Woodworking machines — Universal tool and cutter sharpeners — Nomenclature

Specifies the nomenclature appropriate to the various parts of these tool and cutter sharpeners in order to assist manufacturers and users in the identification of these parts. Gives in addition to terms used in the three official ISO languages (English, French and Russian) the equivalent terms in the German, Spanish, Italian and Swedish languages.

Machines à bois — Machines à affûter universelles — Nomenclature

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ISO 9266:1988
English language
6 pages
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First edition
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Woodworking machines - Universal tool and cutter
sharpeners - Nomenclature
Machines 6 bois - Machines 6 afffiter universelles -
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IS0 9266 : 1988 (E/F)
IS0 (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of
national standards bodies (IS0 member bodies). The work of preparing International
Standards is normally carried out through IS0 technical committees. Each member
body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has
the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, govern-
mental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. IS0
collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all
matters of electrotechnical standardization.
Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to
the member bodies for approval before their acceptance as International Standards by
the IS0 Council. They are approved in accordance with IS0 procedures requiring at
least 75 % approval by the member bodies voting.
International Standard IS0 9266 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 39,
Machine tools.
Annex A of this International Standard is for information only.
L’ISO (Organisation internationale de normalisation) est une federation mondiale
d’organismes nationaux de normalisation (comites membres de I’ISO). L’elaboration
des Normes internationales est en general confide aux comites techniques de I’ISO.
Chaque comite membre interesse par une etude a le droit de faire partie du comite
technique tree a cet effet. Les organisations internationales, gouvernementales et non
gouvernementales, en liaison avec I’ISO participent egalement aux travaux. L’ISO col-
labore etroitement avec la Commission electrotechnique internationale (CEI) en ce qui
concerne la normalisation electrotechnique.
Les projets de Normes internationales adopt& par les comites techniques sont soumis
aux comites membres pour approbation, avant leur acceptation comme Normes inter-
nationales par le Conseil de I’ISO. Les Normes internationales sont approuvees confor-
mement aux procedures de I’ISO qui requierent I’approbation de 75 % au moins des
comites membres votants.
La Norme internationale IS0 9266 a et6 elaboree par le comite technique ISO/TC 39,
a titre d’infor-
L’annexe A de la presente Norme internationale est don&e uniquement
@ International Organization for Standardization, 1988 l
@ Organisation internationale de normalisation, 1988 l
Printed in Switzerland / Imprim en Suisse

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IS0 9266 : 1988 (E/F)
Woodworking machines - Machines 6 bois - Machines
6 affQter universelles -
Universal tool and cutter
sharpeners - Nomenclature
1 Domaine d’application
1 Scope
This International Standard specifies the nomenclature ap- La presente Norme internationale indique la nomenclature pro-
pre aux diffkrentes parties des machines a affZlter universelles,
propriate to the various parts of universal tool and cutter
afin d’aider les constructeurs et les utilisateurs dans I’identifica-
sharpeners in order to assist manufacturers and users in the
identification of these parts. tion de celles-ci.
NOTE - En complement des termes utilisk dans les trois langues offi-
NOTE - In addition to terms used in the three official IS0 languages
cielles de I’ISO (anglais, franqais et russe), cette Norme internationale
(English, French and Russian), this International Standard gives the
equivalent terms in the German, Spanish, Italian and Swedish donne dans les langues allemande, espagnole, italienne et suedoise les
termes kquivalents; ces termes sont publi6s sous la responsabilit6 des
languages; these are published under the responsibility of the member
bodies for Germany, F.R. (DIN), Spain (AENOR), Italy (UNI) and comit6s membres de I’Allemagne, R.F. (DIN), de I’Espagne (AENOR),
de I’ltalie (UNI) et de la Suede (SIS). Toutefois, seuls les termes don-
Sweden (SIS). However, only the terms given in the official languages
can be considered as IS0 terms. n6s dans les langues officielles peuvent etre consid&% comme &ant
des termes de I’ISO.
This International Standard applies to those machines
La prksente Norme internationale s’applique aux machines
designated by the number 55.7 in IS0 79841).
designees sous le num6ro 55.7 de I’ISO 79841).
1) IS0 7984 : 1988, Machines a bois - Classification technique des
1) IS0 7984 : 1988, Woodworking machines - Technical classifi-
machines 9 travailler le bois et des machines auxiliaires B travailler le
cation of woodworking machines and auxiliary machines for wood-

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IS0 9266 : 1988 (E/F)
English French Russian
Anglais Francais Russe
Machines & affuter universelles
Rep&e Universal tool and cutter sharpeners YHHBepCaJlbHble 3aTOllHble CT8HKH
1 Framework Ossature
1.1 Main frame Bati CTaHMHa
Coolant recovery tray Bat de recuperation du liquide d’arrosage KopbiTo ,qm c6opa cMa3oqHo-
oxnaqatoiqeti ~~KOCTM
Deplacement des pieces et/au outils lloAarla 3aroToBxb4 H/H~H bu4ctpyMenTa
2 Feed of workpiece and/or tools
2.1 Grinding carriage Chariot d’aff Otage KapeTKa (CTOn)
Carriage slideway Glissiere du chariot Hanpasmto~tie KapeTKM
Support, maintien et guidage
3 Workpiece support, clamp and guide CyllIlOpT 3WOTOBKH, 3aIKblM
des pieces

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