Test methods for determining the contribution to the fire resistance of structural members - Part 4: Applied protection to steel members

This part of this European Prestandard specifies a test method for determining the contribution made by applied fire protection systems to the fire resistance of structural steel members, which can be used as beams, columns or tension members.
The evaluation is designed to cover a range of thicknesses of the applied fire protection material, a range of steel sections, characterized by their section factors, a range of design temperatures and a range of valid fire protection classification periods.
This European Prestandard applies to fire protection materials where the gap between the material and the flange faces of the steel member is less than 5 mm in size. Otherwise, the test methods in prENV 13381-1 or prENV 13381-2, as appropriate, apply.
This European Prestandard contains the fire test which specifies the tests which should be carried out to determine the ability of the fire protection system to remain coherent and fixed to the steelwork, and to provide data on the thermal characteristics of the fire protection system, when exposed to the standard temperature/time curve specified in EN 1363-1.
In special circumstances, where specified in national building regulations, there can be a need to subject reactive protection material to a smouldering curve. The test for this and the special circumstances for its use are described in annex A.
The fire test methodology makes provision for the collection and presentation of data which can be used as direct input to the calculation of fire resistance of steel structural members in accordance with the procedures given in ENV 1993-1-2.
This European Prestandard also contains the assessment which prescribes how the analysis of the test data should be made and gives guidance on the procedures by which interpolation should be undertaken.
The assessment procedure is used to establish:
a)   on the basis of temperature data derived from testing loaded and unloaded sections, a correction factor and any pra

Prüfverfahren zur Bestimmung des Beitrages zum Feuerwiderstand von tragenden Bauteilen - Teil 4: Brandschutzmaßnahmen für Stahlbauteile

Dieser Teil dieser Europäischen Vornorm legt ein Prüfverfahren zur Bestimmung des Beitrages von Brandschutzsystemen zum Feuerwiderstand von Stahlbauteilen wie Balken, Stützen oder Zuggliedern fest.
Die Bewertung ist so konzipiert, dass diese einen Bereich von Dicken des Brandschutzmaterials, einen Bereich von Stahlquerschnitten, die durch ihre Profilfaktoren beschrieben sind, einen Bereich von Bemessungs-temperaturen, sowie einen Gültigkeitsbereich von Klassifizierungszeiten der Brandschutzmaßnahme umfasst.
Diese Europäische Vornorm ist für Brandschutzmaterialien anwendbar, bei denen der Hohlraum zwischen dem Material der Brandschutzbekleidung und der Oberfläche des Flansches vom Stahlbauteil kleiner als 5 mm ist. Andernfalls ist das Prüfverfahren je nach Anwendung nach ENV 13381-1 oder ENV 13381-2 durchzuführen.
Diese Europäische Vornorm beinhaltet das Prüfverfahren, das durchgeführt werden sollte, um das Leistungs-vermögen des Brandschutzsystems sowohl hinsichtlich seiner Formstabilität als auch ihrer Haftungseigenschaft mit den zu schützenden Stahlbauteilen zu bestimmen. Weiterhin werden Messwerte zum thermischen Verhalten der Brandschutzsysteme ermittelt, wenn diese durch die Einheits-Temperaturzeitkurve nach EN 1363-1 beansprucht werden.
Sofern in nationalen Bauvorschriften festgelegt, kann es in besonderen Fällen für reaktive Brandschutz-beschichtungen erforderlich sein, diese durch eine Schwelbrandkurve zu beanspruchen. Das Prüfverfahren hierzu und die Gründe für ihre Benutzung sind in Anhang A aufgeführt.
Das Brandprüfverfahren erlaubt die Ermittlung und Darstellung von Messwerten, die als direkte Eingangswerte zur Ermittlung der Feuerwiderstandsfähigkeit von tragenden Stahlbauteilen nach ENV 1993 1-2 anwendbar sind.
Diese Europäische Vornorm beinhaltet ebenfalls die Beurteilung, die beschreibt, wie die Analyse der Messwerte durchgeführt werden sollte und gibt eine Anleitung zur Frage der Interpolation.
Das Verfahren der Beurteilung wird angewandt, um

Méthodes d'essai pour déterminer la contribution à la résistance au feu des éléments de construction - Partie 4: Protection appliquée aux éléments en acier

Cette partie de l'ENV 13381 spécifie une méthode d'essai permettant de déterminer la contribution apportée par l'application de systèmes protection au feu aux éléments de construction en acier pouvant être utilisés comme des poutres, des poteaux ou des éléments de traction.L'évaluation est conçue pour couvrir une plage d'épaisseurs du matériau de protection au feu appliqué, une plage de sections d'acier, caractérisées par leurs facteurs de massivité, une plage de températures données et une plage de durée de classification des protections protection au feu en cours de validité.Tout vide entre le matériau de protection et les faces des ailes des éléments en acier doit toujours avoir une taille inférieure à 5 mm sinon les méthodes d'essai appropriées de l'ENV 13381-1 ou de l'ENV 13381-2 doivent être suivies, selon le cas.La présente Prénorme européenne comprend :L'essai au feu qui spécifie les essais devant être réalisés pour déterminer l'aptitude du système protection au feu à rester cohérent et fixé sur l'ossature en acier et pour fournir des données sur les caractéristiques thermiques du système protection au feu lorsqu'il est exposé à la courbe normalisée température/temps prescrite dans l'EN 1363 1.Dans des circonstances particulières, lorsque des règlements nationaux le prescrit, il peut être nécessaire de soumettre les matériaux de protection a la courbe de feu couvant. Ce type d'essai et les circonstances particulières pour son utilisation sont décrites dans l'annexe A.La méthodologie des essais au feu comporte des dispositions concernant le recueil et la présentation de données susceptibles de servir comme des entrées directes pour le calcul de la  résistance au feu d'éléments de construction en acier conformément aux modes opératoires donnés dans l'ENV 1993-1-2. L'évaluation qui prescrit la façon d'effectuer l'analyse des données d'essai et les lignes directives des modes opératoires selon lesquels doit être entreprise une interpolation.Le mode opératoire de

Preskusne metode za ugotavljanje prispevka k požarni odpornosti konstrukcijskih elementov - 4. del: Zaščita jeklenih elementov

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Test methods for determining the contribution to the fire resistance of structural members
- Part 4: Applied protection to steel members
Prüfverfahren zur Bestimmung des Beitrages zum Feuerwiderstand von tragenden
Bauteilen - Teil 4: Brandschutzmaßnahmen für Stahlbauteile
Méthodes d'essai pour déterminer la contribution a la résistance au feu des éléments de
construction - Partie 4: Protection appliquée aux éléments en acier
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: ENV 13381-4:2002
13.220.50 Požarna odpornost Fire-resistance of building
gradbenih materialov in materials and elements
91.080.10 Kovinske konstrukcije Metal structures
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

ENV 13381-4
July 2002
ICS 13.220.50
English version
Test methods for determining the contribution to the fire
resistance of structural members - Part 4: Applied protection to
steel members
This European Prestandard (ENV) was approved by CEN on 1 March 2002 as a prospective standard for provisional application.
The period of validity of this ENV is limited initially to three years. After two years the members of CEN will be requested to submit their
comments, particularly on the question whether the ENV can be converted into a European Standard.
CEN members are required to announce the existence of this ENV in the same way as for an EN and to make the ENV available promptly
at national level in an appropriate form. It is permissible to keep conflicting national standards in force (in parallel to the ENV) until the final
decision about the possible conversion of the ENV into an EN is reached.
CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece,
Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom.
Management Centre: rue de Stassart, 36  B-1050 Brussels
© 2002 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved Ref. No. ENV 13381-4:2002 E
worldwide for CEN national Members.

Foreword .3
1 Scope .4
2 Normative references.5
3 Terms and definitions, symbols and units.5
4 Test equipment .8
5 Test conditions.8
6 Test specimens.10
7 Installation of the test specimens .15
8 Conditioning of the test specimens .16
9 Application of instrumentation .16
10 Test procedure .18
11 Test results.20
12 Test report.21
13 Assessment .22
14 Report of the assessment.29
15 Limits of the applicability of the results of the assessment .30
Annex A (normative) Test method to the smouldering fire or slow heating curve.53
Annex B (normative) The applicability of the results of the assessment to sections other than ‘I’ or ‘H’
section .56
Annex C (normative) Measurement of properties of fire protection materials .58
Annex D (normative) Fixing of thermocouples to steel work and routing of cables .61
Annex E (normative) Correction for discrepancies in thickness between loaded and equivalent unloaded
Annex F (normative) Assessment methodology: Differential equation analysis (variable  approach).64
Annex G (normative) Assessment methodology: Differential equation analysis (constant  approach).70
Annex H (normative) Assessment methodology: Numerical regression analysis.72
Annex J (normative) Assessment methodology: Graphical presentation.74
This document ENV 13381-4:2002 has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC127 "Fire safety in buildings",
the secretariat of which is held by BSI.
This document has been prepared under the mandate given to CEN/TC127 by the Commission and the European Free
Trade Association.
As there was little experience in carrying out these tests in Europe CEN/TC127 agreed that more experience should be
built up during a prestandardization period before agreeing text as European Standards. Consequently all parts are being
prepared as European Prestandards.
This European Prestandard is one of a series of standards for evaluating the contribution to the fire resistance of structural
members by applied fire protection materials. Other parts of this ENV are:
Part 1: Horizontal protective membranes.
Part 2: Vertical protective membranes.
Part 3: Applied protection to concrete members.
Part 5: Applied protection to concrete/profiled sheet steel composite members.
Part 6: Applied protection to concrete filled hollow steel composite columns.
Part 7: Applied protection to timber members.
Annexes A to J are normative.
The attention of all persons concerned with managing and carrying out this fire resistance test, is drawn to the fact that
fire testing can be hazardous and that there is a possibility that toxic and / or harmful smoke and gases can be evolved
during the test. Mechanical and operational hazards can also arise during the construction of test elements or structures,
their testing and the disposal of test residues.
An assessment of all potential hazards and risks to health should be made and safety precautions should be identified and
provided. Written safety instructions should be issued. Appropriate training should be given to relevant personnel.
Laboratory personnel should ensure that they follow written safety instructions at all times.
The specific health and safety instructions contained within this prestandard should be followed.
According to the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organizations of the following countries
are bound to announce this European Prestandard: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France,
Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland
and the United Kingdom.
This part of this European Prestandard specifies a test method for determining the contribution made by applied
fire protection systems to the fire resistance of structural steel members, which can be used as beams, columns or
tension members.
The evaluation is designed to cover a range of thicknesses of the applied fire protection material, a range of steel
sections, characterized by their section factors, a range of design temperatures and a range of valid fire protection
classification periods.
This European Prestandard applies to fire protection materials where the gap between the material and the flange
faces of the steel member is less than 5 mm in size. Otherwise, the test methods in ENV 13381-1 or
ENV 13381-2, as appropriate, apply.
This European Prestandard contains the fire test which specifies the tests which should be carried out to determine
the ability of the fire protection system to remain coherent and fixed to the steelwork, and to provide data on the
thermal characteristics of the fire protection system, when exposed to the standard temperature/time curve specified
in EN 1363-1.
In special circumstances, where specified in national building regulations, there can be a need to subject reactive
protection material to a smouldering curve. The test for this and the special circumstances for its use are described
in annex A.
The fire test methodology makes provision for the collection and presentation of data which can be used as direct
input to the calculation of fire resistance of steel structural members in accordance with the procedures given in
ENV 1993-1-2.
This European Prestandard also contains the assessment which prescribes how the analysis of the test data should
be made and gives guidance on the procedures by which interpolation should be undertaken.
The assessment procedure is used to establish:
a) on the basis of temperature data derived from testing loaded and unloaded sections, a correction factor
and any practical constraints on the use of the fire protection system under fire test conditions, (the
physical performance);
b) on the basis of the temperature data derived from testing short steel column sections, the thermal
properties of the fire protection system, (the thermal performance).
The limits of applicability of the results of the assessment arising from the fire test are defined, together with
permitted direct application of the results to different steel sections and grades and to different fire protection
systems and fixings.
The results of the test and assessment obtained according to this part of ENV 13381 are directly applicable to steel
sections of "I" and "H" cross sectional shape. Guidance is given in annex B on the application of the data obtained
from "I" and "H" steel sections to other section shapes.
2 Normative references
This European Prestandard incorporates by dated or undated reference, provisions from other publications. These
normative references are cited at the appropriate places in the text, and the publications are listed hereafter. For
dated references, subsequent amendments to or revisions of any of these publications apply to this European
Prestandard only when incorporated in it by amendment or revision. For undated references the latest edition of
the publication referred to applies (including amendments).
EN 1363-1 Fire resistance tests - Part 1: General requirements.
EN 1363-2 Fire resistance tests - Part 2: Alternative and additional procedures.
EN 10025 Hot rolled products of non-alloy structural steels - Technical delivery conditions.
EN 10113 Hot rolled products in weldable fine grade structural steels.
ENV 1993-1-1 Eurocode 3: Design of steel structures
Part 1-1: General rules and rules for buildings.
ENV 1993-1-2 Eurocode 3: Design of steel structures
Part 1-2: General rules - Structural fire design.
ISO 8421-2 Fire protection - Vocabulary - Part 2: Structural fire protection.
EN ISO 13943 Fire safety - Vocabulary (ISO 13943:1999).
3 Terms and definitions, symbols and units
3.1 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this European Prestandard, the terms and definitions given in EN 1363-1, EN ISO 13943 and ISO
8421-2, together with the following, apply:
steel member
element of building construction which is loadbearing and fabricated from steel
fire protection material
material or combination of materials applied to the surface of a steel member for the purpose of increasing its fire
passive fire protection materials
materials which do not change their physical form on heating, providing fire protection by virtue of their physical or
thermal properties. They may include materials containing water which, on heating,, evaporates to produce cooling effects
reactive fire protection materials
materials which are specifically formulated to provide a chemical reaction upon heating such that their physical form
changes and in so doing provide fire protection by thermal insulative and cooling effects
fire protection system
fire protection material together with a prescribed method of attachment to the steel member
fire protection
protection afforded to the steel member by the fire protection system such that the temperature of the steel member is
limited throughout the period of exposure to fire
test specimen
steel test section plus the fire pro

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