Railway applications - Driver's cab - Part 1: Anthropometric data and visibility

"This part of EN 16186 applies to driver’s cabs of Electrical Multiple Unit (EMU), Diesel Multiple Unit (DMU), railcars, locomotives and driving trailers.
NOTE 1   This standard applies to rolling stock in the scope of the Directive 2008/57/EC."
This part of EN 16186 applies to driver's desks installed on the left, on the right, or in a central position in the driver’s cab.
For OTMs, see EN 14033 1 "deleted text" and EN 15746 1 "deleted text".
This part of EN 16186 defines:
-   anthropometric data;
-   visibility conditions from the driver's cab, including forward visibility and the reference positions of line-side signals to be considered;
-   assessment methods.
"NOTE 2   Due to railway systems constraints the level of visibility provided to the persons outside the defined anthropometric range may vary. It is up to the operator’s safety management system to address the potential restriction of front visibility, if the driver uses extreme seat positions combined with extreme body heights."
"The actual seating and positioning habits of drivers regarding visibility, whether drivers are in or outside the range of anthropometric data of this standard is outside the scope of this document."
"This standard is not intended to be applicable for tramways, metros and light rail vehicles."

Bahnanwendungen - Führerraum - Teil 1: Anthropometrische Daten und Sichtbedingungen

Dieser Teil der EN 16186 gilt für Führerräume von interoperablen Schienenfahrzeugen.
Dieser Teil der EN 16186 gilt für Führertische, die links, rechts, oder mittig im Führerraum eingebaut sind.
Für OTMs siehe EN 14033-1 [2] und EN 15746-1 [3].
Dieser Teil der EN 16186 definiert:
-   anthropometrische Daten;
-   Sichtbedingungen aus dem Führerraum einschließlich der Sicht nach vorne und der Referenzpositionen der zu berücksichtigenden Streckensignale;
-   Bewertungsverfahren.
ANMERKUNG      Aufgrund von technischen Nebenbedingungen bei verschiedenen Eisenbahnsystemen können die Sichtverhältnisse, die Personen mit Körpermaßen außerhalb des definierten anthropometrischen Bereichs geboten wer¬den, variieren. Üblicherweise regeln die Betreiber die mögliche Einschränkung der Sicht nach vorne, wenn der Triebfahr¬zeugführer im Zusammenhang mit einer extremen Körpergröße extreme Positionen des Führersitzes verwendet.
Die berufliche Eignung von Triebfahrzeugführern bezüglich der Sichtbedingungen, unabhängig davon, ob ihre Körpermaße sich innerhalb oder außerhalb des in dieser Norm verwendeten anthropometrischen Bereichs befinden, liegt nicht im Anwendungsbereich dieses Dokuments.

Applications ferroviaires - Cabines de conduite - Partie 1: Données anthropométriques et visibilité

La présente partie de la Norme européenne EN 16186 s'applique aux cabines de conduite du matériel roulant interopérable.
La présente partie de de la Norme européenne EN 16186 s’applique aux pupitres du conducteur, qu’ils soient installés à gauche, à droite ou à une position centrale à l'intérieur de la cabine de conduite.
En ce qui concerne le matériel de maintenance et de construction de la voie (OTM), voir l’EN 14033-1 [2] et l’EN 15746-1 [3].
La présente partie de la Norme européenne EN 16186 définit :
-   les données anthropométriques ;
-   les conditions de visibilité depuis la cabine de conduite, comprenant les conditions de visibilité avant et les positions des systèmes de signalisation latérale devant être considérés ;
-   les méthodes d'évaluation.
NOTE   En raison des contraintes des systèmes ferroviaires, le niveau de visibilité fourni aux personnes ne s’inscrivant pas à l’intérieur de la plage anthropométrique définie, peut varier. Habituellement les opérateurs gèrent l’éventuelle restriction de la visibilité avant, si un conducteur de taille extrême utilise les positions extrêmes du siège.
L'aptitude professionnelle des conducteurs en ce qui concerne la visibilité, savoir si les conducteurs sont à l’intérieur ou en dehors de la plage de données anthropométriques de cette norme, est en dehors du domaine d’application de ce document.

Železniške naprave - Voznikova kabina - 1. del: Antropometrični podatki in vidljivost

»Ta del standarda EN 16186 se uporablja za voznikove kabine električnih vlečnih vozil (EMU), dizelska vlečna vozila (DMU), vagone, lokomotive in vlečne prikolice.
OPOMBA 1:   Ta standard se uporablja za tirna vozila, ki spadajo na področje direktive 2008/57/ES.
Ta del standarda EN 16186 se uporablja za voznikove mize, ki so nameščene na levi ali desni strani ali sredi voznikove kabine.
Za tirna vozila glej EN 14033-1 »izbrisano besedilo« in EN 15746-1 »izbrisano besedilo«.
Ta del standarda EN 16186 določa:
– antropometrične podatke;
– pogoje vidljivosti iz voznikove kabine, vključno z vidljivostjo v smeri naprej in upoštevanjem referenčnih položajev signalov ob progi;
– metode ocenjevanja.
»OPOMBA 2: Zaradi omejitev železniških sistemov se raven vidljivosti pri osebah zunaj opredeljenega antropometričnega razpona lahko razlikuje. Obravnava morebitne omejitve vidljivosti v smeri naprej je prepuščena upravljavčevem sistemu varnega upravljanja, če voznik uporablja skrajne položaje sedeža v kombinaciji z izjemnimi telesnimi višinami.«
»Dejanske navade glede sedenja in položaja voznikov v povezavi z vidljivostjo, če so vozniki v okviru antropometričnih podatkov tega standarda ali ne, ne spadajo na področje uporabe tega dokumenta.«
»Ta standard se ne uporablja za tramvaje, metroje in lahka železniška vozila.«

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EN 16186-1:2015+A1:2019
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2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.YLGOMLYRVWBahnanwendungen - Führerraum - Teil 1: Anthropometrische Daten und SichtbedingungenApplications ferroviaires - Cabines de conduite - Partie 1: Données anthropométriques et visibilitéRailway applications - Driver's cab - Part 1: Anthropometric data and visibility45.060.10Tractive stockICS:Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z:EN 16186-1:2014+A1:2018SIST EN 16186-1:2015+A1:2019en,fr,de01-februar-2019SIST EN 16186-1:2015+A1:2019SLOVENSKI
EN 16186-1:2014+A1
t r s z ICS
v wä r x rä s r Supersedes EN
s x s z xæ sã t r s vEnglish Version
Railway applications æ Driver 5s cab æ Part
sã Anthropometric data and visibility Applications ferroviaires æ Cabines de conduite æ Partie
sã Données anthropométriques et visibilité
Bahnanwendungen æ Führerraum æ Teil
sã Anthropometrische Daten und Sichtbedingungen This European Standard was approved by CEN on
s z October
t r s v and includes Amendment
s approved by CEN on
t x August
t r s zä
egulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a national standard without any alterationä Upætoædate lists and bibliographical references concerning such national standards may be obtained on application to the CENæCENELEC Management Centre or to any CEN memberä
translation under the responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the CENæCENELEC Management Centre has the same status as the official versionsä
CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austriaá Belgiumá Bulgariaá Croatiaá Cyprusá Czech Republicá Denmarká Estoniaá Finlandá Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedoniaá Franceá Germanyá Greeceá Hungaryá Icelandá Irelandá Italyá Latviaá Lithuaniaá Luxembourgá Maltaá Netherlandsá Norwayá Polandá Portugalá Romaniaá Serbiaá Slovakiaá Sloveniaá Spainá Swedená Switzerlandá Turkey and United Kingdomä
CEN-CENELEC Management Centre:
Rue de la Science 23,
B-1040 Brussels
t r s z CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved worldwide for CEN national Membersä Refä Noä EN
s x s z xæ sã t r s v ªA sã t r s z ESIST EN 16186-1:2015+A1:2019

Contents Page European foreword . 3 1 Scope . 4 2 Normative references . 4 3 Terms, definitions and abbreviations . 4 3.1 Terms and definitions . 4 3.2 Abbreviations . 5 4 Driver’s anthropometric data . 5 4.1 General . 5 4.2 Data . 5 5 Forward visibility . 7 5.1 General . 7 5.2 Forward visibility requirements . 8 5.3 Windscreen requirements . 8 6 Lateral visibility . 10 7 Rear visibility . 10 Annex A (normative)
Forward visibility reference surfaces . 11 Annex B (normative)
Forward visibility reference eye points . 13 B.1 Method 1 – Fixed foot rest and adjustable seat . 13 B.2 Method 2 – Adjustable foot rest and fixed seat. 14 B.3 Method 3 – Adjustable foot rest and adjustable seat. 15 Annex C (informative)
Forward visibility reference surfaces for UK and Ireland . 16 C.1 General . 16 C.2 Reference Cube . 16 C.3 Cases . 17 Annex ZA (informative)
Relationship between this European Standard and the Essential Requirements of EU Directive 2008/57/EC. 18 Bibliography . 20
See Annex A and Annex B. 3.1.4 vision area B windscreen vision area outside area A through which the driver may also be required to look 3.1.5 technical specification document describing specific parameters and/or product requirements, which have to be agreed by contracting parties 3.1.6 seat reference point SRP reference point at the back pan of a new seat design with a horizontal distance of 135 mm and a vertical distance of 98 mm from the H point according to ISO 20176:2011 ![5]" Note 1 to entry: See Figure 2. Note 2 to entry: For existing seat designs, the SRP may be defined as an alternative via Directive 78/764/EEC ![6]". 3.2 Abbreviations For the purposes of this document, the following abbreviations are used. DMU Diesel Multiple Unit EMU Electric Multiple Unit OTM On-Track Machine 4 Driver’s anthropometric data 4.1 General This clause defines the anthropometric data on which the requirements for cab forward visibility are based. The background on these anthropometric data will be provided in CEN/TR 16823. 4.2 Data Figure 1 and Figure 2 give the body size measures. SIST EN 16186-1:2015+A1:2019

Min. Max.
aa 1 580 1 940 ba 1 480 1 815 c 820 985 d 710 860 e 545 665 f a 510 635 ga 405 510 h 120 180 i 440 525 a Includes 30 mm allowance for shoes.
Figure 1 — Principal body size measures SIST EN 16186-1:2015+A1:2019

Min. Max.
j a 107 126 k 353 457 l 377 473 m 411 498 n 257 312 o 223 266 p 170 221 q 78 90 r 75 101 s 105 121 t 104 131 u 295 387 v 450 to 550 600 to 700 w 390 to 405 470 to 510 x 232 261 z 220 290 a Includes 30 mm allowance for shoes.
Key H source for hip point: ISO 20176:2011 HP heel point (lowest rear point of the heel) SRP seat reference point z/4 non-flexible part of the shoe pad Figure 2 — Additional body size measures 5 Forward visibility 5.1 General For the seated driving position the forward visibility requirements of 5.2.1 shall be ensured (see also Annex A and Annex B). The horizontal distance from the driver's eye to the windscreen in seated position shall be a minimum of 500 mm and an absolute maximum of 1 715 mm. It is recommended to have a maximum of 1 500 mm. SIST EN 16186-1:2015+A1:2019

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