Design of fastenings for use in concrete - Plastic design of fastenings with headed and post-installed fasteners

This Technical Report gives provisions for design of ultimate limit states in addition to EN 1992 4 for headed and post-installed fasteners excluding concrete screws, which only transmit static actions to the concrete, when the loads on individual fasteners are determined according to plastic analysis of the joint where only equilibrium conditions but no compatibility conditions are considered. Fatigue, impact and seismic loads are not covered.

Bemessung der Verankerung von Befestigungen in Beton - Traglastverfahren für Befestigungsmittel von Kopfbolzen und Dübel

Conception-calcul des fixations pour utilisation dans le béton - Conception plastique des fixations à boulons à tête et à chevilles de fixation

Projektiranje pritrjevanja za uporabo v betonu - Projektiranje pritrjevanja z veznimi sredstvi z glavo in naknadno vgrajenimi veznimi sredstvi po teoriji plastičnosti

To tehnično poročilo zajema določbe za projektiranje skrajnih mejnih stanj dodatno k standardu EN 1992 4 za vezna sredstva z glavo in naknadno vgrajena vezna sredstva razen betonskih vijakov, ki zgolj prenašajo statična dejanja v beton, kadar so obremenitve posameznih veznih elementov določene v skladu s plastično analizo spoja, kjer so upoštevani samo uravnoteženi pogoji, ne pa tudi pogoji združljivosti. Utrujanje, sunki in seizmične obremenitve niso obravnavani.

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Technical report
TP CEN/TR 17081:2018
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Standards Content (Sample)

Design of fastenings for use in concrete - Plastic design of fastenings with headed and
post-installed fasteners
Bemessung der Verankerung von Befestigungen in Beton - Traglastverfahren für
Befestigungsmittel von Kopfbolzen und Dübel
Conception-calcul des fixations pour utilisation dans le béton - Conception plastique des
fixations à boulons à tête et à chevilles de fixation
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: CEN/TR 17081:2018
21.060.01 Vezni elementi na splošno Fasteners in general
91.080.40 Betonske konstrukcije Concrete structures
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

CEN/TR 17081
September 2018
ICS 21.060.01; 91.080.40
English Version
Design of fastenings for use in concrete - Plastic design of
fastenings with headed and post-installed fasteners
Bemessung der Verankerung von Befestigungen in
Beton - Traglastverfahren für Befestigungsmittel von
Kopfbolzen und Dübel
This Technical Report was approved by CEN on 9 April 2017. It has been drawn up by the Technical Committee CEN/TC 250.

CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia,
Finland, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania,
Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland,
Turkey and United Kingdom.


CEN-CENELEC Management Centre: Rue de la Science 23, B-1040 Brussels
© 2018 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved Ref. No. CEN/TR 17081:2018 E
worldwide for CEN national Members.

Contents Page
European foreword . 3
Introduction . 4
1 Scope . 5
2 Normative references . 5
3 Terms, definitions and symbols . 5
4 Field of application . 5
4.1 General . 5
4.2 Conditions for ductile behaviour . 5
5 Loads on fastenings . 8
5.1 General . 8
5.2 Compression forces . 8
5.3 Location of the compressive force . 8
5.4 Assumption for the tension side of the fastening . 10
5.5 Limitation on location of fasteners in tension . 11
5.6 Distribution of shear forces. 11
6 Design of fastenings. 12
6.1 General . 12
6.2 Partial factors . 12
6.3 Resistance to tension load . 12
6.3.1 Required verifications . 12
6.3.2 Steel failure . 12
6.3.3 Pull-out failure . 12
6.3.4 Concrete cone failure . 12
6.3.5 Splitting failure . 13
6.4 Resistance to shear load . 13
6.4.1 Required verifications . 13
6.4.2 Steel failure . 13
6.4.3 Concrete pry-out failure . 14
6.4.4 Concrete edge failure . 14
6.4.5 Resistance to combined tension and shear load . 14

European foreword
This document (CEN/TR 17081:2018) has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 250
“Structural Eurocodes”, the secretariat of which is held by BSI.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of
patent rights. CEN [and/or CENELEC] shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent
It is intended that this document is used in conjunction with EN 1992-4.
The numerical values for reliability parameters are recommended values and may be changed in a
National Annex, if required. The recommended values apply when the installation complies with the
requirements of EN 1992-4:2018, 4.6.
1 Scope
This Technical Report gives provisions for design of ultimate limit states in addition to EN 1992-4 for
headed and post-installed fasteners excluding concrete screws, which only transmit static actions to the
concrete, when the loads on individual fasteners are determined according to plastic analysis of the
joint where only equilibrium conditions but no compatibility conditions are considered. Fatigue, impact
and seismic loads are not covered.
2 Normative references
The following documents, in whole or in part, are normatively referenced in this document and are
indispensable for its application. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated
references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
EN 1992-1-1:2004, Eurocode 2: Design of concrete structures — Part 1-1: General rules and rules for
EN 1992-4:2018, Eurocode 2 — Design of concrete structures — Part 4: Design of fastenings for use in
EN 1993-1-8:2005, Eurocode 3: Design of steel structures — Part 1-8: Design of joints
3 Terms, definitions and symbols
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions and symbols given in EN 1992-4:2018 and
the following symbols apply.
f design value of concrete compressive strength;
F concentrated design resistance for concrete.
4 Field of application
4.1 General
Significant redistribution of forces in individual fasteners of fastenings is implicit in plastic analysis.
Therefore, this analysis is acceptable only when the failure is governed by ductile steel failure of the
fastening under tension, shear or combined tension and shear loads. The behaviour of the base plate
might be elastic or plastic (see EN 1993-1-8). The analysis should be used for ultimate limit state only.
This document applies only to fastenings subjected to axial and/or shear forces with bending moment
in one direction (see Figure 1).
4.2 Conditions for ductile behaviour
To ensure a ductile steel failure, the following conditions shall be met:

1) This standard is impacted by the amendment EN 1992-1-1:2004/A1:2014 and corrigenda EN 1992-1-
1:2004/AC:2008 and EN 1992-1-1:2004/AC:2010.
2) This standard is impacted by the corrigenda EN 1993-1-8:2005+AC:2005 and EN 1993-1-8:2005+AC:2009.
a) Fastening arrangements shown in EN 1992-4:2018, Figure 1.2 a) are covered in this document. The
fixture may be subjected to axial and/or shear forces with a bending moment in one direction
(Figure 1). For other forms of the attachment than shown in Figure 1 the principles can be applied
using engineering judgement.
1 fixture
2 fastener
3 axis of bending
Figure 1 — Fastening arrangements for which the plastic design approach may be used -
Flexible fixtures may be used if the resultant nonlinear load distribution and associated prying forces
are taken into account (see Figure 2).
a prying force
c compression force
Figure 2 — Fastening with a flexible fixture loaded subject to a bending moment and axial
tension - Example
b) The design resistance of a fastener as governed by concrete failure shall exceed the design
resistance as governed by steel failure. Resistance models given in Clause 6 will satisfy this
c) The nominal steel strength of the fasteners shall not exceed f = 800 MPa, the ratio nominal steel
yield strength to nominal ultimate strength shall not exceed f / f = 0,8, and the rupture
yk uk
elongation (measured over a length equal to 5 d) shall be at least 12 %.
d) Fasteners with a constant cross section (e.g. shaft or threaded rod) along the embedment depth
shall have a stretch length with constant steel strain of at least 8 d.
e) Fasteners that incorporate a reduced section along the embedment depth (e.g. thread on a smooth
shaft) shall satisfy the following conditions:
1) For fasteners loaded in tension, the strength N of the reduced cross-section shall either be
greater than 1,3-times the yield strength N of the unreduced section or the stretch length of
the reduced section shall be ≥ 8 d (d = nominal fastener diameter outside reduced section).
2) For fasteners loaded in shear, the start of the reduced section shall either be ≥ 5 d below the
concrete surface or in the case of a threaded fastener, the threaded part shall extend ≥ 2 d into
the concrete.
3) For fasteners loaded in combined tension and shear, the conditions (1) and (2) above shall be
f) The steel fixture should be embedded in the concrete or fastened to the concrete surface without an
intermediate layer or with a levelling layer of mortar see 5.2.
g) The diameter of the clearance holes in the fixture shall comply with EN 1992-4:2018, Table 6.1.
5 Loads on fastenings
5.1 General
Loads acting on fastenings may be distributed to the individual fasteners based only on equilibrium
ignoring compatibility.
5.2 Compression forces
For design purposes the compressive stress between fixture and concrete may be assumed to be a
rectangular stress block with σ = 3 f if the thickness of mortar bed is ≤ 0,5 d and if the strength of the
c cd
mortar bed is at least that of the base concrete but not less than 30 N/mm .
In other cases, the compressive stresses can be assumed according to EN 1993-1-8:2005, 6.2.5 as
impacted by EN 1993-1-8:2005/AC:2009, with σ = fjd. Herein fjd is the design bearing strength of the
joint, which can be calculated as:
f β⋅ FA/ (1)
jd j Rdu c
β is the joint material coefficient, which may be taken as 2/3 provided that the characteristic
strength of the grout is not less than 0,2-times the characteristic strength of the concrete
base material and the thickness of the grout is not greater than 0,2-times the smallest width
of the steel base plate. In cases where the thickness of the grout is more than 50 mm, the
characteristic strength of the grout should be at least the same as that of the concrete base
material. If there is no mortar β = 1.
A is the area of the rectangular stress block.
is the concentrated design resistance force given in EN 1992-1-1:2004, 6.7, where A is to
be taken as A .
5.3 Location

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