Construction products - Assessment of the release of regulated dangerous substances from construction products based on the WT, WFT/FT procedures

This CEN Technical Report describes a procedure for assessing construction products with regards to their release/emission of regulated dangerous substances (RDS) into the environment in accordance with Essential Requirement Number 3 of the Construction Products Directive (CPD), as far as these construction products fall under the responsibility of CEN.
NOTE 1   For the purpose of this document and mandate M/366, the release of regulated dangerous substances from construction products is limited to two main environmental compartments:
1)   soil, groundwater and surface water;
2)   indoor air.
NOTE 2   It should be noted that construction products falling under the CPD and these environmental compartments are the subject of other European Union regulations, e.g. REACH, and they may also be the subject of Member State regulations.
This Technical Report defines how the mandated characteristics expressed in terms of mandated RDSs for each construction product can be assessed by an individual manufacturer using the ‘Without Testing’ (WT) procedure and/or the ‘Without Further Testing’ (WFT) and ‘Further Testing’ (FT) procedures after an initial type assessment and how the corresponding information accompanying the CE marking can be expressed in terms of declared values or RDS classes.
This report describes:
a)   under which conditions a RDS class for a construction product may be declared by the individual manufacturer using the ‘Without Testing (WT)’ assessment procedure;
b)   if all relevant mandated RDSs are assessed by this Without Testing procedure, how a set of RDS classes for a construction product may also be declared by the manufacturer without the need for testing of their specific products;
c)   how to establish RDS classes for a construction product using a Without Further Testing procedure once sufficient information has been obtained from initial type testing;
d)   when and how to undertake Further Testing as part of factory production control

Bauprodukte - Bewertung der Freisetzung von regulierten gefährlichen Stoffen aus Bauprodukten auf der Grundlage der WT-, WFT- und FT-Verfahren

Produits de construction - Evaluation de la liberation des substances dangereuses - Methodologies applicables aux cas 'Sans essai' (SE) et 'Sans essai supplementaire' (SES)

Gradbeni proizvodi - Ocenjevanje sproščanja reguliranih nevarnih snovi iz gradbenih proizvodov na osnovi postopkov brez preskušanja (WT), brez nadaljnjega preskušanja (WFT) in z nadaljnjim preskušanjem (FT)

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november 2009
Gradbeni proizvodi – Ocenjevanje sproščanja reguliranih nevarnih snovi iz

gradbenih proizvodov na osnovi postopkov brez preskušanja (WT), brez
nadaljnjega preskušanja (WFT) in z nadaljnjim preskušanjem (FT)

Construction products – Assessment of the release of regulated dangerous
substances from construction products based on the WT, WFT/FT procedures

Produits de construction – Evaluation de la libération des substances
dangereuses – Méthodologies applicables aux cas "Sans essai" (SE) et "Sans
essai supplémentaire" (SES)
Bauprodukte – Bewertung der Freisetzung von regulierten gefährlichen Stoffen
aus Bauprodukten auf der Grundlage der WT-, WFT- und FT-Verfahren

Referenčna oznaka
ICS 91.100.01 SIST-TP CEN/TR 15858:2009 ((sl)en)

Nadaljevanje na straneh II in od 1 do 37

© 2009-11. Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

SIST-TP CEN/TR 15858 : 2009
Tehnično poročilo SIST-TP CEN/TR 15858 ((sl)en), Gradbeni proizvodi – Ocenjevanje sproščanja
reguliranih nevarnih snovi iz gradbenih proizvodov na osnovi postopkov brez preskušanja (WT), brez
nadaljnjega preskušanja (WFT) in z nadaljnjim preskušanjem (FT), 2009, ima status slovenskega
tehničnega poročila in je z metodo ponatisa z nacionalnim dodatkom privzeto evropsko tehnično
poročilo CEN/TR 15858:2009.
Evropsko tehnično poročilo CEN/TR 15858:2009 je pripravil tehnični odbor Evropskega komiteja za
standardizacijo CEN/TC 351 Gradbeni proizvodi – Ocenjevanje sproščanja nevarnih snovi.
Pripravo tega dokumenta sta Evropska komisija in Evropsko združenje za prosto trgovino poverila
CEN. Ta evropski dokument ustreza bistvenim zahtevam direktiv EU.
Slovensko tehnično poročilo SIST-TP CEN/TR 15858:2009 je dne 1. oktobra 2009 po pooblastilu
Strokovnega sveta SIST za splošno področje sprejel tehnični odbor SIST/TC NES Nevarne snovi.
Proizvajalci gradbenih proizvodov lahko uporabljajo samo surovine, ki ne vsebujejo prepovedanih
snovi, za omejene snovi pa morajo upoštevati omejitve iz Priloge XVII k Uredbi (ES) št. 1907/2006
Evropskega parlamenta in Sveta o registraciji, evalvaciji, avtorizaciji in omejevanju kemikalij (REACH).
Člen 67 Uredbe (ES) št. 1907/2006 določa, da se snovi, zmesi ali izdelki ne smejo proizvajati, dajati v
promet ali uporabljati, če ne izpolnjujejo pogojev iz kakršne koli omejitve zanje iz Priloge XVII. Ta
uredba je v celoti zavezujoča in se neposredno uporablja v vseh državah članicah EU.
Proizvajalci gradbenih proizvodov morajo spremljati spremembe in dopolnitve Uredbe (ES)
št. 1907/2006 Evropskega parlamenta in Sveta o registraciji, evalvaciji, avtorizaciji in omejevanju
kemikalij (REACH). Prva sprememba Priloge XVII k Uredbi (ES) št. 1907/2006 je 1. junija 2009
razveljavila in nadomestila Direktivo 76/769/EGS o približevanju zakonov in drugih predpisov držav
članic v zvezi z omejitvami pri trženju in uporabi nekaterih nevarnih snovi in pripravkov.

Za zaščito gradbenih proizvodov se lahko uporabljajo le priglašeni oziroma avtorizirani ali registrirani
biocidni proizvodi na podlagi Zakona o biocidnih proizvodih (ZBioP) (Uradni list RS, št. 61/06).

Več informacij dobite na spletni strani Urada Republike Slovenije za kemikalije:

– Povsod, kjer se v besedilu uporablja izraz “evropsko tehnično poročilo”, v SIST-TP CEN/TR
15858:2009 to pomeni “slovensko tehnično poročilo”.
– Nacionalni uvod in nacionalni predgovor nista sestavni del evropskega tehničnega poročila.
CEN/TR 15858
March 2009
English Version
Construction products - Assessment of the release of regulated
dangerous substances from construction products based on the
WT, WFT/FT procedures
Produits de construction - Evaluation de la liberation des Bauprodukte - Bewertung der Freisetzung von regulierten
substances dangereuses - Methodologies applicables aux gefährlichen Stoffen aus Bauprodukten auf der Grundlage
cas 'Sans essai' (SE) et 'Sans essai supplementaire' (SES) der WT-, WFT- und FT-Verfahren
This Technical Report was approved by CEN on 3 February 2009. It has been drawn up by the Technical Committee CEN/TC 351.
CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland,
France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal,
Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom.
Management Centre: Avenue Marnix 17, B-1000 Brussels
© 2009 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved Ref. No. CEN/TR 15858:2009: E
worldwide for CEN national Members.

Executive summary
Most EU Member States protect their environment by general regulatory requirements not to pollute. Some
place requirements on the RDS content within the environment, e.g. within the indoor air, and a few Member
States place requirements in notified regulations on the release/emission of RDSs from construction products.
As these Member State regulations may be regarded as a barrier to trade in construction products, the
European Commission is seeking a way to provide the information these Member States require in a
transparent way based on European standard test methods. Consequently, the European Commission will
revise the mandates for all construction products to require information on the release/emission of RDSs
under the CE marking where this is required by European or Member State regulations. Where there are no
specific requirements, manufacturers may use the No Performance Determined declaration when placing their
products on those markets.
Where a Member State regulates release from construction products, they identify for each product a set of
RDSs and for each one assign a regulatory level, i.e. a maximum level of release. This CEN/TR suggests that
the harmonised European Standard (hEN) corresponding to the product provides technical classes for the
release/emission of RDSs, referred to as ‘RDS classes’ that coincide with the different regulatory levels. As
different Member State regulations have different sets of RDSs and different regulatory levels, this CEN/TR
also proposes to simplify this complexity by providing in the hEN sets of RDS classes. Each set of RDS
classes would, in principle, satisfy a particular Member State’s regulations, but there may be also a set that
satisfies all Member State regulations. As an alternative, this CEN/TR mentions also the possibility to provide
in the hEN the declared value concept for each mandated RDS.
Experience has shown that the majority of construction products pose no significant risk to the environment,
so this CEN/TR provides two assessment procedures for providing, when required, this information on the
release/emission of RDSs. Where there is a dossier of information that has been accepted by the Commission
showing the release/emission of all or some of the mandated RDSs remains with time under relevant
regulatory levels, these classes can be assigned by the manufacturer without testing (WT). The conditions for
applying this procedure will be specified in the product standard. All the other mandated RDSs are subjected
to an initial type testing (ITT) as specified in the relevant product standard. Based on the results of the ITT, the
release/emission is then either assessed ‘Without Further Testing’ (WFT) or as requiring ‘Further Testing’ (FT).
The WFT procedure is for the situation where the ITT shows that the release/emission from the product is
significantly lower than the RDS class limit and, where this is not the case, the FT procedure is required to
show conformity to the RDS class.
Both assessment procedures include ongoing factory production control (FPC) as specified in the relevant
hEN and operated by the manufacturer. In the case of the WT procedure, the provisions for the FPC comprise
all actions to be taken by the manufacturer, which result from the conditions under which the dossier has been
approved by the European Commission.
In the case of the WFT/FT procedure, the FPC may or may not include further testing depending on the
results of the ITT assessment.
This CEN Technical Report sets out the framework for the system described above and identifies appropriate
supporting standards and guidance documents that should be worked out in CEN/TC 351 for the horizontal
approach, and guidance on the provisions that Product TCs should include in their hENs. If the European
Commission accepts the principles set out in this CEN Technical Report, it is intended to provide some
examples of the application of the system, e.g. in a Part 2 of this document.
Contents Page
Executive summary . 2
Foreword . 4
1 Introduction . 6
2 Scope . 7
3 Terms and definitions . 8
4 General procedure . 13
5 Basic principles . 14
5.1 Introduction . 14
5.2 Construction Product Directive . 16
5.3 Scope of Mandate M/366 . 17
5.4 Constituents, materials, products . 18
5.5 Regulations and Directives placing requirements on the environment . 18
5.6 Regulatory levels, RDS classes and sets of RDS classes . 19
5.7 Assessment procedures . 20
5.8 Combining construction products into a single assessment. 23
5.9 Construction Products covered by Member State Regulations but not covered under
CPD-ETS . 23
6 Release/emission scenarios . 23
7 Identification of relevant regulated dangerous substances . 24
8 Setting of RDS classes by Product TCs. 25
9 Initial Type Assessment. 28
10 Conformity to a class limit on the basis of a WT procedure. 29
10.1 General . 29
10.2 Dossier of information . 29
10.3 Assessment of the dossier . 31
10.4 Application of the WT procedure . 31
11 Evaluation of conformity . 32
12 Factory production control of RDSs . 32
12.1 General . 32
12.2 Routine control of production . 32
13 Recommended delivery of the proposed system . 33
13.1 List of mandated RDSs . 33
13.2 Statistical basis for the system . 33
13.3 RDS classes and sets of RDS classes . 33
13.4 WT procedure . 34
13.5 WFT procedure . 34
13.6 FT procedure . 34
13.7 Evaluation of conformity .

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