ISO 3509:1989
(Main)Coffee and its products — Vocabulary
Coffee and its products — Vocabulary
Definitions of the most commonly used terms in English and French. The terms are grouped to the clauses "coffee", " green coffee", "roasted coffee" and "process descriptions". Alphabetical indices in the two languages are added.
Cafés et dérivés — Vocabulaire
La présente Norme internationale définit les termes les plus couramment employés dans le domaine du café et de ses dérivés.
Kava in proizvodi iz kave - Slovar
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
Third edition
Troisi&me Edition
Coffee and its products - Vocabulary
Cafes et derives - Vocabulaire
Reference number
Numero de reference
ISO 3509 : 1989 (E/F)
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ISO 3509 : 1989 (E/F)
Contents .
Foreword. iv
Scope. . 1
Terms and definitions . 1
1 Coffee . 1
1.1 General .
1.2 Typesofcoffee . 1
.................................. 3
1.3 Parts of the coffee fruit (Undried)
1.4 Parts of the coffee fruit (dried) . 3
....................................................... 4
2 Greencoffee
2.1 Geometrie characteristics . 4
.................................................. 4
2.2 Foreign matter
................................ 4
2.3 Defects originating from coffee fruit
3 Roastedcoffee .
.................................................. 6
3.1 Foreign matter
3.2 Defects found in roasted coffee beans . 7
4 Process descriptions . 8
English . 9
French . 11
@ ISO 1989
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International Organization for Standardization
Case postale 56 l CH-121 1 Geneve 20 l Switzerland
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ISO 3509 : 1989 (E/F)
Avant-propos. v
Domaine d’application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Termes et definitions 1
1 Cafb. . 1
1.1 Generalites 1
1.2 Presentation du cafe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1.3 Composants du fruit du cafeier (non Seche) 3
1.4 Composants du fruit du cafeier (secheI
............................. 3
2 Cafevert . 4
2.1 Caracteristiques morphologiques
.................................. 4
2.2 Matieres etrangeres
.............................................. 4
2.3 Defauts provenant du fruit du cafeier
............................... 4
3 Cafhtorrefie .
3.1 Matieres etrangeres
3.2 Defauts trouves dans les feves de cafe torrefie . 7
4 Description des procbdh de preparation
............................. 8
Anglais. 9
Francais . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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ISO 3509 : 1989 (E/F)
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of
national Standards bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International
Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical committees. Esch member
body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has
the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, govern-
mental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO
collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all
matters of electrotechnical standardization.
Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to
the member bodies for approval before their acceptance as International Standards by
the ISO Council. They are approved in accordance with ISO procedures requiring at
least 75 % approval by the member bodies voting.
International Standard ISO 3509 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 34,
Agricultural food products.
This third edition cancels and replaces the second edition (ISO 3509 : 19841, subclause
2.3.3 of which has been technically revised. In addition, terms and definitions for
roasted coffee have been added.
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ISO 3509 : 1989 (E/F)
L’ISO (Organisation internationale de normalisation) est une federation mondiale
d’organismes nationaux de normalisation (comites membres de I’ISO). L’elaboration
des Normes internationales est en general confiee aux comites techniques de I’ISO.
Chaque comite membre interesse par une etude a Ie droit de faire Partie du comite
technique cr& a cet effet. Les organisations internationales, gouvernementales et non
gouvernementales, en liaison avec I’ISO participent egalement aux travaux. L’ISO col-
labore etroitement avec Ia Commission electrotechnique internationale (GEI) en ce qui
concerne Ia normalisation electrotechnique.
Les projets de Normes internationales adoptes par les comites techniques sont soumis
aux comites membres pour approbation, avant leur acceptation comme Normes inter-
nationales par Ie Conseil de I’ISO. Les Normes internationales sont approuvees confor-
mement aux procedures de I’ISO qui requierent I’approbation de 75 % au moins des
comites membres votants.
La Norme internationale ISO 3509 a et6 elaboree par Ie comite technique ISO/TC 34,
Produits agricoles ahnen taires.
Cette troisieme Edition annule et remplace Ia deuxieme Edition (ISO 3509 : 1984, dont
Ie Paragraphe 2.3.3 a fait I’objet d’une revision technique. En outre, les termes et defini-
tions pour Ie cafe torrefie ont et6 ajoutes.
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ISO3509 : 1989 (E/F)
Coffee and its products - Cafes et derives -
Vocabulary Vocabulaire
Domaine d’application
La presente Norme internationale definit les termes les plus
This International Standard defines the most commonly used
terms relating to coffee and its products. couramment employes dans Ie domaine du cafe et de ses
Termes et definitions
Terms and definitions
1 Caf6
1 Coffee
1 .l G6n6ralites
1.1 General
1.1.1 coffee : General term for the fruits and seeds of plants 1.1.1 cafe: Terme generique designant les fruits et les
of the genus Coffea, generally the cultivated species, as well as graines des plantes du genre Coffea, generalement des especes
products from these fruits and seeds in different stages of cultivees, ainsi que des produits derives de ces fruits et graines
a differents stades de transformation et d’utilisation, destines a
processing and use, intended for consumption.
NOTE - This term applies to products such as cherry coffee, husk
coffee, parchment coffee, green coffee, monsooned coffee, polished
NOTE - Le terme s’applique a des produits tels que Ie cafe en cerises,
coffee, decaffeinated coffee, roasted coffee as beans or ground, Ie cafe en coque, Ie cafe en parche, Ie cafe vert, Ie cafe moussonne, ie
coffee extract, instant coffee and coffee brew. cafe grage, Ie cafe decafeine, Ie cafe torrefie, en grains ou moulu,
I’extrait de cafe, Ie cafe soluble et Ie cafe boisson.
1 .1.2 Arabica coffee : Coffee of the botanical species Coffea 1 .1.2 cafe Arabica : Cafe de I’espece botanique Coffea
arabica Linnaeus. arabica Linnaeus.
1.1.3 Robusta coffee : Coffee of the botanical species 1.1.3 cafe Robusta : Cafe de I’espece botanique Coffea
Coffea canephora Pierre ex Froehner. canephora Pierre ex Froehner.
1.1.4 Liberica coffee : Coffee of the botanical species Coffea 1.1.4 cafe Liberica : Cafe de I’espece botanique Coffea
liberica H iern. iberica H ier n .
1 .1.5 Excelsa coffee : Coffee of the botanical species Coffea 1.1.5 cafe Excelsa : Cafe de I’espece botanique Coffea
dewevrei De Wild and Durand var. excelsa Chevalier. dewevrei De Wild et Durand var. excelsa Chevalier.
1 .1.6 Arabusta coffee : Hybrid interspecific Coffea arabica x 1.1.6 cafe Arabusta : Cafe hybride interspecifique Coffea
Coffea canephora Capot and Ake Assi. arabica x Coffea canephora Capot et Ake Assi.
1.2 Types of coffee 1.2 Presentation du cafe
1.2.1 cherry coffee : Undried eherries of plants of the genus
1.2.1 cafe en cerises : Cerises des plantes du genre Coffea
Coffea after harvesting. apres recolte et avant sechage.
1.2.2 husk coffee; coffee in pod; dried coffee eherries :
1.2.2 cafe en coque : Cafe en cerises apres sechage.
Dried cherry coffee.
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ISO3509:1989 US)
1.2.3 cafe en parche: Grains de cafe enveloppes de leur
1.2.3 parchment coffee; coffee in parchment : Coffee
endocarpe (parche).
beans wrapped in the endocarp (parchment).
green coffee; raw coffee : Coffee beans (see 1.4.6). 1.2.4 cafe vert; cafe brut; cafe cru: Grains de cafe (voir
NOTE - Green coffee (so called) is not necessarily green in colour.
NOTE - Le cafe dit «vert» n’est pas necessairement de couleur verte.
1.2.5 cafe prepare par voie humide: Cafe vert prepare au
1.2.5 wet-processed coffee: Green coffee prepared by
voie humide» des fruits.
moyen d’un traitement dit «par
“wet-processing” of the fruit.
«washed coffee» est couramment utilise en anglais
The term “washed coffee” is commonly used in English for NOTE - Le terme
pour ce produit.
this product.
1.2.6 cafe doux: Cafe Arabica prepare par voie humide.
mild coffee : Wet-processed Arabica coffee.
1.2.6 /
Green cafe prepare par voie Seche; cafe non lave: Cafe
coffee; dry-processed coffee : 1.2.7
1.2.7 unwashed
vert prepare au moyen d’un traitement dit «par voie Seche» des
coff ee prepared by “dry processing” of the fruit.
NOTE - The term “natura1 coffee” is also used for this product.
NOTE - Le terme c(cafe nature» est egalement pour designer
1.2.8 cafe semi-lave; cafe depellicule et lave : Cafe vert
1.2.8 washed and cleaned coffee : Dry-processed green
prepare par voie Seche, dont Ia pellicule argentee a etc eliminee
coffee from which the silverskin has been removed by
par un traitement mecanique en presence d’eau.
mechanical means in the presence of water.
1.2.9 cafe moussonne : Cafe vert obtenu a partir de cafe
1.2.9 monsooned coffee : Green beans obtained from un-
non lave, qui a etc expose en atmosphere humide, ce qui pro-
washed coffee which has been subjected to exposure to a
voque I’absorption d’eau, et, en consequence, un gonflement
humid atmosphere, causing it to absorb moisture and so to
et un changement de couleur jusqu’a devenir brun clair dore.
swell and Change colour to golden/light brown.
1.2.10 cafe grage : Cafe vert prepare par voie humide, dont
1.2.10 polished coffee : Wet-processed green coffee from
Ia pellicule argentee a etc eliminee par Operation mecanique afin
which the silverskin has been removed by a mechanical opera-
de donner un brillant et un meilleur aspect.
tion to give a gloss and a better appearance.
1.2.11 residus de triage : Matieres etrangeres, autres impu-
1.2.11 triage residue; screenings : Foreign matter, other
retes provenant de Ia cerise et feves defectueuses separees par
impurities originating in the cherry and defective beans
separated by sorting.
1.2.12 cafe torrefie; cafe grille : Cafe obtenu par torrefac-
1.2.12 roasted coffee : Coffee obtained by roasting green
tion du cafe vert.
coff ee.
NOTE - Le cafe torrefie ne doit pas etre appele «cafe brule», terme
NOTE - In French, roasted coffee should not be called “cafe brfile”
qui est parfois utilise improprement en France pour designer ce pro-
(burnt coffee), a term which is sometimes used (incorrectly) in France
for the product.
1.2.13 cafe moulu: Produit obtenu par mouture du cafe tor-
ground coffee : Product obtained by grinding roasted
coff ee.
1.2.14 extrait de cafe : Produit obtenu exclusivement a partir
1.2.14 coffee extract : Product obtained exclusively from
du cafe torrefie, par des methodes physiques utilisant I’eau
roasted coffee by physical methods using water as the only car-
comme seul agent d’entrainement ne provenant pas du cafe.
rying agent which is not derived from coffee.
1.2.15 Types de cafe soluble
1.2.15 Types of instant coffee cafe soluble; cafe instantane; extrait de cafe
instant coffee; soluble coffee; dried coffee ex-
seche: Produit Seche, soluble dans I’eau, obtenu exclusive-
tract : Dried, water-soluble product, obtained exclusively from
ment a partir du cafe torrefie, par des methodes physiques utili-
roasted coffee by physical methods using water as the only
sant I’eau comme seul agent d’entrainement ne provenant pas
carrying agent which is not derived from coffee.
du cafe.
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ISO 3509 : 1989 (E/F) cafe soluble atomise : Cafe soluble obtenu par un spray-dried instant coffee : Instant coffee which
procede dans lequel I’extrait de cafe a I’etat liquide est pulverise
has been obtained by a process in which the coffee extract in
dans une atmosphere chaude et transforme en particules
the liquid state is sprayed into a hot atmosphere and formed
seches par evaporation de I’eau.
into dried particles by evaporation of the water. cafe soluble agglomere : Cafe soluble obtenu par agglomerated instant coffee : Instant coffee
un procede dans lequel les particules seches sont fusionnees
which has been obtained by a process in which the dried par-
ticles of instant coffee are fused together to form larger par- entre elles pour former des particules plus grosses.
1.2.16 cafe lyophilise; extrait de cafe lyophilise; cafe
1.2.16 freeze-dried coffee; freeze-dried coffee extract;
freeze-dried instant coffee; freeze-dried soluble coffee : soluble lyophilise; cafe instantane lyophilise : Cafe soluble
Seche par un procede dans lequel Ie produit a I’etat liquide est
Instant coffee which has been obtained by a process in which
congele et Ia glace eliminee par Sublimation.
the product in the liquid state is frozen and the ice removed by
1.2.17 cafe decafeine : Cafe obtenu apres extraction de Ia
1.2.17 decaffeinated coffee : Coffee from which caffeine
has been extracted.
tent would usually be stated cafeine
NOTE - A maximum residual caffeine con NOTE - Une teneur residuelle maximale en serait normale-
in a specification for decaffeinated coffee. ment indiquee dans une specification relative au cafe decafeine.
1.2.18 cafe boisson : Boisson obtenue, soit a partir d’eau et
1.2.18 coffee brew : Beverage obtained either by treatment
of ground roasted coffee with water or by the addition of water de cafe torrefie moulu, soit par addition d’eau a un extrait de
to a coffee extract, an instant coffee or freeze-dried coffee. cafe, a un cafe soluble ou a un cafe lyophilise.
1.3 Composants du fruit du cafeier (non Seche)
1.3 Parts of the coffee fruit (Undried)
1.3.1 cerise fralche de cafe : Fruit frais entier du cafeier
1.3.1 coffee cherry : Fresh, complete fruit of the coffee tree.
1.3.2 Pulpe : Fraction de Ia cerise fraiche de cafe eliminee lors
1.3.2 pulp : Part of the coffee cherry eliminated during the
pulping and composed of the exocarp and most of the du depulpage et constituee de I’exocarpe et de Ia majeure Partie
du mesocarpe.
1.3.3 parchment : Endocarp of coffee fruit. 1.3.3 parche : Endocarpe du fruit du cafeier.
1.4 Parts of the coffee fruit (dried) 1.4 Composants du fruit du cafeier (Seche)
1.4.1 dried coffee cherry : Dried fruit of the coffee tree, Seche du cafeier comportant ses
1.4.1 cerise Seche : Fruit
or more beans
comprising its external envelopes and one enveloppes externes et une ou plusieu rs feves
bean entirely or partially
1.4.2 bean in parchment : Coffee 1.4.2 feve en parche: Grain de cafe entoure entierement ou
enclosed in its parchment (en docarp)
pa rtiel lement de sa parche (endocarpe).
1.4.3 husk : Assembled external envelopes (pericarp) of the
1.4.3 coque : Ensemble des enveloppes externes (pericarpe)
dried coffee fruit. du fruit Seche du cafeier.
1.4.4 dried parchment; hull: Dried endocarp of the coffee parche Seche: Endocarpe Seche du fruit du cafeier.
NOTE - On parle couramment en francais de «parche».
NOTE - In French the term “parche” alone is normally used.
1.4.5 silverskin; dried testa : Dried seed coat of the coffee 1.4.5 pellicule; testa Seche: Tegument seminal sec du grain
bean. lt has generally a silvery or coppery appearance. de ca fe presenta nt generalement une teinte argentee ou cui-
1.4.6 coffee bean : Commercial term designating the dried
1.4.6 grain de cafe; feve de cafe : Terme commercial desi-
seed of the coffee plant.
gnant Ia graine sechee du cafeier.
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ISO 3509 : 1989 (E/F)
2 Caf6 vert
2 Green coffee
21 . Geometrie characteristics 21 Caracteristiques morphologiques
2.1 .l feve plate : Grain de cafe presentant une face sensible-
2.1.1 flat bean : Coffee bean with one perceptibly flat face.
ment plane.
2.1.2 caracoli : Grain de cafe de forme sensiblement ovoide,
2.1.2 pea bean; caracol; caracoli : Coffee bean of nearly
resultant du developpement d’une seule graine dans Ie fruit.
ovaloid form resulting from the development of a Single seed in
the fruit.
2.1.3 feve elephant : Ensemble de graines (generalement
2.1.3 elephant bean; elephant : Assembly of beans (usually
sometimes more) resulting from false polyembryony. deux, quelquefois plus), resultant d’une fausse polyembryonie.
Diameter of the smallest circular hole 2.1.4 diametre: Diametre du plus Petit orif ice circulaire au
2.1.4 diameter:
throug h which the coffee bean tan pass. travers duquel peut passer Ie grain de cafe
2.2 Matieres etrangeres
2.2 Foreign matter
or vegetable matter 2.2.1 matieres etrangeres : Matieres d’origine minerale, ani-
2.2.1 foreign matter: Mineral, animal
male ou vegetale ne provenant pas de Ia cerise du cafeier.
not originating in the coffee cherry.
Pierre : Pierre retenue sur une tole
2.2.2 large stone: Stone retained by a Screen having round 2.2.2 grosse perforee a
trous ronds de 8’00 mm de diametre.
holes of 8’00 mm diameter.
2.2.3 medium stone : Stone passing through a Screen 2.2.3 Pierre moyenne : Pierre Passant a travers une tole per-
foree a trous ronds de 8’00 mm de diametre, mais retenue sur Ia
having round holes of 8’00 mm diameter but retained on a
Screen having round holes of 4’75 mm diameter. tole perforee a trous ronds de 4’75 mm de diametre.
small stone : Stone passing through a Screen having
2.2.4 2.2.4 petite Pierre Pierre Passant a travers une tole perfo-
round holes of 4’75 mm diameter. ree a trous ronds de 75 mm de diametre.
2.2.5 large stick : Twig approximately 3 cm in length (usually 2.2.5 gros bois: Brindille d’environ 3 cm de longueur (en
2 cm to 4 cm). pratique 2 cm a 4 cm).
2.2.6 medium stick : Twig approximately 1’5 cm in length 2.2.6 bois moyen : Brindille d’environ 1’5 cm de longueur
(usually 1 cm to 2 cm). 1 cma2 cm).
(en pratique
2.2.7 small stick: Twig approximately 0’5 cm in length 2.2.7 Petit bois: Brindille 0’5 cm de longueur (en
(usually less than 1 cm). pratique inferieure a 1 cm).
2i2.8 clod: Granulated lump of aggregated soil particles. 2.2.8 agglomerat terreux: Corps granulaire forme de parti-
cules de terre agglomerees. large clod : Clod retained by a Screen having round gros agglom erst: A gglomerat retenu sur une tole
holes of 8,00 mm diameter. a trous ronds mm de diametre.
perforee de 8’00 medium clod : Clod passing through a Screen having agglomerat moyen: Agglomerat Passant a travers
round holes of 8’00 mm diameter but retained on a Screen
une tole perforee a trous ronds de 8’00 mm de diametre, mais
having round holes of 4’75 mm diameter. retenu par Ia tole perforee a trous ronds de 4’75 mm de diame-
tre. small clod: Clod passing through a Screen having peti t agglomerat : Agglomera t Passant a travers une
round holes of 4,75 mm diameter-. tole perforee a trous ronds de 4’75 mm de diametre.
2.3 Defects originating from coffee fruit 2.3 Dbfauts provenant du fruit du cafbier
2.3.1 husk fragment : Fragment of the dried extemal ment de
2.3.1 grosse peau ou fragment de coqu e: Frag
envelope (pericarp). I’enveloppe exterieure Seche (ou pericarpe).
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ISO 3509 : 1989 (E/F)
parchment: Fragment of the dried endocarp 2.3.2 petite pea u ou frag ment de parche: Fragment de
2.3.2 piece of
I’endocarpe Seche
(parchment). (parche).
2.3.3 coquille; oreille : Feve malformee presentant une
2.3.3 Shell: Malformed bean presenting a cavity.
bean of volume
2.3.4 bean fragment: F ragment of a coffee 2.3.4 brisure: Partie de grain de cafe d’un volume inferieur a
celui d’une demi-feve.
less than half a bean.
2.3.5 broken bean: Fragment of a coffee bean of 2.3.5 feve brisee : Partie de grain de cafe d’un volume egal
ou superieur a celui d’une demi-feve
equal to or greater than half a bean.
whose abnormal shape 2.3.6 feve malformee : Grain de cafe dont Ia forme anormale
2.3.6 malformed bean: Coffee
ma kes it clearly distinguishable. permet de Ie distinguer aisement.
bean damaged inter- 2.3.7 feve endommagee par les insectes: Grain de cafe
2.3.7 insect-damaged bean: Coffee
nally or externally by insect attack. endommage interieurement ou exterieurement par l’attaque
2.3.8 insect-infested bean: 2.3.8 feve infestee par les insectes: live-insect infeste id bean: Coffee bean harb ouring feve infestee par des insectes vivants: Grain de
of development. cafe contenant un ou plusieurs insectes vivants a un stade quel-
one or more live insects at a ny Stage
conque de developpement.
containing feve infestee par des insectes morts: Grain de dea d-insect infested bean: Coffee bean
one or more dead insects or insect fragments. cafe contenant un ou plusieurs insectes morts ou fragments
2.3.9 dried cherry : Dried fruit of the coffee tree, comprising 2.3.9 cerise Seche: Fruit Seche du cafeier comportant ses
its external envelopes and one or more beans. enveloppes externes et une ou plusieu rs feves
bean entirely or partially
2.3.10 bean in parchment: Coffee 2.3.10 feve en parche: Grain de cafe entoure entierement
enclosed in its parchment (endocarp). ou partiellement de sa parche (endocarpe).
feve noire :
2.3.11 black bean: 2.3.11
a) exterieurement et interieurement: Grain de cafe
a) externally and internally : Coffee bean of which more
than one-half of the external surface and interior is black. dont plus de Ia moitie est de couleur noire exterieurement et
externally : Coffee bean of which more than one-half
of the external surface is black. b) exterieurement : Grain de cafe dont plus de Ia moitie
est de couleur noire exterieu rement.
2.3.12 partly black bean: 2.3.12 feve partiellement noire :
NOTE - The term “semi-black bean” is often used. NOTE - Le terme “demi-noire” est souvent utilis6.
a) externally and internally : Coffee bean of which half a) exterieurement et interieurement: Grain de cafe
or less than one-half of the external surface and interior is dont Ia moitie ou moins de Ia moitie est de couleur noire
black. exterieurement et interieurement.
half or less one- dont Ia moitie ou
b) externally : Coffee bean of which b) exterie lurement: Grain de cafe
half of the external surface is black. moins de Ia moitie est de couleur noire exterieurement.
2.3.13 immature bean; qua ker bean: Unripe coff ee
2.3.13 feve immature: Grain de cafe non mur, presentant
often wi th a wrinkled surface. souvent une surface ridee.
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ISO 3509 : 1989 (HF)
2.3.14 feve spongieuse : Grain de cafe de consistance analo-
2.3.14 spongy bean: Coffee bean of consistency analogous
gue a celle du liege, c’est-a-dire dont les tissus peuvent
to that of cork, i.e. whose tissues may be indented by pressure
s’enfoncer sous une Pression de I’extremite de I’ongle, et gene-
of the finger-nail, and generally whitish in colour.
ralement de couleur blanchatre.
This is not a defect in monsooned coffee.
Cette fbve ne constitue pas un defaut dans du cafe mous-
2.3.15 feve blanche legere: Grain de cafe de couleur blan-
white low density bean; floater bean: Coffee bean,
ehe, tres leger et de masse volumique nettement inferieure a
white in colour and very light in weight, with a density well
celle d’une feve saine.
below that of a healthy bean.
NOTE - Cette feve ne constitue pas un defaut dans un cafe mous-
NOTE - This is not a defect in monsooned coffee.
2.3.16 feve puante: Grain de cafe qui, a Ia coupe recente,
2.3.16 stinker bean : Coffee bean giving off, on being freshly
degage une Odeur tres desagreable. II peut etre de teinte
tut, a very unpleasant odour. The bean may be Iight-brown or
havane ou brunatre et presenter quelquefois un aspect cireux.
brownish, or have occasionally a waxy appearance.
Coffee bean deteriorated by excess 2.3.17 feve Sure: Grain de cafe altere par un ex& de fer-
2.3.17 sour bean:
mentation, presentant interieurement une couleur tres Iegere-
fermentation, with a very light brown-reddish colour internally
ment brun-rougeatre et donnant, apres torrefaction, un gout
and producing a sour taste when roasted and infused.
sur a I’infusion.
2.3.18 feve marbree: Grain de cafe presentant des zones
2.3.18 blotchy bean; spotted bean: Coffee bean showi
irregulieres de coloration verdatre, blanchatre ou parfois jauna-
irregular greenish whitish or, sometimes, yellow patches.
2.3.19 withered bean: Coffee bean which is wrinkled and 2.3.19 feve ridee; feve Seche: Grain de cafe ride et de faible
light in weight.
2.3.20 mouldy bean: Coffee bean showing mould growth or feve moisie: Grain de cafe presentant des moisissu-
res ou attaques par des moisissures, visibles a I’ceil nu.
evidente of attack by mould visible to the naked eye.
2.3.21 feve meurtrie au cours du depulpage: Grain de
2.3.21 pulper-nipped bean; pulpercut bean: Wet-
cafe prepare par voie humide, coupe ou ecrase au cours du
processed coffee bean tut or bruised during pulping, often with
depulpage, et presentant souvent des taches brunes ou noira-
brown or blackish marks.
3 Roasted coffee 3 Cafb torrefie
3.1 Matihes Gtrangeres
3.1 Foreign matter
3.1. matter: Mineral, animal or vegetable matter 3.1.1 matieres etrangeres : Matieres d’origine minerale, ani-
1 foreign
not originating i n the coffee cherry. male ou vegetale ne provenant pas de Ia cerise du cafeier.
3.1.2 large stone : Stone retained Screen having round 3.1.2 grosse Pierre : Pierre retenue sur une tole perforee a
bY a
holes trous ronds de 8’00 mm de diametre.
of 8’00 mm diameter.
3.1.3 Pierre moyenne : Pierre Passant a travers une tole per-
3.1.3 medium stone : Stone passing through a Screen
having round holes of 8’00 mm diameter but retained on a foree a trous ronds de 8’00 mm de diametre, mais retenue sur Ia
tole perforee a trous ronds de 4’75 mm de diametre.
Screen having round holes of 4’75 mm diameter.
3.1.4 small stone : Stone passing throug ha Screen having 3.1.4 petite Pierre : Pierre Passant a travers une tole perforee
a trous ronds de 4’75 mm de diametre.
round holes of 4’75 mm diameter.
3.1.5 large stick : Twig approximately 3 cm in length 3.1.5 gros bois : Brindille d’environ 3 cm de longueur (en
pratique 2 cm a 4 cm).
(usually 2 cm to 4 cm).
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ISO 3509 : 1989 (E/F)
1’5 cm in length 3.1.6 bois moyen : Brindille d’environ
3.1.6 medium stick: Twig approximately 1’5 cm de longueur
2 cm). (en pratique 1 cma2 cm).
(usually 1 cm to
3.1.7 Petit bois : Brindille d’environ 0’5 cm de longueur (en
3.1.7 small stick : Twig approximately 0’5 cm in length
pratique inferieure ZI 1 cm).
(usually less than 1 cm).
3.2 Defauts trouves dans les fhes de caf6
3.2 Defects found in roasted coffee beans
torrhf i6es
Fragment of the dried external 3.2.1 grosse pea fragment de
3.2.1 husk fragment : ui coque : Fragment
I’enveloppe exterieu re Seche (ou perica
envelope (pericarp). rpe) =
ent: Fragment of the dried endoca 3.2.2 petite peau; fragment de parche :
3.2.2 piece of pa Fragment de
ment). I’endocarpe Seche (parche).
Shell: Malformed bean presenting a cavity or external 3.2.3 coquille : Feve
prva izdaja
december 1995
Kava in proizvodi iz kave - Slovar (ekvivalenten z ISO 3509:1989)
Coffee and its products - Vocabulary
Cafés et dérivés - Vocabulaire
Deskriptorji: `ivilski proizvodi, kava, slovar
Referen~na {tevilka
ICS: 01.040.67; 67.140.20 SIST ISO 3509:1995 (sl)
Nadaljevanje na straneh od 2 do 11
© Standard je zalo`il in izdal Urad Republike Slovenije za standardizacijo in meroslovje pri Ministrstvu za znanost in tehnologijo.
Razmno`evanje ali kopiranje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.
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SIST ISO 3509 : 1995
Standard SIST 3509:1995, Kava in proizvodi iz kave - Slovar, prva izdaja, 1995, ima status
slovenskega standarda in je ekvivalenten mednarodnemu standardu ISO 3509:1989, Coffe and
its products - Vocabulary, third edition, 1989-07-01.
Mednarodni standard ISO 3509:1989 je pripravil tehni~ni odbor ISO/TC 34 Kmetijski pridelki in
`ivilski proizvodi. Slovenski standard SIST ISO 3509:1995 je prevod angle{kega in
francoskega besedila mednarodnega standarda ISO 3509:1989. Slovensko izdajo standarda je
pripravila delovna skupina WG 7 za podro~je za~imb, di{av, ~aja, kave in kakava v okviru
tehni~nega odbora USM/TC K@P Kmetijski pridelki in `ivilski proizvodi.
Ta slovenski standard je dne 1995-12-06 odobril direktor USM.
Ta standard skupaj z naslednjimi slovenskimi standardi, prevzetimi mednarodnimi standardi
ISO, ureja kontrolo kakovosti kave:
SIST ISO 660:1995 Rastlinske in `ivalske ma{~obe in olja - Dolo~anje kislinskega
{tevila in kislosti
SIST ISO 662:1995 Rastlinske in `ivalske ma{~obe in olja - Dolo~anje vlage in
vsebnosti hlapnih snovi
SIST ISO 663:1995 Rastlinske in `ivalske ma{~obe in olja - Dolo~anje netopnih
SIST ISO 1446:1995 Surova kava - Dolo~anje vsebnosti vlage (osnovna referen~na
SIST ISO 1447:1995 Surova kava - Dolo~anje vsebnosti vlage (rutinska metoda)
SIST ISO 3656:1995 Rastlinske in `ivalske ma{~obe in olja - Dolo~anje
UV absorbance
SIST ISO 3726:1995 Instant kava - Dolo~anje izgube mase pri 70 ºC
SIST ISO 3960:1995 Rastlinske in `ivalske ma{~obe in olja - Dolo~anje
peroksidnega {tevila
SIST ISO 4052:1995 Kava - Dolo~anje vsebnosti kofeina (referen~na metoda)
SIST ISO 4072:1995 Surova kava v vre~ah - Vzor~enje
SIST ISO 4149:1995 Surova kava - Vonj in videz ter dolo~anje tujih primesi in
SIST ISO 4150:1995 Surova kava - Analiza velikosti - Ro~no sejanje
SIST ISO 6667:1995 Surova kava - Dolo~anje dela zrn, po{kodovanih z insekti
SIST ISO 6668:1995 Surova kava - Priprava vzorcev za uporabo v senzori~ni
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SIST ISO 3509 : 1995
SIST ISO 6670:1995 Instant kava v obliki ve~jega tovora - Vzor~enje
SIST ISO 6673:1995 Surova kava - Dolo~anje izgube mase pri 105 ºC
SIST ISO 6800:1995 Rastlinske in `ivalske ma{~obe in olja - Dolo~anje sestave
ma{~obnih kislin
SIST ISO 7532:1995 Instant kava - Analiza velikosti
SIST ISO 7534:1995 Instant kava - Dolo~anje vsebnosti netopnih snovi
SIST ISO 8455:1995 Surova kava v vre~ah - Navodilo za skladi{~enje in prevoz
SIST ISO 8460:1995 Instant kava - Dolo~anje volumenske mase s
standardiziranima instrumentoma kot podatek pri prodaji
instant kave v napolnjenih zabojnikih
SIST ISO 9116:1995 Surova kava - Navodila za metode specifikacije
SIST ISO 10095:1995 Kava - Dolo~anje vsebnosti kofeina - Metoda z uporabo
teko~inske kromatografije
SIST ISO 10470:1995 Surova kava - Dolo~anje napak
SIST ISO 11294:1995 Pra`ena mleta kava - Dolo~anje vsebnosti vlage - Metoda
dolo~anja izgube mase pri 103 ºC (rutinska metoda)
SIST ISO 11817:1995 Pra`ena mleta kava - Dolo~anje vsebnosti vlage - Metoda
Karla Fisherja (referen~na metoda)
- Prevzem standarda ISO 3509:1989
- Povsod, kjer se v besedilu standarda uporablja izraz “mednarodni standard”, v
SIST ISO 3509:1995 to pomeni “slovenski standard”.
- Uvod in nacionalni predgovor nista sestavni del standarda.
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SIST ISO 3509 : 1995
Pojmi in definicije.5
1 Kava.5
1.1 Splo{no.5
1.2 Tipi kave.5
1.3 Deli kavinega plodu (neposu{enega).6
1.4 Deli kavinega plodu (posu{enega).6
2 Surova kava.7
2.1 Morfolo{ke zna~ilnosti.7
2.2 Tuje primesi.7
2.3 Napake, ki izvirajo iz kavinega plodu.8
3 Pra`ena kava.9
3.1 Tuje primesi.9
3.2 Napake pri pra`eni kavi.9
4 Opisi postopkov priprave.10
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SIST ISO 3509 : 1995
Kava in proizvodi iz kave - Slovar
V tem mednarodnem standardu so definirani splo{no uveljavljeni izrazi v zvezi s kavo in s
proizvodi iz kave.
Pojmi in definicije
1 Kava
1.1 Splo{no
1.1.1 Kava: Skupen izraz za plodove in semena rastlin iz rodu Coffea, ve~inoma gojenih
vrst, kot tudi skupen izraz za proizvode iz teh plodov in semen na razli~nih stopnjah
predelave in uporabe, ki so namenjeni za {iroko porabo.
Opomba: Ta izraz se uporablja za plodove, semena in proizvode, kot so kavini plodovi, suhi kavini plodovi,
kava v pergamentni luskini, surova kava, monsunska kava, polirana kava, dekofeinizirana kava, pra`ena
kava v zrnju ali mleta, kavin ekstrakt, instant kava in kavin napitek.
1.1.2 Kava Arabika: Kava botani~ne vrste Coffea arabica Linnaeus.
1.1.3 Kava Robusta: Kava botani~ne vrste Coffea canephora Pierre ex Froehner.
1.1.4 Kava Liberika: Kava botani~ne vrste Coffea liberica Hiern.
1.1.5 Kava Ekscelza: Kava botani~ne vrste Coffea dewevrei De Wild in Durand var. excelsa
1.1.6 Kava Arabusta: Hibrid Coffea arabica x Coffea canephora Capot in Ake Assi.
1.2 Tipi kave
1.2.1 Kavini plodovi: Neposu{eni plodovi rastlin iz rodu Coffea po obiranju.
1.2.2 Suhi kavini plodovi: Kava v zunanji luskini; neolu{~ena kava; posu{eni kavini plodovi.
1.2.3 Kava v pergamentni luskini: Kavina zrna v endokarpu (pergamentni luskini).
1.2.4 Surova kava; zelena kava: Kavina zrna (glej 1.4.6).
Opomba: Tako imenovana zelena kava ni nujno zelene barve.
1.2.5 Prana kava; po mokrem postopku obdelana kava: Surova kava, dobljena z obdelavo
plodov po mokrem postopku.
Opomba: Za ta na~in obdelave se je ustalil izraz "prana kava".
1.2.6 Blaga, kava "mild": Kava Arabika, obdelana po mokrem postopku.
1.2.7 Neprana kava; po suhem postopku obdelana kava: Surova kava, dobljena z
obdelavo plodov po suhem postopku.
1.2.8 Prana in ~i{~ena kava; polprana kava: Surova kava, obdelana po suhem postopku,
s katere je bila srebrnkasta luskina odstranjena mehansko s pomo~jo vode.
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SIST ISO 3509 : 1995
1.2.9 Monsunska kava: Surova kava, dobljena iz neprane kave, ki je bila izpostavljena vplivu
vla`nega zraka, kar je povzro~ilo absorpcijo vlage in s tem nabrekanje ter spremembo barve
zrn v zlatorumeno do svetlo rjavo.
1.2.10 Polirana kava: Surova kava, obdelana po mokrem postopku, s katere je bila
mehansko odstranjena srebrnkasta luskina, kar daje zrnom lesk in lep{i videz.
1.2.11 Ostanek po ~i{~enju; ~i{~enje: Tuje primesi, druge ne~isto~e, ki izvirajo iz plodu
kave, in zrna z napakami, izlo~eni s postopki ~i{~enja.
1.2.12 Pra`ena kava: Kava, dobljena s pra`enjem surove kave.
1.2.13 Mleta kava: Proizvod, dobljen z mletjem pra`ene kave.
1.2.14 Kavin ekstrakt: Proizvod, izklju~no iz pra`ene kave, dobljen s fizikalnimi metodami, ki
se uporablja z vodo kot edinim topilom.
1.2.15 Instant kava Instant kava; topna kava; posu{en kavin ekstrakt: Posu{en in v vodi topen
proizvod, dobljen izklju~no s fizikalnimi metodami, pri katerih se uporablja voda kot edino
topilo. Pr{eno su{ena (spray-dried) instant kava: Instant kava, dobljena s postopkom, pri
katerem se teko~i kavin ekstrakt razpr{i v vro~ zrak, da voda izhlapi in nastanejo suhi,
pra{nati delci. Aglomerirana instant kava: Instant kava, dobljena s postopkom, pri katerem se
manj{i posu{eni delci instant kave zdru`ijo v ve~je delce.
1.2.16 Liofilizirana (freeze-dried) kava; liofiliziran (freeze-dried) kavin ekstrakt;
liofilizirana (freeze-dried) instant kava; liofilizirana (freeze-dried) topna kava: Instant
kava, dobljena tako, da se proizvod v teko~em stanju zamrzne in nato led odstrani s
1.2.17 Dekofeinizirana kava: Kava, iz katere je ekstrahiran kofein.
Opomba: Najve~ja vsebnost preostanka kofeina je obi~ajno podana v specifikaciji za dekofeinizirano kavo.
1.2.18 Kavin napitek: Napitek iz pra`ene mlete kave, obdelane z vodo, ali napitek iz
kavinega ekstrakta, instant kave ali
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