Standard Test Method for High Speed Puncture Properties of Plastics Using Load and Displacement Sensors

1.1 This test method covers the determination of puncture properties of plastics, including films, over a range of test velocities.
1.2 Test data obtained by this test method is relevant and appropriate for use in engineering design.  
1.3 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as the standard.
1.4 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.
Note 1-This specification does not closely conform to ISO 6603.2. The only similarity between the two tests is that they are both instrumented impact tests. The differences in striker, fixture, and specimen geometries and in test velocity can produce significantly different test results.

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ASTM D3763-00 - Standard Test Method for High Speed Puncture Properties of Plastics Using Load and Displacement Sensors
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NOTICE: This standard has either been superseded and replaced by a new version or discontinued.
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Designation: D 3763 – 00
Standard Test Method for
High Speed Puncture Properties of Plastics Using Load and
Displacement Sensors
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 3763; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
1. Scope * 3. Terminology
1.1 This test method covers the determination of puncture 3.1 Definitions—For definitions see Terminology D 883
properties of plastics, including films, over a range of test and for abbreviations see Terminology D 1600.
4. Significance and Use
1.2 Test data obtained by this test method is relevant and
4.1 This test method is designed to provide load versus
appropriate for use in engineering design.
1.3 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as the deformation response of plastics under essentially multiaxial
deformation conditions at impact velocities. This test method
1.4 This standard does not purport to address all of the further provides a measure of the rate sensitivity of the material
to impact.
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro- 4.2 Multiaxial impact response, while partly dependent on
thickness, does not necessarily have a linear correlation with
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use. specimen thickness. Therefore, results should be compared
only for specimens of essentially the same thickness, unless
NOTE 1—This specification does not closely conform to ISO 6603.2.
specific responses versus thickness formulae have been estab-
The only similarity between the two tests is that they are both instru-
lished for the material.
mented impact tests. The differences in striker, fixture, and specimen
4.3 For many materials, there may be a specification that
geometries and in test velocity can produce significantly different test
requires the use of this test method, but with some procedural
modifications that take precedence when adhering to the
2. Referenced Documents
specification. Therefore, it is advisable to refer to that material
2.1 ASTM Standards:
specification before using this test method. Table 1 of Classi-
D 618 Practice for Conditioning Plastics and Electrical
fication System D 4000 lists the ASTM materials standards that
Insulating Materials for Testing
currently exist.
D 883 Terminology Relating to Plastics
5. Interferences
D 1600 Terminology for Abbreviated Terms Relating to
5.1 Inertial Effects— A loading function encountered when
D 4000 Classification System for Specifying Plastic Mate-
performing an instrumented impact test that may, in some
cases, confuse the interpretation of the test data. For further
E 691 Practice for Conducting an Interlaboratory Study to
definition and examples of inertial effects, refer to Appendix
Determine the Precision of a Test Method
2.2 ISO Standard:
6. Apparatus
ISO 6603.2 Plastics—Determination of Multiaxial Impact
Behavior of Rigid Plastics Part 2: Instrumented Puncture 6.1 The testing machine shall consist of two assemblies, one
Test fixed and the other driven by a suitable method to achieve the
required impact velocity (that is, hydraulic, pneumatic, me-
chanical, or gravity):
This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D20 on Plastics
6.1.1 Clamp Assembly, consisting of two parallel rigid
and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D20.10 on Mechanical Properties.
plates with a 76.0 6 3.0 mm diameter hole in the center of
Current edition approved July 10, 2000. Published October 2000. Originally
each. The hole edges shall be rounded to a radius of 0.8 6 0.4
published as D 3763 – 79. Last previous edition D 3763 – 99.
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 08.01.
mm. Sufficient force must be applied (mechanically, pneumati-
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 08.02.
cally, or hydraulically) to prevent slippage of the specimen in
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 14.02.
5 the clamp during impact. If films are tested, some type of
Available from American National Standards Institute, 11 W. 42nd St., 13th
Floor, New York, NY 10036. gasket may also be required to prevent slippage.
*A Summary of Changes section appears at the end of this standard.
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
NOTICE: This standard has either been superseded and replaced by a new version or discontinued.
Contact ASTM International ( for the latest information.
D 3763
6.1.2 Plunger Assembly, consisting of a 12.70 6 0.13 mm 8.2.1 By changing the conditioning and test temperature in
diameter steel rod with a hemispherical end of the same a controlled manner for a given test velocity, the temperature at
diameter positioned perpendicular to, and centered on, the which transition from ductile to brittle failure occurs can be
clamp hole. determined for most plastics.
6.1.3 Other Geometries— The dimensions given in 6.1.1
9. Speed of Testing
and 6.1.2 shall be the standard geometry. If other plunger or
hole sizes are used they shall be highlighted in the report.
9.1 For recommended testing speeds see 10.4.
Correlations between various geometries have not been estab-
lished. 10. Procedure
6.1.4 Load Sensing System—A load cell of sufficiently high
10.1 Test a minimum of five specimens at each specified
natural resonance frequency, as described in A1.1, used to-
gether with a calibrating network for adjusting load sensitivity.
10.2 Measure and record the thickness of each specimen to
6.1.5 Plunger Displacement Measurement System—A
the nearest 0.025 mm at the center of the specimen.
means of monitoring the displacement of the moving assembly
10.3 Clamp the specimen between the plates of the speci-
during the loading and complete penetration of the specimen.
men holder, taking care to center the specimen for uniform
This can be accomplished through the use of a suitable
gripping. Tighten the clamping plate in such a way as to
transducer or potentiometer attached directly to the system.
provide uniform clamping pressure to prevent slippage during
Photographic or optical systems can also be utilized for
measuring displacement.
10.4 Set the test speed to the desired value. The testing Alternatively, displacement may be calculated as a
speed (movable-member velocity at the instant before contact
function of velocity and total available energy at initial impact,
with the specimen) shall be as follows:
along with increments of load versus time, using a micropro-
10.4.1 For single-speed tests, use a velocity of 200 m/min.
cessor. Other speeds may be used, provided they are Some machines use an accelerometer, whose output
clearly stated in the report.
is used to calculate both load and displacement.
10.4.2 To measure the dependence of puncture properties on
6.1.6 Display and Recording Instrumentation—Use any
impact velocity, use a broad range of test speeds. Some
suitable means to display and record the data developed from
suggested speeds are 2.5, 25, 125, 200, and 250 m/min.
the load and displacement-sensing systems, provided its re-
10.5 Set the available energy so that the velocity slowdown
sponse characteristics are capable of presenting the data
is no more than 20 % from the beginning of the test to the point
sensed, with minimal distortion. The recording apparatus shall
of peak load. If the velocity should decrease by more than
record load and displacement simultaneously. For further
20 %, discard the results and make additional tests on new
information, see A1.2.
specimens with more available energy. The most rudimentary apparatus is a cathode-ray
NOTE 2—It is observed that when the available energy is at least three
oscilloscope with a camera. This approach also requires a
times the absorbed energy at the peak load velocity slow-down is less than
planimeter or other suitable device, capable of measuring the
20 %.
area under the recorded load-versus-displacement trace of the
10.6 Place a safety shield around the specimen holder.
event with an accuracy of 65%.
10.7 Make the necessary adjustments to data collection More sophisticated systems are commercially avail-
apparatus as required by the manufacturer’s instructions or
able. Most of them include computerized data reduction and
consult literature such as STP 936 for further information
automatic printouts of results.
regarding setting up data acquisition systems.
7. Test Specimen 10.8 Conduct the test, following the manufacturer’s instruc-
tions for the specific equipment used.
7.1 Specimens must be large enough to be adequately
10.9 Remove the specimen and inspect the gripped portion
gripped in the clamp. In general, the minimum lateral dimen-
for striations or other evidence of slippage. If there is evidence
sion should be at least 13 mm greater than the diameter of the
of slippage, modify the clamping conditions or increase the
hole in the clamp (see 6.1.1 and 10.9).
specimen size and repeat test procedures.
7.2 Specimens may be cut from injection-molded, extruded,
or compression molded sheet; or they may be cast or molded to
11. Calculation
11.1 Using the load-versus-displacement trace and appro-
8. Conditioning
priate scaling factors, calculate the following:
8.1 Conditioning— Condition the test specimens in a room 11.1.1 Peak load, in newtons.
or enclosed space maintained 23 6 2°C, and 50 % relative 11.1.2 Deflection, in millimetres, to the point where peak
humidity, in accordance with Procedure A in Practice D 618 load first occurred.
unless otherwise specified. 11.1.3 From the area within the trace, calculate:
8.2 Test Conditions— Conduct tests in the standard labora-
tory atmosphere of 23 6 2°C, and 50 6 5 % relative humidity,
unless otherwise specified. In cases of disagreement, the 6
Instrumented Impact Testing of Plastics and Composite Materials, ASTM STP
tolerances shall be 61°C, and 62 % relative humidity. 936, ASTM, 1986.
NOTICE: This standard has either been superseded and replaced by a new version or discontinued.
Contact ASTM International ( for the latest information.
D 3763
TABLE 1 Maximum Load Energy, in joules, to the point where load first
NOTE 1—MU = microcellular urethane, CP = cellulose propionate. Total energy absorbed. The point for determining
NOTE 2—Thicknesses were: aluminum, 0.031 in.; all others, 0.12 in.
this has not been standardized. Therefore, the point used for NOTE 3—1982 round robin data, including precision and bias state-
ments, may be found in Appendix X4.
each test must be stated in the report.
11.1.4 Load, deflection, energy, or combination thereof, at S , S , r, R,
r R
Material Mean, N
any other specific point of interest (see Appendix X1).
(A) Aluminum 4094 75.38 349.0 211 977
11.2 For each series of tests, calculate the arithmetic mean
(B) ABS 3783 200.22 295.2 561 827
for each of the above, to three significant figures.
(C) MU 1704 110.53 149.6 309 419
11.3 Calculate the estimated standard deviations as follows:
(D) PC 6368 380.58 455.1 1066 1274
(E) Polyester 4244 154.57 278.7 433 780
2 2 1/2
SX 2 n X
(F) CP 4889 377.24 424.6 1056 1189
S 5 (1)
n 2 1 (G) PP 2703 164.89 246.5 462 690
S = within-laboratory standard deviation for the indicated material. It is
obtained by pooling the within-laboratory standard deviations from the test results
S = estimated standard deviation, from all of the participating laboratories as follows:
2 2 2 1/2
S = [[(S ) +(S ) . + (S ) ]/n]
r 1 2 n
X = value of a single determination,
S = between-laboratories reproducibility, expressed as standard deviation, as
n = number of determinations, and
2 2 1/2
X = arithmetic mean of the set of determinations.
S =[S + S ]
R r L
where S = standard deviation of laboratory means.
12. Report
r = within-laboratory critical interval between two test results = 2.8 3 S .
R = between-laboratories critical interval between two test results = 2.8 3
12.1 Report the following information:
S .
12.1.1 Complete identification of the material tested, includ-
ing type, source, manufacturer’s code number, form and
TABLE 2 Deflection to Maximum Load Point
previous history,
NOTE 1—MU = microcellular urethane, CP = cellulose propionate.
12.1.2 Specimen size and thickness,
NOTE 2—Thicknesses were: aluminum, 0.031 in.; all others, 0.12 in.
12.1.3 Method of preparing test specimens (compression
NOTE 3—1982 round robin data, including precision and bias state-
molding, casting, etc.),
ments may be found in Appendix X4.
12.1.4 Geometry of clamp and plunger, if different from
Mean, S , S , r, R,
r R
6.1.1 and 6.1.2,
mm mm mm mm mm
12.1.5 Source and types of equipment,
(A) Alumi- 8.74 0.2227 0.619 0.62 1.73
12.1.6 Speed of testing (see 10.4),
(B) ABS 15.75 0.7009 0.811 1.96 2.27
12.1.7 The point on the curve at which total energy was
(C) MU 19.33 0.9923 1.238 2.78 3.47
calculated (see,
(D) PC 22.21 0.8567 0.897 2.40 2.51
12.1.8 Average value and standard deviation for each of the
(E) Polyester 19.03 0.9144 0.940 2.56 2.63
(F) CP 16.21 1.0858 1.122 3.04 3.14
properties listed in 11.1,
(G) PP 15.81 0.7763 0.920 2.17 2.58
12.1.9 Whether or not any slippage of the specimens was
= within-laboratory standard deviation for the indicated material. It is ob-
detected, and
tained by pooling the within-laboratory standard deviations from the test results
12.1.10 If the effect of testing speeds was studied (see
from all of the participating laboratories as follows:
2 2 2 1/2
S = [[(S ) +(S ) .+(S ) ]/n]
10.4.2). r 1 2 n
S = between-laboratories reproducibility, expressed as standard deviation, as
13. Precision and Bias
2 1/2
S =[S + S ]
R r2 L
13.1 Tables 1-3 are based on a round robin conducted in
where S = standard deviation of laboratory means.
r = within-laboratory critical interval between two test results = 2.8 3 S .
1996 in accordance with Practice E 691, involving 7 materials
R = between-laboratories critical interval between two test results = 2.8 3 S .
tested by 11 laboratories. For each material, all of the speci-
mens were prepared at the laboratory of the company volun-
been calculated from a large enough body of data, and for test
teering that material for the round robin. Ten specimens from
results that were averages from testing 5 speci

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