CLC/TS 50712:2024
(Main)Railway applications - Current collection systems - Technical criteria for the interaction between pantograph and overhead contact lines on electrified roads
Railway applications - Current collection systems - Technical criteria for the interaction between pantograph and overhead contact lines on electrified roads
This document defines the general characteristics applicable to pantographs for ERS, to enable dynamic current collection of road vehicles from an overhead contact line system. It furthermore defines the electrical and mechanical interface between a pantograph and the infrastructure and between a pantograph and the vehicle. The document also specifies tests for the pantograph. It includes recommendations for a common safety concept that is related to the electric vehicle and power supply infrastructure and gives recommendations for the maintenance of the pantograph. This document is applicable to: - Two-pole pantographs on commercial vehicles during operation on electrified public roads and highways. This document is not applicable to: - trolley busses and their electric equipment; - vehicles in private applications on roads in restricted areas such as truck trolley applications in mines; - commercial freight vehicles or electric busses with static-only charging systems at e.g. loading/unloading facilities or bus stops.
Bahnanwendungen - Stromabnahmesysteme - Technische Kriterien für das Zusammenwirken zwischen Dachstromabnehmer und Oberleitungen auf elektrifizierten Straßen
Applications ferroviaires - Systèmes de captage de courant - Critères techniques d’interaction entre le pantographe et la ligne aérienne de contact sur routes electrifiées
Železniške naprave - Sistemi za odjem toka - Tehnični kriteriji za interaktivnost med pantografom in nadzemnim voznim vodom na elektrificiranih cestah
Ta dokument določa splošne lastnosti pantografov za električne cestne sisteme (ERS), ki omogočajo dinamični odjem toka cestnih vozil iz sistema nadzemnih voznih vodov. Poleg tega določa električni in mehanski vmesnik med pantografom in infrastrukturo ter pantografom in vozilom.
Dokument določa tudi preskuse za pantograf. Vključuje priporočila za skupni koncept varnosti, ki se navezuje na električno vozilo in infrastrukturo oskrbe z električno energijo, ter podaja priporočila za vzdrževanje pantografa.
Ta dokument se uporablja za:
– dvopolne pantografe na gospodarskih vozilih med obratovanjem na elektrificiranih javnih cestah in avtocestah.
Ta dokument se ne uporablja za:
– trolejbuse in njihovo električno opremo;
– vozila v zasebni rabi na cestah na območjih z omejenim dostopom, kot je uporaba tovornih vozičkov v rudnikih;
– gospodarska tovorna vozila ali električne avtobuse z možnostjo samo statičnega polnjenja, npr. v objektih za natovarjanje/raztovarjanje ali na avtobusnih postajališčih.
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
Železniške naprave - Sistemi za odjem toka - Tehnični kriteriji za interaktivnost
med pantografom in nadzemnim voznim vodom na elektrificiranih cestah
Railway applications - Current collection systems - Technical criteria for the interaction
between pantograph and overhead contact lines on electrified roads
Bahnanwendungen - Stromabnehmer - Technische Kriterien für das Zusammenwirken
zwischen Dachstromabnehmer und Oberleitung auf elektrifizierten Straßen
Applications ferroviaires - Systèmes de captage de courant - Critères techniques
d’interaction entre le pantographe et la ligne aérienne de contact sur routes electrifiées
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: CLC/TS 50712:2024
29.280 Električna vlečna oprema Electric traction equipment
45.060.10 Vlečna vozila Tractive stock
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.
ICS 29.280; 45.060.10
English Version
Railway applications - Current collection systems - Technical
criteria for the interaction between pantograph and overhead
contact lines on electrified roads
Applications ferroviaires - Systèmes de captage de courant Bahnanwendungen - Stromabnahmesysteme - Technische
- Critères techniques d'interaction entre le pantographe et la Kriterien für das Zusammenwirken zwischen
ligne aérienne de contact sur routes electrifiées Dachstromabnehmer und Oberleitungen auf elektrifizierten
This Technical Specification was approved by CENELEC on 2024-11-18.
CENELEC members are required to announce the existence of this TS in the same way as for an EN and to make the TS available promptly
at national level in an appropriate form. It is permissible to keep conflicting national standards in force.
CENELEC members are the national electrotechnical committees of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, the Czech Republic,
Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the
Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Republic of North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland,
Türkiye and the United Kingdom.
European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization
Comité Européen de Normalisation Electrotechnique
Europäisches Komitee für Elektrotechnische Normung
CEN-CENELEC Management Centre: Rue de la Science 23, B-1040 Brussels
© 2024 CENELEC All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved worldwide for CENELEC Members.
Ref. No. CLC/TS 50712:2024 E
Contents Page
European foreword . 6
Introduction . 7
1 Scope . 8
2 Normative references . 8
3 Terms, definitions, and abbreviations . 9
3.1 Terms and definitions . 9
3.2 Abbreviations .11
4 System architecture .14
4.1 Pantograph environment on ERS vehicles for OCLS .14
4.2 Pantograph .15
4.3 Coordinate reference system .21
5 Safety concept .21
5.1 General .21
5.2 System safety requirements for ERS vehicles .22
6 Pantograph characteristics and requirements .24
6.1 General .24
6.2 Interface to infrastructure (Mechanical and electrical properties of the OCL infrastructure) .24
6.3 Control interface of pantograph .33
6.4 Requirements for pantograph supply .35
6.5 Requirements for mounting and mechanical connection to the vehicle interface in case of a crash.35
6.6 Environmental conditions .36
6.7 Conditions arising from the application on a road .36
6.8 EMC and ESD requirements .37
6.9 Maintenance requirements .37
6.10 Basic pantograph requirements .37
7 Testing and simulation .38
7.1 General .38
7.2 Test definitions .41
7.3 Verification measures .56
Annex A (informative) Requirements for VIC and ERS vehicles with pantograph .57
A.1 General .57
A.2 Safety concept aspects for ERS vehicles with pantographs .57
A.3 Traction voltage supply situations .57
A.4 Functions of VIC .58
A.5 Recommended safety requirements and tests.58
A.6 SR13 Disconnection in cleared state .59
Annex B (informative) Overhead contact line infrastructure properties .60
B.1 Scope .60
B.2 Road characteristics . 60
B.3 Capacity and service life of the OCL system . 61
B.4 General geometric definitions . 62
B.5 OCLS Properties . 62
B.6 Contact forces . 70
B.7 ERS clearance requirements . 70
B.8 Electrical properties of the OCL . 79
Annex C (informative) Responsibilities of the infrastructure operators of ERS featuring OCLS . 80
C.1 General . 80
C.2 Organisational premises . 80
C.3 Operational monitoring. 80
C.4 Recommendations for OCLS operator processes . 82
Annex D (informative) CAN bus communication . 85
Annex E (informative) Overview electric roads system and their environment . 88
Bibliography . 90
Table 1 — Pantograph interface . 15
Table 2 — Pantograph components and ERS vehicle heights . 17
Table 3 — Pantograph states and safety recommendations . 18
Table 4 — Safety requirements overview . 22
Table 5 — Pantograph components and ERS vehicle heights . 28
Table 6 — Pantograph clearance requirements . 30
Table 7 — Traction power supply voltage limits . 32
Table 8 — Traction power supply current limits . 32
Table 9 — Simulation levels for crash profile (taken from N3 in UN ECE R100) . 36
Table 10 — catalogue of tests . 39
Table 11 — Definition of pantograph dimensions . 41
Table 12 — Collector head excitation . 51
Table A.1 — Recommended safety requirements and tests . 59
Table B.1 — Standard contact wire specifications . 62
Table B.2 — National example for minimum contact wire height and vertical space for contact wire .63
Table B.3 — Contact wire vertical position parameters, all values measured perpendicular to the
idealized top of the road surface (R) .65
Table B.4 — Contact wire height variables .65
Table B.5 — Contact wire uplift parameters .66
Table B.6 — contact wire differential heights parameters and maximum permissible values .67
Table B.7 — maximum change of contact wire height, measured for each contact wire .67
Table B.8 — Contact wire horizontal position parameters .67
Table B.9 — Defined points along the OCL (side view) .69
Table B.10 — Classification of clearance gauges for standard situations .72
Table B.11 — Composition of category A structure gauge clearance .73
Table B.12 — Composition of category B structure gauge clearance .74
Table B.13 — Composition of category C structure gauge clearances .76
Table B.14 — Composition of category D structure gauge clearances .77
Table B.15 — Structure gauge - width of clearances .78
Table B.16 — Electrical clearance values (static/dynamic) .79
Table D.1 — ENA_PAN_SYS CAN frame
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