Eurocode 2: Design of concrete structures - Part 1-1: General rules and rules for buildings

TC - Various improvements and corrections of symbols, references and wording throughout the text, correction of 3 figures

Eurocode 2: Bemessung und Konstruktion von Stahlbeton- und Spannbetontragwerken - Teil 1-1: Allgemeine Bemessungsregeln und Regeln für den Hochbau

Eurocode 2: Calcul des structures en béton - Partie 1-1: Règles générales et règles pour les bâtiments

Evrokod 2: Projektiranje betonskih konstrukcij - 1-1. del: Splošna pravila in pravila za stavbe

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EN 1992-1-1:2005/AC:2008
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2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.Eurocode 2: Design of concrete structures - Part 1-1: General rules and rules for buildingsEvrokod 2: Projektiranje betonskih konstrukcij - 1-1. del: Splošna pravila in pravila za stavbeEurocode 2: Calcul des structures en béton - Partie 1-1: Règles générales et règles pour les bâtimentsEurocode 2: Bemessung und Konstruktion von Stahlbeton- und Spannbetontragwerken - Teil 1-1: Allgemeine Bemessungsregeln und Regeln für den HochbauTa slovenski standard je istoveten z:EN 1992-1-1:2004/AC:2008SIST EN 1992-1-1:2005/AC:2008en,fr91.080.4091.010.30ICS:SLOVENSKI
STANDARDSIST EN 1992-1-1:2005/AC:200801-april-2008

EUROPEAN STANDARDNORME EUROPÉENNEEUROPÄISCHE NORMEN 1992-1-1:2004/ACJanuary 2008Janvier 2008Januar 2008ICS 91.010.30; 91.080.40English versionVersion FrançaiseDeutsche FassungEurocode 2: Design of concrete structures - Part 1-1: General rules andrules for buildingsEurocode 2: Calcul des structures en béton- Partie 1-1: Règles générales et règlespour les bâtimentsEurocode 2: Bemessung und Konstruktionvon Stahlbeton- undSpannbetontragwerken - Teil 1-1:Allgemeine Bemessungsregeln und Regelnfür den HochbauThis corrigendum becomes effective on 16 January 2008 for incorporation in the three officiallanguage versions of the EN.Ce corrigendum prendra effet le 16 janvier 2008 pour incorporation dans les trois versionslinguistiques officielles de la EN.Die Berichtigung tritt am 16.Januar 2008 zur Einarbeitung in die drei offiziellen Sprachfassungen derEN in Kraft.EUROPEAN COMMITTEE FOR STANDARDIZATIONCOMITÉ EUROPÉEN DE NORMALISATIONEUROPÄISCHES KOMITEE FÜR NORMUNGManagement Centre: rue de Stassart, 36
B-1050 Brussels© 2008 CENAll rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved worldwide for CEN national Members.Tous droits d'exploitation sous quelque forme et de quelque manière que ce soit réservés dans le monde entier auxmembres nationaux du CEN.Alle Rechte der Verwertung, gleich in welcher Form und in welchem Verfahren, sind weltweit den nationalen Mitgliedernvon CEN vorbehalten.Ref. No.:EN 1992-1-1:2004/AC:2008 D/E/F

Page 13 - replace: “6.8.6(2)” with the following: “6.8.6(3)”.
Page 13 - replace: “J.1(3)” with the following: “J.1(2)”.
Under 1.2.2, Other reference standards, replace: “EN ISO 17760:
Permitted welding process for reinforcement” with the following: “EN ISO 17660 (all parts): Welding – Welding of reinforcing steel”.
In Table 3.1, 9th row, last column replace: “εc1(‰) = 0.7 fcm0,31 < 2,8” with the following: “εc1(‰) = 0,7 fcm0,31 ≤ 2,8”.
In 3.1.4 (4) replace: “()k,tϕ∞0” with the following: “()nl,tϕ∞0”.

In 3.2.4 (2) replace in the Note: “ Values of ()tykffand….” with the following: “ Values of ()tykkff=and….”.
In 3.2.5 (2)P replace: “ …with EN ISO 17760.” with the following: “ …with EN ISO 17660.”.
In 3.2.7 (2) replace in point a): “sγ” with the following: “Sγ”.
In Figure 3.8 replace: “sγ” with the following: “Sγ”.
In 3.3.2 (9) replace: “…. applies.” with the following: “…. applies.”.
In Figure 3.10 replace: “sγ” with the following: “Sγ”.

In (4) replace: “minimum cover” with the following: “nominal cover”.
Under 5.1.1 General requirements delete Clause (5) and renumber the subsequent clauses as follows:
"(6)P" into "(5)P",
"(7)" into "(6)" and
"(8)" into "(7)".
In 5.2 (5) replace: “l is the length or height [m], see (4)” with the following: “l is the length or height [m], see (6)”.
Correct Figure 5.1 a2) as follows:

In 5.8.6 (3) replace: “… Expressions (3.14) and 3.2.3 (Figure 3.8) …” with the following: “… Expressions (3.14) and 3.2.7 (Figure 3.8) …”.
In 5.8.6 (3) replace in Expression (5.20) and in the Note: “cEγ” with the following: “CEγ”.
In (2) replace: “… as compared with 5.8.6 (2).” with the following: “… as compared with 5.8.5 (1).”.
In (1) replace: “… moments resulting from a linear analysis, namely:” with the following: “… moments resulting from a first order analysis, namely:”.
In (1) replace: “… (see also 5.8.5(4)).” with the following: “… (see also 5.8.5 (3)).”.
In (2) replace: “Differing first order end moments M01 and M02 may be….” with the following: “For members without loads applied between their ends, differing first order end moments M01 and M02 may be….”.

In (2) replace: “… the maximum prestressing force Pmax may be increased to k3 · fp0,1k (e.g. for…” with the following: “… the maximum prestressing force Pmax may be increased to k3 · fp0,1k · Ap (e.g. for…”.
In 5.10.4 (1) replace in the Note: “…(see Annex D)” with the following: “…(see and Annex D)”.
In (4) replace in the Note: “HPDE” with the following: “HDPE”.
In 5.10.6 (2) in Expression (5.46) replace: “Ic” with the following: “Ic”.
In 5.10.6 (2) replace: “Ep is the modulus of elasticity for the prestressing steel, see 3.3.3(9)” with the following: “Ep is the modulus of elasticity for the prestressing steel, see 3.3.6 (2)”.
In 6.1 (5) replace: “…concentric loading (e/h<0,1), such…” with the following: “…concentric loading (ed/h < 0,1), such…”.

In 6.2.2 (1) replace: “NEd is the axial … for compression). The influence on NE may be ignored.” with the following: “NEd is the axial … for compression). The influence on NEd may be ignored.”.
In 6.2.3 (1) replace: “… the longitudinal tensile force due to shear defined in (3).” with the following: “… the longitudinal tensile force due to shear defined in (7).”.
In 6.2.3 (5) replace: “…(e.g. for uniformly distributed loading) the shear reinforcement in any length increment l = z(cot θ + cot α) may be… “ with the following: “…(e.g. for uniformly distributed loading applied at the top) the shear reinforcement in any length increment l = z(cot θ ) may be… “.
In 6.2.3 (6) replace: “Where the web contains grouted ducts…” with the following: “Where the web contains grouted metal ducts…”.
In 6.2.3 (8) replace: “The value VEd calculated without reduction by β, should however always satisfy Expression (6.5).” with the following: “The value VEd calculated without reduction by β, should however always be less than VRd,max , see Expression (6.9).”.
Replace the title of paragraph 6.2.4: “6.2.4
Shear between web and flanges of T-sections” with the following: “6.2.4
Shear between web and flanges”.

In 6.3.2 (4) replace: “where ν follows from 6.2.2 (6) and αc from Expression (6.9)” with the following: “where ν follows from 6.2.2 (6) and αcw from Expression (6.9)”.
In 6.4.2 (11) correct Figure 6.18 as follows: "
- basic control sections
for circular columns
- loaded area Aload
Figure 6.18 - Slab with enlarged column head where lH > 2(d + hH)". θ θh H θh H d rcont,intcθ = 26,6° lH >
θ dHr cont,extrcont,extrcont,intd d H A B l
> 2h H
In 6.4.3 (2) replace: “vEd < vRd,max” with the following: “vEd ≤ vRd,max” and “vEd < vRd,c” with the following: “vEd ≤ vRd,c”.
In 6.4.3 (3) replace Equation (6.40): “iuWedl=∫10” with the following: “iuiWedl=∫0”.
In 6.4.3 (3) replace after Equation (6.42): “where D is the diameter of the circular column” with the following: “where
D is the diameter of the circular column
e is the eccentricity of the applied load e = MEd / VEd”.
In 6.4.3 (4) replace after Equation (6.45): “ …the eccentricity e should be measured from the centroid of the control perimeter.” with the following: “ …the distance e should be measured from the centroid axis of the control perimeter.”.
In 6.4.4 (2) replace in Equation (6.50): “ρ” with the following: “ρl”.
In 6.5.4 (6) replace: “… and (3.25) with σRd,max ≤ k4 ν’ fcd if for all three directions…” with the following: “… and (3.25) with an upper limit σRd,max ≤ k4 ν’ fcd if for all three directions…”.
In 6.5.4 (9) replace: “… in accordance with 8.4.” with the following:

In 6.8.5 (3) replace in Expression (6.71): “s,fatγ” with the following: “S,fatγ”.
In 6.8.6 (1) replace: “For welded reinforcing bars …under frequent load combined with the basic…” with the following: “For welded reinforcing bars …under frequent cyclic load combined with the basic…”.
In 6.8.6 (2) replace: “…above verification may be carried out using the Frequent load…” with the following: “…above verification may be carried out using the frequent load…”.
In 7.2 (5) replace: “Unacceptable cracking or deformation…” with the following: “For the appearance unacceptable cracking or deformation…”.
In 7.3.1 (5) replace: “A limiting calculated crack width, wmax, taking into account…” with the following: “A limiting value, wmax, for the calculated crack width, wk, taking into account…”.
In 7.3.1 (5) in Note 1 of Table 7.1N replace: “…this limit is set to guarantee acceptable appearance. In the absence…” with the following: “…this limit is set to give generally acceptable appearance. In the absence…”.

In 7.3.3 (2) in Note 1 of Table 7.2N replace: “…k’ = 1,0” with the following: “…k4 = 1,0”.
In 7.3.3 (3) replace: “…or a suitable simplification (see 7.3.3(2)) assuming pure tension…” with the following: “…or a suitable simplification assuming pure tension…”.
In 7.3.3 (5) replace: “…detailing rules given in 9.22, 9.2.3, 9.3.2 and are observed.” with the following: “…detailing rules given in 9.22, 9.2.3, 9.3.2 and 9.4.3 are observed.”.
In 7.3.4 (3) replace Equation (7.13): “()kεεε=+21212” with the following: “()()kεεε=+21212”.
In 7.4.2 (2) replace: “ρ0
is the reference reinforcement ratio = √fck 10-3” with the following: “ρ0
is the reference reinforcement ratio = 10-3ckf”.
In 7.4.3 (5) replace: “(),tϕ∞0 is the creep coefficient relevant for the load and time interval (see 3.1.3)” with the following: “(),tϕ∞0 is the creep coefficient relevant for the load and time interval (see 3.1.4)”.

In 8.3 (2) in the Note of Table 8.1N replace: “…in accordance with prEN ISO 17660 Annex B” with the following: “…in accordance with EN ISO 17660 Annex B”.
In 8.4.1 (2) correct figure 8.1 a) as follows:
a) Basic tension anchorage length, lb, for any shape measured along the centreline
In 8.4.3 (3) replace: “…the basic anchorage length, lb, and the design…” with the following: “…the basic required anchorage length, lb,rqd, and the design…”.
In 8.4.4 (1) in Equation (8.6) replace: “lb,min > max{0,3lb,rqd; 10 3; 100 mm}” with the following: “lb,min ≥ max{0,3lb,rqd; 10 3; 100 mm}”.
In 8.4.4 (1) in Equation (8.7) replace: “lb,min > max{0,6lb,rqd; 10 3; 100 mm}” with the following: “lb,min ≥ max{0,6lb,rqd; 10 3; 100 mm}”.

with the following: “If two welded cross bars with a minimum spacing of 3t are used, the anchorage capacity given by…”.
In 8.7.3 (1) in Equation (8.11) replace: “l0,min > max{0,3 α6 lb,rqd; 15 3; 200 mm}” with the following: “l0,min ≥ max{0,3 α6 lb,rqd; 15 3; 200 mm}”.
In (3) replace: “Where the diameter, 3, of the lapped bars is greater than or equal to 20 mm, the transverse reinforcement should have a total area, Ast (sum of all legs…” with the following: “Where the diameter, 3, of the lapped bars is greater than or equal to 20 mm, the transverse reinforcement should have a total area, ∑Ast (sum of all legs…”.
In 8.8 (4) replace: “…or where the stress is not greater than 80% …” with the following: “…or where the reinforcement stress is not greater than 80 % …”.
In 8.9.2 (2) correct Figure 8.12 as follows: "
Figure 8.12 - Anchorage of widely staggered bars in a bundle ".
In (1) replace: “fctd(t)
is the design tensile value of strength at time of release; fctd(t) = .ct·0,7·fctm(t) / c (see also 3.1.2 (8) and 3.1.6 (2)P)” with the following: “fctd(t)
is the design tensile value of strength at time of release; fctd(t) = .ct·0,7·fctm(t) / C (see also 3.1.2 (9) and 3.1.6 (2)P)”.
≥1,3 lb,rqd
Fs AA - AA≥ lb,rqd
Replace the title of “ Anchorage of tensile force for the ultimate limit state” with the following: “ Anchorage of tendons for the ultimate limit state”.
In (1) replace: “…the effect of shear according to 6.2.3(6); see also…” with the following: “…the effect of shear according to 6.2.3(7); see also…”.
In (1) replace: “The area of bottom reinforcement provided at supports with little…” with the following: “The area of bottom reinforcement provided at end supports with little…”.
In (2) replace: “The tensile force to be anchored may be determ

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