This document addresses installation qualification (IQ), operational qualification (OQ), and performance qualification (PQ) issues directly related to the additive manufacturing system that has a direct influence on the consolidation of material. The first three elements of process validation, process mapping, risk assessment, and validation planning, are necessary pre-conditions to machine qualification, however, they are outside the scope of this document.
This document covers issues directly related to the AM equipment and does not cover feedstock qualification or post processing beyond powder removal.
Physical facility, personnel, process and material issues are only included to the extent necessary to support machine qualification.

  • Technical specification
    14 pages
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This document specifies test methods to determine particle emissions (including ultrafine particles) and specified volatile organic compounds (including aldehydes) from desktop MEX-TRB/P processes often used in non-industrial environments such as school, homes and office spaces in an emission test chamber under specified test conditions. However, these tests do not necessarily accurately predict real-world results.
This document specifies a conditioning method using an emission test chamber with controlled temperature, humidity, air exchange rate, air velocity, and procedures for monitoring, storage, analysis, calculation, and reporting of emission rates.
This document is intended to cover desktop MEX-TRB/P machine which is typically sized for placement on a desktop, used in non-industrial places like school, home and office space. The primary purpose of this document is to quantify particle and chemical emission rates from desktop MEX-TRB/P machine.
However, not all possible emissions are covered by this method. Many feedstocks can release hazardous emissions that are not measured by the chemical detectors prescribed in this document. It is the responsibility of the user to understand the material being extruded and the potential chemical emissions. An example is Poly Vinyl Chloride feedstocks that can potentially emit chlorinated compounds, which cannot be measured by the method described in this document.

  • Standard
    33 pages
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This document covers the operation and production control of metal powder bed fusion (PBF) machines and processes for areas of critical applications. A critical application is assumed once failing parts-functionality leads to immediate threats.
This document is applicable for production of parts and mechanical test specimens using powder bed fusion (PBF) with both laser and electron beams.
Specifications related to specific fields of application are provided in respective standards.

  • Standard
    24 pages
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This document specifies requirements and describes aspects for the lifecycle management of metal feedstock materials for powder based additive manufacturing processes. These aspects include but are not limited to:
—     powder properties;
—     powder lifecycle;
—     test methods;
—     powder quality assurance.
This document supplements ISO/ASTM 52907, which primarily focuses on requirements for virgin powder. This document covers on powder life cycle management, and therefore focuses on control of virgin and used powders.
This document can be used by manufacturers of metal powders, purchasers of powder feedstock for additive manufacturing, those responsible for the quality assurance of additively manufactured parts and suppliers of measurement and testing equipment for characterizing metal powders for use in powder-based additive manufacturing processes.

  • Standard
    35 pages
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This document specifies requirements for the additive manufacturing of metallic parts with directed energy deposition (DED) in the aerospace industry.
Within the application scope of this document, wire is used as feedstock, and arc processes (gas-shielded metal arc processes (MIG/MAG/GMAW), tungsten inert gas processes (TIG/GTAW), plasma arc processes (PAW)) are used as the main energy source.
This document is to be used in conjunction with the engineering documents, if required by the engineering authority.
This document does not address health and safety issues.

  • Standard
    21 pages
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This document specifies the principal requirements applied to the testing of parts produced by additive manufacturing processes.
This document
—     identifies quality characteristics for feedstock and parts and the corresponding test procedures,
—     provides the specific procedures to build specimens using additive manufacturing process, and
—     recommends the scope and content of test and supply agreements.
This document is aimed at machine manufacturers, feedstock suppliers, AM system users, part providers, and customers to facilitate the communication on main quality characteristics. It applies wherever additive manufacturing processes are used.
NOTE            It is the intent to include, in future versions of this document, other characteristics such as thermal properties, electrical requirements and physical and physico-chemical properties based upon material types.

  • Standard
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  • Standard
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This document specifies a test method for measuring hazardous substances emitted during the operation of material extrusion type AM machines commonly used in the non-industrial places and includes non-normative suggestions for ways to reduce them.
This document specifies some of the main hazardous substances emitted from this type of machine during operation for currently commonly used materials, it describes the additional information and the associated test method for measuring hazardous substances, and includes considerations for reducing the hazardous substances and basic countermeasures.
This document specifies how to measure concentrations of hazardous substances generated in the non-industrial places (school, public place and so on) in which this type of machines are installed, and to maintain an acceptable work environment by managing field facilities, machines, filaments, and additive manufactured products for the reduction of hazardous substances.
However, this document does not cover all gas-phase chemical emissions. Only a range of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) from n-hexane to n-hexadecane, including aldehydes are included. Considerations for reducing chemical emissions and for improving the work environment are given in Annexes A and B.

  • Standard
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  • Standard
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This document covers supplementary guidelines for evaluation of mechanical properties including static/quasi-static and dynamic testing of metals made by additive manufacturing (AM) to provide guidance toward reporting when results from testing of as-built specimen or specimen cut out from AM parts made by this technique or both.
This document is provided to leverage already existing standards. Guidelines are provided for mechanical properties measurements and reporting for additively manufactured metallic specimen as well as those cut out from AM parts.
This document does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety, health and environmental practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.
This document expands upon the nomenclature of ISO/ASTM 52900 and principles of ISO 17295 and extends them specifically to metal additive manufacturing. The application of this document is primarily intended to provide guidance on orientation designations in cases where meaningful orientation/direction for AM cannot be obtained from available test methods.

  • Standard
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  • Standard
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This document specifies the methodology for generic AM-machine evaluation in automotive environment using objective test criteria and provides the framework for an objective AM-machine evaluation and comparison. This document finds application in benchmarks, in the preparation of purchase decisions, but also in AM-machine evaluation within the machine procurement, acceptance, and qualification processes. This document is specific to automotive, as it is related to existing series part requirements of various original equipment manufacturers, but the content can be transferred to other industries if necessary.
Furthermore, this document specifies machine KPIs in the context of machine procurement, production planning and production of PBF-LB/M components. It aims to reach a detailed understanding between machine supplier and machine user with respect to the acceptance criteria during the procurement process and evaluation of machine performance during running production. For using this document, all process parameters, such as scanning speed, laser power, etc., are fixed, since changing these parameters can affect the entire process performance and its stability. Therefore, variables are not changed any more during or after qualification. This document and the determination of the KPIs help in the evaluation of machine properties, but do not replace an application-specific approval process.
This document is applicable to the additive manufacturing technology PBF-LB/M.

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  • Standard
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This document specifies quality assurance requirements for additive construction (AC) concerning building and construction projects in which additive manufacturing techniques are used for construction. The requirements are independent of the material(s) and process category used.
This document does not apply to metals.
This document specifies the criteria for additive construction processes, quality-relevant characteristics, and factors along AC system operations. It further specifies activities and sequences within an AC cell (additive construction site) and project.
This document applies to all additive manufacturing technologies in building and construction (load bearing and non-load bearing), structural and infrastructure building elements for residential and commercial applications and follows an approach oriented to the process.
This document does not cover environmental, health and safety aspects that apply to printing facility setup, material handling, operating of robotic equipment, and packing of equipment and/or elements for shipping but material supplier guidelines, robotic solution operating guidelines, and local and regional requirements are applicable.
This document does not cover design approvals, material properties characterization and testing.

  • Standard
    52 pages
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  • Standard
    52 pages
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This document specifies requirements for the qualification of operators of laser metal powder bed fusion machines and equipment for additive manufacturing, except for aerospace applications. This document defines general criteria for the qualification of machine operators, the activities and procedures regardless the process used in the part production.
Note: Requirements for the qualification of operators of laser metal powder bed fusion machines and equipment for additive manufacturing in aerospace applications are addressed in ISO/ASTM 52942 Additive manufacturing — Qualification principles — Qualifying machine operators of laser metal powder bed fusion machines and equipment used in aerospace applications.

  • Standard
    13 pages
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  • Standard
    13 pages
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This document specifies the capabilities and responsibilities required for the qualification of the AM operators on the field of the additive manufacturing technologies dealing with metallic parts production, specifically for the employment of DED-LB/M.
This document specifies criteria for the theoretical and practical assessment of personnel operating DED-LB/M machines. The activities and procedures foreseen to be performed by the DED-LB/M operator are also part of this document.
This document is intended to provide an outline for qualification of AM machine operators in general industrial applications.

  • Standard
    13 pages
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  • Standard
    13 pages
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This document identifies the capabilities and responsibilities required for the qualification of the AM operators on the field of the additive manufacturing technologies dealing with metallic parts production, specifically for the employment of directed energy deposition – arc with metals (DED-Arc/M).
This document identifies criteria for the theoretical and practical assessment of personnel operating DED-Arc/M machines. The activities and procedures foreseen to be performed by the DED-Arc/M operator are also part of this document.
This document is intended to provide an outline for qualification of AM machine operators in general industrial applications.

  • Standard
    13 pages
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  • Standard
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This document identifies the capabilities and responsibilities required for the qualification of the AM operators on the field of the additive manufacturing technologies dealing with metallic parts production, specifically for the employment of powder bed fusion – electron beam for metals (PBF-EB/M).
This document identifies criteria for the theoretical and practical assessment of personnel operating PBF-EB/M machines. The activities and procedures foreseen to be performed by the PBF-EB operator are also part of this document.
This document is intended to provide guidance for qualification of machine operators in general industrial applications.

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  • Standard
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This document specifies requirements for the qualification, quality assurance and post processing for metal parts made by powder bed fusion.
This document specifies methods and procedures for testing and qualification of various characteristics of metallic parts made by additive manufacturing powder bed fusion processes, in accordance with ISO/ASTM 52927, categories H and M.
This document is intended to be used by part providers and/or customers of parts.
This document specifies qualification procedures where appropriate to meet defined quality levels.

  • Standard
    33 pages
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  • Standard
    33 pages
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This document specifies the activities and responsibilities of the AM operators in the field of the additive manufacturing (AM) technologies dealing with metallic parts production.
This document is intended to provide guidance for qualification of AM machine operators in general industrial applications. Where industry-specific requirements exist for the qualification of AM operators, such as ISO/ASTM 52942 for aerospace applications, those industry-specific standards are used instead of this document.

  • Standard
    16 pages
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  • Standard
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This document specifies qualification requirements for coordination personnel in industrial manufacturing sites responsible for additive manufacturing of metal parts.
This document is applicable to all metallic processes that are described by ISO 17296-2. In this context, the skills, tasks and responsibilities for different levels of AM coordination personnel are typically adapted according to the applicable regulations, depending on the process.
This document is intended to provide guidance and requirements for the qualification of coordination personnel in general-industrial applications. Additional requirements are typically needed for specific industries or applications (e.g. aerospace, medical) or to meet regulatory requirements.

  • Standard
    25 pages
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  • Standard
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This document covers the general description of benchmarking test piece geometries, i.e. artefacts, along with quantitative and qualitative measurements to be taken on the benchmarking test piece(s) to assess the performance of additive manufacturing (AM) systems.
This performance assessment can serve the following two purposes:
—    AM system capability evaluation;
—    AM system calibration.
The benchmarking test piece(s) is (are) primarily used to quantitatively assess the geometric performance of an AM system. This document describes a suite of test geometries, each designed to investigate one or more specific performance metrics and several example configurations of these geometries into test build(s). It prescribes quantities and qualities of the test geometries to be measured but does not dictate specific measurement methods. Various user applications can require various grades of performance. This document discusses examples of feature configurations, as well as measurement uncertainty requirements, to demonstrate low- and high-grade examination and performance. This document does not discuss a specific procedure or machine settings for manufacturing a test piece.

  • Standard
    48 pages
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  • Standard
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The requirements in this document are for part manufacturers using additive manufacturing techniques and are independent of the used material and manufacturing method.
This document specifies criteria for AM relevant processes as well as quality-relevant characteristics and factors along the additive system operations and defines activities and sequences within an additive manufacturing production site.
This document is applicable to the additive manufacturing technologies defined in ISO/ASTM 52900 and defines quality assurance measures along the manufacturing process.
Environment, health and safety aspects are not covered comprehensively in this document. The corresponding content is addressed in the equipment manufacturer guidelines and ISO/ASTM 52931, ISO 27548, ISO/ASTM 52933 and ISO/ASTM 52938-1.
This document provides requirements that are additional to those provided by a quality management system (such as ISO 9001, ISO/TS 22163, ISO 19443, EN 9100, ISO 13485, IATF 16949). Additionally, this document can be used to establish quality management system relevant content that is specific to AM-technology.

  • Standard
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  • Standard
    48 pages
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This document provides an example of the relation between the characterization of certain macroscopic properties of metallic powders and their spreadability in an PBF-LB/M AM machines.
This relation is based on a new technique combining measurements inside a PBF-LB/M machine and image processing developed to quantify the homogeneity of the powder bed layers during spreading.
In this document, the flowability of five metal powders are investigated with an automated rotating drum method, whose dynamic cohesive index measurement is shown to establish a correlation with the spreadability of the powder during the layer deposition operation. Furthemore, the particule size distribution (PSD) and morphology of each powder is characterized before testing by static image analysis method (according to ISO 13322-1).
The general principle of the method is described in Figure 1.

  • Technical report
    22 pages
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  • Technical report
    22 pages
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This document categorises additive manufacturing (AM) defects in DED and PBF laser and electron beam category of processes, provides a review of relevant current NDT standards, details NDT methods that are specific to AM and complex 3D geometries and outlines existing non‑destructive testing techniques that are applicable to some AM types of defects.
This document is aimed at users and producers of AM processes and it applies, in particular, to the following:
—    safety critical AM applications;
—    assured confidence in AM;
—    reverse engineered products manufactured by AM;
—    test bodies wishing to compare requested and actual geometries.

  • Technical report
    168 pages
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  • Technical report
    168 pages
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This document specifies the features of electron beam powder bed fusion of metals (PBF-EB/M) and provides detailed design recommendations.
Some of the fundamental principles are also applicable to other additive manufacturing (AM) processes, provided that due consideration is given to process-specific features.
This document also provides a state of the art review of design guidelines associated with the use of powder bed fusion (PBF) by bringing together relevant knowledge about this process and by extending the scope of ISO/ASTM 52910.

  • Standard
    35 pages
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  • Standard
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This document provides guidance and requirements for risk assessment and implementation of prevention and protection measures relating to additive manufacturing with metallic powders.
The risks covered by this document concern all sub-processes composing the manufacturing process, including the management of waste.
This document does not specify requirements for the design of machinery and equipment used for additive manufacturing.

  • Standard
    44 pages
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  • Standard
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This document specifies the general principles to be followed when test specimens of thermoplastic materials are prepared by laser-based powder bed fusion (PBF-LB/P), which is commonly known as laser sintering. The (PBF-LB/P) process is used to prepare test specimens layer upon layer in which thermal energy selectively fuses regions of a powder bed. This document provides a basis for establishing reproducible and reportable sintering conditions. Its purpose is to promote uniformity in describing the main process parameters, build orientation of the sintering process and also to establish uniform practice in reporting sintering conditions.
This document does not specify the test procedure itself.

  • Standard
    13 pages
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  • Standard
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This document provides specifications and illustrations for the positioning and orientation of parts with regards with coordinate systems and testing methodologies for additive manufacturing (AM) technologies in an effort to standardize the method of representation used by AM users, producers, researchers, educators, press/media, and others, particularly when reporting results from testing of parts made on AM systems. Included specifications cover coordinate systems and the location and orientation of parts. It is intended to be in accordance with the principles of ISO 841 and to clarify the specific adaptation of those principles for additive manufacturing.

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  • Standard
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This document provides guidance and recommendations for the qualification of polymeric materials intended for laser-based powder bed fusion of polymers (PBF-LB/P). The parameters and recommendations presented in this document relate mainly to the material polyamide 12 (PA12), but references are also made to polyamide 11 (PA11). The parameters and recommendations set forth herein cannot be applicable to other polymeric materials.

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  • Standard
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This document is focused on the management of the round robin study (RRS) and can provide guidance for the scope development, planning, and execution of the RRS study. It can provide guidance to identify the feedstock, machine operations, process controls, and post-processing operations prior to running the study. RR organizers can identify controlled and free parameters in the study. This document can also provide guidance on the selection and use of test methods that can be applicable. The RRS investigates the variations found in AM parts. The outcome of the study can be used to improve the maturation of AM technologies.
A RRS, as described in this document, is different from an inter-laboratory comparison because an inter-laboratory study establishes the variability in a measurement method when undertaken by multiple users on a well-controlled artefact.

  • Technical report
    16 pages
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  • Technical report
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This document establishes and defines terms used in additive manufacturing (AM) technology, which applies the additive shaping principle and thereby builds physical three-dimensional (3D) geometries by successive addition of material.
The terms have been classified into specific fields of application.

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  • Standard
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This document is intended to serve as a best practice for the identification and “seeding” of nondestructively detectable flaw replicas of metal alloy PBF and DED processes. Three seeding categories are described:
a) process flaws through CAD design;
b) build parameter manipulation;
c) subtractive manufacturing.
These include flaws present within as-deposited materials, post heat-treated or HIP processed material, and those flaws made detectable because of post-processing operations. Geometrical aspects or measurement are not the subjects of this document.
WARNING — This document does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this document to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.

  • Technical report
    29 pages
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  • Technical report
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This document establishes the required or the achievable classes of part properties for additive manufactured polymer parts in order to get a common understanding on part quality. It is aimed at providers of manufacturing services for polymer parts who use additive manufacturing machines and at the customers for these services. Designers of parts as well as buyers and providers of manufacturing services can specify, in a traceable manner, the required or the achievable level of part properties with the aid of this document. The classification is based on mechanical, physical and geometrical properties. Further properties can be defined between buyer and provider of manufacturing.
This document is applicable to parts that have been manufactured from a thermoplastic polymer by means of thermal reaction fusion of material typically applied by a powder bed fusion (PBF) or material extrusion (MEX) processes. This document is also applicable to thermoplastic parts made by other processes, provided that due consideration is given to process-specific topics.
The classification of part properties applies to parts in as-built condition, that have been unpacked from the build space, with all support structures removed, but prior to any post-processing operations.
Specific industries (e.g. aerospace and medical) typically specify additional requirements.

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  • Standard
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This document includes the creation of optimized data for medical additive manufacturing (MAM). These data are generated from static modalities, such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), computed tomography (CT). This document addresses improved medical image data, and medical image data acquisition processing and optimization approaches for accurate solid medical models, based on real human and animal data.
Solid medical models are generally created from stacked 2D images output from medical imaging systems. The accuracy of the final model depends on the resolution and accuracy of the original image data. The main factors influencing accuracy are the resolution of the image, the amount of image noise, the contrast between the tissues of interest and artefacts inherent in the imaging system.

  • Technical report
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  • Technical report
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This document addresses installation qualification (IQ), operational qualification (OQ), and performance qualification (PQ) issues directly related to the additive manufacturing system that has a direct influence on the consolidation of material. The first three elements of process validation, process mapping, risk assessment, and validation planning, are necessary pre-conditions to machine qualification, however, they are outside the scope of this document.
This document covers issues directly related to the AM equipment and does not cover feedstock qualification or post processing beyond powder removal.
Physical facility, personnel, process and material issues are only included to the extent necessary to support machine qualification.

  • Technical specification
    28 pages
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  • Technical specification
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  • Technical specification
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This document describes a method for defining requirements for plastic materials used in extrusion-based additive manufacturing (AM) processes. Materials include unfilled, filled, and reinforced plastic materials suitable for processing into parts. These materials can also contain special additives (e.g. flame retardants, stabilizers, etc.). Processes include all material extrusion-based AM processes.
This document is intended for use by manufacturers of materials, feedstocks, plastic parts or any combination of the three using material extrusion-based AM.
NOTE       In some cases, material manufacturers can also be feedstock manufacturers. In other cases, a material manufacturer can supply materials (example: pellets) to a feedstock manufacturer (example: converter of pellets into filaments).
This document does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health, and environmental practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.

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  • Standard
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This document covers the principal considerations which apply to data exchange for additive manufacturing. It specifies terms and definitions which enable information to be exchanged describing geometries or parts such that they can be additively manufactured. The data exchange method outlines file type, data enclosed formatting of such data and what this can be used for.
This document
—     enables a suitable format for data exchange to be specified,
—     describes the existing developments for additive manufacturing of 3D geometries,
—     outlines existing file formats used as part of the existing developments, and
—     enables understanding of necessary features for data exchange, for adopters of this document.
This document is aimed at users and producers of additive manufacturing processes and associated software systems. It applies wherever additive processes are used, and to the following fields in particular:
—     producers of additive manufacturing systems and equipment including software;
—     software engineers involved in CAD/CAE systems;
—     reverse engineering systems developers;
—     test bodies wishing to compare requested and actual geometries.

  • Standard
    16 pages
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  • Standard
    16 pages
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This document specifies requirements and test methods for the qualification and re-qualification of laser beam machines for metal powder bed fusion additive manufacturing for aerospace applications.
It can also be used to verify machine features during periodic inspections or following maintenance and repair activities.

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    19 pages
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  • Standard
    19 pages
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  • Standard
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This document describes a method for defining requirements and assuring component integrity for plastic parts created using material extrusion based additive manufacturing processes. It relates to the process, equipment and operational parameters. Processes include all material extrusion based additive manufacturing processes.
This document is intended for use by AM users and customers procuring such parts.

  • Standard
    14 pages
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  • Standard
    14 pages
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This document specifies requirements for the qualification of operators of laser metal powder bed fusion machines and equipment for additive manufacturing in aerospace applications.
This document is applicable if the operator qualification testing is required by contract or by application standards in the field of aerospace.

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  • Standard
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  • Standard
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This document provides the specification for the Additive Manufacturing File Format (AMF), an interchange format to address the current and future needs of additive manufacturing technology.
This document specifies the requirements for the preparation, display and transmission for the AMF. When prepared in a structured electronic format, strict adherence to an extensible markup language (XML)[1] schema supports standards-compliant interoperability.
NOTE       A W3C XML schema definition (XSD) for the AMF is available from ISO from and from ASTM from An implementation guide for such an XML schema is provided in Annex A.
It is recognized that there is additional information relevant to the final part that is not covered by the current version of this document. Suggested future features are listed in Annex B.
This document does not specify any explicit mechanisms for ensuring data integrity, electronic signatures and encryptions.

  • Standard
    35 pages
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  • Standard
    35 pages
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  • Standard
    35 pages
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The use of Additive Manufacturing (AM) enables the fabrication of geometrically complex components by accurately depositing materials in a controlled way. Technological progress in AM hardware, software, as well as the opening of new markets demand for higher flexibility and greater efficiency in today's products, encouraging research into novel materials with functionally graded and high-performance capabilities. This has been termed as Functionally Graded Additive Manufacturing (FGAM), a layer-by-layer fabrication technique that involves gradationally varying the ratio of the material organization within a component to meet an intended function. As research in this field has gained worldwide interest, the interpretations of the FGAM concept requires greater clarification. The objective of this document is to present a conceptual understanding of FGAM. The current-state of art and capabilities of FGAM technology will be reviewed alongside with its challenging technological obstacles and limitations. Here, data exchange formats and some of the recent application is evaluated, followed with recommendations on possible strategies in overcoming barriers and future directions for FGAM to take off.

  • Technical report
    35 pages
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  • Technical report
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  • Technical report
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This document provides technical specifications for metallic powders intended to be used in additive manufacturing and covers the following aspects:
—          documentation and traceability;
—          sampling;
—          particle size distribution;
—          chemical composition;
—          characteristic densities;
—          morphology;
—          flowability;
—          contamination;
—          packaging and storage.
This document does not deal with safety aspects.
In addition, this document gives specific requirements for used metallic powders in additive manufacturing.

  • Standard
    27 pages
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  • Standard
    27 pages
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  • Standard
    27 pages
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This document specifies the features of laser-based powder bed fusion of polymers (LB-PBF/P) and provides detailed design recommendations.
Some of the fundamental principles are also applicable to other additive manufacturing (AM) processes, provided that due consideration is given to process-specific features.
This document also provides a state-of-the-art review of design guidelines associated with the use of powder bed fusion (PBF) by bringing together relevant knowledge about this process and by extending the scope of ISO/ASTM 52910.

  • Standard
    29 pages
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  • Standard
    29 pages
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  • Standard
    29 pages
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This document gives requirements, guidelines and recommendations for using additive manufacturing (AM) in product design.
It is applicable during the design of all types of products, devices, systems, components or parts that are fabricated by any type of AM system. This document helps determine which design considerations can be utilized in a design project or to take advantage of the capabilities of an AM process.
General guidance and identification of issues are supported, but specific design solutions and process-specific or material-specific data are not supported.
The intended audience comprises three types of users:
—          designers who are designing products to be fabricated in an AM system and their managers;
—          students who are learning mechanical design and computer-aided design; and
—          developers of AM design guidelines and design guidance systems.

  • Standard
    31 pages
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  • Standard
    31 pages
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  • Standard
    31 pages
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This document specifies the features of laser-based powder bed fusion of metals (PBF-LB/M) and provides detailed design recommendations.
Some of the fundamental principles are also applicable to other additive manufacturing (AM) processes, provided that due consideration is given to process-specific features.
This document also provides a state of the art review of design guidelines associated with the use of powder bed fusion (PBF) by bringing together relevant knowledge about this process and by extending the scope of ISO/ASTM 52910.

  • Standard
    32 pages
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  • Standard
    32 pages
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  • Standard
    32 pages
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ISO/ASTM 52901:2017 defines and specifies requirements for purchased parts made by additive manufacturing.
ISO/ASTM 52901:2017 gives guidelines for the elements to be exchanged between the customer and the part provider at the time of the order, including the customer order information, part definition data, feedstock requirements, final part characteristics and properties, inspection requirements and part acceptance methods.
ISO/ASTM 52901:2017 is applicable for use as a basis to obtain parts made by additive manufacturing that meet minimum acceptance requirements. More stringent part requirements can be specified through the addition of one or more supplementary requirements at the time of the order.

  • Standard
    19 pages
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  • Standard
    19 pages
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ISO 17296-2:2015 describes the process fundamentals of Additive Manufacturing (AM). It also gives an overview of existing process categories, which are not and cannot be exhaustive due to the development of new technologies. ISO 17296-2:2015 explains how different process categories make use of different types of materials to shape a product's geometry. It also describes which type of material is used in different process categories. Specification of feedstock material and requirements for the parts produced by combinations of different processes and feedstock material will be given in subsequent separate standards and are therefore not covered by ISO 17296-2:2015. ISO 17296-2:2015 describes the overreaching principles of these subsequent standards.

  • Standard
    16 pages
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  • Standard
    16 pages
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  • Standard
    16 pages
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This document specifies personnel qualification criteria for the theoretical and practical assessment of designers covering multiple metal Additive Manufacturing (AM) processes. The activities and procedures foreseen to be performed by the designer are also part of the standard.
This document is intended to provide guidance for qualification designers in general industrial applications.

  • Draft
    11 pages
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This standard specifies the characterization of ceramic slurry for use as feedstock in vat photopolymerization additive manufacturing (AM) process. The characterization includes the composition and properties of the slurry, such as solids content, dynamic viscosity, particle size distribution, chemical composition, and solid dispersion stability. This standard also provides available methods about sampling and preparing slurry samples for testing. This standard does not deal with safety aspects.

  • Draft
    15 pages
    English language
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This document defines test methods for sand molds for metal casting produced by means of additive manufacturing technologies. The test methods include the determination of mechanical and physical properties such as, but not limited to, tensile strength, transverse strength, gas permeability, and also others.

  • Draft
    16 pages
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This document defines testing coupons and methods for the evaluation of the compression strength of AM lattice designs. The standardized test coupons will accommodate the application of a variety of lattice designs, while standardizing the evaluation method.
This document is generally intended to be used in validation or verification activities for an additively manufactured component that incorporates a lattice or porous (non-solid) design.
Details may include limits or requirements for minimum repeated elements and relative dimensions of the specimen.
Note: Due to inherent variability across the manufacturing of AM components, evaluation methods are needed. Specifically, when an eventual component is intended to be subjected to compressive loads, a representative testing coupon is needed to represent the component to undergo destructive evaluation as a surrogate for the component itself.

  • Draft
    13 pages
    English language
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This document deals with the technical requirements and the means for their verification for AM machines using a bed of metallic powder and a laser herein designed as machine.
This document deals with all significant hazards, hazardous situations or hazardous events during all phases of the life of the machine (ISO 12100:2010, 5.4), as listed in Annex A, relevant to the applicable machine when it is used as intended and under conditions of misuse which are reasonably foreseeable
by the manufacturer.
This document does not deal with hazards which can occur:
— during construction;
— operating in potentially explosive atmospheres.
This document is not applicable to machines manufactured before the date of its publication

  • Draft
    38 pages
    English language
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