Qualification of casing connections for thermal wells

This document provides procedures for assessment of casing connections for those field applications in which the operating temperatures cyclically vary between minimum values appreciably below 180 °C and maximum values that range from 180 °C to 350 °C or above, and in which the primary axial loading on the casing-connection system is strain-based and driven by constrained thermal expansion and leads to a stress state that exceeds the casing-connection system's yield envelope. NOTE This document can be considered complementary to ISO 13679 (and its core content per API Specification 5C5), which applies to classic elastic-design applications. This document contains an evaluation procedure for a candidate connection comprising of uniquely defined pin, box and interfacial components. The evaluation procedure includes: — Material property tests to assess relevant properties of the candidate connection pin and box components; — Analytical tasks to determine configuration of connection samples for physical tests, which are chosen based on worst-case combinations of the connection geometry and material properties; — Full-scale testing tasks to measure the candidate connection galling resistance, structural integrity and sealability under loading representative of connection assembly and thermal well service. This document does not address impacts of external pressure, incomplete lateral pipe support, rotational fatigue, formation-induced shear, or environmentally-induced corrosion or cracking. Clause 6 describes fundamental assumptions adopted in this document.

Qualification des raccordements de boîtiers pour les puits thermométriques

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ISO/TS 12835:2022 - Qualification of casing connections for thermal wells Released:3/8/2022
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First edition
Qualification of casing connections for
thermal wells
Qualification des raccordements de boîtiers pour les puits
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© ISO 2022
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Published in Switzerland
Contents Page
Foreword .vi
Introduction .vii
1 Scope .1
2 Normative references .1
3 Terms and definitions .1
4 Abbreviated terms and symbols .5
4.1 Abbreviated terms . 5
4.2 Symbols . 6
5 Program overview.7
5.1 Illustrations of selected definitions . 7
5.2 Program flowchart . 7
6 Overview and fundamental assumptions .8
6.1 General . 8
6.2 Main features . 8
6.2.1 Purpose . 8
6.2.2 Applicability to service conditions . 9
6.2.3 Rationale for development. 9
6.2.4 Subject of evaluation . 9
6.2.5 Application severity levels . 9
6.3 Assessment philosophy and principles . 10
6.3.1 Fundamental principles . 10
6.3.2 Conservative evaluation procedure . 11
6.3.3 Mandatory and optional tasks . 11
6.3.4 Use of analysis and physical testing .12
6.3.5 Performance measures .12
6.3.6 Assessment criteria .12
6.3.7 Task outcomes — data categories. 13
6.3.8 Prior evaluation data . 13
6.3.9 Treatment of confidential design information .13
6.3.10 Interpretation of evaluation results . 14
6.3.11 Avoiding perception of conflict of interest . 14
6.4 Evaluation variables . 14
6.4.1 Connection loading . 14
6.4.2 Impacts of contributing variables . 14
6.4.3 Pin-box interferences and tapers . 16
6.4.4 Material yield strength . 16
6.5 Evaluation procedure . 17
6.5.1 Safety standards . 17
6.5.2 Seepage assessment — random variations . 17
6.5.3 Seepage rate thresholds . 17
6.5.4 Seal isolation . 18
6.5.5 Dope entrapment . 18
6.5.6 Thermal cycle test — bake-out and hold durations . . 18
6.5.7 Pressure and temperature loading in thermal cycle test and analysis . 19
6.5.8 Dependence of material strength on temperature . 19
6.6 Scope of reporting . 20
7 Program roles and proprietary design information .20
7.1 Program execution roles . 20
7.2 Proprietary connection design information . 20
8 Conformance requirements .21
8.1 Conformant evaluation program. 21
8.2 Program non-conformances . . 21
8.3 Performance acceptance . .22
8.4 Conformance of results from previous evaluations . 22
8.5 Use of data from previous evaluations. 22
8.6 Conformance to lower ASLs . 23
9 Application severity levels .23
9.1 Thermal well load path . 23
9.2 Temperature as controlling parameter . 25
9.3 Specifications for application severity levels . 26
9.4 Selection of application severity level. 27
10 Program blocks and tasks .27
10.1 Evaluation procedure overview . 27
10.2 Critical path tasks . 31
11 Program specifications .32
11.1 Task overview. 32
11.2 Identification of program roles . 32
11.3 Identification of candidate connection . 33
11.4 Program options .34
11.5 Data from prior evaluations . 35
12 Determination of biased test population .35
12.1 Task overview. 35
12.2 Initial material property characterization .36
12.2.1 Task description, definitions, methods .36
12.2.2 Testing conditions and scope . 37
12.2.3 Procedure for tensile tests .39
12.2.4 Interpretation and processing of tensile test results .40

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