IEC 60077-5:2019 is available as IEC 60077-5:2019 RLV which contains the International Standard and its Redline version, showing all changes of the technical content compared to the previous edition.IEC 60077-5:2019 give additional or amended rules for high voltage (HV) fuses as a supplement to those given by IEC 60077-2. The high voltage fuses concerned are those connected into power and/or auxiliary circuits. The nominal voltage of these circuits lies between 600 V DC and 3 000 V DC, according to IEC 60850. These fuses can also be used in auxiliary AC circuits up to a nominal voltage of 1 500 V. This document together with IEC 60077-2 states specifically: a) the characteristics of the fuses; b) the service conditions with which the fuses comply with reference to: - operation and behaviour in normal service; - operation and behaviour in case of short circuit; - dielectric properties. c) the tests intended for confirming the compliance of the fuse with the characteristics under the service conditions and the methods adopted for these tests; d) the information marked on, or given with, the fuse. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition, issued in 2003. This edition includes the following main technical changes with regard to the previous edition: a) test method of test duty III for verification of breaking capacity is reviewed.

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IEC 60077-3:2019 is available as IEC 60077-3:2019 RLV which contains the International Standard and its Redline version, showing all changes of the technical content compared to the previous edition.IEC 60077-3:2019 gives the rules for circuit-breakers, the main contacts of which are connected to DC power and/or auxiliary circuits. The nominal voltage of these circuits does not exceed 3 000 V DC according to IEC 60850. This part of IEC 60077, together with IEC 60077-2, states specifically: a) the characteristics of the circuit-breakers; b) the service conditions with which circuit-breakers complies with reference to: - operation and behaviour in normal service; - operation and behaviour in the case of short circuit - dielectric properties; c) the tests for confirming the compliance of the components with the characteristics under the service conditions and the methods to be adopted for these tests; d) the information to be marked on, or given with, the circuit breaker. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition, issued in 2001. This edition includes the following main technical changes with regard to the previous edition: - procedure of verification of temperature rise is changed; - air-tightness test as type test, insulation resistance measurement are added.

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IEC 60077-4:2019 is available as IEC 60077-4:2019 RLV which contains the International Standard and its Redline version, showing all changes of the technical content compared to the previous edition.IEC 60077-4:2019 gives rules for AC circuit-breakers, the main contacts of which are connected to AC overhead contact lines; the nominal voltage of these circuits being in accordance with IEC 60850. This document, together with IEC 60077-2, states specifically: a) the characteristics of the circuit-breakers; b) the service conditions with which circuit-breakers comply with reference to: - operation and behaviour in normal service; - operation and behaviour in short-circuit; - dielectric properties; c) the tests for confirming the compliance of the components with the characteristics under the service conditions and the methods to be adopted for these tests d). the information to be marked on, or given with the circuit-breaker. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition, issued in 2003. This edition includes the following main technical changes with regard to the previous edition: a) standard values of transient recovery voltages and test procedure are reviewed; b) procedure of verification of temperature rise is changed; c) air-tightness test as type test, insulation resistance measurement are added

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IEC 62290-3:2019 specifies the system architecture for Urban Guided Transport Management and Command/Control systems (UGTMS) as defined in IEC 62290-1 and IEC 62290-2, and the allocation of functions and requirements defined in IEC 62290-2 to the different UGTMS subsystems (designated as system constituents in IEC 62290-1 and IEC 62290-2), for use in urban guided passenger transport lines and networks. This document is applicable for new lines or for upgrading existing signalling and command control systems. This document is applicable to applications using: - continuous data transmission - continuous supervision of train movements by train protection profile - localisation by reporting trains, and optionally by external wayside equipment for non-reporting ones (e.g. in case of mixed operation or degraded operation) This document is applicable as a basis to define FIS and FFFIS. For specific applications, some elements may be added to meet the requirements coming from additional functions or equipment.

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IEC 61375-2-8:2021 applies to all equipment and devices implemented according to IEC 61375-2-3:2015, IEC 61375-2-5:2014 and IEC 61375-3-4:2014, i.e. it covers the procedures to be applied to such equipment and devices when the conformance should be proven. The applicability of this document to a TCN implementation allows for individual conformance checking of the implementation itself, and is a pre-requisite for further interoperability checking between different TCN implementations.

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IEC 61375-2-6:2018 establishes the specification for the communication between the on-board subsystems and the ground subsystems. The communication system, interfaces and protocols are specified as a mobile communication function, using any available wireless technology. This document provides requirements in order to: a) select the wireless network on the basis of QoS parameters requested by the application; b) allow TCMS and/or OMTS applications, installed on-board and communicating on the on-board communication network, to have a remote access to applications running on ground installations; c) allow applications running on ground installations to have a remote access to the TCMS and/or OMTS applications installed on-board.

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IEC 62928:2017 specifies the design, operation parameters, safety recommendations, data exchange, routine and type tests, as well as marking and designation for onboard lithium-ion traction batteries for railway applications. Battery systems described in this document are used for the energy storage system (ESS) for the traction power of railway vehicles such as hybrid vehicles as defined in IEC 62864-1:2016.

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IEC 62580-1:2015 specifies the general architecture of the On-board Multimedia and Telematic Subsystem (OMTS), which includes four categories of multimedia and telematic subsystems identified as: - Video surveillance/CCTV, - driver and crew orientated services, - passenger orientated services and - train operator and maintainer orientated services. This part establishes: - the boundary between the OMTS and the on-board communication system, as described by the IEC 61375 series, - the methodology to describe an OMTS in terms of abstract model, - the general principles and the basic requirements to specify the services provided/needed by each category, - the approach to ensure interoperability between services.

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IEC 62864-1:2016 applies to series hybrid systems (electrically connected) with onboard energy storage (hereinafter referred as hybrid system). This standard specifies the following basic requirements, characteristics, functions and test methods for hybrid systems: - energy management to control the power flow among primary power source, energy storage system and power converters; - energy consumption, energy efficiency and regenerated energy; - vehicle characteristics achieved by energy storage system; - test methods of combined test; and - test methods of completed vehicles based on factory (stationary) and field (running) tests.

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IEC 62625-2:2016 covers the standardized test methods for verifying the compliance of an On board Driving Data Recording System implementation with the requirements specified by IEC 62625-1. It also covers the conformity testing criteria for designed and manufactured ODDRS. This part of IEC 62625 includes the list of the requirements specified by IEC 62625-1 and the relevant acceptance conditions for ODDRS at design review, type test and routine test phases. For the train level design review and train level test phases, this part provides guidelines for the conformity testing methods to be applied to the ODDRS installed on the train.

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IEC 61375-2-3:2015 specifies rules for the data exchange between consists in trains. The aggregation of these rules defines the TCN communication profile. The objective of the communication profile is to ensure interoperability between consists of the said trains with respect to the exchange of information. For this purpose it defines all items which are necessary for communication interoperability: - an architecture with defined train directions related to different train views; - a common functional addressing concept; - common communication protocol for data exchange between functions; - a set of services for train communication control.

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IEC 61375-2-5:2014 defines Ethernet Train Backbone (ETB) requirements to fulfil open train data communication system based on Ethernet technology. Respect of this standard ensures interoperability between local Consist subnets whatever Consist network technology (see IEC 61375-1 for more details). All Consist network definitions should take into account this standard to preserve interoperability. This standard may be additionally applicable to closed trains and multiple-unit trains when so agreed between purchaser and supplier.

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IEC 62290-2:2014 specifies the functional requirements of UGTMSs (Urban Guided Transport Management and Command/Control Systems) for use in urban guided passenger transport lines and networks. This part of IEC 62290 is applicable for new lines or for upgrading existing signalling and command control systems. This part of IEC 62290 is applicable to applications using: - continuous data transmission; - continuous supervision of train movements by train protection profile; - localisation of trains by external wayside equipment or reporting trains. The main technical changes with regard to the previous edition are as follows: all terms and definitions have been moved to Part 1.

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IEC 61287-1:2014 defines terminology, service conditions, general characteristics and test methods of electronic power converters onboard of rolling stock. This International Standard is applicable to power electronic converters mounted on board railway rolling-stock and intended for supplying traction circuits; auxiliary circuits of power vehicles, coaches and trailers. This edition includes the following main technical changes with regard to the previous edition: it includes updates as necessary in order to meet the current technical state of the art and to improve clarity. It also takes into account generic railway standards as relevant parts of IEC 62497 and IEC 62498.

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IEC 62290-1:2014 provides an introduction to the standard and deals with the main concepts, the system definition, the principles and the basic functions of UGTMSs (Urban Guided Transport Management and Command/Control Systems) for use in urban guided passenger transport lines and networks. This part of IEC 62290 is applicable for new lines or for upgrading existing signalling and command control systems. The main technical changes with regard to the previous edition are as follows: removing the concept of grade of line, aligning IEC 62290-1 with IEC 62290-2.

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1.1 This European Standard specifies the process and technical requirements for the development of software for programmable electronic systems for use in railway control and protection applications. It is aimed at use in any area where there are safety implications. These systems can be implemented using dedicated microprocessors, programmable logic controllers, multiprocessor distributed systems, larger scale central processor systems or other architectures. 1.2 This European Standard is applicable exclusively to software and the interaction between software and the system of which it is part. 1.3 This European Standard is not relevant for software that has been identified as having no impact on safety, i.e. software of which failures cannot affect any identified safety functions. 1.4 This European Standard applies to all safety related software used in railway control and protection systems, including – application programming, – operating systems, – support tools, – firmware. Application programming comprises high level programming, low level programming and special purpose programming (for example: Programmable logic controller ladder logic). 1.5 This European Standard also addresses the use of pre-existing software and tools. Such software may be used, if the specific requirements in and on pre-existing software and for tools in 6.7 are fulfilled. 1.6 Software developed according to any version of this European Standard will be considered as compliant and not subject to the requirements on pre-existing software. 1.7 This European Standard considers that modern application design often makes use of generic software that is suitable as a basis for various applications. Such generic software is then configured by data, algorithms, or both, for producing the executable software for the application. The general Clauses 1 to 6 and 9 of this European Standard apply to generic software as well as for application data or algorithms. The specific Clause 7 applies only for generic software while Clause 8 provides the specific requirements for application data or algorithms. 1.8 This European Standard is not intended to address commercial issues. These should be addressed as an essential part of any contractual agreement. All the clauses of this European Standard will need careful consideration in any commercial situation. 1.9 This European Standard is not intended to be retrospective. It therefore applies primarily to new developments and only applies in its entirety to existing systems if these are subjected to major modifications. For minor changes, only 9.2 applies. The assessor has to analyse the evidences provided in the software documentation to confirm whether the determination of the nature and scope of software changes is adequate. However, application of this European Standard during upgrades and maintenance of existing software is highly recommended.

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IEC 61375-3-4:2014 specifies the data communication network inside a Consist based on Ethernet technology, the Ethernet Consist Network (ECN). The applicability of this part of IEC 61375 to the Consist Network allows for interoperability of individual vehicles within Open Trains in international traffic. This part of IEC 61375 may be additionally applicable to closed trains and Multiple Unit Trains when so agreed between purchaser and supplier.

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This European Standard defines requirements to be applied in the design and manufacture of electrical installations and equipment to be used on rolling stock to protect persons from electric shocks. This European Standard is applicable to rolling stock of rail transport systems, road transport systems, if they are powered by an external supply (e.g. trolley buses), magnetically levitated transport systems and to the electrical equipment installed in these systems. This European Standard does not apply to: - mine railways in mines, - crane installations, moving platforms and similar transport systems on rails, - funicular railways, temporary constructions.

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This European Standard intends to define environmental conditions within Europe. NOTE 1 It can also be applied elsewhere by agreement. The scope of this European Standard covers the definitions and ranges of the following parameters: Altitude, temperature, humidity, air movement, rain, snow and hail, ice, solar radiation, lightning, pollution for rolling stock and on-board equipment (mechanical, electromechanical, electrical, electronic). In particular, this European Standard defines interface conditions between the vehicle and its environment. The defined environmental conditions are considered as normal in service. NOTE 2 Further guidance on severe conditions can be found within prEN 16251. Rolling stock or parts of it can also be used outside the specification with reduced performance. NOTE 3 In these cases, relevant operating rules could be necessary to ensure the technical compatibility between the rolling stock and environmental conditions. Microclimates surrounding components may be defined by relevant product standards or by special requirements. Passenger effects on the equipment and equipment effects on the passengers are not considered in this European Standard. This European Standard does not apply to cranes, mining vehicles, cable cars. This European Standard also does not apply to natural disaster (e.g. earthquake).

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This European Standard applies to Voltage Limiting Devices (VLDs) to be applied in d.c. traction systems in order to comply with protective provisions against electric shock from d.c., and mixed a.c. – d.c. voltages, in accordance with the EN 50122 series, taking into account stray current provisions. VLDs operate in such a way as to connect the track return circuit of d.c. railway systems to the earthing system or to conductive parts within the overhead contact line zone or current collector zone.

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IEC 62625-1:2013 covers the specification of an on board driving data recording system for the purpose of recording data about the operation of the train. The data refers both to the driver behaviour and the on board systems behaviour to support systematic safety monitoring as a means of preventing incidents and accidents. The data is recorded in a way that is suitable for identifying cause and where possible consequence, such that the data is suitable: - for investigative use in case of accidents and incidents; - to monitor the appropriate actions of drivers. This standard specifies the requirements for a universal recording system that is applicable to all types of rail vehicles.

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IEC 61375-1:2012 applies to the architecture of data communication systems in open trains, i.e. it covers the architecture of a communication system for the data communication between vehicles of the said open trains, the data communication within the vehicles and the data communication from train to the ground. The applicability of this part of IEC 61375 to the train network technologies allows for interoperability of individual vehicles within open trains in international traffic. The main technical change of this new edition with regard to the previous edition consists of a new structure of the complete IEC 61375 series.

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IEC 61375-3-2:2012 applies to all equipment and devices implemented according to IEC 61375-3-1, i.e. it covers the procedures to be applied to such equipment and devices when the conformance should be proven. The applicability of this standard to a TCN implementation allows for individual conformance checking of the implementation itself and is a pre-requisite for further interoperability checking between different TCN implementations.

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IEC 61375-3-1:2012 applies where MVB is required.

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IEC 61375-2-1:2012 applies to data communication in Open Trains, i.e. it covers data communication between consists of the said open trains and data communication within the consists of the said open trains.

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IEC 61375-2-2:2012 applies to all equipment and devices implemented according to IEC 61375-2-1, i.e. it covers the procedures to be applied to such equipment and devices when the conformance should be proven. The applicability of this standard to a TCN implementation allows for individual conformance checking of the implementation itself and is a pre-requisite for further interoperability checking between different TCN implementations.

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IEC 61375-3-3:2012 specifies the data communication bus inside consists that are based on CANopen. CANopen was developed for use in, but is not limited to, industrial automation applications. These applications may include devices such as input/output modules, motion controllers, human machine interfaces, sensors, closed-loop controllers, encoders, hydraulic valves or programmable controllers. This part of IEC 61375 applies to all equipment and devices operated on a CANopen-based consist network within TCN architecture as described in IEC 61375-1.

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IEC 62520:2011 applies to short-primary type linear induction motors (LIM) for propelling rail and road vehicles. This standard applies to a specific configuration of LIM that has the primary mounted on either the vehicle body or trucks and a secondary that is fixed to the track and that is connected only by a magnetic field with the primary. The object of this standard is to allow the performance of a LIM to be confirmed by tests and to provide a basis for assessment of its suitability for a specified duty.

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IEC 61881-1:2010 applies to capacitors for power electronics intended to be used on rolling stock. The rated voltage of capacitors is limited to 10 000 V. The operating frequency of the systems in which these capacitors are used is usually up to 15 kHz, while the pulse frequencies may be up to 5 to 10 times the operating frequency. Distinguishes between AC and DC capacitors.

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IEC 60349-2:2010 applies to converter-fed alternating current motors forming part of the equipment of electrically propelled rail and road vehicles. The object of this part is to enable the performance of a motor to be confirmed by tests and to provide a basis for assessment of its suitability for a specified duty and for comparison with other motors. The main technical changes with regard to the previous edition are as follows: - the limits valid for traction motors are now directly stated in this standard; - the methods described in the relevant ISO standards are now allowed.

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This European Standard specifies requirements for the protective provisions relating to electrical safety in fixed installations associated with a.c. and/or d.c. traction systems and to any installations that can be endangered by the traction power supply system. It also applies to all aspects of fixed installations that are necessary to ensure electrical safety during maintenance work within electric traction systems. This European Standard applies to all new lines and to all major revisions to existing lines for the following electric traction systems: a) railways; b) guided mass transport systems such as 1) tramways, 2) elevated and underground railways, 3) mountain railways, 4) trolleybus systems, and 5) magnetically levitated systems, which use a contact line system, c) material transportation systems. This European Standard does not apply to: d) mine traction systems in underground mines; e) cranes, transportable platforms and similar transportation equipment on rails, temporary structures (e.g. exhibition structures) in so far as these are not supplied directly or via transformers from the contact line system and are not endangered by the traction power supply system; f) suspended cable cars; g) funicular railways. This European Standard does not specify working rules for maintenance.

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IEC 60349-1:2010 is applicable to rotating electrical machines, other than electronic converter-fed alternating current motors, forming part of the equipment of electrically propelled rail and road vehicles. The vehicles may obtain power either from an external supply or from an internal source. The object of this standard is to enable the performance of a machine to be confirmed by tests and to provide a basis for assessment of its suitability for a specified duty and for comparison with other machines. The main technical changes with regard to the previous edition are as follows: - the limits valid for traction motors are now directly stated in this standard; - the methods described in the relevant ISO standards are now allowed.

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This European Standard specifies requirements for the protective provisions relating to electrical safety in fixed installations, when it is reasonably likely that hazardous voltages or currents will arise for people or equipment, as a result of the mutual interaction of a.c. and d.c. electric traction systems. It also applies to all aspects of fixed installations that are necessary to ensure electrical safety during maintenance work within electric traction systems. The mutual interaction can be of any of the following kinds: – parallel running of a.c. and d.c. electric traction systems; – crossing of a.c. and d.c. electric traction systems; – shared use of tracks, buildings or other structures; – system separation sections between a.c. and d.c. electric traction systems. Scope is limited to basic frequency voltages and currents and their superposition. This European Standard does not cover radiated interferences. This European Standard applies to all new lines, extensions and to all major revisions to existing lines for the following electric traction systems: a) railways; b) guided mass transport systems such as: 1) tramways, 2) elevated and underground railways, 3) mountain railways, 4) trolleybus systems, and 5) magnetically levitated systems, which use a contact line system; c) material transportation systems. The standard does not apply to: d) mine traction systems in underground mines; e) cranes, transportable platforms and similar transportation equipment on rails, temporary structures (e.g. exhibition structures) in so far as these are not supplied directly or via transformers from the contact line system and are not endangered by the traction power supply system for railways; f) suspended cable cars; g) funicular railways; h) procedures or rules for maintenance. NOTE The rules given in this European Standard can also be applied to mutual interaction with non-electrified tracks, if hazardous voltages or currents can arise from a.c. or d.c. electric traction systems.

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IEC 61373:2010 specifies the requirements for testing items of equipment intended for use on railway vehicles which are subsequently subjected to vibrations and shock owing to the nature of railway operational environment. To gain assurance that the quality of the equipment is acceptable, it has to withstand tests of reasonable duration that simulate the service conditions seen throughout its expected life. The main technical changes with regard to the previous edition are as follows: - change of the method to calculate the acceleration ratio; - addition of the notion of partially certified against this standard; - addition of guidance for calculating the functional RMS value from service data or the RMS value from ASD levels.

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2021: CLC legacy converted by DCLab NISOSTS

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  • Amendment
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This European Standard defines the general assembly characteristics which are to be applied to pantographs, to enable current collection from the overhead line equipment. It also defines the tests the pantographs have to perform, excluding insulators. This European Standard does not apply to pantograph dielectric tests, which are to be performed on the pantograph installed on the vehicle roof. If no other requirement is agreed between customer and supplier, insulation coordination according to EN 50124 1 may be used. This European Standard does not apply to pantographs used on main line vehicles: these pantographs are considered in EN 50206 1. This European Standard relates to conventional suspended overhead line equipment and accessories. The systems (or part of them) which are rigidly suspended will require special consideration between the customer and the supplier.

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This EN 50152-1 is applicable to single-pole and two-pole alternating current (a.c.) circuit-breakers which are: - for indoor or outdoor fixed installations in tractions systems, and - operated with an a.c. line voltage and frequency as specified in EN 50163. NOTE 1 EN 50163 specifies the a.c. traction systems 15 kV 16,7 Hz and 25 kV 50 Hz. NOTE 2 As rails of a.c. traction systems are connected to earth and included in the return current path all phase to earth voltages will be within the tolerances as specified in EN 50163. Nevertheless phase to phase voltages are sometimes higher e.g. in autotransformer systems. This European Standard is also applicable to the operating devices of circuit-breakers and to their auxiliary equipment. This European Standard does not address circuit-breakers with dependent manual operating mechanism. NOTE 3 It is impossible to specify a rated short-circuit making current for these circuit-breakers and it is likely that such dependent manual operation is not meeting safety considerations.

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This European Standard is applicable to single-pole and two-pole alternating current (a.c.) disconnectors, earthing switches and switches which are: - designed for indoor or outdoor fixed installations in tractions systems, and - operated with an a.c. line voltage and frequency as specified in EN 50163. NOTE 1 EN 50163 specifies the a.c. traction systems 15 kV 16,7 Hz and 25 kV 50 Hz. NOTE 2 As rails of a.c. traction systems are connected to earth and included in the return current path all phase to earth voltages will be within the tolerances as specified in EN 50163. Nevertheless phase to phase voltages are sometimes higher, e.g. in autotransformer systems. NOTE 3 The two poles of a switch can be connected in series to provide secure isolation (i.e. two breaks in series).

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IEC 62267:2009 covers high-level safety requirements applicable to automated urban guided transport systems, with driverless or unattended self-propelled trains, operating on an exclusive guideway. Deals with the safety requirements needed to compensate for the absence of a driver or attendant staff who would otherwise be responsible for some or all of train operation functions, depending on the level of automation of the system.

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This European Standard defines requirements for running capability under fire conditions which are applicable to passenger carrying railway rolling stock. In particular, technical measures are specified, compliance with which will contribute to conformity with the Directive and the relevant Technical Specifications for Interoperability (TSI). The standard specifies the fire conditions: – for which it is not necessary to define running capability requirements as there is no significant potential for serious injury or threat to life; – for which it is reasonable to expect trains to continue to run in a controlled manner; – for which it is not reasonably practicable to define requirements due to the exceptional nature of the fire incident. The TSI SRT defines running capability requirements in respect of fires within technical areas/equipment only. However for general guidance the scope of this standard is extended to include fires from non-technical causes within passenger/staff areas which may impact train system functions adjacent to and/or passing through the affected area. This extension of applicability significantly increases the number of system functions which are potentially at risk and therefore requires that the "reasonably practicable" principles be extended to this new condition. The standard does not consider situations where a primary non-fire incident is likely to immobilise the train by definition; for example major mechanical defect leading to derailment, even when fire then occurs.

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This European Standard applies to non-linear metal-oxide resistor type surge arresters without spark gaps designed to limit voltage surges on d.c. systems with nominal voltage up to 3 kV.

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This European Standard specifies the general assembly characteristics which are to be applied to pantographs, to enable current collection from the overhead contact line system. It also specifies the tests the pantographs have to perform, excluding insulators. This European Standard is not applicable to pantograph dielectric tests, which are to be performed on the pantograph installed on the vehicle roof. If no other requirement is agreed between customer and supplier, insulation coordination according to EN 50124 1 may be used. This European Standard is not applicable to pantographs used on isolated metros and light rail systems. These pantographs are considered in EN 50206 2.

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This European Standard specifies requirements for protective provisions against the effects of stray currents, which result from the operation of d.c. traction systems. As experience for several decades has not shown evident corrosion effects from a.c. traction systems and actual investigations are not completed, this European Standard only deals with stray currents flowing from a d.c. traction system. This European Standard applies to all metallic fixed installations which form part of the traction system, and also to any other metallic components located in any position in the earth, which can carry stray currents resulting from the operation of the railway system. This European Standard applies to all new d.c. lines and to all major revisions to existing d.c. lines. The principles may also be applied to existing electrified transportation systems where it is necessary to consider the effects of stray currents. It provides design requirements to allow maintenance. The range of application includes: a) railways, b) guided mass transport systems such as: 1) tramways, 2) elevated and underground railways, 3) mountain railways, 4) trolleybus systems, and 5) magnetically levitated systems, which use a contact line system, c) material transportation systems. This European Standard does not apply to: d) mine traction systems in underground mines, e) cranes, transportable platforms and similar transportation equipment on rails, temporary structures (e.g. exhibition structures) in so far as these are not supplied directly from the contact line system and are not endangered by the traction power supply system, f) suspended cable cars, g) funicular railways. This European Standard does not specify working rules for maintenance.

  • Standard
    29 pages
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Voted as prAA
2013: Originator of XML version: first setup pilot of CCMC in 2012

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This European Standard applies to the insulating synthetic ropes used in overhead contact lines. This European Standard specifies the characteristics of insulating synthetic rope assemblies and is applicable to electric traction overhead contact lines for railways, light railways, tramways, trolleybuses and other systems. These insulating synthetic ropes are utilised to provide mechanical support and electrical insulation for overhead contact lines. They are generally used in the following application fields: - delta suspension of contact wires; - catenary cable; - mid point anchors; - tie; - dropper; - headspan; - noise and vibration damper; - bridle- and pulley suspensions; - cantilevers made of glass reinforced polymer (GRP). This standard establishes the product characteristics, the test methods and checking procedures to be used with the insulating synthetic ropes, together with the ordering and delivery requirements. The object of this standard is to stipulate the provisions for the design and to allow the provisions of the service indicated by the supplier to the purchaser or informed buyer.

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The scope of this product-family standard is limited to apparatus, systems and fixed installations which are intended for use in the railway environment. The frequency range covered is 0 Hz to 300 GHz. Technical considerations and measurements are necessary for frequencies up to 20 kHz because no relevant field strengths are expected above due to the physical nature of EMF-sources in the railway environment. The object of this standard is to provide measurement and calculation procedures of electric and magnetic field levels generated by electronic and electrical apparatus in the railway environment with respect to human exposure. The regulations regarding the protection of human being during exposure to non-ionizing electromagnetic fields in the railway environment are different within the countries of European Community. This standard offers a procedure regarding measurement, simulation and evaluation. At present two European documents regarding EMF have to be considered: a) Council Recommendation 1999/519/EC of 12 July 1999 (see Bibliography); b) Directive 2004/40/EC (see Bibliography). The measurement procedures and points of measurement cover also the aspect of persons bearing active implantable medical devices. NOTE 1 Not covered is the risk assessment for persons bearing active implants in magnetic field generated by electronic and electrical apparatus in the railway environment. Not covered are personal electronic devices (e.g. mobile phones, notebooks, wireless communication systems etc.) of passengers and workers. Not covered are intentional transmitters with frequencies higher than 20 kHz. NOTE 2 These apparatus (with a working frequency of 9 kHz or higher) are covered by R&TTE Directive and have to comply also with LVD (Low Voltage Directive). In this view these apparatus have also limitation of EM fields or a “safety-distance” for these apparatus must be given.

  • Standard
    18 pages
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2021: CLC legacy converted by DCLab NISOSTS

  • Amendment
    14 pages
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The scope of this Technical Report is to present the different line side information used in 2006 on the ERTMS/ETCS Level 2 lines and required for the application of the ERTMS/ETCS Level 2 operational rules. NOTE The signs described in this Technical Report are only referring to ERTMS/ETCS Level 2 operations. On lines equipped with ERTMS/ETCS Level 2 there may be some additional signs needed for maintenance, degraded modes, transition to and from other signalling systems and other operational rules. These signs are not necessarily described in this Technical Report.

  • Technical report
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The purpose of this Technical Report is to serve as a guideline for the application of radio remote control system of traction vehicles for multitraction operation. The European Standard EN 50239 is applicable for the radio remote control system of traction vehicles for freight traffic. This standard sets out 14 application examples. It does not include an example of multitraction operation; it only includes an example whereby a traction vehicle is controlled by an appropriate driving trailer in a train consist (example 13 of EN 50239). This Technical Report is based on EN 50239 and provides an indication of the additional requirements relevant for the multitraction application.

  • Technical report
    7 pages
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This Technical Report has been written to define the interference limits of existing track circuits used on European railways. The purpose of this Technical Report is to provide an overview, a reference and a source of information for other specifications and specifications that are presently in preparation. As required by the CENELEC rules, it will be updated as needed and will be finally replaced by a future specification or standard. According to CENELEC rules, the existing national specifications are not required to be replaced by this Technical Report. They will remain in use as the basis for approval of vehicles in the respective countries. Where available, the national specifications are referenced in Annex A of this Technical Report. The two main parts of this Technical Report are: 1) the List of European track circuit equipment; 2) the National Annex. The contents of these two parts have been provided by railway infrastructure representatives. Not all EU countries have provided information and in some cases the information may be incomplete. In 4.5, the track circuits are classified into preferred and non-preferred types ) with regard to their future use on interoperable lines. This definition provides an indication which types of track circuits are preferred for new signalling projects. In Annex A the interference limits and test specifications are defined within a template prepared by CENELEC, which is intended to ensure a large degree of common content and to facilitate comparisons between national specifications. The content of Annex A is based on existing national specifications. This Technical Report will remain informative until it is replaced by a specification. It may, however, be used as a basis for defining requirements, for example in improved national specifications. If the content is used in the TSI, the TSI document shall clearly define the consequences of the requirements. The vehicles have only to be made compatible with the track circuits used on the lines where they run, as defined in EN 50238. Normally an approval certificate will be restricted to these lines or countries.

  • Technical report
    113 pages
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