This European Standard specifies methods for measuring the end-to-end transit-time of domestic and cross-border bulk mail, collected, processed and delivered by postal service operators. It considers methods using representative end-to-end samples for all types of bulk-mail services with defined transit-time service-levels as offered to the postal customer. It specifies a set of minimum requirements for the design of a quality-of-service measurement system for bulk mail, involving the selection and distribution of test mail sent by business senders and received by selected panellists.
This European Standard is applicable to the measurement of end-to-end priority and non-priority bulk-mail services. For the purpose of this standard, bulk mail services can include all types of addressed bulk mail including, but not limited to letter mail, direct mail, magazines and newspapers and encombrant-format mailings.
This European Standard relates to the measurement of bulk-mail services offered to businesses that have pick-ups at their offices or give their mail to postal service operators. If a third party agent acts for the postal operator, then the time the mail is handed over to the agent will form part of the measurement. Where a third party agent acts for the sending customer, the measurement will be from the point when mail is handed over to the postal operator.
This European Standard is of modular structure. It is designed to assess the service performance of postal operators for bulk mail services on the level of a single bulk mailing as defined by the postal customer or any aggregations thereof, including the performance of an individual customer / operator or the performance of a group of customers / operators or the performance at national level.
The standardized QoS measurement-method provides a uniform way for measuring the end-to-end transit time of postal items. Using a standardized measurement-method will ensure that the measurement will be done in an objective and equal way for all operators in accordance with the requirements of the Directive 97/67/EC and its amendments.
The end-to-end service measured may be provided by one operator or by a group of operators working either together in the same distribution chain or parallel in different distribution chains. The method for end-to-end measurement specified in this European Standard is not designed to provide results for the measurement of parts of the distribution chain.
This standard does not include other service performance indicators than those related to end-to-end transit time. In particular, this standard does not measure whether the timings of collections meet customers’ requirements.
The transit-time quality-of-service result will be expressed as percentage of mail delivered by, on or between expected dates. These dates can be defined absolute as calendar-days or relative to the date of induction. The transit time calculation rule will be in whole days.
This quality of service indicator does not measure the postal operator’s overall performance in a way, which provides direct comparison of postal service operators. This European Standard nevertheless provides minimum requirements for the comparability of end-to-end transit-time measurement results of specific bulk mailings.
This European Standard is not applicable for the measurement of end-to-end transit-times of single-piece mail services and hybrid mail, which require different measurement systems and methodologies (see, for example, EN 13850, Postal Services - Quality of Services - Measurement of the transit time of end-to-end services for single piece priority mail and first class mail. (...)

  • Standard
    123 pages
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This European Standard specifies methods for measuring the end-to-end transit-time of domestic and cross-border bulk mail, collected, processed and delivered by postal service operators. It considers methods using representative end-to-end samples for all types of bulk-mail services with defined transit-time service-levels as offered to the postal customer. It specifies a set of minimum requirements for the design of a quality-of-service measurement system for bulk mail, involving the selection and distribution of test mail sent by business senders and received by selected panellists.
This European Standard is applicable to the measurement of end-to-end priority and non-priority bulk-mail services. For the purpose of this standard, bulk mail services can include all types of addressed bulk mail including, but not limited to letter mail, direct mail, magazines and newspapers and encombrant-format mailings.
This European Standard relates to the measurement of bulk-mail services offered to businesses that have pick-ups at their offices or give their mail to postal service operators. If a third party agent acts for the postal operator, then the time the mail is handed over to the agent will form part of the measurement. Where a third party agent acts for the sending customer, the measurement will be from the point when mail is handed over to the postal operator.
This European Standard is of modular structure. It is designed to assess the service performance of postal operators for bulk mail services on the level of a single bulk mailing as defined by the postal customer or any aggregations thereof, including the performance of an individual customer / operator or the performance of a group of customers / operators or the performance at national level.
The standardized QoS measurement-method provides a uniform way for measuring the end-to-end transit time of postal items. Using a standardized measurement-method will ensure that the measurement will be done in an objective and equal way for all operators in accordance with the requirements of the Directive 97/67/EC and its amendments.
The end-to-end service measured may be provided by one operator or by a group of operators working either together in the same distribution chain or parallel in different distribution chains. The method for end-to-end measurement specified in this European Standard is not designed to provide results for the measurement of parts of the distribution chain.
This standard does not include other service performance indicators than those related to end-to-end transit time. In particular, this standard does not measure whether the timings of collections meet customers’ requirements.
The transit-time quality-of-service result will be expressed as percentage of mail delivered by, on or between expected dates. These dates can be defined absolute as calendar-days or relative to the date of induction. The transit time calculation rule will be in whole days.
This quality of service indicator does not measure the postal operator’s overall performance in a way, which provides direct comparison of postal service operators. This European Standard nevertheless provides minimum requirements for the comparability of end-to-end transit-time measurement results of specific bulk mailings.
This European Standard is not applicable for the measurement of end-to-end transit-times of single-piece mail services and hybrid mail, which require different measurement systems and methodologies (see, for example, EN 13850, Postal Services - Quality of Services - Measurement of the transit time of end-to-end services for single piece priority mail and first class mail. (...)

  • Standard
    123 pages
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Scope of the proposed deliverable
This document focuses on assigning and maintaining addresses that allow the unambiguous determination of an object in the physical world for purposes of identification and location in the context of public administration and public service delivery. During assignment an address is first associated with a particular object in the physical world. During maintenance the address changes, e.g., it is re-assigned to a different object, one or more of the address components are modified (e.g. a street name change), or the address is retired when it is no longer used. This document
—   establishes an overall set of objectives for assigning and maintaining addresses;
—   specifies the principles for assigning and maintaining addresses;
—   specifies a good practice for assigning and maintaining addresses; and
—   specifies a governance framework for assigning and maintaining addresses;
Very often local governments (e.g. municipalities) are assigned the mandate for the planning, implementation, evaluation, and ongoing maintenance of addresses, and they are often supported by other organizations, such as national government, private sector companies and national or regional organizations. This document is of relevance and applicable to all these organizations who have an interest, role or responsibility in address assignment and maintenance, such as
—   developing legislation, policies or regulations for addressing;
—   facilitating and coordinating the naming of address components (the constituent parts of an address) and announcing and communicating these names;
—   installing address component signs in the physical world;
—   designing and implementing business processes related to address assignment and maintenance;
—   designing, implementing and maintaining access to address data;
—   developing software to facilitate the above; and
—   using addresses.

  • Standard
    51 pages
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This document focuses on assigning and maintaining addresses that allow the unambiguous determination of an object in the physical world for purposes of identification and location in the context of public administration and public service delivery. During assignment, an address is first associated with a particular object in the physical world. During maintenance, the address changes, for example, it is re-assigned to a different object, one or more of the address components are modified (e.g. a street name change), or the address is retired when it is no longer used. This document:
a)       specifies a good practice for assigning and maintaining addresses and address data; and
b)       specifies a governance framework for assigning and maintaining addresses and address data.
Very often local governments (e.g. municipalities) are assigned the mandate for the planning, implementation, evaluation and ongoing maintenance of addresses, and they are often supported by other organizations, such as the national government, a postal agency, private sector companies and national or regional organizations. This document is applicable to all organizations who have an interest, role or responsibility in address assignment and maintenance, for example in terms of:
—     developing legislation, policies or regulations for addressing;
—     facilitating and coordinating the naming of address components (the constituent parts of an address) and announcing and communicating these names;
—     installing address component signs in the physical world;
—     designing and implementing business processes related to address assignment and maintenance;
—     designing, implementing and maintaining access to address data;
—     developing software to facilitate the above; and
—     using addresses.

  • Standard
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This document establishes a common methodology for the calculation and declaration of direct and indirect Greenhouse gas (GHG) as well as air pollutant emissions related to any parcel delivery service.
It only covers a part of the entire retail value chain usually consisting of creating the product, storing the inventory, distributing the goods and making the product available for consumers.
This document includes only the distribution of goods, but considers the entire value chain of the parcel transportation process flow, namely the collection and delivery rounds, the direct injection, the trunking and the operations due to processing and the physical handling of parcels. See Figure 1 below for a graphical illustration.
Figure 1 - Overview of parcel delivery operations...
This document covers emissions associated with the up- and downstream transportation related activities as well as the operational activities for a parcel to be delivered. In more detail, it includes:
-   the use of vehicles (for all transportation modes) during the delivery phase in terms of core trunking as well as first and last mile related transportation;
-   all related direct and indirect emissions from the use of and processes in logistics sites, namely offices, sites and buildings where the virtual processing (data computing services), the administrative management and the physical handling operations of parcels are carried out;
-   other operational activities needed to fulfil the parcel delivery service, e.g. required packaging materials (everything additional to the underlying parcel inherent packaging) provided by the parcel logistics service providers including e-commerce entity; and
-   waste management from the sites of the parcel logistics service providers.
When quantifying GHG emissions, account is also taken of the GHG emissions associated with upstream energy processes for fuels and electricity used by vehicles and related operation infrastructure (including for example production and distribution of fuels). This ensures the standard covers and produces values for both direct and indirect emissions (including well-to-tank emissions). In addition, empty mileage can be considered too. As a result, calculation results allow the consistent comparison of possible different energy sources by parcel service providers, users, and other interested parties.
This document also covers the air pollutants carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, particulate matters 2.5 and 10, and sulfur oxides associated with the use of vehicles for all transportation modes for exhaust and non-exhaust emissions and all related direct and indirect emissions from the use of and processes in logistics sites, namely offices, sites and buildings.
It specifies general principles, definitions, system boundaries, calculation methods, parcel allocation rules and data requirements, with the objective to promote standardized, accurate, credible and verifiable declarations, regarding emissions quantified. It also includes examples on the application of the principles.
Potential users of this document are any person or organisation who needs to refer to a standardised methodology when communicating the results of the quantification of emissions related to a parcel delivery service, especially parcel logistics service providers and parcel service users (e.g. consignors and consignees).
This document presents the below elements:
-   step by step guidance for quantifying emissions of parcel logistics services;
-   calculation methodology for GHG emissions;
-   calculation methodology for air pollutants (carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen oxides (NOx), particulate matters (PM) 2.5 and 10, and sulfur oxides (SOx));
-   allocation rules per item (parcel); and
-   reporting frameworks and data to be shared with business customers or consignees.

  • Standard
    81 pages
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This document establishes a common methodology for the calculation, allocation and declaration of Greenhouse gases (GHGs) as well as air pollutant emissions related to any parcel delivery service.
It only covers a part of the entire retail value chain. The retail value chain usually consists of creating the product, storing the inventory, distributing the goods and making the product available for consumers.
This document includes only the distribution of goods but considers the entire value chain of the parcel transportation process flow, namely the collection and delivery rounds, the trunking and the operations due to processing and the physical handling of parcels. See Figure 1 below for a graphical illustration.

  • Standard
    81 pages
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ISO 19160-4:2017 defines key terms for postal addressing, postal address components and constraints on their use.
Specifically, ISO 19160-4:2017 defines postal address components organized into three hierarchical levels:
-      elements, such as organization name or postcode, which have well-defined conceptual meaning and are not themselves made up of subordinate components, though they may be sub-divided for technical purposes;
-      constructs, such as organization identification, which group elements into units form a logical portion of a postal address;
-      segments, such as addressee specification, which group-related postal address constructs and/or postal address elements into units with a specific defined function.
ISO 19160-4:2017 also specifies a mechanism for creation of sub-elements, which correspond to either sub-divisions of element content, such as door type or door indicator or to multiple occurrences and locations of elements in an address, such as levels of administrative regions.
ISO 19160-4:2017 does not specify the length of any component nor the value range of any component.
Moreover, ISO 19160-4:2017 defines the codes to identify elements and sub-elements.
Further, ISO 19160-4:2017 specifies postal address rendering rules. This includes identification and ordering of output lines in a rendered address, conditions for selection of candidate lines, the order and concatenation of postal address components, required and optional components, parameters to contextualize address for rendering and the formatting of the components, subject to constraints on the space available for that task. Postal address rendering rules are represented in ISO 19160-4:2017 as a postal address template.
Finally, ISO 19160-4:2017 specifies language suitable for computer processing to formally express postal address templates.

  • Standard
    74 pages
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This document defines key terms for postal addressing, postal address components and constraints on their use.
Specifically, this document specifies postal address components organized into three hierarchical levels:
—    elements, such as organization name or postcode, which have well-defined conceptual meaning and are not themselves made up of subordinate components, though they can be sub-divided for technical purposes;
—    constructs, such as organization identification, which group elements into units form a logical portion of a postal address;
—    segments, such as addressee specification, which group related postal address constructs and/or postal address elements into units with a specific defined function.
This document also specifies a mechanism for the creation of sub-elements, which correspond to either sub-divisions of element content, such as door type or door indicator or to multiple occurrences and locations of elements in an address, such as levels of administrative regions.
This document does not specify the length of any component nor the value range of any component.
Moreover, this document specifies the codes to identify elements and sub-elements.
Further, this document specifies postal address rendering rules. This includes:
—    identification and ordering of output lines in a rendered address;
—    conditions for the selection of candidate lines;
—    the order and concatenation of postal address components;
—    required and optional components;
—    parameters to contextualize an address for rendering;
—    the formatting of the components, subject to constraints on the space available for that task.
Postal address rendering rules are represented in this document as a postal address template.
Finally, this document specifies language suitable for computer processing to formally express postal address templates.
This document does not cover the topic of data protection. Users of the document are nevertheless reminded that the storage and exchange of personal data are subject to legislation in many countries.

  • Standard
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This document:
- specifies a methodology for the measurement of defined print quality attributes of Digital Postage Marks in the form of two-dimensional bar code symbols on mail-pieces,
- defines methods for grading the results of these measurements and deriving an overall symbol quality grade as a guide to estimating the readability of the Digital Postage Marks,
- provides guidelines for printing and gives information on possible causes of deviation from high grades to assist users in taking appropriate corrective action,
- defines a test procedure for the assessment of printing systems for the production of Digital Postage Marks.
These provisions apply to the Digital Postage Mark blocks as they appear on fully produced mail items when remitted to postal operators, including the characteristics resulting from operations other than printing per se that affect their appearance to a mail processing system (covering, inserts into transparent window envelopes, affixed Digital Postage Mark labels). This document does not define the qualification tests or sampling requirements necessary to determine the practical feasibility of any specific read rate.

  • Technical specification
    30 pages
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This document:
- specifies a methodology for the measurement of defined print quality attributes of Digital Postage Marks in the form of two-dimensional bar code symbols on mail-pieces;
- defines methods for grading the results of these measurements and deriving an overall symbol quality grade as a guide to estimating the readability of the Digital Postage Marks;
- provides guidelines for printing and gives information on possible causes of deviation from high grades to assist users in taking appropriate corrective action;
- defines a test procedure for the assessment of printing systems for the production of Digital Postage Marks.
These provisions apply to the Digital Postage Mark blocks as they appear on fully produced mail items when remitted to postal operators, including the characteristics resulting from operations other than printing per se that affect their appearance to a mail processing system (covering, inserts into transparent window envelopes, affixed Digital Postage Mark labels).
This document does not define the qualification tests or sampling requirements necessary to determine the practical feasibility of any specific read rate.
Although this document is not intended for barcodes (other than Digital Postal Marks) which can be printed on mail pieces for item identification or additional services, a similar methodology can be applied.

  • Technical specification
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This European Standard specifies methods for measuring the end-to-end transit time of domestic and cross-border Single Piece Priority Mail (SPPM), collected, processed and delivered by postal service operators. It considers methods using representative end-to-end samples for all types of single piece priority mail services for addressed mail with defined transit-time service levels offered to the customer. This standard is applicable to the measurement of End-to-End priority mail services.
The standardized QoS-measurement method provides a uniform way for measuring the end-to-end transit time of postal items. Using a standardized measurement method will assure that the measurement will be done in an objective and equal way for all operators in accordance with the requirements of the Postal Directive 97/67/EC and its amendments.
This European Standard is mandatory and mainly used for performance measurement connected to requirements of the Universal Postal Service; domestic and international (UNEX).

  • Standard
    116 pages
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The current and future infrastructure to satisfy the changing needs of citizens in the EU will grant access
to wider postal stakeholders, including customers, postal suppliers, supply chain service providers, (i.e.
customs, fiscal authorities collecting VAT and related duties, transport providers like airlines or rail road
and other transport mode operators, non-profit organisations supporting supply chain traceability, etc.)
non-designated economic postal operators (Courier-, Express-, and Parcel delivery operators) that use,
or may wish to use products, services and solutions currently restricted to designated operators.
This document aims at the provision of a Single Digital Market in Europe is at the focus within CEN, in
• maintaining the integrity and independence of the European and worldwide delivery network
• no unfair advantage to any group or individual player, and thereby providing a level playing field
• clear delineation of the responsibilities and roles of all entities involved
• transparent management, control and integration of the postal supply chain as legally described in
EU legislation (EU Regulation 2018/644 on cross-border parcel delivery services)
• reciprocity of interconnection with other stakeholder networks, as applicable
• proper security mechanisms in place to ensure data protection and privacy
to provide the necessary implementation guidance of EAD for fiscal duties (VAT et al.), customs and
transport security.
The current MoU between the UPU and CEN offers the foundation to convert UPU specifications only
applicable to designated postal operators into open CEN specifications. The creation of a digital single
market has significant implications on cross border commerce and related delivery of merchandise.
This document provides the necessary implementation guidance. It is based on be the technical report
“Postal Services — Electronic advanced data (EAD) in postal operations compliant to security and
customs requirements”.
The document is based on the semantic mapping description of information on the characteristics or
attributes of Low Value Consignments (LVC) which parties in the digital commercial value chain acrossborders
are called upon to handle, compliant to the EU VAT Ecommerce Package as well as the UPU-WCO
customs model. It gives guidance by defining the use of unique transport identifiers, unique transaction
identifiers and the IOSS VAT Identification number.

  • Technical report
    53 pages
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    1 day

This document provides the semantic mapping description of information on the characteristics or
attributes of Low Value Consignments (LVC) which parties in the digital commercial value chain acrossborders
are called upon to handle, compliant to the EU VAT Ecommerce Package as well as the UPU-WCO
customs model.
This document is limited to LVC, the logical definition of an electronic message, which supports the
communication of information about postal items with a unique transport unit identifier.
While different customs processes apply to LVC (goods ≤ €150), and consignments exceeding an intrinsic
value of > €150, this technical specification only applies to LVC. Therefore, it applies to the collection of
import duties (VAT) and not to customs fees.
The document defines both EDIFACT directory 00A and XML implementations to bridge in a semantic
mapping between UPU M33 ITMATT messages and the EU customs data model and its super-reduced
data set, that can be used to convey item-level data for use in customs processing applications.
The document specifies that the supply of certain attribute values, segments and tags is mandatory (M),
whilst the supply of other attributes, segments and tags is specified as optional (O).
This document separates the financial, the data-elements and the physical flow of low value
consignments. Further it defines the use of unique transport identifiers, unique transaction identifiers
and the IOSS VAT Identification number.

  • Technical report
    93 pages
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The scope will be defined during the preliminary stage.

  • Technical report
    53 pages
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The scope will be defined during the preliminary stage.

  • Technical report
    93 pages
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This document covers physical properties and characteristics for the packaging for small and light weight postal items to be delivered into the consumer’s letterbox. It covers the main design features for the packaging of letterboxable postal items, notably the sizes and stacking as well as postal and environmental requirements.
This document is targeted to e-retailers and postal operators.

  • Technical specification
    16 pages
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This document covers physical properties and characteristics for the packaging for small and light weight postal items to be delivered into the consumer’s letterbox. It covers the main design features for the packaging of letterboxable postal items, notably the sizes and stacking as well as postal and environmental requirements.
This document is targeted to e-retailers and postal operators.

  • Technical specification
    16 pages
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    1 day

2020-07-08 - TC - Correction of two formats in rows "Item identifier" and "Additional barcode" in Table 1

  • Corrigendum
    3 pages
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2020-07-08 - TC - Correction of two formats in rows "Item identifier" and "Additional barcode" in Table 1

  • Corrigendum
    3 pages
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This European Standard specifies methods for measuring the end-to-end transit time of domestic and cross-border Single Piece Priority Mail (SPPM), collected, processed and delivered by postal service operators. It considers methods using representative end-to-end samples for all types of single piece priority mail services for addressed mail with defined transit-time service levels offered to the customer. This standard is applicable to the measurement of End-to-End priority mail services.
The standardized QoS-measurement method provides a uniform way for measuring the end-to-end transit time of postal items. Using a standardized measurement method will assure that the measurement will be done in an objective and equal way for all operators in accordance with the requirements of the Postal Directive 97/67/EC and its amendments.
This European Standard is mandatory and mainly used for performance measurement connected to requirements of the Universal Postal Service; domestic and international (UNEX).

  • Standard
    116 pages
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This technical specification describes the technical features of digital, optional online connected, opening and closing systems for parcel receptacles for home use with free access for the delivery and collection operators and consumers.

  • Technical specification
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The objective of this document is to define the framework for secure, trustworthy and user-friendly opening systems for parcel boxes for home use. Particular attention is given to facilitating secure electronic authentication of the delivery operator. This document exists considering the Standardization request M/548 from the European Commission and it aims to solve the lack of operability between parcel box manufacturers and delivery operators.
Therefore, this document describes the minimal requirements of a digital, optional online connected, opening and closing system for parcel boxes and prerequisites to create favourable conditions of interoperability between all market participants.
This document is designed to fit with solutions already on the market and define the good practices and pathway for future systems. It adopts an approach which is open to innovation. It is expected to be possible to achieve the necessary requirements through different technologies.
The systems of opening rights are intended to open parcel boxes as defined in CEN/TS 16819. However, the specification is extended to other receptacle solutions, in the frame of the home use (e.g. garage door, bags, etc.), when these receptacle solutions are compliant with the requirements of CEN/TS 16819 when the case allows.

  • Technical specification
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This document specifies the information exchanges between various parties' infrastructures that take place in support of DPM applications. It complements standards that address the design, security, applications and readability of Digital Postage Marks.
The following items will be addressed by this document:
-   identification of parties participating in exchanges of information described by this document;
-   identification of functions (interactions, use cases);
-   definition of parties’ responsibilities in the context of above functions;
-   definition of messages between parties: message meaning and definition of communication protocols to support each function;
-   definition of significant content (payload) for each message;
-   security mechanisms providing required security services, such as authentication, privacy, integrity and non-repudiation.
This document does not address:
-   design of DPM supporting infrastructure for applications internal to providers and carriers;
-   design of DPM devices and applications for applications internal to end-users.
NOTE   Although there are other communications between various parties involved in postal communications, this document covers only DPM-related aspects of such communications.

  • Technical specification
    44 pages
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This document specifies the information exchanges between various parties' infrastructures that take place in support of DPM applications. It complements standards that address the design, security, applications and readability of Digital Postage Marks.
The following items will be addressed by this document:
-   identification of parties participating in exchanges of information described by this document;
-   identification of functions (interactions, use cases);
-   definition of parties’ responsibilities in the context of above functions;
-   definition of messages between parties: message meaning and definition of communication protocols to support each function;
-   definition of significant content (payload) for each message;
-   security mechanisms providing required security services, such as authentication, privacy, integrity and non-repudiation.
This document does not address:
-   design of DPM supporting infrastructure for applications internal to providers and carriers;
-   design of DPM devices and applications for applications internal to end-users.
NOTE   Although there are other communications between various parties involved in postal communications, this document covers only DPM-related aspects of such communications.

  • Technical specification
    44 pages
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This European Standard specifies complaints handling principles related to domestic and international postal services. It applies to both national and cross border services. The standard also gives guidance for compensation and redress procedures.
This European Standard may be applied to all types of postal service both Universal service and non-universal service and by all types of postal organizations. It defines various types of complaints and establishes a methodology for handling complaints in order to improve the service given to postal users. It also gives guidance for complaints handling processes to be set up by postal service providers in order to improve quality of service.
This European Standard provides guidelines beyond the requirements given in ISO 10002 and ISO 9001 in order to consider both the effectiveness and efficiency of a complaint handling process, and consequently the potential for improvement of the performance of an organization. When compared to ISO 9001, the objectives of customer satisfaction and product quality are extended to include the satisfaction of interested parties and the performance of the organization.
This European Standard is applicable to the processes of the organization and consequently the quality management principles on which it is based can be deployed throughout the organization.
It should be noted that the number of complaints received might not be related to the level of service given. A large number of complaints may on the contrary reflect the effectiveness of the postal operator's complaint handling process.

  • Standard
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This document will specify the interface between the e-merchant (any commercial customer sending parcels) and the first logistic operator, including both public and private carriers. For the application of this document, a cross border parcel is a parcel crossing a border into and within Europe.
The interface composed on two items:
- the physical label attached on the parcel: contents, sizes, minimum requirements to guarantee the quality and efficiency of the logistic process (sorting, delivery).
- the electronic exchanges between the sender and the logistic operator with the description of the data to be provided, the forma of the exchanges.
While designated operators of UPU have drawn up business requirements using proprietary standards and related data components, online merchants have developed open, not‐for‐profit standards for final delivery which are integrated into their existing supply chain management environment.
The document aims to specify the interface between the e‐merchant (any commercial customer sending parcels) and the first logistic operator composed by incorporating the 3 elements:
- physical label attached to the parcel with information for item identification;
- electronic exchanges between the sender and the logistic operator concerning parcels dispatch;
- data needed for various delivery chain parts, in particular final delivery to the recipient, in order to facilitate exchange between the item‐specific identifiers.
NOTE 1 The last element enables the growth of integrated, data‐driven systems which support highly efficient and customer‐driven cross‐border ecommerce. This reflects the current trend to B‐to‐B‐to‐C delivery solutions in the European and international cross border e‐commerce markets. Delivery from original source to final consumer can be split over more than one service provider.
NOTE 2 C‐to‐B‐to‐B‐to‐C solutions will be an extension, in particular when returns are specified. The “first C” would indicate that consumers wishing to return items, or induct items themselves, will be able to print labels following the fundamentals specified in this standard.
E‐merchant exchange data with logistic operators (i.e. the postal operators, but not limited to those designated to fulfil the rights and obligations of UPU member countries) to help, simplify and enable the consequential logistic and transactional tasks. The establishment of common definitions and electronic formats, safeguards the reliability and decreases the overall costs by avoiding software development costs, multiple printing equipment, over‐labelling during the process, and the manual sorting. reliability and decreases the overall costs by avoiding software development costs, multiple printing equipment, over‐labelling during the process, and the manual sorting.

  • Technical specification
    32 pages
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This document will specify the interface between the e-merchant (any commercial customer sending parcels) and the first logistic operator, including both public and private carriers. For the application of this document, a cross border parcel is a parcel crossing a border into and within Europe.
The interface composed on two items:
- the physical label attached on the parcel: contents, sizes, minimum requirements to guarantee the quality and efficiency of the logistic process (sorting, delivery).
- the electronic exchanges between the sender and the logistic operator with the description of the data to be provided, the forma of the exchanges.
While designated operators of UPU have drawn up business requirements using proprietary standards and related data components, online merchants have developed open, not‐for‐profit standards for final delivery which are integrated into their existing supply chain management environment.
The document aims to specify the interface between the e‐merchant (any commercial customer sending parcels) and the first logistic operator composed by incorporating the 3 elements:
- physical label attached to the parcel with information for item identification;
- electronic exchanges between the sender and the logistic operator concerning parcels dispatch;
- data needed for various delivery chain parts, in particular final delivery to the recipient, in order to facilitate exchange between the item‐specific identifiers.
NOTE 1 The last element enables the growth of integrated, data‐driven systems which support highly efficient and customer‐driven cross‐border ecommerce. This reflects the current trend to B‐to‐B‐to‐C delivery solutions in the European and international cross border e‐commerce markets. Delivery from original source to final consumer can be split over more than one service provider.
NOTE 2 C‐to‐B‐to‐B‐to‐C solutions will be an extension, in particular when returns are specified. The “first C” would indicate that consumers wishing to return items, or induct items themselves, will be able to print labels following the fundamentals specified in this standard.
E‐merchant exchange data with logistic operators (i.e. the postal operators, but not limited to those designated to fulfil the rights and obligations of UPU member countries) to help, simplify and enable the consequential logistic and transactional tasks. The establishment of common definitions and electronic formats, safeguards the reliability and decreases the overall costs by avoiding software development costs, multiple printing equipment, over‐labelling during the process, and the manual sorting. reliability and decreases the overall costs by avoiding software development costs, multiple printing equipment, over‐labelling during the process, and the manual sorting.

  • Technical specification
    32 pages
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This European Standard specifies complaints handling principles related to domestic and international postal services. It applies to both national and cross border services. The standard also gives guidance for compensation and redress procedures.
This European Standard may be applied to all types of postal service both Universal service and non-universal service and by all types of postal organizations. It defines various types of complaints and establishes a methodology for handling complaints in order to improve the service given to postal users. It also gives guidance for complaints handling processes to be set up by postal service providers in order to improve quality of service.
This European Standard provides guidelines beyond the requirements given in ISO 10002 and ISO 9001 in order to consider both the effectiveness and efficiency of a complaint handling process, and consequently the potential for improvement of the performance of an organization. When compared to ISO 9001, the objectives of customer satisfaction and product quality are extended to include the satisfaction of interested parties and the performance of the organization.
This European Standard is applicable to the processes of the organization and consequently the quality management principles on which it is based can be deployed throughout the organization.
It should be noted that the number of complaints received might not be related to the level of service given. A large number of complaints may on the contrary reflect the effectiveness of the postal operator's complaint handling process.

  • Standard
    57 pages
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This document is a feasibility study that was carried out to explore the use of real mail data in measurement of the transit time of end-to-end services for single piece cross-border priority mail. In this document a description is given of the context, the way this study was carried out, the results of the study and the advice given to CEN/TC 331 Postal services and, finally, CEN and the European Commission.

  • Technical report
    24 pages
    English language
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A feasibility study to explore the use of real mail data in measurement of the transit time of end-to-end services for single piece crossborder priority mail.

  • Technical report
    24 pages
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This document covers physical properties and manufacturing requirements for envelopes having an address window on the flap side. It covers the main design features of the reverse envelope, notably of the flap and address window, and the materials used for the manufacturing thereof. It applies to reverse envelopes with advertising or communication printed on the plain side, eventually on its entire surface.
This document covers empty envelopes, but also finished mailpieces that have been properly inserted, addressed and franked (reversed mailpieces) and are submitted to Postal Operators. In particular, reverse mailpieces will be compliant with relevant Postal standards applicable in the member states.
By extension, these requirements also apply to non-window envelopes used for reverse mailpieces and having the address printed on the flap side.
This document does not apply to:
-   envelopes with a large window on the plain side (opposite to the flap) as these are already common and widely accepted;
-   paper requirements to ensure print quality (except for the postage mark and address) and notably colour rendering.

  • Technical specification
    14 pages
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This European Standard specifies a recommended procedure for the development of specifications for applications of digital postage marks (DPMs) – i.e. applications linked to the use of digital printing and image data capture technologies in the postal industry, most particularly for the evidencing of postage accounting and/or payment. It is not intended to prescribe or to recommend any particular architecture or design for such applications, only to specify the process through which such an architecture or design should be developed.
The document covers only requirements and considerations relating to applications that use digital postage marks, on individual postal items, as a means of communicating data (messages). The clause on design covers only the design of the digital postage marks themselves. It does not cover other aspects of design, including the possible use of other messages, transported by other means (e.g. statements of mailing), to provide for the communication of additional data, even though these might be just as important.

  • Standard
    133 pages
    English language
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This European Standard specifies a recommended procedure for the development of specifications for applications of digital postage marks (DPMs) – i.e. applications linked to the use of digital printing and image data capture technologies in the postal industry, most particularly for the evidencing of postage accounting and/or payment. It is not intended to prescribe or to recommend any particular architecture or design for such applications, only to specify the process through which such an architecture or design should be developed.
The document covers only requirements and considerations relating to applications that use digital postage marks, on individual postal items, as a means of communicating data (messages). The clause on design covers only the design of the digital postage marks themselves. It does not cover other aspects of design, including the possible use of other messages, transported by other means (e.g. statements of mailing), to provide for the communication of additional data, even though these might be just as important.

  • Standard
    133 pages
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In addition to EN 13850:2012 Postal Services - Quality of Service - Measurement of the transit time of end-to-end services for single piece priority mail and first class mail, this European Standard specifies methods for measuring the end-to-end transit time of domestic and cross-border non-priority single piece mail, collected, processed and delivered by postal service operators. It considers methods using a representative end-to-end sample of all types of single piece addressed letter mail with defined transit-time service levels offered to the customer. This standard is applicable to the measurement of End-to-End single piece non-priority mail services.
This European Standard has been developed from and is compatible with the requirements of EN 13850:2012. As such, surveys for both priority and non-priority single piece mail may be undertaken concurrently while reporting separate estimates of priority and non-priority transit times.
The overall transit time quality-of-service result is to be expressed as the percentage of mail delivered within (J + n) days end-to-end according to the EU Postal directive .
This European Standard relates to the measurement of so-called "normal" services given to private persons / households and smaller businesses that post mail at street letter boxes, over the counter at post offices, have bring services from their offices or give their mail directly at postal service operators’ sorting centres.
For technical reasons this European Standard may not in all parts be suitable for the measurement of very small volumes of mail and for operators with limited coverage.
This European Standard is not applicable for measuring the end-to-end transit time distribution of large bulk mailers’ services or hybrid mail, which require different measurement systems and methodologies; (see, for example, EN 14534 Measurement of the transit time of end-to-end services of bulk mail).

  • Standard
    16 pages
    English language
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An IDT-PAE interface enables interoperability among several systems and processes by providing specifications to the following requirements:
a)   Data Collection and Transfer:  Specification of data transported from the devices to higher level systems.  There may be more than one permissible protocol referring to different OSI layers. The standard will define where the communication requires polling and where asynchronous messages are used.
   The basis is messages triggered by events.
b)   Data Storage and Format:  Specification how data is formatted and structured. This concerns the choice between XML, CSV, EDI, JSON and other formats including possible binary representations.
c)   Data Model:  Specification of the semantics (meanings) behind the data. This is the most important part and the one of the most important objectives for the specification. This means that conceptual data model and its mapping to the Data Format will be developed. Major focus on specifications level of detail will be placed in order to provide a document that will provide detailed specification information without being too general or too specific.

  • Technical specification
    84 pages
    English language
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Method for measurement of parcel transit time for cross-border parcels is mainly from an e-merchant perspective, especially for small and medium-sized companies. Based on an earlier study, the method will be based on events of the track and trace process.
Events used need to be kept simple and transparent for the measurement of the complex matrix of the flows between European countries.
The last part of the process (delivery options) is dependent on the country and on its historical development of postal and logistic operators - this part of the logistics process is currently too complex for simple measurement. Therefore the Technical Specification (TS) will focus on the main part of the process: from entrance (hand over) in the logistics chain to the first attempt of delivery.
The Technical Specification should:
-   be technically and supplier neutral;
-   not be limited to postal operators but open to all operators transporting parcels;
-   take into account events relevant for the customer’s (sender or receiver) needs;
-   define calculation rules;
-   be easy to implement.
This Technical Specification does not set quality of service standards or targets.

  • Technical specification
    16 pages
    English language
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An IDT-PAE interface enables interoperability among several systems and processes by providing specifications to the following requirements:
a)   Data Collection and Transfer:  Specification of data transported from the devices to higher level systems.  There may be more than one permissible protocol referring to different OSI layers. The standard will define where the communication requires polling and where asynchronous messages are used.
   The basis is messages triggered by events.
b)   Data Storage and Format:  Specification how data is formatted and structured. This concerns the choice between XML, CSV, EDI, JSON and other formats including possible binary representations.
c)   Data Model:  Specification of the semantics (meanings) behind the data. This is the most important part and the one of the most important objectives for the specification. This means that conceptual data model and its mapping to the Data Format will be developed. Major focus on specifications level of detail will be placed in order to provide a document that will provide detailed specification information without being too general or too specific.

  • Technical specification
    84 pages
    English language
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    1 day

Method for measurement of parcel transit time for cross-border parcels is mainly from an e-merchant perspective, especially for small and medium-sized companies. Based on an earlier study, the method will be based on events of the track and trace process.
Events used need to be kept simple and transparent for the measurement of the complex matrix of the flows between European countries.
The last part of the process (delivery options) is dependent on the country and on its historical development of postal and logistic operators - this part of the logistics process is currently too complex for simple measurement. Therefore the Technical Specification (TS) will focus on the main part of the process: from entrance (hand over) in the logistics chain to the first attempt of delivery.
The Technical Specification should:
-   be technically and supplier neutral;
-   not be limited to postal operators but open to all operators transporting parcels;
-   take into account events relevant for the customer’s (sender or receiver) needs;
-   define calculation rules;
-   be easy to implement.
This Technical Specification does not set quality of service standards or targets.

  • Technical specification
    16 pages
    English language
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    1 day

In addition to EN 13850:2012 Postal Services - Quality of Service - Measurement of the transit time of end-to-end services for single piece priority mail and first class mail, this European Standard specifies methods for measuring the end-to-end transit time of domestic and cross-border non-priority single piece mail, collected, processed and delivered by postal service operators. It considers methods using a representative end-to-end sample of all types of single piece addressed letter mail with defined transit-time service levels offered to the customer. This standard is applicable to the measurement of End-to-End single piece non-priority mail services.
This European Standard has been developed from and is compatible with the requirements of EN 13850:2012. As such, surveys for both priority and non-priority single piece mail may be undertaken concurrently whilst reporting separate estimates of priority and non-priority transit times.
The overall transit time quality-of-service result is to be expressed as the percentage of mail delivered within (J + n) days end-to-end according to the EU Postal directive .
This European Standard relates to the measurement of so-called “normal” services given to private persons / households and smaller businesses that post mail at street letter boxes, over the counter at post offices, have bring services from their offices or give their mail directly at postal service operators’ sorting centres.
For technical reasons this European Standard may not in all parts be suitable for the measurement of very small volumes of mail and for operators with limited coverage.
This European Standard is not applicable for measuring the end-to-end transit time distribution of large bulk mailers’ services or hybrid mail, which require different measurement systems and methodologies; (see, for example, EN 14534 Measurement of the transit time of end-to-end services of bulk mail).

  • Standard
    16 pages
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TC origin - Mistakes in cross references

  • Corrigendum
    2 pages
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TC origin - Mistakes in cross references

  • Corrigendum
    2 pages
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This Technical Specification describes the technical features of parcel boxes for end use. This covers technical features such as size of parcels, ergonomics and safety, corrosion and water penetration resistance and security of delivery.

  • Technical specification
    20 pages
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This Technical Specification describes the technical features of parcel boxes for end use. This covers technical features such as size of parcels, ergonomics and safety, corrosion and water penetration resistance and security of delivery.

  • Technical specification
    20 pages
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This Technical Report specifies methods for measuring the quality of a re-forwarding service of domestic addressed mail that is collected, processed and delivered by postal service operators. As a European Standard or technical specification it relates to the measurement of services given to household and business customers who receive mail at their homes, their post office boxes, or at their office premises and have contracted their national Postal Operator (PO) to re-forward their mail for a defined stretch of time to an address that deviates from the one presented on the postal items that are to be delivered to them.
It is not the purpose of this standard to measure the POs performance in a way that provides direct comparison of postal service providers.

  • Technical report
    11 pages
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This Technical Report specifies methods for measuring the quality of a re-forwarding service of domestic addressed mail that is collected, processed and delivered by postal service operators. As a European Standard or technical specification it relates to the measurement of services given to household and business customers who receive mail at their homes, their post office boxes, or at their office premises and have contracted their national Postal Operator (PO) to re-forward their mail for a defined stretch of time to an address that deviates from the one presented on the postal items that are to be delivered to them.
It is not the purpose of this standard to measure the POs performance in a way that provides direct comparison of postal service providers.

  • Technical report
    11 pages
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The purpose of this Technical Specification is to define the syntax rules for a data stream for the submission of printing data to a Hybrid Mail operator or between Hybrid Mail operators. The Technical Specification defines a XML Schema Definition (XSD) describing the data stream.
The description is based upon the XML (eXtended Mark-up Language) definition of rules and semantics for defining an XSD. The purpose of this is to offer a generalised syntax description that can provide seamless integration with a number of existing applications generating data that is liable to be forwarded to or from a Hybrid Mail operator.
The use of an XSD will ensure that the documents confirm to the standard defined and that the output has the correct syntax. Software manufacturers can use an XSD to program applications that will produce correct outputs.
This Technical Specification defines the syntax for creating a data stream that will eventually be converted into a deliverable. The overall object (a batch) can be divided into one or more objects that again can be divided into objects. The hierarchy includes bundles that contain a common part and letters. Each object has a number of characteristics attached to it.
This diagram shows the structure of a HML (Hybrid Mail Language) document: each letter is self-contained (contains all the necessary information to be delivered on a certain destination).
Each letter can have one contact. Each contact can have multiple alternatives for delivery.
This Technical Specification does not define the specific services offered by local operators (Hybrid Mail operators).
This Technical Specification does not define the communication method used. It does only define the format of Hybrid Mail as such.

  • Technical specification
    58 pages
    English language
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The purpose of this Technical Specification is to define the syntax rules for a data stream for the submission of printing data to a Hybrid Mail operator or between Hybrid Mail operators. The Technical Specification defines a XML Schema Definition (XSD) describing the data stream.
The description is based upon the XML (eXtended Mark-up Language) definition of rules and semantics for defining an XSD. The purpose of this is to offer a generalised syntax description that can provide seamless integration with a number of existing applications generating data that is liable to be forwarded to or from a Hybrid Mail operator.
The use of an XSD will ensure that the documents confirm to the standard defined and that the output has the correct syntax. Software manufacturers can use an XSD to program applications that will produce correct outputs.
This Technical Specification defines the syntax for creating a data stream that will eventually be converted into a deliverable. The overall object (a batch) can be divided into one or more objects that again can be divided into objects. The hierarchy includes bundles that contain a common part and letters. Each object has a number of characteristics attached to it.
This diagram shows the structure of a HML (Hybrid Mail Language) document: each letter is self-contained (contains all the necessary information to be delivered on a certain destination).
Each letter can have one contact. Each contact can have multiple alternatives for delivery.
This Technical Specification does not define the specific services offered by local operators (Hybrid Mail operators).
This Technical Specification does not define the communication method used. It does only define the format of Hybrid Mail as such.

  • Technical specification
    58 pages
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This Technical Specification defines a uniform structure and meaning for the information that fully represents postal rates for a broad variety of postal products in all mail categories. The postal rates definition is viewed as an important interface between posts and their customers and as such will benefit from standardization. Such representation of postal rates allows automated systems to uniformly use postal rates as they are introduced for new products or updated for existing postal products by postal operators. A postal rate file (PRF) is an XML document, which fully describes postal products rates. It contains all necessary and sufficient information for both postal operators and their customers to efficiently create, respectively acquire, update and process postal product rates. The structure, types and constraints of XML elements in an XML document are defined by an XML schema. The Extensible Postal Rates (EPR) schema is the XML schema that governs Postal Rate Files.
This Technical Specification contains a complete description of the EPR schema, its hierarchical structure, information types and semantics of its elements.
This Technical Specification neither defines nor constraints how postal rates are created by postal operators but rather provide a powerful and flexible tool that supports efficient rates definition, management and distribution.
This Technical Specification does not define communication protocols that can be used by posts to distribute postal rates files to their customers. Suitable communication protocols are typically well known and already standardized (for example: Web Services, File Transport Protocol, email, etc.). The standard also does not define valuation of postal products as applied by postal operators and their customers.

  • Technical specification
    77 pages
    English language
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This Technical Specification defines a uniform structure and meaning for the information that fully represents postal rates for a broad variety of postal products in all mail categories. The postal rates definition is viewed as an important interface between posts and their customers and as such will benefit from standardization. Such representation of postal rates allows automated systems to uniformly use postal rates as they are introduced for new products or updated for existing postal products by postal operators. A postal rate file (PRF) is an XML document, which fully describes postal products rates. It contains all necessary and sufficient information for both postal operators and their customers to efficiently create, respectively acquire, update and process postal product rates. The structure, types and constraints of XML elements in an XML document are defined by an XML schema. The Extensible Postal Rates (EPR) schema is the XML schema that governs Postal Rate Files.
This Technical Specification contains a complete description of the EPR schema, its hierarchical structure, information types and semantics of its elements.
This Technical Specification neither defines nor constraints how postal rates are created by postal operators but rather provide a powerful and flexible tool that supports efficient rates definition, management and distribution.
This Technical Specification does not define communication protocols that can be used by posts to distribute postal rates files to their customers. Suitable communication protocols are typically well known and already standardized (for example: Web Services, File Transport Protocol, email, etc.). The standard also does not define valuation of postal products as applied by postal operators and their customers.

  • Technical specification
    77 pages
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The purpose of this Technical Specification is to define the requirements of the OCR/VCS Standard interface and to convey these requirements in context to the reader.
This document is arranged under 4 main clauses as described in Figure 1:
-   UCM (Use Case Model) describes the use cases for the IC/ED Interface using sequence diagrams with messages.
-   IDD (Interface Design Description) defines the data model for the IC/ED interface.
-   SDD (System Design Description) defines the mandatory specification of the IC/ED interface in terms of architecture, services and behavioural models. In the Common Part of this clause no middleware or transport layer is specified. The common part of this clause is intended to be middleware-independent.
-   SDD-TCP/IP, SDD-CORBA, in these specialized clauses. The specifications for 2 compatible transport solutions TCP/IP, CORBA are provided. Further middleware solutions (such as SOAP) can be added when available, provided that they are fully compatible with the Common Part.
As shown on Figure 2, there are many interfaces from an Enrichment Device to the rest of the system. This document is only concerned with the Mailpiece Processing part of the complete Standard Interface.
The mailpiece processing is concerned with the passing of a mailpiece to an Enrichment Device for processing.
Figure 3 depicts the system model of an Enrichment Device. As visible on the figure, an Enrichment Device is one of:
-   an OCR:
a single or a pool of automatic recognition and interpretation engines, which are capable of retrieving information from an image of a mailpiece without human intervention;
-   a VCS:
a single or a pool of video coding desks, which produce results from images of mailpieces; all tasks related to the management of the coders and the coding desks are encapsulated within the VCS system, or are accessible via interfaces which are outside the scope of the interface described within this document;
-   a Voter:
a system which can determine the most appropriate result for a mailpiece using data and/or an image of a mailpiece; typically, a voter determines the most appropriate result from two or more results.
This document therefore covers the Mailpiece Processing interface between the Image Controller and the Enrichment Devices.
The document describes the requirements in the case of real-time enrichment: operational mode of an Enrichment Device, where the ED replies within the specified expiration time to the IC; the IC has to keep track of all mailpieces waiting for a reply from an ED. The ED does not keep persistence of mailpieces outside a channel connection with the IC. The ED has to have the processing power available to enrich a mailpiece. There is one and only one response for a mailpiece.
A later version of the document shall describe the case of deferred enrichment: operational mode of an Enrichment Device, where the ED may pre-request mailpieces from the IC. The ED has to keep persistence of the mailpiece to enrich it later and keep the result available for a result request from the IC. There is no response expected by IC from the ED.
The interface between Image Controller and Image Controller is NOT part of this document.
Furthermore, there may be many IC connected to many ED’s, as shown in the following object model:
The submission strategy in case of one IC connected to many ED’s is not part of the interface. It is for optimizing the mail flow in case of identical ED’s, or for defining the order in which different ED’s are activated (cascaded versus parallel submission).
The submission strategy of the IC shall be part of the specification and certification of the IC, which is not part of this document.

  • Technical specification
    237 pages
    English language
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    1 day