Space engineering - Software engineering handbook

This Handbook provides advice, interpretations, elaborations and software engineering best practices for the implementation of the requirements specified in EN 16603-40 (based on ECSS-E-ST-40C). The handbook is intended to be applicable to both flight and ground. It has been produced to complement the EN 16603-40 Standard, in the area where space project experience has reported issues related to the applicability, the interpretation or the feasibility of the Standard. It should be read to clarify the spirit of the Standard, the intention of the authors or the industrial best practices when applying the Standard to a space project.
The Handbook is not a software engineering book addressing the technical description and respective merits of software engineering methods and tools.

Raumfahrttechnik - Handbuch zur Softwareentwicklung

Ingénierie spatiale - Guide d’ingénierie logiciel

Vesoljska tehnika - Priročnik o programski opremi

Ta priročnik podaja nasvete, razlage, opise in dobre prakse s področja inženiringa programske opreme za izvajanje zahtev iz standarda EN 16603-40 (na podlagi standarda ECSS-E-ST-40C). Priročnik je namenjen uporabi pri letenju in na tleh. Pripravljen je bil kot dopolnilo k standardu EN 16603-40 na področju, na katerem so pri preteklih vesoljskih projektih poročali o težavah v zvezi uporabnostjo, razlaganjem ali izvedljivostjo standarda. Priporočljivo ga je prebrati za razjasnitev smisla standarda, namena avtorjev oziroma dobrih industrijskih praks, kadar se standard uporablja za vesoljski projekt.
Priročnik ni knjiga o inženiringu programske opreme, ki bi obravnavala tehnične opise in z njimi povezane prednosti metod oziroma orodij inženiringa programske opreme.

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Standards Content (Sample)

Vesoljska tehnika - Priročnik o programski opremi
Space engineering - Software engineering handbook
Raumfahrttechnik - Handbuch zur Softwareentwicklung
Ingénierie spatiale - Guide d’ingénierie logiciel
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: CEN/TR 17603-40:2022
35.080 Programska oprema Software
49.140 Vesoljski sistemi in operacije Space systems and
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.


June 2022
ICS 49.140; 35.080
English version
Space engineering - Software engineering handbook
Ingénierie spatiale - Guide d'ingénierie logiciel Raumfahrttechnik - Handbuch zur
This Technical Report was approved by CEN on 20 April 2022. It has been drawn up by the Technical Committee CEN/CLC/JTC 5.

CEN and CENELEC members are the national standards bodies and national electrotechnical committees of Austria, Belgium,
Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy,
Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Republic of North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia,
Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and United Kingdom.

CEN-CENELEC Management Centre:
Rue de la Science 23, B-1040 Brussels
© 2022 CEN/CENELEC All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means
Ref. No. CEN/TR 17603-40:2022 E
reserved worldwide for CEN national Members and for
CENELEC Members.
Table of contents
European Foreword . 6
Introduction . 7
1 Scope . 8
2 References . 10
3 Terms, definitions and abbreviated terms . 12
3.1 Terms from other documents .12
3.2 Terms specific to the present document .12
3.3 Abbreviated terms.12
4 Introduction to space software . 15
4.1 Getting started .15
4.1.1 Space projects . 15
4.1.2 Space standards: The ECSS System . 15
4.1.3 Key characteristics of the ECSS System . 16
4.1.4 Establishing ECSS Standards for a space project . 16
4.1.5 Software / ECSS Standards relevant for Software . 17
4.1.6 Why are standards a MUST for the software development process? . 19
4.1.7 Executing a space software project . 20
4.1.8 Disciplines in Space Software Projects . 21
4.2 Getting compliant .22
4.2.1 The ECSS-E-ST-40C roles . 22
4.2.2 Compliance with the ECSS-E-ST-40C . 26
4.2.3 Characterization of space software leading to various interpretations/applications of
the standard . 28
4.2.4 Software criticality categories . 31
4.2.5 Tailoring . 33
4.2.6 Contractual and Organizational Special Arrangements . 35
5 Guidelines . 41
5.1 Introduction .41
5.2 Software related system requirement process .41
5.2.1 Overview . 41
5.2.2 Software related system requirements analysis . 44
5.2.3 Software related system verification . 45
5.2.4 Software related system integration and control . 46
5.2.5 System requirement review . 53
5.3 Software management process .54
5.3.1 Overview . 54
5.3.2 Software life cycle management . 54
5.3.3 Software project and technical reviews . 55
5.3.4 Software project reviews description . 55
5.3.5 Software technical reviews description . 56
5.3.6 Review phasing . 63
5.3.7 Interface management . 64
5.3.8 Technical budget and margin management . 65
5.3.9 Compliance to this Standard . 65
5.4 Software requirements and architecture engineering process .65
5.4.1 Overview . 65
5.4.2 Software requirement analysis . 65
5.4.3 Software architectural design . 67
5.4.4 Conducting a preliminary design review . 76
5.5 Software design and implementation engineering process .76
5.5.1 Overview . 76
5.5.2 Design of software items . 76
5.5.3 Coding and testing . 78
5.5.4 Integration . 81
5.6 Software validation process .83
5.6.1 Overview . 83
5.6.2 Validation process implementation . 84
5.6.3 Validation activities with respect to the technical specification. 91
5.6.4 Validation activities with respect to the requirement baseline . 91
5.7 Software delivery and acceptance process .93
5.7.1 Overview . 93
5.7.2 Software delivery and installation . 93
5.7.3 Software acceptance . 94
5.8 Software verification process .97
5.8.1 Overview . 97
5.8.2 Verification process implementation . 97
5.8.3 Verification activities . 100
5.9 Software operation process .104
5.9.1 Overview . 104
5.9.2 Process implementation . 107
5.9.3 Operational testing . 107
5.9.4 Software operation support . 107
5.9.5 User support . 107
5.10 Software maintenance process .108
5.10.1 Overview . 108
5.10.2 Process implementation . 108
5.10.3 Problem and modification analysis . 115
5.10.4 Modification implementation . 115
5.10.5 Conducting maintenance review . 115
5.10.6 Software migration . 115
5.10.7 Software retirement . 115
6 Selected topics . 116
6.1 Use Cases and Scenarios .116
6.1.1 Relation to the Standard . 116
6.1.2 Introduction to use cases . 116
6.1.3 Identification of use cases . 117
6.1.4 Formalization of each use case . 117
6.1.5 Definition and guidelines. 119
6.2 Life cycle .120
6.2.1 Relation to the Standard . 120
6.2.2 Introduction . 120
6.2.3 Existing life-cycle models. 122
6.2.4 Choosing a Software life-cycle . 131
6.3 Model based Engineering .134
6.3.1 Relation to the Standard . 134
6.3.2 Definition and guidelines. 135
6.4 Testing Methods and Techniques .138
6.4.1 Relation to the Standard . 138
6.4.2 Introduction . 138
6.4.3 Definitions . 138
6.4.4 Test objectives . 138
6.4.5 Testing strategies and approaches . 141
6.4.6 Real Time Testing . 145
6.5 Autocode .146
6.5.1 Relation to the Standard . 146

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