Valuation of Energy Related Investments (VALERI) - Amendment 1

To amend EN 17463 to fix some errors

Bewertung von energiebezogenen Investitionen (VALERI) - Änderung 1

Évaluation des investissements liés à l'énergie (VALERI) - Amendement 1

Vrednotenje investicij v zvezi z energijo (VALERI) - Dopolnilo A1

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EN 17463:2021/oprA1:2024
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Vrednotenje investicij v zvezi z energijo (VALERI) - Dopolnilo A1
Valuation of Energy Related Investments (VALERI) - Amendment 1
Bewertung von energiebezogenen Investitionen (VALERI) - Änderung 1
Évaluation des investissements liés à l'énergie (VALERI) - Amendement 1
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: EN 17463:2021/prA1
03.100.01 Organizacija in vodenje Company organization and
podjetja na splošno management in general
27.015 Energijska učinkovitost. Energy efficiency. Energy
Ohranjanje energije na conservation in general
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

Date: 2024-04
prEN 17463:2021/A1:2024
Secretariat: UNI
Valuation of Energy Related Investments (VALERI) - Amendment 1
Bewertung von energiebezogenen Investitionen (VALERI) - …………….
Évaluation des investissements liés à l'énergie (VALERI) - ………………….
Contents Page
European foreword . 3
1 Modification to Clause 4, “Symbols, abbreviations and subscripts” . 4
2 Modification to clause 6.3.2, “Consideration of price variation effects” . 5
3 Modification to clause 7.1.1, “General” . 6
4 Modification to clause 9, “Reporting (phase D)” . 6
5 Modification to Annex D . 7
6 Modification to Annex F . 9
7 Modification to the Bibliography . 9

European foreword
This document (EN 17463:2021/prA1:2024) has been prepared by Technical Committee
CEN/CLC/JTC 14 “Energy efficiency and energy management in the framework of energy transition”, the
secretariat of which is held by UNI.
This document is currently submitted to the CEN Enquiry.
1 Modification to Clause 4, “Symbols, abbreviations and subscripts”
In the first cell of the table header, replace “Symbol” with “Symbols, abbreviations and subscripts”.
Add the following new row, just below the table header, to read:

a Annum, equal to Year

2 Modification to clause 6.3.2, “Consideration of price variation effects”
Replace the whole table 4 with the following:
Table 4 — Overview of all effects, their characteristics and the time allocation of cash flows
Value per To be
Monetisatio unit Point in Price Degradatio included in
Effects of the ERI Quantity Amount
n possible? (specific time variation n final
costs) report?
Initial investment for
5 pumps yes 12 000 € 60 000 € year 0 – n.a. 
new pumps
Designing new pump

100 hours yes 50 €/h 5 000 € year 0 – n.a.
15 hours during
Production losses

the exchange of partially 200 €/h 3 000 € year 0 – n.a.
during set up
the pumps
Annual energy saving every
150 000 kWh/a yes 0,18 €/kWh 27 000 € +3 %/a +0 %/a 
(electricity) year
Less maintenance 5 h less every year yes 50 €/h 250 € +2 %/a n.a. 
reduction from every
Noise reduction no – – – n.a. 
90 ⟶ 65 dB year
Scrap value of old
5 pumps yes 300 € 1 500 € year 0 – n.a. 
New pumping system every
10 m no – – – n.a. 
takes up less space
After table 4, delete the note.
Benefits Efforts
prEN 17463:2021/A1 2024 (E)
3 Modification to clause 7.1.1, “General”
In table 6, replace rows 15 and 16 wi

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