Test requirements on accessories for use on power cables of rated voltage from 3,6/6(7,2) kV up to 20,8/36(42) kV - Part 2: Cables with impregnated paper insulation

This standard specifies performance requirements for type tests for cable accessories for use on impregnated paper insulated power cables as specified in HD 621. Formerly, approvals of such products have been achieved on the basis of national standards and specifications and/or the demonstration of satisfactory service performance. The publication of this CENELEC standard does not invalidate existing approvals. However, products approved to such earlier standards or specifications shall not claim approval to this CENELEC standard unless specifically tested to it. It is not necessary to repeat these tests, once successfully completed, unless changes are made in the materials, design or manufacturing process, which might affect the performance characteristics. Accessories for special applications such as submarine cables, ships cables or hazardous situations (explosive environments, fire resistant cables or seismic conditions) are not included. Test methods are included in EN 61442.

Prüfanforderungen für Kabelgarnituren für Starkstromkabel mit einer Nennspannung von 3,6/6(7,2) kV bis 20,8/36(42) kV - Teil 2: Kabel mit massegetränkter Papierisolierung

Diese Norm legt die Anforderungen bei Typprüfungen für Kabelgarnituren in Verbindung mit massegetränkten Papierkabeln, wie in HD 621 beschrieben, fest. In der Vergangenheit erfolgte die Zulassung von Garnituren auf der Basis nationaler Normen und Bedingungen und/oder dem Nachweis hinreichender Betriebsergebisse. Durch die Veröffentlichung dieser CENELEC Norm werden bestehende Zulassungen nicht ungültig. Jedoch gelten Gernituren, typgeprüft nach früheren Normen oder Bedingungen, nicht als nach dieser CENELEC-Norm typgeprüft; solange sie nicht diesem entsprechend geprüft wurden. Nachdem diese Prüfung erfolgreich bestanden wurde braucht diese nicht wiederholt werden, es sei denn, Änderungen in Material, Konstruktion oder Herrstellprozess welche die Betriebseigenschaften beeinflussen können, wurden vorgenommen. Diese Norm gilt nicht für Garnituren für spezielle Anwendungsbereiche, z.B. Seekabel, Schiffskabel oder für den Einsatz unter gefährlichen Bedingungen (explosive Umgebung, feuerbeständige Kabel oder Erdbebengefährdung). Die Prüfverfahren sind in EN 61442 enthalten.

Prescriptions relatives aux essais sur les accessoires des câbles d'énergie pour des tensions assignées de 3,6/6(7,2) kV à 20,8/36(42) kV - Partie 2: Câbles isolés au papier imprégné

Le présent Document d’Harmonisation définit les prescriptions fonctionnelles concernant les essais de type sur les accessoires de câbles d'énergie à isolation au papier imprégné spécifiés dans le HD 621. Auparavant, les agréments de ces accessoires ont été réalisés sur la base de normes ou spécifications nationales et/ou sur la base d’une démonstration d’une expérience en service satisfaisante. La publication de cette norme CENELEC n’invalide pas les agréments existants. Cependant, des accessoires agréés sur la base de normes ou spécifications antérieures ne peuvent revendiquer un agrément suivant la présente norme CENELEC tant qu’ils n’ont pas subit les essais de celle-ci. Une fois ces essais effectués, il n'est pas nécessaire de les répéter sauf si des changements intervenant dans les matériaux, la conception ou le procédé de fabrication, sont susceptibles d'affecter les caractéristiques de fonctionnement. Les accessoires pour usages spéciaux tels que les câbles sous-marins, les câbles de bord ou pour situations dangereuses (environnements explosifs, câbles résistant au feu ou aux conditions sismiques) ne sont pas traités par cette norme. Les méthodes d’essais sont décrites dans la EN 61442.

Preskusne zahteve za pribor, ki se uporablja na elektroenergetskih kablih za naznačene napetosti od 3,6/6(7,2) kV do vključno 20,8/36(42) kV – 2. del: Kabli, izolirani z impregniranim papirjem

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may 2006
Preskusne zahteve za pribor, ki se uporablja na elektroenergetskih kablih za
naznačene napetosti od 3,6/6(7,2) kV do vključno 20,8/36(42) kV – 2. del:
Kabli, izolirani z impregniranim papirjem
Test requirements on accessories for use on power cables of rated voltage from
3,6/6(7,2) kV up to 20,8/36(42) kV – Part 2: Cables with impregnated paper
ICS 29.035.10; 29.060.20 Referenčna številka
©  Standard je založil in izdal Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje ali kopiranje celote ali delov tega dokumenta ni dovoljeno

HD 629.2 S2
February 2006
ICS 29.060.20 Supersedes HD 629.2 S1:1997 + A1:2001

English version
Test requirements on accessories for use on power cables
of rated voltage from 3,6/6(7,2) kV up to 20,8/36(42) kV
Part 2: Cables with impregnated paper insulation

Prescriptions relatives aux essais  Prüfanforderungen für Kabelgarnituren für
sur les accessoires des câbles d'énergie Starkstromkabel mit einer Nennspannung
pour des tensions assignées von 3,6/6(7,2) kV bis 20,8/36(42) kV
de 3,6/6(7,2) kV à 20,8/36(42) kV Teil 2: Kabel mit massegetränkter
Partie 2: Câbles isolés au papier Papierisolierung
This Harmonization Document was approved by CENELEC on 2005-09-01. CENELEC members are bound to
comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for implementation of this
Harmonization Document at national level.

Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national implementations may be obtained on
application to the Central Secretariat or to any CENELEC member.

This Harmonization Document exists in three official versions (English, French, German).

CENELEC members are the national electrotechnical committees of Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, the Czech
Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia,
Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain,
Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.

European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization
Comité Européen de Normalisation Electrotechnique
Europäisches Komitee für Elektrotechnische Normung

Central Secretariat: rue de Stassart 35, B - 1050 Brussels

© 2006 CENELEC - All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved worldwide for CENELEC members.
Ref. No. HD 629.2 S2:2006 E
This Harmonization Document was prepared by the Technical Committee CENELEC TC 20, Electric cables.
The text of the draft was submitted to the formal vote and was approved by CENELEC as HD 629.2 S2 on
This Harmonization Document supersedes HD 629.2 S1:1997 and its amendment A1:2001; it also includes
the changes proposed by CLC/TC 20 WG 11 as draft amendment A2.
The following dates were fixed:
– latest date by which the existence of the HD
has to be announced at national level (doa) 2006-03-01
– latest date by which the HD has to be implemented
at national level by publication of a harmonized
national standard or by endorsement (dop) 2006-09-01
– latest date by which the national standards conflicting
(dow) 2008-09-01
with the HD have to be withdrawn
This Harmonization Document has been written as part of a series of standards to satisfy the Public
Procurement Directive, and is complementary to HD 621, which covers impregnated paper insulated power
cables from 3,6/6(7,2) kV to 20,8/36(42) kV, inclusive.
This standard defines the requirements, which may be called up for joints, stop ends, separable connectors,
indoor and outdoor terminations when used with impregnated paper insulated power cables covered by
HD 621. The equivalent requirements for extruded power cables are given in HD 629.1 S2.
The test methods for these accessories are given in EN 61442.
– 3 – HD 629.2 S2:2006
1 Scope.4
2 Normative references .5
3 Definitions.5
4 Components .7
5 Test assemblies.8
6 Range of compliance.10
7 Test sequences .10
8 Test results .11
Annex A (informative) Identification of test cable (paper insulated) .27
Annex B (informative) Identification of test cable (extruded insulation).28
Table 1 – Test cable cross-sections for separable connectors .9
Table 2 – Indoor terminations for impregnated paper insulated cables (including shrouded terminations) .12
Table 3 – Outdoor terminations for impregnated paper insulated cables.13
Table 4 – Joints and transition joints for impregnated paper insulated cables .14
Table 5 – Stop ends for impregnated paper insulated cables .15
Table 6 – Screened separable connectors for impregnated paper insulated cables.16
Table 7 – Unscreened separable connectors (excluding shrouded terminations)
for impregnated paper insulated cables.18
Table 8 – Additional tests for non-circular conductor profile and/or insulation screen compliance .19
Table 9 – Additional tests for smallest and largest cable cross section compliance .20
Table 10 – Summary of test voltages .21
Figure 1 – Test arrangements for terminations .22
Figure 2 – Test arrangements for joints.23
Figure 3 – Test arrangements for stop ends .24
Figure 4 – Test arrangements for screened separable connectors.25
Figure 5 – Test arrangement for unscreened separable connectors .26

1 Scope
1.1 General
This standard specifies performance requirements for type tests for cable accessories for use on
impregnated paper insulated power cables as specified in HD 621.
Formerly, approvals of such products have been achieved on the basis of national standards and
specifications and/or the demonstration of satisfactory service performance. The publication of this
CENELEC standard does not invalidate existing approvals. However, products approved to such earlier
standards or specifications shall not claim approval to this CENELEC standard unless specifically tested to it.
It is not necessary to repeat these tests, once successfully completed, unless changes are made in the
materials, design or manufacturing process, which might affect the performance characteristics.
Accessories for special applications such as submarine cables, ships cables or hazardous situations
(explosive environments, fire resistant cables or seismic conditions) are not included.
Test methods are included in EN 61442.
1.2 Type of accessories
The accessories covered by this standard are listed below:
- indoor and outdoor terminations of all designs, including terminal boxes;
- straight joints, branch joints and stop ends and transition joints of all designs, suitable for use underground
or in air;
- screened or unscreened plug-in type or bolted-type separable connectors capable of interfacing with
bushing profiles as specified in EN 50180 and EN 50181.
1.3 Rated voltage
The rated voltages U /U (U ) of the accessories covered by this standard are 3,6/6(7,2) - 3,8/6,6(7,2) -
o m
6/10(12) - 6,35/11(12) - 8,7/15(17,5) - 12/20(24) - 12,7/22(24) - 18/30(36) - 19/33(36) - 20,8/36(42) kV where:
U is the rated power-frequency voltage between conductor and earth or metallic screen, for which the cable
accessory is designed;
U is the rated power-frequency voltage between conductors for which the cable accessory may be used;
U is the maximum value of the 'highest system voltage' for which the cable accessory may be used.
1.4 Current
The continuous current rating of a termination or joint for impregnated paper insulation power cables shall be
in accordance with the appropriate cable specified in HD 621 and shall be suitable for operation at the rated
current and under short circuit fault conditions at the temperatures stated therein.
The current rating of a separable connector is governed by the current rating of the mating bushing, (see
EN 50180 and EN 50181).
– 5 – HD 629.2 S2:2006
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated
references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced
document (including any amendments) applies.
EN 50180 Bushings above 1 kV up to 36 kV and from 250 A to 3,15 kA for liquid filled
EN 50181 Plug-in type bushings above 1 kV up to 36 kV and from 250 A to 1,25 kA for
7equipment other than liquid filled transformers
EN 61238-1 Compression and mechanical connectors for power cables for rated voltages up to
= 42 kV) - Part 1: Test methods and requirements (IEC 61238-1:2003, mod.)
36 kV (U
EN 61442 Test methods for accessories for power cables with rated voltages from 6 kV
(U = 7,2 kV) up to 36 kV (U = 42 kV) (IEC 61442)
m m
HD 428.2.2 Three-phase oil-immersed distribution transformers 50 Hz, from 50 to 2 500 kVA with
highest voltage for equipment not exceeding 36 kV – Part 2: Distribution transformers
with cable boxes on the high-voltage and/or low-voltage side – Section 2: Cable boxes
type 1 for use on distribution transformers meeting the requirements of HD 428.2.1 S1
HD 620 Distribution cables with extruded insulation for rated voltages from 3,6/6 (7,2) kV to
20,8/36 (42) kV
HD 621 Medium voltage impregnated paper insulated distribution cables
HD 631 (series) Electrical cables - Accessories - Material characterisation
IEC 60050-461 International Electrotechnical Vocabulary - Chapter 461: Electric cables
3 Definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply together with those given in
IEC 60050-461.
metallic device to connect cable conductors together (IEV 461-17-03)
device fitted to the end of a cable to ensure electrical connection with other parts of the system and to
maintain the insulation up to the point of connection (IEV 461-10-01)
indoor termination
termination intended for use where it is not exposed to either solar radiation or weathering
At draft stage.
outdoor termination
termination intended for use where it is exposed to either solar radiation or weathering or both
terminal box
air- or compound-filled box fully enclosing a termination (IEV 461-10-03 modified)
shrouded termination
indoor termination with additional insulation at the bushing connection and used in an air-filled terminal box
accessory suitable for use in air or underground which makes a connection between two or more insulated
power cables to form a continuous circuit
type I joint
joint suitable for use where an impact resistance withstand is not required
type II joint
joint which has an impact resistance withstand in accordance with this standard
straight joint
accessory making a connection between two cables to form a continuous circuit (IEV 461-11-01)
NOTE For types of joint see 3.7.1 and 3.7.2.
branch joint
accessory making a connection of a branch cable to a main cable (IEV 461-11-17)
NOTE For types of joint see 3.7.1 and 3.7.2.
transition joint
straight or branch joint making a connection between cables having different types of extruded insulation
(IEV 461-11-04 modified)
NOTE For types of joint see 3.7.1 and 3.7.2.
radial field joint
joint where the individual cores are screened throughout the joint
NOTE For types of joint see 3.7.1 and 3.7.2.
non-radial field joint
joint, which does not contain individual core screens
NOTE For types of joint see 3.7.1 and 3.7.2.
stop end
accessory providing a means of insulating the unconnected end of an energized cable
(IEV 461-10-07 modified)
– 7 – HD 629.2 S2:2006
separable connector
fully insulated termination permitting the connection and the disconnection of a cable to other equipment
screened separable connector
separable connector which has a fully screened external surface
unscreened separable connector
separable connector which does not have an external screen
plug-in type separable connector
separable connector in which the electr

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