Acoustics - Field measurements of airborne and impact sound insulation and of service equipment sound - Survey meth (ISO/DIS 10052:2020)

Akustik - Messung der Luftschalldämmung und Trittschalldämmung und des Schalls von haustechnischen Anlagen in Gebäuden - Kurzverfahren (ISO/DIS 10052:2020)

Acoustique - Mesurages in situ de l'isolement aux bruits aériens et de la transmission des bruits de choc ainsi que du bruit des équipements - Méthode de contrôle (ISO/DIS 10052:2020)

Akustika - Terenska merjenja izolirnosti pred zvokom v zraku in udarnim zvokom - Informativna metoda (ISO/DIS 10052:2020)

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oSIST prEN ISO 10052:2020
Akustika - Terenska merjenja izolirnosti pred zvokom v zraku in udarnim zvokom -
Informativna metoda (ISO/DIS 10052:2020)

Acoustics - Field measurements of airborne and impact sound insulation and of service

equipment sound - Survey meth (ISO/DIS 10052:2020)

Akustik - Messung der Luftschalldämmung und Trittschalldämmung und des Schalls von

haustechnischen Anlagen in Gebäuden - Kurzverfahren (ISO/DIS 10052:2020)

Acoustique - Mesurages in situ de l'isolement aux bruits aériens et de la transmission

des bruits de choc ainsi que du bruit des équipements - Méthode de contrôle (ISO/DIS

Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: prEN ISO 10052
17.140.20 Emisija hrupa naprav in Noise emitted by machines
opreme and equipment
91.120.20 Akustika v stavbah. Zvočna Acoustics in building. Sound
izolacija insulation
oSIST prEN ISO 10052:2020 en,fr,de

2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

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oSIST prEN ISO 10052:2020
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oSIST prEN ISO 10052:2020
ISO/DIS 10052
ISO/TC 43/SC 2 Secretariat: DIN
Voting begins on: Voting terminates on:
2020-07-28 2020-10-20
Acoustics — Field measurements of airborne and impact
sound insulation and of service equipment sound —
Survey method

Acoustique — Mesurages in situ de l'isolement aux bruits aériens et de la transmission des bruits de choc

ainsi que du bruit des équipements — Méthode de contrôle
ICS: 91.140.01; 17.140.20; 91.120.20
This document is circulated as received from the committee secretariat.
Reference number
ISO/DIS 10052:2020(E)
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ISO/DIS 10052:2020(E)
© ISO 2020

All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, or required in the context of its implementation, no part of this publication may

be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or posting

on the internet or an intranet, without prior written permission. Permission can be requested from either ISO at the address

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Published in Switzerland
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oSIST prEN ISO 10052:2020
ISO/DIS 10052:2020(E)
Contents Page

Foreword ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................iv

Introduction ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................v

1 Scope ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 1

2 Normative references ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 1

3 Terms and definitions ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 2

4 Single number quantities ............................................................................................................................................................................ 7

5 Instrumentation .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 7

6 Test procedure and evaluation .............................................................................................................................................................. 8

6.1 General ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 8

6.2 Generation of sound field ............................................................................................................................................................... 8

6.2.1 General...................................................................................................................................................................................... 8

6.2.2 Airborne sound insulation between rooms .............................................................................................. 8

6.2.3 Impact sound insulation between rooms ................................................................................................... 9

6.2.4 Airborne sound insulation of façades ............................................................................................................ 9

6.3 Measurement of sound pressure levels ..........................................................................................................................10

6.3.1 Airborne and impact sound insulation between rooms .............................................................10

6.3.2 Heavy/soft impact sound insulation between rooms ...................................................................11

6.3.3 Airborne sound insulation of façades .........................................................................................................11

6.3.4 Service equipment sound pressure level .................................................................................................12

6.4 Frequency range of measurements ....................................................................................................................................12

6.5 Reverberation index data ............................................................................................................................................................12

6.6 Precision ....................................................................................................................................................................................................16

7 Expression of results .....................................................................................................................................................................................16

7.1 Airborne sound insulation .........................................................................................................................................................16

7.2 Impact sound insulation ..............................................................................................................................................................16

7.3 Service equipment sound pressure level ......................................................................................................................16

8 Test report ................................................................................................................................................................................................................17

Annex A (informative) Forms for the expression of results.......................................................................................................19

Annex B (normative) Operating conditions and operating cycles for measuring

the maximum sound pressure level and the equivalent continuous sound pressure level 26

Bibliography .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................33

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oSIST prEN ISO 10052:2020
ISO/DIS 10052:2020(E)

ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards

bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out

through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical

committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International

organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work.

ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of

electrotechnical standardization.

The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenance are

described in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1. In particular, the different approval criteria needed for the

different types of ISO documents should be noted. This document was drafted in accordance with the

editorial rules of the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2 (see www .iso .org/ directives).

Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of

patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. Details of

any patent rights identified during the development of the document will be in the Introduction and/or

on the ISO list of patent declarations received (see www .iso .org/ patents).

Any trade name used in this document is information given for the convenience of users and does not

constitute an endorsement.

For an explanation of the voluntary nature of standards, the meaning of ISO specific terms and

expressions related to conformity assessment, as well as information about ISO's adherence to the

World Trade Organization (WTO) principles in the Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT), see www .iso .org/

iso/ foreword .html.

This document was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 43, “Acoustics” Subcommittee SC 2,

"Building acoustics".

This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition (ISO 10052:2004), which has been technically

The main changes compared to the previous edition are as follows:
— implementation of ISO 10052:2004/Amd 1:2010;
— references have been updated;

— added to the scope: for heavy/soft impact sound insulation, the results are given in A-weighted


— 2 terms added: maximum impact sound pressure level L and A-weighted maximum impact

sound pressure level L

— including heavy/soft impact sound test procedure and evaluation in the test procedure and

evaluation impact sound pressure level;
— editorial updating.

Any feedback or questions on this document should be directed to the user’s national standards body. A

complete listing of these bodies can be found at www .iso .org/ members .html.
iv © ISO 2020 – All rights reserved
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ISO/DIS 10052:2020(E)

This document describes survey test methods which can be used for surveying the acoustic

characteristics of the airborne sound insulation, impact sound insulation and of the sound pressure

levels from service equipment. The methods may be used for screening tests of the acoustical properties

of buildings. The methods are not intended to be applied for measuring acoustical properties of building


The approach of the survey methods is to simplify the measurement of sound pressure levels in rooms

by using a hand-held sound level instrument and by manually sweeping the microphone in the room

space. The correction for reverberation time can be either estimated by usage of tabular values or be

based on measurements. The measurement of airborne and impact sound insulation is carried out in

octave bands. For measuring sound from domestic service equipment, A - or C -weighted sound pressure

levels are recorded.

Measurements are performed with specified operation conditions and operation cycles. The operating

conditions and operating cycles given in Annex B are only used if they are not opposed to national

requirements and regulations.

The measurement uncertainty of the results obtained using the survey method is a priori larger than

the uncertainty inherent in the corresponding test methods on engineering level.

NOTE Engineering methods for field measurements of airborne and impact sound insulation are dealt with

in ISO 16283-1 and ISO 16283-2. Engineering methods for field measurements of airborne sound insulation of

façade elements and façades are dealt with in ISO 16283-3. An engineering method for measurement of service

equipment sound is dealt with in ISO 16032.
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oSIST prEN ISO 10052:2020
Acoustics — Field measurements of airborne and impact
sound insulation and of service equipment sound —
Survey method
1 Scope
This document specifies field survey methods for measuring:
a) airborne sound insulation between rooms;
b) impact sound insulation of floors;
c) airborne sound insulation of façades; and
d) sound pressure levels in rooms caused by service equipment.

The methods described in this document are applicable for measurements in rooms of dwellings or in

rooms of comparable size with a maximum of 150 m .

For airborne sound insulation, impact sound insulation and façade sound insulation the method gives

values which are (octave band) frequency dependent. They can be converted into a single number

characterising the acoustical performances by application of ISO 717-1 and ISO 717-2. For heavy/soft

impact sound insulation, the results also are given in overall A-weighted maximum impact sound

pressure level. For service equipment sound the results are given directly in A - or C -weighted sound

pressure levels.
2 Normative references

The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content

constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For

undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.

IEC 61260, Electroacoustics — Octave-band and fractional-octave-band filters
IEC 61672-2, Electroacoustics — Sound level meters — Part 1: Specifications

ISO 717-1, Acoustics — Rating of sound insulation in buildings and of building elements — Part 1: Airborne

sound insulation

ISO 717-2, Acoustics — Rating of sound insulation in buildings and of building elements — Part 2: Impact

sound insulation

ISO 3382-2:2008, Acoustics — Measurement of room acoustic parameters — Part 2: Reverberation time in

ordinary rooms

ISO 3822-1, Acoustics — Laboratory tests on noise emission from appliances and equipment used in water

supply installations — Part 1: Method of measurement

ISO 10140-5, Acoustics — Laboratory measurement of sound insulation of building elements — Part 5:

Requirements for test facilities and equipment

ISO 12999-1, Acoustics — Determination and application of measurement uncertainties in building

acoustics — Part 1: Sound insulation

ISO 16283-2:2018, Acoustics — Field measurement of sound insulation in buildings and of building

elements — Part 2: Impact sound insulation
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ISO/DIS 10052:2020(E)
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.

ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:

— ISO Online browsing platform: available at https:// www .iso .org/ obp
— IEC Electropedia: available at http:// www .electropedia .org/
average sound pressure level in a room

ten times the logarithm to the base 10 of the ratio of the space and time average of the sound pressure

squared to the square of the reference sound pressure, the space average being taken over the entire

room with the exception of those parts where the direct radiation of a sound source or the near field of

the boundaries (wall, etc.) is of significant influence
Note 1 to entry: It is expressed in decibels as:
dpt() t
L = 10 lg dB (1)

p is the sound pressure level, in Pascal, p = 20 µPa is the reference sound pressure;

T is the integration time in seconds.
level difference

difference in the space and time average sound pressure levels produced in two rooms by one sound

source in one of them.
Note 1 to entry: It is expressed in decibels as:
DL=−L dB (2)
L is the average sound pressure level in the source room, in decibels;
L is the average sound pressure level in the receiving room, in decibels.
reverberation index

ten times the logarithm to the base 10 of the ratio of the actual reverberation time T of the receiving

room to the reference reverberation time T
Note 1 to entry: It is expressed in decibels.
Note 2 to entry: This quantity is denoted by:
k=10lg dB (3)
where T = 0,5 s.
2 © ISO 2020 – All rights reserved
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standardized level difference

level difference corresponding to a reference value of the reverberation time in the receiving room

Note 1 to entry: It is expressed in decibels as:
D = D + k dB (4)
D is the level difference (see Equation (2)), in decibels;
k is the reverberation index (see Equation (3)), in decibels.
normalized level difference

level difference D corresponding to the reference absorption area in the receiving room

Note 1 to entry: It is expressed in decibels as:
DD=+k+ 10 lg dB (5)
k is the reverberation index;
T is the reference reverberation time (T = 0,5 s);
0 0
V is the volume of the receiving room, in cubic metres;
A is the reference equivalent absorption area, in square metres, (A = 10 m );
0 0
0,16 has the unit s/m.
apparent sound reduction index

ten times the logarithm to the base 10 of the ratio of the sound power W which is incident on a partition

under test to the total sound power transmitted into the receiving room, if, in addition to the sound

power W transmitted through the separating element, the sound power W , transmitted through

2 3
flanking elements or by other components, is significant
Note 1 to entry: It is expressed in decibels as:
R =10lg dB (6)

Note 2 to entry: The expression "apparent sound transmission loss" is also in use in English-speaking countries.

It is equivalent to "apparent sound reduction index".

Under the assumption of diffuse sound fields in the two rooms, the apparent sound reduction index in this

document is calculated from:
RD=+k+10lg dB (7)
01, 6V
D is the sound pressure level difference, in decibels;
k is the reverberation index;
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S is the area of the partition, in square metres;
V is the volume of the receiving room, in cubic metres;
T is the reference reverberation time (T = 0,5 s);
0 0
0,16 has the unit s/m.

In the case of staggered or stepped rooms, S is that part of the area of the partition common to both rooms. If

the common area between the stepped or staggered rooms is less than 10 m , this shall be indicated in the test

report. If V/7,5 is larger than S, insert this value for S where V is the volume in m of the receiving room which

should be the smaller room.

In the case that no common area exists the normalized level difference D shall be determined.

Note 3 to entry: In the apparent sound reduction index, the sound power transmitted into the receiving room is

related to the sound power incident on the common partition irrespective of actual conditions of transmission.

The apparent sound reduction index is independent of the measuring direction between the rooms if the sound

fields are diffused in both rooms.
impact sound pressure level

average sound pressure level in the receiving room when the floor under test is excited by the

standardized tapping machine.
Note 1 to entry: It is expressed in decibels.

Note 2 to entry: If more than one position of the tapping machine is used, the impact sound pressure level is

calculated by averaging the sound pressure levels L at N positions according to:
 
L /10
L = 10 lg 10  dB (8)
i ∑
 
 n = 1 
standardized impact sound pressure level

impact sound pressure level L reduced by the reverberation index k, and expressed in decibels:

L’ = L − k dB (9)
nT i
normalized impact sound pressure level

impact sound pressure level L reduced by a correction term which is given in decibels, being ten times

the logarithm to the base 10 of the ratio between the reference equivalent absorption area and the

actual equivalent sound absorption area A of the receiving room

Note 1 to entry: The actual equivalent absorption area is calculated from the reverberation index, the reference

reverberation time and the room volume:
00 0
LL=−10lg dB =−Lk−10lg dB (10)
ni i
A 01,V6
V is the volume of the receiving room in cubic metres;
k is the reverberation index;
T is the reference reverberation time (T = 0,5 s);
0 0
A is the reference absorption area (A = 10 m );
0 0
4 © ISO 2020 – All rights reserved
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ISO/DIS 10052:2020(E)
0,16 has the unit s/m.
heavy/soft impact source

standard impact sound source to measure heavy/soft impact sound in dwellings such as a child running

and jumping or an adult walking
Note 1 to entry: For more information see ISO 10140-5 and ISO 16283-2.
maximum impact sound pressure level

impact sound pressure level measured by Fast time-weighting at receiving points when heavy/soft

impact source impact the floor
Note 1 to entry: This quantity is expressed in decibels.
average sound pressure level on a test surface

ten times the logarithm to the base 10 of the ratio of the surface and time average of the sound pressure

squared to the square of the reference sound pressure, the surface average being taken over the entire

test surface including reflecting effects from the test specimen and façade
Note 1 to entry: It is expressed in decibels.
façade level difference

difference between the outdoor sound pressure level 2 m in front of the façade, L , and the space and

time averaged sound pressure level, L , in the receiving room
Note 1 to entry: It is expressed in decibels as:
D = L – L dB (11)
2m 1,2m 2

It is also possible to measure in the plane of the façade. In this case the denotation is L instead of L

1,s 1;2m.

If road traffic sound has been used as sound source the notation is D and if a loudspeaker has been used it is

D and is expressed in decibels.
standardized façade level difference

façade level difference D corresponding to a reference value of the reverberation time in the

receiving room.
Note 1 to entry: It is expressed in decibels as
D = D + k dB (12)
2m,nT 2m
where k is the reverberation index.
normalized façade level difference

façade level difference D corresponding to the reference equivalent absorption area in the

receiving room
Note 1 to entry: It is calculated as follows:
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oSIST prEN ISO 10052:2020
ISO/DIS 10052:2020(E)
DD=+k+10lg dB (13)
2m,n 2m
01, 6V
V is the volume of the receiving room in cubic metres;
k is the reverberation index;
T is the reference reverberation time (T = 0,5 s);
0 0
A is the reference equivalent absorption area in square metres (A = 10 m );
0 0
0,16 has the unit s/m.
service equipment sound pressure level

average sound pressure level in the room obtained by the procedure described in 6.3.4 and calculated

as follows:
LLL//10 10 /10
XY,,,12XY XY 3
 
10 ++10 10
L =10lg dB (14)
 
 
 

L is the weighted sound pressure level obtained by the measurement at position 1 close

to the corner;

L , L are the weighted sound pressure levels obtained by the two measurements at position 2

XY,2 XY,3
in the reverberant field of the room;
X relates to the frequency weighting used (X can be A or C);

Y characterizes there the temporal weighting (Y can be F, S or equivalent continuous level, L )

Note 1 to entry: The different measures, L , are not comparable. Only measurement results obtained with the

same measuring parameters can be compared.
standardized service equipment sound pressure level

sound pressure level corresponding to a reference of the reverberation time in the receiving room

Note 1 to entry: This quantity is denoted by L
L = L − k dB (15)
L is the service equipment sound pressure level;
k is the reverberation index;

in this case, k is calculated from the arithmetic average of the reverberation times measured for the octave-

bands 500Hz, 1kHz and 2kHz.
k = 10lg 1/3 [(T + T + T )/T ]
500 1000 2000 0
normalized service equipment sound pressure level

service equipment sound pressure level corresponding to the reference equivalent absorption area in

the receiving room
Note 1 to entry: This quantity is denoted by L
6 © ISO 2020 – All rights reserved
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ISO/DIS 10052:2020(E)
LL=−k−10lg dB (16)
L is the service equipment sound pressure level;
V is the volume of the receiving room in cubic metres;
k is the reverberation index;

in this case, k is calculated from the arithmetic average of the reverberation times measured for the

octave-bands 500Hz, 1kHz and 2kHz.
K = 10lg 1/3 [(T + T + T )/T ]
500 1000 2000 0
T is the reference reverberation time (T = 0,5 s);
0 0
A is the reference absorption area (A = 10 m );
0 0
0,16 has the unit s/m.
4 Single number quantities

The single number quantities of service equipment noise which can be determined according to this

document are given in Table 1. When reporting measurement results the notation in Table 1 shall be

used. The different quantities can be combined according to e.g. requirements in national building

code regulations. Single number quantities of airborne and impact sound insulation can be obtained

according to ISO 717-1.
Table 1 — Quantities for service equipment sound pressure level
A-weighted value C- weighted value
1 1
Maximum sound pressure level, time weighting «S» LASmax LCSmax
2 1
LASmax,nT LCSmax,nT
3 3
LASmax,n LCSmax,n
1 1
Maximum sound pressure level, time weighting «F» LAFmax LCFmax
2 2
LAFmax,nT LCFmax,nT
3 3
LAFmax,n LCFmax,n
1 1
Equivalent sound pressure level LAeq LCeq
2 2
LAeq,nT LCeq,nT
3 3
LAeq,n LCeq,n
No standardization/normalization.
Standardization to a reverberation time of 0,5 s.
3 2
Normalization to an equivalent sound absorption area of 10 m .
5 Instrumentation
The measuring service equipment shall comply with the requirements of Clause 6.

The sound source for measuring sound insulation between rooms shall be as omnidirectional as

practicable. In façade measurement, the opening angle shall cover the whole façade. The directivity

of the sound source and the distance to the façade must be such that the variations between pressure

levels measured in front of the façade, for each frequency band of interest, are less 5 dB.

The tapping machine shall comply with the requirements given in ISO 10140-5, Annex E and

ISO 16283-2, Annex A. The heavy/soft impact source – rubber ball shall comply with the requirements

given in ISO 10140-5, Annex F and ISO 16283-2, Annex A.
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ISO/DIS 10052:2020(E)

The accuracy of the sound pressure level measurement equipment shall comply with the requirements

of accuracy classes 0 or 1 defined in IEC 61672. The complete measuring system including the

microphone shall be adjusted before each measurement to enable absolute values of sound pressure

levels to be obtained.

For all measurements diffuse field microphones are required. For sound level meters with free field

microphones corrections for accounting the diffuse sound field shall be applied.
Filters shall comply with the requirements defined in EN 61260.
NOTE For pattern evaluation (type testing) and re

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