TRAIN4SUSTAIN Competence Quality Standard

This document is a Competence Quality Standard addressed to white and blue collars. It provides the Learning Outcomes, expressed in terms of knowledge and skills, necessary to achieve recommended competence’s levels in sustainable building. It is a tool useful to assess and report, in a common transnational format (Skill Passport), the level of competence in relation to reference Work Fields. The Competence Quality Standard can also be used to map qualification schemes and training courses and to transparently report the Learning Outcomes provided to white and blue collars. The Competence Quality Standard is useful to identify competence’s gaps and to support in the selection of the most appropriate training courses to fill them. It is a tool useful for public authorities and clients to express measurable competence requirements in tenders and to select the most competent professionals. The document provides guidance about how to validate and certify the assessment of competences.

Kompetenčni standard kakovosti TRAIN4SUSTAIN

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SIST CWA 17939:2022
Kompetenčni standard kakovosti TRAIN4SUSTAIN
TRAIN4SUSTAIN Competence Quality Standard
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: CWA 17939:2022
03.100.30 Vodenje ljudi Management of human
SIST CWA 17939:2022 en,fr,de
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

SIST CWA 17939:2022
SIST CWA 17939:2022
CWA 17939
October 2022
ICS 03.100.30
English version
TRAIN4SUSTAIN Competence Quality Standard
This CEN Workshop Agreement has been drafted and approved by a Workshop of representatives of interested parties, the
constitution of which is indicated in the foreword of this Workshop Agreement.

The formal process followed by the Workshop in the development of this Workshop Agreement has been endorsed by the
National Members of CEN but neither the National Members of CEN nor the CEN-CENELEC Management Centre can be held
accountable for the technical content of this CEN Workshop Agreement or possible conflicts with standards or legislation.

This CEN Workshop Agreement can in no way be held as being an official standard developed by CEN and its Members.

This CEN Workshop Agreement is publicly available as a reference document from the CEN Members National Standard Bodies.

CEN and CENELEC members are the national standards bodies and national electrotechnical committees of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia,
Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg,
Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Republic of North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland,
Türkiye and United Kingdom.


CEN-CENELEC Management Centre: Rue de la Science 23, B-1040 Brussels
© 2022 All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved worldwide for CEN national Members and for
Ref. No.:CWA 17939:2022 E
SIST CWA 17939:2022
This CEN Workshop Agreement (CW 17939:2022)has been developed in accordance with the
CENCENELEC Guide 29 “CEN/CENELEC Workshop Agreements – A rapid prototyping to
standardization” and with the relevant provisions of CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations - Part 2.
It was approved by a Workshop of representatives of interested parties on 2022-09-13, the
constitution of which was supported by CEN following the public call for participation made on
2021-12-14. However, this CEN Workshop Agreement does not necessarily include all relevant
The final text of this CEN Workshop Agreement was provided to CEN for publication on 2022-10-
Results incorporated in this CWA received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020
research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 894514 — TRAIN4SUSTAIN —
H2020-LC-SC3-2018-2019-2020 / H2020-LC-SC3-EE-2019).
The following organizations and individuals developed and approved this CEN Workshop
• Andrea Moro – Chairperson, iiSBE Italia R&D (Italy)
• Luís Bragança – Vice-Chairperson, University of Minho (Portugal)
• Fabio Rossi – Secretary, UNI (Italy)
• Elena Bazzan – iiSBE Italia R&D (Italy)
• Anna Bac – Wroclaw University of Science and Technology (Poland)
• Paola Borgaro – iiSBE Italia R&D (Italy)
• Sergio Bottiglioni – IIPLE (Italy)
• Claudio Capitanio – iiSBE Italia R&D (Italy)
• Mara Corbella – IIPLE (Italy)
• Licia Felicioni – Czech Technical University in Prague (Czech Republic)
• Jorge Fernandes – iiSBE Portugal (Portugal)
• Greg Foliente – University of Melbourne (Australia)
• Jacopo Gresleri – Ordine degli Architetti, Pianificatori, Paesaggisti e Conservatori di
Bologna (Italia)
• Miriam Huguet Aguilera – Department of the Vice-Presidency and Digital Policies and
Territory Generalitat de Catalunya (Spain)
• İlker Kahraman – Izmir University of Economics (Turkey)
• Kujawsky Woytek – Integrative Solutions Group (Canada)
• Nils Larrson – iiSBE (Canada)
• Antonín Lupišek – Czech Technical University in Prague (Czech Republic)
• Sylvain Mangili – Agence Qualité Construction (France)
• Alessandro Marata – Ordine degli Architetti, Pianificatori, Paesaggisti e Conservatori di
Bologna (Italia)
• Gabriella Marranci – Ordine degli Architetti, Pianificatori, Paesaggisti e Conservatori di
Bologna (Italia)
• Ricardo Mateus – iiSBE Portugal (Portugal)
• Jakub Onyszkiewicz – Wroclaw University of Science and Technology (Poland)
• Monica Pascual Fabra – Department of the Vice-Presidency and Digital Policies and
Territory Generalitat de Catalunya (Spain)
• Peter Gyuris – Geonardo (Hungary)
• Ana Ruisanchez Capelástegui – Department of the Vice-Presidency and Digital Policies
and Territory Generalitat de Catalunya (Spain)
SIST CWA 17939:2022
• Jan Růžička – Czech Technical University in Prague (Czech Republic)
• Kajetan Sadowski – Wroclaw University of Science and Technology (Poland)
• Maryam Salati – iiSBE Portugal (Portugal)
• Adriana Salles – iiSBE Portugal (Portugal)
• Luisa Sileni – IIPLE (Italy)
• Dan Stefanica – European Heat Pump Association (Belgium)
• Elisabeth Tua Sardà – Department of the Vice-Presidency and Digital Policies and
Territory Generalitat de Catalunya (Spain)
• Jakob Uli – Dr Jakob energy research (Germany)
• Unver Umit - Yalova University and Zero Build Institute (Turkey)
• Martin Volf – Czech Technical University in Prague (Czech Republic)
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some elements of this document may be subject to patent
CEN-CENELEC policy on patent rights is described in CEN-CENELEC Guide 8 “Guidelines for
Implementation of the Common IPR Policy on Patent”. CEN shall not be held responsible for
identifying any or all such patent rights.
Although the Workshop parties have made every effort to ensure the reliability and accuracy of
technical and non-technical descriptions, the Workshop is not able to guarantee, explicitly or
implicitly, the correctness of this document. Anyone who applies this CEN Workshop Agreement
shall be aware that neither the Workshop, nor CEN, can be held liable for damages or losses of any
kind whatsoever. The use of this CEN Workshop Agreement does not relieve users of their
responsibility for their own actions, and they apply this document at their own risk. The CEN
Workshop Agreement should not be construed as legal advice authoritatively endorsed by
SIST CWA 17939:2022
Contents                                                             Page
Introduction . 5
1 Scope . 6
2 Normative references . 6
3 Terms and definitions . 6
4 Structure of the Competence Quality Standard . 9
4.1 General . 9
4.2 Level 1 – Thematic Fields . 10
4.3 Level 2 – Macro Areas of Expertise . 10
4.4 Level 3 – Areas of Expertise . 13
4.5 Level 4 – Learning Outcomes . 17
5 Work Fields targeted in the TRAIN4SUSTAIN Competence Quality Standard . 17
5.1 General . 17
5.2 White collars . 18
5.3 Blue collars . 19
6 Project’s stages . 19
7 Reference spatial scales . 20
8 Assessment of competence’s levels . 20
9 Mapping qualification schemes . 21
10 Mapping training courses . 22
11 Areas of Expertise and Learning Outcomes . 22
12 Applicable Areas of Expertise in relation to Work Fields and recommended
competence’s levels . 22
13 Competences’ reporting: the European Skill Passport . 22
14 Validation of competence assessment . 23
Annex A (informative) Areas of Expertise and Learning Outcomes. 24
A.1 Dimension: Environment . 25
A.2 Dimension: Society . 91
A.3 Dimension: Economy .135
A.4 Dimension: Process .148
A.4.6 Thematic field: Interdisciplinary Skills .180
A.4.7 Thematic field: Listed Buildings .187
Annex B (informative) Applicable Areas of Expertise in relation to Work Fields and
recommended competence’s levels .190
Annex C .207
C.1 Introduction .207
C.2 Vocabulary .207
C.3 Harmonisation of sentences wording .209
C.4 Reference fields for Learning Outcomes .211

SIST CWA 17939:2022
The construction sector is one of the main drivers of EU’s economy. Despite major efforts in harmonising
and standardization of qualification and training procedures across the EU, the competence level of
sustainability experts and the underlying training and education contents varies significantly between
the Member States. The H2020 TRAIN4SUSTAIN project fostered a common understanding of
sustainable competences across Europe developing a Competence Quality Standard (CQS), on which this
CWA is based, in sustainable building for facilitating transnational recognition of learning outcomes and
competence levels of existing qualifications and vocational trainings. The CQS is a tool to evaluate,
scoring and report in a comparable and harmonised way the level of competence, skills and knowledge
of white and blue collars in sustainable building. The CQS is a tool useful to stimulate demand for
competent construction sector professionals through raising acceptance of sustainability qualifications
on the EU construction market. To this end, comparability of qualifications and competences is key for
increased transparency and penetration power in the market, avoiding confusion and uncertainty. The
TRAIN4SUSTAIN CQS intends to be a tool to facilitate the request of qualified professionals and blue
collars by public administrations and private clients and to valorise with a transparent common
“reporting” system the competences acquired through training courses and experience on field. The
TRAIN4SUSTAIN Competence Quality Standard is built on and expands the “European Qualification
Scheme and professional profile description about professions related to NZEB design, maintenance and
refurbishment” delivered by the Horizon 2020 project “Prof/Trac”.

SIST CWA 17939:2022
1 Scope
This document is a Competence Quality Standard addressed to white and blue collars. It provides the
Learning Outcomes, expressed in terms of knowledge and skills, necessary to achieve recommended
competence’s levels in sustainable building. It is a tool useful to assess and report, in a common
transnational format (Skill Passport), the level of competence in relation to reference Work Fields. The
Competence Quality Standard can also be used to map qualification schemes and training courses and
to transparently report the Lear

Kompetenčni standard kakovosti TRAIN4SUSTAIN
TRAIN4SUSTAIN Competence Quality Standard
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: CWA 17939:2022
03.100.30 Vodenje ljudi Management of human
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

CWA 17939
October 2022
ICS 03.100.30
English version
TRAIN4SUSTAIN Competence Quality Standard
This CEN Workshop Agreement has been drafted and approved by a Workshop of representatives of interested parties, the
constitution of which is indicated in the foreword of this Workshop Agreement.

The formal process followed by the Workshop in the development of this Workshop Agreement has been endorsed by the
National Members of CEN but neither the National Members of CEN nor the CEN-CENELEC Management Centre can be held
accountable for the technical content of this CEN Workshop Agreement or possible conflicts with standards or legislation.

This CEN Workshop Agreement can in no way be held as being an official standard developed by CEN and its Members.

This CEN Workshop Agreement is publicly available as a reference document from the CEN Members National Standard Bodies.

CEN and CENELEC members are the national standards bodies and national electrotechnical committees of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia,
Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg,
Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Republic of North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland,
Türkiye and United Kingdom.


CEN-CENELEC Management Centre: Rue de la Science 23, B-1040 Brussels
© 2022 All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved worldwide for CEN national Members and for
Ref. No.:CWA 17939:2022 E
This CEN Workshop Agreement (CW 17939:2022)has been developed in accordance with the
CENCENELEC Guide 29 “CEN/CENELEC Workshop Agreements – A rapid prototyping to
standardization” and with the relevant provisions of CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations - Part 2.
It was approved by a Workshop of representatives of interested parties on 2022-09-13, the
constitution of which was supported by CEN following the public call for participation made on
2021-12-14. However, this CEN Workshop Agreement does not necessarily include all relevant
The final text of this CEN Workshop Agreement was provided to CEN for publication on 2022-10-
Results incorporated in this CWA received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020
research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 894514 — TRAIN4SUSTAIN —
H2020-LC-SC3-2018-2019-2020 / H2020-LC-SC3-EE-2019).
The following organizations and individuals developed and approved this CEN Workshop
• Andrea Moro – Chairperson, iiSBE Italia R&D (Italy)
• Luís Bragança – Vice-Chairperson, University of Minho (Portugal)
• Fabio Rossi – Secretary, UNI (Italy)
• Elena Bazzan – iiSBE Italia R&D (Italy)
• Anna Bac – Wroclaw University of Science and Technology (Poland)
• Paola Borgaro – iiSBE Italia R&D (Italy)
• Sergio Bottiglioni – IIPLE (Italy)
• Claudio Capitanio – iiSBE Italia R&D (Italy)
• Mara Corbella – IIPLE (Italy)
• Licia Felicioni – Czech Technical University in Prague (Czech Republic)
• Jorge Fernandes – iiSBE Portugal (Portugal)
• Greg Foliente – University of Melbourne (Australia)
• Jacopo Gresleri – Ordine degli Architetti, Pianificatori, Paesaggisti e Conservatori di
Bologna (Italia)
• Miriam Huguet Aguilera – Department of the Vice-Presidency and Digital Policies and
Territory Generalitat de Catalunya (Spain)
• İlker Kahraman – Izmir University of Economics (Turkey)
• Kujawsky Woytek – Integrative Solutions Group (Canada)
• Nils Larrson – iiSBE (Canada)
• Antonín Lupišek – Czech Technical University in Prague (Czech Republic)
• Sylvain Mangili – Agence Qualité Construction (France)
• Alessandro Marata – Ordine degli Architetti, Pianificatori, Paesaggisti e Conservatori di
Bologna (Italia)
• Gabriella Marranci – Ordine degli Architetti, Pianificatori, Paesaggisti e Conservatori di
Bologna (Italia)
• Ricardo Mateus – iiSBE Portugal (Portugal)
• Jakub Onyszkiewicz – Wroclaw University of Science and Technology (Poland)
• Monica Pascual Fabra – Department of the Vice-Presidency and Digital Policies and
Territory Generalitat de Catalunya (Spain)
• Peter Gyuris – Geonardo (Hungary)
• Ana Ruisanchez Capelástegui – Department of the Vice-Presidency and Digital Policies
and Territory Generalitat de Catalunya (Spain)
• Jan Růžička – Czech Technical University in Prague (Czech Republic)
• Kajetan Sadowski – Wroclaw University of Science and Technology (Poland)
• Maryam Salati – iiSBE Portugal (Portugal)
• Adriana Salles – iiSBE Portugal (Portugal)
• Luisa Sileni – IIPLE (Italy)
• Dan Stefanica – European Heat Pump Association (Belgium)
• Elisabeth Tua Sardà – Department of the Vice-Presidency and Digital Policies and
Territory Generalitat de Catalunya (Spain)
• Jakob Uli – Dr Jakob energy research (Germany)
• Unver Umit - Yalova University and Zero Build Institute (Turkey)
• Martin Volf – Czech Technical University in Prague (Czech Republic)
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some elements of this document may be subject to patent
CEN-CENELEC policy on patent rights is described in CEN-CENELEC Guide 8 “Guidelines for
Implementation of the Common IPR Policy on Patent”. CEN shall not be held responsible for
identifying any or all such patent rights.
Although the Workshop parties have made every effort to ensure the reliability and accuracy of
technical and non-technical descriptions, the Workshop is not able to guarantee, explicitly or
implicitly, the correctness of this document. Anyone who applies this CEN Workshop Agreement
shall be aware that neither the Workshop, nor CEN, can be held liable for damages or losses of any
kind whatsoever. The use of this CEN Workshop Agreement does not relieve users of their
responsibility for their own actions, and they apply this document at their own risk. The CEN
Workshop Agreement should not be construed as legal advice authoritatively endorsed by
Contents                                                             Page
Introduction . 5
1 Scope . 6
2 Normative references . 6
3 Terms and definitions . 6
4 Structure of the Competence Quality Standard . 9
4.1 General . 9
4.2 Level 1 – Thematic Fields . 10
4.3 Level 2 – Macro Areas of Expertise . 10
4.4 Level 3 – Areas of Expertise . 13
4.5 Level 4 – Learning Outcomes . 17
5 Work Fields targeted in the TRAIN4SUSTAIN Competence Quality Standard . 17
5.1 General . 17
5.2 White collars . 18
5.3 Blue collars . 19
6 Project’s stages . 19
7 Reference spatial scales . 20
8 Assessment of competence’s levels . 20
9 Mapping qualification schemes . 21
10 Mapping training courses . 22
11 Areas of Expertise and Learning Outcomes . 22
12 Applicable Areas of Expertise in relation to Work Fields and recommended
competence’s levels . 22
13 Competences’ reporting: the European Skill Passport . 22
14 Validation of competence assessment . 23
Annex A (informative) Areas of Expertise and Learning Outcomes. 24
A.1 Dimension: Environment . 25
A.2 Dimension: Society . 91
A.3 Dimension: Economy .135
A.4 Dimension: Process .148
A.4.6 Thematic field: Interdisciplinary Skills .180
A.4.7 Thematic field: Listed Buildings .187
Annex B (informative) Applicable Areas of Expertise in relation to Work Fields and
recommended competence’s levels .190
Annex C .207
C.1 Introduction .207
C.2 Vocabulary .207
C.3 Harmonisation of sentences wording .209
C.4 Reference fields for Learning Outcomes .211

The construction sector is one of the main drivers of EU’s economy. Despite major efforts in harmonising
and standardization of qualification and training procedures across the EU, the competence level of
sustainability experts and the underlying training and education contents varies significantly between
the Member States. The H2020 TRAIN4SUSTAIN project fostered a common understanding of
sustainable competences across Europe developing a Competence Quality Standard (CQS), on which this
CWA is based, in sustainable building for facilitating transnational recognition of learning outcomes and
competence levels of existing qualifications and vocational trainings. The CQS is a tool to evaluate,
scoring and report in a comparable and harmonised way the level of competence, skills and knowledge
of white and blue collars in sustainable building. The CQS is a tool useful to stimulate demand for
competent construction sector professionals through raising acceptance of sustainability qualifications
on the EU construction market. To this end, comparability of qualifications and competences is key for
increased transparency and penetration power in the market, avoiding confusion and uncertainty. The
TRAIN4SUSTAIN CQS intends to be a tool to facilitate the request of qualified professionals and blue
collars by public administrations and private clients and to valorise with a transparent common
“reporting” system the competences acquired through training courses and experience on field. The
TRAIN4SUSTAIN Competence Quality Standard is built on and expands the “European Qualification
Scheme and professional profile description about professions related to NZEB design, maintenance and
refurbishment” delivered by the Horizon 2020 project “Prof/Trac”.

1 Scope
This document is a Competence Quality Standard addressed to white and blue collars. It provides the
Learning Outcomes, expressed in terms of knowledge and skills, necessary to achieve recommended
competence’s levels in sustainable building. It is a tool useful to assess and report, in a common
transnational format (Skill Passport), the level of competence in relation to reference Work Fields. The
Competence Quality Standard can also be used to map qualification schemes and training courses and
to tr

Questions, Comments and Discussion

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