Construction products - Assessment of release of dangerous substances - Guidance on the use of ecotoxicity tests applied to construction products

This Technical Report gives information on existing methods to test ecotoxicity of construction products. Information is given on how to combine recommended leaching tests with biological tests for the aquatic environment and how to avoid possible problems, when performing biological tests. Also suitable terrestrial tests on granular construction products diluted with artificial soil are proposed for a minimum test battery.
Reference has been made as far as possible to existing International and European Standards and guidelines.
The test procedure described in this Technical Report is technically suitable for all construction product eluates and for terrestrial tests on granular or paste-like construction products. However, from the point of view of test efficiency it is recommended mainly for products containing organics or polymers in case chemical analysis alone is not deemed to be sufficient. For inorganic products the chemical analysis is seen as straightforward in construction product eluates and therefore the added value of data received through ecotoxicity tests is seen as limited.

Bauprodukte - Bewertung der Freisetzung von gefährlichen Stoffen - Leitfaden für die Anwendung von ökotoxikologischen Untersuchungen auf Bauprodukte

Produits de construction — Évaluation de l’émission de substances dangereuses — Recommandations relatives à l’utilisation des essais d’écotoxicité en vue de leur application aux produits de construction

Le présent Rapport technique donne des informations sur les méthodes existantes permettant d’évaluer l’écotoxicité des produits de construction. Des informations sont fournies sur la façon d’associer les essais de lixiviation recommandés avec des essais biologiques portant sur l’environnement aquatique et sur la façon d’éviter d’éventuels problèmes lors de la réalisation de ces essais biologiques. Des essais terrestres appropriés aux produits de construction granulaires dilués avec du sol artificiel sont également proposés dans le cadre d’une batterie d’essais minimum.
Dans la mesure du possible, il a été fait référence aux normes et lignes directrices internationales et européennes existantes.
La procédure d’essai décrite dans ce Rapport technique est techniquement appropriée pour tous les éluats de produits de construction et pour les essais terrestres portant sur les produits de construction de type granulaire ou pâteux. Cependant, en considérant l’efficacité de l’essai, il est recommandé principalement pour les produits contenant des substances organiques ou des polymères lorsque l’analyse chimique seule est jugée insuffisante. Pour les produits inorganiques, l’analyse chimique des éluats de produits de construction est considérée comme simple, c’est pourquoi la valeur ajoutée des données issues des essais d’écotoxicité est considérée comme limitée.

Gradbeni proizvodi - Ocenjevanje sproščanja nevarnih snovi - Navodilo za uporabo ekotoksikoloških preskusov za gradbene proizvode

To tehnično poročilo podaja informacije o obstoječih metodah za preskušanje ekotoksičnosti gradbenih proizvodov. Podaja informacije o združevanju priporočenih preskusov izluževanja z biološkimi preskusi za vodno okolje ter preprečevanju možnih težav pri biološkem preskušanju. Podani so tudi primerni zemeljski preskusi zrnatih gradbenih proizvodov, razredčenih z umetno zemljo, za minimalne kombinirane preskuse.
Sklicevanje na obstoječe mednarodne in evropske standarde in smernice je bilo vključeno v kar največji možni meri.
Preskusni postopek, opisan v tem tehničnem poročilu, je tehnično primeren za vse izlužke gradbenih proizvodov in zemeljske preskuse gradbenih proizvodov v obliki zrn ali paste. Vendar se z vidika učinkovitosti preskušanja priporoča v glavnem za proizvode, ki vsebujejo organske snovi ali polimere, kadar se sama kemijska analiza ne šteje kot zadostna. Kemijska analiza neorganskih proizvodov se pri izlužkih gradbenih proizvodov šteje kot ustrezna, zato se dodana vrednost podatkov, pridobljenih na podlagi ekotoksikoloških preskusov, obravnava kot omejena.

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Technical report
TP CEN/TR 17105:2017
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Standards Content (Sample)

Construction products - Assessment of release of dangerous substances - Guidance on
the use of ecotoxicity tests applied to construction products
Bauprodukte - Bewertung der Freisetzung von gefährlichen Stoffen - Leitfaden für die
Anwendung von ökotoxikologischen Untersuchungen auf Bauprodukte
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: CEN/TR 17105:2017
13.020.99 Drugi standardi v zvezi z Other standards related to
varstvom okolja environmental protection
91.100.01 Gradbeni materiali na Construction materials in
splošno general
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

CEN/TR 17105
June 2017
ICS 91.100.01
English Version
Construction products - Assessment of release of
dangerous substances - Guidance on the use of ecotoxicity
tests applied to construction products
Produits de construction - Evaluation de l'émission de Bauprodukte - Bewertung der Freisetzung von
substances dangereuses ¿ Préconisations concernant gefährlichen Stoffen - Leitfaden für die Anwendung von
l'utilisation des essais visant à évaluer l'écotoxicité des ökotoxikologischen Untersuchungen auf Bauprodukte
produits de construction
This Technical Report was approved by CEN on 14 May 2017. It has been drawn up by the Technical Committee CEN/TC 351.

CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia,
Finland, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania,
Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland,
Turkey and United Kingdom.


CEN-CENELEC Management Centre: Avenue Marnix 17, B-1000 Brussels
© 2017 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved Ref. No. CEN/TR 17105:2017 E
worldwide for CEN national Members.

Contents Page
European foreword . 4
Introduction . 5
1 Scope . 6
2 Terms and definitions . 6
3 General information on ecotoxicity assessment . 8
3.1 Basic approaches for ecotoxicity estimation . 8
3.2 Principles for ecotoxicity testing . 8
3.3 Information on the biological test battery . 9
4 Sampling and transport of construction products . 10
5 Leaching procedures for ecotoxicological testing . 10
5.1 Suitable leaching tests and selection of fractions from leaching tests . 10
5.1.1 General . 10
5.1.2 Dynamic Surface Leaching Test (DSLT) CEN/TS 16637-2 . 10
5.1.3 Horizontal up-flow percolation test (CEN/TS 16637-3) . 11
5.1.4 Further leaching tests . 11
5.2 Sampling, transport and storage of eluates . 11
5.3 Pre-treatment of eluates. 12
6 Aquatic ecotoxicological testing . 12
6.1 Purpose of aquatic ecotoxicity testing . 12
6.2 Selection of ecotoxicity tests and minimum test battery . 13
6.3 Testing strategy and conditions . 13
6.3.1 General . 13
6.3.2 Consideration of additional blank samples . 14
6.3.3 pH adjustment . 14
6.3.4 Test concentrations . 14
6.3.5 Colour and turbidity . 14
6.3.6 Unstable substances . 15
6.4 Limitations of aquatic ecotoxicity tests . 15
7 Assessment of biodegradability . 15
8 Terrestrial ecotoxicological testing . 15
8.1 Purpose of terrestrial ecotoxicity testing. 15
8.2 Pre-treatment of construction products for terrestrial tests . 16
8.3 Selection of ecotoxicity tests and minimum test battery . 17
8.4 Test report and quality assurance procedure . 17
Annex A (informative) CEN/TC 351 workshop on Ecotoxicity, biodegradability and
construction products on 10 April 2014 in Brussels – Conclusions and
recommendations . 19
Annex B (informative) Interface with information derived from REACH . 21
Annex C (informative) Information on regulations and guidelines with relevance for
ecotoxicological assessment of construction works with implications on
construction products . 22
Annex D (informative) Results from a European round robin test “Ecotoxicological
characterisation of eluates from construction products” . 24
Annex E (informative) Evaluation of test results . 27
E.1 Aquatic tests . 27
E.2 Terrestrial tests . 28
E.3 Example: LID approach in German regulation . 28
Bibliography . 29

European foreword
This document (CEN/TR 17105:2017) has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 351
“Construction Products - Assessment of release of dangerous substances”, the secretariat of which is
held by NEN.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of
patent rights. CEN shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
This document has been prepared under a mandate given to CEN by the European Commission and the
European Free Trade Association.
This Technical Report gives guidance for the combination of the recommended horizontal leaching tests
harmonized by CEN/TC 351 with existing biological test methods for the assessment of ecotoxicological
properties of eluates of construction products.
Guidance regarding biological tests for the effects of construction products on soil organisms is also
included. This document takes into account relevant information that had become available by
March 2016. This document is intended as easy-to-use guidance especially for the Group of Notified
Bodies, test laboratories and EOTA. Technical committees for construction products (product TCs) are
expected to benefit from the information given in the report, if they have been mandated to address
ecotoxicity in their product standards or if they are interested to include ecotoxicity in a dossier
prepared in the context of qualifications for a “without testing” status.
Ecotoxicological analysis of construction products and their eluates and biodegradability of the organic
substances in eluates belong to the essential characteristics covered by the basic requirement for
construction works “hygiene, health and the environment” from Annex 1 of the Construction Products
Regulation [1]. Under the European Commission’s mandate M/366 (see mandate database at and according to the Indicative List (see under search term CEN/TC 351) which specifies the mandated parameters,
CEN/TC 351 has been assigned to deal with these essential characteristics. Now that the mandated
leaching tests from CEN/TC 351 (CEN/TS 16637-2, CEN/TS 16637-3) [2], [3] are available and also
work on the methods for the chemical analysis of eluates has progressed, CEN/TC 351 has included a
Technical Report on ecotoxicity / biodegradability in its active programme of work. The background for
the decision to cover this topic was presented in an open expert workshop in Brussels in April 2014.
The conclusions and recommendations of the workshop are presented in Annex A.
The regulatory background for the work is explained in Annex B and information on its possible
interface with data generated under the REACH Regulation is given in Annex C. In the context of
harmonized specifications for construction products currently only Germany requests performance
data on ecotoxicity/biodegradability in certain cases, i.e. when and where a chemical analysis and
assessment of the eluates of construction products is considered to be too onerous or not possible due
to the lack of analytical methods/data. Examples of products addressed are fire protective products and
fire stopping and fire sealing products depending on their ingredients. Ecotoxicity assessment is
considered to be especially relevant for the building and for the demolition phase in the life cycle of
construction works. These life cycle phases have been covered by the framework of the Construction
Products Regulation since 2013.
The majority of existing internationally harmonized ecotoxicity tests were developed firstly to assess
the ecotoxic potential of chemicals, waste water or contaminated soils. More recently, these tests have
been successfully applied to waste and waste eluates [4] to [7]. These methods can be applied with
some modifications for the ecotoxicological characterization of construction products and their eluates.
Several studies as well as an international round robin test have been conducted to validate some test
methods for construction product eluates and the results have been used as background information
[8] to [13]. The validation of the methods for construction products is not yet complete. Further
validation of the recommended test procedure is needed, if this TR is intended to be further developed
into a CEN/TS or EN (to be decided later).
1 Scope
This Technical Report gives information on existing methods to test ecotoxicity of construction
products. Information is given on how to combine recommended leaching tests with biological tests for
the aquatic environment and how to avoid possible problems, when performing biological tests. Also
suitable terrestrial tests on granular construction products diluted with artificial soil are proposed for a
minimum test battery.
Reference has bee

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