EN 10333:2024
(Main)Steel for packaging - Flat steel products intended for use in contact with foodstuffs, products and beverages for human and animal consumption - Tin coated steel (tinplate)
Steel for packaging - Flat steel products intended for use in contact with foodstuffs, products and beverages for human and animal consumption - Tin coated steel (tinplate)
This document specifies the composition of the base steel used for the production of tinplate for use in direct contact with foodstuffs or products for human and animal consumption as well as the composition of tin used to coat it. Tinplate can be produced with or without an organic coating.
The main examples of use are:
- drinks cans,
- food cans,
- packaging of dry foods,
- aerosol cans.
The material is chosen in accordance with the conditions for its use.
This document does not apply to categories of steel other than steel for packaging intended for use in contact with foodstuffs, products or beverages for human or animal consumption.
Verpackungsblech - Flacherzeugnisse aus Stahl für die Verwendung in Berührung mit Lebensmitteln, Produkten und Getränken für den menschlichen und tierischen Verzehr - Verzinnter Stahl (Weißblech)
Dieses Dokument legt die Zusammensetzung von Stahl für die Produktion von Weißblech für die Verwendung in direkter Berührung mit Nahrungsmitteln oder Produkten für den menschlichen und tierischen Verzehr als auch die Zusammensetzung von Zinn für den Stahlüberzug fest. Weißblech kann mit oder ohne organischer Beschichtung hergestellt werden.
Hauptbeispiele für die Anwendung sind:
- Getränkedosen;
- Konserven;
- Verpackungen für getrocknete Lebensmittel;
- Aerosolbehälter.
Die Werkstoffe werden entsprechend ihrer Verwendung ausgesucht.
Dieses Dokument ist nicht anwendbar auf andere Stähle als die für Verpackungsblech in Berührung mit Lebensmitteln, Produkten oder Getränken für den menschlichen oder tierischen Verzehr.
Acier pour emballage - Produits plats en acier destiné à entrer au contact des denrées, produits et boissons pour l'alimentation de l'homme et des animaux - Acier revêtu d'étain (fer blanc ou fer étamé)
Le présent document spécifie la composition de l’acier de base à utiliser pour la fabrication du fer blanc destiné à entrer en contact direct avec les denrées et produits pour l’alimentation de l’homme et des animaux y compris la composition d’étain pour le revêtir. Le fer blanc peut être produit avec ou sans revêtement organique.
Les principaux exemples d’application sont les suivants :
- boîtes boisson,
- boîtes pour conserves alimentaires,
- conditionnement d’aliments secs,
- boîtiers d’aérosols.
Le choix du matériau est choisi conformément aux conditions d’emploi.
Le présent document ne s’applique pas aux catégories d’aciers hors emballages destinés à entrer en contact avec des denrées, produits et boissons pour l’alimentation de l’homme et des animaux.
Jekla za embalažiranje – Ploščati jekleni izdelki, namenjeni stiku s hrano, pijačami in drugimi izdelki za ljudi in živali - Jeklo, prevlečeno s kositrom (pločevina)
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
oSIST prEN 10333:2024
Jekla za embalažiranje – Ploščati jekleni izdelki, namenjeni stiku s hrano, pijačami
in drugimi izdelki za ljudi in živali - Jeklo, prevlečeno s kositrom (pločevina)
Steel for packaging - Flat steel products intended for use in contact with foodstuffs,
products and beverages for human and animal consumption - Tin coated steel (tinplate)
Verpackungsblech - Flacherzeugnisse aus Stahl für die Verwendung in Berührung mit
Lebensmitteln, Produkten und Getränken für den menschlichen und tierischen Verzehr -
Verzinnter Stahl (Weißblech)
Acier pour emballage - Produits plats en acier destiné à entrer au contact des denrées,
produits et boissons pour l'alimentation de l'homme et des animaux - Acier revêtu d'étain
(fer blanc ou fer étamé)
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: prEN 10333
67.250 Materiali in predmeti v stiku z Materials and articles in
živili contact with foodstuffs
77.140.50 Ploščati jekleni izdelki in Flat steel products and semi-
polizdelki products
oSIST prEN 10333:2024 en,fr,de
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.
oSIST prEN 10333:2024
oSIST prEN 10333:2024
prEN 10333
May 2024
ICS 67.250; 55.120; 55.130 Will supersede EN 10333:2005
English Version
Steel for packaging - Flat steel products intended for use in
contact with foodstuffs, products and beverages for human
and animal consumption - Tin coated steel (tinplate)
Acier pour emballage - Produits plats en acier destiné à Verpackungsblech - Flacherzeugnisse aus Stahl für die
entrer au contact des denrées, produits et boissons Verwendung in Berührung mit Lebensmitteln,
pour l'alimentation de l'homme et des animaux - Acier Produkten und Getränken für den menschlichen und
revêtu d'étain (fer blanc ou fer étamé) tierischen Verzehr - Verzinnter Stahl (Weißblech)
This draft European Standard is submitted to CEN members for enquiry. It has been drawn up by the Technical Committee
CEN/TC 459/SC 9.
If this draft becomes a European Standard, CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations
which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration.
This draft European Standard was established by CEN in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other
language made by translation under the responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the CEN-CENELEC
Management Centre has the same status as the official versions.
CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia,
Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway,
Poland, Portugal, Republic of North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Türkiye and
United Kingdom.
Recipients of this draft are invited to submit, with their comments, notification of any relevant patent rights of which they are
aware and to provide supporting documentation.
Warning : This document is not a European Standard. It is distributed for review and comments. It is subject to change without
notice and shall not be referred to as a European Standard.
CEN-CENELEC Management Centre: Rue de la Science 23, B-1040 Brussels
© 2024 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved Ref. No. prEN 10333:2024 E
worldwide for CEN national Members.
oSIST prEN 10333:2024
prEN 10333:2024 (E)
Contents Page
European foreword . 3
1 Scope . 4
2 Normative references . 4
3 Terms and definitions . 4
4 Information to be provided by the purchaser . 5
5 Dimensions and dimensional tolerances . 5
6 Requirements . 5
6.1 Base metal . 5
6.2 Tin coating . 6
6.3 Passivation and oiling . 6
7 Checks . 6
8 Test method . 6
9 Designation . 7
10 Marking, labelling, packaging . 7
Annex A (normative) Determination of lead . 8
Bibliography . 13
oSIST prEN 10333:2024
prEN 10333:2024 (E)
European foreword
This document (prEN 10333:2024) has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 459 “Coated and
uncoated flat products to be used for cold forming”, Subcommittee SC 9 “Coated and uncoated flat
products to be used for cold forming” the secretariat of which is held by AFNOR.
This document is currently submitted to the CEN Enquiry.
This document will supersede EN 10333:2005.
prEN 10333:2024 includes the following significant technical changes with respect to EN 10333:2005:
— The normative references have been updated;
— The Annex A has been revised.
oSIST prEN 10333:2024
prEN 10333:2024 (E)
1 Scope
This document specifies the composition of the base steel used for the production of tinplate for use in
direct contact with foodstuffs or products for human and animal consumption as well as the composition
of tin used to coat it. Tinplate can be produced with or without an organic coating.
The main examples of use are:
— drinks cans,
— food cans,
— packaging of dry foods,
— aerosol cans.
The material is chosen in accordance with the conditions for its use.
This document does not apply to categories of steel other than steel for packaging intended for use in
contact with foodstuffs, products or beverages for human or animal consumption.
2 Normative references
The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content
constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For
undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
EN 610, Tin and tin alloys — Ingot tin
EN 10202:2022, Cold reduced tinmill products — Electrolytic tinplate and electrolytic
chromium/chromium oxide coated steel
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
ISO and IEC maintain terminology databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:
— IEC Electropedia: available at https://www.electropedia.org/
— ISO Online browsing platform: available at https://www.iso.org/obp
cold-rolled blackplate coated on at least one side with a layer of tin
Note 1 to entry: The mass of the coating can reach up to 15,1 g/m .
low-carbon mild steel which has been subjected to cold reduction, is used mainly in the manufacture of
tinplate and electrolytic chromium/chromium oxide coated steel and has a minimum iron content greater
than 95% by mass
oSIST prEN 10333:2024
prEN 10333:2024 (E)
surface treatment designed to improve resistance to oxidation, resistance to sulphurizing and ease of
lacquering or printing on the tin coating
steel for packaging
alloyed/non alloyed steel flat product intended for manufacturing cans and other packaging components
for drinks or food products
Note 1 to entry: According to the applications considered, this steel can be covered with a metal coating or with an
additional organic coating.
4 Information to be provided by the purchaser
The information, which shall be provided by the purchaser at the time of enquiry and order, shall satisfy
the requirements of EN 10202:2022.
NOTE Furthermore, the purchaser can specify the type of oil suitable for food contact to be used when the
product is delivered oiled.
5 Dimensions and dimensional tolerances
The nominal dimensions shall be agreed at the time of enquiry and order.
Dimensional tolerances shall meet the requirements of EN 10202:2022, Clause 9.
6 Requirements
6.1 Base metal
The composition of the base metal shall meet the requirements of Table 1.
NOTE This table is identical in EN 10333, EN 10334 and EN 10335.
a, b
Table 1 — Chemical composition
Specified elements Max. Content in % (of mass)
Al Aluminium 1,0
As Arsenic 0,030
B Boron 0,05
C Carbon 0,30
Cd + Pb + Hg
Cd Cadmium
Pb Lead
Hg Mercury
Cr Chromium 0,50
Cu Copper 0,40
Mn Manganese 2,50
oSIST prEN 10333:2024
prEN 10333:2024 (E)
Specified elements Max. Content in % (of mass)
Mo Molybdenum 0,10
N Nitrogen 0,10
Nb Niobium 0,10
Ni Nickel 0,30
P Phosphorus 0,10
S Sulphur 0,050
Si Silicon 1,0
Sn Tin 0,10
Ti Titanium 0,30
V Vanadium 0,10
W Tungsten 0,10
Zr Zirconium 0,050
Other elements measured 0,050
The chemical elements contained within the section “other
elements measured individually” are those that can appear in a
very small quantity but are not added deliberately during the steel
making process
The elements Cd, Pb and Hg are not added deliberately during the
steel making process. The specification relating to the amount of
these 3 elements makes reference to Directive 94/62/EC – see
point 3
6.2 Tin coating
The chemical composition of the tin ingot used shall comply with the requirements set down in EN 610
for grade Sn99.85 with the exception of the Pb content, which shall be < 0,010 %.
The Pb content of the tin coating shall be ≤ 0,010 %.
6.3 Passivation and oiling
The requirements specified in EN 10202:2022 shall apply.
Unless otherwise specified at the time of enquiry and order, the products delivered shall be coated with
an oil that is suitable for contact with foodstuffs.
7 Checks
At the request of the purchaser, conformity with the order requirements shall be proven in accordance
with this document.
8 Test method
Lead present in the tin coating shall be assayed in accordance with the requirements contained within
Annex A. Other methods can be used, nevertheless, in case of dispute, the method defined in Annex A is
the reference method.
oSIST prEN 10333:2024
prEN 10333:2024 (E)
9 Designation
The designation shall be in accordance with EN 10202:2022 with no additional information relating to
food safety.
10 Marking, labelling, packaging
Each coil or bundle shall display a label indicating the reference to this document, the name and the
trademark of the manufacturer and the batch identification.
The packaging specifications shall be agreed at the time of enquiry and order.
oSIST prEN 10333:2024
prEN 10333:2024 (E)
Annex A
Determination of lead
A.1 General
Measurement of the lead content in the tin coating for steel for packaging. This measurement is done in
two steps: First the electrochemical dissolution of tin and measurement of tin, and secondly the lead
determination from the thus obtained solution by ICP-MS.
NOTE The measurement of tin can also be done following Annex E in EN 10202:2022. Both methods should
have the same outcome if the instrumentation is calibrated.
A.2 Principle
In this method, the tin and tin/iron alloy layers are stripped electrochemically in hydrochloric acid at
constant current. Faraday’s Law is used to calculate the mass of tin removed. The effective range of the
2 2 2
method is from 0,5 g/m up to 20,0 g/m and the reproducibility is 0,1 g/m . The lead concentration is
then measured in the resulting hydrochloric electrolyte by ICP-MS. The electrolyte is directly collected
from the cell to prevent iron dissolution.
A.3 Reagents
A.3.1 HCl
Hydrochloric acid (HCl) – between 1,0M – 2,0M, with an ultralow concentration of lead < 0,002 ppm shall
be used to prevent lead contamination.
A.3.2 Na2CO3 - in the range of 50 g/l
A.3.3 Ultrapure water – for ICP-MS
A.4 Apparatus
A.4.1 Cell and electrodes
A sample holder of the type shown in Figure A.1, which exposes at least 2,5 cm , a platinum gauze or
platinized titanium cathode and a suitable reference electrode (e.g. standard calomel electrode).
Ensure the cell or the glassware do not consist of any lead containing substances, e.g. PVC, as this can
influence the measurement.
Ensure the cell is clean before the start of the measurement, as small contaminations can greatly affect
the outcome of the measurement, especially of the lead content.
A.4.2 Power supply
A power supply which is capable of delivering a constant current adapted for the current density used
(less than 500 mA).
Questions, Comments and Discussion
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