Insulating and sheathing materials of electric and optical cables - Common test methods - Part 1-4: General application - Tests at low temperature

Gives the methods for tests at low temperature which apply to PVC and PV compounds.

Isolier- und Mantelwerkstoffe für Kabel und isolierte Leitungen - Allgemeine Prüfverfahren - Teil 1-4: Allgemeine Anwendung - Prüfungen bei niedriger Temperatur

Matériaux d'isolation et de gainage des câbles électriques et optiques - Méthodes d'essais communes - Partie 1-4: Application générale - Essais à basse température

Donne les méthodes d'essai à basse température qui s'appliquent aux mélanges PVC et PE.

Materiali za izoliranje in oplaščenje električnih in optičnih kablov - Splošne preskusne metode - 1-4. del: Področje uporabe - Preskušanje pri nizkih temperaturah (IEC 60811-1-4:1985 + popravek maj 1986 + A1:1993)

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EN 60811-1-4:1999
English language
23 pages
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Standards Content (Sample)

Insulating and sheathing materials of electric and optical cables - Common test methods
- Part 1-4: General application - Tests at low temperature
Isolier- und Mantelwerkstoffe für Kabel und isolierte Leitungen - Allgemeine
Prüfverfahren - Teil 1-4: Allgemeine Anwendung - Prüfungen bei niedriger Temperatur
Matériaux d'isolation et de gainage des câbles électriques et optiques - Méthodes
d'essais communes - Partie 1-4: Application générale - Essais à basse température
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: EN 60811-1-4:1995
29.035.01 Izolacijski materiali na Insulating materials in
splošno general
29.060.20 Kabli Cables
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

Première édition
First edition
Méthodes d'essais communes pour les matériaux
d'isolation et de gainage des câbles électriques
Première partie:
Méthodes d'application générale
Section quatre — Essais à basse température
Common test methods for insulating and sheathing
materials of electric cables
Part 1:
Methods for general application
Section four — Test at low temperature
© CEI 1985 de reproduction
Droits réservés — Copyright - all rights reserved
Aucune partie de cette publication ne peut être reproduite ni No part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized
utilisée sous quelque forme que ce soit et par aucun procédé, in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical,
électronique ou mécanique, y compris la photocopie et les including photocopying and microfilm, without permission
microfilms, sans l'accord écrit de l'éditeur. in writing from the publisher
Bureau central de la Commission Electrotechnique Internationale 3, rue de Varembé Genève Suisse
Commission Electrotechnique Internationale
International Electrotechnical Commission
MemayHapoaHaH 3nenrporexHH g
ecKaa HommccuH
Pour prix, voir catalogue en vigueur
• •
For price, see current catalogue

Publications 811 de la C E I I E C Publications 811
(Premières éditions 1985) (First editions 1985)
Méthodes d'essais communes pour les maté- Common test methods for insulating and
riaux d'isolation et de gainage des câbles sheathing materials of electric cables
Dans l'annexe A. article .92 des Publications 811-1-1, 811-1-2, 811-1-3. 811-1-4, 811-3-1. 811-3-2
et l'annexe B. article B2 de la Publication 811-4-1, veuillez modifier conne indiqué le tableau
suivant :
Correspondance entre les articles des Publications 540, 811 et 885 de la C El*
540 811 885
Titre de l'article
dans la Publication 540*
Article Partie Section Article
Essais de décharges partielles - 2
3 - -
Mesure des épaisseurs et des dia-
mètres** 4 I I 8 -
Détermination des propriétés mécaniques
des mélanges pour enveloppes isolantes
I I -
et gaines 5 9
- . 6 I 2 8
Méthodes de vieillissement thermique
Essai de perte de masse des enveloppes
7 3 2 8 -
isolantes et gaines de PVC
Essai de pression à température élevée
pour enveloppes isolantes et gaines de
8 3 1 8
Essais à hasse température pour enve-
I 4 8 -
loppes isolantes et gaines de PVC . . 9
Essais de résistance à la fissuration des
I 9 -
enveloppes isolantes et gaines de PVC 10 3
Méthode de détermination de la masse
volumique des mélanges élastomères et -
Il 1 3 8 -
Mesure de l'indice de fluidité à chaud du
4 I -
polyéthylène thermoplastique 12 10
- 13 2 1 8
Essai de résistance à l'ozone
1 -
Essai d'allongement à chaud 14 2 9
Essai de résistance à l'huile minérale pour
1 10 -
les gaines à base d'élastomères 15 2
Essais électriques pour les cibles, les
conducteurs et les fils, pour une tension
16 - - - 1
inférieure ou égale à 450/750 V
Stabilité thermique des enveloppes iso-
lantes et des gaines de PVC 17 3 2 9
Mesure dans k PE du taux de noir de
4 I Il -
carbone et/ou des charges minérales . 18
I 3 9 -
Essais d'absorption d'eau 19
I 3 10 -
E.csai de rétraction 20
• Publication 540: Méthodes d'essais pour les enveloppes isolantes et les gaines des câbles électriques rigides et
souples (mélanges élastomères et thermoplastiques).
Publication 885: Méthodes d'essais électriques pour les câbles électriques.
•• Techniquement non identique.

In Appendix A. Clause A2 of Publications 811-1-1, 811-1-2.811-1-3, 811-1-4, 811-3-1, 811-3-2 and
Appendix B, Clause B2 of Publication 811-4-1, please amend as follows the table below:
Corresponding clauses in I E C Publications 540, 811 and 885 *
540 811 885
Heading of clause
in Publication 540

Clause Part Section Clause Part
Partial discharge tests 3 - - - 2
Measurement of thicknesses and diam-
4 1 -
eters •• I 8
Tests for determining the mechanical
properties of insulating and sheathing
1 -
compounds 5 I 9
Thermal ageing methods 6 1 2 8 -
Loss of mass test for PVC insulations and
2 -
sheaths 7 3 8
Pressure test at high temperature for
PVC insulations and sheaths 8 3 1 . 8 -
Tests at low temperature for PVC insu-
lations and sheaths 9 I 4 8
Tests for resistance of PVC insulations
1 9 -
and sheaths to cracking 10 3
Method for determining the density of
elastomeric and thermoplastic com-
11 1 3 8
Measurement of the melt flow index of
thermoplastic polyethylene 12 4 I 10 -
1 -
Ozone resistance test 13 2 8
14 2 I 9 -
Hot set test
Mineral oil immersion test for elasto-
1 10 -
merit sheaths 15 2
Electrical tests for cables, cords and wires
for up and including
voltages to
450/750 V 16 - - -
Thermal stability of PVC insulations and
17 3 2 9 -
Carbon black and/or mineral filler con-
4 1 -
tent in PE 18 11
19 I 3 9 -
Water absorption tests
20 1 3 10 -
Shrinkage test
• Publication 540: Test Methods for Insulations and Sheaths of Electric Cables and Cords (Elastomeric and
Thermoplastic Compounds).
Publication 885: Electrical Test Methods for Electric Cables.
•• Technically not identical.
May 1986
Mai 1986
811-1-4 ©IEC 1985 — 3 —
1. Scope 7
2. Test values 7
3. Applicability 7
4. Type tests and other tests 7
5. Pre-conditioning 7
6. Test temperature 7
Median value 7
8. Tests at low temperature 9
8.1 Bending test at low temperature for insulations 9
11 8.2 Bending test at low temperature for sheaths
8.3 Elongation test at low temperature for insulations
8.4 Elongation test at low temperature for sheaths
17 8.5 Impact test at low temperature for PVC insulations and sheaths
A — Corresponding clauses and sub-clauses in I EC Publications 538 and 540 and I EC
Publication 811
811-1-4 © IEC 1985 — 5 —
Part 1: Methods for general application
Section Four — Tests at low temperature
The formal decisions or agreements of the I EC on technical matters, prepared by Technical Committees on which all the National
Committees having a special interest therein are represented, express, as nearly as possible, an international consensus of opinion
on the subjects dealt with.
They have the form of recommendations for international use and they are accepted by the National Committees in that
3) In order to promote intern
ational unification, the I EC exp re
sses the wish that all National Committees should adopt the text of
the IEC recommendation for their national rules in so far as national conditions will permit. Any divergence between the IEC
recommendation and the corresponding national rules should, as far as possible, be clearly indicated in the latter.
This standard has been prepared by IEC Technical Committee No. 20: Electric Cables.
The text of this standard is based on the following documents:
Six Months' Rule
Report on Voting
20(CO)154 20(CO)164
Further information can be found in the Repo rt on Voting indicated in the table above.
The following IEC publications are quoted in this standard:
Publications Nos. 538 (1976): Electric Cables, Wires and Cords: Methods of Test for Polyethylene Insulation and
538A (1980): First Supplement: Additional Methods of Test for Polyethylene Insulation and Sheath of
Electric Cables, Wires and Cords Used in Telecommunication Equipment and in Devices
Employing Similar Techniques.
540 (1982): Test Methods for Insulations and Sheaths of Electric Cables and Cords (Elastomeric and
Thermoplastic Compounds).
811: Common Test Methods for Insulating and Sheathing Materials of Electric Cables.
811-1-1: Part
1: Methods for General Application. Section One — Measurements of Thickness and
Overall Dimensions — Tests for Determining the Mechanical Properties. (In prepara-
The complete standard will eventually replace I E C Publications 538 and 540. To enable users to compare the relevant clauses in all
three publications, a table of cross-references is given in Appendix A.

IEC 1985 — 7
811-1-4 ©
Part 1: Methods for general application
1. Scope
This standard specifies the test method to be used for testing polymeric insulating and sheathing
materials of electric cables for power dist ribution and telecommunications including cables used on
This Section Four of Part 1 gives the methods for tests at low temperature which apply to PVC
and PE compounds.
2. Test values
Full test conditions (such as temperatures, durations, etc.) and full test requirements are not
specified in this standard; it is intended that they should be specified by the standard dealing with
the relevant type of cable.
Any test requirements which are given in this standard may be modified by the relevant cable
standard to suit the needs of a particular type of cable.
3. Applicability
Conditioning values and testing parameters are specified for the most common types of
insulating and sheathing compounds and of cables, wire and cords.
4. Type tests and other tests
The test methods described in this standard are intended, in the first instance, to be used for type
tests. In certain tests, where there are essential differences between the conditions for type tests and
those for more frequent tests, such as routine tests, these differences are indicated.
5. Pre-conditioning
All the tests shall be carried out not less than 16 h after the extrusion or vulcanization (or
cross-linking), if any, of the insulating or sheathing compounds.
6. Test temperature
Tests shall be carried out at the temperature specified in the relevant cable standard.
7. Median value
When several test results have been obtained and ordered in an increasing or decreasing
succession, the median value is the middle value if the number of available values is odd, and is the
mean of the two middle values if the number is even.

811-1-4 ©IEC 1985 — 9 -
8. Tests at low temperature
8.1 Bending test at low temperature for insulations
8.1.1 General
This test is intended in general for cores of circular cross-section having an external diameter up
to and including 12.5 mm and for sector-shaped cores when it is not possible to prepare dumb-
If required by the standard for the type of cable, the test shall be carried out on larger cores.
Otherwise, the insulation of larger cores shall be subjected to the elongation test described in
Sub-clause 8.3.
Sampling and preparation of test pieces
Each core to be tested shall be represented by two samples of suitable length. After removal of the
coverings, if any, the samples shall be used as test pieces.
8.1.3 Apparatus
The apparatus recommended for this test is represented in Figure 1, page 20, with explanations.
It consists essentially of one revolving mandrel and guiding devices for the test pieces.
Other single-mandrel apparatus, substantially equivalent to the one represented in Figure 1, may
also be used.
The apparatus shall be held in a refrigerator before and during the test.
The test piece shall be fixed in the apparatus, as shown in Figure 1.
The apparatus with the test piece in position shall be maintained in the refrigerator at the
specified temperature for a period of not less than 16 h. The cooling period of 16 h includes the time
necessary for cooling down the apparatus.
If the apparatus has been pre-cooled, a shorter cooling period is permissible, but not less than 4 h
provided that the samples have attained the prescribed test temperature. If the apparatus and test
specimens have been pre-cooled, a cooling time of 1 h after each test piece has been fixed to the
apparatus is sufficient.
At the end of the prescribed time, the mandrel shall be rotated, complying with the conditions
specified in Sub-clause 8.1.5, the test piece being guided so that it is bent tautly round the mandrel
in a close helix. In the case of sector-shaped test pieces, the circular "back" pa rt
of the test piece shall
be in contact with the mandrel.
Afterwards, the test piece, still on the mandrel, shall be allowed to attain approximately ambient
8.1.5 Test conditions
The cooling and test temperature shall be as specified for the type of compound in the relevant
standard for the type of cable.
The diameter of the mandrel shall be between 4 and 5 times the diameter of the test piece
(see below).
The mandrel shall be uniformly rotated at a rate of one revolution in about 5 s and the number of
turns shall be as specified in the following table:

811-1-4 © IEC 1985 — 11 —
Overall diameter (d) of the test piece
Number of turns
d 2.5

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