ASTM D6706-01(2021)
(Test Method)Standard Test Method for Measuring Geosynthetic Pullout Resistance in Soil
Standard Test Method for Measuring Geosynthetic Pullout Resistance in Soil
5.1 The pullout test method is intended as a performance test to provide the user with a set of design values for the test conditions examined.
5.1.1 The test method is applicable to all geosynthetics and all soils.
5.1.2 This test method produces test data, which can be used in the design of geosynthetic-reinforced retaining walls, slopes, and embankments, or in other applications where resistance of a geosynthetic to pullout under simulated field conditions is important.
5.1.3 The test results may also provide information related to the in-soil stress-strain response of a geosynthetic under confined loading conditions.
5.2 The pullout resistance versus normal stress plot obtained from this test is a function of soil gradation, plasticity, as-placed dry unit weight, moisture content, length and surface characteristics of the geosynthetic, and other test parameters. Therefore, results are expressed in terms of the actual test conditions. The test measures the net effect of a combination of pullout mechanisms, which may vary depending on type of geosynthetic specimen, embedment length, relative opening size, soil type, displacement rate, normal stress, and other factors.
5.3 Information between laboratories on precision is incomplete. In cases of dispute, comparative tests to determine if there is a statistical bias between laboratories may be advisable.
1.1 Resistance of a geosynthetic to pullout from soil is determined using a laboratory pullout box.
1.2 The test method is intended to be a performance test conducted as closely as possible to replicate design or as-built conditions. It can also be used to compare different geosynthetics, soil types, etc., and thereby be used as a research and development test procedure.
1.3 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as standard. The values stated in parentheses are provided for information only.
1.4 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety, health, and environmental practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.
1.5 This international standard was developed in accordance with internationally recognized principles on standardization established in the Decision on Principles for the Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
This international standard was developed in accordance with internationally recognized principles on standardization established in the Decision on Principles for the
Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.
Designation: D6706 − 01 (Reapproved 2021)
Standard Test Method for
Measuring Geosynthetic Pullout Resistance in Soil
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D6706; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
1. Scope 3. Terminology
1.1 Resistance of a geosynthetic to pullout from soil is 3.1 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:
determined using a laboratory pullout box.
3.1.1 apertures, n—the open spaces in geogrids which
enable soil interlocking to occur.
1.2 The test method is intended to be a performance test
conducted as closely as possible to replicate design or as-built
3.1.2 atmosphere for testing geosynthetics, n—air main-
conditions. It can also be used to compare different
tained at a relative humidity of 60 6 10 % and a temperature
of 21 6 2 °C (70 6 4 °F).
and development test procedure.
3.1.3 cross-machine direction, n—the direction in the plane
1.3 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as
of the geosynthetic perpendicular to the direction of manufac-
standard. The values stated in parentheses are provided for
information only.
3.1.4 failure, n—a defined point at which a material ceases
1.4 This standard does not purport to address all of the
to be functionally capable of its intended use.
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the
3.1.5 geosynthetic, n—a planar product manufactured from
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-
polymeric material used with soil, rock, earth, or other geo-
priate safety, health, and environmental practices and deter-
technical engineering related material as an integral part of a
mine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.
man-made project, structure, or system. (D4439)
1.5 This international standard was developed in accor-
dance with internationally recognized principles on standard-
3.1.6 junction, n—the point where geogrid ribs are intercon-
ization established in the Decision on Principles for the
nected in order to provide structure and dimensional stability.
Development of International Standards, Guides and Recom-
3.1.7 machine direction, n—the direction in the plane of the
mendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical
geosynthetic parallel to the direction of manufacture.
Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.
3.1.8 pullout, n—the movement of a geosynthetic over its
2. Referenced Documents
entire embedded length, with initial pullout occurring when the
back of the specimen moves, and ultimate pullout occurring
2.1 ASTM Standards:
when the movement is uniform over the entire embedded
D123 Terminology Relating to Textiles
D653 Terminology Relating to Soil, Rock, and Contained
3.1.9 pullout force, (kN),n—force required to pull a geo-
D3080 Test Method for Direct Shear Test of Soils Under
synthetic out of the soil during a pullout test.
Consolidated Drained Conditions
3.1.10 pullout resistance, (kN/m),n—the pullout force per
D4354 Practice for Sampling of Geosynthetics and Rolled
width of geosynthetic measured at a specified condition of
Erosion Control Products (RECPs) for Testing
D4439 Terminology for Geosynthetics
3.1.11 rib, n—the continuous elements of a geogrid which
are either in the machine or cross-machine direction as
This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D35 on
Geosynthetics and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D35.01 on Mechani-
cal Properties.
3.1.12 ultimate pullout resistance, (kN/m),n—the maxi-
Current edition approved Sept. 1, 2021. Published September 2021. Originally
mum pullout resistance measured during a pullout test.
approved in 2001. Last previous edition approved in 2013 as D6706 – 01 (2013).
DOI: 10.1520/D6706-01R21.
3.1.13 wire gauge, n—a displacement gauge consisting of a
For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or
contact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTM
by connection to a dial extensometer or electronic displace-
Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on
the ASTM website. ment transducer.
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States
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