CEN/TC 250/SC 2 - Eurocode 2: Design of concrete structures
Design of concrete structures.
Eurocode 2: Design of concrete structures
Design of concrete structures.
General Information
1.1 Scope of prEN 1992 1 2
(1) This document deals with the design of concrete structures for the accidental situation of fire exposure and is intended to be used in conjunction with prEN 1992 1 1 and EN 1991 1 2. This document identifies differences from, or supplements to, normal temperature design.
(2) This document applies to concrete structures required to fulfil a loadbearing function, separating function or both.
(3) This document gives principles and application rules for the design of structures for specified requirements in respect of the aforementioned functions and the levels of performance.
(4) This document applies to structures, or parts of structures, that are within the scope of prEN 1992 1 1 and are designed accordingly.
(5) The methods given in this document are applicable to normal weight concrete up to strength class C100/115 and lightweight concrete up to strength class LC50/60.
1.2 Assumptions
(1) In addition to the general assumptions of prEN 1990 the following assumptions apply:
- the choice of the relevant design fire scenario is made by appropriate qualified and experienced personnel or is given by the relevant national regulation;
- any fire protection measure taken into account in the design will be adequately maintained.
- Standard88 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
1.1 Scope of FprEN 1992-1-1
(1) This document gives the general basis for the design of structures in plain, reinforced and prestressed concrete made with normal weight, lightweight and heavyweight aggregates. It gives specific rules for buildings, bridges and civil engineering structures, including temporary structures; additional requirements specific to bridges are given in Annex K. The rules are valid under temperature conditions between −40 °C and +100 °C generally. This document complies with the principles and requirements for the safety, serviceability, durability and robustness of structures, the basis of their design and verification that are given in EN 1990.
(2) This document is only concerned with the requirements for resistance, serviceability, durability, robustness and fire resistance of concrete structures. Other requirements, e.g. concerning thermal or sound insulation, are not considered.
(3) This document does not cover:
- resistance to fire (see EN 1992 1 2);
- fastenings in concrete (see EN 1992 4);
- seismic design (see EN 1998 (all parts));
- particular aspects of special types of civil engineering works (such as dams, pressure vessels);
- structures made with no-fines concrete, aerated or cellular concrete, lightweight aggregate concrete with open structure components;
- structures containing steel sections considered in design (see EN 1994 (all parts)) for composite steel and concrete structures;
- structural parts made of concrete with a smallest value of the upper sieve aggregate size Dlower < 8 mm (or if known Dmax < 8 mm) unless otherwise stated in this Eurocode.
1.2 Assumptions
(1) The assumptions of EN 1990 apply to FprEN 1992-1-1.
(2) It is assumed that the requirements for execution and workmanship given in EN 13670 are complied with.
- Standard402 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
1.1 General
(1) This European Standard provides a design method for fastenings (connection of structural elements and non-structural elements to structural components), which are used to transmit actions to the concrete. This design method uses physical models which are based on a combination of tests and numerical analysis consistent with EN 1990:2002, 5.2.
The requirements for the transmission of the fastener loads within the concrete member to its supports are given in EN 1992-1-1 and Annex A of this EN.
Inserts embedded in precast concrete elements during production, under Factory Production Control (FPC) conditions and with the due reinforcement, intended for use only during transient situations for lifting and handling, are covered by CEN/TR 15728.
(2) This EN is intended for safety related applications in which the failure of fastenings may result in collapse or partial collapse of the structure, cause risk to human life or lead to significant economic loss. In this context it also covers non-structural elements.
(3) The support of the fixture can be either statically determinate or statically indeterminate. Each support can consist of one fastener or a group of fasteners.
(4) This EN is valid for applications which fall within the scope of the EN 1992 series. In applications where special considerations apply, e.g. nuclear power plants or civil defence structures, modifications can be necessary.
(5) This EN does not cover the design of the fixture. The requirements for the design of the fixture are given in the appropriate Standards and fulfil the requirements on the fixture as given in this EN.
(6) This document relies on characteristic resistances and distances which are stated in a European Technical Product Specification (see Annex E). At least the characteristics of Annex E are given in a European Technical Product Specification for the corresponding loading conditions providing a basis for the design methods of this EN.
NOTE The numerical values for certain parameters given in Notes can be used for pre-dimensioning. The values for verification are given in the European Technical Product Specifications and may be different.
1.2 Type of fasteners and fastening groups
(1) This EN uses the fastener design theory ) (see Figure 1.1) and applies to:
a) cast-in fasteners such as headed fasteners, anchor channels with rigid connection (e.g. welded, forged) between anchor and channel;
b) post-installed mechanical fasteners such as expansion fasteners, undercut fasteners and concrete screws;
c) post-installed bonded fasteners and bonded expansion fasteners.
(2) For other types of fasteners modifications of the design provisions can be necessary.
(3) This EN applies to fasteners with established suitability for the specified application in concrete covered by provisions, which refer to this EN and provide data required by this EN. The suitability of the fastener is stated in the relevant European Technical Product Specification.
(4) This EN applies to single fasteners and groups of fasteners. In a group of fasteners the loads are applied to the individual fasteners of the group by means of a common fixture. In a group of fasteners this European Standard applies only if fasteners of the same type and size are used.
(5) The configurations of fastenings with cast-in place headed fasteners and post-installed fasteners covered by this EN are shown in Figure 1.2.
(6) For anchor channels the number of anchors is not limited.
(7) Post-installed ribbed reinforcing bars used to connect concrete members are covered by a European Technical Product Specification. This EN applies when connections are designed in accordance with EN 1992-1-1.
1.3 Fastener dimensions and materials
(1) This EN applies to fasteners with a minimum diameter or a minimum thread size of 6 mm (M6) or a corresponding cross section. (....)
- Standard129 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
EN 1992-4:2018 covers anchor channels located in cracked or uncracked concrete subjected to tensile loads and/or shear loads transverse to the longitudinal channel axis as well as combinations of these loads. Shear loads acting in direction of the longitudinal axis of the channel and combinations of shear loads acting transverse and in direction of the longitudinal axis of the channel, combinations of tensile loads and shear loads acting in direction of the longitudinal axis of the channel and combinations of loads in all three directions are excluded.
This Technical Report provides design rules for anchor channels under static and quasi-static shear loads acting in direction of the longitudinal channel axis and all possible combinations of shear and tension loads acting on the channel as well as design rules for anchor channels with supplementary reinforcement to take up shear loads, additional and alternative to the provisions of EN 1992- 4:2018. All relevant failure modes are considered and will be verified. Fatigue, impact and seismic loads are not covered.
The design rules in this document are only valid for anchor channels with a European Technical Product Specification. The design provisions for shear loads acting in direction of the longitudinal axis of the channel cover the following anchor channels and applications:
- Anchor channels with 2 or 3 anchors.
- Anchor channels where the shear load in the longitudinal axis of the channel is transferred to the channel by corresponding locking channel bolts creating mechanical interlock by means of a notch in the channel lips or serrated channel bolts which interlock with serrated lips of the channel (Figure 1).
- Anchor channels produced from steel with at least two metal anchors rigidly connected to the back of the channel (e.g. by welding, forging or screwing). The anchor channels are placed flush with the concrete surface. A fixture is connected to the anchor channel by channel bolts with nut and washer.
- Anchor channels close to the edge placed either parallel or transverse to the edge of the concrete member. The design provisions for concrete edge failure do not cover channel orientations inclined to the concrete edge.
The design method for anchor channels loaded in shear in direction of the longitudinal axis of the channel follows closely the existing design model for headed fasteners. For reasons of simplicity modifications specific for anchor channels are used where necessary.
The design provisions for the supplementary reinforcement to take up shear loads in case of anchor channels situated parallel to the edge and loaded in shear transverse to the longitudinal axis apply to anchor channels with unlimited number of anchors.
Examples of anchor channels and channel bolts ensuring mechanical interlock are given in Figure 1.
- Technical report28 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
1.1 General
This Technical Report provides design rules for fasteners used to connect statically indeterminate non-structural light weight systems (e.g. suspended ceilings, pipe work, ducting) to concrete members such as walls or floors (see Figure 1)).
The proposed design model may be applied to post-installed mechanical and bonded anchors covered by EN 1992-4:2017, 1.2. Their suitability will be confirmed in a European Technical Product Specification.
The design rules assume the following:
- under extreme conditions (e.g. large crack width) excessive slip or failure of a fastener might occur;
- elements or systems are attached with at least three fixing points with one or more fasteners at each fixing point;
- where more than one fastener is used at a fixing point (MF, see Figure 1), only fasteners of the same type, size and length are used;
- the attached system is sufficiently stiff to transfer the load at any fixing point to adjacent fixing points without significantly impairing the performance characteristics of the system both at serviceability and ultimate limit states.
This Technical Report applies to non-structural applications in structures covered by EN 1992-1-1. In applications where special considerations apply, e.g. nuclear power plants or civil defence structures, modifications may be necessary.
This document does not cover the design of the fixture. The design of the fixture will be carried out to comply with the appropriate Standards.
1.2 Type of fasteners
Post-installed fasteners according to EN 1992-4.
1.3 Fastener dimensions and materials
EN 1992-4:2017, 1.3 applies with the following addition: In precast pre-stressed hollow core elements the minimum embedment depth may be reduced to a value to ensure proper functioning if placed in a flange (wall) of minimum thickness of 17 mm. In this case the minimum embedment depth and the admissible position of the fastener in the hollow core slab given in the relevant European Technical Product Specification will be observed (Figure 2).
1.4 Fastener loading
Loading on the fastenings will only be quasi static. Fatigue, impact and seismic loads are not covered.
Any axial compression on the fixture will be transmitted to the concrete either without acting on the fastener or via fasteners suitable for resisting compression.
1.5 Concrete strength
EN 1992-4 applies.
1.6 Concrete member loading
EN 1992-4 applies. However, fatigue, impact and seismic loads are not covered.
1.7 Concrete member dimensions
The minimum thickness of members in which fasteners are installed is at least 80 mm unless otherwise specified in the European Technical Product Specification. For precast pre-stressed hollow core elements, the minimum wall thickness is 17 mm.
- Technical report9 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This Technical Report gives provisions for design of ultimate limit states in addition to EN 1992 4 for headed and post-installed fasteners excluding concrete screws, which only transmit static actions to the concrete, when the loads on individual fasteners are determined according to plastic analysis of the joint where only equilibrium conditions but no compatibility conditions are considered. Fatigue, impact and seismic loads are not covered.
- Technical report14 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This European Standard specifies the test procedures for the anchorages and couplings of post-tensioning systems. This standard is to be used in conjunction with the relevant European Standards ENV 1992-1-1 and ENV 1992-2 and others for pertaining to prestressed concrete structures.
The test results should be used for the acquisition of the Technical Approval of the specified post-tensioning system.
For unbonded tendons additional tests and requirements are needed and these are not covered in the present scope of this standard.
- Standard21 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
DOP of 12 months!
- Amendment30 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
General rules for the structural design of buildings and civil engineering works in reinforced and prestressed concrete made with normal and lightweight aggregates, plain or lightly reinforced concrete and precast concrete for the design of reinforced concrete components with unbonded tendons.
- Amendment6 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
General rules for the structural design of buildings and civil engineering works in reinforced and prestressed concrete made with normal and lightweight aggregates, plain or lightly reinforced concrete and precast concrete for the design of reinforced concrete components with unbonded tendons.
- Corrigendum23 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
TC - Various changes of internal and external cross references, wording and improvement of equations, changes of modal verbs in annexes, correction of equations (expressions)
2013: Originator of XML version: first setup pilot of CCMC in 2012
- Corrigendum5 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
1.1.2 Scope of Part 3 of Eurocode 2
(101)P Part 3 of EN 1992 covers additional rules to those in Part 1 for the design of structures constructed from plain or lightly reinforced concrete, reinforced concrete or prestressed concrete for the containment of liquids or granular solids.
(102)P Principles and Application Rules are given in this Part for the design of those elements of structure which directly support the stored liquids or materials (i.e. the directly loaded walls of tanks, reservoirs or silos). Other elements which support these primary elements (for example, the tower structure which supports the tank in a water tower) should be designed according to the provisions of Part 1-1.
(103)P This part does not cover:
- Structures for the storage of materials at very low or very high temperatures
- Structures for the storage of hazardous materials the leakage of which could constitute a major health or safety risk.
- The selection and design of liners or coatings and the consequences of the choice of these on the design of the structure.
- Pressurised vessels.
- Floating structures
- Gas tightness
(104) This code is valid for stored materials which are permanently at a temperature between -40 °C and +200 °C.
(105) For the selection and design of liners or coatings, reference should be made to appropriate documents.
(106) It is recognised that, while this code is specifically concerned with structures for the containment of liquids and granular materials, the clauses covering design for liquid tightness may also be relevant to other types of structure where liquid tightness is required.
(107) In clauses relating to leakage and durability, this code mainly covers aqueous liquids. Where other liquids are stored in direct contact with structural concrete, reference should be made to specialist literature.
- Standard23 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
Complementary to Part 1. Varied general rules and additional detailed rules for the structural design of road, rail and footbridges using reinforced and/or prestressed concrete.
- Standard95 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
(1)P This Part 1-2 of EN 1992 deals with the design of concrete structures for the accidental situation of fire exposure and is intended to be used in conjunction with EN 1992-1-1 and EN 1991-1-2. This part 1-2 only identifies differences from, or supplements to, normal temperature design.
(2)P This Part 1-2 of EN 1992 deals only with passive methods of fire protection. Active methods are not covered.
(3)P This Part 1-2 of EN 1992 applies to concrete structures that are required to fulfil certain functions when exposed to fire, in terms of:
- avoiding premature collapse of the structure (load bearing function)
- limiting fire spread (flame, hot gases, excessive heat) beyond designated areas (separating function)
(4)P This Part 1-2 of EN 1992 gives principles and application rules (see EN 1991-1-2) for designing structures for specified requirements in respect of the aforementioned functions and the levels of performance.
(5)P This Part 1-2 of EN 1992 applies to structures, or parts of structures, that are within the scope of EN 1992-1-1 and are designed accordingly. However, it does not cover:
- structures with prestressing by external tendons
- shell structures
(6)P The methods given in this Part 1-2 of EN 1992 are applicable to normal weight concrete up to strength class C90/105 and for lightweight concrete up to strength class LC55/60. Additional and alternative rules for strength classes above C50/60 are given in section 6.
- Standard97 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
- Standard – translation96 pagesSlovenian languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
General rules for the structural design of buildings and civil engineering works in reinforced and prestressed concrete made with normal and lightweight aggregates, plain or lightly reinforced concrete and precast concrete for the design of reinforced concrete components with unbonded tendons.
- Standard225 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
- Standard – translation229 pagesSlovenian languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
1.1 General
1.1.6 This document relies on characteristic resistances and distances which are stated in a European Technical Specification. In minimum the following characteristics should be given in a European Technical Specification as base for the design methods of this CEN/TS.
- (...)
- NRk,p
- (...)
- ccr,N, scr,N
- ccr,sp, scr,sp
- cmin, smin, hmin
- limitations on concrete strength classes of base material
- k5
- Ah, bch, d, hef, hch, Iy
- yMi partial factors for material see also CEN/TS 1992-4-1:2009, clause 4
1.4 Anchor channel loading
1.4.3 Actions not covered
The following actions are not covered by this CEN/TC:
- shear in the direction of the longitudinal axis of the channel;
- fatigue loading;
- seismic loading.
- Technical specification27 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
- Technical specification28 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This document relies on characteristic resistances and distances which are stated in a European Technical Specification. The characteristic values shown in Table 1 should be obtained from the relevant European Technical Specification as base for the design methods of this CEN/TS.
- Technical specification23 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
- Technical specification25 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This document relies on characteristic resistances and distances which are stated in a European Technical Specification. In minimum the following characteristics should be given in a European Technical Specification as base for the design methods of this CEN/TS:
- NRk,p, NRk,s, VRk,s
- ccr,N, scr,N
- ccr,sp, scr,sp
- cmin, smin, hmin
- limitations on concrete strength classes of base material
- kcr, kucr, k2, k4, k6, k7
- dh, dnom, hef, lf
- yMi partial factors for material see also CEN/TS 1992-4-1:2009, clause 4.
- Technical specification30 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
- Technical specification31 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
1.1 General
1.1.6 This document relies on characteristic resistances and distances which are stated in a European Technical Specification. In general the design concept is valid in the product dimensions 6 inferior, or equal, to hef/dnom inferior, or equal, to 20. The actual range for a particular fastener may be taken from the relevant European Technical Specification. In minimum the following characteristics should be given in the relevant European Technical Specification as base for the design method of this CEN/TS.
- NRk,s, VRk,s
- (...)
- (...)
- ccr,N, scr,N
- ccr,sp, scr,sp
- cmin, smin
- hmin
- limitations on concrete strength classes of base material
- kcr, kucr, kT, k2, k3, k4, k8
- dnom, hef, lf , limitations on hef/dnom
- yMi, recommended partial factors see CEN/TS 1992-4-1:2009, clause 4
- Technical specification23 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
- Technical specification24 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
1.1 General
1.1.1 This CEN/TS provides a design method for fasteners for structural purposes, which are used to transmit actions to the concrete.
Inserts embedded in precast concrete elements during production, under FPC conditions and with the due reinforcement, intended for use only during transient situations for lifting and handling, are covered by the CEN/TR “Design and Use of Inserts for Lifting and Handling Precast Concrete Elements”, by CEN TC 229.
1.1.2 This CEN/TS is intended for applications in which the failure of fastenings will:
1) result in collapse or partial collapse of the structure, or
2) cause risk to human life, or
3) lead to significant economic loss.
1.1.3 The support of the fixture may be either statically determinate or statically indeterminate, defined as multiple anchor use in some European Technical Approvals (ETAs). Each support may consist of one fastener or a group of fasteners.
1.1.4 This CEN/TS is valid for applications which fall within the scope of the series EN 1992. In applications where special considerations apply, e.g. nuclear power plants or civil defence structures, modifications may be necessary.
1.1.5 This CEN/TS does not cover the design of the fixture. The design of the fixture shall be carried out to comply with the appropriate Standards. Requirements for stiffness and ductility of the fixture are given in clauses 5 and 8.
1.2 Type of fasteners and fastening groups
1.2.1 This CEN/TS applies to:
a) cast-in fasteners such as headed fasteners, anchor channels with rigid connection between fastener and channel;
b) post-installed anchors such as expansion anchors, undercut anchors, concrete screws, bonded anchors, bonded expansion anchors and bonded undercut anchors.
For other types of fasteners modifications of the design provisions may be necessary.
- Technical specification62 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
- Technical specification64 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
TC - Various improvements and corrections of symbols, references and wording throughout the text, correction of 3 figures
- Corrigendum24 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This Part of Eurocode 2 covers the design of structures constructed from plain or lightly reinforced concrete, reinforced concrete or prestressed concrete for the containment of liquids or granular solids and other liquid retaining structures.
- Standardization document22 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
Part 2 of Eurocode 2 provides rules for the structural design of concrete bridges, which apply complementary to parts 1-1, 1-3 and 1-5 of Eurocode 2. Unless stated otherwise in this part 2, the principles and application rules in these other parts are applicable to bridges. This part 2 refers to road bridges, footbridges and railway bridges, the structure of which is made of reinforced and/or prestressed normal weight concrete.
- Standardization document45 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This Prestandard provides additional rules for the design of concret elements in foundations, for buildings and civil engineering works and is concerned with the requirements for stability, strength, serviceability and durability for such elements. This Prestandard does not cover the cast-in-place piles that are installed as displacement piles. Note: ENV 1997-1 gives rules for the geotechnical aspects of the design and ENV 1998-1 gives the special requirements of seismic design.
- Standardization document21 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
Migrated from Progress Sheet (TC Comment) (2000-07-10): All dates refer to ENV. No Enquiry nor standstill. ++ REAL dates of ENV taken out bec. of 2-Y-R; REAL32 =9211; REAL40/49=9311; ++ REAL41/51/53=9401; REAL60 = 9511.
- Standardization document85 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
Migrated from Progress Sheet (TC Comment) (2000-07-10): All dates refer to ENV. No Enquiry nor standstill. ++ 2-Y-Review (therefore re-use of old WI and use of stage 41).
- Standardization document55 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
Migrated from Progress Sheet (TC Comment) (2000-07-10): Splitting of WI 13. Dates refer to ENV. ++ 2-Y-Review (therefore re-use of old WI and use of stage 41).
- Standardization document20 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
Migrated from Progress Sheet (TC Comment) (2000-07-10): Splitting of WI 13. Dates refer to ENV. ++ 2-Y-Review (therefore re-use of old WI and use of stage 41).
- Standardization document20 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
Migrated from Progress Sheet (TC Comment) (2000-07-10): Splitting of WI 13. Dates refer to ENV ++ 2-Y-Review (therefore re-use of old WI and use of stage 41).
- Standardization document18 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
- Standard + National Annex and/or Foreword261 pagesForeword and/or annex in Slovenian language, body of the standard in English languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day