Amendment 1 - High-voltage direct current (HVDC) power transmission using voltage sourced converters (VSC)

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Technical report
IEC TR 62543:2011/AMD1:2013 - Amendment 1 - High-voltage direct current (HVDC) power transmission using voltage sourced converters (VSC) Released:7/31/2013 Isbn:9782832210178
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15 pages
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Technical report
IEC TR 62543:2011/AMD1:2013 - Amendment 1 - High-voltage direct current (HVDC) power transmission using voltage sourced converters (VSC)
English language
15 pages
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IEC/TR 62543 ®
Edition 1.0 2013-07
High-voltage direct current (HVDC) power transmission using voltage sourced
converters (VSC)
IEC/TR 62543:2011/A1:2013(E)
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IEC/TR 62543 ®
Edition 1.0 2013-07
High-voltage direct current (HVDC) power transmission using voltage sourced

converters (VSC)
ICS 29.200; 29.240.99 ISBN 978-2-8322-1017-8

– 2 – TR 62543 Amend.1 © IEC:2013(E)

This amendment has been prepared by subcommittee 22F: Power electronics for electrical

transmission and distribution systems, of IEC technical committee 22: Power electronic

systems and equipment.
The text of this amendment is based on the following documents:

DTR Report on voting
22F/300A/DTR 22F/307/RVC
Full information on the voting for the approval of this amendment can be found in the report
on voting indicated in the above table.
The committee has decided that the contents of this amendment and the base publication will
remain unchanged until the stability date indicated on the IEC web site under
"" in the data related to the specific publication. At this date, the
publication will be
• reconfirmed,
• withdrawn,
• replaced by a revised edition, or
• amended.
A bilingual version of this publication may be issued at a later date.

Add the title of subclauses 5.3.4, subclause 5.3.5 and 5.6.12 as follows:
5.3.4 CTL topology with VSC cells in half-bridge topology
5.3.5 CTL topology with VSC cells in full-bridge topology

5.6.12 Dynamic braking system
Replace, in the list of figures, the titles of Figure 11 and Figure 12 as follows:
Figures 11 – Symbol of a turn-off semiconductor device and associated free-wheeling diode
Figure 12 – Symbol of an IGBT and associated free-wheeling diode

1 Scope
Replace, the last sentence of the first paragraph, by the following:

TR 62543 Amend.1 © IEC:2013(E) – 3 –

The scope includes 2-level and 3-level converters with pulse-width modulation (PWM), along

with multi-level converters, modular multi-level converters and cascaded two-level converters,

but excludes 2-level and 3-level converters operated without PWM, in squarewave output

Figure 1– Major components that may be found in a VSC substation

Replace the footnote b by the following new footnote b:

In some designs of VSC, the VSC d.c. capacitor may be partly or entirely distributed amongst the three phase units
of the VSC unit, where it is referred to as the d.c. cell or submodule capacitors.

3.3 Power semiconductor terms
Delete the first paragraph, that is the note and its contents.
switched valve devices
Replace the existing term 3.3.1 and its definition by the following new term, its definition and
turn-off semiconductor device
a controllable semiconductor device which may be turned on and off by a control signal, for
example IGBT
NOTE There are several types of turn-off semiconductor devices which can be used in voltage sourced converters
(VSC) for HVDC and currently the IGBT is the major device used in such converters. The term IGBT is used
throughout this technical report to refer to the turn-off semiconductor device. However, the technical report is
equally applicable to other types of devices with turn-off capability in most of the parts.
insulated gate bipolar transistor
Replace the definition of this term by the following new definition and note:
turn-off semiconductor device with three terminals: a gate terminal (G) and two load terminals
emitter (E) and collector (C)
NOTE By applying the appropriate gate to the emitter voltages, current in one direction can be controlled, i.e.
turned on and turned off.
free-wheeling diode
Replace the definition of this term with the following new definition and notes:
power semiconductor device with diode characteristic
NOTE 1 A FWD has two terminals: an anode (A) and a cathode (K).
NOTE 2 The current through FWDs is in the opposite direction to the IGBT current.
NOTE 3 FWDs are characterized by the capability to cope with high rates of decrease of current caused by the
switching behaviour of the IGBT.

– 4 – TR 62543 Amend.1 © IEC:2013(E)

3.4 VSC topologies
modular multi-level converter
Replace the definition of this term with the following definition:

multi-level converter in which each VSC valve consists of a number of MMC building blocks

connected in series
Add, after 3.4.23, the following new terms 3.4.24 and 3.4.25 and their definitions:

MMC building block
self-contained, two-terminal controllable voltage source together with d.c. capacitor(s) and
immediate auxiliaries, forming part of a MMC
Add, after 3.4.24, the following new term 3.4.25 and its definition as shown below:
cascaded two-level (CTL) converter
modular multi-level converter in which each switch position consists of more than one IGBT-
diode pair connected in series
VSC valve
Replace the definition of this term by the following two new subentries and
and their definitions:
switch type VSC valve
arrangement of IGBT-diode pairs connected in series and arranged to be switched
simultaneously as a single function unit
controllable voltage source type VSC valve
complete controllable voltage source assembly, which is generally connected between one a.c.
terminal and one d.c. terminal
diode valve
Replace the existing definition of term 3.4.11 with the following new definition:
semiconductor valve containing diodes as the main semiconductor devices and associated
circuits and components if any, which might be used in some VSC topologies
VSC valve level
Replace the existing definition and note of 3.4.13 , by the following new definition and note:
the smallest indivisible functional unit of VSC valve
NOTE For any VSC valve in which IGBTs are connected in series and operated simultaneously, one VSC valve
level is one IGBT-diode pair including its auxiliaries. For MMC type without IGBT-diode pairs connected in series
one valve level is one submodule together with its auxiliaries.

TR 62543 Amend.1 © IEC:2013(E) – 5 –

redundant levels
Replace the existing definition of term 3.4.15 by the following definition and note:

maximum number of series connected VSC valve levels or diode valve levels in a valve that

may be short-circuited externally or internally during service without affecting the safe

operation of the valve as demonstrated by type tests, and which if, when exceeded, would

require shutdown of the valve to replace the failed levels or acceptance of increased risk of

NOTE In valve designs such as the cascaded two-level converter, which contain two or more conduction paths
within each cell and have series-connected VSC valve levels in each path, redundant levels shall be counted only

in one conduction path in each cell.
submodule d.c. capacitor
Replace the term 3.4.17 and its definition by the following new term, definition and note:
d.c. capacitor
capacitor used as part of a voltage sourced converter which experiences mainly d.c. voltage
between its terminals
NOTE For valves of the controllable switch type, the d.c. capacitor is usually arranged as a single device between
the d.c. terminals. For valves of the controllable voltage-sourced type, the d.c. capacitor is usually distributed
amongst the MMC building blocks.
valve reactor
Replace the existing definition of term 3.4.18 by the following new definition:
a reactor (if any) which is connected in series to a VSC valve of the controllable voltage-
source type
NOTE One or more valve reactors can be associated to one VSC valve and might be connected at different
positions within the valve. According to the definition, valve reactors are not part of the VSC valve. However, it is
also possible to integrate the valve reactors in the structural design of the VSC valve, e.g. into each valve level.
valve structure
Replace the existing definition of term 3.4.19 by the following new definition:
structural components of a valve, required in order to physically support the valve modules

multiple valve unit
Replace the existing definition of term 3.4.21 by the following new definition:
mechanical arrangement of 2 or more valves sharing a common valve support, where
valve section
Replace the existing definition of term 3.4.22 by the following new definition and note:
electrical assembly, defined for test purposes, comprising a number of valve levels and other
components, which exhibits pro-rated electrical properties of a complete valve

– 6 – TR 62543 Amend.1 © IEC:2013(E)

NOTE For valves of controllable voltage source type, the valve section shall include d.c. capacitor in addition to

VSC valve levels.
valve base electronics
Replace existing definition of term 3.4.23 by the following new definition:

electronic unit, at earth potential, providing the electrical to optical conversion between the

converter control system and the VSC valves

Add, after 3.4.25, the following new terms 3.4.26 and 3.4.27 and their definitions:

MMC building block where each switch position consists of only one IGBT-diode pair
MMC building block where each switch position consists of more than one IGBT-diode pair
connected in series
phase reactor
Replace existing definition of term 3.5.3 by the following new definition:
reactor connected directly to the a.c. terminal of the VSC phase unit, forming part of the
coupling inductance
a.c. system side harmonic filter
Replace existing term 3.5.5 and its definition with the following new term, definition and note:
a.c. harmonic filters
filter circuits to prevent VSC-generated harmonics – if applicable – from penetrating into the
a.c. system or to prevent amplification of background harmonics on the a.c. system
NOTE AC harmonic filters can be installed on either the line side or the converter side of the interface transformer.
HF blocking filter
Replace existing term 3.5.7 and its definition with the following term, definition and note:
high frequency filter
HF filter
filter circuits to prevent VSC-generated high frequency (HF) harmonics – if applicable – from
penetrating into the a.c. system
NOTE High frequency filters can be installed on either the line side or the converter side of the interface
common mode blocking reactor
Replace the words “bipolar long distance” with the words “an HVDC” in the definition.

TR 62543 Amend.1 © IEC:2013(E) – 7 –

d.c. harmonic filter
Replace the existing definition of term 3.5.10 by the following new definition and note:

d.c. filters (if any) used to prevent harmonics generated by VSC valve from penetrating into

the d.c. system
NOTE The filter can consist of a tuned shunt branch, smoothing reactor or common mode blocking reactor or

combinations thereof.
d.c. reactor
Replace the existing definition of term 3.5.11 with the following new definition:
a reactor (if any) connected in series to a d.c. busbar
NOTE DC reactor is used to reduce harmonic currents flowing in the d.c. line or cable and to detune critical
resonances within the d.c. circuit. A d.c. reactor might also be used for protection purposes.
STATCOM operation
Replace the existing definition of term 3.6.3 with the following new definition:
mode of operation of a converter when only reactive power (capacitive or induc

IEC/TR 62543 ®
Edition 1.0 2013-07
High-voltage direct current (HVDC) power transmission using voltage sourced
converters (VSC)
IEC/TR 62543:2011/A1:2013(E)
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form
or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from
either IEC or IEC's member National Committee in the country of the requester.
If you have any questions about IEC copyright or have an enquiry about obtaining additional rights to this publication,
please contact the address below or your local IEC member National Committee for further information.

IEC Central Office Tel.: +41 22 919 02 11
3, rue de Varembé Fax: +41 22 919 03 00
CH-1211 Geneva 20
About the IEC
The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) is the leading global organization that prepares and publishes
International Standards for all electrical, electronic and related technologies.

About IEC publications
The technical content of IEC publications is kept under constant review by the IEC. Please make sure that you have the
latest edition, a corrigenda or an amendment might have been published.

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IEC publications search - Electropedia -
The advanced search enables you to find IEC publications The world's leading online dictionary of electronic and
by a variety of criteria (reference number, text, technical electrical terms containing more than 30 000 terms and
committee,…). definitions in English and French, with equivalent terms in
It also gives information on projects, replaced and additional languages. Also known as the International
withdrawn publications. Electrotechnical Vocabulary (IEV) on-line.

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Stay up to date on all new IEC publications. Just Published If you wish to give us your feedback on this publication
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also once a month by email. Customer Service Centre:

IEC/TR 62543 ®
Edition 1.0 2013-07
High-voltage direct current (HVDC) power transmission using voltage sourced

converters (VSC)
ICS 29.200; 29.240.99 ISBN 978-2-8322-1017-8

– 2 – TR 62543 Amend.1 © IEC:2013(E)
This amendment has been prepared by subcommittee 22F: Power electronics for electrical
transmission and distribution systems, of IEC technical committee 22: Power electronic
systems and equipment.
The text of this amendment is based on the following documents:
DTR Report on voting
22F/300A/DTR 22F/307/RVC
Full information on the voting for the approval of this amendment can be found in the report
on voting indicated in the above table.
The committee has decided that the contents of this amendment and the base publication will
remain unchanged until the stability date indicated on the IEC web site under
"" in the data related to the specific publication. At this date, the
publication will be
• reconfirmed,
• withdrawn,
• replaced by a revised edition, or
• amended.
A bilingual version of this publication may be issued at a later date.

Add the title of subclauses 5.3.4, subclause 5.3.5 and 5.6.12 as follows:
5.3.4 CTL topology with VSC cells in half-bridge topology
5.3.5 CTL topology with VSC cells in full-bridge topology
5.6.12 Dynamic braking system
Replace, in the list of figures, the titles of Figure 11 and Figure 12 as follows:
Figures 11 – Symbol of a turn-off semiconductor device and associated free-wheeling diode
Figure 12 – Symbol of an IGBT and associated free-wheeling diode

1 Scope
Replace, the last sentence of the first paragraph, by the following:

TR 62543 Amend.1 © IEC:2013(E) – 3 –
The scope includes 2-level and 3-level converters with pulse-width modulation (PWM), along
with multi-level converters, modular multi-level converters and cascaded two-level converters,
but excludes 2-level and 3-level converters operated without PWM, in squarewave output
Figure 1– Major components that may be found in a VSC substation
Replace the footnote b by the following new footnote b:
In some designs of VSC, the VSC d.c. capacitor may be partly or entirely distributed amongst the three phase units
of the VSC unit, where it is referred to as the d.c. cell or submodule capacitors.
3.3 Power semiconductor terms
Delete the first paragraph, that is the note and its contents.
switched valve devices
Replace the existing term 3.3.1 and its definition by the following new term, its definition and
turn-off semiconductor device
a controllable semiconductor device which may be turned on and off by a control signal, for
example IGBT
NOTE There are several types of turn-off semiconductor devices which can be used in voltage sourced converters
(VSC) for HVDC and currently the IGBT is the major device used in such converters. The term IGBT is used
throughout this technical report to refer to the turn-off semiconductor device. However, the technical report is
equally applicable to other types of devices with turn-off capability in most of the parts.
insulated gate bipolar transistor
Replace the definition of this term by the following new definition and note:
turn-off semiconductor device with three terminals: a gate terminal (G) and two load terminals
emitter (E) and collector (C)
NOTE By applying the appropriate gate to the emitter voltages, current in one direction can be controlled, i.e.
turned on and turned off.
free-wheeling diode
Replace the definition of this term with the following new definition and notes:
power semiconductor device with diode characteristic
NOTE 1 A FWD has two terminals: an anode (A) and a cathode (K).
NOTE 2 The current through FWDs is in the opposite direction to the IGBT current.
NOTE 3 FWDs are characterized by the capability to cope with high rates of decrease of current caused by the
switching behaviour of the IGBT.

– 4 – TR 62543 Amend.1 © IEC:2013(E)
3.4 VSC topologies
modular multi-level converter
Replace the definition of this term with the following definition:
multi-level converter in which each VSC valve consists of a number of MMC building blocks
connected in series
Add, after 3.4.23, the following new terms 3.4.24 and 3.4.25 and their definitions:
MMC building block
self-contained, two-terminal controllable voltage source together with d.c. capacitor(s) and
immediate auxiliaries, forming part of a MMC
Add, after 3.4.24, the following new term 3.4.25 and its definition as shown below:
cascaded two-level (CTL) converter
modular multi-level converter in which each switch position consists of more than one IGBT-
diode pair connected in series
VSC valve
Replace the definition of this term by the following two new subentries and
and their definitions:
switch type VSC valve
arrangement of IGBT-diode pairs connected in series and arranged to be switched
simultaneously as a single function unit
controllable voltage source type VSC valve
complete controllable voltage source assembly, which is generally connected between one a.c.
terminal and one d.c. terminal
diode valve
Replace the existing definition of term 3.4.11 with the following new definition:
semiconductor valve containing diodes as the main semiconductor devices and associated
circuits and components if any, which might be used in some VSC topologies
VSC valve level
Replace the existing definition and note of 3.4.13 , by the following new definition and note:
the smallest indivisible functional unit of VSC valve
NOTE For any VSC valve in which IGBTs are connected in series and operated simultaneously, one VSC valve
level is one IGBT-diode pair including its auxiliaries. For MMC type without IGBT-diode pairs connected in series
one valve level is one submodule together with its auxiliaries.

TR 62543 Amend.1 © IEC:2013(E) – 5 –
redundant levels
Replace the existing definition of term 3.4.15 by the following definition and note:
maximum number of series connected VSC valve levels or diode valve levels in a valve that
may be short-circuited externally or internally during service without affecting the safe
operation of the valve as demonstrated by type tests, and which if, when exceeded, would
require shutdown of the valve to replace the failed levels or acceptance of increased risk of
NOTE In valve designs such as the cascaded two-level converter, which contain two or more conduction paths
within each cell and have series-connected VSC valve levels in each path, redundant levels shall be counted only
in one conduction path in each cell.
submodule d.c. capacitor
Replace the term 3.4.17 and its definition by the following new term, definition and note:
d.c. capacitor
capacitor used as part of a voltage sourced converter which experiences mainly d.c. voltage
between its terminals
NOTE For valves of the controllable switch type, the d.c. capacitor is usually arranged as a single device between
the d.c. terminals. For valves of the controllable voltage-sourced type, the d.c. capacitor is usually distributed
amongst the MMC building blocks.
valve reactor
Replace the existing definition of term 3.4.18 by the following new definition:
a reactor (if any) which is connected in series to a VSC valve of the controllable voltage-
source type
NOTE One or more valve reactors can be associated to one VSC valve and might be connected at different
positions within the valve. According to the definition, valve reactors are not part of the VSC valve. However, it is
also possible to integrate the valve reactors in the structural design of the VSC valve, e.g. into each valve level.
valve structure
Replace the existing definition of term 3.4.19 by the following new definition:
structural components of a valve, required in order to physically support the valve modules
multiple valve unit
Replace the existing definition of term 3.4.21 by the following new definition:
mechanical arrangement of 2 or more valves sharing a common valve support, where
valve section
Replace the existing definition of term 3.4.22 by the following new definition and note:
electrical assembly, defined for test purposes, comprising a number of valve levels and other
components, which exhibits pro-rated electrical properties of a complete valve

– 6 – TR 62543 Amend.1 © IEC:2013(E)
NOTE For valves of controllable voltage source type, the valve section shall include d.c. capacitor in addition to
VSC valve levels.
valve base electronics
Replace existing definition of term 3.4.23 by the following new definition:
electronic unit, at earth potential, providing the electrical to optical conversion between the
converter control system and the VSC valves
Add, after 3.4.25, the following new terms 3.4.26 and 3.4.27 and their definitions:
MMC building block where each switch position consists of only one IGBT-diode pair
MMC building block where each switch position consists of more than one IGBT-diode pair
connected in series
phase reactor
Replace existing definition of term 3.5.3 by the following new definition:
reactor connected directly to the a.c. terminal of the VSC phase unit, forming part of the
coupling inductance
a.c. system side harmonic filter
Replace existing term 3.5.5 and its definition with the following new term, definition and note:
a.c. harmonic filters
filter circuits to prevent VSC-generated harmonics – if applicable – from penetrating into the
a.c. system or to prevent amplification of background harmonics on the a.c. system
NOTE AC harmonic filters can be installed on either the line side or the converter side of the interface transformer.
HF blocking filter
Replace existing term 3.5.7 and its definition with the following term, definition and note:
high frequency filter
HF filter
filter circuits to prevent VSC-generated high frequency (HF) harmonics – if applicable – from
penetrating into the a.c. system
NOTE High frequency filters can be installed on either the line side or the converter side of the interface
common mode blocking reactor
Replace the words “bipolar long distance” with the words “an HVDC” in the definition.

TR 62543 Amend.1 © IEC:2013(E) – 7 –
d.c. harmonic filter
Replace the existing definition of term 3.5.10 by the following new definition and note:
d.c. filters (if any) used to prevent harmonics generated by VSC valve from penetrating into
the d.c. system
NOTE The filter can consist of a tuned shunt branch, smoothing reactor or common mode blocking reactor or
combinations thereof.
d.c. reactor
Replace the existing definition of term 3.5.11 with the following new definition:
a reactor (if any) connected in series to a d.c. busbar
NOTE DC reactor is used to reduce harmonic currents flowing in the d.c. line or cable and to detune critical
resonances within the d.c. circuit. A d.c. reactor might also be used for protection purposes.
STATCOM operation
Replace the existing definition of term 3.6.3 with the following new definition:
mode of operation of a converter when only reactive power (capacitive or inductive) is
exchanged with the a.c. system
blocked state
Replace the existing definition of term 3.6.13 with the following definition:
condition in which all valves of the VSC unit are blocked
modulation index of P

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