Postal Services - Statement of mailing submission

This Technical Specification specifies a methodology that allows postal operators to define specific statements of mailing submission customised according to their environment and applications.
The document defines information requirements for existing generic postal information processing applications related to major postal functions, namely operations, finance and marketing by specifically identifying the information that could be collected within the mailer’s domain and transmitted to the postal domain.
In addition, this document defines the organisation of data into messages by describing data content, format and communication protocol suitable for communication of data originating in the mailer’s domain.
The specification also provides a detailed analysis and recommendations for implementing application level security threats and countermeasures particularly relevant for postal revenue protection in controlled mail entry settings.
Finally, this document provides several examples of concrete statements of mailing submissions and an example of a secure communication protocol recommended for transmission of such statements.
NOTE   The SMS describes letter mail or flats that are submitted for distribution and would not deal explicitly with content of letters or flats whether it concerns customs or any other party that could in principle be interested in knowing the content of these mail units.

Postalische Dienstleistungen - Übertragung von Daten für Briefanlieferungen

Diese Technische Spezifikation legt Verfahrensweisen fest, die es Postbetreibern erlauben, spezifische
Posteinlieferungsverzeichnisse zu definieren, die speziell an die jeweiligen Umgebungen und Anwendungen
angepasst sind.
Das Dokument definiert Anforderungen an Informationen für bestehende allgemeine Anwendungen der
postalischen Informationsbearbeitung, die im Zusammenhang mit wichtigen postalischen Funktionen stehen,
d. h. Arbeitsgänge, Finanzierung und Vertrieb, indem es die jeweiligen Informationen identifiziert, die
innerhalb des Versendersektors zusammengetragen und an den speziellen postalischen Sektor übertragen
werden können.
Darüber hinaus definiert dieses Dokument den Vorgang der Organisation von Daten zu Nachrichten durch
Beschreibung des Dateninhalts, des Formats und des Kommunikationsprotokolls, die für die Übertragung von
Daten geeignet sind, die aus dem Sektor des Versenders stammen.
Die Spezifikation liefert auch eine ausführliche Analyse sowie Empfehlungen in Bezug auf Sicherheitsgefährdungen
und Gegenmaßnahmen auf der Anwendungsebene, die von besonderer Relevanz für den
Schutz der Einkünfte in Umgebungen mit kontrollierter Briefeinreichung sind.
Schließlich liefert dieses Dokument mehrere Beispiele für konkrete Posteinlieferungsverzeichnisse sowie ein
Beispiel für ein empfohlenes sicheres Kommunikationsprotokoll für die Übertragung derartiger Verzeichnisse.
ANMERKUNG Das Posteinlieferungsverzeichnis (Statement of mailing Submission – SMS) beschreibt Briefsendungen
und Langbriefe, die zur Verteilung eingeliefert werden, und behandelt nicht explizit den Inhalt von Briefen oder
Langbriefen, unabhängig davon, ob es sich um Kunden oder irgendeine andere Partei handelt, die grundsätzlich Interesse
am Inhalt dieser Sendeeinheiten haben könnte.

Services postaux - Déclaration de dépôt du courrier

Poštne storitve - Izjava o dostavi pisemske pošiljke

Ta tehnična specifikacija določa metodologijo, ki omogoča, da izvajalci poštnih storitev definirajo posebne izjave o dostavi pisemske pošiljke, prilagojene glede na svoje okolje in uporabe. Dokument določa zahteve po podatkih za obstoječe procesne aplikacije za obdelavo generično poštnih podatkov v zvezi z glavnimi poštnimi funkcijami, in sicer operacije, finance in trženje, tako da posebej določa podatke, ki bi se lahko zbrali v domeni pošiljatelja in posredovali v domeno pošte. Poleg tega ta dokument opredeljuje organizacijo podatkov v sporočila, z opisovanjem vsebine podatkov, oblike in komunikacijskega protokola, primernega za posredovanje podatkov, ki izvirajo iz domene pošiljatelja. Specifikacija zagotavlja tudi podrobno analizo in priporočila za izvajanje ukrepov na področju varnostnih groženj in protiukrepe, zlasti pomembne za zaščito poštnih prihodkov v nadzorovanih okoljih za vnos pošte. Ta dokument vsebuje tudi več primerov konkretnih izjav o dostavi pisemske pošiljke ter primer varnega komunikacijskega protokola, ki se priporoča za posredovanje takih izjav.

General Information

Publication Date
Technical Committee
Drafting Committee
Current Stage
9060 - Closure of 2 Year Review Enquiry - Review Enquiry
Start Date
Completion Date


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TS CEN/TS 15523:2011
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Standards Content (Sample)

SIST-TS CEN/TS 15523:2007
Poštne storitve - Izjava o dostavi pisemske pošiljke
Postal Services - Statement of mailing submission
Postalische Dienstleistungen - Übertragung von Daten für Briefanlieferungen
Services postaux - Déclaration de dépôt du courrier
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: CEN/TS 15523:2011
03.240 Poštne storitve Postal services
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

CEN/TS 15523
September 2011
ICS 03.240 Supersedes CEN/TS 15523:2006
English Version
Postal Services - Statement of mailing submission
Services postaux - Déclaration de dépôt du courrier Postalische Dienstleistungen - Übertragung von Daten für
This Technical Specification (CEN/TS) was approved by CEN on 4 June 2011 for provisional application.

The period of validity of this CEN/TS is limited initially to three years. After two years the members of CEN will be requested to submit their
comments, particularly on the question whether the CEN/TS can be converted into a European Standard.

CEN members are required to announce the existence of this CEN/TS in the same way as for an EN and to make the CEN/TS available
promptly at national level in an appropriate form. It is permissible to keep conflicting national standards in force (in parallel to the CEN/TS)
until the final decision about the possible conversion of the CEN/TS into an EN is reached.

CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia,
Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland,
Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom.



Management Centre: Avenue Marnix 17, B-1000 Brussels
© 2011 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved Ref. No. CEN/TS 15523:2011: E
worldwide for CEN national Members.

Contents Page
Foreword .4
Introduction .5
1 Scope .8
2 Normative references .8
3 Terms and definitions .9
4 Symbols and Abbreviations . 12
5 General Concepts . 13
5.1 Mail communication system domains . 14
5.2 Parties, agents and their roles . 14
5.2.1 Party attribute . 16
5.2.2 Agent attribute . 16
5.3 Physical objects . 16
5.3.1 Mail item . 16
5.3.2 Mail unit . 16
5.3.3 Mail receptacle . 17
5.3.4 Aggregate . 17
5.3.5 Mailing submission, acceptance and submission group . 17
5.4 Informational objects . 19
5.4.1 Mail unit attribute . 19
5.4.2 Mail receptacle attribute . 20
5.4.3 Aggregate attribute . 21
5.4.4 Aggregate catalogue . 21
5.4.5 Statement of mailing submission . 21
5.4.6 Electronically exchanged message . 21
5.4.7 Observation . 22
5.4.8 Observation attribute . 22
5.4.9 Expectation . 22
5.4.10 Postal product/service . 23
5.4.11 Postal product/service attribute . 25
5.4.12 Contract and contract attributes . 25
5.5 Mailer domain process . 25
5.5.1 Message/content preparation . 26
5.5.2 List selection . 26
5.5.3 List preparation . 26
5.5.4 Electronic sortation . 27
5.5.5 Printing . 27
5.5.6 Insertion . 27
5.5.7 Finishing . 27
5.5.8 Physical sortation . 27
5.5.9 Containerisation. 27
5.5.10 Transportation . 27
5.5.11 Induction . 27
5.6 Interfaces . 28
6 Statement of mailing submission (SMS) . 28
6.1 SMS structure . 29
6.2 Message Content . 30
6.2.1 SMS.Header . 30
6.2.2 SMS.Submission . 33
6.2.3 SMS.Parties . 38
6.2.4 SMS.Handover . 41
6.2.5 SMS.Aggregates . 42
6.2.6 SMS.MailUnits . 45
6.3 Message Format . 50
6.4 Communication Protocol . 51
6.5 Communication channel security . 51
7 Application Security . 52
7.1 Introduction . 52
7.2 Threats and Vulnerabilities. 52
7.3 Applications and Message Level Security . 56
7.4 Security Services and Message-level Countermeasures . 58
7.5 Application-level Countermeasures . 60
7.5.1 Access and Usage Controls . 60
7.5.2 Countermeasures against Counterfeiting . 61
7.5.3 Countermeasures against Duplication (copying) . 62
7.5.4 Countermeasures against Inappropriate Induction . 63
7.5.5 Countermeasures against Miss-Application . 63
7.5.6 Countermeasures against collusion . 64
7.5.7 Countermeasures against Impersonation . 64
7.5.8 Obliteration countermeasures . 65
7.5.9 Countermeasures against inappropriate Refund Request . 65
Annex A (informative) Examples of SMS documents . 66
A.1 Identical postcards . 67
A.1.1 Text of the XML document: . 68
A.1.2 Screen snapshot of XML document . 73
A.2 First class envelopes with ranges of unique identifiers . 74
A.2.1 Text of the XML document: . 75
A.2.2 Screen snapshot of XML document . 78
A.3 Uniquely identified first class envelopes . 79
A.3.1 Text of the XML document: . 79
A.3.2 Screen snapshot of XML document . 83
Annex B (informative) Text of the XML Schema for SMS . 84
Annex C (informative) Example of a protocol for secure communication of EEM .

Questions, Comments and Discussion

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