . 26
Bibliography . 28

European foreword
This document (CEN/TS 16244:2018) has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 156/WG 18
“Ventilation in Hospitals”, the secretariat of which is held by NEN.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of
patent rights. CEN shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
According to the CEN-CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organizations of the
following countries are bound to announce this Technical Specification: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria,
Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia,
France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta,
Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland,
Turkey and the United Kingdom.
The aim of CEN/TC 156 working group 18 is to establish a standard for all aspects of ventilation in
hospitals. This Technical Specification (TS) is work item 00156231 of CEN/TC 156 and gives a
framework and structure for the parts of the standard “Ventilation in Hospitals”. Based on this
framework the standard will be developed. The TS also provides preliminary definitions to be used in
the standard and gives an overview of the scope.
The standard “Ventilation in hospitals” could be applied to all healthcare premises whether located in a
hospital, clinic or other premises where healthcare services are delivered. It will include the specific
high risk areas and covers the aspects of construction and ventilation that provide defined levels of air
quality/cleanliness for classification of these areas. The standard will deal with the design,
classification, operation and maintenance phase of a project. The standard will not consider the general
ventilation aspects covered by other standards or the medical implications.
The resulting standard is intended for healthcare managers, design, construction and commissioning
engineers, estates managers and operations managers.
When drafting the parts of the standard for ventilation in hospitals, at least the following standards will
be taken into account for normative references:
EN 308, Heat exchangers ― Test procedures for establishing the performance of air to air and flue gases
heat recovery devices
EN 1506, Ventilation for buildings ― Sheet metal air ducts and fittings with circular cross-section ―
EN 1507, Ventilation for buildings ― Sheet metal air ducts with rectangular section ― Requirements for
strength and leakage
EN 1751, Ventilation for buildings ― Air terminal devices ― Aerodynamic testing of dampers and valves
EN 1822 series, High efficiency air filters (EPA, HEPA and ULPA)
EN 1886, Ventilation for buildings ― Air handling units ― Mechanical performance
EN 10088-1, Stainless steels ― Part 1: List of stainless steels
EN 12097, Ventilation for buildings ― Ductwork ― Requirements for ductwork components to facilitate
maintenance of ductwork systems
EN 12792, Ventilation for buildings ― Symbols, terminology and graphical symbols
EN 12237, Ventilation for buildings ― Ductwork ― Strength and leakage of circular sheet metal ducts
EN 12599, Ventilation for buildings ― Test procedures and measuring methods for handing over installed
ventilation and air conditioning systems
EN 13030, Ventilation for buildings - Terminals. Performance testing of louvres subjected to simulated
EN 13053, Ventilation for buildings ― Air handling units ― Rating and performance for units, components
and sections
EN 13779, Ventilation for non-residential buildings ― Performance requirements for ventilation and
room-conditioning systems
EN 15780, Ventilation for buildings ― Ductwork ― Cleanliness of ventilation systems
EN 16032, Acoustics ― Measurement of sound pressure level from service equipment in buildings
EN 60068-2-11, Environmental testing ― Part 2: Tests ― Test Ka: Salt mist (IEC 60068-2-11)
EN ISO 9000, Quality management systems ― Fundamentals and vocabulary (ISO 9000)
EN ISO 14644-1, Cleanrooms and associated controlled environments ― Part 1: Classification of air
cleanliness by particle concentration (ISO 14644-1)
EN ISO 14644-3, Cleanrooms and associated controlled environments ― Part 3: Test methods
(ISO 14644-3)
EN ISO 16890 series, Air filters for general ventilation ― Part 1: Technical specifications, requirements
and classification system based upon particulate matter efficiency (ePM)
For the consistency in the standard on ventilation in hospitals, the preliminary terms, definitions and
abbreviated terms defined in Clauses 3 and 4 will be used. Part 1, the general part, will repeat (possibly
with improvement) the terms that are necessary for all parts of the standard. If additional definitions or
adaption of the given definitions are necessary they will be defined in the specific part of the standard.
1 Scope
This Technical Specification sets out the framework and structure for the standard related to
ventilation in hospitals. It gives the requirements for the drafting of the parts of the standard, including
preliminary terms and definitions.
The standard for ventilation in hospitals is intended for all healthcare premises where healthcare
services are delivered. It is applicable for healthcare services located in a hospital, clinic or other
premises. This includes general and specific risk areas, within healthcare and provides defined levels of
air quality/cleanliness for classification of these areas. The standard addresses the minimum
requirements for ventilation systems. It specifies the design, installation, operation, qualification
process and maintenance of the ventilation systems.
The standard describes the following hygienic issues related to the ventilation system:
a) air quality (e.g. cleanliness levels, temperature, humidity, air quantity);
b) the protection of patients, staff and visitors against harmful agents;
c) reducing the growth of microorganisms (e.g. clean-ability, accessibility, wet surfaces, accumulation
of particles);
d) control of the airflow direction (e.g. tightness of systems and constructions, pressure difference).
The standard describes a structured approaches for all phases from design up to and including
maintenance and requalification and gives minimum requirements for the ventilation systems:
a) minimum user requirement specification (URS);
b) functional design requirements (FD);
c) requirements for components in the detailed design (DD).
This standard is intended for healthcare ventilation system project managers, designers, construction
and commissioning engineers, estates managers and operations/facilities managers.
2 Normative references
There are no normative references in this document.
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
active sampling of air
sampling of air by a sampling tube or probe using a pump and collection of microbial particles on to an
agar surface or filter surface to determine the microbial load (CFU/m )
air lock
enclosed space having two doors, situated between two environments with different air conditions,
making it possible to pass from one environment to the other without significant disturbance to either
[SOURCE: ISO 6707-1]
air handling unit
factory made encased assembly consisting of sections containing a fan or fans and other necessary
equipment to perform one or more of the following functions: circulating, filtrating, heating, cooling,
heat recovery, humidifying, dehumidifying and mixing air
[SOURCE: EN 13053]
air terminal
device through which the supply air is distributed into ventilated space or exhaust air is extracted from
the ventilated space
Note 1 to entry: Air terminals can also include other functions, such as air flow control, heating, cooling, filtration
or room air circulation and treatment.
signal of system malfunction or critical situation that can cause malfunction of the system resulting in a
situation that is not in accordance with the required (system) performances or break down of system
Note 1 to entry: As-built condition where the installation is complete with all services connected and functioning
but with no production equipment (e.g. operating lamps, operating table, anaesthesia equipment), materials or
personnel present [EN ISO 14644-1].
condition where the installation is complete with equipment (e.g. operating lamps, operating table,
anaesthesia equipment) installed and operating in a manner agreed upon by the customer and supplier,
but with no personnel present
[SOURCE: EN ISO 14644-1]
certification body
organization that meets the requirements of EN ISO/IEC

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