ASTM D1185-98a(2017)
(Test Method)Standard Test Methods for Pallets and Related Structures Employed in Materials Handling and Shipping
Standard Test Methods for Pallets and Related Structures Employed in Materials Handling and Shipping
4.1 Static compression and bending tests provide data that are used to estimate stiffness, strength, and safe working loads for pallets under specified load and support conditions. These estimates provide a basis for designing pallets and comparing the performance between pallets of different designs and constructions.
4.2 Dynamic tests provide data which are used to estimate the physical durability and functionality of a pallet in specified material handling and shipping environments. These estimates provide a basis for designing single or multiple-use pallets.
4.3 Other tests may be performed to assess the properties of specific materials (Test Methods D2395, D4442, D4444, and T 208 OM) and connecting devices (Test Methods D1761, F680, Test Method F1575, and Specification F1667), design features, use applications, and other variables encountered.
1.1 These test methods cover the performance of pallets and related structures, functioning as skids, bases, platforms, and bins in materials handling and shipping. Their use facilitates the protection of both packaged and unpackaged products during storage and transportation. The test methods include measurements of the relative resistance of pallets and related structures to deformations, damages, and structural failures which detrimentally affect the functionality of the unit load.
1.2 These test methods include conditioning requirements, static stiffness and strength tests, and dynamic tests of structural reliability. These test methods are used to evaluate the relative performance of new, used, or reconditioned general and special-purpose pallets fabricated from various materials including solid wood, wood composites, fiberboard, honeycomb, plastics, or metal, or to compare the performance of such pallets and related structures to specified performance criteria. Recommended criteria for all tests specified in this standard are listed in Appendix X2.
1.2.1 These test methods are also used to classify pallets as single- or multiple-use pallets and to determine the safe working loads for pallets under specified load and support conditions.
1.3 Nonmandatory Preliminary Tests—Because each pallet may be used under several different conditions of load and support, pallet-design considerations and safe working-load estimates shall be based on that condition under which the pallet offers least resistance or is most severely stressed.
1.3.1 Preliminary, short-duration static tests up to the ultimate (see 8.2, 8.3, and 8.4) shall be performed on previously non-tested pallets to determine which load and support conditions influence most severely the pallet load-carrying capacity and safe working loads.
1.3.2 During the development of prototypes leading to designs that will be subject to acceptance testing, as described in 1.4, these preliminary tests shall include the free-fall drop tests in accordance with 9.1.
1.4 Mandatory Acceptance Tests:
1.4.1 General-Purpose Pallets—When the objective of the test is to determine the safe working load or to classify a general-purpose pallet as a single- or multiple-use pallet, all tests described in these test methods shall be performed in the order specified. The same pallet shall be used for all static and dynamic tests, where feasible.
1.4.2 Special-Purpose Pallets—When the objective of the test is to determine the safe working load or to classify a special-purpose pallet, as a single- or multiple-use pallet, only those tests representing the intended condition of use shall be performed. Certain special–purpose pallet designs, because of the pallet size, its shape, or the material of fabrication, or combinations thereof, cannot be reliably tested using this methodology. When available, alternative test methods should be used.
1.4.3 Field Testing—It is recommended that pallet designs passing these acceptance tests be further subjected to field testing in the distribution en...
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
This international standard was developed in accordance with internationally recognized principles on standardization established in the Decision on Principles for the
Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.
Designation: D1185 − 98a (Reapproved 2017)
Standard Test Methods for
Pallets and Related Structures Employed in Materials
Handling and Shipping
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D1185; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision.Anumber in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.A
superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the U.S. Department of Defense.
1. Scope 1.3.2 During the development of prototypes leading to
designs that will be subject to acceptance testing, as described
1.1 Thesetestmethodscovertheperformanceofpalletsand
in 1.4, these preliminary tests shall include the free-fall drop
related structures, functioning as skids, bases, platforms, and
tests in accordance with 9.1.
bins in materials handling and shipping. Their use facilitates
the protection of both packaged and unpackaged products
1.4 Mandatory Acceptance Tests :
during storage and transportation. The test methods include
1.4.1 General-Purpose Pallets—When the objective of the
measurements of the relative resistance of pallets and related
test is to determine the safe working load or to classify a
structures to deformations, damages, and structural failures
general-purpose pallet as a single- or multiple-use pallet, all
which detrimentally affect the functionality of the unit load.
tests described in these test methods shall be performed in the
1.2 These test methods include conditioning requirements,
order specified. The same pallet shall be used for all static and
static stiffness and strength tests, and dynamic tests of struc-
dynamic tests, where feasible.
tural reliability. These test methods are used to evaluate the
1.4.2 Special-Purpose Pallets—When the objective of the
relative performance of new, used, or reconditioned general
test is to determine the safe working load or to classify a
and special-purpose pallets fabricated from various materials
special-purpose pallet, as a single- or multiple-use pallet, only
including solid wood, wood composites, fiberboard,
those tests representing the intended condition of use shall be
honeycomb, plastics, or metal, or to compare the performance
performed. Certain special–purpose pallet designs, because of
of such pallets and related structures to specified performance
the pallet size, its shape, or the material of fabrication, or
criteria. Recommended criteria for all tests specified in this
combinations thereof, cannot be reliably tested using this
standard are listed in Appendix X2.
methodology. When available, alternative test methods should
1.2.1 These test methods are also used to classify pallets as
be used.
single- or multiple-use pallets and to determine the safe
working loads for pallets under specified load and support
1.4.3 Field Testing— It is recommended that pallet designs
passing these acceptance tests be further subjected to field
testing in the distribution environment.
1.3 Nonmandatory Preliminary Tests —Because each pallet
may be used under several different conditions of load and
1.5 Simulation of the Distribution Environment—These test
support, pallet-design considerations and safe working-load
methods are not intended to lead to exact simulations of pallet
estimates shall be based on that condition under which the
performance in the distribution environment. These test meth-
pallet offers least resistance or is most severely stressed.
ods are designed to relate to practice with the added provision
1.3.1 Preliminary, short-duration static tests up to the ulti-
that they are repeatable, do not depend on exceptional skills,
mate (see 8.2, 8.3, and 8.4) shall be performed on previously
and are safe to conduct without elaborate precautions.The test
non-tested pallets to determine which load and support condi-
findings are not expected to lead to unalterable conclusions.
tions influence most severely the pallet load-carrying capacity
Testing in the distribution environment may be necessary to
and safe working loads.
verify the results obtained from laboratory tests.
1.6 This standard does not purport to address all of the
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the
These test methods are under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D10 on
Packaging and are the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D10.21 on Shipping responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-
Containers and Systems - Application of Performance Test Methods.
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-
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