Anaesthesiology — Vocabulary

A vocabulary of terms used in connection with anesthetic and respiratory equipment and supplies, related devices and supply systems. Cancels and replaces the former edition, which has been technically revised.

Anesthésie — Vocabulaire

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ISO 4135:1995
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Anaesthesiology - Vocabulary
Anesthesie - Vocabulaire
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ISO 4135:1995(E/F)

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ISO 4135:1995(E/F)
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide
federation of national Standards bodies (ISO member bodies). The work
of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO
technical committees. Esch member body interested in a subject for
which a technical committee has been established has the right to be
represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental
and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO
collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission
(IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.
Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are
circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an International
Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting
a vote.
International Standard ISO 4135 was prepared by Technical Committee
lSO/TC 121, Anaesthetic and respiratory equipment, Subcommittee SC 4,
Anaes thesia terminology.
This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition (ISO 4135:1975),
of which it constitutes a technical revision.
0 ISO 1995
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International Orga nization for Standardi zation
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@ ISO ISO 4135:1995(E/F)
L ’ISO (Organisation internationale de normalisation) est une federation
mondiale d ’organismes nationaux de normalisation (comites membres de
I ’ISO). L ’elaboration des Normes internationales est en general confiee aux
comites techniques de I ’ISO. Chaque comite membre interesse par une
etude a Ie droit de faire Partie du comite technique cr& a cet effet. Les
organisations internationales, gouvernementales et non gouvernemen-
tales, en liaison avec I ’ISO participent egalement aux travaux. L ’ISO colla-
bore etroitement avec Ia Commission electrotechnique internationale (GEI)
en ce qui concerne Ia normalisation electrotechnique.
Les projets de Normes internationales adoptes par les comites techniques
sont soumis aux comites membres pour vote. Leur publication comme
Normes internationales requiert I ’approbation de 75 % au moins des co-
mites membres votants.
Le Norme internationale ISO 4135 a etc elaboree par Ie comite technique
ISO/TC 12 1, Mat&iel d ’anesthesie et de r&animation respira toi-e, sous-
comite SC 4, Terminologie concernant / ‘anesth&ie.
Cette deuxieme edition annule et remplace Ia Premiere edition
(ISO 4135:1975), dont elle constitue une revision technique.
. . .

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ISO 4135:1995(E/F)
Anesthkie -
Anaesthesiology -
Scope Domaine d ’application
This International Standard establishes a vocabulary of La presente Norme internationale etablit un vocabu-
terms used in connection with anaesthetic and res- laire des termes utilises dans Ie domaine du materiel
piratory equipment and supplies, related devices and d ’anesthesie et de reanimation respiratoire et des
supply Systems. fournitures, dispositifs connexes et systemes d ’ali-
mentation et/ou de distribution.
1 This International Standard is based on Standards and
drafts which have been produced by lSO/TC 121 except for
1 La presente Norme internationale a pour base les
clause 1 which contains definitions of general clinical terms.
normes et projets produits par l’lSO/TC 121 a I ’exception de
I ’article 1 qui contient des definitions de termes cliniques
2 A policy of repeating the definitions has been adopted
when the meaning changes according to the context.
These terms are Cross-referenced.
2 Le Principe de repeter les definitions quand il y a un
changement de sens en fonction du tontexte a etc adopte.
Ces termes sont references.
1 Anaesthesia and analgesia 1 Anesthbsie et analgesie
1.1 General 1 .l Termes ghbraux
1.1.1 1.1.1
reversible elimination of all Sensation abolition reversible de toute Sensation
1.12 1.12
analgesia analgesie
reversible elimination of the Sensation of pain abolition reversible de Ia Sensation de douleur
1.1.3 1.1.3
local anaesthesia anesthbie locale
reversible, deliberately produced, loss of all Sensation perte reversible, volontairement provoquee, de toute
in a part of the body Sensation dans une Partie du Corps
NOTE - The terms “‘local anaesthesia’” and “‘local anal- NOTE - Le terme «analgesie locale» a frequemment etc
gesia” have frequently been used synonymously; this inter-
employe comme synonyme d ’t(anesthesie locale)); cette
change is Po be deprecated and it is recommended that confusion doit etre evitee et il est recommande d ’apporter
stricter attention be paid to the definitions given. une plus stritte attention aux definitions donnees.

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ISO 4135:1995(E/F) @ ISO
1.1.4 1.1.4
local analgesia analgesie locale
reversible, deliberately produced, loss of the Sensation perte reversible, volontairement provoquee, de Ia sen-
of pain in a part of the body sation de douleur dans une Partie du Corps
NOTE - The terms “local anaesthesia” and “local anal- NOTE - Le terme ((analgesie locale)) a frequemment etc
gesia” have frequently been used synonymously; this inter- employe comme synonyme d ’((anesthesie locale)); cette
Change is to be deprecated and it is recommended that confusion doit etre evitee et il est recommande d ’apporter
stricter attention be paid to the definitions given. une plus stritte attention aux definitions donnees.
1.1.5 1.1.5
anesthesie g6nerale
general anaesthesia
perte reversible de Ia conscience et de toute sensa-
reversible loss of consciousness and all Sensation,
deliberately produced for therapeutic purposes, in tion, volontairement provoquee dans un but thera-
which the reflex responses to Stimuli are diminished peutique, dans laquelle les reflexes sont diminues ou
or eliminated
1.1.6 1.1.6
intravenous anaesthesia [analgesia] anesthesie [analgesie] intraveineuse
anaesthesia [analgesia] induced and/or maintained by anesthesie [analgesie] induite et/ou maintenue par
the intravenous administration of one or more drugs I ’administration intraveineuse d ’un ou de plusieurs
1.1.7 1.1.7
inhalation anaesthesia [analgesia] anesthesie [analgesie] par inhalation
anaesthesia [analgesia] induced and/or maintained by anesthesie [analgesie] induite et/ou maintenue par
pulmonary Ventilation with anaesthetic vapours and/or Ventilation pulmonaire au moyen de vapeurs et/ou gaz
1.1.8 1.1.8
insuff lation anaesthesia [analgesia] anesthesie [analgdkie] par insufflation
technique of inhalation anaesthesia [analgesia] in technique d ’anesthesie [analgesie] par inhalation, dans
which a continuous flow of the anaesthetic mixture is laquelle un debit continu du melange anesthesique est
delivered directly into the upper respiratory tract administre directement dans les voies aeriennes
1.1.9 1.1.9
tracheal anaesthesia [analgesia] anesthesie [analg&ie] tracheale
endotracheal anaesthesia [analgesia] (deprecated) technique d ’anesthesie [analgesie] par inhalation, in-
technique of inhalation anaesthesia [analgesia] duite et/ou maintenue au moyen de vapeurs et/ou gaz
induced and/or maintained by anaesthetic vapours anesthesiques administres par voie tracheale, par I ’in-
termediaire d ’un tube tracheal ou de tracheostomie
and/or gases delivered into the trachea, through a
tracheal or a tracheostomy tube
1.1.10 1.1.10
electrical anaesthesia [analgesia]
anesthksie [analg&ie] electrique
anaesthesia [analgesia] induced and/or maintained by
anesthesie [analgesie] induite et/ou maintenue par Ie
the passage of electric currents through nervous
passage de courants electriques a travers Ie tissu
tissue nerveux
1.1.11 l.tA %
hyperbaric anaesthesia [analgesia] anesthesie [analg&ie] hyperbare
anaesthesia [analgesia] induced and/or maintained in a anesthesie [analgesiel induite et/ou maintenue ehern
Patient who is in an ambient pressure above atmo- un malade place a une Pression ambiante superieure a
spheric Ia Pression atmospherique

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ISO 4135:1995(E/F)
1.1.12 1.1.12
conduction anaesthesia [analgesia] anesthesie [analgesie] de conduction
interruption or depression of nerve impulse trans- interruption ou diminution de Ia transmission de I ’in-
mission at the site of application of a suitable an- flux nerveux au niveau de Ia zone d ’application d ’un
aesthetic or analgesic agent agent anesthesique [analgesique] convenable
1.1.13 1.1.13
cryo-anaesthesia [analgesia] cryoanesthesie [analgesie]
refrigeration anaesthesia [analgesia] anesthesie [analgesie] par refrigeration
anaesthesia [analgesia] produced by local or regional anesthesie [analgesie] produite par refroidissement
cooling local ou regional
1.2 Types of conduction anaesthesia 1.2 Types d ’anesthbsie [analgesie] de
1.2.1 1.2.1
surface anaesthesia [analgesia] anesthesie [analgesie] de surface
topical anaesthesia [analgesia] anesthesie [analgesie] de conduction par application
conduction anaesthesia [analgesia] produced by appli- d ’un agent approprie sur une surface determinee
cation of a suitable agent to a selected surface
1.2.2 1.2.2
infiltration anaesthesia [analgesia] anesthesie [analgesie] par infiltration
conduction anaesthesia [analgesia] produced in a anesthesie [analgesie] de conduction produite
localized region by deposition of a suitable agent at
une region limitee, par I ’injection a cet endroit d ’un
that site agent approprie
1.2.3 1.2.3
regional field block anaesthesia [analgesia] anesthesie [analgesie] par blocage regional
conduction anaesthesia [analgesia] produced by depo- anesthesie [analgesie] de conduction produite par
sition of a suitable agent on or near the nerve supply I ’injection d ’un agent approprie sur ou pres de
to a specific region I ’innervation d ’une region determinee
1.2.4 1.2.4
nerve block anaesthesia [analgesia] anesthesie [analgesie] par blocage nerveux
conduction anaesthesia [analgesia] produced by depo- anesthesie [analgesie] de conduction produite par I ’in-
sition of a suitable agent on or near a specific nerve jection d ’un agent approprie sur ou au voisinage im-
mediat d ’un nerf donne
1.2.5 1.2.5
paravertebral anaesthesia [analgesia] anesthesie [analgesie] paravertebrale
conduction anaesthesia [analgesia] produced by depo-
anesthesie [analgesie] de conduction produite par I ’in-
sition of a suitable agent on or near the spinal nerves
jection d ’un agent approprie sur Ie ou pres du nerf
at or near the intervertebral foramina
rachidien au niveau ou au voisinage du trou de conju-
‘E -2.6
Plexus block anaesthesia [analgesia]
anesthesie [analgesie] par blocage plexique
conduction anaesthesia [analgesia] produced by depo-
anesthesie [analgesie] de conduction produite par l ’in-
sition of a suitable agent at or near a nerve Plexus jection d ’un agent approprie au niveau ou au voisinage
d ’un Plexus nerveux

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ISO 4135:1995(E/F) 0 ISO
1.2.7 1.2.7
epidural anaesthesia [analgesia] anesthesie [analgesie] epidurale
extradural anaesthesia [analgesia] anesthesie [analgesie] peridurale
peridural anaesthesia [analgesia] anesthesie [analgesie] de conduction produite par I ’in-
conduction anaesthesia [analgesia] produced by depo- jection d ’un agent approprie a I ’interieur de I ’espace
sition of a suitable agent within the epidural space peridural.
1.2.8 1.2.8
subarachnoid anaesthesia [analgesia] anesthesie [analgesie] rachidienne
spinal anaesthesia [analgesia] anesthesie [analgesie] de conduction produite par I ’in-
jection d ’un agent approprie a l’interieur de I ’espace
conduction anaesthesia [analgesia] produced by depo-
sous-arachno ’idien
sition of a suitable agent within the subarachnoid
anesthesie [analgesie] caudale
caudal anaesthesia [analgesia]
epidural anaesthesia [analgesia] produced by deposi- anesthesie [analgesie] peridurale produite par I ’injec-
tion of a suitable agent within the sacral canal tion d ’un agent approprie a I ’interieur du canal sacre
1.3 Narcosis 1.3 Narcose
1.3.1 1.3.1
narcosis narcose
reversible state of central nervous System depression etat reversible de depression du Systeme nerveux
produced by a Chemical agent or physical means central provoque par un agent chimique ou par des
moyens physiques
1.3.2 1.3.2
basal narcosis narcose de base
narcosis induced before or during any procedure, suf- narcose induite avant ou Pendant toute procedure,
ficiently deep to require constant skilled Supervision of suffisamment profonde pour necessiter une surveil-
the Patient lance adequate constante
administration of a drug or drugs in the preoperative administration d ’un ou de plusieurs medicaments au
period to facilitate anaesthesia or analgesia by reduc- cours de Ia Periode preoperatoire en vue de faciliter
ing anxiety and/or by diminishing complications or I ’anesthesie ou I ’analgesie en reduisant I ’anxiete et/ou
side-effects en diminuant les complications ou les effets secon-
2 Medical gas supply Systems 2 Systemes de distribution de gaz
2.1 General 2.1 Termes ghkraux
medical gas gaz medical
any gas or mixture of gases intended to be ad- gaz ou melange de gaz qu ’il est prevu d ’administrer
ministered to patients for therapeutic, diagnostic or aux malades a des fins de therapie, de diagnostic ou
prophylactic purposes or for surgical tool applications de prophylaxie ou pour l’utilisation d ’instruments de
International Standards this term includes
NOTE - In some
medical vacuum.
NOTE - Ce terme comprend tion medicale (vide)
l “aspira
dans certaines Normes internat onales.

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@ ISO ISO 4135:1995(E/F)
2.1.2 2.1.2
medical gas supply System Systeme de distribution de gaz medicaux
(non-flammable) medical gas Pipeline reseau de distribution de gaz
System medicaux (non inflammables)
cf. (non-flammable) medical gas Pipeline System cf. rkeau de distribution de gaz medicaux (non
inflammables) (2.2.1)
2.1.3 2.1.3
Systeme de distribution de gaz mhdicaux
medical gas supply System
toute autre installation ne
any other installation having no per-
manent Pipeline System but employing a medical gas comportant pas de reseau de canalisations permanent
supply Source complete with pressure regulators mais ayant une Source d ’alimentation (centrale)
completement equipee avec des detendeurs
2.2 Reseaux de distribution
2.2 Pipeline Systems
2.2.1 2.2.1
(non-flamm a bl e ) medical gas Pipeline System r6seau de distribution de gaz medicaux (non
complete System which comprises a central supply inf lammables)
with control equipment, a Pipeline distribution System reseau entier comprenant une centrale d ’appro-
and terminal units at the Points where non-flammable visionnement avec equipement de commande, un
: delivered reseau de canalisations et des prises murales en des
medical gases may bc
ly System (2.1.2 Points ou les gaz medicaux non inflammables peuvent
cf. medical gas supp
etre fournis
cf. Systeme de distribution de gaz medicaux (2.1.2)
2.2.2 2.2.2
central supply System Systeme de stockage
Source de gaz medicaux comprenant un ou plusieurs
Source of medical gas comprising one or more of the
des systemes suivants:
following items of plant:
a) a System of gas cylinders; a) rampe de bouteilles de gaz;
b) cryogenic or non-cryogenic liquid supply; b) alimentation de gaz liquefie cryogenique ou non;
c) air compressors; c) compresseurs d ’air;
d) proportioning equipment; d) equipement melangeur;
e) medical Oxygen concentrators; e) concentrateurs d ’oxygene medical;
f) vacuum Pumps f) pompes a vide
2.2.3 2.2.3
Source of supply centrale
central supply System with associated control equip- Systeme qui associe Ie Systeme de stockage et Ie
ment and that Portion of the Pipeline up to and in- tableau de commande ainsi que Ia Partie de Ia canali-
cluding the main Pipeline shut-off valve sation comprenant Ia vanne principale de section-
2.2.4 2.2.4
primary supply
rampe de Service
that Portion of the central supply System which sup-
Partie du Systeme de stockage qui alimente Ie reseau
plies the Pipeline distribution System
secondary supply rampe d ’attente
that Portion 0% the central supply System which auto-
Partie du Systeme de stockage qui alimente automati-
matically supplies the Pipeline distribution system quement Ie reseau lorsque Ia rampe de Service est
when the primary supply either becomes exhausted epuisee ou tombe en Panne (auquel cas elle devient Ia
or fails (and which thus becomes the primary supply)
rampe de Service)

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ISO 4135:1995(E/F)
2.2.6 2.2.6
reserve supply rhserve de secours
that Portion of the central supply System, activated Partie du Systeme de stockage, a mise en marche
manually or automatically, which supplies the Pipeline manuelle ou automatique, et qui alimente Ie reseau en
distribution System in the event of failure of both the cas de Panne des rampes de Service et d ’attente
primary and secondary supplies
2.2.7 2.2.7
Systeme de stockage de gaz liquefi4i
cryogenic liquid System
liquid Oxygen or liquid nitrogen central supp y System cryoghique
which consists of a primary supply with either a Systeme de stockage d ’oxygene liquide ou d ’azote
secondary supply, a reserve supply or both liquide, qui se compose d ’une rampe de Service avec
soit une rampe d ’attente, soit une reserve de secours,
NOTE - Liquefied nitrous Oxide and carbon diox ,i de are not
soit les deux
NOTE - Les gaz liquefies cryogeniques n ’englobent pas Ie
protoxyde d ’azote liquide et Ie dioxyde de carbone liquide.
non-cryogenic liquid System Systeme de stockage de gaz liquefie non
central supply System of nitrous Oxide and carbon cryoghique
dioxide with reserve supply Systeme de stockage de protoxyde d ’azote et de
dioxyde de carbone avec reserve de secours
2.2.9 2.2.9
air compressor System centrale d ’air comprime
System which comprises two or more air compres- Installation comprenant deux compresseurs d ’air ou
sors designed to provide clean, dry, oil-free air to a plus, destines a fournir un air propre, sec et exempt
Pipeline distribution System at a constant pressure d ’huile a un reseau de canalisations, sous une pres-
through its control equipment sion constante, a partir de son tableau de commande
NOTE - This equipment should include a reserve supply. NOTE - II convient que cette installation camprenne une
reserve de secours.
2.2.10 2.2.10
centrale d ’aspiration medicale (vide)
vacuum System
installation comprenant deux pompes a vide au moins,
System which comprises two or more vacuum Pumps
destinees a creer une depression
designed to provide a vacuum
2.2.11 2.2.11
proportioning equipment melangeur
central supply System in which gases tan be mixed in Systeme de stockage dans lequel les gaz peuvent etre
specif ied ratios melanges dans des proportions prescrites
2.2.12 2.2.12
control equipment tableau de commande
those items necessary to maintain the gas supply at a elements necessaires pour maintenir I ’alimentation en
set pressure within a Pipeline distribution System, gaz a une Pression determinee dans Ie reseau de
such as pressure control regulators, relief valves, canalisations, tels que les detendeurs, les soupapes
alarm initiators, and manual and automatic valves de decharge, les declencheurs d ’alarme et les vannes
manuelles et automatiques
2.2.13 2.2.13
Pipeline distribution System rheau de canalisations
that part of a Pipeline System linking the Source of Partie d ’un reseau de distribution reliant Ia centrale
supply to the terminal units, including any necessary aux prises murales, et comprenant toutes les vannes
branch isolation valves and any additional line pressure de sectionnement necessaires et tous les detendeurs
regulators required supplementaires requis

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ISO 4135:1995(E/F)
2.2.14 2.2.14
shut-off valve vanne de sectionnement
isolating valve vanne manuelle ou automatique qui empeche un
manual or automatic valve which prevents flow in ecoulement dans les deux sens lorsqu ’elle est fermee
both directions when closed
2.2.15 2.2.15
non-return valve clapet antiretour
valve which permits flow in one direction only
clapet qui ne permet un ecoulement que dans un seul
cf. non-return valve (5.3.1)
cf. clapet antiretour (5.3.1)
pressure safety valve soupape de securite
valve to limit the Pipeline pressure downstream of line soupape qui Iimite Ia Pression dans Ia canalisation en
pressure regulators aval des detendeurs secondaires
2.2.17 2.2.17
pressure relief valve soupape de decharge
valve to Iimit pressure downs t ream of any operating soupape qui limite Ia Pression en aval des detendeurs
pressure regulator primaires
cf. pressure relief valve (5.3.7 cf. valve de skuritk (5.3.7)
2.3 Oxygen concentrators 2.3 Concentrateurs d ’oxyghe
2.3.1 2.3.1
Oxygen concentrator concentrateur d ’oxygene
any device which provides Oxygen-enriched air from tout appareil qui fournit un air enrichi en oxygene par
ambient air by the Separation of nitrogen Separation de I ’azote de I ’air ambiant
membrane Oxygen concentrator (2.3.3), cf. concentrateur & membrane (2.3.3), appareil h
pressure Swing adsorption device (2.3.4)
adsorption par oscillation de Pression (2.3.4)
2.3.2 2.3.2
f ixed installation Oxygen concentrator concentrateur d ’oxygene (installation fixe)
central supply System comprising compressor(s), Systeme de stockage comprenant un ou plusieurs
nitrogen adsorber unit(s) and reservoir by means of compresseurs, une ou plusieurs unites d ’adsorption
which clean, dry, oil-free, Oxygen-enriched air is de I ’azote et un reservoir, permettant une production,
generated from atmospheric air a partir de I ’air atmospherique, d ’un air propre, sec,
exempt d ’huile, enrichi en oxygene
2.3.3 2.3.3
membrane Oxygen concentrator concentrateur & membrane
Oxygen concentrator which functions by selective concentrateur d ’oxygene qui fonctionne par permea-
permeation of Oxygen from ambient air through a bilite selective d ’une membrane favorisant Ie passage
membrane de I ’oxygene present dans I ’air ambiant
2.3.4 2.3.4
pressure Swing adsorption device
appareil a adsorption par oscillation de
PSA device
molecular sieve device
PSA (pressure Swing adsorption)
Oxygen concentrator which functions by selective
tamis moleculaire
retention 0% nitrogen and other components during concentrateur d ’oxygene qui fonctionne par retention
alternate pressurization and passages 0% ambient air selective de l ’azote et d ’autres composants lors de
through beds 0% molecular sieve material compressions et de passages alternes d ’air ambiant a
travers les Couches d ’un materiau constituant un
tamis moleculaire

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ISO 4135:1995(E/F)
2.4 Terminal units 2.4 Prises murales
2.4.1 2.4.1
terminal unit Prise murale
outlet assembly (inlet for vacuum) of a piped medical raccordement de sortie (d ’entree pour Ie vide) d ’un
gas distribution System at which the user makes con- reseau de canalisations pour Ia distribution de gaz
nections and disconnections medicaux, auquel I ’utilisateur peut brancher et de-
brancher des appareils
2.4.2 2.4.2
terminal unit check valve clapet de tete de Prise murale
valve which remains closed until opened by insertion clapet qui reste ferme jusqu ’a ce qu ’il soit ouvert par
of an appropriate probe and which then permits flow I ’introduction de I ’embout approprie, ce qui permet
in both directions alors un ecoulement dans les deux directions
2.4.3 2.4.3
terminal unit maintenance valve clapet d ’embase de Prise murale
valve within a terminal unit assembly which permits clapet de Ia Prise qui permet sa maintenance sans
maintenance of the terminal unit without shutting coupure de Ia canalisation d ’alimentation et des autres
down the Pipeline System and other terminal units
prises murales
2.4.4 2.4.4
terminal unit base block embase de Prise murale
that part of a terminal unit which is attached to the Partie d ’une Prise murale fixee sur Ia canalisation de
Pipeline distribution System
specifique au gaz
gas-specif ic
having characteristics which prevent interchange-
possedant des caracteristiques permettant d ’eviter
ability, thereby allowing assignment to one gas or une interchangeabilite, de facon a n ’etre attribue qu ’a
vacuum Service only un seul type de distribution de gaz ou seulement pour
I ’aspiration (vide)
2.4.6 2.4.6
gas-specif ic connection Point tete de Prise murale, specifique au gaz
socket assembly t6te de Prise
that part of a terminal unit which is the receptor for a Partie d ’une Prise murale destinee a recevoir I ’embout
non-interchangeable gas-specific connecting assembly non interchangeable, specifique au gaz, d ’un flexible,
and which is attached to the base block by the et qui est fixee a I ’embase par un dispositif non inter-
appropriate non-interchangeable gas-specific device changeable, specifique au gaz
2.4.7 2.4.7
raccords specifiques au gaz
gas-specif ic connector
raccords filetes [soit NIST (raccords a tete filetee non
connector of one of the following types:
interchangeables), soit DISS (systemes de securite
screw-threaded connector [either NIST (non-inter-
bases sur des diametres differents)] ou raccords
changeable screw-threaded) or DISS (diameter-
indexed safety System)] rapides non interchangeables (prises rapides)
non-interchangeable quick connector cf. raccord de Prise rapide (2.5.51, raccord DISS
cf. quick connector (2.5.5), DISS connector (2.5.6), (2.5.6), raccord NIST (2.5.7)
NIST connector (2.5.7)
2.4.8 2.4.8
conversion kit interface interfabricant
gas-specific assembly of components supplied by a ensemble d ’elements specifiques a un gaz, fourni par
manufacturer that is intended to Change the configu- un fabricant, concu pour modifier Ia configuration ou
ration or Performance of a terminal unit of another les performances d ’une Prise murale d ’un autre
manufacturer fabricant

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ISO 4135:1995(E/F)
raccord intermodele
modif ication kit
gas-specific assembly of components supplied by a ensemble d ’elements specifiques a un gaz, fourni par
manufacturer that is intended to Change the con- un fabricant, concu pour modifier Ia configuration
figuration of a terminal unit of his own manufacture d ’une Prise murale de sa propre fabrication
2.5 Hose assemblies 2.5 Flexibles
flexible de raccordement basse Pression
low-pressure flexible connecting assembly
hose assembly
assembly comprising a hose with permanently at- tuyau muni de facon permanente de raccords speci-
tached gas-specific supply and equipment connectors, fiques au gaz, I ’un a partir de I ’alimentation et I ’autre
which is designed to conduct a medical gas or is for vers Ie materiel medical, et qui est concu pour ache-
use with a vacuum Service miner un gaz medical ou pour aspirer (faire Ie vide)
2.5.2 2.5.2
supply connector raccord cot6 “Source”
that gas-specific part of a hose assembly by means of element du flexible specifique au gaz qui permet Ie
which it may be connected to the Source of supply branchement vers Ia Source d ’alimentation en gaz
2.5.3 2.5.3
equipment connector raccord cot6 “appareil”
that gas-specific part of a hose assembly which is element du flexible specifique au gaz qui est branche
connected to a) sur Ie materiel medical;
b) sur les prises murales;
a) medical equipment;
c) sur Ie reseau de distribution
b) a terminal unit;
c) a Pipeline System
2.5.4 2.5.4
hose insert
element du raccord qui est enfonce et maintenu dans
that Portion of a connector which is pushed into and
I ’interieur (lumiere) du tube proprement dit
secured within the bore (lumen) of the hose
2.5.5 2.5.5
quick connector raccord de Prise rapide
pair of non-threaded gas-specific components which couple de raccords non filetes, specifiques au gaz, qui
tan be easily and rapidly joined together by a Single peuvent etre facilement et rapidement enclenches par
action of one o

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