Standard Specification for Quality Assurance Requirements for Carbon and Alloy Steel Wire, Rods, and Bars for Mechanical Fasteners

This specification establishes quality assurance requirements for carbon and alloy steel wire, rods, and bars for mechanical fasteners. Manufacturing of materials shall conform to the melting, casting, deoxidation, grain size, hardenability, and thermal treatment practices of this specification. Chemical requirements shall conform to the specified limits of chemical composition for carbon steel. Requirements of metallurgical structure shall include course austenitic grain size, fine autenitic grain size, and speheroidized annealed material. The material shall be tested for decarburization, maximum tensile strength, reduction area, hardenability, grain size, calibration, dimensions, and tolerances. Surface condition, coating, workmanship, finish, appearance, and packaging shall also conform to the requirements of this specification.
1.1 This specification establishes quality assurance requirements for the physical, mechanical, and metallurgical requirements for carbon and alloy steel wire, rods, and bars in coils intended for the manufacture of mechanical fasteners which includes: bolts, nuts, rivets, screws, washers, and special parts manufactured cold.
Note 1—The Steel Industry uses the term “quality” to designate characteristics of a material which make it particularly well suited to a specific fabrication and/or application and does not imply “quality” in the usual sense.
1.2 Wire size range includes 0.062 to 1.375 in.
1.3 Rod size range usually includes 7/32 in. (0.219) to 47/64 in. (0.734) and generally offered in 1/64 increments (0.0156).
1.4 Bar size range includes 3/8 in. (0.375) to 1½ in. (1.500).
1.5 Sizes for wire, rod and bar outside the ranges of paragraphs 1.2-1.4 may be ordered by agreement between purchaser and supplier.
1.6 Material is furnished in many application variations. The purchaser should advise the supplier regarding the manufacturing process and finished product application as appropriate. Five application variations are: Cold Heading Recessed Head Socket Head Scrapless Nut Tubular Rivet
1.6.1 Wire is furnished for all five application variations.
1.6.2 Rod and bar are furnished to the single application variation; Cold Heading.

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ASTM F2282-03(2009)e1 - Standard Specification for Quality Assurance Requirements for Carbon and Alloy Steel Wire, Rods, and Bars for Mechanical Fasteners
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NOTICE: This standard has either been superseded and replaced by a new version or withdrawn.
Contact ASTM International ( for the latest information
Designation:F2282 −03(Reapproved 2009)
Standard Specification for
Quality Assurance Requirements for Carbon and Alloy Steel
Wire, Rods, and Bars for Mechanical Fasteners
This standard is issued under the fixed designation F2282; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision.Anumber in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.A
superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
ε NOTE—Editorially improved clarity of Figure 1 in February 2010.
1. Scope 2. Referenced Documents
1.1 This specification establishes quality assurance require- 2.1 ASTM Standards:
ments for the physical, mechanical, and metallurgical require- A29/A29MSpecificationforGeneralRequirementsforSteel
ments for carbon and alloy steel wire, rods, and bars in coils Bars, Carbon and Alloy, Hot-Wrought
intended for the manufacture of mechanical fasteners which A370Test Methods and Definitions for Mechanical Testing
includes: bolts, nuts, rivets, screws, washers, and special parts of Steel Products
manufactured cold. A700Practices for Packaging, Marking, and Loading Meth-
NOTE 1—The Steel Industry uses the term “quality” to designate
ods for Steel Products for Shipment (Withdrawn 2014)
characteristics of a material which make it particularly well suited to a
A751Test Methods, Practices, and Terminology for Chemi-
specific fabrication and/or application and does not imply “quality” in the
cal Analysis of Steel Products
usual sense.
E4Practices for Force Verification of Testing Machines
1.2 Wire size range includes 0.062 to 1.375 in.
E10Test Method for Brinell Hardness of Metallic Materials
7 47
1.3 Rodsizerangeusuallyincludes ⁄32in.(0.219)to ⁄64in. E29Practice for Using Significant Digits in Test Data to
(0.734) and generally offered in ⁄64 increments (0.0156). Determine Conformance with Specifications
E112Test Methods for Determining Average Grain Size
3 1
1.4 Bar size range includes ⁄8 in. (0.375) to 1 ⁄2 in. (1.500).
E381Method of Macroetch Testing Steel Bars, Billets,
1.5 Sizes for wire, rod and bar outside the ranges of
Blooms, and Forgings
paragraphs 1.2 – 1.4 may be ordered by agreement between
E407Practice for Microetching Metals and Alloys
purchaser and supplier.
E1077Test Methods for Estimating the Depth of Decarbur-
1.6 Material is furnished in many application variations. ization of Steel Specimens
F1470Practice for Fastener Sampling for Specified Me-
The purchaser should advise the supplier regarding the manu-
facturing process and finished product application as appropri- chanical Properties and Performance Inspection
F1789Terminology for F16 Mechanical Fasteners
ate. Five application variations are:
2.2 AIAG Standard:
Cold Heading
Recessed Head B-5Primary Metals Tag Application Standard
Socket Head
2.3 IFI Standard:
Scrapless Nut
IFI-140Carbon and Alloy Steel Wire, Rods, and Bars for
Tubular Rivet
Mechanical Fasteners
1.6.1 Wire is furnished for all five application variations.
1.6.2 Rod and bar are furnished to the single application
variation; Cold Heading. For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or
contact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTM
Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on
This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee F16 on the ASTM website.
Fasteners and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee F16.93 on Quality The last approved version of this historical standard is referenced on
Assurance Provisions for Fasteners.
Current edition approved May 1, 2009. Published October 2009. Originally Available fromAutomotive IndustryAction Group (AIAG), 26200 Lahser Rd.,
approved in 2003. Last previous edition approved in 2003 as F2282 – 03. DOI: Suite 200, Southfield, MI 48033,
10.1520/F2282-03R09E01. Available from IFI, 1717 E. 9th St., Suite 1105, Cleveland, OH 44114-2879.
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States
F2282−03 (2009)
TABLE 2 Rod Size Tolerances
2.4 SAE Standards:
J403Chemical Compositions of SAE Carbon Steels Diameter, Diameter ± Out of Round
in. Tolerance, in. max, in.
J404Chemical Compositions of SAE Alloy Steels
7 47
⁄32 to ⁄64 0.012 0.018
J406Methods of Determining Hardenability of Steels
(0.219 to 0.734)
J415Definitions of Heat Treating Terms
3. Terminology
(DD); drawn from annealed rod or bar (DFAR or DFAB);
3.1 Definitions:
drawn from spheroidized annealed rod or bar (DFSR or
3.1.1 annealing—aprocessofheatingtoandholdingsteelat
DFSB); drawn to size and spheroidized (SAFS); drawn,
a given temperature for a given time and then cooling at a
annealed in process, and finally lightly drawn to size (AIP);
given rate, used to soften or produce changes, or both, in the
and drawn, spheroidize annealed in process, and finally lightly
microstructure of the steel to enhance formability and reduce
drawn to size (SAIP). Wire size tolerances are shown in Table
tensile strength.
3. Sizes include those specified in 1.2.
3.1.2 bars—produced from hot rolled or cast billets or Discussion—Spheroidize annealed-at-finish size
blooms rolled single strand into coils. Bars have a greater
wire (SAFS) is wire that has been spheroidize annealed after
precision in cross section than rods. Size tolerances are in
final cold reduction. One or more annealing treatments may
Table 1. Bars are finished as-rolled, annealed or spheroidize
precede the final cold reduction.
annealed, and in sizes included in 1.4. Discussion—Annealed-in-Process (AIP) or
3.1.3 lap—a longitudinal surface discontinuity extending
Spheroidize Annealed-in-Process (SAIP) wire is produced as
into rod, bar, or wire caused by doubling over of metal during
drawn carbon or alloy steel wire. In producing AIP and SAIP
hot rolling.
wire, rods or bars are drawn to wire and thermal treatment
3.1.4 lot—a quantity of raw material of one size and heat
number submitted for testing at one time.
for applications in which direct drawn wire would be too hard.
3.1.5 rods—produced from hot rolled or cast billets, usually
Thermal treatment may also be employed when controlled
rolled in a multiple strand mill to a round cross section then
mechanical properties are required for a specific application.
coiled into one continuous length to size tolerances shown in
3.2 Heat treating terms not defined in this standard are
Table 2. Rods are furnished as-rolled, annealed, or spheroidize
included in Terminology F1789 or SAE J415.
annealed in sizes found in 1.3.
3.1.6 seam—a longitudinal discontinuity extending radially
4. Ordering Information
into wire, rod, or bar. Seams in raw material used for the
4.1 Wire orders shall state the following:
manufacture of fasteners or formed parts may lead to the
4.1.1 Quantity,
formation of bursts.
4.1.2 Specification number and issue date,
3.1.7 spheroidizing—a form of annealing, involves pro-
4.1.3 Diameter,
longed heating at temperatures near the lower critical
4.1.4 Steel grade,
temperature, followed by slow cooling, with the object of
4.1.5 Deoxidation practice and grain size or refinement
practice (coarse or fine); see 5.3.1 – 5.3.5,
of formability.
4.1.6 Application variation per 1.6,
3.1.8 void—ashallowpocketorhollowonthesurfaceofthe
4.1.7 Thermal treatment; see 5.5,
4.1.8 Surface coating,
3.1.9 wire—produced from hot rolled or annealed rods or 4.1.9 Coil weight and dimensions as required,
bars by cold drawing for the purpose of obtaining desired size, 4.1.10 Packaging,
4.1.11 Tagging,
dimensional accuracy, surface finish, and mechanical proper-
ties.Wireisfurnishedinthefollowingconditions:directdrawn 4.1.12 Mill certification as required,
4.1.13 Special requirements, for example, steel making
method and practice, specific hardenability, special shipping
Available from Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE), 400 Commonwealth
instructions, single heat, etc., and
Dr., Warrendale, PA 15096-0001,
4.1.14 Example—40000 lb, ASTM F2282, 0.250 in., car-
TABLE 1 Bar Size Tolerances
Head, spheroidize annealed-in-process, phosphate and lube,
Fractional Diameter ± Out of Round
Diameter, in. Tolerance, in. max, in.
7 5
⁄16 to ⁄8 0.006 0.009
TABLE 3 Wire Size Tolerances and Out of Round
5 7
> ⁄8 to ⁄8 0.007 0.011
Diameter, Diameter ± Out of Round
> ⁄8 to 1 0.008 0.012
in. Tolerance, in. max, in.
>1 to 1 ⁄8 0.009 0.014
1 1
>1 ⁄8 to 1 ⁄4 0.010 0.015 < 0.076 0.0010 0.0010
1 3
>1 ⁄4 to 1 ⁄8 0.011 0.017 0.076 < 0.500 0.0015 0.0015
3 1
>1 ⁄8 to 1 ⁄2 0.013 0.020 $ 0.500 0.0020 0.0020
F2282−03 (2009)
1500 lb coils, 28 in. coil i.d., on 18 in. tubular carriers, three practices included in 5.3.1 – 5.3.5, as specified by the pur-
bands per carrier, one metal tag per coil, mill certification, do chaser. When not specified, the practice shall be at the option
not ship Fridays. of the manufacturer.
5.3.1 Silicon killed fine grain shall be produced with alu-
4.2 Rod orders shall state the following:
4.2.1 Quantity,
shall be obtained for the use of vanadium or columbium for
4.2.2 Specification number and issue date,
grain refinement.
4.2.3 Diameter,
5.3.2 Silicon killed coarse grain practice.
4.2.4 Steel grade,
5.3.3 Silicon killed fine grain practice.
4.2.5 Deoxidation practice and grain size or refinement
5.3.4 Aluminum killed fine grain practice.
practice (coarse or fine),
5.3.5 Rimmed (grain size not specified).
4.2.6 Cold Heading,
4.2.7 Thermal treatment, 5.4 Hardenability:
4.2.8 Surface coating, 5.4.1 Hardenability for steels with a specified minimum
4.2.9 Coil weight and dimensions as required, carbon content of 0. 20% or greater shall be determined for
4.2.10 Packaging, each heat and the results furnished to the purchaser when
4.2.11 Tagging, requested on the purchase order. SAE J406,AppendixAshall
4.2.12 Mill certifications as required, be used for referee purposes in the event of dispute.
4.2.13 Special requirements, for example, descaling
5.5 Thermal Treatments:
practice, steelmaking method and practice, specific
5.5.1 The purchaser shall specify one of the following
hardenability, special shipping instructions, etc., and
options for thermal treatment on the purchase order:
4.2.14 Example—200000lb,ASTMF2282, ⁄64in.,carbon No thermal treatment.
steel rod, IFI-1022B, silicon killed fine grain, Cold Heading, Annealed.
spheroidize annealed, pickled and limed, 3000 lb coils, 48 in. Spheroidized.
coil i.d., compacted and unitized in packages of two, banded Drawn from annealed rod or bar.
withthreesteelstrapspercoil,twometaltagspercoilattached Drawn from spheroidize annealed rod or bar.
to lead end on inside of bundle, put separators between coils. Spheroidized at finished size wire.
4.3 Bar orders shall state the following: Annealed-in-process wire.
4.3.1 Quantity, Spheroidized annealed-in-process wire.
4.3.2 Specification number and issue date,
4.3.3 Diameter,
6. Chemical Requirements
4.3.4 Steel grade,
6.1 The material shall have a chemical composition con-
4.3.5 Deoxidation practice and grain size or refinement
forming to the requirements specified in Tables 4-8 for the
practice (coarse or fine),
applicable IFI grade specified by the material purchaser.
4.3.6 Cold Heading,
NOTE 2—The chemical compositions have been developed in a joint
4.3.7 Thermal treatment,
producer/user effort and are particularly appropriate to the cold forging
industry process. The chemical composition ranges of these IFI grades
4.3.8 Surface coating,
may not be identical to those of SAE J403, SAE J404, or AISI.
4.3.9 Coil weight and dimensions as required,
4.3.10 Packaging, 6.2 Compositions other than those designated in this stan-
4.3.11 Tagging,
dard may be applicable when specified by the purchaser.
4.3.12 Mill certification as required,
6.3 Cast or Heat Analysis—An analysis of each cast or heat
4.3.13 Special requirements, for example, steelmaking
shall be made by the producer to determine the percentage of
method and practice, specific hardenability, special shipping
the elements specified. The analysis shall be made from a test
instructions, single heat, etc., and
sample(s) taken during the pouring of the cast or heat. The
4.3.14 Example—90000 lb, ASTM F2282, 0. 610 in., car-
chemical composition shall be reported, if required, to the
bon steel bars, IFI-1038, silicon killed coarse grain,
purchaser or his representative.
6.4 Product Analysis:
lb coils, 54 in. coil i.d., three bands per coil, one metal tag per
6.4.1 Productanalysismaybemadeonthefinishedmaterial
coil, lead end of each coil paint red.
from each heat. The composition thus determined shall con-
5. Manufacture
5.1 Melting Practice—The steel shall be melted in a basic
analyses in Table 5 or Table 8, as applicable.
oxygen or electric furnace process.
NOTE 3—Aproduct analysis is optional. The analysis is not used for a
5.2 Casting Practice—Steel shall be ingot cast, or continu-
ouscastwithcontrolledprocedurestomeettherequirementsof analysis is to verify that the chemical composition is within specified
limits for each element, including applicable permissible variations in
this specification.
product analysis. The results of analyses taken from different pieces of a
5.3 Deoxidation Practice and Grain Size—The material
heat may differ within permissible limits from each other and from the
shall be furnished in one of the deoxidation and grain size heatorcastanalysis.Theresultsoftheproductanalysisobtainedshallnot
F2282−03 (2009)
TABLE 4 Carbon Steels, Chemical Ranges and Limits, %
Carbon Manganese
Conditions IFI Steel Grade Phosphorous Sulfur
Furnished Designation Max Max
Min Max Min Max
R, AlK IFI-1006 . . . 0.08 0.25 0.40 0.020 0.020 See Table 6
R, AlK, SiFg, SiCg IFI-1008 . . . 0.10 0.30 0.50 0.020 0.020 See Table 6
R, AlK, SiFg, SiCg IFI-1010 0.08 0.13 0.30 0.60 0.020 0.020 See Table 6
AlK, SiFg, SiCg IFI-1018 0.15 0.19 0.65 0.85 0.020 0.020 See Table 6
AlK, SiFg IFI-10B21 0.19 0.23 0.80 1.10 0.020 0.020 See Table 6
AlK, SiFg, SiCg IFI-102

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