EN 16186-6:2024
(Main)Railway applications - Driver's cab - Part 6: Integration of displays, controls and indicators for tram vehicles
Railway applications - Driver's cab - Part 6: Integration of displays, controls and indicators for tram vehicles
This document is applicable to vehicles operating on tram networks.
This document gives design requirements and guidance in order to ensure visibility and operability of displays, controls and indicators in the cab in all operating conditions (day, night, natural or artificial lighting).
It covers four aspects:
- the characteristics of the displays, controls and indicators in order to ensure proper visibility: i.e. range of luminance and contrast as well as the possibility of adjustment of perceived brightness;
- the requirements for the location of the displays, keyboards, controls and indicators in the cab and on the driver’s desk: i.e. position, angle of visibility, etc. with consideration of the normal driving position and the working environment (windscreen, natural or artificial lighting in the cab, unwanted glare and reflections, etc.);
- the characteristics and requirements for the location of microphones and loudspeakers;
- design of symbols.
NOTE All element numbers within the text refer to Table B.1.
This document does not apply to refurbishment of existing vehicles. This document is not intended to be applicable to driver's auxiliary desk, except for 5.3.13, Clause 6, 7.1.2, Clause 9 and Table B.1.
Bahnanwendungen - Führerraum - Teil 6: Integration von Displays, Bedien- und Anzeigeelementen bei Straßenbahnfahrzeugen
Dieses Dokument ist für Fahrzeuge anwendbar, die auf Straßenbahnnetzen eingesetzt werden.
Dieses Dokument enthält Konstruktionsanforderungen und Leitlinien, um die Sichtbarkeit und Bedienbarkeit von Displays, Bedien- und Anzeigeelementen im Fahrerraum unter allen Betriebsbedingungen (Tag, Nacht, natürlicher oder künstlicher Lichteinfall) sicherzustellen.
Es behandelt vier Schwerpunkte:
- die Eigenschaften der Displays, Bedien- und Anzeigeelemente zur Erreichung angemessener Sichtbedingungen: d. h. Leuchtdichte- und Kontrastbereich sowie die Möglichkeit, die wahrgenommene Helligkeit zu regulieren;
- die Anforderungen für den Einbauort der Displays, Tastaturen, Bedien- und Anzeigeelemente im Fahrerraum und auf dem Fahrerpult: d. h. Lage, Sichtwinkel usw. unter Berücksichtigung der normalen Sitzposition und der Arbeitsumgebung (Frontscheibe, natürlicher oder künstlicher Lichteinfall im Fahrerraum, unerwünschtes Blendlicht und Spiegelungen usw.);
- die Eigenschaften und Anforderungen für den Einbauort der Mikrofone und Lautsprecher;
- die Gestaltung von Symbolen.
ANMERKUNG Alle Elementnummern im Text beziehen sich auf Tabelle B.1.
Dieses Dokument ist nicht bei einer Modernisierung bestehender Fahrzeuge anwendbar. Dieses Dokument ist nicht für die Anwendung auf Hilfsfahrerstände vorgesehen, mit Ausnahme von 5.3.13, Abschnitt 6, 7.1.2, Abschnitt 9 und Tabelle B.1.
Applications ferroviaires - Cabine de conduite - Partie 6 : Intégration des afficheurs, commandes et indicateurs pour tramways
Le présent document est applicable aux véhicules circulant sur les réseaux tramways.
Le présent document spécifie les exigences et les recommandations de conception permettant de garantir la visibilité et l'opérabilité des afficheurs, commandes et indicateurs dans la cabine dans toutes les conditions d'exploitation (jour, nuit, éclairage naturel ou artificiel).
Il couvre quatre aspects :
- les caractéristiques des afficheurs, commandes et indicateurs pour garantir une visibilité correcte : c'est-à-dire la gamme de luminance et de contraste ainsi que la possibilité de réglage de la luminosité perçue ;
- les exigences concernant les emplacements des afficheurs, claviers, commandes et indicateurs dans la cabine et sur le pupitre de conduite (c'est-à-dire la position, l'angle de visibilité, etc.), compte tenu de la position de conduite normale et de l'environnement de travail (vitre frontale, éclairage naturel ou artificiel dans la cabine, reflets indésirables, etc.) ;
- les caractéristiques et exigences concernant les emplacements des microphones et des haut-parleurs ;
- la conception des symboles.
NOTE Tous les numéros d'éléments cités dans le texte font référence au Tableau B.1.
Le présent document ne s'applique pas à la rénovation de véhicules existants. Le présent document n'est pas destiné à s'appliquer au pupitre auxiliaire de conduite, à l'exception du 5.3.13, de l’Article 6, du 7.1.2, de l’Article 9 et du Tableau B.1.
Železniške naprave - Voznikova kabina - 6. del: Združevanje slikovnih zaslonov ter krmilnih in prikazovalnih elementov za tramvajska vozila
Ta dokument se uporablja za vozila, ki obratujejo v tramvajskih omrežjih.
Ta dokument določa zahteve in smernice za načrtovanje z namenom zagotavljanja vidljivosti in delovanja slikovnih zaslonov ter krmilnih in prikazovalnih elementov v kabini v vseh obratovalnih pogojih (dan, noč, naravna ali umetna osvetlitev).
Obravnava štiri vidike:
– značilnosti slikovnih zaslonov ter krmilnih in prikazovalnih elementov, da se zagotovi ustrezna vidljivost, tj. razpon svetlosti in kontrasta ter možnost prilagajanja zaznane svetlosti;
– zahteve za namestitev slikovnih zaslonov, tipkovnic ter krmilnih in prikazovalnih elementov v kabini in na voznikovi mizi za prikaz položaja, kota vidljivosti itd. ob upoštevanju običajnega voznikovega položaja in delovnega okolja (vetrobransko steklo, naravna ali umetna osvetlitev v kabini, neželeno bleščanje in odsevi itd.);
– značilnosti in zahteve za namestitev mikrofonov in zvočnikov;
– zasnova simbolov.
OPOMBA: Vse številke elementov v besedilu so navedene v preglednici B.1.
Ta dokument se ne uporablja za obnovo obstoječih vozil. Ta dokument se ne uporablja za voznikovo pomožno mizo, razen kot je navedeno v razdelku 5.3.10, točkah 6, 8 in 9 ter preglednicah B.1 in C.1.
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
Železniške naprave - Voznikova kabina - 6. del: Združevanje slikovnih zaslonov ter
krmilnih in prikazovalnih elementov za tramvajska vozila
Railway applications - Driver's cab - Part 6: Integration of displays, controls and
indicators for tram vehicles
Bahnanwendungen - Führerraum - Teil 6: Integration von Displays, Bedien- und
Anzeigeelementen für Straßenbahnfahrzeuge
Applications ferroviaires - Cabine de conduite - Partie 6 : Intégration des afficheurs,
commandes et indicateurs pour tramways
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: EN 16186-6:2024
45.060.10 Vlečna vozila Tractive stock
45.140 Oprema za podzemne vlake, Metro, tram and light rail
tramvaje in lahka tirna vozila equipment
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.
EN 16186-6
October 2024
ICS 45.060.10; 45.140
English Version
Railway applications - Driver's cab - Part 6: Integration of
displays, controls and indicators for tram vehicles
Applications ferroviaires - Cabine de conduite - Partie Bahnanwendungen - Führerraum - Teil 6: Integration
6 : Intégration des afficheurs, commandes et von Displays, Bedien- und Anzeigeelementen bei
indicateurs pour tramways Straßenbahnfahrzeugen
This European Standard was approved by CEN on 12 August 2024.
CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this
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concerning such national standards may be obtained on application to the CEN-CENELEC Management Centre or to any CEN
This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language made by
translation under the responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the CEN-CENELEC Management
Centre has the same status as the official versions.
CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia,
Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway,
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CEN-CENELEC Management Centre: Rue de la Science 23, B-1040 Brussels
© 2024 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved Ref. No. EN 16186-6:2024 E
worldwide for CEN national Members.
Contents Page
European foreword . 4
Introduction . 5
1 Scope . 6
2 Normative references . 6
3 Terms and definitions . 7
4 Symbols and abbreviations . 9
5 Displays, controls and warnings for operational functions . 9
5.1 General . 9
5.2 Displays for communication, monitoring and control . 9
5.3 Controls . 10
5.3.1 Driver's master controller . 10
5.3.2 Control for driver activity . 10
5.3.3 Control for running direction selection . 10
5.3.4 Controls for external lights . 10
5.3.5 Controls for Intercom . 10
5.3.6 Controls for passenger doors . 11
5.3.7 Controls for obstacle detection and pedestrian protection . 11
5.3.8 Controls for driver's cab temperature . 11
5.3.9 Controls for passenger area temperature . 11
5.3.10 Controls for coupled vehicles . 11
5.3.11 Distress button . 12
5.3.12 Other controls . 12
5.3.13 Controls for auxiliary desk . 12
5.4 Alarms . 13
5.4.1 General . 13
5.4.2 Alarm due to a safety system . 13
5.4.3 Alarm due to brake failure . 13
5.4.4 Alarm due to emergency opening of one or more external doors . 13
5.4.5 Driver interface with fire extinguishing system . 13
6 Characteristics of displays, controls and indicators . 14
6.1 General . 14
6.1.1 Design principles . 14
6.1.2 Resistance to damage from cleaning agents. 14
6.1.3 Labelling . 14
6.2 Characteristics of controls . 14
6.2.1 General principles . 14
6.2.2 Design criteria . 15
6.2.3 Characteristics of specific controls . 15
6.3 Characteristics of indicators - readability . 16
6.4 Characteristic of warnings . 16
6.4.1 General . 16
6.4.2 Hierarchy of audible warnings . 16
6.4.3 Audibility of driving related acoustic signals . 16
6.5 Characteristic of loudspeakers . 16
7 Positioning of displays and controls . 16
7.1 General rules for arrangements . 16
7.1.1 Driver’s desk design . 16
7.1.2 Human factors/ergonomic aspects . 17
7.1.3 Device positioning principle . 17
7.2 Positioning of displays . 18
7.2.1 Display location and orientation . 18
7.2.2 Preferred fields of view . 18
7.2.3 Positioning speed and ATP signalling information . 18
7.2.4 Positioning of other equipment . 18
7.3 Positioning of controls . 18
7.3.1 Reachability of controls on the driver’s desk of tram vehicles . 18
7.3.2 Reachability of controls on the driver’s desk of tram-train vehicles. 19
7.3.3 Grouping of controls . 19
7.3.4 Allocation to hands . 20
7.3.5 Accessibility . 20
7.3.6 Synchronous operation of elements . 20
7.3.7 Risk of inadvertent activation . 20
7.3.8 Position of specific controls . 20
7.3.9 Controls used while driving, but not located on the driver’s desk . 21
7.3.10 Controls only operated during standstill . 21
8 Lighting of cab, displays, controls and indicators . 22
8.1 Cab lighting . 22
8.2 Instruments' lighting . 22
8.3 Prevent disturbing the driver . 22
8.4 Reading zone of tram-train vehicles . 22
9 Symbol and text definition . 22
9.1 Symbol appearance . 22
9.2 Harmonized symbols . 22
9.2.1 General . 22
9.2.2 Combinations of colours . 23
9.2.3 Style of symbols .
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