Construction products: Assessment of release of dangerous substances - Determination of activity of radium-226, thorium-232 and potassium-40 in construction products using semiconductor gamma-ray spectrometry

This document describes a test method for the determination of the activity of the radionuclides radium-226, thorium-232 and potassium-40 in construction products using semiconductor gamma-ray spectrometry.
This document describes sampling from a laboratory sample, sample preparation, and the sample measurement by semiconductor gamma-ray spectrometry. It includes background subtraction, energy and efficiency calibration, spectrum analysis, activity calculation with the associated uncertainties or the decision threshold and detection limit calculation, and the reporting of results.
The scope of this document is not product-specific. However, there are a limited number of product-specific components, such as the preparation of the laboratory sample and drying of the test portion. The method is applicable to samples from products consisting of single or multiple constituents.

Bauprodukte - Bewertung der Freisetzung von gefährlichen Stoffen - Messung der spezifischen Aktivität von Radium-226, Thorium-232 und Kalium-40 mittels Halbleiter-Gammaspektrometrie

Dieses Dokument beschreibt ein Prüfverfahren zur Bestimmung der spezifischen Aktivitäten der Radionuklide Radium-226, Thorium-232 und Kalium-40 in Bauprodukten durch Halbleiter-Gammaspektrometrie.
Dieses Dokument beschreibt die Probenahme einer Laborprobe, die Probenvorbereitung und die Messung der Probe durch Halbleiter-Gammaspektrometrie. Dazu gehört die Hintergrundsubtraktion, Energie- und Effizienzkalibrierung, Spektralanalyse, Berechnung der Aktivität mit den zugehörigen Unsicherheiten oder der Berechnung der Erkennungsgrenze und Nachweisgrenze und Angabe der Prüfergebnisse.
Der Anwendungsbereich dieses Dokuments ist nicht produktspezifisch. Allerdings gibt es eine begrenzte Anzahl produktspezifischer Komponente, wie die Vorbereitung der Laborprobe und die Trocknung der Prüfmenge. Das Verfahren eignet sich für Produktproben, die aus einzelnen oder multiplen Bestandteilen bestehen.

Produits de construction: Évaluation de l’émission de substances dangereuses - Détermination de l’activité du radium 226, du thorium 232 et du potassium 40 dans les produits de construction par spectrométrie gamma

No Scope Available

Gradbeni proizvodi - Ocenjevanje sproščanja nevarnih snovi - Določanje aktivnosti radija Ra-226, torija Th-232 in kalija K-40 z gama spektrometrijo

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Not Published
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Current Stage
4060 - Closure of enquiry - Enquiry
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Standards Content (Sample)

Gradbeni proizvodi - Ocenjevanje sproščanja nevarnih snovi - Določanje
aktivnosti radija Ra-226, torija Th-232 in kalija K-40 z gama spektrometrijo
Construction products: Assessment of release of dangerous substances - Determination
of radium-226, thorium-232 and potassium-40 activity using gamma-ray spectrometry
Bauprodukte - Bewertung der Freisetzung von gefährlichen Stoffen - Messung der
spezifischen Aktivität von Radium-226, Thorium-232 und Kalium-40 mittels Halbleiter-
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: prEN 17216
13.020.99 Drugi standardi v zvezi z Other standards related to
varstvom okolja environmental protection
17.240 Merjenje sevanja Radiation measurements
91.100.01 Gradbeni materiali na Construction materials in
splošno general
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

June 2023
ICS 91.100.01 Will supersede CEN/TS 17216:2018
English Version
Construction products: Assessment of release of
dangerous substances - Determination of radium-226,
thorium-232 and potassium-40 activity using gamma-ray
Bauprodukte - Bewertung der Freisetzung von
gefährlichen Stoffen - Messung der spezifischen
Aktivität von Radium-226, Thorium-232 und Kalium-
40 mittels Halbleiter-Gammaspektrometrie
This draft European Standard is submitted to CEN members for enquiry. It has been drawn up by the Technical Committee
CEN/TC 351.
If this draft becomes a European Standard, CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations
which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration.

This draft European Standard was established by CEN in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other
language made by translation under the responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the CEN-CENELEC
Management Centre has the same status as the official versions.

CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia,
Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway,
Poland, Portugal, Republic of North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Türkiye and
United Kingdom.
Recipients of this draft are invited to submit, with their comments, notification of any relevant patent rights of which they are
aware and to provide supporting documentation.

Warning : This document is not a European Standard. It is distributed for review and comments. It is subject to change without
notice and shall not be referred to as a European Standard.



CEN-CENELEC Management Centre: Rue de la Science 23, B-1040 Brussels
© 2023 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved Ref. No. prEN 17216:2023 E
worldwide for CEN national Members.

Contents Page
European foreword . 4
Introduction . 5
1 Scope . 6
2 Normative references . 6
3 Terms and definitions . 6
4 Symbols and abbreviations . 8
5 Principles of the test method . 11
6 Sampling and sample preparation . 11
6.1 Sampling scheme. 11
6.2 Sampling and sub-sampling . 12
6.3 Test specimen/test portion preparation . 13
7 Test procedure . 16
7.1 General. 16
7.2 Measurement . 16
8 Processing the test data . 19
8.1 General. 19
8.2 Analysis of the spectrum . 20
8.3 Calculating activity concentration . 20
8.4 Standard uncertainty. 22
8.5 Decision threshold . 24
8.6 Detection limit . 25
9 Test performance . 26
10 Test report . 27
Annex A (normative) Method for the determination of the radon leakage rate of a test specimen
container . 28
A.1 Principle . 28
A.2 Apparatus, equipment and reagents. 28
A.3 Test . 28
A.4 Processing experimental data . 29
Annex B (normative) Preparation of calibration sources and determination of detection
efficiency . 32
B.1 Principle . 32
B.2 Apparatus, equipment and reagents. 32
B.3 Standardized calibration sources . 32
B.4 Determination of the detection efficiency . 35
Annex C (normative) Method for the determination of the massic activity in a product
containing multiple constituents . 37
Annex D (informative) Complementary photopeaks to verify the activity concentration in the
test specimen . 38
Annex E (informative) Method for the determination of the correct number of pulses in a
photopeak (only to be used for single peaks) . 39
Annex F (informative) Performance data . 40
Bibliography . 41

European foreword
This document (prEN 17216:2023) has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 351
“Construction products: Assessment of release of dangerous substances”, the secretariat of which is held
by NEN.
The document is currently submitted to the CEN Enquiry.
The document will supersede CEN/TS 17216:2018.
This document has been prepared under a mandate given to CEN by the European Commission and the
European Free Trade Association.
The main changes compared to the previous edition are as follows:
— Transfer of technical specification into European Standard;
— Addition of validation data from interlaboratory validation on repeatability and reproducibility (see
Clause 1, Clause 9 and Annex F); [to be completed for 2nd CEN Enquiry]
— Updating of normative and informative cross-references.
This document is a European Standard developed under Mandate M/366 issued by the European
Commission in the framework of the “Construction Products Directive” 89/106/EEC. This document
addresses the part of Mandate M/366 which provides for the preparation of horizontal
measurement/test methods for the determination of the activity of the radionuclides radium-226,
thorium-232 and potassium-40 in construction products using gamma-ray spectrometry.
Mandate M/366 is a complement to the product mandates issued by the European Commission to CEN
under the Construction Products Directive (CPD). The harmonized product standards (hEN) developed
in CEN under mandates (and ETAs developed in EOTA for products or kits) specify construction
product(s) as placed on the market and address their intended conditions of use.
The information produced by applying this document can be used for purposes of CE marking and
evaluation/attestation of conformity. Product specification, standardization of representative sampling
and procedures for any product-specific laboratory sample preparation are the responsibility of product
TCs and are not covered in this document.
This document supports existing regulations and standardized practices and is based on methods
described in standards such as EN ISO 10703, EN ISO 18589-2, EN ISO 18589-3 and NEN 5697. In
summary, this document describes the following:
— sampling, sub-sampling and test specimen preparation;
— measurement by gamma-ray spectrometry;
— background subtraction, energy and efficiency calibration, spectrum analysis;
— calculation of activities with associated uncertainties;
— reporting of results.
Determination of the activities is done by gamma-ray spectrometry. Procedures for all stages of the
analytical process are provided in this document. Although the tested sample rarely reflects a product’s
form under its intended conditions of use, the measured activity concentration is an intrinsic property of
the product. It does not vary with the construction product’s form. Consequently, the test results reflect
the radiological content of the product under its intended use. The document is intended to be non-
product-specific in scope. However, there are some limited elements related to the sample preparation
that are product-specific.
1 Scope
This document describes a test method for the determination of the activity of the radionuclides radium-
226, thorium-232 and potassium-40 in construction products using semiconductor gamma-ray
This document describes sampling from a laboratory sample, sample preparation, and the sample
measurement by semiconductor gamma-ray spectrometry. It includes background subtraction, energy
and efficiency calibration, spectrum analysis, activity calculation with the associated uncertainties or the
decision threshold and detection limit calculation, and the reporting of results.
The scope of this document is not product-specific. However, there are a limited number of product-
specific components, such as the preparation of the laboratory sample and drying of the test portion. The
method is applicable to samples from products consisting of single or multiple constituents.
2 Normative references
The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content
constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For
undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
EN ISO 20042:2021, Measurement of radioactivity - Gamma

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