Stationary source emissions - Determination of odour concentration by dynamic olfactometry and odour emission rate

This document specifies a method for the objective determination of the odour concentration of a gaseous sample using dynamic olfactometry with human assessors. The standard also specifies a method for the determination of the emission rate of odours from stationary sources, in particular:
-   point sources (conveyed or ducted emissions);
-   active area sources (e.g. biofilters);
-   passive sources.
The primary application of this standard is to provide a common basis for evaluation of odour emissions.
When this document is used for the determination of the odour concentration or the odour emission rate of stationary source emissions, the other relevant European Standards concerning stationary source emissions apply, in particular EN 15259 and EN 16911-1, especially when measurements have to be in compliance with the relevant European Directives concerning industrial air emissions.
Even so, the analysis/quantification step of the measurement method described in this document (i.e. the determination of the odour concentration of an odorous gas sample, without respect to the origin of the sample itself) can be fully applied in many cases not related with industrial emission sources (e.g. the measurement of the mass concentration at the detection threshold of pure odorous substances, the determination of effectiveness of deodorizing systems for indoor air). In those latter cases, the requirements in this document concerning the measurement planning and the sampling of stationary sources  can be ignored or adapted.
This document is applicable to the measurement of odour concentration of pure substances, defined odorant compounds and undefined mixtures of odorant volatiles in air or nitrogen, using dynamic olfactometry with a panel of human assessors being the sensor. The unit of measurement is the European odour unit per cubic metre: ouE/m3. The odour concentration is measured by determining the dilution factor required to reach the detection threshold. The odour concentration at the detection threshold is by definition 1 ouE/m3. The odour concentration is then expressed in terms of multiples of the detection threshold. The range of measurement is typically from 101 ouE/m3 to 107 ouE/m3 (including pre dilution).
The field of application of this document includes:
-   the measurement of the mass concentration at the detection threshold of pure odorous substances in g/m3;
-   the determination of the EROM value of odorants, in mol;
-   the measurement of the odour concentration of mixtures of odorants in ouE/m3;
-   the measurement of the emission rate of odorous emissions from point sources, active area sources and passive area sources, including pre dilution during sampling;
-   the sampling of odorous gases from emissions of high humidity and temperature (up to 200 °C);
-   the determination of effectiveness of end-of-pipe mitigation techniques used to reduce odour emissions.
The determination of odour emissions requires measurement of gas velocityto determine the gas volume flow rate.
The field of application of this document does not include:
-   the measurement of odours potentially released by particles of odorous solids or droplets of odorous fluids suspended in emissions;
-   the measuring strategy to be applied in case of variable emission rates;
-   the measurement of the relationship between odour stimulus and assessor response above detection threshold (perceived intensity);
-   measurement of hedonic tone (or (un)pleasantness) or assessment of annoyance potential;
-   direct measurement of odour exposure in ambient air. For this measurement purpose, field panel methods exist which are the subject of CEN standard EN 16841-1, Ambient Air - Determination of odour in ambient air by using field inspection - Grid method;
-   direct olfactometry, including field olfactometry;
-   static olfactometry;
-   measurement of odour recognition thresholds;
-   measurement of odour identification thresholds.

Emissionen aus stationären Quellen - Bestimmung der Geruchsstoffkonzentration durch dynamische Olfaktometrie und Ermittlung der Geruchsstoffemissionsrate

Dieses Dokument legt ein objektives Verfahren zur Bestimmung der Geruchsstoffkonzentration einer gasförmigen Probe durch dynamische Olfaktometrie mit Hilfe menschlicher Prüfpersonen fest. Das Dokument legt darüber hinaus ein Verfahren zur Bestimmung der Geruchsstoffemissionsrate aus stationären Quellen fest, und zwar insbesondere aus:
a)   Punktquellen (geförderte oder geführte Emissionen);
b)   aktiven Flächenquellen (z. B. Biofilter).
Der Hauptzweck dieses Dokuments besteht darin, eine allgemeine Grundlage für die Bewertung von Geruchsstoffemissionen zu liefern.
Wenn dieses Dokument zur Bestimmung der Geruchsstoffkonzentration oder der Geruchsstoffemissionsrate aus stationären Quellen verwendet wird, gelten die anderen relevanten Europäischen Normen in Bezug auf Emissionen aus stationären Quellen, insbesondere EN 15259 und EN ISO 16911 1, vor allem wenn Messungen die Anforderungen der relevanten Europäischen Richtlinien in Bezug auf Industrieemissionen in die Außenluft erfüllen müssen.
Desgleichen kann der in diesem Dokument beschriebene Analyse-/Quantifizierungsschritt des Messverfahrens (d. h. die Bestimmung der Geruchsstoffkonzentration einer gasförmigen Geruchsstoffprobe ungeachtet der Herkunft der Probe) in vielen Fällen unabhängig von industriellen Emissionsquellen uneingeschränkt angewendet werden (z. B. zur Messung der Massenkonzentration von Geruchsstoffen an der Wahrnehmungsschwelle, zur Bestimmung der Wirksamkeit von deodorierenden Systemen für Innenraumluft). In den letztgenannten Fällen können die Anforderungen in diesem Dokument in Bezug auf Messplanung und Probenahme aus stationären Quellen ignoriert oder angepasst werden.
Dieses Dokument ist anwendbar auf die Messung der Geruchsstoffkonzentration eines riechbaren Gases, definiert zusammengesetzter Geruchsstoffgemische und undefinierter Mischungen von Geruchsstoffen in Luft oder Stickstoff mit Hilfe der dynamischen Olfaktometrie durch ein Kollektiv menschlicher Prüfpersonen als Sensoren. Die Maßeinheit ist die Europäische Geruchseinheit je Kubikmeter: GEE/m3. Die Geruchsstoffkonzentration wird durch Bestimmung des zum Erreichen der Wahrnehmungsschwelle erforderlichen Verdünnungsfaktors gemessen. Die Geruchsstoffkonzentration an der Wahrnehmungsschwelle ist per Definition 1 GEE/m3. Die Geruchsstoffkonzentration wird dann als Vielfaches der Wahrnehmungsschwelle angegeben. Der Messbereich liegt üblicherweise zwischen 101 GEE/m3 und 107 GEE/m3 (einschließlich Vorverdünnung).

Émissions de sources fixes - Détermination de la concentration d'odeur par olfactométrie dynamique et du taux d'émission d'odeurs

Le présent document définit une méthode objective pour déterminer la concentration d'odeur d'un échantillon gazeux par olfactométrie dynamique avec des sujets humains. Il spécifie également une méthode de détermination du taux d'émission d'odeurs provenant de sources fixes, notamment de :
a)   sources ponctuelles (émissions rejetées dans l'atmosphère ou canalisées) ;
b)   sources surfaciques actives (par exemple, biofiltres).
L'application principale du présent document est de fournir une base commune pour l'évaluation des émissions odorantes.
Lorsque le présent document est utilisé pour déterminer la concentration d'odeur ou le taux d'émission d'odeurs dans des émissions de sources fixes, les autres Normes européennes pertinentes concernant les émissions de sources fixes s'appliquent, en particulier l'EN 15259 et l'EN ISO 16911 1, notamment lorsque les mesures doivent être conformes aux Directives européennes applicables, relatives aux émissions atmosphériques industrielles.
Néanmoins, l'étape d'analyse/de quantification de la méthode de mesure décrite dans le présent document (c'est-à-dire la détermination de la concentration d'odeur d'un échantillon de gaz olfactivement actif, indépendamment de l'origine de l'échantillon lui-même) peut être pleinement appliquée dans de nombreux cas non liés aux sources d'émissions industrielles (par exemple, le mesurage de la concentration massique au seuil de détection de substances odorantes, la détermination de l'efficacité des systèmes de désodorisation de l'air intérieur). Dans ces derniers cas, les exigences du présent document concernant la planification des mesures et l'échantillonnage des sources fixes peuvent être ignorées ou adaptées.
Le domaine d'application du présent document concerne le mesurage de la concentration d'odeur du gaz odorant, de mélanges de substances odorantes d'une composition définie et de mélanges non définis de substances odorantes dans l'air ou l'azote, en utilisant l'olfactométrie dynamique avec un jury de sujets humains comme détecteurs. L'unité de mesure est l'unité d'odeur européenne par mètre cube, dont le symbole est : ouE/m3. La concentration d'odeur se mesure en déterminant le facteur de dilution requis pour atteindre le seuil de détection. La concentration d'odeur au seuil de détection est par définition de 1 ouE/m3. La concentration d'odeur s'exprime ensuite en termes de multiples du seuil de détection. L'étendue de mesure va en général de 101 ouE/m3 à 107 ouE/m3 (y compris la prédilution).

Emisije nepremičnih virov - Določevanje koncentracije vonjav z dinamično olfaktometrijo in stopnja emisije vonjav iz nepremičnih virov

Glavni namen uporabe tega standarda je zagotoviti skupno podlago za ocenjevanje emisij vonja.
Kadar se ta dokument uporablja za določanje koncentracije vonja ali stopnje emisij vonja pri emisijah iz stacionarnih virov, se uporabljajo drugi ustrezni evropski standardi v zvezi z emisijami iz stacionarnih virov, kot sta EN 15259 in EN 16911-1, zlasti kadar morajo biti meritve skladne z ustreznimi evropskimi direktivami o industrijskih emisijah v zrak.
Kljub temu se lahko faza analize/kvantifikacije v okviru metode merjenja, ki je opisana v tem dokumentu (tj. določanje koncentracije vonja v vzorcu plina z vonjem, ne glede na izvor samega vzorca), v celoti uporabi v številnih primerih, ki niso povezani z industrijskimi viri emisij (npr. merjenje masne koncentracije pri pragu zaznavanja čistih snovi z vonjem, določanje učinkovitosti dezodorirnih sistemov za zrak v zaprtih prostorih). V teh drugih primerih se lahko zahteve v tem dokumentu glede načrtovanja meritev in vzorčenja stacionarnih virov ne uporabijo ali prilagodijo.
Ta dokument se uporablja za merjenje koncentracije vonja čistih snovi, določenih spojin z vonjavami in nedoločenih zmesi hlapov z vonjavami v zraku ali dušiku z uporabo dinamične olfaktometrije s skupino človeških ocenjevalcev kot senzorjem. Merska enota je evropska enota vonja na kubični meter: ouE/m3. Koncentracija vonja se meri z določitvijo faktorja redčenja, ki je potreben za doseganje praga zaznave. Koncentracija vonja pri pragu zaznave je 1 ouE/m3. Koncentracija vonja se tako izrazi z mnogokratniki praga zaznavanja. Merilno območje je običajno od 101 ouE/m3 do 107 ouE/m3 (vključno s predhodnim redčenjem).
Področje uporabe tega dokumenta zajema:
–   merjenje masne koncentracija pri pragu zaznavanja čistih snovi z vonjem v g/m3;
–   določitev vrednosti EROM (evropska referenčna masa vonja) vonjav v molih;
–   merjenje koncentracije zmesi vonjav pri pragu zaznavanja čistih snovi z vonjem v g/m3;
–   merjenje stopnje emisij z vonjem iz točkastih virov, aktivnih območnih virov in pasivnih območnih virov, vključno s predhodnim redčenjem med vzorčenjem;
–   vzorčenje plinov z vonjem iz emisij z visoko vlažnostjo in temperaturo (do 200 °C);
–   določanje učinkovitosti tehnik za zmanjšanje končnih emisij, ki se uporabljajo za zmanjšanje emisij vonja.
Določanje emisij vonja zahteva merjenje hitrosti plina, da se določi prostorninski pretok plina.
Področje uporabe tega dokumenta ne zajema:
–   merjenja vonja, ki ga potencialno sproščajo delci trdnih snovi z vonjem ali kapljice tekočin z vonjem, lebdeče v emisijah;
–   strategija za merjenje, ki se uporabi v primeru spremenljivih stopenj emisij;
–   merjenje razmerja med dražljajem vonja in odzivom ocenjevalca nad pragom zaznavanja (zaznana intenzivnost);
–   merjenje hedonskega tona (ali (ne)prijetnosti) ali ocena potenciala za nadležnost;
–   neposredno merjenje izpostavljenosti vonju v zunanjem zraku. Za ta namen merjenja obstajajo metode s skupinami na terenu, ki so obravnavane v standardu CEN EN 16841-1, Zunanji zrak – Določevanje vonja v zunanjem zraku s terenskim pregledom – Rastrska metoda;
–   neposredna olfaktometrija, vključno z olfaktometrijo na terenu;
–   statična olfaktometrija;
–   merjenje pragov zaznave vonja;
–   merjenje pragov identifikacije vonja.

General Information

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Standards Content (Sample)

SIST EN 13725:2003
SIST EN 13725:2003/AC:2006
Emisije nepremičnih virov - Določevanje koncentracije vonjav z dinamično
olfaktometrijo in stopnja emisije vonjav iz nepremičnih virov
Stationary source emissions - Determination of odour concentration by dynamic
olfactometry and odour emission rate
Emissionen aus stationären Quellen - Bestimmung der Geruchsstoffkonzentration durch
dynamische Olfaktometrie und die Geruchsstoffemissionsrate
Émissions de sources fixes - Détermination de la concentration d'odeur par olfactométrie
dynamique et du taux d'émission d'odeurs émanant de sources fixes
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: EN 13725:2022
13.040.40 Emisije nepremičnih virov Stationary source emissions
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

EN 13725
February 2022
ICS 13.040.99 Supersedes EN 13725:2003
English Version
Stationary source emissions - Determination of odour
concentration by dynamic olfactometry and odour
emission rate
Émissions de sources fixes - Détermination de la Emissionen aus stationären Quellen - Bestimmung der
concentration d'odeur par olfactométrie dynamique et Geruchsstoffkonzentration durch dynamische
du taux d'émission d'odeurs Olfaktometrie und die Geruchsstoffemissionsrate
This European Standard was approved by CEN on 12 December 2021.
This European Standard was corrected and reissued by the CEN-CENELEC Management Centre on 6 April 2022.

CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this
European Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration. Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references
concerning such national standards may be obtained on application to the CEN-CENELEC Management Centre or to any CEN
This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language made by
translation under the responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the CEN-CENELEC Management
Centre has the same status as the official versions.

CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia,
Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway,
Poland, Portugal, Republic of North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and
United Kingdom.


CEN-CENELEC Management Centre: Rue de la Science 23, B-1040 Brussels
© 2022 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved Ref. No. EN 13725:2022 E
worldwide for CEN national Members.

Contents Page
European foreword . 4
1 Scope . 5
2 Normative references . 6
3 Terms and definitions . 6
3.1 Terms and definitions for olfactometry . 7
3.2 Terms and definitions for sampling . 13
3.3 Terms and definitions for metrology and statistics . 16
4 Symbols and abbreviated terms . 22
5 Principle of method . 24
5.1 Odour measurement: odorant gas sampling and odour analysis . 24
5.2 Odorant gas sampling . 24
5.3 Determination of odour concentration . 25
6 Apparatus and materials . 28
6.1 General properties of materials . 28
6.2 Sampling equipment . 28
6.3 Sample container . 29
6.4 Gases . 30
6.5 Dilution apparatus . 31
6.6 Environment for observations by assessors. 33
6.7 Panel . 34
7 Performance characteristics and criteria . 36
7.1 General . 36
7.2 Accuracy - statistical model . 37
7.3 Overall sensory quality requirements . 37
7.4 Quality requirements for dilution apparatus . 40
8 Measurement objective and measurement plan . 44
8.1 General . 44
8.2 Preliminary investigation . 44
8.3 Measurement plan . 44
9 Measurement procedure . 45
9.1 Sampling . 45
9.2 Sampling of a point source . 50
9.3 Sampling of area sources . 50
9.4 Olfactometric analysis . 55
9.5 Occupational safety for sampling personnel, assessors and olfactometry operators . 57
9.6 Validation and calculation of results . 60
10 Quality assurance and quality control procedures . 62
10.1 Field blank . 62
10.2 Measurement uncertainty . 63
10.3 Determination of the limit of detection (LoD) and the limit of quantification (LoQ) . 69
11 Measurement records and report . 71
11.1 General . 71
11.2 Records and reporting for emission sampling . 71
11.3 Records and reporting for odour concentration measurement . 72
Annex A (informative) Physiological principles . 74
Annex B (informative) Example of calculation of instrumental accuracy and instability . 78
Annex C (informative) Example of calculation of odour measurements within one laboratory. 81
Annex D (informative) Example of calculations for panel selection . 83
Annex E (informative) Example of the calculation of the odour concentration from a set of
panel member responses . 85
Annex F (informative) Example of the calculation used to determine the number of odour
concentration measurements required to achieve a defined precision . 89
Annex G (informative) Example of the calculation used to determine the number of odour
concentration measurements required to determine a difference between two means . 91
Annex H (informative) Example of the calculation of the odour flow rate (standard
conditions) for a wet emission . 94
Annex I (informative) Example of the calculation of an SROM value for a new defined
odorant from an EROM comparison . 95
Annex J (informative) Example of the calculation of measurement uncertainty . 105
Annex K (informative) Dynamic dilution apparatus for sampling . 113
Annex L (informative) Considerations for the interpretation of the odour concentration
concept for air quality management . 116
Annex M (informative) Sampling of passive area sources . 117
Annex N (informative) Significant technical changes . 119
Bibliography . 123

European foreword
This document (EN 13725:2022) has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 264 “Air quality”,
the secretariat of which is held by DIN.
This European Standard shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of an identical
text or by endorsement, at the latest by August 2022, and conflicting national standards shall be withdrawn
at the latest by August 2022.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of
patent rights. CEN shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
This document supersedes EN 13725:2003. The methods defined in the first edition and its associated
quality criteria have been validated in numerous proficiency tests.
The main changes in this revision relative to the first edition EN 13725:2003 are listed in informative
Annex N.
Annexes A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M and N are all informative.
Any feedback and questions on this document should be directed to the users’ national standards body. A
complete listing of these bodies can be found on the CEN website.
According to the CEN-CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organisations of the following
countries are bound to implement this European Standard: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus,
Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy,
Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Republic of North
Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and the United
1 Scope
This document specifies an objective method for the determination of the odour concentration of a gaseous
sample using dynamic olfactometry with human assessors. The document also specifies a method for the
determination of the odour emission rate from stationary sources, in particular:
a) point sources (conveyed or ducted emissions);
b) active area sources (e.g. biofilters).
The primary application of this document is to provide a common basis for evaluation of odour emissions.
When this document is used for the determination of the odour concentration or the odour emission rate
of stat

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