Railway applications - Fixed installations - D.C. switchgear - Part 6: D.C. switchgear assemblies

This European Standard covers d.c. metal-enclosed and non-metallic enclosed switchgear assemblies used in indoor stationary installations of traction systems, with nominal voltage not exceeding 3 000 V. It is intended that individual items of equipment, for example circuit breakers, housed in the assembly are designed, manufactured and individually tested (simulating the enclosure when necessary) in accordance with their respective parts of EN 50123 or, when appropriate, with another applicable standard. NOTE 1 The requirements covered in this European Standard are those concerning the assembly as such, its enclosure and the mutual influence of the equipment enclosed. NOTE 2 EMC requirements are covered by EN 50121-5 and additional requirements concerning dependability (RAMS) are covered by EN 50126.

Bahnanwendungen - Ortsfeste Anlagen - Gleichstrom-Schalteinrichtungen - Teil 6: Gleichstrom-Schaltanlagen

Applications ferroviaires - Installations fixes - Appareillage à courant continu - Partie 6: Ensembles d'appareillage

Železniške naprave – Stabilne naprave električne vleke – Stikalne naprave za enosmerni tok – 6. del: Oprema stikalnih naprav za enosmerni tok

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EN 50123-6:2003
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2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.Bahnanwendungen - Ortsfeste Anlagen - Gleichstrom-Schalteinrichtungen -- Teil 6: Gleichstrom-SchaltanlagenApplications ferroviaires - Installations fixes - Appareillage à courant continu -- Partie 6: Ensembles d'appareillageRailway applications - Fixed installations - D.C. switchgear -- Part 6: D.C. switchgear assemblies29.280Electric traction equipment29.130.99Druge stikalne in krmilne napraveOther switchgear and controlgearICS:Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z:EN 50123-6:2003SIST EN 50123-6:2003en01-maj-2003SIST EN 50123-6:2003SLOVENSKI

February 2003 CENELEC European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization Comité Européen de Normalisation Electrotechnique Europäisches Komitee für Elektrotechnische Normung
Central Secretariat: rue de Stassart 35, B - 1050 Brussels
© 2003 CENELEC - All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved worldwide for CENELEC members.
Ref. No. EN 50123-6:2003 E
ICS 29.120.60; 45.020 Supersedes EN 50123-6:1998
English version
Railway applications –
Fixed installations – D.C. switchgear Part 6: D.C. switchgear assemblies
Applications ferroviaires –
Installations fixes –
Appareillage à courant continu Partie 6: Ensembles d'appareillage
Bahnanwendungen –
Ortsfeste Anlagen –
Gleichstrom-Schalteinrichtungen Teil 6: Gleichstrom-Schaltanlagen
This European Standard was approved by CENELEC on 2002-09-01. CENELEC members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration.
Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national standards may be obtained on application to the Central Secretariat or to any CENELEC member.
This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language made by translation under the responsibility of a CENELEC member into its own language and notified to the Central Secretariat has the same status as the official versions.
CENELEC members are the national electrotechnical committees of Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom.
- latest date by which the EN has to be implemented
at national level by publication of an identical
national standard or by endorsement (dop) 2003-09-01
- latest date by which the national standards conflicting
with the EN have to be withdrawn (dow) 2005-09-01 This Part 6 is to be used in conjunction with EN 50123-1:2003. Annexes designated “informative” are given for information only.
In this standard, annex A is informative. ___________ SIST EN 50123-6:2003

- 3 - EN 50123-6:2003 Contents
1 Scope.5 2 Normative references.5 3 Definitions.5 4 Service requirements.5 5 Characteristics of the assemblies.6 6 Construction characteristics.6 6.1 General.6 6.2 Insulation requirements.7 6.3 Primary connections.7 6.4 Location of the primary connections.8 6.5 Earthing.8 6.6 Degree of protection and internal fault.9 6.7 Covers and doors.10 6.8 Inspection windows.11 6.9 Ventilating openings.11 6.10 Partitions and shutters.11 6.11 Interlocks.13 6.12 Temperature-rises.13 6.13 Dielectric strength.14 6.14 Painting and finishing.14 6.15 Noise emission.14 6.16 Cooling and heating.14 6.17 Operating temperature of auxiliary and control equipment.14 7 Information and marking.15 7.1 Information.15 7.2 Marking.15 8 Tests.16 8.1 General.16 8.2 List of the applicable tests.16 8.3 Performance of tests.17
the delivery stage.30
Figure 1 - Test arrangement for short time current withstand test on busbars.26 Figure 2 - Test arrangement for temperature-rise test on main circuits.26 Figure 3 - Test arrangement for temperature-rise test on the busbars.26
Table 1 - Degrees of protection.10 Table 2 - List of applicable tests.16
- 5 - EN 50123-6:2003 1 Scope
This European Standard covers d.c. metal-enclosed and non-metallic enclosed switchgear assemblies used in indoor stationary installations of traction systems, with nominal voltage not exceeding 3 000 V.
It is intended that individual items of equipment, for example circuit breakers, housed in the assembly are designed, manufactured and individually tested (simulating the enclosure when necessary) in accordance with their respective parts of EN 50123 or, when appropriate, with another applicable standard.
The requirements covered in this European Standard are those concerning the assembly as such, its enclosure and the mutual influence of the equipment enclosed.
EMC requirements are covered by EN 50121-5 and additional requirements concerning dependability (RAMS) are covered by EN 50126.
2 Normative references
This European Standard incorporates by dated or undated references, provisions from other publications. These normative references are cited at the appropriate places in the text and the publications are listed hereafter. For dated references, subsequent amendments to or revisions of any of these publications apply to this European Standard only when incorporated in it by amendment or revision. For undated references the latest edition of the publication referred to applies (including amendments).
See EN 50123-1:2003.
3 Definitions
For the purposes of this European Standard, the terms and definitions given in EN 50123-1 apply.
4 Service requirements
Normal service requirements are detailed in clause 4 and Annex B of EN 50123-1 for indoor installations. In this European standard the pollution degree PD4 and overvoltage categories (see notes to Table 1 of EN 50123-1) as described in EN 50124-1 are considered to be the normal condition.
The main characteristics of an assembly shall be indicated in the procurement specification as follows: a) type of the assembly enclosure; b) list of functional units enclosed; c) rated insulation voltages; d) rated values of the equipment enclosed as required in relevant standards; e) if constructed for an earth fault protection; f) detailed protection and control requirements (see EN 50123-7).
Other important characteristics are listed in A.2.
6 Construction characteristics
6.1 General
Enclosures are either metallic or non-metallic. Non-metallic enclosed switchgear shall not be used for nominal voltages above 1,5 kV.
All requirements specified herein also apply when both conductive and insulating materials are used, except for insulating clearances which shall be designed and tested as appropriate.
A cell made of masonry shall not be considered as an enclosure, as far as this standard is concerned.
The floor surface may be considered as part of an enclosure. The measures to be taken in order to obtain the degree of protection provided by floor surfaces shall be subject to an agreement between purchaser and supplier.
The walls of a room shall not be considered as parts of the enclosure.
Switchgear assemblies and relevant enclosures shall be designed so that normal service, inspection and maintenance operations, earthing of connected cables or busbars, locating of cable faults, voltage tests on connected cables or other apparatus and the elimination of electrostatic charges, can be carried out easily and safely.
All materials used shall be of the quality and of the class most suitable for working under the conditions specified. Special attention is to be paid to its ability to withstand moisture and fire: unless Fire behaviour Class F0 is allowed (see Annex B of EN 50123-1), materials used shall be metallic or of the self extinguishing type, such that the risk of propagation of fire from one cubicle or compartment to another is minimised.
The selection of materials and the construction of the assembly shall be such that corrosion due to atmospheric and electrolytic effects are minimised.
- 7 - EN 50123-6:2003 European rules concerning noxious or toxic materials shall be observed.
All identical devices, forming part of an assembly for a given use and with the same characteristics, shall be interchangeable.
Withdrawable switching devices shall be prevented from insertion into functional units on the same switchgear assembly, having a different function or higher current ratings.
Sufficient space shall be provided inside the compartments for the entry and termination of incoming cables without their minimum bending radii being infringed.
The detachable parts of the protection enclosures shall be firmly attached to the fixed parts as specified in 6.7. Accidental untightening or detachment shall not occur because of the operation of the equipment.
All apparatus and connections for the safe operation, control and protection of the equipment concerned, shall be provided whether or not specifically mentioned. The equipment shall be adequately earthed, insulated, screened or enclosed as may be appropriate to ensure the protection of the equipment and safety of those concerned in its operation and maintenance.
Control and auxiliary circuits and contacts shall comply with the requirements of 5.2 of EN 50123-1.
All components contained within the enclosure shall comply with their relevant standards.
6.2 Insulation requirements
Test voltages and clearances are given in Table 1 of EN 50123-1. Recommended values for creepage distances are given in Annex D of EN 50123-1.
The adverse effect of ionisation (due to arcs) on the clearances of other equipment in the assembly shall be taken into account. The minimum clearances between the arc chute of a switching device and metallic or non-metallic parts (i.e. above the arc chute and to the sides) shall be in accordance with those given by the switching device manufacturer.
Insulating material used to fully or partially line a metallic enclosure shall be firmly secured to the enclosure.
In case of withdrawable units, where access within the enclosure is required during maintenance operations, the busbars and all other conductors shall be separated by a barrier. Openings through such a barrier for the circuit and busbar connectors, etc., shall be shuttered and capable

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